Project "Fucking Drying": reviews, training program. The creator of the "mad drying" of Vasily Smolny reveals the secrets of the zozh who at the head of everything

Project "Fucking Drying": reviews, training program. The creator of the "mad drying" of Vasily Smolny reveals the secrets of the zozh who at the head of everything

Yulia Smolny, a wife famous for the entire Internet organizer of the world in the world of Rabenyasushka Vasily Smolny, met the first days of the new year in Frau Klinik.

* Family couple Smolny for several years on their example motivate people to move to a healthy lifestyle and turn on the sport in their lives.

History of the operation

Today, Julia Smolnya is a wonderful wife and mother of two sons, an example for imitating many, but, like all people, she is, first of all, a woman with their advantages and disadvantages. Julia is recognized that from young age dreams to get rid of the hanging upper ages, which always did her look sad and tired.

"The effect of a heavy century - it was this problem that we had to solve in this case" - Commented on the situation Plastic Surgeon, Professor S.N. Blokhin. "At consultation with Yulya, it was decided to spend the top classic blepharoplasty, which allowed to make a look open and more expressive due to the removal of excess hanging tissues, as well as form the fold of the upper eyelid."

After a few hours after the operation conducted under general anesthesia, Julia posted a post about a positive state in his Instagram. Julia also noted the high speed of the surgeon and the absence of edema and hematomas. Now the wife of Vasily Smolny willingly shares all the details with his Follovers on the Instagram page, responding to all questions about the operation, its value and features of the holding. She also does not hide that in 2015 he made another operation - mammoplasty (breast plastic) after the end of the breastfeeding period.

Outcome: photo "To" and "after"

In connection with the increasing issues on blepharoplasty, I will tell you the coming fairy tale about sad eyes and drooping eyelids with a happy ending.
In some kingdom, in some state there was a girl-was the maiden. Merry was a girl, ridiculous, yes by the game of playing. However, a strange thing. From day to day, from year to year pursued the virgin the same question. That friends familiar will ask more than enough, then instigram subscribers: "What are you sad, Krasna-Maiden? What is your eyes that are filled with your enemy's death? "... I don't mind what is not in the sadness, but in the popyny hanging centuries that went to the inheritance from relatives in the father. And once the girls glanced on their sad eyes in the mirror, stuck the foot, brought, and she decided that it was time to go to the road. In the threestened kingdom to Magu-Charger. Mag-magician hand crashed and drew tired maidy eyes into open eyes. Thanked the Maiden of the Good Wizard, hugged the farewell and went to the opposite way. Passed the day, the other ... the fifth ... on the 7th day the maiden looks in the mirror, yes, the diva is given - neither bruising, nor scratches, only open eyes, and a smile from the ear to ear. Here and fairy tales End, and who listened - well done!
Well, now seriously - almost 2 years after my blepharoplasty - the flight is normal. More precisely perfect! The look is still open, the eyes closes, they do not climb the forehead. And most importantly, you know what? - From the seams there is no trace! Operation was done by

The book is designed for newcomers in PP, such as me. After the birth of the kid, I fed a breast another year, but the weight gained for pregnancy almost did not move. And now there is a problem of weight loss, which means that the correct nutrition. I bought the book of Vasily Smolny, because his name for a long time for hearing and results on his technique are simply awesome. It is written in a simple language with sparkling humor, so I read quickly. In the second reading, it has already been slowly making their own individual PP program using the author's advice. This book is valuable, which does not bind you to a certain framework in nutrition. On the contrary, you can make your own PP scheme based on the information received. I adhere to PP for the fourth month and weight slowly leaves. Everything is written in the book. Quickly lose weight contraindicated at any age, and when you bring yourself in a form with the mind, everything will be fine. I recommend this book to everyone, especially those who want to start PP for the first time.

