Watch what is "obsession" in other dictionaries. Obsession or mental illness. What is like-demonstration?

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Watch what is "obsession" in other dictionaries. Obsession or mental illness. What is like-demonstration?

With the word "obsession" immediately arise associations with unclean forces, fanatical believers and other similar things. But after all, obsession is and quite earthly, far from any mysticism - people, ideas, deeds.

However, in that and in another case main question One: how to get rid of obsession, how to overcome painful dependence, what would it be connected with?

Medieval ideas

What is just such an obsession? This concept is defined as the state of complete submission of the person's mind of one idea, one sense. In a religious understanding, obsession arises due to the instill in the human body some alien essence. Many sources before interpretation of the word clarify that this is the term medieval and folk MedicineThereby immediately setting the dots over "I": there is no such disorder in modern psychology.

And indeed, the fact that the priests were considered (and now consider) as signs of obsession, in most cases is the symptoms of a certain disease.

  • Epilepsy: convulsions, loss of consciousness, peculiar sounds during the seizures, the feeling of contact with the intangible after them, obtained during this contact of the idea or revelation.
  • Tourette syndrome: disorder nervous system, which is the main symptom of which multiple motor ticks are becoming. In rare cases, this pathology is characterized by such an unusual symptom like Koprolalia - an irresistible desire to swear obscenely without reason.
  • Bipolar affective disorder: Sharp fluctuations in mood - from euphoria to deep depression.
  • Personality splitting: In one body, there are several personalities at the same time, but only one of them is active in a specific period of time. Man acts like different people With different life experience, character, tastes, ideas, habits.
  • Schizophrenia: hallucinations, nonsense, violation of speech.
  • Personality disorder: behavior theatricalness, exaggerated demonstration of emotion expression.

This list is not full: many more and many symptoms of mental pathologies may look like a person and the truth manages something extracted from the outside. If we consider that most of these symptoms of non-specialists are unknown, and deeply believers are inclined in any situation to see the manifestation of will higher Forces, it becomes clear why in the XXI century the idea of \u200b\u200bobsession as a state caused by a supernatural entity that penetrated the body of a person is so common.

"I knew only the Duma power, one - but a fiery passion ..."

And what if something penetrated into the body, but not the demon or the demon, and the thought absorbing the whole creature, the idea that does not give rest during the day or night? Rather, not quite in the body, but rather, even in the soul?

Many familiar expression "Idea Fix", but few know that this is a real psychological term introduced into the science of the German psychiatrist Carl Wernik.

The idea of \u200b\u200bFix (or a utasive idea) is a judgment that is derived from the actual personality experience, which is accompanied by strong emotional stress and dominates all other judgments. There are four important criteria for the diagnosis of the ultra-suite idea:

  • First, the idea occupies a unconditional first place in the psyche of man. Can start, relatively speaking, the third world WarBut for a person still more significant will be his idea - again relatively speaking, bring the new breed of cats.
  • Secondly, the emotional component is pronounced pronounced, accompanying the supersensible idea: its experience associated with it and failures always cause a strong emotional response.
  • The third sign determines the main difference between the ultra-subject idea of \u200b\u200bsimilar mental pathologies: nonsense, paranoia, obsessions. The idea is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bFix always lies a real event, let the smallest, the most ordinary or in the distant past. This is always the refraction of the specific experience of a personality. The feeling of alien thoughts, there is no impression of the outside.
  • Fourthly, the patient maintains critical thinking (or its glimpses), and correction with psychotherapy can give tangible results. This is another difference of the idea of \u200b\u200bFix from Brad: with it, the patient is not able to objectively assess its judgments.

Among the most common utility ideas - (leaning in the slightest affection serious disease), the ideas of jealousy, invention, reformery and others. Interested in phantom pregnancy syndrome, which occurs in women with the idea of \u200b\u200bFix to become a mother.

