Differentiation of remuneration as an essential factor in labor motivation. Essay: Wages of its essence, forms, differentiation and definition in specific labor markets

Differentiation of remuneration as an essential factor in labor motivation. Essay: Wages of its essence, forms, differentiation and definition in specific labor markets
Differentiation of remuneration as an essential factor in labor motivation. Essay: Wages of its essence, forms, differentiation and definition in specific labor markets

Differentiation of wages of workers of various industries and professions exists in all countries. It mainly depends on the demand ratio, as well as proposals for specific labor markets. When the demand for any kind of work is much less than its proposal, if all other conditions are equal, the salary will be low.

How is Russia?

In Russia, for example, in 1990, it was possible to attribute teachers, scientists and workers of various engineering and technical specialties to such professions. However, in the case when the level of demand is higher than proposals, the salary level will be relatively high. In modern Russia, the profession of the manager, an experienced lawyer, a highly qualified accountant and so on can be attributed to such types of work. What is the differentiation of wages? About this next.

The main causes of differentiation

The following list of reasons classifies the differentiation of salary rates:

  • Investments invested in human capital helps to distinguish the quality of labor.
  • The difference in types of work on working conditions, attractiveness and many other factors, not monetary.
  • Heterogeneity of workers, that is, their difference in education, qualifications, preparation and abilities.
  • The existence of labor mobility restrictions.

Labor mobility and its limitations

You can select the following types of these limitations:

  • Sociological represents the differences in wages of the same species depending on citizenship, nationality and gender.
  • Institutional is the limitations of artificial workers who are established by various institutions, organizations, institutions. For example, shop trade unions introduce restrictions on the number of their members that prevent the movement of employees of any profession into the regions with higher payroll, since the relocation causes concern that the employee will not be taken to members of the trade union of the workshop.
  • Geographical, characterized by the attachment of a person to one place of residence. In different regions there is a differentiation of wage rates from employees of one sphere, which does not depend on the conditions of their life and labor. It is reflected in Russia in the coefficients that are accrued to the salary, and caused by various proposals and demand for specific regional labor markets.

Other factors

In addition to indicators of proposals and demand, other factors that have a big impact on salaries are distinguished. Of these, you can allocate:

  • salary policy in the enterprise;
  • the cost of living;
  • type of employment;
  • labor qualifications;
  • quality and amount of labor;
  • working conditions;
  • minimum wages as the main type of social. Guarantees.

All of the above factors create between individual groups of workers and specific employees of salary differentiation. From a practical point of view, there are several types of its species: professional, according to the working conditions and categories of personnel, industry, territorial.

How is the analysis of wage differentiation?

Industry and territorial differentiation are dependent for the most part from the respective directions of the economic structure of this country.

If you differentiate wages by staff categories, then the difference occurs when employees are divided into categories that take into account the degree of responsibility for the work performed and the position occupied. Personnel by category is divided into workers, employees, managers and specialists. Depending on this, the wage level is differentiated.

Employees who occupy senior positions in the organization, structural divisions, and managers, heads, deputies, master, chief accountants, engineers, captains and chairmen belong to managers.

Workers who are engaged in posts requiring secondary vocational or higher education: doctors, teachers, engineers, economists, psychologists, mechanics, dispatchers and others - refer to the category of specialists. Also, it is also possible to include assistants and assistants listed specialists.

Workers who carry out the design and preparation of documentation, control and accounting, as well as economic services, refer to the category of other employees.

Persons employed directly by the repair or process of creating material values, as well as transportation of passengers, moving goods and the provision of material services and other things relate to the category of workers.

What depends on differentiation?

However, this does not change the fact that the main type of differentiation is the differentiation of wages depending on the efficiency and productivity of labor. It is a way to implement the wage stimulation function. Such differentiation sets itself a goal of establishing a relative level of salary depending on the results, quantity and quality of labor, thus motivating all employees to productive and efficient work.

