The main idea of ​​the painting is a quiet stork. Composition on the painting of the quiet "storks"

The main idea of ​​the painting is a quiet stork.  Composition on the picture of the quiet
The main idea of ​​the painting is a quiet stork. Composition on the painting of the quiet "storks"

Ukrainian Soviet painter Ivan Antonovich Tikhiy born in 1927 and died in 1982

He created his best monumental landscape "Storks" in 1960.

The main hero of the picture is storks taking off. Some of them have already taken off in height and spread their wings, the other part has just kicked off the ground and is sent flying. These storks are central to the picture. The artist depicted a short-term beautiful moment of the birds taking off, a few more minutes and the birds will disappear in the blue sky, and only the surrounding nature will remain. They take off like a dance. And the storks will fly away to the far south for wintering, and by the beginning of next summer they will return back.

On foreground the paintings show the vegetation that grows around the reservoirs, it is most likely reeds, and the reservoir itself is visible through the grass. Storks always settle near water bodies. On the right of the picture, a green shrub is shown, on which yellowness, a sign of autumn, is already visible.

In the background of the picture you can see a field, there are also several lonely trees, and in the distance a dense forest darkens. Several hills darken in the same place. In the field, the ears have turned yellow, it's time to harvest the bread. The forest is also turning slightly yellow, although the sun is still hot in summer, autumn has not yet fully come into its own.

The sky is azure blue with white pinkish clouds, so the flying storks head there. Their wings have a yellowish and even greenish tint from the grass from where they took off, and the black stripes along the edges of the wings give storks an unprecedented beauty and storks look just amazing.

They take off with their long graceful necks stretched out and slender legs bent under them. The headwind supports them, helping them gain altitude. The painting shows 8 storks. Each stork takes off individually, and at the height they gather in a flock and fly south. The artist worked for a long time on the image of storks during takeoff, this was the most laborious part of the picture, and he had to capture a short moment of their takeoff.

Storks are one of the revered birds in Russia, in the villages on a hill they installed a wheel from a cart, on which storks could build a nest for themselves, it was believed that storks bring babies to the house. Every village in Russia boasted of its storks, which nested in their villages. It is believed that storks bring happiness to the house. Bird storks are faithful, after wintering they return to their old place again. It is a pity that these birds are getting smaller and smaller.

Storks are not singing birds, they communicate with each other by clicking their long beak.

In the foreground of the picture, the artist depicted a reed.

The weather in the picture is clear, sunny, it is a warm autumn day.

Quiet - Storks, grade 9

Painting by artist Ivan Antonovich Tikhiy depicts an excerpt from summer day... This artist was a fan of Ukrainian nature.

The whole background is surrounded beautiful nature... In the foreground of the painting, a green-yellow meadow is depicted, which occupies the entire space. Among the whole meadow, you can see the reeds, and behind it and a small stream. A forest is visible in the background. White-blue sky with a gray tint.

White storks are striving up to the clouds, the author made the ends of the wings in a different color in order to more accurately convey the bodies of these birds. Bottom part the wings give off a yellowish tint, thanks to the grass, which is reflected, and the tops of the wings are blue from the sky. Storks are associated with large, strong birds, they tend upward, they have long necks and legs. Many authors use the image of storks to talk about leaving native land, at home. But this should not bring sadness, since the birds will definitely return, just as people return home.

We see the storks flying one after the other, creating a diagonal. This arrangement of birds marks a gap from the past to the future. In addition to their beauty and elegance, for many years storks were considered good sign, they had to be taken care of and in no way harmed.

Looking at the picture you can feel calm, and at the same time take your breath away from the flight of birds, you also want to climb up, to the very clouds, to be free and light. Ivan Antonovich very well conveyed the summer atmosphere. The storks are the main ones in the picture, so the artist did not describe the grass, trees and forest with particular accuracy. Despite this, the work turned out to be very atmospheric and lively. Looking at the picture, you immediately feel yourself there, imagine how the wind rustles, how the grass moves. The work of Ivan Antonovich is filled with a sunny mood, very light and bright.

