Review on The Long Dark - Walkthrough and system requirements. Review of The Long Dark

Review on The Long Dark - Walkthrough and system requirements.  Review of The Long Dark
Review on The Long Dark - Walkthrough and system requirements. Review of The Long Dark

I have written more than once about all kinds and always emphasized that against the background of the incredible abundance of entertainment of this kind, such a game must definitely stand out with something. What is remarkable for The Long Dark, which even before the official release became one of the most notable and anticipated projects in this genre? And why is the brainchild of the Canadian studio even more firmly entrenched in the survival Olympus?

The remaining three episodes of the campaign should be released during this and.

According to the laws of the genre

Probably, they haven't heard about The Long Dark only in the deaf (although the game is just the closest), and we wrote a detailed preview. Therefore, straight to the point, or rather, to the search for an answer to the question asked.

Meat not fried on a fire, of course, can lead to poisoning, falling from a hillock or a wolf bite - to injury, and sleeping on an empty stomach - to death, because calories, in which health is calculated here, are consumed during sleep. Torches go out, matches run out, the list of available blueprints and "crafting" is gradually expanding, we drag everything that is bad into our backpacks, and we learn to rummage in drawers, cabinets, cars and pockets better than any bum and burglar.

There is also a simple one. Basic skills - repairing, butchering carcasses, cooking, building a fire, fishing, using a gun or bow - are trained as you successfully pursue the relevant business, i.e. fresh carcasses, cook, fish, light a fire, shoot, and so on. ... All this is understandable, familiar, and has been seen more than once in other survival games.

Life truth

But, as you know, the devil is in the details, and this applies to The Long Dark to the fullest. Firstly, there are really a lot of details, details that give the game a very accurate, true degree of realism. Clothes get wet, forcing them to freeze and hurt even more, the backpack becomes heavy, which is why we walk slower and spend more stamina when running - and we need to run in order, for example, to get away from thin ice faster and not fall through.

Everything is drawn here very stylishly and nicely, but there is no time to admire the views - you will freeze.

There are a lot of clothes here in general - of different types and practically on the body: all things differ in their parameters (including heat preservation and protection from the wind), and the authors directly advise putting on several layers, and it is more reliable - however, it will be harder to run, because even the weight of the socks is taken into account.


Almost nothing can be done in the dark - tinkering, repairing equipment, and doing other things. The fire is not built automatically, but with a certain chance, which greatly increases if you add some liquid. It is practically useless to try in the wind, and it will die out quickly. It is better to sleep by the fire, in sleeping bags or in warm, but at least simply closed, rooms, getting a bonus to heating and restoring health.

The gun must be cleaned so that it does not misfire, the water must be boiled or disinfected, the can of food must first be opened and then the contents boiled, and the trunk of the car lends itself only to a scrap or a nail gun. And all this - and on making a fire, and on collecting, breaking, boiling, making, even setting fire to a simple match - both calories and precious time are spent, during which you become more and more hungry and thirsty and freeze more.


Therefore, you need to act quickly, accurately, optimally, checking and planning your actions, as in some strategies - what exactly is needed now, is it worth chasing that hare, is it necessary to spend ten minutes chopping a chair for firewood? Is there any point in loading a backpack and trying to skin the carcass of that elk over there, if a wolf is wandering and roaring somewhere nearby, and it is already getting dark around and the wind is intensifying. Or is it better to run to the house and spend the night there, hoping that he will not have time to kill you in a dream?

It is clear that a lot is invented in the game - both the anomalous geomagnetic storm itself, which formed the basis of the entire setting of The Long Dark, and the behavior of the same wolves that usually do not attack people (here they are so aggressive precisely because of the anomaly). And the authors honestly warn about this, not advising to consider the game as a survival guide and repeat all this in real life.

Often you have to rob corpses, sleep, bask and eat next to them.

