Basic obscene words. Russian mat: history and meaning of obscene words

Basic obscene words. Russian mat: history and meaning of obscene words

Russian swearing is called a system of words that have a negative color (swear words, name-calling), which are not accepted by the norms of public morality. In other words, swearing is profanity. Where did Russian swearing come from?

The origin of the word "mat"

There is a version that the word “mate” itself has the meaning of “voice”. But a larger number of researchers are sure that "mate" came from "mother" and is an abbreviated expression for "swearing", "send to mother."

The origin of the Russian mat

Where did the mat in Russian come from?

  • First, some of the swear words were borrowed from other languages ​​(for example, Latin). There were versions that the mat also came to the Russian language from the Tatar (during the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars). But these assumptions have been refuted.
  • Secondly, most of the swear words and swear words came from the Proto-Indo-European language, as well as Old Slavic. Thus, swearing in Russian is still "our own", from the ancestors.

There are also certain versions of the origin, from where the obscene words appeared in the Russian language. Here is some of them:

  • Earth-bound.
  • Parent-related.
  • Associated with the sinking of the earth, earthquakes.

There is an opinion that many swear words were used by the pagan Slavs in their ceremonies and rituals to protect against evil forces. This point of view is quite viable. Also, the pagans used mat in wedding ceremonies, agricultural. But they had no big semantic load, the more abusive, they did not have a mat.

The lexical composition of the Russian mat

The researchers noticed that the number of swear words is high. But, if you look more closely, you can see: the root of words is often common, only the ending changes or prefixes and suffixes are added. Most of the words in Russian mate are somehow connected with the sexual sphere, genitals. It is important that these words have no neutral counterparts in the literature. More often they are simply replaced with words with the same meaning, but in Latin. The originality of the Russian mat is its richness and variety. This can be said about the Russian language in general.

Russian mate in the historical aspect

Since the adoption of Christianity in Russia, decrees have appeared regulating the use of mat. This, of course, was an initiative on the part of the church. In general, in Christianity, swearing is a sin. But the mate managed to penetrate so much into all segments of the population that the measures taken were absolutely ineffective.

The letters of the twelfth century contain obscene words in the form of rhymes. Mat was used in various notes, ditties, letters. Of course, many words that have now become obscene used to have a softer meaning. According to sources of the fifteenth century, then there were a large number of obscene words, which even called rivers and villages.

After a couple of centuries, mate has become very widespread. Swearing finally became "obscene" in the eighteenth century. This is due to the fact that during this period there was a separation of the literary language from the spoken language. In the Soviet Union, the fight against obscenities was carried on very stubbornly. This was expressed in fines for profanity in public places. However, this has rarely been done in practice.

Today in Russia they also fight against obscenities, especially on television and in the media.

Sidorov G.A. about the origin of the Russian mat.

The origin of the Russian mat. Life is Interesting magazine.

Let's see where this infectious thing came from. The mystical origins of such a phenomenon as mate go back to the pagan past. To protect themselves from the attacks of the demonic world, people of the pre-Christian era contacted him.

Where did the mats come from?

The incantations that were directed to pagan idols consisted of their names. And just at that time, the cult of fertility was widespread. Thus, most mats are associated with the genitals of both men and women.

The Slavs were also familiar with obscenities. For example, the swear word of a girl of easy virtue "b ..." is found on Novgorod notes and birch bark letters of the 12th century. It just meant something completely different. The meaning of the word was the name of a demon with whom only sorcerers communicated. According to ancient beliefs, this demon punished sinners by sending them a disease, which is now called "uterine fury."

Another word, the verb "e ...", is of Slavic origin, and is translated as curse.

The rest of the obscene words are the names of pagan gods, or demonic names. When a person swears, he calls demons on himself, his family, his kind.

Thus, mate is an appeal to demons, only it consists of spells and the names of certain demons. The history of the checkmate shows this.

In other words, mate is the language of communication with demons.

The effect of the mat on human health

Let's just give 6 facts about the effect of mats:

1. The influence of the mat on DNA

Human words can be represented in the form of electromagnetic waves that directly affect the properties and structure of DNA molecules responsible for heredity. If a person uses swear words from day to day, a "negative program" begins to develop in the DNA molecules and they change significantly. Scientists claim that a "dirty" word causes a mutagenic effect, similar to radiation exposure.

