Wolf with Wall Street is a real story. Jordan Belfort: Biography, Personal Life, Career

Wolf with Wall Street is a real story. Jordan Belfort: Biography, Personal Life, Career
Wolf with Wall Street is a real story. Jordan Belfort: Biography, Personal Life, Career

"Wolf with Wall Street" waited, it seems, everything. First, the dicaprio for the main role in this picture is an Oscar, as read it from each new role Akter. Secondly, the world still believes in the talent of Martin, noting only that it is unlikely to return to the level of their best ribbons. Third, peace greater money In the movie it looks just as attractive, no matter how black paints do not paint the filmmakers. In the end, the film trailer looked so hooligan that even those who were not impressive for whom the first three points did not impress.

Jordan Belforte got out of the bottom and is not going to return there. He understood once that in the market of exchange specs there is a lot of ways to succeed and make capital from scratch. You only need to remove the office, to score a few guys who have nothing to lose, arm telephone tubes And call rich people, offering them to buy and sell the necessary shares. Of course, double accounting, fake persons, Swiss accounts on foreign people and other types of scam will be as necessary. The film is based on real events, and the life of Geordan Belforte on the screen is very close to the life of real Belfort, which will appear in the film just a few seconds.

Film Trailer "Wolf With Wall Street"

Michael Douglas Gordon Geekko - an example for Jordan Belfort and his nearest on-screen "relative"

Many films, both gaming and documentary, are made in stories about financial scams an important structure of the scam. The viewer tells in detail all the details of what is happening, and it seems that anyone can repeat the same and rude millions. Martin Scorsese, making his most hooligan film over the past twenty years, focused on the other, but with "explanations" still played. So, Belforte from the screen constantly begins to explain exactly how he turns his divisions, but then he mows and says that the details are not so important. Maybe he really believes that it is not important, although it is funny that it is always a verbal director suddenly refuses himself the pleasure of talking once again. But the author is more fascinated by the life of such a person like Jordan Belfort. Show his charm, charisma, danger, infantility in different manifestations (Leonardo Dicaprio, as always, masterfully embodies the image of a neurasthenka spoiled) - it's not enough for three hours of screen time to spend the timing on the details of the scam. Indeed, in this case, the charisma is crucial. It was not by chance that the real Jordan Belfort claimed that Gordon Gekko was performed by Michael Douglas in Wall Street for him in his time. The greed, ironic, domineering, cunning and charming, Gekko as an image acts much stronger than any, even the most detailed decodes of fraud. Looking at him, I want to live like him, that is, risk and win.

The whole "Wolf with Wall Street" just talks about the state of a person who risks and wins up to the pore, as it should be in the moralistic in his spirit of American cinema. Scorsener, skillfully combining improvisation and a given scenario, immerses the viewer into the world of business, in which business itself, oddly enough, goes to the second place. Business is a car that once run, and it works herself. But it is already impossible to stop, because it is increasing turnover to madness. You have to rapidly accelerate with it. Jordan Beffort takes all drugs that can only try. He sleeps with all women who have time to drag into his bed. He utters everything curse wordsthat a person is able to scream during this period of time. It suits regular orgy in the office, wild, different, expensive - everything so that his workers do not lag behind the pace of business and even outpace them. Scorsera in his film shows that this recipe works. The endless drive multiplies the state of Belfort and everyone who is around him, and if not even one annoying FBI agent, which turned out to be incorruptible, in the Empire of Belfort Border would never stop expanding.

The agent should be said particularly, because it was he, being a hero of the second plan, constitutes an additional measurement of the film. The agent drives in a dirty subway, and his whole life consists only of destroying such as Belfort. Agent - a failed broker, in fact, loser. But it is he who personifies the state in the film and, in general, morality. This assignment to Hollywood conventions is at the same time the main flag in his pocket from the screw. Because, on the one hand, the thieves are sitting in prison and the law triumphs. But who does it happier? People left without work and entertainment, and sometimes without family and property? Country without huge tax deductions, even with all the shelters, are still considerable? Maybe the agent himself became happier, who always rides the last metro in his little apartment? There is no answer to this question, it does not give, right, not showing, unlike Oliver Stone, those who really suffer from exchange fraud. Scorsener simply emphasizes that there are people whose life is similar to fireworks and which can be turned into hell if they want to wake. And that there are people who for some reason love to shit others, hiding behind the legitimacy and other decent occasions. For some reason, it turns out that the first and second are constantly being in the same boat: this is human life.

