Julianna Karaulova and Andrei Black again postponed the wedding date. Julianna Karaulova: "I did not want to spoil our friendship with some kind of intrigue interesting, and then you did not regret it

Julianna Karaulova and Andrei Black again postponed the wedding date. Julianna Karaulova:
Julianna Karaulova and Andrei Black again postponed the wedding date. Julianna Karaulova: "I did not want to spoil our friendship with some kind of intrigue interesting, and then you did not regret it

Julianna Yuryevna Karaulova. Born on April 24, 1988 in Moscow. Russian pop singer, finalist "Factory Star-5".

Father - diplomat.

From 4 years old lived in the capital of Bulgaria Sofia, where she served in the diploma of her father. There I went to school at the Russian Embassy in Bulgaria. In childhood, he was engaged in figure skating, where her father led her. Also engaged in dancing and horse riding.

At the age of 11, returned to Moscow, where he graduated from school No. 1106.

In 2003, she took second place at the "Face of the Year" contest, organized by the teenage magazine "Yes!". After that, she became one of the soloist of the musical group "Yes".

In 2004, he became a member of the TV project of the first channel "Star Factory 5" under the guidance in which she reached the final.

During the project, he performed a song in a duet with Ruslan Masyukov "No You", which subsequently switched to Elena Terleeva. The solo composition "Rain" was also recorded. By the end of the project, Julianna became part of the new group of Maxim Fadeeva "Netske", which recorded the songs of "I joker kin on the table" and "I got on the network" - the latter most often listed by the Solo song Julianna.

After the "Star factory" about six months studied in London. Some time worked as the editor of the magazine "Yes!".

In 2011, after loy leave, Julianna became a soloist group "5STA Family". For 4 years of staying in it, the band recorded several hits and received a number of prestigious nominations and premiums, including the "Golden Gramophone 2013" for the song "Together we".

He graduated from the Faculty of Pop Jazz Vocal Academy of Gnesini, and then, in 2014, he graduated from the production department of the Russian Academy of Gnesinic Music.

On September 20, 2015, Julianna Karaulova announced the departure from the group "5STA Family" and began the solo career.

Back in May 2015, being as part of "5sta Family", Julianna presented his debut video for the song "You're not like that." The author of the music and words of the song was the famous R'n'B-performer Bianca. Clamp shooting took place in Rome. The debut was successful, the song became a hit.

In 2015, for the song "You're not like this" became the winner of the Golden Gramophone premiums. St. Petersburg "and" Golden Gramophone. Minsk".

In 2016, became the winner of the RU TV award for the best start.

At the end of December, the release of the second for the singer of the clip was held for the song "Houston", and already two months later, in early March, 2016 the third clip came to the song "Sneorbitt". For this composition in 2016 he received the Golden Gramophone Prize. On June 12, the "Sea" song was released in a duet with ST (and on July 27 a clip came out).

Julianna Karaulova - Houston

The debut solo album "Feeling Hu" was released on September 30, 2016. His presentation and the first solo concert of Juliana Karaulova took place on November 1 at the Red Moskovsky Club. "I worked a little more than a year over my first album. It was a painstaking work for which I was not ashamed. Some songs were written a long time ago, and I had to do them more relevant," she told.

In 2016, he became a participant of the Ice Age show paired with Maxim Trankov.

Growth of Julianna Karaulova: 168 centimeters.

Personal life Juliana Karaulova:

Since 2012, I met with Sound Producer Andrei Black, with whom I met on the "Star Factory".

On December 23, 2016, Andrei made Julianna an offer when the singer performed on the ice rink of VDNH with his song "Sneorber" during the shooting of the New Year's transfer "Blue Ogonok".

