Power culture: incompatible products with each other. Compatibility of food

Power culture: incompatible products with each other. Compatibility of food
Power culture: incompatible products with each other. Compatibility of food

Using incompatible products, we do not suspect how difficult the task we specify your body. As how adequately he will cope with her. Eaten together, some of them can not only shift the benefit of everyone and cause unpleasant feelings, but also to "give" serious health problems. Some of incompatible couples are known even to a schoolboy, for example, fresh cucumbers with milk.

But many irreconcilable enemies are mistakenly listed almost with companguons.

A bit of theory

Each type of food processing requires a certain composition of gastric juice and enzymes, its own special environment. For carbohydrates, it must be alkaline, for proteins - sour, etc. It is not necessary to prompt the stomach: he knows everything himself. And now imagine, in what position the digestive system turns out when it comes, for example, pork chops with potato mashed potatoes. Alkaline enzymes immediately rush towards potatoes, which blocks meat digestion. It will start only after the potatoes will be completely "neutralized". Before all the rest, the case no longer comes, and it moves further in a completely non-digestible form.

This leads to fermentation processes in the intestine at which there is an intensive selection of toxins. In the fight against them the liver and pancreas are coming, and this is a serious load for them. If such becomes regular, they can fail. In addition, felling stones forming whole deposits from undigested residues. Hence - constipation, meteorism, general intocication of the body.

And this is only one example. There is a whole science, how to combine products correctly. But for a start, it would be nice to know at least that it is impossible to combine.

Tea and milk

Tea - useful drink. In particular, he is valued for the presence of antioxidants, the benefits of which is not needed. And milk are proteins that put a barrier on the path of assimilation of antioxidant substances and turn tea - even black, even green - in an empty and useless drink.

Cheese and meat

Phosphorus is present in the cheese, and in the meat - zinc, which is absorbed from the phosphorus extremely badly. Sour cream in meat dishes gives the same anti-effect.

Melon and milk

The same as the cucumber. Moreover, if the cucumber does not combine only with fresh milk, then the melon does not recognize any dairy products. Therefore, if you ate a fragrant slice after a dairy soup, do not leave far from home.

Meat and red wine

Yes, unexpectedly and outrageous, but nutritionists are adamant: the tanning substances contained in red wine, there is no benefit of meat as a iron-containing product. And iron is extremely important for the quality composition of the blood.

Alcohol and Cola

Another very common, but an extremely recommended combination. For the body, this is cosmic fuel. It is possible to quickly start the motor and even shortly fly, but the most harmless consequence of such a mix is \u200b\u200bthe strongest morning hangover. This applies not only to the cola, but also another soda. But the Cola in this regard is perhaps the record holder.

Beer with peanuts

It would seem that the classic of the genre. However, peanuts, how many are mistaken, does not apply to nuts. This is a bean culture, which, in combination with alcohol, turns into a heavy brick for the stomach. About any useful properties of speech, respectively, also no longer comes.

White bread and jam

It turns out that extremely incomprehensible products. The impact dose of simple carbohydrates is able to sabotage the work of the pancreas and strongly increase the risk of sugar diabetes. Under jam is understood all the products of this series: jams, confitures, and so on.

Fruits for dessert

Want that the eaten began to rot right in the stomach immediately, - complete the abundant meal of the fruit plate. The fruit eaten "in line" to digest the first, second and salad. While this queue comes to them, they will already be something very sad.

Greens and Sol.

In particular, the greenery of spinach and salad leaves. Solve sprinkled, they do not become harmful, but absolutely useless - guaranteed. Salt pulls out of them with liquid all, for which they are valued in terms of healthy food.

Pasta and meat

Bad news for Macaron lovers in Flot and Paste Bolognese. The food of this type is digested for a long time, not fully and provokes fermentation and bloating.

Milk and bread cereals

Yes, this is what we often eat for breakfast with full confidence in the utility of morning meals. The combination of the rapidly digestible elements included in these products causes reinforced gas formation and jumps of blood sugar levels. Moreover, it is here "buried the dog" of an elevated desire

eat any "nasty" during the day.