Requirements for Ne.

Below are the requirements that the differentiated labor payment of the organization or enterprise staff, which stimulates labor activity:

  • Provide social security employee.
  • Push the employee to improve labor quality.
  • Be open to control.
  • Document proof should not be dragged.
  • Become an employee.
  • To be personal.
  • The grounds should be the objective criteria for assessing the labor costs of the employee.

With what tools is the differentiation of wages?

Tariff system

The main tool for differentiation of salaries is a tariff system that includes a set of different standards: district coefficients, tariff nets, tariff rates, certificate of tariff-qualification, various tariff surcharges and surcharges intended for use in establishing salaries and employee rates, as well as in determining Their size of their premium for work. In an example, a single tariff grid can be brought, the RF, which is used to pay for their labor to employees. Financing comes from all levels of budgets since 1992. In differentiation of salaries of employees, full-time schedules and schemes of official salaries are used.

What is the scheme of official salary?

Schemes of official salaries are called the formalization of the salary of employees, depending on the size of the enterprise and the magnitude of several indicators of its activities. This scheme is characteristic of an administrative and planned economy, when the size of the salary of specialists, managers and other employees was established centrally. Schemes of job salary are currently used in municipal and state-owned enterprises. In private enterprises, employee wages are established by staff schedules.

Differentiation of salary rates and staff timetables

Under the staffing, there are tables developed by organizations and enterprises and reflecting the names of employee positions, the number and structure of the personnel of the managerial, fixed job salary of the employees or the fork of salaries (maximum and minimal salaries for each position). The Government of the Russian Federation determines the size and order of remuneration of the headquarters, which are funded by the federal budget, managers and deputies. In all other organizations, the work of managers, chief accountants and deputy managers are paid in the amount agreed by the parties to the employment contract.

Climatic conditions

To compensate for the increase in the cost of the means to the existence of areas with unfavorable climatic conditions, the state establishes the district coefficients to which the calculated value of the wage tariff part increases. District coefficients are differentiated for different parts of the country with an interval of 1.1-2.0. And the less favorable climatic conditions, the higher this coefficient. In addition to the factory tariff systems, enterprises are carried out with the help of labor complexity coefficients differentiation of wages. Modern wage systems are that the extreme differences in wages can be determined. Intermediate discharges covering employees of all positions are set between extreme discharges.

The number of discharges that are used in the tariff systems of the plants in practice varies from 6 to 26. Sometimes the wage plug is installed in each discharge, that is, their maximum and minimum value within a specific discharge, which is preferable to evaluate specialists. In enterprises under different working conditions, among other things, a variety of premiums and additional payments to the tariff part of the wage are used. Their goal is the most complete assessment of the characteristics of labor, its gravity, intensity, urgency, importance, danger and other conditions.

Dumping and surcharge

Some allowances and surcharges in enterprises of any form of ownership are required. Their payments are established by KZOT and guaranteed by the state. Other surcharges and surcharges are applicable in various areas of labor application. About specific amounts of premium and surcharges agree in the enterprise, however, they are also mandatory in most cases. This is the differentiation of salary in Russia.

For achieving any specific labor indicators, encouraging payments are relying, that is, premiums that may be part of the salary system, such as a piece of premium, a one-premium, accordant, indirectly premium, specially progressive. Questions related to bindings are required to reflect the provisions on the bonuses developed for each enterprise and its divisions and approved by the head of a particular enterprise. It should also be noted that in addition to the listed wage systems of employees of organizations are used: a system of floating salaries, a non-tariff system, a wage system based on commissions. Differentiation coefficients depend on this. Also the size of the stimulating payment should be dependent on 2 factors:

  • Reasonable differentiation of wages of higher and lower qualifications wages. The principle of social justice comes to the fore.
  • The initial value of remuneration is the cost of payment per unit of work performed during its specific species, hourly (monthly, daily) employee salaries, the lowest qualifications in the time-based payment variety. In this regard, it can be argued that the problem of wage level is solved by the size of its initial value.