Abusive words have a negative effect on the genetic code of the swearing person, are written in it, become a curse for the person himself and his heirs.

2. Abusive words pass along other nerve endings than ordinary words

There is an observation of doctors that people suffering from paralysis, in the complete absence of speech, speak exclusively with obscenities. Although at the same time he is not able to say either "Yes" or "No". At first glance, the phenomenon, although very strange, speaks volumes. Why does a completely paralyzed person utter only obscenities? Does it really have a different nature than ordinary words?

3. Effect of the mat on water. Scientific experiment.

Sprouting technology has long been used in biology and agriculture.

Water is processed by some kind of influence, and wheat grains are processed with this water.

Three kinds of words have been used:

  1. Prayer "Our Father"
  2. Household mat, which is used to communicate speech
  3. The checkmate is aggressive, with a pronounced expression.

After a certain time, the number of germinated grains and the length of the shoots are checked.

On the second day

  1. The control batch sprouted 93% of the seeds
  2. In a batch of grains processed with prayer - 96% of grains. And the longest sprout length, up to 1 cm.
  3. In a batch treated with household mat - 58% of grains
  4. The expressive mat influenced so that only 49% of the grains grew. The shoots are not uniform in length and mold has developed.

Scientists believe that the appearance of mold is the result of a strong negative effect of the mat on the water.

After a while.

  1. The influence of the household mat - only 40% of the germinated grains remained
  2. The influence of the expressive mat - only 15% of the germinated grains remained.

Sprouts immersed in matted water show that this environment is not suitable for them.

Man is 80% water. Make a conclusion, friends.

Here is a video confirmation of this experiment.

4. Abusive words very often come out of people from whom demons are cast out.

This is recognized by all confessions: from Orthodox to Protestants.

For example, an Orthodox priest, Father Sergius, writes: “The so-called mate is the language of communication with demonic forces. It is no coincidence that this phenomenon is called infernal vocabulary. Infernal means hellish, from the underworld. " It is very easy to make sure that mat is a demonic phenomenon. Visit a Russian Orthodox church during a lecture. And take a close look at the person who is being chastised with prayer. He will moan, scream, break free, growl and the like. And the worst thing is that they swear very hard ...

Thanks to science, it has been proven that because of the mat, not only a person's morality suffers, but also his health!

Ivan Belyavsky is one of the first scientists who put forward this theory. He believes that every mat is an energy charge that negatively affects human health.

It has already been proven that the mat came from the sacred names of the gods. The word "mat" means "strength." A destructive force that affects human DNA and destroys it from the inside, especially women and children.

5. Swear words have a detrimental effect on women

Abuse of mat is detrimental to the hormonal background of a woman. Her voice becomes low, testosterone is in excess, fertility decreases, hirsutism appears ...

6. The influence of swear words on a person in countries where there is no abuse against the reproductive organs.

Another very interesting fact. In countries where there is no swearing indicating the genital organ, cerebral palsy and Down syndromes are not found. But in the CIS countries, these diseases exist. Unfortunately…

How to get rid of the influence of the mate?

You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord.

We have already proven the origin of obscene words. Considered a scientific experiment. But the purpose of this series and the Word of Encouragement project is to encourage and help overcome every vice that binds a person.

Here we will give a recipe for getting rid of swear words, which has been tested on personal experience. Just 5 easy steps.


It is very important to recognize that obscene words are a vice that destructively affects a person. Precisely to admit, not to resist.


Ardent repentance before God is very important.

He is the Lord, He knows everything. And He will help, but first, just repent that this dirty abuse came out of your lips.

Accept yourself as a new creation

If you have prayed a prayer of repentance, then you have become a new creation, a child of Almighty God. And before that, every person is a sinner, a product of the devil.

Many people in the world say "Why reject obscenities - it's okay!" It's okay if you are a sinful person. And if you repented before God, asked for forgiveness of your sins, you have already become a new creation.

And you need to accept this

God's Word says:

2Cor.5: 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, now everything is new.

Start thinking of yourself well, thinking of yourself as a beloved child of God, as the one for whom the Lord gave His Son.

Trust God. You have become different on the inside.