Equal milk products and kiwi

Kiwi love to add to all sorts of yogurts or various sorts of smoothies. And completely in vain! Kiwi contains enzyme that catalyzes the rapid decomposition of the protein contained in dairy products. The taste because of this changes not for the better, bitterness appears. It comes, of course, about natural milk.

Potatoes and tomatoes

Along with potatoes, it is unacceptable to use tomatoes and other products containing starch. Tomatoes with starch - long-standing enemies. The severity in the stomach and indigestion is still flowers. With regular testing of the body, gastritis and even peptic disease can be earned on the strength of gastronomic duets.

To keep track of all unwanted combinations, of course, it is difficult, and it is not always possible. Therefore, it is important to be able to assist yourself in such cases. If the "Party" began in the stomach, sorbents will help. This is duty activated carbon, polysorb or enterosgel. They will also remove the symptoms of intoxication, if it was not caused by more serious reasons. And yet it is better to try to exclude food-enemies from one meal at all. At best, useful food turns into an empty meaningless edible mass, in the worst - to the personally cooked poison.

Disputes between supporters and opponents of the principle of separate nutrition, which takes into account the compatibility of products. Why is a person important to know about the right eating food and combining her diverse species? How to help the body adjust the processes of digestion - the question, the answer to which it is interesting to get.

Combined and incomprehensible products

Study the incompatibility of products began hundreds of years ago. Ancient healers thought about the decision of the issue, and modern researchers pay a lot of attention. For the health of the body, it is important that the digestion system worked correctly, which has its own characteristics:

  • products are processed at different speeds;
  • to assign everyone, they need their enzymes;
  • gastric digesting of unequal food is distinguished in different ways;
  • protein processing requires an acidic medium, and carbohydrates are alkaline.

The use of incompatible products causes the body to spend more energy consumption for recycling. When one type of food digested, ready for suction and waste isolation, there is no time for another. The enzymes were not yet developed - the mouth of the mouth, the rest - in the stomach. There is a violation of the intestine:

  • the process of rotting, fermentation begins;
  • food is not absorbed;
  • stops splitting;
  • absorption of beneficial substances does not occur;
  • toxins are formed, poisoning the body;
  • various diseases develop.

Bucking Compatibility with Fish

One of the postulates of separate nutrition is to ban animal proteins and products containing starch. Buckwheat and fish belong to food, which is not recommended for use at the same time. The best option is the same product separately, with the addition of greenery, vegetables. The reason of that:

  • fish - protein food requiring acid generation;
  • buckwheat - refers to the type of cereals, rich in starch, it needs an alkaline environment for the learning process.

Cottage cheese compatibility with banana

Is it possible to use the dessert in food that adults and children containing in the composition of cottage cheese and banana? It is believed that the combination of sweet fruits, sugars is incompatible with protein products. From the rule there is a great exception. Quickly splitting bananas are allowed to be used in combination with such food:

  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • dairy products;
  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • greens;
  • seeds.

Combination of fruit among themselves

Reflecting on incompatible products, it is important to know that they include bulk cultures - watermelon, melon. They require consumption separately from other food, a few hours after its reception. This is especially true of melon, which is digested instantly, launching the fermentation process, leaving other products to rot. Compatibility of fruit depends on the type to which they relate:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sour.

It is believed that fruits are a product incompatible with another food, requiring separate use between the main techniques. Among themselves they are combined like this:

  • sweet - dates, banana, dried fruits - digest slowly, preferably their separate use, allowed simultaneous use with semi-sweet, with each other;
  • sour - orange, grapes, pear, currants - combined with everyone;
  • semi-sweet - apples, forest berries, apricots are compatible with the first two types.

Compatible vegetables with separate nutrition

The most favorable food, combined with most products, are vegetables that are actively used in separate nutrition. In this case, there is an acceleration of the digestion process. Not recommended only to mix them with milk, fruit. Allocate compatible vegetables, combined with several groups:

  • with its own cabbage, sweet pepper, radish, cucumbers;
  • with proteins - meat, cottage cheese, fish, egg;
  • fats - vegetable oil;
  • starchy food - bread, pasta, flour, potatoes.

