Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel: the cause of care, candidates for the role of leading and new work. True reasons for the departure of Andrei Malakhov from the first canal where Andrei Malakhov was gone, let them say

Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel: the cause of care, candidates for the role of leading and new work. True reasons for the departure of Andrei Malakhov from the first canal where Andrei Malakhov was gone, let them say
Andrei Malakhov leaves the first channel: the cause of care, candidates for the role of leading and new work. True reasons for the departure of Andrei Malakhov from the first canal where Andrei Malakhov was gone, let them say

Talking about the care of the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the first channel actually proved one thing: television as a factor determining public opinion, early discount. Simple replacement of the popular lead, its transition from one channel to another can cause something close to a panic in the media. What happened why Andrei Malakhov suddenly decided to leave the first channel? Rumors and speculations on this score walks so much that we decided to figure it out.

I do not exclude that the "trigger" conflict of Andrei Malakhov with the leadership was some kind of careless word, a hint or just a hard conversation. In the creative team it happens. Colleagues from the team "Let them say", with whom I had a chance to talk, confirm: "Yes, the conflict is present. But the details are known only "upstairs". Maybe Andrei want to move money to another channel or the human factor occurs. Options are only two. Either everything is solved peacefully and Malakhov remains, or he goes to another channel - most likely to "Russia". There were already several people from his team, once starting the "big wash" with him.

New producer put the cross on Malakhov's plans

It all started with the fact that Konstantin Ernst appointed a new producer of the talk show "Let them talk" - Natalia Nikonov. Nikonova - a person on TV is famous. Double laureate of the National Award "Teffi", the founder of programs "Let them say", "Lolita without complexes", "Malakhov +", "judge for yourself." In general, the shape of the "shaft mother" show for Russian housewives. Recently, she produced a live show "Direct Ether" with Boris Korchevnikov on Russia-1. However, sources in VGTRK confidentially reported that Nikonov may have left "to whitewashing kettle" after the financial audit. Violations allegedly found Alexander Mitroshenkov, president of the transcontinental media company, which includes a new company - the manufacturer of "direct ether". Allegedly Nikonov for a long time accrued salary to his protege - Dmitry Shepelev, who actually did not enter the ether. If so, then what serious ideas could offer Nikonov to the leadership of the "first" to take it on a leading position after such a scandal?

It is no secret that Malakhov asked for a long time with Ernst the opportunity to produce his programs. Indeed, in 45 years, run with a microphone around the hall and cut the "under the boy" somehow no longer solid. But Ernst meets the "Channel's Channel" to meet, and the arrival of Natalia Nicticov finally put the cross on Malakhov's plans to produce a program independently. One of the editors of the "first" commented on the situation: "The channel returned to the producer program, which worked there for nine years ago, hoping that she would help raise highly fallen program ratings. But Malakhov did not work with her and demanded to return the previous colleague. Since the channel did not go for a long time for concessions, the lead began to declare that he would otherwise go. "

And indeed: Back in 2013, the Rating of the Malakhov Talk Show was 9%, it was aged the program "Voice", "Time", "Let's get married", "Vesti" and "Ice Age". However, in recent times, "let them say" strongly criticized the monotony of the same painful interest in clarifying the authenticity of the fatherhood and maternity of other people's children (evil tongues even dubbed "let them say" the "branch of the DNA laboratory"). Accordingly, the ratings have decreased - for example, in April they constituted only 6.2%.

Politics for housewives?

On this topic

I have never been on the program "Let them talk", despite the annoying invitations of editors. The fact is that I know too well the technology of this project. Once there, unfortunate "invited" falls into the trap. In order to leave the studio, you need accompanying. The invited, past "psychological processing" of editors, is sent to share misfortune under camera lenses and can no longer leave the studio. And that the hero does not know that his extramarital children, neighbors and colleagues were called on the show, they were spent through other entrances. The effect of surprises turned out to be the strongest, but not always pleasant and, agree, correct. Now the transfer will be shifted in the former factory workshop on Lisa Tchaykina Street. In the so-called "Television" "Supplement" will be less. They say Andrei Malakhov was categorically against the move of the studio, and it became one of the reasons for the conflict.