Eph. 5: 8 You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: act like children of light,

Believe that words are capsules filled with power.

Basically, this whole series is about it. What we say is what we have.

But you, if you have already swore, you need to accept it again. Your mats have done one thing in your life.

Now you need your words to bring good.

Col. 4: 6 Your word [let it be] always with grace

Eph 4:29 Let no rotten word come out of your mouth, but only good words for the edification of faith, so that it may bring grace to those who hear.

This means that every time you open your mouth, ask God for wisdom, so that your words will bring grace, benefit to those who listen.

Dedicate your mouth, your tongue to God.

This is not just a decision: "since the New Year, I will stop talking obscenities."

It is a decision that your mouth belongs to the Lord, the Creator of heaven and earth. And you will only bless God and His creatures with your lips.

James 3: 9-10 With it we bless God and the Father, and with it we curse men, created in the likeness of God. From the same mouth comes blessing and curse: this should not be so, my brethren.

If you dedicate your mouth to God, it won't be easy. But even when you stumble, remember that the word of God says "this should not be." God does not give impossible tasks. If it's written in His Word, then it's real. And it means that it is possible to live so as not to utter curses and swear words at loved ones.

Word of Encouragement

I want to end up in a very good place.

Remember that for every word you give an account. And if you say a lot of good things to the life of your loved ones, bless your wife / husband, children, parents, employees - God will bring these words to judgment. And from these words you will be justified. So says the Word of God

Matt 12: 36-37 I tell you that for every idle word that people say, they will give an answer on the day of judgment: 37 for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

Mat is an ambiguous concept. Some find it unacceptable, while others cannot imagine emotional communication without strong expression. But it is impossible to argue with the fact that swearing has long become an integral part of the Russian language, and it is used not only by uncultured people, but also by well-educated representatives of society. Historians claim that Pushkin, Mayakovsky, Bunin and Tolstoy used to swear at him with pleasure and defended him as an integral part of the Russian language. Where did the obscene words come from, and what do the most common of them actually mean?

Where did the mate come from?

Many believe that obscene language dates back to the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, but linguistic historians have long denied this fact. The Golden Horde and most of the nomadic tribes were Muslims, and the representatives of this religion do not defile their lips with swearing, and their greatest insult is to call a person an "unclean" animal - for example, a pig or a donkey. Accordingly, Russian mat has a more ancient history and goes back to ancient Slavic beliefs and traditions.

By the way, the designation of a male causal place in Turkic dialects sounds absolutely harmless - kutah. That would be surprised carriers of the fairly widespread and euphonious surname Kutakhov, having learned what it really means!

A common three-letter word, according to one of the versions, is the imperative mood of the verb "huvat", that is, to hide

Most experts in ethnography and linguistics argue that obscene words originated from the Proto-Indo-European language, which was spoken by the ancestors of the ancient Slavs, Germanic tribes and many other peoples. The difficulty lies in the fact that its speakers did not leave any written sources, so the language had to be reconstructed literally bit by bit.

The word "mat" itself has several origins. According to one of them, at one time it meant a shout or a loud voice - confirmation of this theory is the expression "Shouting good obscenities", which has come down to our times. Other researchers argue that the term originated from the word "mother", since most obscene constructions send an unwanted person to a particular mother, or imply sexual intercourse with her.

The exact origin and etymology of obscene words also remains unclear - on this score, linguists and ethnologists put forward many versions. Only three are considered the most likely.

  1. Communication with parents. In the days of Ancient Russia, the elderly and parents were treated with great respect and reverence, therefore all words with a sexual connotation concerning the mother were considered a serious insult to a person.
  2. Connection with Slavic conspiracies. In the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, the genitals occupied a special place - it was believed that they contained the magical power of a person, and when you turned to it, willy-nilly, you had to remember those very places. In addition, our ancestors believed that devils, witches and other dark entities were extremely bashful and could not stand swear words, therefore they used obscene language as protection from unclean ones.
  3. Communication with peoples of other faiths. In some ancient Russian texts there is a mention of the fact that the swearing has a "Jewish" or "dog" origin, but this does not mean that nezentsurism came to us from Judaism. The ancient Slavs called "dogs" any other people's beliefs, and the words borrowed from the representatives of such religions were used as curses.