With it, a woman observes all signs of pregnancy (nausea, changing taste preferences, an increase in abdomen), but in reality the embryo in the uterus is not! Specific treatment for Fix ideas does not exist - antidepressants are used and different types Psychotherapy.

Some types of personalities are more susceptible to the emergence of supreme ideas than others. If you use the terms of the theory of accentuations, then such personalities include paranoid and schizoide types. - This is the extreme degree of severity of certain character traits, located on the border of the norm and pathology, which makes it more likely to predict the emergence of some mental disorders than others.

So, one of the main features of a paranoid type, which makes it so vulnerable to ultra-supersay ideas, is an overestimated self-esteem. And from her, such people follow confidence in the unconditional importance of their judgments, the need of their actions - fruitful soil for the emergence of the idea of \u200b\u200bFix.

Schizoid type, among other things, is peculiar to a contentedness from reality, concentration on its internal experiences and passionism by them, unusual hobby And professions - these features and determine the predisposition to ultra-supersay ideas.

The ultra-supersonal idea must be separated from the fruitful obsession, which owns a person focused on his work and fully devotees. How many great discoveries would not have surrendered to the world if scientists were not obsessed with one idea, literally devoted lives their lives. Although, of course, there is back side Medals: Obsession of the case can both lead to unprecedented success and cause bitter disappointment in case of failure.

Light Wedge did not come down

If the signs of obsession with supreme idea in psychiatry stand out, as we saw, clearly, then the obsession by a person is more complex. Here most often we are talking On unfortunate love, the inability to overcome the unreserved feeling. However, this can also pour out serious psychological problems or manifest somatic (physically).

How to get rid of painful? First you should try to solve the problem yourself.

The first step can be described. famous proverb "Out of sight, out of mind". The absence of physical contact will gradually form a psychological distance. No need to look for meetings or, worse, pursue the object of passion. Better, on the contrary, minimize the possible intersection points. This Council applies to virtual reality: Do not constantly check the person's page in social networks or write it.

Next you need to try to switch attention. Great way - physical exercisesFor which a concentration is required (for example, climbing). Books, music, movies will also help, only it is better to choose those works that will not remind of your story.

Recall the fact that and whom your obsession pushed far to the background: work, hobbies, family, friends ... It's time to implement forgotten ideas and plans, completing abandoned projects. Use obsession as an incentive for creativity, turn it into creative energy. We all know that almost every great work of art is the story of unhappy love.

Wedge Wedge! Get acquainted with someone new, only in no case should it be compared with it, because of whom you were in such a deplorable position. Try to see everything that can offer exactly new person, and none else.

It's time to form other habits. In everything. Master the new skill - the advice that seems to be offered at any psychological problems, but he does not lose relevance from anything. Switching to an unfamiliar activity will really help get rid of exhausting thoughts.

Well helps and change the daily operations: change the route from home to work (especially if it passes through the house of the person himself), drink tea instead of coffee and so on. You can make a permutation in the room, change the style of clothing, trimmed, in the end! All this means new stage lifewill help leave unpleasant memories behind.

It should be understood that instant metamorphosis to wait meaninglessly. The process of liberation from obsession will be long and most likely painful, but it is important not to give yourself a slack and do not look around. Do not be ashamed, do not hide it, but on the contrary, realize it and fight it.

If you understand that the signs of obsession do not disappear, the consultation of a specialist is necessary. It is important not to tighten with a visit, otherwise the problem will grow to a serious scale, and then it will be much more difficult to cope with it. And the most important advice

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In the entire history of mankind, many cases were recorded when people behaved strangely, they did not talk to their voice, fought in convulsions and so on. It is believed that such behavior indicates that the demon united the demon.

What is obsession?

When the devil or demon or demon, then speak of obsession. The subsidence can occur intending and, in this case, they say about one of the types of damage. More obsession is the result of an incorrect ritual. The subsidence can occur if a weakened energy person falls into damned places. The peak of the propagation of informability falls on the Middle Ages. There are three groups of obsessed people:

  1. The first to manage violent or aggressive demons.
  2. The latter live together with the demons of contradiction or shifting.
  3. Thirds are unbalanced and can be both "sheep" and "wolf".