Juliana Karaulovay filmography:

2016 - Moana - Sina

Discography Juliana Karaulova:

2016 - the feeling of

Julianna Karaulova video clips:

As part of "YES!":

2004 - changed

As part of "Netske":

2004 - I got on the network (recording of a concert speech)
2004 - I'm a joker kin on the table (recording of a concert speech)

As part of "5STA Family":

2011 - "Tuk-Tuk"
2012 - "together we"
2013 - "I will be with you"
2014 - "My Melody"


2015 - "You are not so"
2015 - "Houston"
2016 - "Sneorber"
2016 - "Sea" (Feat. ST)
2016 - "Broken Love"

Is there love after friendship? The affirmative answer for this pair is obvious. Andrei and Julianna are familiar with 12 years. During this time, they managed to work together, become friends and finally fall in love. They continue to work together: Julianna - on stage, and Andrei - for the scene, as her sound-producer. About how their friendship turned into love, they told in detail in an interview.

Andrei, Julianna, are you familiar for a long time, and remember your first meeting?

It was 12 years ago. I worked at the studio, and a little girl came there by Julianna, who wanted to record a song. I remember, there was such a moment: we recorded - and suddenly there was silence. I first did not understand what was the matter, and the vocal teacher, who was with us, said: "Sherry, she cry!" I went to the booth, and there is a child in glasses and in tears. After these tears, we started to be friends.

Well, I was not quite a child, I was already 17, and the song was really very touching.

And how many years have you been in the status of "just friends"?

We were friends seven years old. Everyone at this time had their own personal life, we communicated, crossed at work, shared news.

Andrei, and at what moment did you look at Julianna with other eyes?

I hit me like lightning. (Laughs.) We, as usual, met, I look - it seems to be nothing changed in it, but I see a completely different person. I decided to immediately act and went to the attack.

I always suspected that I was pretty Andrei, but when he began to care for a long time resisted: I was afraid to spoil our friendship. But Andrei made a very competent move: he just conquered my girlfriends. And they even told me what he was good and charming.

Yes, men, that's my advice to you: Want to please the girl - achieve the location of her friends! (Smiles.)

Remember your first Valentine's Day?

Yes, I performed in the Olympic, and Andrei came into the dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers.

And Julia said to this: "What are you who are disturbed!" At first she was very cautiously treated for all my courtships. So, with small steps - flowers, songs, verses - I sought her.

And, judging by the ring on the nameless finger, Julianna, you succeeded ...

We have been together for four years, and I realized that it is time to go to another level. As a man of traditional views, at first I went to Julian parents and asked her hands from his father. And when he agreed, I spoke about my plan: make an offer on the shooting of the New Year's "light" on the rink of VDNH during her performance. After that, preparation for the "Hand and Heart" operation began. (Laughs.) To organize everything from me our friends who worked on shooting were helped: they hid me and their parents, did not specifically let Julya in the dressing trailer and did everything possible so that she would not suspect anything.

And they succeeded! The organizers warned me that during my speech the young man would make an offer to his girlfriend and that she did not know about it. When I have already prevented, I saw how the figure was moving towards me, very similar to Andrei, and then everything understood everything. To be honest, I was very angry at first. I had the first thoughts: no, just not that, but not that. I was angry because it always seemed to me that it should be a more intimate moment, and there were four cameras, there were a person around 200 Mosts - and here Andrei rises on one knee, starts to stuff and say something ...

I did not knit, but did meaningful pauses! In fact, I wrote the text in advance, I learned, but in my head there was such a fog that I forgot everything, but I remembered the main thing - she said: "Yes!"

So when and where your wedding will be?

Preparation for such an event takes a lot of time, and I have a very tight shooting schedule and performances. Andrei makes a new program, develops a musical concept. In general, work is really a lot. But this does not mean that we will postpone the wedding for an indefinite period, simply instruct the whole organization to professionals. We do not want to make a secular event from the wedding, so we decided that the celebration will not pass in Moscow. Friends offered us Georgia: to fly not far, the visa is not needed, delicious food, and most importantly - there are mountains that we love very much. And the date has already chosen - April 22.

Andrei, in addition to working with Julian, you have the Alien24 project, which you do with Dima Bilan. Planning to release a new portion of electronic music?

New tracks will definitely, but now I want to help my future wife as much as possible and work with it. Otherwise, risk staying without lunch. (Laughs.)