Nevertheless, because of these precise details and details in The Long Dark, there is some kind of homespun truth of life - and only enhances this feeling. There are no absolutely fantastic things like zombies or alien flora and fauna, so everything is perceived as, like the one that happened to the hero Leonardo DiCaprio in "The Survivor" - this is often lacking in many isometric "survivors." ".

Feat in the snow

Second, The Long is surprisingly rich in content for a game like this. In addition to the free one, which was the main one (there you choose the difficulty and find yourself in the vastness of the "manually" created world), there are also different test scenarios: in one, for example, you need to survive in conditions when you have a bear, in the other - to hold out on three days in the marked locations.

For achievements in free mode and trials, they give out the so-called "feats" and "badges", which here are equated to "perks". Spend a hundred days in the open - now you are resistant to cold and receive a permanent +2 degrees bonus to the temperature by feeling. Run fifty kilometers - now running burns 25% fewer calories.

With a full-fledged release, the game appeared, more precisely, its first two episodes. And this is not just something in the background, but quite an interesting story about how Will Mackenzie took his ex-wife Astrid somewhere Bear, but had an accident and is now following her trail, trying to survive and find out what happened. The direction is excellent, the beautifully filmed videos are intriguing, and Will and Astrid have a nerve, some kind of hidden story.

Today, games with elements of survival have become very popular. Relatively recently, a new game of this genre was released - The Long Dark. An overview of this creation will be presented in the article.


The Long Dark is a game in which you have to fight for life in the winter in a mysterious area. The project turned out to be really hardcore. The game soon after its release has collected a lot of positive reviews among gamers. The Long Dark project, which has already been reviewed by many famous services dedicated to games, is a huge world in which a random generation of events and objects takes place. You will not be able to complete the game in the same way. Each appearance on the map occurs at a random point.

Of course, the main feature of The Long Dark, an overview of which is presented in this article, is the hardcore survival mode. The gamer will have to very scrupulously think over his every step, so as not to die.


After starting the game, the gamer finds himself in a harsh winter forest with a small number of items in his inventory. The fight for survival will have to start right away. Wandering mindlessly around the area, you can easily fall into the clutches of a wolf or just freeze. Fighting the cold is one of the main elements of the game. You have to look for items that are suitable for burning and prolong life.

In addition to the cold, the main character experiences fatigue, thirst and hunger. After being attacked by a predator, it will not be possible to quickly recover. Therefore, meetings with wolves usually end in death.

During the game The Long Dark, the review of which is of interest to many gamers, the change of day and night is constantly performed. In the dark, the air temperature drops significantly, and it is best to find yourself a warm place where you can stay until the morning. At night, you can relax or do the creation of the necessary items.

For any action, certain items are provided. The review of the game The Long Dark, studied by many gamers, demonstrates that it will not be possible, for example, to break a box with your hands or to make water from snow using the heat of your own body.

Difficulty levels

The project presents three levels of difficulty. Each of them significantly affects the gameplay: it complicates or simplifies it.

  • Pilgrim. The easiest level of difficulty in The Long Dark program. The review in Russian shows that it is perfect for gamers who have just installed the game. To get acquainted with the main features of The Long Dark, this level of difficulty is perfect. Animals will attack you reluctantly. Many useful items can be found with ease.
  • Drifter. Suitable for gamers who are familiar with the basics of the gameplay. Predators attack, valuable items become much less. You can explore the world quite freely, but surviving is much more difficult.
  • Stalker. The most difficult level. Suitable for gamers who have thoroughly studied the gaming world. Finding loot becomes very difficult task. Every insignificant item is now very valuable. You can die at almost every step.

System requirements


  • Dual-Core Intel i5.
  • RAM: 4 GB.
  • Intel 4xxx Series.
  • Free space: 1 GB.
  • Intel i7.
  • RAM: 8 GB.
  • nVidia GTX 555.
  • Free space: 1 GB.

