Galina Rjaxenskaya and Evgeny Gromov: personal life. Chosen Galina Rzhaxenskaya gave her a dream wedding

Galina Rjaxenskaya and Evgeny Gromov: personal life. Chosen Galina Rzhaxenskaya gave her a dream wedding
Galina Rjaxenskaya and Evgeny Gromov: personal life. Chosen Galina Rzhaxenskaya gave her a dream wedding

On April 21, she will take the post of star editor of the portal in "Instagram". The whole day of the finalist show "Bachelor" will lead a site account and share its new photos and events from life. In the meantime, the girl told about her wedding and further plans.

Is there life after Timur Batrutdinova? I know for sure the finalist of the show "Bachelor" Galina Rjxenskaya. The girl did not win the show, but the main prize in his life was still received. On November 5, 2016, Galina married a businessman Evgenia Gromova.

Lovers signed in the Palace of Marriage in Barvikha, and then celebrated the event in the restaurant in a narrow circle of relatives and friends, after which they went to the wedding trip to Venice.

"We removed the suite in a luxury hotel. With the weather very lucky. Many walked, enjoyed each other's society. In general, Caefushechka caught in the most romantic city of the world! " - told Galina to Woman's Day journalist.

Photo: Makeup: Polina Mikovskaya / Photo: Dmitry Gorbunov

By the way, the ex-"bachelor" admitted that it was not at all frustrating that the wedding was modest. And correctly does. After all, very soon she had the opportunity to celebrate the main event in her life again. And with a scope!

"The solemn banquet was planned in February. There were about 200 guests. By the way, the event carried out the same company that a year ago she sat down by the wedding of Ksenia Borodina. Together with Anna Goroda from the wedding agency "Weddabreri" we worked for a banquet concept. I really wanted the holiday to come out cheerful and soulful, so that any of the guests had to be bored, "the girl continues.

Upon returning to Moscow, Galina fully plunged into operation and study. Plans a lot. Rzhaxenskaya periodically arrive proposals to try yourself as leading on TV. In addition, she, together with his friends, launches a new project - "Metropolitan Things". Its participants are planning to tell youtube subscribers about the life of girls in Moscow.

However, while Galina tries not to think about work. It is much more pleasant to discuss together with the new spouse's plans for the future.

"We really want children. And as soon as possible! Therefore, they did not pull with the wedding until the summer, "the girl admitted. - I am sure that Zhenya will be a good father. He deals very gently to me ... And you know, we have a dog Tosha. Initially, this is a pet spouse. But you would see how my husband cares for him! I have no doubt that Zhenya will be shaking even more. We are currently planning to buy a house. I am sure that we will have a very happy family. "

And what else?

About acquaintance with his spouse ...

Now it's no secret to anyone that Galina met her husband on the phone. Eugene saw the participant of the Show "Bachelor" and decided that he would certainly have to meet her. To do this, he had to persuade the project editors to give the phone of the girl.

"To be honest, there were a lot of such calls. When I heard the voice of Eugene, I immediately thought: "Another" Ring "! I even wanted to sew it! But, apparently, that day, all the stars agreed in the right order. I agreed to the meeting. We met, and he immediately caused me sympathy. No, it was not love at first sight. Smart, cheerful, with a wonderful sense of humor ... I then thought that Zhenya could become a good friend to me. But fate, as you can see, there were other plans! We continued our communication, and three weeks later I agreed to travel with him on a trip to Italy. Zhenya arranged a real fairy tale for me. Then I realized that he was a man whom I was waiting for all my life. "

Photo: Makeup: Polina Mikovskaya / Photo: Dmitry Gorbunov

About wedding in 30 years ...

"I am almost 30, and I just got married. But once thought that I would have a husband and three children in 20! But I am even glad that I met Evgenia now. There was a female wisdom that helps to avoid conflicts and create good weather in the house. "

On participation in the show "Bachelor" ...

Galina lost the race for the Heart of the Showman Timur Batrutdinov in the final. "Bachelor" chose Daria Kananae from Kazan. However, Rjaxenskaya assures that he does not regrehe the loss.

"I often ask me: Do not regret? No, I do not regret that I did not win in this competition. I have long understood: the most important competition is life. And it is important to live with dignity, and the rest is the little things ... "

About Timur Batrutdinov ...