Style: Alesya Bogdanovich. Makeup: Stanislav Kremlin / Studio Elena Crygina. Hairstyles: Arkady Bulgatov. We thank Ruski restaurant, floral workshop @ flowmaster.moscow, @be_create and @dizhas_bakery for help in shooting

Muchly recently incredible popularity gained the Russian singer, whose name is now known to everyone - Julianna Karaulova. For the first time, she appeared for everyone to review as a participant in a television project called "Factory Star-5". In addition, the girl was a soloist of the modern group "5STA Family". What secrets keep the past and present this star?

Childhood and biography

On the territory of Moscow on April 24, 1988, Julianna was born. She grew up in a sufficiently secured and intelligent diplomatic family. However, when she was four years old, her family moves to Sophia in Bulgaria. The thing is that her dad was held there by an honorary position. The girl received his education in this country at the Russian Embassy.

From an early age, she began to get involved in vocals, so there was often concerts for their parents and guests. The family immediately noticed the talent of her daughter and decided on its training of vocals and music lessons. In addition, Juliana attended figure skating and dancing.

For the first time, she made six-year-old at the stage of his school, after which almost all school concerts were held with her direct participation. When the girl was ten years old, she participated in Bulgaria in a special vocal competition called Dobrich. There she receives a diploma from the famous Bulgarian singer of Lilia Ivanova for artistry and professionalism.

Having lived on the territory of Bulgaria for the eight years, the young singer decides to return to his homeland to Moscow in order to continue to develop their vocal skills at the professional level. She studied at school at number 1106 and was engaged in parallel with music, while taking direct participation in a variety of competitive programs.

Creative way

2003 brings her second place in the immediate competition called "Face of the Year". Then she was fifteen years old. After two years, the well-known magazine announced a set of girls as a soloist in the YES! Group. After the selection of the jury chose three girls, one of which was Karaulova. Four songs were recorded in their composition, after which it broke up.

Julianna Karaulova with soloists of the group "5sta Famili"

After that, all three soloists tortured their strength during the casting "Star Factory-5", however, luck smiled only by Julian. As a result, she falls into the producer group of Max Fadeeva "Netske", which consisted of three girls. But all, she did not become popular and after the expiration of a certain time simply broke up, despite the fact that he was even shot by one clip.

Julianna Karaulova in the clip "Houston"

The girl decides to go for higher education in the direction of journalism, but reflects and comes to Gnesinka at the Faculty of Vocal Estrachno-jazz direction. In addition to study, it works in the journal "Yes" and holds the position of the editor. She finishes training on a red diploma, where the second formation of the producer actually gets later.

Julianna Karaulova and DJ Pavlov in the clip "Broken Love"

Juliana Karaulova and ST in the Clip "Sea"

In 2011, it ranks a soloist in a group called "5STA Family", while working as editor. In 2012, they release the album "Why", after which, over the next year, write the song "Together we", which in the end receives the Golden Gramophone Prize.

Personal life

The first to her rather loud novel was relations with Ruslan Masyukov, who, as well as she took part in the "Star Factory-5". They launched over two years. However, the pair broke out for the reason that the chief insisted for the completion of her musical career, but the girl was not ready for such a dramatic step.

Andrei Black and Julianna Karaulova

Today, Julianna meets Andrei Black, who is a sound-producer. So far, there is not even speech about creating a family, as now for the guys the main career is.

Biographies of famous musicians Read

Is there love after friendship? The affirmative answer for this pair is obvious. Andrei and Julianna are familiar with 12 years. During this time, they managed to work together, become friends and finally fall in love. They continue to work together: Julianna - on stage, and Andrei - for the scene, as her sound-producer. About how their friendship turned into love, they told in detail in an interview.

Andrei, Julianna, are you familiar for a long time, and remember your first meeting?