What products can not be combined

As a result of research, it turned out what food is not recommended to mix. This includes a combination of products:

  • coffee - rye bread - caffeine does not allow sufficient substances;
  • tomatoes - Crupes - Acid in vegetables prevents the absorption of starch;
  • meat, eggs, mushrooms - sugar - fermentation happens;
  • fish - cereals, legumes, sour cream - different times for digestion;
  • acid food - meat, bread, porridge - the reason is the same.

Product incompatibility table

To facilitate life wishing to lose weight or preaching the use of separate food, a table has been developed that helps to quickly navigate in the choice of useful meals. With her help, you can figure out which products can not be together. The table is a grid, in the intersection of the vertical and horizontal graph of which there is a mark on the combination. Wherein:

  • in the first column from top to bottom, products under the numbers are painted;
  • the top line contains numbers corresponding to the order of food from the first graph.

Shelton Compatibility Table

The American scientist Herbert Sherton, who wrote a lot of books on slimming, starvation was seriously issues of separation nutrition. Thanks to its research and propaganda, a wide distribution system combination of incompatible products has been widely distributed. Shelton has developed a table with which you can easily figure out what is needed. It favors the work of the stomach and the opportunity to remain healthy.

The Shelton Table in the intersection of the Count helps to find out the compatibility of the main types of food used by the person. Exploring the material, it can be understood that the melon is not combined with anything. It is recommended, for example, to share:

  • meat - Non-smoke vegetables - eggplant, cucumber, sweet pepper;
  • potatoes, bread - vegetable oil;
  • grain - all vegetables;
  • sweet fruits - fermented milk products, cottage cheese;
  • starchy vegetables - cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots - all, excluding sugar.

Incompatible products when weight loss

Using the ideas of separate food, you can not only help the body become healthy, but also to lose weight thanks to the proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract. There are diets that take into account incompatible food when weight loss. Complete groups should be felt:

  • proteins - eggs, meat - flour products;
  • bread - sugar, tomatoes;
  • fish, meat - grain;
  • sour cream, butter - nuts, proteins;
  • porridge - tomatoes, sour fruits;
  • zucchini, pumpkin, berries, nuts - sugar;
  • at the same time, animal proteins, vegetable origin.

What products are incompatible with antibiotics

When appointed by Dr. the course of antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take into account the features of their combination with food. Antibiotics and so have a negative effect on the body, so incompatible products should not add problems. It is necessary to read the instructions for drugs where contraindications are negotiated at this time of certain foods. This is especially true of alcohol intake.

There are products incompatible with antibiotics, causing problems:

  • milk, fermented milk food - calcium in composition connects the active substance that instead of suction is derived from the body, neutralizing therapeutic drug effect;
  • cola, Pepsi - irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sour fruits, dry wine, vinegar, pickles - negatively affect the liver.

Foods are incompatible with milk

Dairy products for an adult - special food. The body does not produce the necessary number of special enzymes for digestion them. Is milk combined with another food? This product is incompatible with nothing. It is desirable to apply it in the diet separately from other products, otherwise complications are possible:

  • when combined with melon - laxative effect;
  • use with salt-sour products - herring, cucumbers - pain, poisoning;
  • together with the soda - the stormy process in the stomach.

Products are incompatible with alcohol

It is believed that alcoholic beverages can cause poisoning. At the same time, few people think that these consequences are possible when used to snack incompatible products. Such a reaction is associated with the features of the interaction of food with alcohol:

  • mushrooms - actively allocate poisons entering blood, affect the liver;
  • chocolate - stimulates the outflow of bile, and alcohol makes it difficult to conclusively, provoking a spherical spasm of a duct sphele in a duodenum, develops acute pancreatitis;
  • grapefruit - blocks liver enzymes, splitting alcohol - causes severe poisoning.

It is necessary to combine food and alcohol with caution so as not to get an unwanted reaction:

  • when signing drinks, juices having sugar, the latter is quickly digested, leaving the alcohol with unreptic, which leads to poisoning;
  • sharp snacks - hell, pepper, mustard, slow down the destruction of alcohol, poisoning the liver, harm the heart and vessels;
  • melon in combination with alcohol has laxative properties;
  • fried meat requires a protracted digestion, alcohol, remaining long in the body, causes symptoms of poisoning.