The Long Dark is very atmospheric and hardcore game. The developers have listened to the opinions and wishes of gamers and released a quality product. The game is constantly receiving additions and improvements. The creators monitor their project and constantly correct errors that arise. Many game critics recommend this game to all those who love the survival genre. At the time of its release, The Long Dark only had a survival mode. But already in 2016, an update should be released containing a storyline and a lot of other additional content.

Review of the long dark

Well, we know firsthand what cold is. Double window frames are common for us, but for some, the cold is something out of the ordinary. In our country, -40 is not terrifying, it only makes you a little surprised. Warm coat, hot food, thick walls and we no longer know what cold is. Oh yes, and, of course, housing and communal services that heat the batteries as if they were expecting the arrival of the ice age in half with ... "Winter is coming." We practically do not know what cold is while the car is on the move, but if the engine stalls, it’s scary to be somewhere far from society. This is not the case in The long dark.

What happened? Where I am? Why is it so cold (though this question is easy to answer, it’s winter after all)? Is there a forest around? Apparently it's time to look for the dying pit. Unfortunately, this is the case, if you get lost in the forest in winter, at a temperature of -30, this is the most optimal plan of action. However, let's not be sad, this is just a game, perhaps we will now take ten steps and find ourselves warm, full and feel like Robinson. The truth is, first you have to not die of the cold, and you want to eat ... I think I heard a howl?

We are presented with a sandbox survival in a winter post-apocalyptic world. What will we need to do? Survive. How, think for yourself. The authors of The long dark were guided by a brutal policy of survival, so no one will explain anything to you. Gather branches, look for matches, you might find a chocolate bar. Explore the world, sort it out.

The atmosphere of The long dark is simply unforgettable. Snow, cold, wind, winter forest, abandoned houses. From one species you can feel the coolness, and when you see a wolf, the thought pops up "well, fuck it." The graphics are quite high, but some of the elements can be confusing. For example, no hands when carrying a rifle. Let's get by with the expression "early access", maybe they will correct it, maybe not, but this small drawback becomes completely invisible in comparison with the advantages.

So, how will the game hook us? The long dark clings with its atmosphere, challenge, hardcore circumstances, desire to explore the world and survival. In it, you will enjoy a good long scarf that you can wrap your entire head with, a jar of beans, and finding a bottle opener is truly a pleasure. To be honest, it's not cool to open a tin can against a stone. If you are interested in this, you can easily spend 8-15 hours playing the game until you are sure that you can survive in the winter forest with one match and one sock.

If you are interested in it, then there are some tips that will help you get all the emotions from the game, because the desire to simplify it can appear almost immediately. Or at least after the first two or three deaths from hunger and cold. Hold on, "challenge" is a very addictive part of the game.

I will not catch up, so at least I will keep warm!

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Release The long dark took place on 1 August. But we have known her for several years and even wrote two preliminary reviews on the game. The fact is that since 2015, the owners of the game have been able to survive in an unlimited sandbox. And all this time, "stalkers" and "uninvited guests" with hundreds of simulated hours behind their shoulders were waiting for the release of the story campaign, on which they had pinned great hopes.

Finally the first two episodes of the campaign opened. They brought joy ... and disappointment.

Here they are, conditions, here it is, Wednesday!

Let's explain for beginners the main survival mechanic in The Long Dark: in our sandbox, the hero, in order not to die, must eat, drink, sleep and warm up by the fire from time to time. This is the basis and the minimum, and then there are tons of nuances.

So, in the wind, the accumulated heat supply evaporates faster, and sweet soda not only quenches your thirst, but also saves you a little. Sleep relieves some health problems, such as sprains and bruises, but even during sleep calories are expended, so jumping into the sleeping bag on an empty stomach may well not wake up.

Built-in medical guide: head bandage, hand pain reliever. The main thing is not to mix it up, otherwise you will have to start the game over again!