Description of the painting Quiet Storks

Ivan Antonovich Tikhiy, a unique Russian artist who painted the picture "Storks", she still amazes everyone art critics its greatness and naturalness. When we watch this amazing job artist, then, as it were, transports us into childhood, which has already irrevocably flowed under the bridge and will never return. The artist was able to very accurately show the moment when the birds fly into the blue sky and start circling there carelessly.

The whole work is filled with very lively colors that very clearly reflect the time of the year when this happened. It is especially worth noting that the artist was able to display storks very realistically, since on the canvas they look very proud and majestic. Everyone knows that this is a bird that brings peace and happiness to every home.

Since ancient times in Russia, this bird has been very revered and protected. In the picture, all the birds are shown in different angles and positions, as they suddenly took off and circled in a circle, about to take off into the sky. Watching this majestic flight of birds, we want to return to summer again and run on warm ground. The blue of the sky very smoothly merges with a small lake, which can be seen in the background of the picture and very harmoniously fits into the entire landscape of the canvas.

In the water surface, bizarre figures of clouds are displayed, which fly across the sky and leave their shadows on the water surface. All this divine beauty very calms a person and pacifies his mind. Storks are about to fly high into the sky, as it is, as it were, their covenant to themselves.

The picture looks very dynamic, since the artist conveyed the full speed of the birds taking off and their beauty at the time when they take off. To paint such a picture, an artist must know all the subtleties very well. natural world and this whole robot proves it. It is necessary to do a very colossal work in order to create a current unique art work... Artist Quiet is a very talented person.

Not every artist can convey all the beauty of the flight of birds, so that it looks believable and majestic. Notable work artist for many years will bring people joy and pleasure from viewing the amazing landscape, which brings us back to a carefree childhood, as in it we see our past and present.

All the main natural moments and details that are displayed in this work are made very professionally and with great taste, which the artist Tikhiy possesses.

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Composition based on the painting "Storks" Soviet artist I.A. Quiet (1927-1982) develops the ability to collect and systematize material, instills a love of art, educates respectful attitude to nature. An essay is being written in grade 9.

Composition based on the painting "Storks". Grade 9. Option 1

Ivan Antonovich Tikhoi was born in 1927. All of it creative life connected with Ukraine, its wonderful nature. One of the paintings by I.A. Quiet, glorifying the beauty of the surrounding world, is the landscape "Storks". The stork has long been considered a bird that brings happiness and comfort to the house, this is a symbol family life and prosperity.

Storks should not be offended, they should be taken care of. The meeting with the stork brought joy. In addition, storks are very beautiful, graceful birds. The painting of Tikhoy depicts a beautiful summer landscape and the flight of a flock of these wonderful birds. The greenery of the trees, the yellowness of the grass, the blue sky with snow-white clouds do not overshadow the rapid flight of large and graceful birds.

Powerful, dark-tanned wings lift them higher and higher. Fresh wind helps them in this. A sense of freedom and delight is born from the breathtaking flight of snow-white storks. One just wants to rush with them to distant lands, to rise above the clouds and forests. The artist managed to convey the heat of a hot summer day and the magical feeling of flight.

Composition based on the painting "Storks". Grade 9. Option 2

In the painting by Ivan Antonovich Quiet, the action takes place on a hot summer day against the backdrop of excellent nature. In the foreground, we see an unmown meadow stretching into the distance. You can make out the reeds, behind which you can see a strip of water. In the distance, the forest darkens, merging with the blue sky. Snow-white majestic storks soar to the sky with white-gray clouds.

picture of storks photo

The dark end of the wings only emphasizes their whiteness. Strong birds fly upward, stretching long necks and slender legs. The artist depicted the flight of birds diagonally, from left to right, linking together the earth and the sky. The choice of I.A. The quiet driving directions are most likely not accidental. The fact is that, according to the observations of psychologists, the right side is associated with the future, and the left with the past. Thus, the enchanting flight of storks is directed forward into the future.