Video: Food incompatibility

A large role for good digestion and reduce the inxication of the body from the processes of rotting and fermentation in the stomach and intestines plays the correct combination of products used at a time. The fact is that each type of food is distinguished by digestive juices of a certain composition, contributing to the most efficient digestion of this product. With mixed nutrition, such combinations of products often occur when one type of food prevents the assimilation of the other.
Herbert Shelton wrote: "We do not get good use, which is not absorbed. There is and at the same time spoil food in the digestive tract - in a vain waste of food. But even worse - spoiled food leads to the formation of poisons that are very harmful ... striking The number of cases of food allergies disappears completely when patients learn eating food in the right combinations. Such people suffer from allergies, but from non-evaluating food. Allergy is a term applied to protein poisoning. Abnormal digestion carries no nutrients into the blood stream, but poisons .
Below is the classification of foods with instructions on the correct and incorrect combinations. All products are divided into 10 groups.

Instructions for applying a compatible product table

Do not immediately try to remember all the permissible combinations of products.
Write (or remember) all those types of products that you personally use or use when cooking. And it is within this list that makes their own "table" compatibility. If you find that some combinations were incompatible, modify these recipes or combinations of products. As a result, you should get a menu that is not very different from your usual diet. In the future, you will easily add new components to it, turning with the main table.

Group 1. Sweet fruits

Bananas, dates, persimmon, figs, all dried fruits.
Ideally combine with each other (bananas with figs), with alone fruits (persimmon with an apple) and with fermented fermented products (dates with prokovashchi).
It is permissible to combine with nuts, milk, moderately starchy and starchy vegetables, greens and non-housing vegetables.
Being connected with all other products, cause fermentation.
All fruits are very helpful if they are used as independent food. It is impossible to use fruits and fruit juices as dessert. Juices better drink for half an hour - an hour before meals.

Group 2. Polish fruit

Apricots, mango, watermelons, melons, blueberries, blueberries;
Sweet taste: apples, pears, grapes, cherry, plum, peaches, etc. To the same group in its properties include tomatoes.
Great together (apple with drain), with sweet fruits (pear with persimmon), with sour fruits (peach with orange), with fermented milk products (apple with kefir).
Compatible with protein products containing a lot of fats - with cheese, nuts, greasy cottage cheese (cherry with cheese, pear with nuts), with greens and non-private vegetables (cucumber with plums).
Combines with other protein products are harmful (apple with meat, apricots with egg).
In conjunction with starch (grape juice with bread) and with semicircular vegetables (plum with pumpkin) cause fermentation.
Melon, blueberries and blueberries are incompatible with any other product. They are superbly digest if they are not in addition to food, but as a meal (or in a small amount per hour before meals).

Group 3. Sour fruit

Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, grenades, lemons; sour taste: apples, pears, cherry, plum, peaches, grapes; Currant, blackberry, cranberries, etc.
It is well combined with alone fruits (grapefruit with an apple), with fermented milk products (iphery with orange).
Admissible in conjunction with greasy cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, cheeses, with greens and non-bristle vegetables (currants with salad). With other protein products are incompatible (mandarin with egg, cranberry with fish).
Incompatible with starch (orange with potatoes), with sweet fruit (pineapple with dates) and with semiconductive vegetables (lemon with green peas).

