Women's question in the novel what to do briefly. The image of the faith of Pavlovna in the novel "What to do?"

Women's question in the novel what to do briefly. The image of the faith of Pavlovna in the novel "What to do?"

Roman Chernyshevsky "What to do?" Written in 1862-1863 and has a characteristic subtitle - "From the stories about new people." Chernyshevsky, like later V.I. Lenin, was a genius of popularization.

When the violence was sixteen years old, she stopped learn from the piano teacher in the boarding house, and herself began to give lessons in the same guest house; Then the mother found her other lessons. " The most important feature of the nature of the faith of Pavlovna is a deep disgust for all kinds of oppression, the desire for independence and freedom.

N.G. Chernyshevsky

She also says Lopukhov: "The main thing is independence! To do what I want, - to live, as I want, I do not ask anyone, nothing to demand anything, or in some way, do not need anyone! It is distinguished by proud, freedom-loving and decisive character.

It is necessary to know his place in the past and present, the real truth about the book Chernyshevsky and we are today

Like other "new people" Chernyshevsky, it can be happy only when brings joy and happiness to other people. She knows that the personal happiness is "impossible without happiness." Vera Pavlovna can not and does not want to deceive themselves or others. Having loved Kirsanov, she understands that it would be unworthy and dishonestly deceiving himself and Lopukhov, and the first tells about the fear of Lopukhov.

Vera Pavlovna is not the "blue stocking", she cares about his appearance, tastefully dressed, retains femininity and charming. Vera Pavlovna is not a scheme, but an ordinary living person, which in the time of Chernyshevsky was a lot. She is one of those women who, laying the fuck, lead others to freedom and happiness. His romance "What to do?" In general, it is a polemical in relation to the conservative and liberal-noble literature, and in the interpretation of a female question Chernyshevsky is also a polesterist.

This is definitely positive hero Noman Chernyshevsky. Personal Happiness "was proclaimed" Alfoy and Omego " human life, the desires of desires, the crown of aspirations. Chernyshevsky believed that a person could not be happy with himself. " Only in communication with people can be really free. And from this point of view, exceptional interest is ethical theory Chernyshevsky.

In 1889, Chernyshevsky received permission to move to his native Saratov, where he died

But he also considered the behavior of their heroes in everyday life as their participation in the struggle for this "re-creation of" society. The egoism of "new people" is also based on the calculation and benefits of a separate person. Positive person in true sense There may be only a person loving and noble. " Chernyshevsky never defended egoism in his literal sense. Looking for happiness in egoism - unfulstly, and the fate of the egoist Nimalo is not enviable: he is freak, and the freak is inconvenient and unpleasant, "he writes in the" essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature. "

Roman Chernyshevsky filled the author's reflection about the past, present and future of Russia

In the center of his attention - man. I think that the "theory of rational egoism", about which Chernyshevsky wrote in the XIX century, applies to our time, because history is typical of the repetition. In the author's understanding, it was depicted Russian life in the past, present and future.

Lopukhov, Kirsanov, Vera Pavlovna not only endowed with high moral merits, but will and energy, so they can build their lives according to their principles. Independent in their judgments, hardworking, they strive not only to personal happiness, but also to the general well-being and to "help it rather to come."

Ideals of freedom and truth that they confess, determine their life behavior - high friendship, dedication, respect for man. One of the most significant for that time is a female question - also decided in the novel with a fundamentally new position. Happiness is not only in love, in family life, but also in useful labor and public activities. It can be assumed that there was also a revolutionary impact.

New people "create new relationships in their surroundings

This was testified by Plekhanov when he wrote: "Who did not read and did not reread it famous work? For Russian youth, the famous revolutionary Prince P. Kropotkin, - Roman "What to do?" He became a kind of opening and program. None of the leads of Turgenev, no work of a thick or other writer had such a wide and deep impact on Russian youth, like this story Chernyshevsky. It was said in his preface from the author: "I have no shadow of artistic talent.

We must take into account the huge authority of Chernyshevsky in a democratic environment, unconditionally encompassing his leader and teacher

But first we need to find out who, when and for what purpose, this unique novel wrote. The future leader of the revolutionary democracy was born in the family of the Saratov priest, that is, belonged to a spiritual class, which was not neither the ruling or privileged or genuinely cultural. He was familiar with the ideas of theorists of French utopian socialism. In the English bourgeois philosopher I. Bentam, the theory of rational egoism is borrowed, which are guided by the characters of the novel "What to do?".