For a long time, the media wrote that the girl had been offended by Batrutdinov, because he broke her heart. Galina has denied this information.

"We are not friends, but we work together, and we have excellent, very warm relationships. We always rejoice when we see each other. Can I advise him to advise him in my personal life? I'm afraid I am not entitled. Timur has its own life, his vision. Time will come, and he will certainly meet a girl who wants to marry. Perhaps he should trust people a little more and ... believe in miracles! "

Last year it became known that Galina Rjaxenskaya and Yevgeny Gromov tied their lives of marriage. Galina - the star of the sensational show "Bachelor", where she fought for the heart of Timur Batrutdinov. Although the girl did not get a victory, but she gained popularity thanks to this show. How her further life has developed, and who is her chosen one, can be found about this by reading this article.

Galina Rjaxenskaya was born in 1986 in the capital of Russia. Her family is very wealthy, parents are rich entrepreneurs. It can be said that the girl grew up in luxury, without refusing to himself.

After graduating from High School, Galina decided to go in the footsack of the parents and entered the Financial Academy under the Government for the specialty - the economy. On vacation, Galina went to rest in Miami.

There, the girl was fun to fame. She met with celebrities, attended luxurious places, made many expensive purchases. It all forced the press to name Galina "Baby to Million."

After returning to his homeland, Galina decided to develop his own business. She opened several elite beauty salons in the capital.

Participation in the show "Bachelor"

In 2015, Galina became a member of the third season of the Show "Bachelor". In this issue, beauties fought for the heart of the famous humorist, the "Comedi Club" participant, a popular actor.

This is a famous humorist, an athlete and an actor who has not yet connected herself with a marriage. Behind his heart are fighting several girls. They must show themselves from the best side. Beauties arrange the main character in turns unforgettable dates. What they will, depends on the fantasy and seamless participants.

With Timur Batrutdinov in the show "Bachelor"

The main character should appreciate each girl and make a choice. What a date he was in the soul most, the girl will become the winner, which means the lady of his heart. I must say that avid bachelors usually do not immediately give up. They must be attracted, charm, interest so that their heart finally fluttered. This is the main task of each participant of the show.

Galina, taking part in the show, was confident in his charm, and therefore in his victory! And when, after the first round Timur gave her a symbol - the rose of sympathies, Galina was just all the hundred sure that the victory was already close.

And, indeed, the girl went to the final. But besides her, there was another beauty - Daria Kananach. The rival possessed higher growth and expressed forms. But Galina did not despair. The last day was the last chance to win.

Galina Rzhesssenskaya in the finals of the show "Bachelor"

Each of the two opponents had to enchant the chief hero in his own way. In this decisive tour, the role of both charm, and an increase in the female cunning, and, of course, charm and beauty were played. In his last evening toilet, Galina was simply inimitable! Her photos, laid out in social networks from this day, scored several thousand likes.

It would seem that the victory was in her hands. However, everything was different. Timur chose Daria than disappointed not only Gali, but also many of her fans. All wondered why he did such a choice?!

But I will not help with tears. Galina was kept from tears and curses to his opponent, congratulated young people and wished them happiness.

Personal life

It is clear that an attractive blue-eyed brown-shaped bright shape with an ideal figure and a charming smile was never limited to male attention. It is known that before meeting with their narrowed Evgeny Gromov, Galina Rjaxenskaya had a rather serious relationship with a young man named Ignat. Who he is, story silent. But it is only known that he had a great condition, led his own business. In addition, he composed the songs that devoted to his beloved. It was already going to the wedding, however, for an unknown reason, young people broke up.

After not quite successful participation in the show, the fate comforted Galina Rjaxen meeting with an attractive young man Evgeny Gromov. He is not an artist and never shone on the covers of glamor magazines. About him in general, few people knew before this acquaintance.

The love story of these young people unfolded very quickly. And after a year, Eugene's dates decided to make a girlfriend offer. It happened right on board the aircraft on which they flew to rest. Galina, of course, gave his consent.

It is known that Yevgeny Gromov is a 32-year-old entrepreneur from Moscow. He is confident about the legs, developing his business. He has a page in Instagram, where he often puts together joint photos with Galina Rzhaxenskaya. And apparently, young people found each other and very happy.