However, there is another reason why they speak with a whisper in televisions, but people who are close to political structures are discussed in social networks. For example, the political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky writes in his facebook: "It should be quite obvious that I must keep the program" Let them say "instead of Malakhov. In turn, he is ready to give way to Andrei Nikolayevich its places in the "Straight Line" programs and "Panofitikum" on the "Rain". This is a subtle hint that the show for housewives "let them say" now, if you believe rumors, will give preference to politics. However, according to our information, Andrei Malakhov expressed a categorically against this, while consulting sharp expressions regarding the face, talking about which the leading main channel of the country was clearly not worth it. But, as you know, "the one who lives in a glass house should not rush by stones." This proverb is very loved on TV, where any career career can cost a person. By the way, the fact that "let them say" are going to politicize, indirectly confirms another fact - Andrei Borisov, the leading "news" of the informational version, tried to the role of a new lead project. However, according to reviews, he left a weak impression. As for Malakhov, then, again, according to rumors, his careless words cost him not only work in "Let them say" - it even claims that it allegedly will not be on the screen now.

There are other points of view on the situation. Colleagues Malakhov, for example, express the version that, they say, the leading "sounded" - 25 years of television glory "demolished the roof." Maybe. But all this concomitant circumstances, as well as the extension desire of Andrei Malakhov to go on maternity leave (his wife Natalia Shkuleva is in the last months of pregnancy). Another is alarming. As it became known, at the same time, the Malakhov, Alexander Oleshko, leading the "Minutes of Glory" and "exactly", fired with Malakhov from the "first". No matter how we treat these people, they were "Channel Persons." The conclusion suggests itself: "first" weakens its position against the background of VGTRK. Does this happen? In professional circles, they do not exclude that the transition to the "second button" of strengths is only the beginning of the position of the position of Konstantin Ernst. Using VGTRK "First" or not - this question is now being discussed in the television environment. On the eve of the election, as we know, anything is possible.

On social networks, the question of the departure of the famous TV presenter Andrei Malakhov from the first canal, where he worked for more than fifteen years. At first he led the "big washing." Later Malakhov became the only and unmanned leading scandalous show "Let them talk." Now the management of the channel is looking for a new candidate who will replace Andrei Nikolayevich on his "post". According to rumors, the media center has already found the whole two such applicants. Who are they? Why does Malakhov leave the first channel? What awaits the show "Let them talk" in the future?

The program appeared in 2005 and became a large-scale "brainchild" Andrei Malakhov. It is worth saying that the transfer itself "let them say" is already associated with the name of its unmanned lead. This is a scandalous analysis of relevant life situations whose heroes are conventional people. The show quickly rose in the rankings, apparently, not without the participation of Malakhov, and also remains popular with Russian viewers so far.

In addition, the showman led another gear - "Tonight." He is also the editor-in-chief of the glossy publication about the stars, and also enters the thirty richest Russian celebrities, earning about a million rubles annually.

Everything seemed to be fine, but then the Internet spun the news that the first channel seems to be replaced by Malakhov. By the way, negotiations are conducted at once with several candidates. Their names are not disclosed, but there is an assumption that Dmitry Shepelev can be one of them. The press service of the resource says that they are not included in the circle of media persons.

If "let them say" will lead a new, less well-known lead, what is waiting for the program? Maybe the transfer format will change a bit. In addition, changing Showman can lead to a drop in the ratings of the program. On social networks, they argue about how Russian grandmothers will live without a favorite transfer, which can always be concerned.

Earlier, information was published that Malakhov would never cease to be leading, simply change the channel and will lead "live broadcast" on Russia 1, which is part of the Holding of VGTRK, and will replace Boris Korchevnikov. The latter, according to rumors, plans to leave the program by the end of the summer to take the position of the proposal of the religious channel "Savior". But later, this information was denied, since while the leadership of Russia 1 is on vacation.