The elements of strategic planning are brought into play, among other things, by the limitation on the total weight of the property, and clothing is also included in it. So for short forays for supplies it is better to run in some pants. But for the exploration of new territories it is worth dressing according to the rules: waterproof and windproof from above, warm - to the body.

At the beginning of the game in survival mode, we select a map and then appear on it in a random place. Just by chance, a set of trophies appears in the cupboards and chests scattered across the territory: from old newspapers to an extremely rare gun with cartridges. The challenge is simple: survive as long as possible.

On simple difficulty levels, you can walk through the Canadian taiga at least endlessly: predatory animals are not aggressive, and immunity to infections and food poisoning is high. The peak of the nightmare comes at the "Intruder" level: living on it for a week is already an achievement.

A couple of years ago, cards had to be drawn by hand. Since then, the game has become more user-friendly.

Over the years, The Long Dark has changed a lot, and above all externally: the interface has become clear and convenient, even a map of the area has appeared. True, it is also realistic: the main objects are visible on it, but the location of the player himself can only be guessed at. New plants have appeared that can be collected, many new territories have opened up. So if you once started, but haven't gone looking for bunkers and fishing for a long time, then the release should be taken as an excuse to return to survival mode.

Why not a story campaign? Let's explain now.

Due to weather conditions, sometimes you have to sit in the house all day. Fortunately, when visiting the survivors, there is no need to worry about firewood.

Mine, miners, mine

The world, they say, needs heroes. But the world needs a plot even more. While setting records for survival in the icy taiga, we could not help but notice that a sudden atmospheric cataclysm does not explain the degree of the surrounding desolation. Where did the pile of snow-covered ruins come from at every turn? Why are they destroyed not only outside, but also inside? Where did the people who used them go?

In theory, local mad wolves can answer the last question: they methodically cleanse the area of ​​everything that consists of flesh and blood. But the orderlies of the forest were definitely not involved in the general devastation of the material base. All this should be explained.

Who slept on this mattress before the establishment finally closed? Watchman?

Hinterland obviously shared the general opinion. And the world had a prehistory, and devastation (or even so: Devastation) became a period of alternative history of modern Canada.

The banking crisis led to an unprecedented economic downturn. Dollars began to cost less than the paper on which they were printed, all calculations switched to yuan and bitcoins. And if the United States was still fluttering somehow, Canada instantly slipped under the protectorate of its southern neighbor, becoming a modern colony. And I was vividly convinced that any colony is a resource that the metropolis will quickly suck up to the last drop.

Pieces of other people's lives. There could be many more, but most of the abandoned houses are completely faceless.

The local economic infrastructure has already been curtailed, leaving only large industries and large cities afloat. The fictional island of the Great Bear, on which we find ourselves, turned out to be away from the surviving trade routes, and gradually the industry and extraction of resources on it completely stopped. The bulk of the population left for the mainland in search of a better life, only the old and the most stubborn patriots remained.

Most of them were dealt with by natural disasters and crazy animals.

The cash at the ATMs has run out. All the dollars went to kindling, because they no longer make sense. But at Milton Bank we will have several opportunities to practice breaking into safes. It's pretty straightforward.

An old lady plus a hatchet?

The process of the Great Bear's death was long and not so unknown to the rest of the world. No wonder the red-nosed pilot William Mackenzie is not eager to fly into the wild wilderness: if something happened, there was nowhere to wait for help. But Dr. Astrid Greenwood is persistent and knows what to press on: after all, they used to be ... close friends. And, judging by the hints, the acquaintance may well go to the second round. You just need to first find the energetic doctor who, after the plane crash, rushed out of nowhere, leaving her little suitcase.

The beginning of the story: the doctor is in a hurry to see the patient, and, fortunately, she has a familiar pilot. This is where the happiness ends. In subsequent episodes, we have yet to find out what became of Dr. Astrid. And what's in her locked suitcase.