At the heart of the payment policy, conducted at the enterprise, should be these two conditions. On a problematic basis there are no restrictions on how to pay salaries. Therefore, this area has several ways that differ sometimes unique. In addition, various departments of one enterprise can meet different payments. This is reflected in the wage differentiation system of employees.


When making a decision on the method of wages in a division or enterprise, the main thing is as follows:

  • The wage system should be built in accordance with adopted legislation.
  • It is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the production and organization of labor, as well as the peculiarities of the manufactured products provided for services, works, structures and composition of personnel as much as possible.
  • The payment system should be entered exclusively according to the developed project of wage payments, which will provide an experienced verification of remuneration and its subsequent adjustment if necessary.
  • The staff should be involved through a broad discussion of projects and reward employees of an enterprise for active assistance in the development and introduction of a new payment method.

The reasons for the differentiation of wages are obvious.

Ultimately, the wage is called not only the payment of labor results. Its role is expressed in a stimulating action per person: the order of payment, the amount of payment and elements of the organization often develop interest in people to work, give motivation for efficient, productive work. The establishment of the necessary differences in wages, depending on the qualifications, complexity, conditions and fields of the application of labor, intensity - for this, and the wage differentiation is needed.

As any businessman and a practical person, Taylor realized that good economic results could not be achieved by control based on altruism and philanthropy. The key to success is in the principles of rational egoism. The one who wants to work well should get well. But just so no entrepreneur or manager paying money to. He agrees to add 30 or 60% to the salary, if your development will increase by 100%. The residue will pay for the payment of business risks and the improvements necessary for any rationalization of labor.

The advanced worker does not want to work next to the lazy neighbor and get ride with him. It will require a higher payment and will be right. It became, for him it is necessary to create suitable conditions: to provide raw materials, tools and technical documentation in a timely manner, without delays to supply items, to train professional skills, put the administrative and competent administrator. In addition, it is necessary to build a system of remuneration of the employee so that he is punished for marriage and intentional mistakes for work with cool, and for excellent work - was additionally rewarded. Today it is a basic truth, but a hundred years ago the invention of the differential payment system was a big step forward.

The basic principle of the differential system was reading: the lagging are fined, the edges are awarded, and the middle peasants receive the norm. In other words, if a person was 100% fulfilled by the rate of production (lesson-task), he received ordinary salary. If he exceeded 101 - 120%, he received a premium. And if he cluttered norm, then the depracted: the corresponding share was deducted from his salary.

Why did Taylor chewed to change the old payment system? What was bad in her? The main problems that occurred during its use were reduced to the following:

1) workers paid for the official position, but not for individual abilities (energy, diligence, skills), in other words, the presence of a person at work was paid, and not his labor contribution;

2) wages depended not from the worker himself, but on the desire of the administration;

3) the lazy and conscientious workers were equally paid, thereby legalized and the institute was the equalization principle;

4) The administration uncontrollably lowered the rates, and the workers responded to the restriction of productivity;

5) For the working important, a guarantee of salaries is guaranteed, and not the amount of work performed;

6) Workers were not interested in losses of the enterprise, administration was not interested in learningactual task execution time;

7) There were no concerned cooperation of entrepreneurs and workers.