It was 12 years ago. I worked at the studio, and a little girl came there by Julianna, who wanted to record a song. I remember, there was such a moment: we recorded - and suddenly there was silence. I first did not understand what was the matter, and the vocal teacher, who was with us, said: "Sherry, she cry!" I went to the booth, and there is a child in glasses and in tears. After these tears, we started to be friends.

Well, I was not quite a child, I was already 17, and the song was really very touching.

And how many years have you been in the status of "just friends"?

We were friends seven years old. Everyone at this time had their own personal life, we communicated, crossed at work, shared news.

Andrei, and at what moment did you look at Julianna with other eyes?

I hit me like lightning. (Laughs.) We, as usual, met, I look - it seems to be nothing changed in it, but I see a completely different person. I decided to immediately act and went to the attack.

I always suspected that I was pretty Andrei, but when he began to care for a long time resisted: I was afraid to spoil our friendship. But Andrei made a very competent move: he just conquered my girlfriends. And they even told me what he was good and charming.

Yes, men, that's my advice to you: Want to please the girl - achieve the location of her friends! (Smiles.)

Remember your first Valentine's Day?

Yes, I performed in the Olympic, and Andrei came into the dressing room with a huge bouquet of flowers.

And Julia said to this: "What are you who are disturbed!" At first she was very cautiously treated for all my courtships. So, with small steps - flowers, songs, verses - I sought her.

And, judging by the ring on the nameless finger, Julianna, you succeeded ...

We have been together for four years, and I realized that it is time to go to another level. As a man of traditional views, at first I went to Julian parents and asked her hands from his father. And when he agreed, I spoke about my plan: make an offer on the shooting of the New Year's "light" on the rink of VDNH during her performance. After that, preparation for the "Hand and Heart" operation began. (Laughs.) To organize everything from me our friends who worked on shooting were helped: they hid me and their parents, did not specifically let Julya in the dressing trailer and did everything possible so that she would not suspect anything.

And they succeeded! The organizers warned me that during my speech the young man would make an offer to his girlfriend and that she did not know about it. When I have already prevented, I saw how the figure was moving towards me, very similar to Andrei, and then everything understood everything. To be honest, I was very angry at first. I had the first thoughts: no, just not that, but not that. I was angry because it always seemed to me that it should be a more intimate moment, and there were four cameras, there were a person around 200 Mosts - and here Andrei rises on one knee, starts to stuff and say something ...

I did not knit, but did meaningful pauses! In fact, I wrote the text in advance, I learned, but in my head there was such a fog that I forgot everything, but I remembered the main thing - she said: "Yes!"

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So when and where your wedding will be?

Preparation for such an event takes a lot of time, and I have a very tight shooting schedule and performances. Andrei makes a new program, develops a musical concept. In general, work is really a lot. But this does not mean that we will postpone the wedding for an indefinite period, simply instruct the whole organization to professionals. We do not want to make a secular event from the wedding, so we decided that the celebration will not pass in Moscow. Friends offered us Georgia: to fly not far, the visa is not needed, delicious food, and most importantly - there are mountains that we love very much. And the date has already chosen - April 22.

Andrei, in addition to working with Julian, you have the Alien24 project, which you do with Dima Bilan. Planning to release a new portion of electronic music?

New tracks will definitely, but now I want to help my future wife as much as possible and work with it. Otherwise, risk staying without lunch. (Laughs.)

Style: Alesya Bogdanovich. Makeup: Stanislav Kremlin / Studio Elena Crygina. Hairstyles: Arkady Bulgatov. We thank Ruski restaurant, floral workshop @ flowmaster.moscow, @be_create and @dizhas_bakery for help in shooting

Fragile look, Julianna Karaulova has a strong character. She always believed in her dream, and supported her Andrei Black.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

When Julianna was five years old, she first went on stage, in fourteen - already at the professional level sang as part of the YES group. As soon as the fifth set on the "stars factory" announced, all three participants of the team decided to try their strength. But the competition passed only Karaulov. In the finals of the project, producers created a group called "Netske", in addition to Yulia, two more girls entered. On one of the songs of the group even removed the video, but Glory went around the girls side. "We can say that I had to go through a period of peculiar breakup," the singer remembers now. "Then, when I adapted to my new life, it became much easier." But this was completely different, the adult life she decided to start with journalism.