In addition, the artist, giving the flight of storks an ascending diagonal, slightly lowers the slope of the terrain from left to right, enhancing the effect of the uncontrolled flight of birds. The feeling is born that the earth recedes downward, giving place to the sky and flight. The color scheme of the painting "Storks" is interesting. The main tones in it are shades of blue, yellow, green and, of course, white.

The artist did not paint the grass, trees, forest in great detail, so as not to distract the attention of the audience from the delightful flight of storks. If you look closely, you can see that below the wings of storks are of a yellowish hue - it is the grass that gave them its color, and their upper surface is pale blue from the sky. The picture is permeated with sun and light. She gives rise to a feeling of flight, delight in the beauty of nature, a desire to merge with her.

It is no coincidence that this landscape by I.A. Quiet is very famous and popular.

Composition on the painting Quiet "Storks"

For a long time in Russia, the stork was considered a special bird - a bird of peace, happiness, family comfort and prosperity. These graceful, large black and white birds were greeted as the most dear guests. The stork could not be offended, it could not be killed or frightened away; they were cherished and respected. Many villages could boast of their own stork, accustomed to this particular place, which was considered a close and dear creature. After all, if he settled next to this village, then war, hunger and disease will pass it, which means that each person will be comfortable and calmly living next to dear guest.
Storks are loyal birds. Flying away for the winter, like cranes, storks scream loudly, as if moaning, saying goodbye to their native nest. Light black-and-white shadows cross the firmament, and then the birdcries subside, the high blue empties until spring. But in the spring, the storks return back to the nest that was abandoned the day before, in which the chicks were incubated last summer.
The stork is a faithful bird. Stork - beautiful bird... Despite the fact that his body is large and his legs are thin, the figure of this bird is very harmonious. He is good as in the sky, when he soars, spreading his wings to the full width with feathers trembling in the wind, he is beautiful on the ground when he steps sedately on slender and long legs... And the silhouette of a stork standing on one leg has long been recognized as bringing good luck and peace.
Therefore, poems and songs were composed about storks, therefore they were depicted in paintings and engravings. And the canvas of the same name by I. Tikhiy is a vivid example of this.
The painting "Storks" depicts storks fluttering from the field - eight birds, spreading wide wings and rushing into the autumn sky. The artist managed to capture a short, unique moment, a touching moment. Another minute - and the birds will disappear from their eyes, leaving the sky only sad cries, another minute - and there will be nothing left, not even a cry, only a lonely white feather will whirl, quietly gliding down into an empty field.
Compositionally, the picture is directed upward, into the sky: a flock of birds, some of which are already high in the sky, and some of them only lift the body from the ground, stretched out, "located" in the rectangle of the canvas from the lower left to the upper right corner. The left side of the background and the right side of the foreground form a deep bowl with upward curved edges. This detail resembles the palms of the hands folded in a boat, from which graceful birds fly out. The minimum of details does not allow the viewer to be distracted from the main plot of the picture. Only the edge of the field, golden in autumn, is visible, on the left is a lush bush, the foliage of which has already begun to turn yellow, on the right are spilled golden ears. The field is separated by a narrow strip of distant forest extending beyond the horizon. In the center of the picture are storks and the endless sky, on which clouds float lazily.
The set of paints that the painter used in his work is amazing. The bowl of the field is a warm, rich golden-red color. The ears look silky, heavy, poured - it seems that you can hear them rustling in the wind. The trees of the distant forest and the nearby bush of a dark green color, in which the red sparks of the coming autumn are already breaking through. The sky is high, blue, with wadded caps of fluffy and voluminous clouds. And storks are black and white, which should seem too boring and austere, who unite heaven and earth, top and bottom. The wide white wings below are highlighted with the gold of the field, they absorb this color and reflect it with a soft yellowness. The sky-facing wings and backs are painted blue. And only black feathers framing wide wings stand out in contrast against the general soft and dim background, attracting attention. Despite the warmth and liveliness of the picture, despite the grace of flying birds, the heart inevitably fills with longing. The echo of bird wings in the darkening sky will echo, noble birds will disappear - and first autumn will come to the fields with gray rains, and then winter.
The fleetingness of the moment captured in the picture makes you think about a lot. Including about the fate of beautiful white birds, each spring returning from distant countries to their homeland, to Russia.