Some experts believe that mat was invented as a secret language

Another common misconception is that the Russian language is the richest in obscene words of all the existing ones. In fact, philologists distinguish from 4 to 7 basic constructions, and all the rest are formed from them with the help of suffixes, prefixes and prepositions.

Most popular obscene expressions

In Serbia, whose language is akin to Russian, uncensored words are much less taboo.

  • NS**. The most common abusive word that can be found on walls and fences around the world. According to Wikipedia, at least 70 different words and idioms are derived from it, ranging from the short and understandable to everyone "fuck you", ending with the more original "fuck" or "the same thing." In addition, this word can be called one of the oldest and most respected in the Russian language - many researchers believe that it goes back to the pranostratic language that was formed in the 11th millennium BC. The most common theory of its origin is from the Indo-European skeu-, which means "shoot" or "shoot". From him came the more innocuous and censorship word "needles".
  • X * p. This word, as once was quite decent and often used - this is how the 23rd letter of the Cyrillic alphabet was called, which after the reform turned into the letter X. Researchers name various reasons for its transformation into an obscene utterance. According to one of the theories, the cross was once called x * rom, and the defenders of paganism cursed the first Christians who actively implanted their faith in Russia, telling them "Go to x * r", which meant "die like your God." The second version says that in the Proto-Indo-European language this word was used to refer to a goat, including the idol, the patron saint of fertility, which had a large genital organ.

Rather than social status and age.

The widespread belief that teenagers swear many times more than mature people crashes on Russian roads, in car repair shops and in undignified drinking establishments. Here people do not hold back impulses that come from the heart, splashing out on the interlocutor and those around them a wave of their negativity. In most cases, the use of mate is associated with a lack of vocabulary or the fact that the person is not able to express their words and thoughts in a more cultured way.

From the point of view of esotericism and religion, a scolding person from the inside decomposes himself and badly affects the surrounding space, releasing negative energy. It is believed that these people get sick more often than those who keep their tongue clean.

Obscene language can be heard in completely different layers. Often in the media you can find messages about another scandal with famous politicians or movie and show business stars who publicly used profanity. The paradox is that even someone who uses mate to connect words in a sentence condemns such behavior of celebrities and considers it unacceptable.

The attitude of the law towards the use of profanity

The Code of Administrative Offenses clearly regulates the use of swear words and expressions in a public place. A violator of peace and order to pay a fine, and in some cases of foul language may be subject to administrative arrest. However, in Russia and most of the CIS countries, this law is observed only when swear words were used in a law enforcement officer.
Mate is swearing regardless of profession, income and level of education. However, for many, the limiting factor is the presence of the elderly, young children and work that involves polite communication with people.

Resourceful people a couple of decades ago found a way out of the situation: along with swearing in oral speech, his surrogate appeared. The words "damn", "zvezdets", "vyzhitsya" seem to be not obscenities in the literal sense of the word and cannot fall under the corresponding article by definition, but they carry the same meaning and the same negative as their predecessors, but such words are constantly being added.

On forums and in the discussion of news, as a rule, the use of strong words is prohibited, but surrogates have successfully bypassed this barrier. Thanks to the appearance of an obscene surrogate, parents have ceased to be ashamed of using it in the presence, harming the cultural development of their child, introducing the immature to the use of swearing.

Taboo vocabulary includes certain layers of vocabulary that are banned for religious, mystical, political, moral and other reasons. What are the prerequisites for its occurrence?

Varieties of taboo vocabulary

Among the subspecies of taboo vocabulary, one can consider sacred taboos (on pronouncing the name of the creator in Judaism). The anathema to the pronunciation of the name of the alleged game during the hunt refers to the mystical taboo layer. It is for this reason that the bear in the persecution is called "the owner", and the word "bear" itself is a derivative of the phrase "in charge of honey."

Obscene vocabulary


One of the most significant types of taboo vocabulary is obscene or vocabulary, in the common people - mat. From the history of the origin of Russian obscene vocabulary, three main versions can be distinguished. The adherents of the first hypothesis argue that Russian swearing arose as a legacy of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Which in itself is controversial, given that most of the obscene roots go back to the Proto-Slavic origins. According to the second version, abusive lexemes once had several lexical meanings, one of which eventually supplanted all the others and was assigned to the word. The third theory says that abusive language was once a significant component of occult rituals of the pre-Christian period.