Evgeny Gromov and Galina Rjaxenskaya decided to play a wedding in 2016. The bride ordered a luxurious dress. Photo of various options for the wedding dress, she laid out on her page in Instagram, where she collected tips on this.

Wedding took place in November 2016. The wedding was gorgeous, there were many invited guests on it. After that, the couple flew into a wedding trip.

Galina has long thought about whether to leave her maiden's name or change her husband's surname. Many advised her to leave the former, but at the same time Galina Gromov sounds impressive. In the end, Galina remained with his girlish last name.

At the beginning of this year, it became known that Galina Rjaxenskaya and Yevgeny Gromov are waiting for a child. Photo with rounded shapes. Happy future motley was constantly laid out in social networks. She very much loose and just glowed from happiness.

Birth of a child

In September 2017, Galina has posted a news that a new member of the family should become a new family member. Future parents happily laid out photo sessions with children acquired in advance: toys, balls, crib, etc. A happy future father gave kisses to his beloved wife, which looked charming. She is very pregnant to her face.

And finally, the long-awaited event occurred. On October 15 of this year, Galina presented his beloved husband to her daughter. She was immediately decided to call Elizabeth.

Births went well. The girl was born with a weight of 2900 and the growth of 51 cm. She is completely healthy. Mom's well-being is also very good.

Galina immediately wrote on his page to instagram that a new life was born. He posted a photo of the first minutes of his daughter's life, on which a loving husband leaned towards his wife and child. Galya wrote her husband recognition in love. In turn, Eugene also wrote in social networks the words of gratitude to his wife and that he loved her very much.

First, Galina will help her mother with her child. Then, a young mother intends, in the near future, a career again. She does not want to sit on maternity leave for a long time. So the fate of the rejected participants of the project "Bachelor" was very successful.

The finalist of the show "Bachelor" told about a solemn event. Galina Rjaxenskaya married last weekend, the fifth of November, and immediately went to the honeymoon. A grand holiday for all friends she intends to arrange only after a few months.

Galina Rjaxenskaya with his wife Evgeny Gromov
Last weekend, the fifth of November, the finalist of the show "Bachelor" Galina Rjaxenskaya married his chosen one, the businessman Evgenia Gromova. In the wedding palace of Barvikha, only the closest pairs are gathered - parents and few friends. Immediately after registration of marriage in the registry office, newlyweds went to the restaurant to mark such a significant event, and then flew into a wedding trip to Venice. Grand Banquet Galina plans to arrange in February.

The transfer of the holiday is associated with the fact that in December Rjaxenskaya will celebrate his thirty-year anniversary, and therefore she did not want to arrange two large events in a row.

Relations between Galina and Eugene began at the end of last year
To register marriage, the finalist show "Bachelor" chose a dress from the collection of designers Ideal Moscow 2017. This model was delivered specifically for Gali and is still presented in a single copy. For a long time, the girl was tormented by doubts about the wedding dress and even appealed for help to fans. Galina Rjaxenskaya preparing for the wedding in Venice

Fans were pleased for Rzhaxena. They were happy that the finalist Show "Bachelor" was able to find his love. Numerous congratulations in social networks touched Galina to the depths of the soul. She hurried to thank subscribers for attention.

"Thank you all for your congratulations. So many wishes and good words, thank you for this mood, we love you. And we will rest and soon we will show you. Ah, yes. I still took. I could not disobey you, "the girl wrote, hinting for the fact that now they have one surname with her husband.

After registration of marriage, the spouse flew into a wedding trip

In love played a wedding of the fifth of November

Galina is happy that I found my love

Only the closest people gathered for the celebration

The star of the third season show "Bachelor" Galina Rzhaxenskaya married Evgenia Gromova.

Participant Show "Bachelor of the Third Season" Galina Rzhaksgenskaya, who was still in May, finally played a wedding.

Recall that Galina was a finalist show, but he gave way to Daru Kanahukh, which in the end, however, and not marrying her chosen.

But the groom Rzhaxenskaya did not deceive it: the couple was officially combined with marriage and immediately flew into a wedding trip.

"We flew into the most romantic city," Galina said, without specifying, which is - Paris, Venice or somewhere else. Actually, romance depends on lovers, and not from the city.

Also Galina showed her bride dress.