Will seems to be determined to catch up, search and rescue, but first you need to get well and go through the process of learning the basics. For this, players will be locked in a small area with a renewing supply of firewood. When beginners learn how to make a fire and make tea, they will be released a little further away.

With the arrival of the half-naked pilot, the population of the town of survivors will double, and the old woman with the rifle will teach us how to make supplies, run from wolves and wear rabbit mittens. And in the second episode, William will fall into the tenacious hands of a wounded trapper, who will provide him with a gun and bless him to fight a man-eating bear. Spoiler? Completeness, there's nothing to spoil in the local storyline!

Everything Will learns on his journey is logged. Sometimes you will find valuable advice there.

No, we will, of course, learn a couple of stories and backstories, watch a dozen videos and even find a few letters and notes. But in general, both the Gray Mother and the bearded Jeremy are perceived not as the long-awaited surviving brothers in the icy desert, but as annoying stumps in the plot clearing.

In the end, of course, it turns out that their whims were essential to advance the story. But by choosing the "catch up and save" touchdown, the scriptwriters did not quite hit the notes, which is why Will's journey received a controversial validity: during the course of the quests, Dr. Astrid could well have run to the Canadian border even with a broken leg.

The dead are not afraid. They lie to themselves quietly, and even something valuable, it happens, they keep in their pockets.

And after the free, open and unpredictable world of the sandbox, the narration locked in the corridor even more does not give an incentive to plunge into history or create it with your own hands. After all, it would seem, there is an old woman, there is a hatchet. If he doesn't want to help, let's use the hatchet! No, not according to the old woman, we do not Fallout... We just break the locks, search the house and find out for ourselves what the hostess was trying to hide.

Yes, trust cannot be won that way, which means that we will be left without rabbit mittens. In survival mode, it could be a tragedy ... but not here. Here Will with a light heart says to himself: "Well, God bless them, because branches, firewood, fuel and matches are full at every step!"

The cute rabbit is drawn to pet and release. But ... food! Fishing lines! Mittens!

Give me my ear!

The protracted "training", on which a series of quests are somehow strung, will disappoint experienced "stalkers" and "uninvited guests" who do not need to be taught to collect firewood and wring bears' necks. Green newbies should be much more sympathetic to her. But will this kindergarten experience help you cope with the challenging levels of the roguelike sandbox?

After the first attempt, Will will not take up the gun again soon. In general, you need to save cartridges, they cannot be made on a workbench.

The existing survival mode has four difficulty levels: from "walking in the park" to "unbearable nightmare". But in the story sequences, the difficulty is oddly balanced. Here wolves do not just attack, but are able to tear clothes to shreds and rip valuable items out of their hands and a backpack. True, there is no point in fixing trousers: there is enough junk in the surrounding boxes for ten people. An infection from a bite can even be left untreated: if you sleep, it will pass. But just jumping off the step, Mackenzie will get a dislocated leg and a scarf break! And due to the nature of saving, death in the wrong place can make the game impassable.

Wherever Will goes, a trail of discarded or abandoned finds remains behind him. The plot is generous for trophies.

And here we come to the most annoying: the technical side. In the first days after the release, the developers released four patches, but the situation was not finally corrected. The game switches between gameplay and story-driven cutscenes with the grace of an overloaded barge: your humble servant, for example, could not walk a piece of the road for two hours, during which Will suddenly decided to speak out loud. But the most annoying punishment was invented for the players by the bear, the "boss" of the second episode.

Mountaineering is another source of technical problems. If the weight of the backpack is even one hundred grams higher than the limit, you will see amazing special effects.

A multi-stage battle may well end with the disappearance of the bear after the death of the player, but even a masterfully driven and completely calm predator sometimes simply refuses to give up the quest ear. And this puts a bold cross on the passage: start the episode over again or wait for patches! Although the most fun is probably for those who, after two years of playing The Long Dark, simply stopped starting due to the installation of the release update.