Let's consider lexical metamorphosis using the most iconic formulations as an example. It is known that in antiquity, “to lose” meant “to cross out a cross on a cross”. Accordingly, the cross was called "dick". The turn "fuck everyone" was introduced into everyday life by ardent supporters of paganism. Thus, they wished Christians to die on the cross by analogy with their own god. Needless to say, current users of the language use this word in a completely different context.

Abuse also played an important role in rituals and rituals of pagan origin, usually associated with fertility. In addition, it should be noted that obscene lexemes abound in most conspiracies for death, illness, love spells, etc.

It is known that many lexical units that are now considered obscene, were not such until the 18th century. These were completely ordinary words, denoting parts (or features of the physiological structure) of the human body and not only. So, the Proto-Slavic "jebti" originally meant "to beat, hit", "huj" - "a needle of a coniferous tree, something sharp and prickly." The word "pisyda" was used in the sense of "urinary organ". Let's remember that the verb "whore" once meant "to talk, to lie." "Fornication" - "deviation from the established path", as well as "illegal living". Later, both verbs merged together.

It is believed that before the invasion of Napoleonic troops in 1812, abusive vocabulary was not particularly in demand in society. However, as it turned out in the process, the hazing was much more effective in the trenches. Since then, mate has become firmly rooted as the main form of communication among the troops. Over time, the officer stratum of society popularized the obscene vocabulary to such an extent that it turned into urban slang.

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  • how mat (taboo vocabulary) appeared in 2019
  • Taboo words and euphemisms (profanity) in 2019

Modern dictionaries and reference books explain the term "abusive vocabulary" as a category of language related to obscene language. Often a parallel is drawn, or even a complete synonymization of the concept of "abusive vocabulary" and "obscene". It is assumed that the composition of the abusive vocabulary includes exclusively obscene, obscene vile, vulgar words and expressions. And the very abusive vocabulary is regarded as a spontaneous reaction to certain events or sensations.


According to the definition of swear words as part of obscenity, there is a certain thematic classification of swear words and expressions:
- emphatically negative characteristics of a person, including obscene definitions;
- the names of taboo parts of the body;
- obscene names for sexual intercourse;
- the names of physiological acts and the results of their administration.

Everything would be too simple and clear, if not for one "but". You do not need to be a professional linguist in order not to trace the similarities in words and expressions: "abusive", "self-assembly", "battlefield", "decoration". Some linguists attribute this similarity to the origin of the vocabulary of the predecessor of the Indo-European language. The lexical unit of the proto-language - "br", could mean the common property of the tribe, food, and was the basis of the word formation of many terms, from which the words "take", "brashna", as well as "bor", "beekeeper" came from. It is assumed that the expression "battle" could have come from war booty, and "battlefield" is a booty field. Hence the "self-assembled tablecloth" and, which is typical - "burden / taking / pregnancy", as well as agricultural terms - "harrow", "furrow".

Over time, the words associated with the reproduction of offspring were grouped into the category of "swear words", but they did not belong to obscene vocabulary. Abusive vocabulary belonged to the category of taboo, it could only be used by priests and only in cases provided for by customs, mainly in erotic rituals associated with agricultural magic. This guides the hypothesis about the origin of the word "mat" - agriculture - "swear words" - "mother - cheese".

With the adoption of Christianity, the use of swear words was completely banned, but among the people, most words in this category were not positioned as offensive. Until the 18th century, modern abusive vocabulary was used as an equal part of the Russian language.

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The list of swear words is inconsistent - some words go away or lose their negative color, like, for example, the word "oud", which is not perceived by contemporaries otherwise than as the root of the word "fishing rod", but in the 19th century it was forbidden to be used at the legislative level as a designation of male sex organ.

The list of weedy words is wide enough. Surely you had to catch in the speech of the interlocutor such constructions: "in general", "as it were", "this", "well", "so to speak", "this is the most", "like him." In the youth environment, the word Ok ("okay"), which came from the English language, has recently become very widespread.