Composition based on the painting by I. Tikhiy "Storks".
In I. Tikhoy's painting "Storks" we see a wonderful landscape and birds taking off. The luxurious greenery of the forest suggests that the painting depicts summer. In the foreground, an unmown meadow stretches out into the distance. In the meadow, graceful stalks of reeds are visible, growing high up to the clouds, and behind it is a narrow strip of water. The bluish distance of the forest looks very unusual, beyond which the wonderful sky goes. Thick whitish-gray clouds run in the direction of the wind. Storks are there too. A flock of birds gracefully spread their dark-tanned wings. Storks take off with their long necks stretched out and slender legs closed. The elastic wind helps to gain the desired altitude.
The painting shows eight storks. Wings with snow-white plumage for each bird in different positions... Thus, one can feel this flight. To depict the birds so close and so gracefully, the artist clearly took a lot of time, effort and patience. I. Tikhoi is definitely a great artist.
Having looked at the painting "Storks" I immediately felt the ease of flight and the freedom of the summer landscape, which the artist obviously wanted to convey to us.

Description of the painting by I. Tikhiy.
We see a beautiful landscape in the painting "Storks" by I. Tikhoy. On this canvas we see storks flying over the field. All the storks have already flown, and one stork is still running, taking off. The author conveyed the beauty of the birds well. Their wings are beautiful, large, strong. Storks fly gracefully. Their flight is like a dance.
In the distance you can see the forest, behind which the sky with white clouds goes. It seems to me that all this happens in the fall, it can be seen in the yellow-green foliage of the trees.
On the left are lonely shrubs, the leaves of which are also dim, autumnal.
On the right are reeds, behind which, probably, a small lake. Such places are loved by birds.
The painting by I. Tikhoy is painted with warm colors. It seems to me that what the artist depicts is more than just a landscape, just like storks, young people tear themselves away from their native land in search of unknown countries, shelter.
One cannot look at this picture without sadness.

Painting by I. Tikhiy "Storks".
Interested in artistic creation Russian animal painters, I got acquainted with the painting by Ivan Anatolyevich Tikhy "Storks". This piece really impressed me. Tikhiy is not only an animal painter, but also a portrait painter, landscape painter, genre painter. Ivan Anatolyevich has a large number of others, popular works arts: "Motherhood", "Happy Father", "Admission to the Pioneers", " Motherland", "Eternal flame". Basically, they all touch on the theme" Homeland. "But it was the picture" Storks "that caught my attention.
There are eight storks in the foreground. Judging by the time of year, they rush south. These birds are very graceful. They look very beautiful in flight, despite their disproportionality. A bright yellow field extending into the distance is located in front. Small hills are visible in the background. As well as on storks, the reflection of crops is noticeable on the clouds. On the right, behind the sedge, one can see a swamp. And if you look very closely, you can see a car in the background. Ivan Anatolyevich wanted to convey all the beauty of our nature, using rather bright and dark colors. Many different thoughts arise at the sight of the painting "Storks". The birds remind me of the patriotic nature of humans. We, under certain circumstances, are forced to leave our homeland. But no matter what, we come back. Looking at the picture, one cannot say that there is joy, fun. Quite the opposite. But one can easily understand what was going on in the head and soul of the artist.
My personal assessment of the work "Storks" will be the highest. She made a huge impression on me. Not like Malevich's "Square". I advise everyone to get acquainted with the work of Ivan Anatolyevich Tikhiy.