And before Taylor was attempts to introduce differentiation of wages. The Tauna project, based on group activities, and the Helsi plan, which emanated from the individual interests of a person, - both of them tried to smooth out the antagonism of the parties on the issue of profits received as a result of an increase in productivity, and both of them were only a temporary compromise. Another attempt in solving the problem took Taylor. On the one hand, he relied on the reaches of the predecessors, being the last stone of the building of the building, and on the other hand, he put forward something completely new, opening the next page of the history of American management. The in itself the differential system of Taylor considered less important than the scientific way to appoint it. The latter circumstance demanded the creation of a special department. After the introduction of such a system, which, according to its creator, should convince the workers that the administration firmly decided to promote only good, and not any work, (at the same time, the results of its application should reveal the benefit of close cooperation of the two Parties), it ceases to be necessary Although the department itself retains its meaning. One of the most important duties of the administration and the function of the new department is to accurately establish how much time it is necessary to spend the worker with full strength to perform the daily rate. Since the workers spent the maximum of their forces to have enough earnings, it disappeared every opportunity to make them apply more forces when the rates are lowered. A sharp increase in labor intensity to a certain extent was a guarantee from lowering the payday administration. Taylor believed that the solution to the problem of wages was able to simply establish the exact time of production. A distinctive feature of his approach is an attempt to establish a direct dependence of the amount of payment from working out of the worker.

For the method of determining the production and load standards, the following experiment Taylor in the Bethleh company can serve as an example. His assistants - Gillespi and Wall - selected 10 of the strongest emigrants from low-paying workers. With the usual rate of 13 tons, they forced them to ship 75 tons. Even after the first trolley, workers looked exhausted. Additional surveys allowed concluding that 75 tons - the maximum, theoretically allowable limit. The given magnitude engineers took 40% on vacation and established a permissible rate for first-class loaders -45 tons to init. Find volunteers for the next series of experiments turned out to be extremely difficult. Of the 40 guests invited only 3 proven to "first-class", 10 were close to the norm, and the rest did not stand the loads after 2 to 3 days. Although Hillespi and Wall were not very experienced specialists, Taylor believed them and did it the norm for the workers of the whole plant.

Taylor did not consider economic encouraging the only and universal means of solving the problem of motivation. The old payment system has rejected them precisely for the exaggeration of the role of money in stimulating behavior. Her creators called the perfect payment scheme with a practical solution for not only the problems of motivation, but also all the issues of management. However, life has shown that the increase in salary did not serve as a positive incentive, since after him immediately reduced the rates. The essence of the problem, by Taylor, was not so much in increasing the salary, but in guaranteeing from reducing the rates and the preservation of high salary. Such a guarantee could not give a partial control reform, and the fundamental transformation of its entire mechanism, in which the one or another payment scheme performed only one of the elements of the subordinate value. With an equal basis, any other element could act as a motivation factor (which was actually), since they are all aimed at stimulating the worker. Thus, the lesson system and the dismemberment of the labor process into individual operations allowed to successfully plan all sections of production, control the execution and at the same time stimulate the worker.

In all developed and developing countries there is a differentiation of wages. The same work in one area of \u200b\u200bactivity can be rewarded in different ways, and the amount of payment depends on a number of factors. The level of wage is directly affected by the size of the company and the place that it occupies in the market, the number of personnel, the management style and still dozens of parameters. The salary level is directly affected by competition in the industry, the need for the labor market of qualified specialists. What explains the differentiation of wages in the first place? What depends on the differentiation of earnings?

Why do differences in payment arise

According to modern theories of personnel management, wage differentiation is a conscious installation of remuneration for labor at different levels, taking into account specific factors. This means inequality in payment, which occurs within one enterprise, and in different organizations of one industry. Differentiation arose as a mechanism for assessing labor performance, it is determined by the efficiency of work.

The formation of the payment level is influenced by a number of parameters:

  • Qualifications of employees. The work of a highly qualified specialist is paid higher than the work of his colleagues, which has only secondary vocational education.
  • Number and quality of work performed. Different staff discloses performance, motivation level, attentiveness and other qualities affecting the effectiveness of the employment process.
  • The degree of responsibility for the work performed. The leadership staff at all levels receives more ordinary employees, as it is responsible for the results of labor.
  • Working conditions. For example, for similar work performed in harsh climatic conditions, employees get more.

Also, the differentiation of salaries can be territorial, industry, it affects the general demand of the profession and the standard of living in the region, as well as the ratio of demand and supply in the labor market.