Initially, Korchevnikov wanted to combine "pleasant with useful" - and channel to produce, and leading to remain. But he was advised to abandon these plans, because his place on the canal was now vacant. The question remains: will his Malakhov or another journalist take? True, the leadership "Russia 1" has motifs to "relocate" the lead.

At the same time, the "potential" candidate for the replacement of Malakhov, Showman Dmitry Shepelev said that he had no information about leaving the lead from the channel. He asks to ask about it in the administration. Shepelev already has a transmission that he constantly leads, because he has no need to go to a new place. An employee of one producer center says that the latter could not "squeeze" a permanent acting person "Let them say" (he does not have the format) and it sounds ridiculous, because this option is unlikely.

In addition, the source claims that the canal really appreciate Malakhov and if something had not satisfied him, the leadership of the first could go to him for concessions, because his project has been considered one of the most rating and recognizable. In this regard, the program "Let them say" the channel cannot close in any way, how to dismiss the authoritative leading Malakhov.

Familiar showman voiced three possible reasons for the fact that Andrei Nikolaevich will still leave the number of employees of the First Channel. The fighting of them is that against the background of the conflict with the producer of Natalia Nikonova Malakhov, it simply "fills its price" and wants to achieve special powers and permission to create its own author's program.

The second option suggests that a well-known TV presenter can really go to "Russia 1". There he can organize his own project and realize it. It is worth noting that, according to experts, Malakhov will not be left without work, because he has a huge credibility of trust in advanced Russian channels. The mostly discussed TV presenter is now on vacation. Yesterday, he published a photo in the social network, on which he walks along the beach. On the site of his edition of Starhit, nothing is reported to the possible caring of the lead from the first channel, whose face has become.

Malakhov continues to enjoy the right holiday. Together with his wife Natalia Shkuleva, he flew to the resort and sunbathes under the sun of the Saint-Tropez on the best beaches. Yesterday's video of the host users of the social network commented on phrases: "That's how it is cheating away from the first channel," Andrei, heard a rumor, you leave the first channel. Is it true? "," Is it true that you go to work from the first to VGTRK? ". But in the microblogue, Telumir did not give any of the questions asked. Apparently, holds intrigue.

As a result, what do we have? A huge number of rumors, which still have not confirmed and has not denied any authoritative person. This whole story resembles an ordinary PR, based in "heating" of interest in the show "Let them speak" and to the personality of the most leading Malakhov, especially since there are no prerequisites for his departure, but as long as the showman is "on the seas" you can attract attention to his Person and increase the rating of the program itself. However, possible anything.


Internet users continue to discuss widely on social networks. A very unexpected decision of the TV presenter Andrei Malakhov to leave from the first channel and become a leading project "Direct Ether" on the channel "Russia 1". Many are perplexed, as they are used to see Andrei on the "first button".

Together with this, people, besides what they are trying to find out the reasons for the departure of Andrei Malakhov from the program "Let them say", want to realize where Boris Korchevnikov left from the TV channel. The fact is that Korchevnikov to the latter refused to comment on their possible care with TV channel.

As for Andrei Malakhov, he has already managed to release several issues of "direct ether" with his participation. Experts tend to believe that Andrei will succeed in a short temporary segment to join the new team and successfully prove himself to the audience. After all, Malakhov's professional qualities are not at all doubt.

But the cause of Malakhov's departure from the first channel, again on the basis of rumors, is called a conflict with the new producer "Let them say". They say that Andrei simply did not want to turn his show into a political project, because it believes that people are interested in ordinary human stories.

Dmitry Borisov told that he tried to persuade his friend Andrei Malakhov to stay on the project "Let them talk." However, Malakhov decided to leave the show yet.

Borisov admitted that for him it became a big shock that Malakhov decided to leave the project after the long years of work. He found out about it not the first. Also, the new presenter said that when he was offered to take the liberated place, he could not imagine himself as a lead. However, I decided that it was time to go further and perhaps it would also be better to succeed, like his comrade.

Andrei Malakhov himself wished his friend's success in the new job and assured that he could cope. He also advised Borisov to immediately change to work, not to delay. Thus, the audience will sweat towards it and then it will be easier. Dmitry Borisov noted that despite many years of friendship they are now rivals. However, the friendly relations do not refuse. Now they will be difficult to talk about work, as they lead the same show, but on different channels.