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Magic Penels

Maybe for someone in this book, nothing new, but not for me! Smolny - wellout! Yes, he is rude, and maybe even Hamwat, but isn't it overweight from this problem? Not the fact that you regret yourself, fuck and cherish? This approach is ideal for those who want to finally stop complaining themselves and master their own body in the name of their own health!

Smolny decorates everything on the shelves: what needs to eat, how, how to train? And in general, along the course of the book, will answer all-all questions about a healthy lifestyle. Along the way, he develops various myths and misconceptions. Personally, I learned a lot of new about k / b / w / y, I try to stick to the right nutrition, and clearly realized that no star looks so beautiful for just so, for each beautiful, elastic, tightened body - hidden a lot of work on yourself!
The book is inspiration for everyone in need!

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Cry from the heart

Dear those who comments on the book as "nothing new". Sorry, and what new you wanted to know? How does the ass from the chair do not tear and become a hat? The respected Vasya is not a new continent, to wait for something new in this book, and did not position it at all. PP for TP is a moment about what you want to think about, it is for TP as I who do not know what to do and for what to grab when you decide to change your life. Vasily is simply and accessible, with a moderate number of numbers and terms, talks about the base, about the most important thing, which is known to anyone who has been engaged in sports. And if you are not doing? If it took, but the Internet is a solid slag and is unknown, what to believe, and people ... I have a friend with physical education, a girlfriend working in a fitness and a girlfriend-marketer from the Herbolaife-about biochemistry of the body, she knows everything. And this is not counting the guys-athletes. They have all the knowledge tons, and I asked them a bunch of questions, but only one Vasya could explain to me intelligibly, why does not go cellulite when you need to train why I want to eat so much, but everything is worse from the diet only worse. And what are the balance in the figures and how to count calories. Maybe he loudly, please mention, refute. Yes, he is not a medic, and the pop is incomprehensible who, but the dude says briefly and in the case of the experience gained on himself, confirmed by a simple matching, and he speaks rather sharply, and right, how much can I regret the gods? This is not children with disabilities. Karoch, dear Vasily, if you read feedback on your book, I, like a terrible corrupt, who is all chched for darkness, and no one wants to enlighten, I tell you a lot Thank you. Today I have already come out on a jog in the morning, and not in the evening, and I understood why so hard and what to do next. In porridge, however, I then put the jam, but not at once))) Although now the jam has a completely different taste - with a flavor of fat on the flashes ...

Smolny Vasily, the creator of the "Mad Drying" project, a sample of the right lifestyle, was born in 1986 on February 13 in Tajikistan.

Vasily was not always a beautiful taped and pumped man. Before the creation of the project "Bezhany Drying" - it was a thin guy, with long hair, who gave her time to DJ. But the bekin does not apply about their physical parameters. But regularly visits the gym, refused the bad habits and keeps himself in a sporty form.

The family fully supports Vasily. Households lead a healthy lifestyle, go to the gym.

How I lived before it became known

The boy's father was a military man, and therefore the Smol family constantly traveled after the military quarry of the Senior Smolny. Youth passed in Orenburg, then there was a period of residence in Samara. Of the education obtained, Vasily has only data on the end of the secondary school.

In St. Petersburg, the young man came after his elected Julia.

Since 2002, Vasily worked on the stage of DJ clubs. I did not eat to become a bar rack or execute the functions of the administrator. As a result, it was determined and became finally DJ. Even released his own music. He often toured, spoke on the radio and led his own project on Europe-plus.

Once, looking at himself in the mirror, Vasily saw a terrible picture: a drinking, smoking chmoshnik looked at him. Then the illness came, that it is necessary to change it all dramatically. It was engaged, threw bad habits, went to the gym, began to eat right. Even there was a moment of complete vegetarianism, but this culture did not fit in the Smolny organ.

Simultaneously with the formation of new Vasily, a blog is being conducted in Instagram, where the guy's achievements are laid out. The first subscribers appear.

The "Mad Drying" project appears in 2016. This direct smallest earnings. Since the introduction of the project has increased the number of subscribers from 5,000 to 117,000.