By this time, his acquaintance with the Malorossiy historic N.I. Kostomarov, exiled in Saratov for opposition activities. In the "contemporary" began to be printed in the cycle of articles of the Chernyshevsky "essays of the Gogolian period of Russian literature," who put forward their author into the first row of critics and publicists. There was a significant acquaintance of Chernyshevsky with Darovyt and as a able-bodied student from N. Seminarists. Dobrolyubov, his future closest associate and like-minded people.

It was with her who thoughtfully struggling with all his ideas and images Roman Chernyshevsky. But the "happiness of all" becomes possible only in the society that he dreamed about and to which the heroes of Chernyshevsky were sought. This great goal The writer set himself, and he in his social and utopian novel reached it.

Publication date 09/18/2017

The image of the faith of Pavlovna in the Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

Balahonova Anastasia Aleksandrovna

Christ Tatyana Yurevna
Student 5 Course of the Pedagogical Institute of the Historical and Philology Faculty of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod

Annotation: The article discusses the peculiarity of the main character, the faith of Pavlovna, in the Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?".
Keywords: N.G. Chernyshevsky, Roman, Vera Pavlovna, Hero

The Image of Vera Pavlovna In The Novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What Should I Do?"

Balakhonova Anastasia alexandrovna.

Khristova Tatyana Yurievna.
5-year Student of the Pedagogical Institute of the History and Philology Faculty of Belgorod State National Research University, Russia, Belgorod

Abstract: The Article Examines The Feature of the Main Character, Vera Pavlovna, In The Novel by N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?".
Keywords: n.g. Chernyshevsky, A Novel, Vera Pavlovna, A Hero

Creative heritage writer N.G. Chernyshevsky occupies an important place in Russian literature.

It is noteworthy that the most striking creative feat of the writer, his work is considered about the "new people" - the novel "What to do?".

In the center of the work of the Writer-revolutionary, there is a provincial girl, Vera Pavlovna Rosalskaya, evolving sewing workshops and a doctor to the hostess (throughout the novel).

So, with the help of this heroine, N.G. Chernyshevsky "suggests" the answer to readers to the question, delivered in the title of the novel - everything, for the sake of their own happiness, not causing harm to others, try to instill other people thanks to free and useful work and good heart.

It is noteworthy that the hero of the poet is a reflection of ideals N.A. Nekrasov and a kind of "symbol" of the poet's worldview with his pronounced civilian pathetic.

So a sense of citizenship was always an integral characteristic of both the poet himself and its lyrical works. For example, in the poem "Poet and citizen" N.A. Nekrasov wrote about the purpose of the poet citizen and his "debt" before the country:

Poet you can not be

But the citizen must be.

Feature lyrical hero In the poems of N.A. Nekrasova is that he is often identified with the poet himself, but remains "individuality" - the "Highness" of the poet: to be faithful to the people, to serve the people faithfully.

Interestingly, it is the lyrical hero N.A. Nekrasova expresses sympathy poverty folk masses and calls him to active methods Resistance - to the fight.

So, the lyrical hero of the poems N.A. Nekrasova is indigue to those who infringe the rights of a simple and disadvantageous people (for example, manager of the poem "Forgotten Village", an unfair landowner - "Motherland"):

That would be worse than your lot

When you were less tolerated.

It is important to note that most of the poems of N.A. Nekrasov differ in writing " people's Herry", Passing peasant, life ordinary people, their feelings and experiences, speech features. The following examples can be brought to this group of poems: "Skarka", "Katerina", "green noise".

Other thematic link in creative heritage ON THE. Nekrasova is an intimate lyrics. Her distinctive features They are philosophicity, closure and pessimism of the lyrical "I", a rich sensual sphere of the lyrical hero. This group includes such poems as the "demon", "long rejected by you ...", "How are you timid like you are obedient ...".

It should be noted that the Muse of the Russian poet identified her "suffering" with the sorrows simple people Russia:

Neither the sound of her chest

Only beech whistle, playing ...

And I said Muse: "Look!

Your native sister! " .

In form and content many lyrical works ON THE. Nekrasov is similar to song genres, reflecting the "spiritual" side of the simple people. These include such works as the "Song of Yeremshka", "Song of the Free Word." Reliability, the title is often found in Lyrique N.A. Nekrasov.

Final "result" creative activity ON THE. Nekrasov-lyrics can be considered the poem "Elegy": the importance of dedication to the poems to the people.

Thus, Vera Pavlovna, the heroine of the novel "What to do?" I became a reflection of the ideals of N.G. Chernyshevsky and "symbol" of the worldview of the writer with his pronounced revolutionary pathetic.


1. Boyko, M. Lyric N.A. Nekrasova / M. Boyko // Fiction. - 1977. - № 11. - P. 17-23.
2. Nekrasov, N.A. Selected poems. - [Text] - 1981. - 532 p.
3. Skatov, N.N. "I dedicated to the Liru to the people": about the work of Nekrasov / N.N. Skatov // World of Literature. - 1985. - № 3. - P. 97-105.