Obsession in psychology

Official science completely denies the possibility of subsidence to the person of different demons. Obsession is a mental illness, which is called ash-memonium. Most often, people who have dependencies are passive, open or impressionable. In most cases, they are easily affected by other people. Famous psychologist Called as a non-erect, in which a person himself comes up with demons for himself, and they are the result of suppressing desires.

Obsession - illness or curse?

Scientists who believe that no demons are numerous symptoms of obsession explain to specific diseases. It should be noted that often doctors cannot help people with similar problems with medical methods.

  1. Obsession S. scientific The view is a manifestation of epilepsy, in which convulsions arise, the loss of creation and a person feels contact with intangible things.
  2. Such a symptom like sharp mood jumps from euphoria to depression, peculiar to bipolar affective disorder.
  3. Another disease that can be confused with obsession - turret syndrome. As a result of the disorder of the nervous system, multiple motor ticks are observed.
  4. It is known in psychology and such a disease, like a splitting of a person, this is when there are several personalities in one body that show themselves in different periods. As a result, one person manifests itself as different people with their tastes, habits and character.
  5. Another comparison is an obsession or, since there are hallucinations, nonsense and problems with speech.

Signs of human obsession

If the essence ecepting happened, then the human life begins to change. At first, the symptoms are rarely manifested and not so much, but over time everything is exacerbated. The main signs of the obsession by the demon:

  1. Demons can talk to the mouth of a man, provincially surrounding or calling them to renounce the Lord, and not only well-known languages \u200b\u200bcan be used, but also animal roars.
  2. Obsessed people can make a prophecy, fly, see spirits and so on.
  3. Demons give a man huge powerAnd he can tear iron chains, move heavy items and unpuck even strong men.
  4. Obsessed may or degrade, or on the contrary to exercise elevated level Intellect.
  5. Sleep disorders, a person often sees nightmares and feels like someone observes or even walks through the body.

What does the obsessed person look like?

If some kind of essence lives in the human body, then this is directly reflected on its appearance.

  1. There is a kind of drying the body as a result of complete exhaustion.
  2. The weight is rapidly lost and the dystrophy is observed, and this is due to the fact that a person either eats little or completely refuses to eat. This is accompanied by other consequences: fatigue, weakness, headaches, and so on.
  3. If you are interested in how to understand that a person is obsessed with demons, then you should know that one of explicit signs - The change in the eyes, which become muddy, even vision and remains the same.
  4. The skin color is changed, which becomes darker. This symptom is very scary.

Signs of obsession with demons in Orthodoxy

The priests indicate that the main sign of the presence of demons in a person is intolerance to everything that relates to the Lord. Even the conversations about Vera will cause unpleasant feelings. Obsessed are afraid of priests, sanctified objects, different shrines and so on. Believers argue that the signs of obsession with demons appear in different, since demons damage the mind of a person. They are able to make many famous and unknown diseases on their victims.

What feelings are the person in obsession?

Since the possibility of subsidence of demons is scientifically proven, it remains to rely on evidence of people who assure that demons lived in them.

  1. It feels the constant presence of some entity inside, which is constantly trying to suppress thoughts and words.
  2. People obsessed demons hear a voice that makes unacceptable things and everyone possible methods subordinates.
  3. There are evidence that the victims felt or tide the strength and wanted to minimize the mountains, or vice versa, their decline and seemed like death approach.

Real cases of obsession

Known great amount Certificates of people who were subject to the attack of dark forces. Some of them are only fantasy fruit, but there are stories that have documentary or confirmation photos.