Group 4. Non-historical vegetables

Cucumbers, cabbage, sweet pepper, tricky beans, etc.
Excellent combined with proteins (meat with cucumbers), fats (cabbage with oil), moderately starchy vegetables (tomato with zucchildum), starch (bread with cucumbers), greens (sweet pepper with dill and onions).
It is permissible to connect with fruit.
Cannot be used with milk.
Group 5. Moderately starchy vegetables
Beets, turnip, trouser, carrots, sea cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, pumpkin, green peas.
Successfully combined with starch (zucchini with bread), necropalist vegetables (green peas with cucumber), fats (carrots with sour cream), greens.
It is permissible to connect with fermented milk products (kefir with carrots), cheese, cottage cheese, nuts, seeds.
It is harmful connections with proteins (eggplants with meat, green peas with egg), sugars (pumpkin with jam), fruit (repa with banana), with milk.
Group 6. Starchy products
Wheat, Rye, Oats and products of them; cereals; buckwheat, millet, pearl, rice; Potatoes, chestnuts, etc.
Ideally combine with greens (bread with salad), non-housing vegetables (potatoes with cabbage) and moderately starchy vegetables (porridge with pumpkin).
It is permissible to combine different types of starch (pasta with bread) and starchy foods with fats (porridge with oil), but the connections of various starch are not recommended to people prone to completeness. When using starchy products with fats, it is desirable to eat any of the greenery or non-private vegetables.
With a large stretch, combinations with cheese, nuts, seeds are allowed.
Very harmful combinations of starch with animal proteins, incl. With milk (bread with potatoes, potatoes with fish), with sugars (porridge with sugar, bread with jam), with any fruit (potatoes with an apple, bread with grapes).
Mushrooms in any form, quashen cabbage and other salts (cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.) are well compatible with potatoes and badly with bread.

Group 7. Protein Products

Meat, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, cheeses, milk, prostromatic, kefir, etc.; Dry beans, beans and peas, nuts (except peanuts), sunflower and pumpkin seeds.
Ideally combine with greens (cheese with salad) and non-housing vegetables (fish with cucumber).
Admissible combinations with moderately starchy vegetables (meat with zucchildum).
Unacceptable connection of two types of proteins (meat with cheese), proteins with starchy products (eggs with bread, meat with porridge), proteins with sugar (eggs with sugar), proteins with sweet fruit (fish with banana).
It is undesirable to combine proteins with fats (meat with sour cream), with sour fruits and with alone fruits (an egg with an apple).
Exceptions. Fat cottage cheese, cheeses, nuts, seeds permissible to combine with acidic and semi-cake fruits and berries (apple cottage cheese).
It is permissible to combine milk with sweet and semi-casual fruits and berries (milk with figs).
Equality products are compatible with sweet, semi-sweet and acidic fruits (ipuhenka with banana, acidophilus with apricots, stroke with grapefruit).

Group 8. GREEN

Sorrel, dandelion, nettle, plantain, onions, salad, coriander, radish. Horseradish, chicory, sage, acacia, rose petals, etc.
Combined with any food, except for milk.

Group 9. Fat

Cream and fused oil, vegetable oils, fat and other animals fats, cream, sour cream.
Ideally combine with greens (salad with sour cream), with non-housing vegetables (cucumbers with cream) and moderately starchy vegetables (zucchini with butter).
Allowed combinations with starch (butter bread), but in this case, greens or non-private vegetables are also desirable.
Empty connections with animal proteins (egg with sour cream), with fruit (apple with sour cream), with sugars (cream with sugar, confectionery).

Group 10. Sahara

White and yellow sugar, honey, jam, syrups.
It is best to use separately from other products, in an hour - one and a half before meals. In conjunction with proteins, starch and sugar fats cause fermentation. Therefore, it is impossible to eat desserts.
In principle, the combination of sugars with greens and non-private vegetables are admissible.
Honey is an exception to the general rule. In moderate quantities, it is compatible with all the products, except animal food.

What is separate food?
All food products are divided into three groups: proteins, vegetable food and carbohydrates. In the gastrointestinal tract, vegetable food can digest itself. Proteins are cleaved mainly by the reagents of the acid composition. Carbohydrates - alkaline reagents. There are also fats, but they are combined with proteins and with carbohydrates.