On August 28, the first edition of the "Direct Ether" program with Andrei Malakhov was released on the broadcast of the TV channel "Russia 1". The TV presenter, together with his team, went to Kiev, where he met Maria Maksakova and took his interview. The opera diva gladly invited Malahov to his home and told about the most intimate. From the transfer, the audience learned how the opera diva lives after the death of Denis Voronenkov's husband live, did she manage to establish relationships with his mother and plans whether she was returning to Russia.

The program did not have time to complete how a stormy discussion began in social networks. Users accused Maxakov in insincerity, and Malakhov was criticized for the choice of the heroine of Ether. "Horrible issue. Why again politics? Why again this woman? Why does this background terrible music? "; "Format failure. The oppressive creepy musical background, an intimate conversation with an sufferer who was forgotten about his children, is it "exclusive"? Consider impossible "; "Malakhov disappointed"; "Return Bore !!! This failure "; "The transfer has become worse! The best leading left, and Malakhov comes to visit the traitor to the Motherland! Did not expect such "; "Now the same nonsense is only on another channel. Malakhovshchina, in one word, "viewers were indignant.

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When it was announced that Andrei Malakhov leaves from the 1st channel, the whole country was measured! We are already so accustomed to listening daily to the endless automatic issues of questions and answers in "Let them say" and "tonight" that it is already difficult to imagine that this may not be.

And a special shock caused the first voiced reason - Malakhov gathered on the decret! Such a bombing news, our show-book has not been presented for a long time. Rumors grew like a snowball - and about the conflicts on the channel, and about family problems and even about the fact that Malakhov has a serious illness. And he himself "Hero" mysteriously dismissed or simply missed. And only the "Kommersant" edition managed to persuade him on a frank interview.

According to Malakhov, he had long wanted to change, believes that the format of these let megapopular, but not its author's projects. He had a new idea of \u200b\u200bhis own television show, where he will act and lead, and produce at the same time. The first did not want to go to new projects, so with the end of the television season, Andrei went on vacation, and with the beginning of the new TV, I will launch the transfer "Andrei Malakhov. Direct ether "on VGTRK" Russia-1 ". In addition, her author and producer Natalia Nikovnova returned to the transfer "Let", with which Malakhov had a long-time conflict. After that, the search began a new lead. According to Channel employees, they were supposed to become Dmitry Shepelev (even a couple of promovypasks were filmed), but something did not work out, and the choice fell on another host - they will be Boris Korchevnikov or Dmitry Borisov (while Intrigue is held).

Malakhov's statement wrote on the very first day of vacation, but with Ernst, they agreed to continue to develop the policies of the channel and discussed promising projects.

What Macho!

In addition, Andrei shared the joy that he would soon become a father, and very responsible belongs to this event in life. Have such a rich work schedule, as before, he can no longer. But, no matter what maternity leave, of course, we are not talking. Just he wants more time to devote to his long-awaited baby. And give birth to television, like Jigurd, will not be exactly - joked Malakhov.

Malakhov and his wife Natalia Puclova

So we look forward to a new program - already since September, as well as, we wish the health of my wife and the future baby beloved by millions of leading Andrei Malakhov!

The famous leading Andrei Malakhov had a conflict with the leadership of the First Channel. Disagreements were so significant that the TV host filed an application and decided to change the channel.

As long as the audiences were guessing, for which the producers were removed Andrei Malakhov from 1 channel from Ether, in the media, referring to anonymous sources, published several versions:

  1. Conflicts inside the team.
  2. Reduced television ratings.
  3. Mind of the views of Malakhov and Natalia Nikonova (producer) on the subject of the program.
  4. The reluctance of producers to provide the leading maternity leave (the spouse of Showman is about to give birth).

At the first removed the release of the show about the care of the star leading. The media reported that there are a couple of candidates for Malakhov - Borisov and Shepelev. As a result, the release of Malakhov led Dmitry Borisov.

It is no secret to work effectively and make a high-quality product for ether in the conditions of intracomanda hostility and discontent is problematic.