In 2013, Martin Scorseway "Wolf with Wall Street" film was released on the screens, telling the story real man - Broker Jordan Belforte, who in a short period of time is rich for several hundred million dollars. The role of Blackford's chase brilliantly executed Leonardo Dicaprio. The actor's work noted the members of the American Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Science - Leo was nominated for Oscar. Jordan Belforte himself performed an ideological inspiration of the tape, because the book of his memoirs "Wolf with Wall Street" fell into its basis.

Jordan Ross Belfort was born on July 9, 1962 in Bronx, New York, USA jewish family. His parents Max and Lia Belfort worked with accountants, later Liya became a lawyer. The childhood of Jordan passed in Baseide - the surroundings of New York. Belforte quickly discovered the entrepreneurial veil: after graduation high School He and It close friend Elliot Lövenshtern earned 20 thousand dollars, selling dessert on the beach under the name "Italian ice".

Despite explicit interest in the field of economics, Jordan entered the American University of Washington to the specialty "Biology". Belforte received a diploma of this specialty, but in the industry of dentistry, which he long studied at the College of Dental Surgery Baltimore, did not succeed. Jordan's interest in this profession disappeared after the Dean of College said that the "golden age" of dentistry remained in the past, and now in this matter will not earn a lot of money. And Belforte dreamed of this - to earn a lot, not making great efforts for this.

The first steps in the business of Jordan took on Long Island, New York. He opened trade point For the sale of meat and seafood, and at first business flourished. However, subsequently, sales dropped sharply, the point had to close, and 25-year-old Belforte declared himself bankrupt. Family friend helped him get a trainee-broker to the company L.F. Rothschild. October 19, 1987, the collapse of large stock Exchange Worldwide, which has entered the story as black Monday. After these events, Jordan was fired from L.F. Rothschild, because In its services no longer needed.

In the late 1980s, Belforte founds the "Outdoor" Brokerage House Stratton Oakmont, the principle of which was on the sale of shares by phone. Firm staff by deception and tricks convinced customers to sell them shares at a low price, which were then sold for big money. The process of light profit quickly brought Jordan quickly: at that time he visited many parties, regularly accepted alcohol and drugs, and thoroughly fell on the methacvalon - a sleeping pills and a sedative, the use of which in large quantities leads to narcotic juicy.

Over the years, STRATTON OAKMONT has gained momentum. In the 90s, the staff expanded to more than a thousand people, and the money turnover financial operations compiled more than a billion dollars. Such a rapid enrichment attracted the attention of the FBI, and a surveillance began for Belfort and the company. In 1998, the fraudulent activity of the firm was disclosed, and Jordan Belfort was sentenced to four years in prison, but issued on bail at 20 million, subject to home arrest. In exchange for cooperation with the FBI, its term was reduced to 22 months of conclusion. According to the court order, Belforte is obliged to pay $ 110.4 million to all customers, which he fraudulently persuaded to sell Shares Stratton Oakmont.

In prison, there was a significant acquaintance with the actor and musician Tommy Chong, the participant of the famous comedic duet "Chich and Chong", which was serving a sentence for trading equipment for drug use. It was Chong, having heard the history of Belfort, advised him to write a book of memoirs, who later gained great popularity and became the basis for the film "Wolf with Wall Street". After entering the freedom of Jordan and Tommy continue to support friendly relations.

Belfort was married twice. His first spouse was Deniz Lombardo, he was in marriage from 1985 to 1991. Jordan threw his wife after he was rapidly started to rich, as well as after exploring the British model Nadin Caridi, on which he married in the same 1991. From marriage with Caridi he had two children - daughter Chandler and Son Carter James. Belfort and Caridy divorced in 2005 after a woman's statements about domestic violence and trees of her husband. Despite this, Jordan took an active part in raising children, and now, when Chandler and Carter matured, continues to support relationships with them.