The logic of separate nutrition lies in the separation of tables to protein and carbohydrate. The carbohydrate table includes products, the main component of which carbohydrates (flour, sweet, cereals, potatoes, cereals).
Product classification
The main protein food of animal and vegetable origin: meat, bird, fish and all products of them, cottage cheese and fermented food, milk, cheese, eggs, legumes, nuts. Food rich in starch: bread and all products from flour, cereals, potatoes.
Meat, Bird, Fish. For meat of all kinds favorably, a combination with green and non-brimist vegetables, because Such a combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps their digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood.
Separate meals in the family
If you want to change the way in the family, do it very carefully and do not get too hard with the members of your family. Do not consider that all the happiness of life lies in separate nutrition. Always allow any alternative. Nutrition should be healthy, but for this you do not need to be tough in relation to others. It is quite possible to first switch to separate meals yourself, and with its example, to inspire other members to inspire their excellent states ...
Proper nutrition is pleasure
All foods should be fresh, do not contain harmful substances and, if possible, remain in their natural form. Better less, yes better - this saying can serve as a guide for a balanced and healthy nutrition. Pay attention to several basic rules: with perfect nutrition, a person gets predominantly carbohydrates from vegetables, fruits and products from solid grains, a sufficient amount of protein and little fat.
Proper combination of food (German Shelton)
Never eat carbohydrate and acidic food in one meal.
Never eat concentrated protein and concentrated carbohydrate in one reception (meat with noodles, fish with IT.D.).
Never eat two concentrated protein in one app.
Do not eat fats with proteins (cream with meat, butter with cheese, etc.).
Do not eat sour fruits with squirrels.
Separate meals for those who work in the office
It is for those who work in the office often it is very difficult to adhere to a daily schedule for food. Often they do not have enough time to buy fresh products and take something with them to work. As a result, it is necessary to be content with light snack and semi-finished products.
Carbohydrated table
Includes products, the main component of which carbohydrates (flour, sweet, cereals, potatoes, cereals). This is the so-called energy kitchen. She quickly digested. Carbohydrates and vegetable foods should be the basis of daily nutrition.
Protein table
Includes protein-containing products (meat, fish, eggs, nuts). For the normal life of the body, the presence of proteins is necessary. But with separate nutrition, they are completely digested, so they can be minimized.

Compatibility of products

It would seem that the combination of tomato and cucumber is a traditional Russian salad.

However, there is a snag. Did you pay your attention to the fact that such a salad spoils very quickly?

Tomato is an acidic vegetable, and the cucumber is a non-jammed vegetable. They are digested by various enzymes. As a result - one is digested, the second binds, gas in the stomach can be formed from this.

Cucumbers with tomatoes in sharing is better not to give children. In general, with tomatoes, it is best to remove the skin (it is not digested at all). You can add tomato boiling water and skin easily.

There is a large section in Ayurveda, which is called "compatibility of products among themselves." It is very important to know the compatibility of the products among themselves, since in the process of joint digestion of incompatible products may occur poisons and toxins.

Pay attention to your food habits and try to get rid of harmful. For example, often after meals in the restaurant we serve fruits for dessert or fruit salad. So, if immediately after dinner eat an apple, then the process of fermentation and gas formation will arise. So, eaten immediately after eating an apple digested in 30 minutes and starts to rot while all the rest of the food will still digest.

It is believed that fruits can be mixed only with fruit. And sweet fruits can be interfered with only sweet, sour and sour. Melon and watermelon are not combined with anything. That is, to finish the meal with watermelon is categorically not welcome.

You can not mix fruits with vegetables. The exception is only 5 fruits: pineapple, dates, grenades, raisins and lemon. Only these fruits can be mixed with vegetables.

Cereals are not recommended to mix with other grains. Mixtures of porridge and dry breakfasts that are sold in stores like "Seven cereals", or "5 cereals", and other mixes are not helpful! They are only weaker. The fact is that each grain type is digested by its time. And the mixture is digested even longer. The same can be said about harmful food habits: not recommended, for example, there is a porridge with bread, since you use two cereals, say rice and wheat. Similarly, I can say about a mixture of black and white rice, which is sold in stores. Do not use such a mixture, since these are two different grades of grain crops.

Bean can be mixed with each other. For example, you can combine beans and lentils.

You can also mix grain with bean. Grain and legumes separately are absorbed by 40%, and cooked together are absorbed by 80% each.

Milk does not combine with anything. Remember the childhood: a glass of pair milk, a crust of bread ... delicious, but unfortunately, not useful. The fact is that milk can be used either in the morning or in the evening, but grain at lunch. So, just milk with bread crust do not combine their time.