Galina Rjaxenskaya and Yevgeny Gromov played a wedding

At the same time, Rzhaxena worries a serious question: to change her name or not? The opinions of fans in the comments were divided: someone believes that the combination of "Galina Gromov" sounds very beautiful, others, on the contrary, advise to leave their own. About what decision will receive Galya, will probably become known in the near future, because she does not make a special secrecy from his personal life.

Output the curtain of the secrecy finalist Show "Bachelor" began a few days ago. At first, the bride pleased the subscribers with a picture with a pajama party, at which, by the way, Natalia Gorozhanov was present, a good bride friend, familiar to the audience on the fourth season of the Show "Bachelor" and literally on the eve of Galina published a photo in a wedding dress and told fans that her last today The ability to be a bride, thus opening all the cards.

Recall. The fact that Galina has a boyfriend known in December 2015, when she showed her beloved at a party on the occasion of his birthday. The chief of the stars "Bachelor" made her the proposal of his hand and hearts right in the sky, being aboard the aircraft. The girl without delay agreed to become his wife and declared his intention to start preparations for the wedding.

At the same time, Galina has repeatedly made it clear that the bride exerts its jealousy. Evgeny demands from the beloved to always be in access and ensure that the phone is charged. From time to time Rzhaxenskaya spends time with girlfriends in clubs or restaurants, and Evgeny has to worry.

Entrepreneur Date of Birth December 14 (Sagittarius) 1986 (32) Birthplace Moscow Instagram @senoritagalo

The name of Galina Rzhaxenskaya is often associated with "Comedy Club". It is no coincidence. The fact is that she was one of the contenders for the role of Bride Timur Batrutdinov in the "Bachelor-3 show". The girl dreamed of winning the battle for the heart of the famous Showman, but at the last moment lost, which caused shock from her fans. Inimitable secular lioness, a successful business woman and just an incredibly beautiful woman deserves special attention to his person.

Biography Galina Rjaxenskaya

Galina Rjaxenskaya was born on December 14, 1986. She grew and brought up in Moscow. Her mother and dad are very secured people: both are successfully engaged in business. Our heroine has an older brother.

The girl studied at the Financial Academy. It is a graduate economist, education received in the capital and in the United States. After graduating from the university, Galina went to relax in Miami. Spectacular appearance helped her get a comic title "Baby on a million". She managed to visit all the pathoral locations of the city. In the road department store Bal Harbour, she had a chance to meet Rihanna. Now the girl is a successful business woman. She owns several elite beauty studios in the capital. Her favorite hobby - travel. The girl tries to take them all his free time.

Fame came to Rzhaxena after participating in the project "Bachelor". It happened in the spring of 2015. She managed to get the first rose of sympathy from the hands of Batrutdinov. Thus, she acquired immunity at the next release of the show. The girl managed to reach the final. On the air dated May 30, 2015, Timur chose between her and its opponent. Unfortunately, the choice was in favor of the latter.

Galya was extremely annoyed by loss. She tried her very much, arranged a magnificent romantic dinner for his chosen one, appeared in front of him in a stunning red dress. Visited with him in the bath and even opened Timur in his feelings. Galina had no doubt that this is a man of her life. But the showman preferred another beauty.

Personal life Galina Rzhaxen

There were several novels in Galina's life. She met with an entrepreneur named Ignat, the chief seemed to her a suitable candidate for the role of her husband. The girl was always preparing something delicious for him, and the man performed for her in karaoke is the most favorite songs. However, the relationship has come to no. Having survived the gap, Galya began to appreciate simple life joy.

Show "Bachelor-3" in Galina Rzhaxenskaya caused a lot of contradictory emotions. Timur Batrutdinov broke her heart, but our heroine did not leave hope to find his happiness. And she succeeded, however, with another applicant.

In the winter of 2015, Galya presented to all his new chosen one. They turned out to be a businessman Eugene. In the spring of 2016, he gave a beloved engagement ring. The girl agreed to become his wife, the proposal of his hand and heart was very romantic. Lovers were on board the aircraft. They flew to Dubai. Evgeny presented Galina Surprise. All aircraft staff participated in Surprise. Even the captain was involved in this pleasant and exciting event. In the summer of 2017, it became known that the business woman is waiting for the firstborn.