  1. Clara Hermann goal. IN South America Living Clara, which was 16 years old. In 1906, she said that she feels inside the demon. At first she was not believed, but the state of the girl had worsened every day. There were documented evidence of people who heard that she was not talking to her voice and behaved inadequately. The ritual of exorcism is carried out within two days.
  2. Roland Dou. The list of people who were obsessed with demons include this boy whose history occurred in 1949. He was entertained with a spiritual board, and his aunt died in a few days. Trying to tie with her, Roland replaced that strange things are happening around: the icon of Jesus was shaking, different screams were heard, the objects flew and so on. The priest was invited to the house, and he saw how the items fly and fall, the boy's body is covered with different symbols and so on. 30 exorcism sessions were conducted to achieve recovery. There are more than 14 documentary evidence of how the bed with a boy batted in the air.
  3. Annelisa Mikhel. The obsession of this girl began to manifest itself when she turned 16 years old. She was diagnosed with epilepsy, but the treatment was useless. The state of the girl has deteriorated in 1975, the first ritual of exorcism was held. 70 rites and 42 of them were recorded on the voice recorder. Anscose Annelease failed.

How to help obsessed person?

If unexpectedly, a person began to behave strangely and there is a lack of hopelessness, it is important not to be confused and create all possible conditions so that obsessed does not harm himself and others. There are several tips, how to behave with obsessed people:

  1. No need to provoke infant man And cause aggression in it, as he is not responsible for his actions. It is better to agree with everything that he says, controlling the situation.
  2. It is best to put obsessed on the bed or put on the sofa. It follows the maximum to limit his movement around the rooms so that it does not harm himself.
  3. Try to reassure a person so that it returned to normal consciousness as soon as possible. If the attack provoked some item, for example, icon, then remove it away.

How to get rid of obsession?

Published by the main fighters with unclean power are clergymen who conduct exorcism rites. Not everyone can fulfill this mission and there are special church schools, where they teach the sacraments of rites to remove obsession. there is magic ritualswhich can be carried out independently without having any preparation, most importantly, to comply with all the rules and believe in their strength. Obsessed people should ask the ritual to have close people who have a dense connection with each other.

  1. For the ritual, water should be prepared, which is worth tying from pure reservoir during the morning dawn. Having come home, put it on a flat surface, burn next to the candle purchased in the church. Read over the water seven times a conspiracy number 1.
  2. After that, it is necessary to develop a conspiracy number three three times to remove obsession.
  3. When last words will be uttered, turn through left shoulder, Dunte, spindle and spray covered with obsessed water. The remaining fluid should be given to drink it. You can spend this ritual and on yourself.

Prayer from obsession

There is a special prayer text that can be used to expel the demon. Read it is necessary in full of lonelinessOtherwise, the demon can go to another person. It is important to wear native Cross, as if the demon inside did not oppose. Prayer from obsession should be repeated at the moments when evil spirits manifests itself. The text must be repeated until the condition improves. It is important not to succumb to the influence of the demon and continue to read the prayer text. When the demons are expelled, it is necessary to deliver Orthodox protection.

Books about obsession by demons

The topic is popular, so in bookstores You can find several worthy books on this topic.

  1. "Cutting Devil" U.P. Blotti. History tells about the life of the film actress, which notes that the behavior of her daughter has changed and in the end she sees signs of obsession with the Devil.
  2. "Encyclopedia of witchcraft and demonology" R.Kh. Robbins.. In this work, a lot of information related to demons and the devil is collected and systematized.

POSESSION; BESSESSENHEIT) - the concept used to describe the identification of consciousness with the unconscious content or complex; The most common forms of obsession - the obsession with the shadow, complexes of the opposite sex, anime and animus.