"In fact, before the" factory "I was thinking about the arrival at the Moscow State University. Long fluctuated, could not make a decision, and then, at the last moment, changed his mind and delivered documents to Gnesinka, where the Faculty of Pop Jazz Vokal was opened. Still, journalism continued to interest me. " And here it was just possible to get a job as an editor in YES!. Julianna did an interview with the stars, during one of the filming, she met the guys from the R'n'b-group of 5STA Family, and when the place was released there, she was invited to casting as a soloist, which she successfully passed.

"No matter what I do, I always dreamed of singing. Probably, it passed to me with Mother's milk, - Karaulova jokes. "My parents have nothing to do with creativity or art, although mom since childhood herself wanted to be a singer, but when it was time to choose a profession, she decided to become a doctor."

Photo: Dr.

Apparently, his love for music Mom has spread over you.

Julianna.: Yes, probably. ( Smiles.) When I started to worry that I couldn't succeed, my mother always said: "No, you will succeed, you are talented." Parents since childhood sent me to some contests, and the fact that I got to the "Star Factory", too, their merit! I did not want to go to the casting, it seemed to me that everything was everything there, I did not want to spend the whole day to just stand in the queue. Having learned that I changed my mind, my dad literally took my hand and took to the casting.

Julia, your way from the factory to 5STA Family was long enough. Why did it happen?

During the factory, I had a contract with producer Maxim Fadeev, and after the project he suggested that I extend it for another seven years, but the conditions were so tough that I was forced to refuse. Max clearly made it clear that I could not combine my career and study. Stay with an average formation for me was an unpleasant perspective, after all, there are different situations in life and there must be a "parachute" that could help you. Moreover, I have a woman, someday I will have children, I will have to teach them and instruct, and what can I teach them if I myself remain unacceptable?

Photo: Vanya Berezkin

I wonder, and then you did not regret it?

Of course, I regret some time, but now, looking back, I understand what I did everything right. To be honest, it turned out to be a very difficult period in my life. What was not: and tears, and serious nervous breakdowns ... I had to decide so much: to sign a contract or go to learn, and if learn, then where? And in general, how to live? Also in the personal life everything was not as much as I would like. I was going to marry then, but with that young man I had to part. We realized that they were not seated together. I worried very hard, eventually left for half a year in London to concentrate on learning and distract from bad thoughts.

And there was no desire to stay in London?

It was, of course. But I understood: if I want to achieve something, I will definitely be easier to do it in Moscow, and if I have stayed in England for a couple more years, then my train in Russia will definitely leave, and that circle of dating that I have Appeared after the "factory", I lose. Yes, I will be back with a good formation, but it will not need anyone. Because the recommendations of serious people are much better than three red diplomas. By the way, gradually all my friends began to forget about me. Everyone has their own cases, care ... the most devoted and loyal friend who supported me then, was Andrei.

Andrei, you got acquainted with Yulya during the "Star Factory", right?

Andrei: Yes, I worked in the recording studio, and this little 17-year-old man came to record the song.

Y.: It is worth saying that during the first seven years we just have been friends.

A.: You see, I was waiting for her adulthood! ( Laughs.)

Which seven years?!

A.: I thought to wait a year, but during this time we turned into very good friends. Each of us had their own personal life about which we, as close to comrades, of course, were told. And two years ago, we, as usual, met to chat, discuss what someone happens on the personal front, and I suddenly crossed me! And very much. I did not understand what was happening to me: it seems to be friends for seven years, and here it is! ( Laugh.) And then I began to care for Julia.

Julia, you immediately guessed that Andrei fell in love with you?

Y.: No, at first I did not understand what was happening.

A.: She just did not perceive me as a man! All the time I was joking that I am swimming and what these games are for me. But I had everything seriously and truly, so I actively continued to achieve it.

Yu.: And I tried all the time to pretend that I do not notice this, because ...