Differentiation in the TK RF

In the Russian Labor Code also present the concept of payment differentiation, but legally it applies only to tariff systems of payment. It includes tariff rates, job salaries and coefficients affecting the salary accrual. Differentiation delimits the remuneration of employees of various categories, it allows the employer and an employee to reach an agreement when issuing an employment contract.

Differentiation must correspond to a number of mandatory requirements:

  • Objectivity. Salary differences should be explained by objective criteria for estimating labor costs.
  • Cleanness for workers and employers. Clear criteria prevent conflict situations and labor disputes.
  • Transparency for control. Representatives of labor inspection can verify the fairness of salary accrual in accordance with the objective data of employees.
  • Social protection of the employee. Differentiation prescribed in the TC, avoids the development of the employee's salary and infringement of his interests.

The situation in the labor market is constantly changing, but differences in earnings of employees will always exist, as they are due to objective criteria for estimation. However, the differentiation of salary should be fair, so the salaries and tariff rates are calculated on dozens of criteria. If the employee is dissatisfied with the level of remuneration, he can try to change the conditions of cooperation with the employer and prove that his work is worth more.

Case number 5.

Commercial Bank of PJSC Baltkredit takes one of the leading places in the market. Stable revenues, competent management policy, a thorough approach to customer selection provided banks financial and commercial sustainability.

In addition, a personnel management system was built in the bank, which, from the point of view of leadership, made it one of the most attractive employers in the labor market.

A system of differentiated remuneration was introduced in the bank, in accordance with which all employees are divided into three categories in terms of competencies and work experience. Thus, the highest category is the category H (HIGH), Middle M (Medium), Lower L (Low). When taking a job, the level of H was given, but the employee was assigned this category only after the trial and evaluation of its level of its own bank services, which is carried out 2 times a year. Evaluation of the level of the employee is carried out on the basis of a system of key competencies (initiative, the ability to work in a team, the level of professionalism, the ability to achieve the goals set, leadership qualities (for managers), the generation of ideas, responsibility, etc.) and is performed by the direct supervisor that affects each competence. . As a result, the higher the score of the employee, the higher his salary.

Wage raising is not an unconditional consequence of competencies. For this, the company must have relevant reserves and sufficient financial resources. The labor market and average wage is also rated. Raising wages is carried out only when the employee has a high ball for competence, its salary is lower than on the market and the company has the ability to increase the wage fund.

Once, an employee of Loginov AV addressed to HR manager With a certain salary claim. On average measurement, wages were higher than that of similar posts in other banks. As a result, it turned out that talking in an informal setting with colleagues, Loginov found out that his wages are lower than other workers who take exactly the same position. Negotivis with the immediate boss and without receiving a satisfactory explanation, the logins addressed the HR manager. Nevertheless, finding out that the management of the department in which the logins is working, the results of his work displeased, the HR manager left the complaint without attention.

Within a few months, similar complaints came from several employees. The management of the bank was decided to conduct a study of staff loyalty and its satisfaction with working conditions. The results were as follows:

89% of respondents confirmed the loyal attitude to the Bank,

87% did not have complaints about the organization of the employment process,

82% of respondents were satisfied with the working conditions,

49% of respondents had claims on the payment system and the compensation package.

The last figure showed that more than half of the employees are unhappy with the wage system, it means that the company has large staff problems. By specifying questions, the HR department specialists found out that only 59% of respondents understand the essence of the compensation system, while 42% declared complete misunderstanding, why their salary differ from colleagues.