"A man who is obsessed with a shadow always stays in his own light and falls into his own traps. Everywhere, where it is only possible, he prefers to make an unfavorable impression on others. Good luck does not accompany him as he lives below his capabilities, and the best of that What he reaches, it does not fit to him. In the absence of a social staircase, according to which he could rise, such a person invents her for himself and believes in the usefulness of the done. Obsession by anime or animus is a different picture. First of all, such a transformation of the individual gives advantage characteristic of the opposite sex; In a man, it is female qualities, and in a woman - male. In a state of obsession, both figures lose their charm and their values; they retain them only when they are not in the outside world, but inward, being in an introvertial state when they serve as bridges in the unconscious. The Anima facing the world turns out to be non-permanent, capricious, gloomy, uncontrolled and purely emotional; Sometimes it is endowed with demonic intuition, and the rest of the merciless, the cunning, is incorrect, malicious, two-limit and hidden. Animus in a similar position is stubborn, clinging for the principles and formal law, dogmatic, seeks to transform peace, theorization, disputes and domination. Both are similar to their bad taste: Anima surrounds itself with low people, and the animus is about second-rate thinking "(CW 9I, Pars. 222f).


Word formation. Comes from Lat. OBSession - obsession.

Specificity. In addition to religious and ideological prerequisites, the emergence of this concept played a role and subjective experiences of the patient, for whom the disease is represented as something alien and depriving his power over his body. There were obsession outdoor (CircumSessio) and internal (obsessio posessio). Although any illness could be explained by the action of evil spirits, but first of all, mental patients (epileptics, hysterics) were characterized as "obsessed", which was due, along with the other, and by the fact that the "Exile" measures in these cases sometimes led to improved patient's condition. Starting from the Epoch of Enlightenment, the concept of "obsession" was displaced from Western European medicine, but in the ordinary consciousness and in traditional medicine The corresponding views are preserved almost in full.

Therapy. The process of expulsion of evil spirits (exorcism) with medieval culture It was sufficiently regulated and the execution of a number of conditions was fulfilled.

Literature. Oesterreich T.K. Die Bessesenheit. Langensalz, 1921;

Ringger P. Das Problem der Bessesenheit. Zurich, 1953;

Dieckhofer K., Lungerhausen E., Vliegen J. Zur Problem der Bessenheit // Confin. PsychiaTr. 14. 1971, S. 203-355;

Zutt J. (HRSG.) Ergriffenheit und BESSESSENHEIT. BERN - MUNCHEN, 1972

In most ancient world cultures mental disorders considered as a different kind of obsession evil spiritsTo get rid of which special exile rituals were held. In the 1970s, the Austrian professor-anthropologist Erica Burguin conducted a large-scale intercultural study of 488 social societies of different corners Planets and found that in 360 of them (74%) there were belief in obsession in one form or another. Today, the existence of this phenomenon recognizes many religious flows, and some of their figures even advocate that the church actively participate in the exile of unclean spirits from people. The attention is paid to this problem and in Ayurveda, but here obsession is considered through the prism of yogic knowledge.

Suchmers who lived in Mesopotamia about 4,000 BC. er, the first described cases of exorcism. In those days, it was a common practice and the expulsion of a demon from a person seemed to be as common as today - the treatment of teeth. Every self-respecting healer who lived at the time knew special spells and conspiracies against evil spirits.

Signs of human obsession

The concept of "obsession" It is interpreted differently, but in general obsession, you can call the full and comprehensive subordination of the human mind of something, any thoughts or desire.

It is possible to determine the obsession of a person in several signs. These signs in various religious flows can both coincide and be different.

For example, according to christian traditionsThe signs of obsession are as follows:

  • aggressiveness, curses and curse to christian church, saints, etc.;
  • cramps, epileptic seizures;
  • signs of mental illness: strange behavior, hallucinations, etc.;
  • obsessed speak from the face of those who are obsessed;
  • anxiety when reading someone prayers, the commission of religious rites, etc.;
  • the intolerance to water, especially holy;
  • detection of abilities to levitation, telecision, teleportation, etc.;
  • the appearance of the ability to talk to the languages \u200b\u200bunknown people (xenoglosse phenomenon);
  • obsessive thoughts on suicide / murder;
  • no feeling of shame, pity, sympathy.