A woman for "new people" - Comrade and like-minded man. Lopukhov departs from the faith of Pavlovna, suppressing zoological jealousy and egoistic pride. It comes with reasonable accounting of true needs, everyone individually and everyone together.

New attitude to love

Love for them is a source of creativity. This is a bright feeling strengthening and inspiring for work, struggle and feats: "If there was some kind of genius in me, I would be a great genius with this feeling (love)." For new people, only he loves, "who brightens his thoughts and strengthen his hands; Love is to help the elevation and rise ... ". Showing situations love triangle, Chernyshevsky ironically denies the reproaches of "insightful readers" that it promotes immorality and divorce.

The difference between "new people" from "extra" people: to replace passive and torn off from the people excess people (Thunders most advantage) came energetic, volitional, business, active immigrants from democratic layers, thinkers and fighters at the same time: "Each of them is brave, undelabble, not retreating, who knows how to take the case. And on the other hand, each of them is a person of impeccable honesty, so it can always be rejected on it. "

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    Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky - the creator of the work of a special genre - the artistic and journalistic novel "What to do?". In it, the writer tried to answer the eternal questions of Russian literature. The disclosure of the writer's plan contributes to the dream of a heroine ...

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The image of the faith of Pavlovna and its role in the Roman N.G. Chernyshevsky "What to do?"

I. Introduction

Vera Pavlovna - main character Romana: It is her biography consistently traced by the author, precisely with its way the most important problems of the novel - Freedom and equality of women, new morality, device family Life, ways of "approaching the future".

II. main part

1. The plot of the novel reflects spiritual growth Vera Pavlovna. First we see it in parental House An ordinary girl from a relatable, but provided family, which received good education and education. Vera Pavlovna declares his independence, refusing to marry the unloved person. Then the love of Lopukhov and marriage with him, in which Vera Pavlovna feels happy. In the future, the movement of the scene of the heroine detects broader and developed needs: it suits the workshops, "produces girls from the basement" is its social activity.

In the personal life of Vera Pavlovna also begins to better understand himself and feel discontent from his relationship with Lopukhov. The consequence of this was the love of Kirsanov, in marriage with which Vera Pavlovna found his happiness. By the end of the novel, we see Pavlovna faith, which is preparing to become a doctor, that is, to get a purely male at that time a specialty.

2. Vera Pavlovna - ordinary " new person"; She is not a hero like Rakhmetov, but just a good, decent and intelligent woman. In her image, the author deliberately emphasizes purely human traits And even weakness: she loves good cream, do not mind soaring in the morning in bed, has addiction to good shoes, etc. This Chernyshevsky wants to show that the path for which Vera Pavlovna goes, in principle, it is open to everyone: to go on it, no special ads are required, it is not necessary to break something in itself, etc.

3. At the same time, it is with the way the faith of Pavlovna in the novel is associated with the image of the future, which she sees in its fourth dream, which makes her figure especially meaningful in the ideological world of the novel.

4. The role of the image of the faith of Pavlovna in the composition of the novel is the most important, because it is with it that is connected both to the plot effect and the formulation and solution of the main problems of the novel.

III. Conclusion

So, in the form of faith, Pavlovna Chernyshevsky will show a brand new thing for Russian literature. It is fundamentally different from the heroines of Russian novels first halves XIX. century (Tatyana Larina, Masha Miro New Pushkin, female images In the "Hero of our time" Lermontov, "Turgenev Girls", Katerina in the "thunderstorm" of Ostrovsky et al.). In the creation of this image, the ideological and artistic innovation of Chernyshevsky was clearly manifested.

In Russia, the problem of female equality is nominated for the first plan. This is primarily due, first of all, an exceptionally difficult position in which there was a woman in Russia on the eve of the reform of 1861.

On the other hand, the revolutionary democrats was clear that the woman could play important role In the socio-political life of the country. The position of women in Russia was indeed very difficult. Woman was limited access to work, she could not get higher education, could not be on public service. Binding of centuries B. family relationship The rules set by the "Domostroe" were dominant. If a serf peasant, an artisan, an employee felt in tsarist Russia slaves, many times heavier was the position of women. Robian relations stretched on the scope of marriage and family.

Strengthening the crisis of the serf system after 1855 caused increased attention To the female question. Women's question is highlighted on the fore. During these years, the work of N.G. Chernyshevsky unfolded. In his articles, a female question gets even more acute civil sound. From a purely humanistic interpretation of a female question, Chernyshevsky proceeds to the interpretation of revolutionary-democratic. This process continues after 1861 and receives its completion by the mid-1860s.