The lead itself noted that a lot has changed for several years. He was not pleased to change the place of filming of the program (earlier the releases of the show were filmed in the television center "Ostankino") and he was tired of executing the leadership teams, without being able to influence the theme and film creation.

The shooting group of the program "Let them say"

The discontent has reached a peak by the middle of the summer of 2017. Although at the beginning of summer, in an interview with "GQ", the presenter stated that only a proposal to make something completely absurd and immoral to raise ratings could be the cause.

Malakhov dismissed - the main reasons

The TV host himself denied the theory of the insufficient amount of the fee and stated that if the case was solely in this, he would leave 1 channel a few years ago.

Theoretically reason to reduce ratings could be a sharp displacement of the subject in the direction of politics. The program "Let them speak" is an analogue of a popular show for housewives in America ("Show Jerry Springer"). Considering such a spectator audience, it is not surprising that the departure from social and everyday themes did not produce Furour.

Malakhov vs Nikonova

One of the most believable causes of leading the lead from the canal is called the conflict between the Malakhov and the new producer of the First Channel One Natalia Nikonova.

Mrs. Nikonov in the conditions of the pre-election race began to introduce the issues of explicitly political topics on the ether. Malakhov did not agree with a similar decision and expressed his discontent, but the channel management refused to meet the showman and provide him with the opportunity to choose the topics for the gear.

Malakhov is no longer the leading program "Let them say"

Speaking of these reasons for departure, the presenter noted that it has long been popular with the audience and over the years of work, tired blindly follow the instructions at the time when less experienced and famous leaders get the opportunity to engage in their own projects.

For a creative person with such a tremendous experience of leading a television program behind the shoulders, a similar attitude of the leadership is a serious reason to think about leaving there, where his initiative and experience will be appreciated, and they will listen to the opinion.

This is not the first case on television, when producers are not considered leading, do not try to compromise and lose talented channel employees. The change of the leading "let them say" will turn out for the transfer ratings is unknown.

The show of the show has caused discontent not only at Malakhov, but also in some other team members. Producer Natalia Nikonova was previously engaged in the program "Direct Ether" on the channel Russia 1, and the ratings of this transfer because of its seriousness and explicit political sling were significantly lower than that of "let them say."

Andrei Rabotaets the leading program "Direct Ether" on the channel "Russia"

There was no open conflict, but the whole team was in bewilderment and tension, turning a popular current show to the clone "direct ether" nobody wanted.

There were even rumors that it was the real cause of the departure not only Malakhov. The press emerged that the presenter would take with him on the channel Russia 1 part of the team. An anonymous source denied this information, stating that statements about the departure from someone from the team working on the program "Let them say" did not receive.

Family - more than just

Spouse Showman Natalia Shkuleva, who holds the post of publisher and brand director of the magazine "Elle" in the territory of the Russian Federation, in the situation and soon in the TV presenter family is expected to replenish. In this regard, the real cause of Malakhov's departure from the channel according to ELLE was the refusal of the producer of Natalia Nikonova's show from the provision of TV presenter to help his wife in care to the baby.

Moreover, it became known that Mrs. Nikonov refused the leading law (TK RF, Art. 256) to take a maternity leave in a rather rough form, stating that the work on the show is not a kindergarten and Malakhov must decide who he is first - Nannik or TV presenter.

The showman was dissatisfied with such attitude towards him and cynicism. Given the long years of his work on the first, experience and popularity in the audience, producers could be more loyal and polite.

Quarter a century - no joke

Talented TV presenter began to work about 25 years ago, and since 2001 he was approved by the leading show "Big Wash", which was later renamed "5 evenings", and then it became all the famous transmission "Let them say".

The host himself said that for many years of cooperation, everything is so accustomed that he is always on the first channel that since December 2016 even forgot to extend the contract with him, although Malakhov continued to work and lead the show.

The program "Let them say" leads Dmitry Borisov

Considering how many years of Malakhov led the show on the first channel and what the number of fans he got during this time, it can be safely argued that the audience will watch his transfer on any channel.