As the head of the research team, Ivan Makarov, said, employees as a whole understand the wage system, however, to delve into theoretical subtleties of the system, there are few people who have a desire. Each employee is more interested in his own salary, and not the salary in general, in general by the bank. Also, the company is not accepted to directly declare that the worker does not work well or is not compressed sufficiently, as this, from the point of view of the manual, can lead to demotivation. "Imagine," says I. Makarov, "if the manager directly declares his subordinate: I don't like how you work, you are lazy and do not reach an acceptable level. What do you think, will the employee want to laid out and strive for growth? In most cases, it will simply be offended or forced to leave. " In turn, dissatisfaction with the existing wage system leads to a decrease in the interest of workers in development and growth, causes indifference to the company, forces to look for more profitable jobs. Such discontent can cause a desire to quit. From here there is a risk of loss of specialists, mass dismissal of people.

The BaltCredit management decided to study the system of stimulating and compensating staff and develop a more adequate wage system. Having spent significant resources on the development of a differentiated payment system, the company does not want to make significant changes to the incentive system. Is it possible to avoid the threat of dismissal and reduce staff loyalty?

Questions to Case.

1. The prickles of misunderstanding by employees of the compensation and wage system.

2. If you just prohibit workers to announce their wages, can it solve the problem of discontent?

3. How to establish an open dialog system with a manager in order to deliver the personnel about the belief that wages depends on personal relationships with the leader?

The theory of wages In addition to the indicators of supply and supply in the labor market allocates other factors affecting salary size . Among them:

  • quantity and quality of labor;
  • labor qualifications;
  • working conditions;
  • type of employment;
  • the cost of living;
  • minimum wage amount as the main type of social guarantees;
  • wages policy at the enterprise, etc.

All these factors create a certain salary differentiation between specific employees or their individual groups . In practice, there is sectoral, territorial differentiation, differentiation by staff categories and working conditions, professional differentiation.

Territorial and sectoral wage differentiation Dependes mainly from the territorial and sectoral structure of the economy of this country.

Salary Differentiation by staff categories It occurs when dividing employees in categories that take into account the responsibility of the work performed and the position.

To managers include Employees, holding positions of managers of organizations, structural units and their deputies, heads, managers, chairmen, captains, chief accountants and engineers, masters, etc.

Specialists include Workers engaged in the works, as a rule, requiring higher or secondary vocational education: engineers, doctors, teachers, economists, dispatchers, mechanics, psychologists, etc. The specialists also include assistants and assistants of the named names of specialists.

Other employees - These are employees who prepare and design documentation, accounting and control, economic service.

To workers include Persons directly occupied in the process of creating material values, as well as employed by the repair, movement of goods, transportation of passengers, the provision of material services, etc.

However, the main type of differentiation is the differentiation of the wage level on productivity and efficiency criteria - as a way to implement the stimulating wage function. The purpose of such differentiation is to establish a relative level of wages depending on the amount, quality and results of labor, thus motivating, thus workers to efficient, productive work.

Differentiated payment of labor enterprise personnel (organization), stimulating labor, must meet the following requirements :

  • be personalized (personal);
  • base on objective criteria for estimating employee labor costs;
  • be a clear employee;
  • do not lose documenut;
  • be transparent to control;
  • stimulate improvement of the quality of worker's work;
  • promote social protection of the employee.

The main tool of differentiation of remuneration is the tariff system . It includes a set of standards - tariff rates, tariff nets, tariff-qualification directories, district coefficients, various kinds of surcharges and tariff information, which are intended for use in establishing rates and salaries to employees and in determining the size of their remuneration for the work performed.

A particular example is a single tariff scale (ETC) of the Russian Federation, which was used to pay for workers financed from budgets of all levels from 1992. in 2008

A schematic diagram of wage formation on a tariff basis is presented in Figure 1.

To differentiate the wage of employees, the schemes of official salary and regular schedules are used.

Schemes of official salary - This is a form of regulation of salaries of employees depending on the magnitude of some indicators of the enterprise and its size. It was inherent in the administrative and planned economy, when the size of the salary of managers, specialists and other employees was established centrally.

Currently, the schemes of official salary are used for state and municipal enterprises. At the enterprises of the private sector of the economy, employee salaries are established on the basis of full-time schedules.