The federal prosecutors stated that Jordan Belforte had not yet fulfilled the terms of compensation. According to the decree, he must pay half of its income from 1513 people who suffered from its fraud. Jordan returned about 12 million from prescribed 110, and it is not known how he is going to return the remaining amount. The duration of debt repayment is not disclosed, but the authorities have not yet imprisoned in custody.

After going to the freedom of "Wolf with Wall Street" began to conduct seminars, acting as a motivational speaker. The main theme Belforte denotes the art of entrepreneurship and make money, but the audience is more interested in the process of his illegal enrichment. For numerous questions about their past and illegal activity, Stratton Oakmont, Jordan responds to, for the most part, it regrets how it was at that time.

He publicly admitted that he was destroyed, and the feeling of impunity had reached such a level that it seemed to him if no punishment for the perfect scam would follow. Loud collapse of the company and the need to pass most The Federal Partners changed the attitude of Belfort for Life. Many people are interested further fate Jordan, in particular, how and when he will reimburse the remaining part of the debt, and whether the prolonged non-payment of the established amount will be wrapped with new limitations of freedom.

Observer Site studied by the biography of Jordan Belforte, who became famous for ingenious fraudulent schemes of earnings, big trips and risky entertainment. Belforted wrote two books about his life, according to which Martin Scorsese took off the film, released in 2013.

Jordan Belforte's name is now known worldwide, but first of all, not because of the reputation or memorable nickname, and thanks to the film with Leonardo di Caprio in leading role. Of course, there is an artistic exaggeration in the film, but Hollywood scenarios managed to transfer the spirit of the time and personality of the owner himself. Jordan was not asked to change the world for the better, but it seemed sincerely believed that he could make his life and the lives of his employees brighter and richer.

Early years of Jordan Belfort. First business and work as a broker

Jordan Belfort did not dream all his life to become a broker - before that he had to go through a long enough way. He was born in 1962 in New York in the family of accountants. There is not so much about the childhood of Belfort, but, apparently, he already demonstrated the ability of the seller. For example, it is known that from the age of 17, he sold ice cream in summer on the beach, before this acquiring it at a piece of price. On the day he earned from $ 250 to $ 500.

In eighteen, Belforte had another small business - the sale of necklaces from seashells appeared. His profit was $ 200 per day, and this is if we consider that he paid the salary to three employees - the boys a little younger than his own. During the day, the total income from two enterprises reached an impressive amount.

After graduating from School, Jordan received a degree in biology by graduating from American University. Then he entered Baltimore College of Dental Surgery on a dentist, but lasted in educational institution Just day. The fact is that the dean during a welcoming speech before students noticed that best times Dentistry passed and now this profession rarely makes someone rich, except that guarantees a comfortable life. Belforte immediately lost the motivation and left the college.

At 23, Belfort decided to launch his business. Knowing about the seller's own abilities, he began to trade with meat, alternately moving from the house to the house. At first he worked for the company, and then, together with each other, began his business for the sale of meat and seafood. They expanded target audience With private clients on restaurants and other larger establishments.

The company did not achieve special success, in 1987, Jordan even thought to close it. But then he learned that suppliers agree to provide products on credit. Belfort decided to expand, leased 26 trucks, and also received several loans. According to another version, he took several loans under 24% per annum to acquire trucks.

After these operations, the company turned out to be deeply unprofitable, but Belfort did not worry: suppliers were waiting for payments at the end of the month, and he received money from sales every day. Deftly manipulating means, Belforte, simply tried less than paying the bills. Sometimes he even straightly declared to suppliers that they better agree to part of the amount and an increase in the loan, otherwise the money would not return.

It could not continue for a long time, and the company was ruined, and Belfort himself was on the ears in debt. He was constantly called lenders with threats - starting with American Express and ending with the telephone company.

Another person in a similar situation could lose their composure, but Belforte began to look for a way out. He decided to become a broker. Wall Street looked at the monetary place, and Jordan was an excellent seller. According to a friend's friend's trips, he went to an interview to Rothschild L.F., who worked in the market since 1899. The company has no relation to the Rothschild clamp, simply founder was their namesake.