The last time spend a lot of different studies, which say that milk is not digested, it does not absorb, it causes discomfort in the stomach and is not useful at all. So, milk is a specific product, and if it is incorrectly used, then, of course, there will be discomfort. Try the milk with salty cucumbers ... In addition, the milk, which is subjected to this here in the quotes of "research" - is, as a rule, milk from tetrapackets, pasteurized, sterilized or reduced milk powder. Such a product is difficult to call milk.

We will reveal one secret: Milk is a poor shattany product and in people who are in the state of Tamas, milk causes discomfort. The body of these people, as a rule, is slapped, scored "garbage" from the use of alcohol, meat, tobacco, destroyed from the wrong lifestyle. Such an organism is not able to take milk. So, the secret is just that if you want to help a person escape from the state of deep Tamas, to reveal his potential, to return love to his life, to help get rid of harmful breathless habits, then pour it to milk. Just do it right. Start from the teaspoon overnight, gradually increasing consumption. Mix milk with spices, it is better absorbed, and it seems tastier. Use the natural rustic milk or the most natural milk. About how to determine good it is milk or not, look at the recipe for cooking cheese - Paniir, and you will understand what we are talking about.

Let's summarize: milk in pure form is a separate product that can be consumed only in the evening (and in the morning). Milk use is a separate meal. Various dishes in which milk is used, such as soups or porridges, are separate products in which milk is being processed and changes its properties. Such dishes using milk, of course, can be used.

Honey and oil can not be mixed in one dish in proportion one to one. Even in despite the fact that honey and oil gi are among the most most most most most most valuable products. These are not just products, but these are medicinal products. And the dish should give priority to one of these products. By the way, the delivery to the organism of medicinal substances by alcohol is considered the most aggressive way of delivering drugs. Therefore, in Ayurveda, mostly medicines are made on honey or on oil, without using alcohol.

Below we give a small list of products that are not compatible with each other. Examine it and apply these knowledge in the preparation of your daily diet.

Milk and bananas, yogurt, eggs, melon, fish, meat, sour fruits, swarms of rice and legumes, yeast bread;
Melon and grain, starch, fried dishes, dairy products;
Yogurt and milk, melon, acidic fruit, hot drinks (including tea and coffee), starch, cheese, bananas;
Starchs and eggs, bananas, milk, dates;
Honey and equal amount of oil (honey toxic when heated above 40 degrees);
Parenic (potatoes, tomatoes, etc.) and yogurt, milk, melon, cucumbers;
Corn and dates, raisins, bananas;
Lemon and yogurt, milk, cucumbers, tomatoes;
Eggs and milk, meat, yogurt, melon, cheese, fish, bananas;
Radishes and milk, bananas, raisins;
Fruits with any other food. Fruits can not be mixed with other products (including with dairy products) - in this case, they cause fermentation, gas formation. Exception: grenades, pineapple, lemon (lime), dates, raisins (can be mixed with other products, such as vegetables).

Daria Dorokhova SAMOPOZNANIE.ru.

Hello readers of my blog.
Today I want to continue the topic of proper nutrition, started in the article.

I also talked about the correct nutrition and the importance of their balance.

Here, I want to tell about another fact that you need to consider when drawing up our daily menu - product compatibility for proper nutrition.

The use of compatible products will help our body fully assimilate the nutrients of this or that product.

How does this happen?

All food products have a different chemical composition, which of course affects the "digestibility" of them in our body:
This is the time you need to spend on digesting a certain product group;
These are certain enzymes that recycle this food.

I'll explain in more detail in more detail.

There are quickly digestible products, and there are respectively - slowly translated.
If we eat them together, the food that should quickly leave our body will stay longer, the process of digestion is broken-ups not digested, but simply on simply - rotin or wanders!

So, for example, an apple eaten at work ( as a snack) It comes out of the stomach for half an hour. If we "climbed" an apple after potatoes with meat ( digested more than 4 hours), then it remains with these "slow" products and after 30 minutes already wanders.

In addition, for one or another product in the stomach, a different environment is needed. So for meat need an acidic medium, and the potato is "processed" in alkaline.

In all this is also involved in the colon. In it, food is "processed" by no longer our enzymes, but by our microorganisms - bacteria.

We divide conditionally on them on bad and good.