The remuneration of managers, their deputies and chief accountants of organizations funded from the federal budget (budget of the subject of the Russian Federation, the local budget) is made in the manner and sizes that are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (the authority of the state of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by the authority of local self-government). For other organizations, the labor of their leaders, deputy heads and chief accountants are paid in the amount of the Agreement of the Parties to the employment contract.

In order to compensate for the growth of the cost of existence in areas with unfavorable geographic-climatic conditions, the regional coefficients are established, which increase the calculated value of the tariff part of wages. District coefficients are differentiated for different regions (districts) of the country in the range from 1.1 to 2.0. The more unfavorable geographic-climatic conditions are, the higher the district coefficient.

In addition to factory tariff systems, the differentiation of payment for labor complexity is carried out with the help of coefficients. There may be extreme differences in wages (the head of the enterprise is the 1st discharge operator). There are intermediate discharges between extreme discharges that cover employees of all positions.

In practice, the number of discharges used in the factory tariff systems differs from 6 to 26. In each of the discharges, the "plug" of the salary is sometimes installed - the minimum and maximum value within each discharge, which is preferable to evaluate specialists.

Depending on the variety of working conditions, enterprises also use a variety of surcharges and surcharges to the tariff part of wages. They pursue the goal of a more complete assessment of labor features, its intensity, gravity, danger, importance, urgency and other conditions.

A number of surcharges and premiums are mandatory for use in enterprises of all forms of ownership. Their payment is guaranteed by the state and is established by the KZOT. Other surcharges and allowances are applied in individual areas of labor application. In most cases, these surcharges are also mandatory, but they agree directly on their specific sizes.

Prizes are encouraging payments for achieving certain indicators in labor. . They can be part of some wage systems, such as a demonstration, a piece of premium, a piece of progressive, indirectly piece, accordant. All questions related to the bonuses should be reflected in premium provisions, which are developed for enterprises and its individual divisions and are approved by the head of the enterprise.

Note that in addition to the above-mentioned systems for remuneration of workers in an organization, a non-tariff system, a system of floating salaries, a wage system on a commission basis, etc. At the same time, in all ways to stimulate wages, its size should depend on two factors :

  • the initial value of wages - rates per unit of work performed during piecework varieties of remuneration, clockwise (day, monthly) rates of remuneration of the employee of the lowest qualifications with time-based payment varieties. Therefore, the problem of the wage level is determined primarily by solutions for its initial value;
  • reasonable differentiation of remuneration between employees of lower and higher qualifications. Here, the principle of social justice acts on the fore.

These two conditions must underlie the wage policy held at the enterprise. There are no restrictions for creative finding ways to pay on a problematic basis. Therefore, in this area a large number of ways have appeared that sometimes differ in uniqueness. Moreover, you can meet different ways of remuneration in different departments in one enterprise.

The main thing in solving the issue of making one or another payment method at the enterprise (in the division) is to :

  • first, build a wage system in strict accordance with applicable law;
  • secondly, to maximally take into account the peculiarities of the organization of labor and production, the features of the products manufactured, the work provided, the features of the composition and structure of personnel;
  • thirdly, to introduce a wage system only on the basis of the developed project management project, in which, after the design study of all issues of organizing remuneration, it is necessary to envisage if it is necessary, its experienced verification with subsequent adjustment;
  • fourth, to attract personnel to this work through a broad discussion of the proposed projects and the promotion of employees of the enterprise for active participation in the development and introduction of new ways to pay.

So, the salary is not only the fee for the results of labor. The role of wages is expressed in its stimulating effect on a person: the amount of payment, the payment procedure and elements of the organization usually develop a person personal interest in labor, motivate it into a productive, effective work.

The differentiation of wages involves the establishment of the necessary differences in wages depending on its complexity (qualifications), intensity, applications and working conditions.