Rubbish words - an indicator of general and speech culture

Among the verbal rubbish, there is something that is considered indecent in any cultured society. We are talking about profanity. The elements of foul language, no doubt, speak of an extremely low level of general culture. Swearing carries a very strong expressive charge. In some cases, socially acceptable substitutes for obscene words are used, for example, "tree-stick". It is better to refrain from even such at first glance harmless expressions, even if the situation is conducive to an emotional response.

If you notice signs of dirty words in your speech, try to control them. Recognizing a speech deficiency is the first step towards eliminating it. Constantly monitoring the quality of your speech will help you express your thoughts more accurately and become a pleasant conversationalist.

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Trying to discover the origin of the Russian mat, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that millions of people do not know where this language came from. The phenomenon itself is incomprehensible. They say they say, but do not know why they say exactly that? This involuntarily draws attention. If the origin is unknown, then why is it used so persistently and steadily? At the same time, the mate cannot be considered exclusively Russian. He is in Jewish Yiddish. Many experts have long noticed the connection between the Hebrew and Slavic-Novgorod languages. This clearly indicates common ancestors. Now the reason for this connection is not difficult to prove.

Mat is considered obscene language. That is, prohibited for official use. From this one can make a fairly confident assumption that it is pre-written. The Orthodox Church has always condemned and forbade him. Consequently, it appeared among our ancestors before Byzantine Orthodoxy was universally established in medieval Russia. And, judging by the fact that Christianity came to Byzantium from Rome, where it appeared in the first centuries of the New Era, therefore, the Jews also had a mat before the emergence of this religion.

But here one more question arises: the Novgorodians appeared not earlier than the 7th century. New era, and the Jews in Egypt and the Middle East two to three thousand years earlier. How did both of them have the same language, the origin of which neither one nor the other knows anything about? This means that both of them had common ancestors who used this language.

A shallow study of the Russian mat allows us to conclude that its many expressions and words have only a few roots. Their semantic meaning changes depending on the endings and pronounced intonation. You can make a dozen others out of one word.

Unfortunately, I do not know how, without repeating past stories, to explain another unknown. Because that information is also unique. Therefore, I apologize for the repetitions.

To understand the world of the ancient pagans, you need to imagine what the Aryan dwelling looked like with its chimney. It was a domed structure similar to a Mongolian yurt. The poles, called prugs, with their thick ends stuck in a circle into the ground. And in the dome, the thin ends converged on a special wheel, where they were tied with straps - by faith. Familiar words to everyone - springs, rope. From here come the concepts of su-prugi and the Old Slavic verv - genus.

The tip of each pruga, sticking out inside the chimney wheel, had its own name and sign. The signs were carved on the staff of the tribal leader with "lines and cuts" and looked like bird tracks - piste. Hence epistola is a letter. Each tip of the pruga was also a bearer of a number, syllable, prayer, name, which was given to members of the clan.

In some Aryan clans, the leaders duplicated the names of the arrowheads with a certain knot on the strap, which they constantly carried with them. It was a rope alphabet. Therefore, the words rope, rope, faith, top, twirl have one root. From verses - a circle, a wheel.

Undoubtedly, only a very simple language could be created from this wheel. But to create a new kind, the ancestor did not need another. The wheel was the matrix of the original language spoken to hybrid mothers in labor. It is not for nothing that the mate is called an obscene language. Or they say: "I swore at my mother."

The word mothershina also speaks of its origin from the Aryan smoke wheel. Details: mother gina. Mat-stick, line. Er - wooden. That is, a pole, a pruga, the end of which was sticking out in the chimney wheel. The end of a tire means a wheel or a round object. For example: bus - rail with bus. Stick with a wheel. Eyelet, fascina, car. Etc. In turn, ji-na is heaven on. The word "tire" refers to the smoke wheel, which is "in the sky."

To decipher the original meaning of the abusive words, you can compose a small dictionary.
Ba is the body.
Wa, ka - together
Yes - throat.
E - from above.
Idz \ ij - the sky.
Th - tip.
P - attach, attach.
Ku - together, little
La - lips, fingers.
Ma is the body.
Man - wheel, circle, round.
T - to stand.

Now we compose the p-idz - yes - the throat set to the sky. Smoke hole of the Aryan dwelling.
Let's double-check: man-yes - a wheel-throat. It was used to give names and genera, therefore in some languages ​​Man means “man”.