A.: Yes, tell, tell! It is very interesting!

YU.: ( Laugh.) I did not want some kind of intrigue to spoil the proven friendships. I was afraid that we could meet for some time, and then what? Usually, after that, people do not remain friends. And of course, at first I was difficult for me to perceive the courting of Andrei seriously.

A.: Why so! You did not perceive them at all. ( Laughs.)

Yu.: Well, I even got acquainted with some of your girls.

At that time, were you both free?

Yu.: Yes, neither I, nor Andrei relations there was no relationship. I just broke up with a young man, and Andrei with his girlfriend. In general, everything happened according to the classic scheme: at first he supported me, and then I am him. So it was added.

A.: Apparently, the stars agreed ... ( Smiles.)

Andrei, how did you take care of Julia?

A.: How did I hurt? Yes, probably, like all men: flowers, candy ...

So trite?

A.: But for the sake of her I committed a real feat. Julia rides on a snowboard, and I also decided! I called her friends and said: "Guys, I want to stand on a snowboard." Her best friend, in the past, a professional snowboarder, he taught me quickly everything. And a week later, I already call Yule and I say: "Well, let's go to ride?" In general, it is worth saying that I intensively started to master everything she was keen. I needed to understand what she lives.

Yu.: He even began to be very active to be friends with my best friend!

A.: With all the best friends. The kindergarten was not, immediately everything is serious.

Yu.: Of course, I was nice. We spent a lot of time together: walked, hanging out somewhere we went somewhere. It was all very cool, and at some point I thought: Maybe you should try? I remember, we even agreed that if we didn't succeed, we would still remain friends. I had tour in Germany, and we agreed after them to go to Amsterdam and Paris.

A.: And after the trip to Paris, the city of Love, we just started meeting. And then we went to Amsterdam, and it was incredibly romantic ...

Andrei, now that you have practically become families, do you still continue to adapt to Julia?

A.: Well, of course not! ( Laughs.) I was adjusted only to conquer her.

Y.: It seems to me that a man still must be the most good woman.

A.: But the woman should be tricky enough to be able to manage a man. We all know who is headed in the family, and who is the neck. ( Smiles.)

A.: In my family it was so established that a man is the main and last word always behind him.

Andrei, and with Julian parents are you familiar?

With Julian parents, I talked all those seven years that we were just friends. It was ridiculous when we came to visit them already in the role of a couple, and not just friends, and Yulin dad, having learned about it, asked me only one question: "Well, how did you manage it?" ( Laugh.)

Andrei, are you not against the fact that your girl is constantly driving on tour in a male company?

A.: And I have my henced Cossacks in the 5st Family, which I all report. And if seriously, we are all friends and suspect something is stupid.

Yu.: When I just came to the team, the guys have provided me on attention. But over time it passed. When you spend so much time on tour, it's hard to take each other as a man and a woman. We are just one big creative family.

A.: We work in the same area with Yulya, and this is quite a lot of advantages. In addition, we always have something to talk about, we live in the same graphics and well understand the specific features of each other's work. Julia to a deep night is at concerts, events, filming, and in my studio, too, a lot of work. I actively engage in sound-producing and spend a lot of time in my production center. Not so long ago, with Dima Bilan launched a joint musical project called Alien24. So Julia, as a person from the same sphere, understands that the day work is to work in the studio - this is normal.

Yu.: I think that it should be. It's wrong to get close to loved people. If you love a person, you take it along with his passion for your beloved business. For example, if a person loves to sing or dance, you can not do it in any way, because sometimes such a hobby can turn into the matter of his life. So the hobbies of the second half can not be ignored.

That is, if Andrei wants to go with friends in a bath, then ...

A.: ... I go with friends to the bath. The last word, as I said, always for me! ( Smiles.)

Yu.: Oh-ohh. Calmly, split!

A.: Sorry, I liked it. ( Friendly laughter.)

Yu.: We trust each other. At least I believe Andrei and I know that he will never deceive me.

Photo: Vanya Berezkin