Good Immunity increases us, help "suck" vitamins, process fiber, struggle with bad bacteria, etc.

Bad - These are all sorts of pathogenic microorganisms that are always present in our body. But some even help - they struggle with the "wrong" food, help them quickly recycle and remove it from the body.

So - the vegetable crude food is processed by our benevolers - useful bacteria, and the more we use such food, these are more and stronger our immunity. And when I am moving away - meat with a salad, then the war begins in the intestine ( and consequences - gases) who will win.

Therefore, it is very important for us to know how to combine products properly with proper nutrition so that the time of digestion, enzymes, etc. More coincided, it will not be imbalance in the process of their processing, because this is the basis.

Of course, we do not know what and what we are being recycled, and what is combined with.

But there was such a Herbert Shelton, who offered us its product compatibility table for proper nutrition.

There are controversial moments in this table that modern scientists criticize (we know how they relate to everything that contradicts their dogma).
Of course, we cannot define the loyalty of all combinations of products, so you believe it or not to believe - your business.

And further. You can always check with your body, and he will always tell me - you chose the right combination or not.

Product Compatibility For Proper Power, Shelton Table

Some explanations to the table - product compatibility for proper nutrition

This table contains (vertically and horizontally) products that we often use in your diet.
Skin product in the "Product Name" column is assigned a number that is duplicated in the line with numbers.

For example, string number 9 "Fruits Policles" and column number 9 too - "Fruits Polishly". Their intersection is highlighted in white.

How to use product combination table

Dedicated color means:
Green cell - Compatible products.
Yellow - You can combine.
Red - non-compatible products.

For example, we look at how oil creamy with bread combines.
Oil - №3, bread - №7. We look at the intersection number 3 with №7 - we see green, perfect. That is, it is compatible products.

Decoding some products from the table

№ 8. Tomatoes and sour fruits
These are tomatoes and fruits that have acid - currants, strawberries, pineapples, pomegranate, strawberry, lime, tangerines, grapefruits and oranges.

№9. Polish fruit
This includes - quince, grapes, gooseberries and raspberries, blackberry, blueberries, cherries, gooseberries, nectarine and peaches, pears and apples, plums and apricots

№10. Sweet fruits
This is figs, bananas, dried fruits, mango, persimmon, etc.

№11.Nextrachnist vegetables
Brussels, white and cauliflower, broccoli, parsnip, celery, sorrel, cucumbers, eggplants, lettuce leaves, pepper (sweet), trouser.
Swords: Wheat, barley, alfalfa, etc.

№12. Starch vegetables
Artichoke, beans, carrots, corn, peanuts * Topinambur, peas, potatoes, pumpkin.
* Peanuts, lentils, legumes and all cereals - combine protein and starch.

How to combine food at the table, 7 rules

1. One type of protein food at one time
Let it be a fish, or chicken fillets - but only one thing.

2. Carbohydrates and proteins - do not eat together
Skin food require an acidic medium to digest.

3. Sour and starch products together are impossible
Acid products neutralize an alkaline environment, which is so necessary for the processing of starch. As a result, the stomach begins - fermentation, as patients say - "The stomach is not cooking."

4. Protein food and acidic fruits can not eat together
Such fruits suppress the secretion of our stomach, which digests the protein. And the non-learned protein decomposes by bacteria, and not enzymes. What can lead to toxic poisoning.

5. Eat fats and proteins in different dishes
Some products, especially nuts, have more than 50% fat, which requires a lot of time to process them with our organism.

6. Watermelons, melons - eat without anything
These products, in our body, are not combined with anything. Well, it is easy - I think, few, melon or watermelon, eat with something.

7. Sweet fruits and protein food is separate

8. Never drink food with water, tea, juice, etc.

Eh ... Favorite Sandwich with Sweet Tea ...

The liquid that falls with food is diluted with gastric juice, makes it less concentrated, as a result of which its "power" of digestibility decreases. Food is not digested properly, there is a lot of non-recycled food in the intestines and felt gravity in the stomach.

If something is not clear, you can watch a video on the topic, everything is fine in it.

Well, I have everything for today. Waiting for your comments. Bye.