Obsession in different religions

Representations in Islam on signs of obsession with shauyans or jinnes differ significantly. Opinions are expressed that the symptoms of obsession are: inadequate behavior, hallucinations, mental pathologies. At the same time, obsessed may suffer with losses of consciousness, nightmares, loss of pain sensitivity or unfortunate pain. It is believed that jinones are different from Christian demons. They have their own world, they are created from a smokeless flame, invisible to our eye, have a free will. In addition, sometimes they confess Islam. It is assumed that the Ginnes can put together in sinful people, representatives of another faith or bad Muslims. Getting rid of obsession with such entities occurs by the reading of the Quran specially trained people.

In Buddhism, the expulsion of all kinds of perfume also takes place. In Japan in the Middle Ages, all kinds of "folk" stories about ghosts and demons, which are expelled by Buddhist monks with intercession of the Buddha Amitabha were very popular. In IX century, for example, there was a rite, during which scientists monks first read the mantras for a long time, and then bought off the spirit of the beans. Also there were all kinds of overalls, amulets, etc. The "Besnowness" in Tibetan Buddhism was intense, where the demons (under the influence of the local religion Bon) became very popular and there are almost an equal to humans. They are fed, they are packed, they redeem people offering. However, there are also such rituals when perfumes be expelled from somewhere forcibly.

In Ayurveda - the traditional system of Indian medicine - in contrast to various religious flows, obsession is not a naive superstition, but a reflection of a long study of the area of \u200b\u200bconsciousness. Physical world The most closely associated with thinner worlds, and between these worlds - various dimensions - constant energy interaction occurs. Forces living on thinner plans can have both positive and negative influence. Depending on how such entities, such interaction occurs, there are allocated in Ayurveda different kinds Obsession.

Demonology is dedicated to the section of Ayurveda, called graha-Chikits. It addresses various mental illness, many of which are associated with the harmful effects of evil spirits, energy vampirism and infection with destructive programs, or mental viruses. And the treatment is a procedure for expulsing perfumes based on mantra and prayers.

According to Ayurveda, the overall cause of the diseases that are associated with obsession with spirits (bhuts) are all kinds of evil, unlawful acts, especially desecration or destruction of the shrine, the insult of the Guardian deities, the Holy Scriptures. The effects of demons are easily exposed to people frightened by stay in an unfamiliar desert terrain, in the dark or indanguing severe sorrow. In addition, the common causes of obsession can be called: the decline of the spirit, the intensive work of the thought associated with experiences and anxiety, as well as a long-term eating incompatible products, alcohol, drugs or impact on man demons.

In Ayurvedic texts, more than fifteen varieties of the bhut class demons are listed. A man, obsessed with demons, characterize changes in behavior (physical, speech, mental), spiritual anxiety, quick temper, impassable, confusion in thoughts.

Speaking about the obsession by the Deities, Ayurveda means the Lower Dehes. These deities get pleasure from luxury, festivities, beauty and sophisticated aesthetic experiences. Such deities take possession of people solely for the sake of the game, they do not cause their victims of obvious harm and can even give them knowledge, creative strength, talent and inspiration. Many of the mediums are in a state of such obsession and find it delightful.

However, from the point of view of Ayurveda and yoga, any form of obsession is dangerous. All obsession excites cotton wool (one of the three forces, human body control), weakens our connection with its own soul and causes such wool disorders as insomnia, dreaminess or premature aging.

According to Ayurveda, if the Spirit of Deva settled in the person, his face is friendly, kindly. He has a good look, he is not evil, silent, he is indifferent to food, worshiped the gods and adheres to religious rituals, and also makes many pious deeds. It comes from its special charming. He loves white flowers and clothes, rivers, mountains and beautiful buildings, does not insult and scares other people. His speeches are beautiful, he is a master of creating beautiful illusions and temptations. But in the words it is no spiritual depth and strength.