Besides Belfort, there were more than 20 candidates at the interview, so he needed to come up with how to impress. Stephen Schwartz, who escaped Jordan, was amazed by a candidate who tried to sell him a shares. No other applicant was solved on such audacity, so Belforte made the necessary impression and got the work of the doser. This maneuver largely predetermined Belford's further promotion in the company: paid attention to it from the very beginning of work.

The first day of the work of Belforte excellently described himself in the autobiography and reproduced the director in the film. The boss on the surname Scott in a contemptuous manner explained his duty to a new employee - to dial up to potential customers and transfer the boss tube. Before Belforte met Mark Khanna, who gave him advice on improving health and relaxation - drugs, services lung girls behavior and self-satisfaction. By the way, Hannah will later work in Belforte Stratton-Oakmont.

Despite the first shock, the work on Wall Street looks in reality, starting with obscene expressions and ending in the way of life, Jordan quickly drawn into this life and after six months he received a brokerage license.

His first working day as a broker fell on October 19, 1987 - the so-called black Monday, when the Dow-Jones index fell on a record 22.6%. The event influenced Belfort, and he had to change several companies. According to Forbes, there were D. H. Blair among them and F. D. Roberts Securities.

The latter became Investors Center - a relatively small company, less than a thousand employees who traded "trashcles". Their cost was not more than $ 5 (in some sources less than $ 1), but the brokers received up to 50% of the Commission.

Belfort, despite the initial skepticism, quickly joined the team and began to earn $ 70 thousand per week. It did not manage to work for a long time: Investors Center in 1989 by decision of the Commission on securities and stock exchanges.

One of the first calls of Belfort in the company, so brightly shown in the movie Scorsese, was somewhat curious. Jordan tried to sell shares on Halmillion dollars with a $ 30,000 income per year. But this client did not leave him: Belfort convinced him to acquire shares on the amount available for him.

Creating Stratton-Oakmont. Approach to sales and strategy

Investors CENTER closure has become the beginning of his own business for Belford. In 1989, together with Danny, Paul and Kennet Green founded Stratton-Oakmont. The name was bought by franchise from Stratton-Securities, which worked on the market for about 10 years, but was strictly institutional. The choice was due to a relatively small size of the company and an unmail reputation.

Initially, Belfort received 70% of the company created, and Green - 30%. The mistake became a shareholder several years later, and he got about 20%. The Stratton office is most of the time for its existence on Long Island.

It is worth staying on how Belforte at first picked up staff. He knew how to make an impression on people, and his first employees and companions were associated with the past beginnings of the entrepreneur. For example, Green worked as a driver in the meat company Belforte, and later in Investors Center. The mistake was an intern Jordan and lived with him next door. Another of the first partners of Belfort was Andrew Green, who did not have any relation to Kenneth. Unlike the rest, he was a graduate lawyer and a friend of Childhood Jordan. Green headed the Financial Department.

Observer Site studied by the biography of Jordan Belforte, who became famous for ingenious fraudulent schemes of earnings, big trips and risky entertainment. Belforted wrote two books about his life, according to which Martin Scorsese took off the film, released in 2013.

The name of Jordan Belforte is now known worldwide, but first of all, not because of the reputation or memorable nickname, and thanks to the film with Leonardo di Caprio in the lead role. Of course, there is an artistic exaggeration in the film, but Hollywood scenarios managed to transfer the spirit of the time and personality of the owner himself. Jordan was not asked to change the world for the better, but it seemed sincerely believed that he could make his life and the lives of his employees brighter and richer.

Early years of Jordan Belfort. First business and work as a broker

Jordan Belfort did not dream all his life to become a broker - before that he had to go through a long enough way. He was born in 1962 in New York in the family of accountants. There is not so much about the childhood of Belfort, but, apparently, he already demonstrated the ability of the seller. For example, it is known that from the age of 17, he sold ice cream in summer on the beach, before this acquiring it at a piece of price. On the day he earned from $ 250 to $ 500.