Paid and free marathons are constantly held in the framework of the weight loss program and learning healthy life.

What does / what is known

Today it is already 21 season "Mad drying" project. Vasily Smolny is not going to stop. Releases new videos, helps people to find a beautiful body and teaches a healthy lifestyle.

Relationship / family

Vasily married. His spouse Yulia Smolny. There are two children Zakhar and Seraphim. The family supports dad and also goes to the gym and feeds correctly.

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An important component of the lives of modern humanity is a beautiful figure. In order to encourage a person to a healthy lifestyle, coaches and nutritionists use various techniques. An excellent stimulus can be an example of a media person showing the results of personal slimming. But not for some this is not enough to start working on your body.

Sometimes it is necessary to start an additional method of stimulation - material remuneration for achievements. Vasily Smolny is confident that in the upbringing of the head, all means are good.

The project of Vasily Smolny "Mad Drying" comes for real changes. Looking at the participants of previous seasons and receiving gifts for their successes, people daily workouts and proper nutrition achieve personal heights.

Another project "I will buy your fat" proved the effectiveness of an extraordinary approach. Vasily Smolny stopped on the street of people and finance rewarded for the exercise.

Vasily Smolny - a healthy lifestyle specialist

Charismatic "swing" and popularizer of Zozi Vasily Smolny became not immediately. In his youth, he worked as a bartender and DJ, produced music under his name, toured and led radio ester.

Once, Vasily fully changed the lifestyle and plunged into the head: he threw alcohol, cigarettes, several years was Vegan and lost 30 kg. Successes in the zohly exhibited an universal review and quickly gained popularity. Now the main value of a person is health - Vasily Smolny carries in mass.

A good example of the leader of opinions, game competition and financial remuneration - this motivation gives Vasily Smolny on its projects. There are still many new and fascinating projects ahead, the purpose of which will remain the same - raising the head.

Vasily Smolny, an entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, a well-known blogger, a healthy lifestyle popularizer, the author of the project "# Beshenashushka", in which people who have paid for participation should improve their physical form every day with exercises and proper nutrition. Vasily Smolny - a vivid example of how to successfully monetize its popularity in social networks.

Vasily Smolny was not always a charismatic "swing" and a popularizer of a healthy lifestyle. Born in Tajikistan, where his father then served. Youth spent in Orenburg. Then there was a period of formation in Samara. "I do not have a single higher education - I am absolutely inconialized dude. I don't care about your crusts, stable work. Maybe, so I think freely than many, "he says about his education.

His love named Julia was led to St. Petersburg, who soon became Yulia Smolny and gave birth to two Smolny brothers, who are now four and two years.

Wasil's "swing" was only a couple of years ago. Before that, he was thin-haired DJ. "From 16 I worked in the nightclubs: I was a bartender, an administrator, DJ, and someone else. As a result, he stopped at Di-Jeing. In St. Petersburg, music was produced under my name. I had a tour, radio ester, my own musical program on "Europe-Plus".

Catharsis occurred in 2011: "I suddenly realized that a plowing, smoking, the leading wrong lifestyle Chmoshnik is me, and that this case should be changed." And changed.

I quit smoking and drinking, started a blog, became Vegan: "I stopped smoking, drink alcohol and all sorts of substances, began to eat in a certain way. Several years sat on the total veganism, but threw, because it is a real religion. People who become vegan - they have a problem with their heads. "

I described my progress to Wasil's head and Instagram, and I quickly acquired thousands of subscribers. The first set of participants was made in April 2015 - it was a test. Vasily Smolny suggested "entry" participants for 500 rubles and the percentage of the total amount of contributions to the winners.

Vasily Smolny is the main enemy lazy and sweet tooths, the lord of dumbbells and a preacher of a healthy lifestyle. She sat on the needle of healthy nutrition, rustic and imprints all the wonderful half of the Runet. His debut book came out in the publishing house "Eksmo"