The word mat itself means everything that is worth. This is the herb - mint, and the hair by which a woman was distinguished from a man. Hence the words mat and mother sound the same. The checkmate is also just a stick.

The most used abusive name for the male genital organ comes from two syllable words ku - y. Ku - together, d - tip. Together with the tip.
It was not difficult to compose a language template. Therefore, the Aryan tribal leaders, having the skill, easily constructed new languages. They used this primitive language in communication with women in labor. Those, in turn, passed it on to their children.

With the increase in the number of genera and with the complexity of life in general, languages ​​were replenished with new constructed words based on the original template. The Aryans created enclaves all over the world. Therefore, these template words can be found in completely different languages. For example, in Chechen there is a word bud, meaning a female genital organ. In the Russian booth, wake-up. The capital of Hungary is Budapest. The Tibetan religion is called Buddhism.

What is the connection, you ask? - Yes, that bud is one of the synonyms with which the Aryans called the smoke hole of their dwelling. Bud-ka - with a hole together. Like a bud-ka - on top of the hole together. The smoke hole, from which in the mornings the tribal leader pushed the hatch with a long hatch, announcing a booth.

The toponym Buda - Pest directly indicates the bud of the stove. That is, a round chimney wheel, through which the Aryans gave names to the members of the clan. In this case, the name means "clan dwelling" or "clan dwellings". The giant city began with several clans created here by the Aryan leaders.

In ancient Türkic, the word "budun" means "people". Bud-un - one hole. And Russian ”means nation - genus from above. The Wheel of the Family by which the names of the members of the family were given.
That names were given on this wheel. says the famous surname Budanov. It comes from bud-an - a hole on top.

In the past centuries in the Dagestan auls there was a public office called "budun". This person was obliged to monitor the night time and so that the sentries guarding the aul did not sleep. He kept track of time by the stars and at exactly the same time woke the people up by rattling his truncheon into a suspended copper basin.

The name of the religion with the roots bud says that in connection with the smoke wheel a rather complex complex of knowledge has developed. To understand the origin of the God Buddha himself, it is enough to read my transcript of the myth of Jesus Christ. These are two different descriptions of the appearance of the first light after the polar night in the smoke holes of the Aryan polar dwellings. Only in the first case it was called idz-uz - the sky is narrow. And in the second bud-da - a round hole.

The common expletive used to name walking people and women in general is another synonym for a smoke hole. Lyada is still called the entrance to the attic of the house in the south. B-lyad - body lyada, body-hole. Kolyada - the name of a few hours in the evening before Christmas comes from kolyada - a circle of lyada. That is, an open Lada smoke wheel.

That's all. There are also a couple of obscene words. Use the dictionary yourself. You can do it.
I was always surprised that no philologist wrote a single word to me about such things. Even obscene. True, once one doctor of sciences from a well-known university noticed that there were spelling errors in my text and punctuation marks were incorrectly placed. A very helpful note. I wanted to immediately go to high school to finish my studies. It’s a pity that he didn’t take an elephant… .., excuse me, he didn’t notice.

(By the way! The word min-em consists of min-hole, et - from above. That is, mouth. Medieval digging under the walls of a besieged fortress - mine. The same hole. The titles of the Chinese emperors of the Ming dynasty and the name of the Egyptian god Ming come from the hole in the Aryan smoke wheel The only source of light in the dark palace is the headlight, hence the headlight is round.

As a child, I heard the following story from the old people of our village: During the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878, the Cossacks asked the Bulgarians: "Why do you laugh when someone asks for a match?" They replied that in their language the word "pichka" means a female genital organ. From the proto-language, this can be translated as p-ij-ka - set the sky together. The same smoke hole of the Aryan dwelling. As a result, it turns out that no matter how you avoid the use of obscene words, you still sometimes involuntarily do this by mentioning an ordinary match in a conversation. If in one of the related Slavic languages ​​"pichka" is the same place for a woman, then a wooden stick with a tip of red sulfur, there is a male organ, which is intended for this place.

Philo-logs gentlemen! Study the logo saw carefully! And when your great and mighty reaches the proper height, you will understand how the house conic differs from the condom. And at the same time, learn to distinguish a spike from a kitsch.