In eighteen, Belforte had another small business - the sale of necklaces from seashells appeared. His profit was $ 200 per day, and this is if we consider that he paid the salary to three employees - the boys a little younger than his own. During the day, the total income from two enterprises reached an impressive amount.

After graduating from School, Jordan received a degree in biology by graduating from American University. Then he entered Baltimore College of Dental Surgery for a dentist, but lasted in an educational institution just a day. The fact is that the decan during a welcoming speech before the students noted that the best times of dentistry were held and now this profession rarely makes someone rich, except that guarantees a comfortable life. Belforte immediately lost the motivation and left the college.

At 23, Belfort decided to launch his business. Knowing about the seller's own abilities, he began to trade with meat, alternately moving from the house to the house. At first he worked for the company, and then, together with each other, began his business for the sale of meat and seafood. They expanded the target audience with private clients on restaurants and other larger establishments.

The company did not achieve special success, in 1987, Jordan even thought to close it. But then he learned that suppliers agree to provide products on credit. Belfort decided to expand, leased 26 trucks, and also received several loans. According to another version, he took several loans under 24% per annum to acquire trucks.

After these operations, the company turned out to be deeply unprofitable, but Belfort did not worry: suppliers were waiting for payments at the end of the month, and he received money from sales every day. Deftly manipulating means, Belforte, simply tried less than paying the bills. Sometimes he even straightly declared to suppliers that they better agree to part of the amount and an increase in the loan, otherwise the money would not return.

It could not continue for a long time, and the company was ruined, and Belfort himself was on the ears in debt. He was constantly called lenders with threats - starting with American Express and ending with the telephone company.

Another person in a similar situation could lose their composure, but Belforte began to look for a way out. He decided to become a broker. Wall Street looked at the monetary place, and Jordan was an excellent seller. According to a friend's friend's trips, he went to an interview to Rothschild L.F., who worked in the market since 1899. The company has no relation to the Rothschild clamp, simply founder was their namesake.

Besides Belfort, there were more than 20 candidates at the interview, so he needed to come up with how to impress. Stephen Schwartz, who escaped Jordan, was amazed by a candidate who tried to sell him a shares. No other applicant was solved on such audacity, so Belforte made the necessary impression and got the work of the doser. This maneuver largely predetermined Belford's further promotion in the company: paid attention to it from the very beginning of work.

The first day of the work of Belforte excellently described himself in the autobiography and reproduced the director in the film. The boss on the Surname Scott in a contemptuous manner explained his duty to a new employee - to dial to potential customers and transfer the head of the boss. Behind Belforte met Mark Khanna, who gave him a Council to improve performance and relaxation - drugs, services of light behavior and self-satisfaction. By the way, Hannah will later work in Belforte Stratton-Oakmont.

Despite the first shock, the work on Wall Street looks in reality, starting with obscene expressions and ending in the way of life, Jordan quickly drawn into this life and after six months he received a brokerage license.

His first working day as a broker fell on October 19, 1987 - the so-called black Monday, when the Dow-Jones index fell on a record 22.6%. The event influenced Belfort, and he had to change several companies. According to Forbes, there were D. H. Blair among them and F. D. Roberts Securities.

The latter became Investors Center - a relatively small company, less than a thousand employees who traded "trashcles". Their cost was not more than $ 5 (in some sources less than $ 1), but the brokers received up to 50% of the Commission.

Belfort, despite the initial skepticism, quickly joined the team and began to earn $ 70 thousand per week. It was not possible to work for a long time: Investors Center in 1989 by decision of the Securities and Exchange Commission.

One of the first calls of Belfort in the company, so brightly shown in the movie Scorsese, was somewhat curious. Jordan tried to sell shares on Halmillion dollars with a $ 30,000 income per year. But this client did not leave him: Belfort convinced him to acquire shares on the amount available for him.

Creating Stratton-Oakmont. Approach to sales and strategy

Investors CENTER closure has become the beginning of his own business for Belford. In 1989, together with Danny, Paul and Kennet Green founded Stratton-Oakmont. The name was bought by franchise from Stratton-Securities, which worked on the market for about 10 years, but was strictly institutional. The choice was due to a relatively small size of the company and an unmail reputation.