In the novel "What to do?" Chernyshevsky spoke about Nastya Kryukov, the life of which is the same as other poor girls. But does the moral fall laid in nature a woman? No, it is guilty of their living conditions. It is difficult to resist from moral fall "in the midst of the need of moral indifferentism of society." A lot of flour and suffering is experiencing a poor woman before entering the path of "easy behavior". In the native family, the woman gradually becomes someone else, because she is "fucking", burden for the family. The only way out for her is marriage. Could be, of course, exceptions. There have been cases when the poor girl married a noble, who wanted to free her from home by a young man.

A similar junction depicted Chernyshevsky in the novel "What to do?", In the "stories of one girl". But lucky case Racing the girl's share. The society believes that the girl is "lucky" if she somehow arranged his life. About happiness There are no and speech. Sophisticated happiness is rare. In the family, as in society, men want to "dominate." A woman is humiliated to such an extent that "as an animal is called the name of the owner," notes Herzen. In the fourth dream, the faith of Pavlovna from the novel "What to do?" N.G. Chernyshevsky shows the main thing that is typical for the relationship of the floors - unequalness. " "IN modern society, "said Chernyshevsky, became just a commercial deal, money calculation."

Much attention to the study of the female issue was given to G.E. Blessness. Bleswolov's views on the female question are reflected in the articles "For what we need women" (1869), "female work and his remuneration" (1870) and the whole of other works.

Blessness, like his predecessors - revolutionary Democrats, saw the manifestation in the female question common problem - Putting a person in exploitative society.

According to the blessing, the reinforcement of a woman occurred as it displaced from the spheres in which she once died. For centuries, a woman was engaged in healing. She took this right. Worker woman always shared the gravity of worries with a man. But in the capitalist society, where labor has acquired a hired character and is assessed by money, the work of women became a lot of ruthless operation. In physically a woman weaker man. Therefore, it gradually displaces everywhere, where they can attract a man to work. With an equal to a man's work, a woman, as a rule, pay less.

Women do not participate in socio-political movements. This is not no particular. In the difficult position of the woman, the whole society was guilty, because no one seriously thought about the question, "how to set the grief" Women-workers.

While many were limited to the Council will change the position of a woman in the family, blessings made an emphasis on its position in society. "It's not rehabilitation of a family," he wrote, "restore the moral position of the woman, but, on the contrary, the best economic conditions in which a woman will be delivered to restore the purity of marriage and family."

Blessness believed that if changed economic situation Women will also change its moral state, marriage will strengthen. In economic liberation, he saw the main condition for the salvation of a woman. He has identified a certain economic emancipation program. It included the involvement of a woman to such activities that would be raised by their physical capabilities, establishing equal payments to men guaranteed by law.

Blessness was confident that economic conditions primarily affect the position of the individual. He saw the proof of this in many phenomena. So, speaking of prostitution, he noted that this evil is a social, explicitly arising from the economic slavery of a woman.

In the works of N.V. Shelgunova female question also took a great place. He at the beginning of the 60s. He drew attention to the position of the woman and her right to happiness.

Shelgunov believes that the woman has not only a big moral force, but also a wonderful mind.

But to deprive a woman worthy education - it means to deprive the growing generation appropriate formation. A woman is accused of badly affecting children. Women's life experience in such conditions is very organic, and it cannot fulfill its mission.

Shellens attached great importance Family. She in his opinion is the main cell of a civilian hostel, which raises children for this hostel.

Thus, developing the doctrine of personality, advanced Russian thinkers paid a lot of attention to the problems of female equality. They not only theoretically substantiated the need for the emancipation of a woman, but also developed a program for solving a female issue. This program covered many parties to the position of a woman, including women's work, participation in public life, education and education of women, family issues and marriage, attitudes of parents and children, etc. This program formed the basis of a wide social movement in favor of female equality unfolding late XIX. and early XX century.

The emergence of Western figures on the equality of floors, humanism, new family relationships also contributed to the emergence of the female movement. The work of the English philosopher John Stewart Mill "On Submission of Women" answered many women's questions. He proclaimed the principle of subordination of women with a man's social evil, the strongest brake in social progress.

Justifying the need to admit women to the public service, to participate in Mill's elections called a number of personal qualities of women who gave them advantages: insight, the ability to recognize people, caution, practicality.

Among the reasons for the origin of the female movement, it is possible to note the appearance of female bodies of periodic press "Case", "Women's Business", "Female Bulletin," where articles were printed in defense of the equality of women, a chronicle of the female movement in Russia and abroad, told about women's organizations and their leaders, etc.

Russian civilization