Obsessed Gandharv likes to sing, dance, compose poems, musitizing, he is inclined to make gifts, to stratify, he has playful eyes, fast mind and speech, he is joking and laughs, he wants to like others, he is artistic, he has his own holidays and noisy peers He loves everything beautiful: housing, decoration, clothes. His mood is always raised. He is frivolous, lucky, charming. He is easily learning. He prefers exquisite food, dear wines.

Human life is described in the Vedas as a battle between Devami and Asuras - the Light Deities and Demonies of Darkness. Asuras are constantly striving to penetrate a person to influence it. They control the lower world. Crimes and most wars are their hands. The purpose of Asurov is to prevent the evolution of mankind, not to give a person to comprehend its true spiritual nature. The most difficult cases of breathtaking, in particular psychosis, and this form of obsession are associated with ashours. Demons can admit to a person who is in a state of rampant anger, hatred and fanaticism, when his self-control is completely lost.

As a rule, such an obsession is a state of Pitta, and is treated in the same way as Pitt-type mental disorders. Important role At the same time, love, tolerance and compassion play. Obsessed asura is addicted to meat and guilt, he has irritable character, he is looking at a skeleton, very angry and arriving, rude and badless in speeches, prone to tyranny. He inadequately perceives reality, he has unrighteous thoughts and actions. He is fearless, proud, dare, but angry, is in constant search for satisfying his ambitions.

In a person who is instiving Rakshas, \u200b\u200ban evil look, shifted eyebrows, sharp movements; He is angry, irritable, puts his legs, throws items, screaming, threatens, squeezes fists, sits teeth. He craves her subordination, he fighters, makes a terrible facial expression; He is strong, although nothing eats; Anger and evil, overwhelming his heart, deprive his sleep and rest. Violence gives him strength, the breaking brings him satisfaction, cruelty and shamelessness give rise to joy in it. Crimes for him - bread. And disgusting brand - poetry. He is vengeful, unpredictable and jealous, says defiantly and evil. From food, he loves the most bloody meat, he eats it and is not fought, he loves wine, but he does not get drunk for a long time. His passion is insatiable.

If the pisha is instilled in a person, he laughs without reason, then crying without any reason. It can not control the mind and language and therefore expresses the messy thoughts that pass through his mind. He is a tearful, hysterious, prone to perversions, constantly soaked, builds grimaces, often flashes, complains of dry skin, likes to talk about his misfortunes; scattered, malopean, cunning, cunning; Loves in solitude to indulge in low erotic fantasies, he likes to nose before others, communicate with vicious people, he eats a lot, he likes sturdy food with a fusion and cheap strong wines. It is subduous, reptiles in front of strong and violent towards weak.

If the spirit of Nichad is put in a person, he stops watching his external species, it does not wash, dressed in the old town, collects rags in the dumps, unnecessary trash; Often it is accompanied by dirty homeless dogs; feeds on garbage; prefers to live in abandoned houses or in basements; He likes to spend time in cemeteries and landfills. His speech is rude and cutting. He is aggressive and cowardly. He can even kill his mother and at the same time will not experience any repentance. Cleanliness, enlighteousness and joy of others cause wild malice. He is constantly engaged in searching for food in "garbage tanks" and enjoys alcohol surrogates.

How to get rid of obsession?

The overall method of treating any obsession, according to Ayurveda - the utterance of the Mantra and Dharani, the fiery rites of cleansing, reading the sacred texts that are expelled by the demons, as well as therapeutic procedures and medicines.

But methods of prevention are:

  • the prevention of incorrect actions (body, mind and speech) in the desire to violate the laws of life,
  • control of feelings
  • memo on the rules of righteous life (and following them),
  • good knowledge of the area of \u200b\u200bresidence and the right habits,
  • knowledge of time (season, age) and yourself,
  • morality and morality
  • planning actions in accordance with the recommendations of the horoscope,
  • influence in contact with bhutami (demons).