Initially, Belfort received 70% of the company created, and Green - 30%. The mistake became a shareholder several years later, and he got about 20%. The Stratton office is most of the time for its existence on Long Island.

It is worth staying on how Belforte at first picked up staff. He knew how to make an impression on people, and his first employees and companions were associated with the past beginnings of the entrepreneur. For example, Green worked as a driver in the meat company Belforte, and later in Investors Center. The mistake was an intern Jordan and lived with him next door. Another of the first partners of Belfort was Andrew Green, who did not have any relation to Kenneth. Unlike the rest, he was a graduate lawyer and a friend of Childhood Jordan. Green headed the Financial Department.

Back in the 1990s, Jordan Belfort was on horseback. Together with his partner and friend Danny temper, he managed Stratton-Oakmont, located on Long Island, which was engaged in pumping and discharge of shares. Jordan pulled money from foreign people and led an overly luxurious lifestyle, including drugs, expensive cars, yachts and much more. He even helped the well-known designer of shoes, Steve Madden, make shares of his company affordable for a public sale.

Unfortunately, all this collapsed, and Belforted lost his condition, wife and more than two years of his life, as he had to serve his prison for his crimes.
After leaving the prison, he wrote a book called "Wolf with Wall Street" - fascinating story About his life during the management of Stratton-Oakmont. To date, the continuation of the story has already been published on how he betrayed his colleagues and served the prison sentence - the book "Catch the Wolf with Wall Street."

Who is Jordan Belfort?

Jordan Belfort rose on Long Island, New York, in a Jewish family and received good upbringing. Before open brokerage company, He sold fruit ice cream to regular visitors to the beach on an incredibly overestimated price. Shortly thereafter, he entered the college at the American University, and then he studied in a dental college only one day, deciding that this path would not lead him to welfare.

Instead, he began the business for the sale of meat along with his friend Kenny Green (which Belfort in his two books with love called "DOOL"). Becoming a first-class seller, he began to trade with small shares in the town known as the Center for Investors. Having succeeded in this matter, he acquired small company Stratton Securities, and the rest you probably already know from a movie or book.


In his first book, "Wolf Wall Street", Belforte describes its insane drug addiction in unbearable details. All drugs - starting with cocaine, finishing ecstasy, marijuana and cucalwood - were an integral part of his life. And to such an extent that, ultimately, they led him to collapse.

Jordan gave preference to Coualude. Several times, he was close to death, taking decisions under the action of a drug. Recall, for example, the situation when he, knit with his wife Nadin, grabbed the daughter of Chandler, went down to her in the garage, where his Mercedes was parked, and drove out of there with a reverse, without fastening the seat belts.

Belforte refrains from drugs from the mid-2000s and, apparently, is very proud of the work he has done in the center of rehabilitation. Of course, he was much better to be there than to expose the life of his children danger.

Washing money

If you have money, you have the right to spend them. Is not it?
Luxury has become natural to Belfort. Wolf had everything: starting with multi-storey apartments in Manhattan, ending with a chic mansion on Long Island. 256-foot super yacht, subsequently damaged to it on the coast of Italy, the car Ferrari Testuross, a house in Hamptonse - it's just some of his toys that he described in small details. Not to mention expensive curtains, glass products and objects of clothing, among other things.

Of course, do not forget about restaurants. No four-star restaurant within New York could cope with his habit of excessive spending. Today Belforte can only dream of dinners and parties he arranged for his employees.

Lovely wife

Nadine Belfort, the second wife of Jordan, on which he married after the divorce with his first wife, Denis, was just incredible. A model with a delightful figure and luxurious blond hair - in general, the dream of any man. She was completely predicted to him. Nadine supported Jordan, even when he hanging out at parties, drunk and abused drugs. But she left him after he dropped her from a staircase in their house, being in a state of narcotic intoxication. Ultimately, Nadin married a lawyer and moved to California with two children from Jordan.

Good deeds

Want to believe, you want no, but in this story there are positive moments. Belforte was engaged not only by pumping and discharge of shares and deception of investors. He also contributed to the shares of one of the most religious fashionable modern companies, Steve Madden, became accessible to a public sale. In addition, he watched his friends properly, and at the right moment sponsored their own brokerage companies. Of course, it cannot compensate all the bad things that he did. However, it would be an exaggeration to call Belfort Devil in the flesh.

Corporate culture

People who worked in Stratton were like mad PsamReady to go for all for fast earnings. Belfort claims that he did not hire employees who were already brokers or had a good educationAs they knew too much. Instead of them, he took people to work with certificates about the end of high school and adolescents who wanted to earn great money. After all, it was obvious that they would be committed to the "Golden Taurus". Around the company formed a kind of cult. Her employees even called "Strattonites" (in honor of Stratton).

Strattonites were entertained by full program. Parties with throwing dwarfs were the usual phenomenon in the office, however, like prostitutes, drugs and feasts, after which the restaurants resembled the ruins. Compared to them, employees of companies such as Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns were rather reminded of pious Mormons.

Full self-destruction

IN recent monthsBefore Belforte caught the FBI, a full chaos reigned in his life. In one of the most insane stories from the original book, it is argued about how he got several doses of the "pure" cucalyud from Switzerland. He took one dose, but she did not affect immediately, so he swallowed a few more. He sat down into his car and drove up to the taxonophone to talk to one of his many accomplices. And then he felt that the drug began to act.

Further, he just remembered that he parked near his house. When entering the inside, he ran into his wife, who asked why his car was all in dents. Soon Belfort understood that he crashed out several times on his Mercedes to other cars, heading home from the place where the taxone was located. Like Taiger Woods, he screamed everything in his path while his car was completely stopped right in front of his house. He was arrested, and then sent to the Center for Rehabilitation.


At that time, Belforte often laundered money to Switzerland with several intermediaries. The detention of one of them became for Belforte the beginning of the end. The FBI agents appeared at the threshold of his house and took him to prison.

Coming out of prison and being waiting trial and sentence, Belforte showed himself as a dialer, writing a speech on a magnetic ribbon several friends and former colleagues, in the hope of reducing the sentence. Agent FBI Coleman and Assistant of the Federal Prosecutor of the United States Joel Cohen were very grateful to him for it.

The role of the baseman

What kind of podlonchik he was!
Belforte was upgraded by his accountant, known as the "chief", who led the black accounting and laundered the money at each convenient opportunity, while committing official crimes. All involved in crimes were listed in the list, consisting of almost one hundred names, which was drawn up when Belforte exposed in detail the mistakes of his past FBI and the federal prosecutor of the United States.

Do not commit a crime if you are not able to serve the term in prison
Despite the fact that Belforte managed to stretch the period of cooperation with the FBI for several years, in the end, he was sentenced to four years in prison, as well as his business partner and friend Danny Tista. However, due to good behavior, consulting from a narcologist and stay in a hostel for persons liberated from the places of detention, he actually served in prison just over 2.5 years.

The court also demanded that it pays a fine of $ 110 million, and its gross monthly income will be reduced by 50% until it is paid to the penalty in full size. Oh, I'm not lucky!

Like many other criminals with Wall Street, Belfort did not have to deal with the usual "prison population". After a week of staying in a single chamber, he was placed in a camp of the general regime, in which there were tennis courts, a library and different kinds physical activitywhich he could enjoy. It was at this time that he lived in one room with scandalous famous actor And the addict Tonny Chong, who advised him to write a book about his life. Is it worth saying that Belforte listened to the Council of Chong and began to study the writing craft. On his author's style a huge impact The novels of Tom Wolf and Hunter S. Thompson.


Now Jordan Belfort is a completely different person. At least he himself says so. Currently, he lives in Los Angeles to be closer to his two children. Coming out of prison, Belforte began writing the book "Wolf with Wall Street", which was based on the film (released on December 25, 2013) by director Martin Scorsese. As it is neither paradoxical, the plot of the film "Boiler", published in 2000, partially echoes Belforte.

Despite the fact that Belfort is not as rich as before, and with all their might try to pay his fine, he is a living example of non-life, which sometimes existed and still exists in secret world Finance.