How to open a brokerage company and make money. Business plan of a loan broker for business expansion

How to open a brokerage company and make money. Business plan of a loan broker for business expansion

The ability to trade securities is highly valued in the field of economics related to the management of financial and material assets. If you have the necessary knowledge and experience, or you have excellent organizational skills and are ready to form a team of professionals capable of providing services to clients in the financial market, then you will be interested in this material on how to open a brokerage company and start making money on your own.

How does a brokerage company make money?

The Russian stock market is just beginning to take on a safe form. It is the format laid down by the legislator in 2016 that will allow in the future the holders of securities issued by Russian issuers to freely trade this asset and make money on it.

However, despite the fact that this niche has not yet seen a noticeable revival, nevertheless, brokerage companies open and operate in many cities of Russia. How do they live and what do they earn?

The broker can trade currencies, bulk commodities, businesses, and many other liquid assets that the owners put up for auction.

The broker receives income (percentage of the transaction) on the following operations:

  • buying and selling assets on stock exchanges in the interests of the client;
  • search for buyers for liquid assets, as well as search for sellers who want to sell property demanded in the market;
  • organization of seminars and training for newcomers and potential investors.

The company does not have to specialize in any one type of activity, an active and professional team can carry out the whole range of activities, thereby increasing the company's turnover.

How to start a business

The best way to open a brokerage company in each specific case depends, first of all, on the starting capabilities.

Basic formats:

  • own company (LLC). If you choose this option, you will be useful information about, and which may arise;
  • representative office or branch of an already operating broker;
  • launch of a brokerage company for a franchise.

Most often, by the time a decision is made to start in the financial market, an entrepreneur already has certain groundwork. The main goal at this stage is to make the most of the existing material.

Your own company will be a good start for a broker who already has experience in stock, commodity and currency exchanges. And also, who has enough capital to start, and has connections in the business world, thanks to which you can start actively working from the first days of opening.

A representative office is the optimal solution for an entrepreneur who already knows how to work with assets on different exchanges, but who does not have the money to start on his own. A good way to open a brokerage company with such sources is to submit your projects and business plans to an already operating brokerage firm and convince the management to create a representative office.

If a businessman has no experience, but has a desire to become a broker and finance to start, then the right decision would be. The franchisor will train, install special software, and at first will actively help in the development of the direction.

Brokerage opening costs

Starting administrative and organizational costs will amount to about half a million rubles. This amount includes registration and obtaining licenses for the activities that the company will be engaged in.

When opening a brokerage company on your own, the costs can be about two million rubles. This amount includes repairs in the rented premises, the purchase of furniture and multimedia screens, the organization of three computerized workstations with an established trading program.

Due to the fact that part of a broker's image is success, repairs, equipment and furniture in the office must be selected with taste and provide comfort to visitors. Read what features it has.

A room from 50 to 100 square meters is suitable for placing a company. m. Location - an active business center of the city.

Special attention must be paid to the staff. Employees should be experts in their field and reliable people, with a minimum propensity for service violations.

Monthly costs are about 500 thousand rubles. This amount includes wages, equipment maintenance and rental payments. In the case of a successful month, salary costs may increase due to the payment of bonuses.

For you, we have collected many ideas that can make a profit in the service industry. Read,. Organizational issues and ways to attract customers.

Can be a great source of income.

Social services are also in high demand, consider. Find out what qualities and resources you need to have to be successful in this industry.

We attract clients

As with any service business, the hardest part of brokerage is finding and retaining a client. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in this case the client must entrust his money or securities to the intermediary.

Despite the fact that Russian investors are going through another crisis, more and more people are thinking about how to invest money profitably. And the task of the brokerage company is to convey to the target audience that it is the broker who has all the tools for the investor's capital to be placed as efficiently as possible and to make a profit.

For these purposes, explanatory work is carried out, seminars and conferences are held, brokers work in the network and help potential customers to see the benefits of working in professional markets.

Attention! In addition to the influx of investors, explanatory work can also serve to create an additional source of income. By setting a small fee for a lesson with potential investors, a brokerage company can receive up to 100 thousand rubles of income per month.

Attention! The free business plan offered for download below is a rough guide. The business plan that best suits your business conditions needs to be created with the help of specialists.

By a professional broker, and now a successful private entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, Dmitry Vidonov, owner of a brokerage company. Dmitry has been engaged in the craft of a broker for a long time, and then expanded his business. He rented an office in an office center, and hired three brokers and one financier. Dmitry himself is engaged in attracting clients, and develops the company's strategy. In just the first year of operation, his brokerage company was able to bring 70% of the profits to its clients, and tripled the initial number of clients.

Brokerage offices are ...

Introduction. How I decided to make money on a large scale

Making money out of thin air is a real art. And this is the job of a good stock broker. I started working as a broker right after I graduated from college.

I can't say that the work went well right away. I had enough failures, and often I burned out entirely, but gradually success came.

By the age of 35, I am quite successful, and I earn decent money from the comfort of my home. But, as you know, there is never a lot of money. I hit the ceiling, and could no longer earn more, I simply did not have enough free funds of my own.

And then I decided to open my own brokerage office. Over the years of successful work, I have collected a sufficient amount in order to pay for the office, purchase the necessary equipment and connect a high-speed and stable Internet.

I must say that I was lucky, as I quickly found like-minded people, professional brokers who were also eager to earn more money and help their clients earn money.

Since there were no problems with work experience and initial capital, it was possible to start implementing your idea, but we did not have a sensible action plan, and without it it is very risky to start active actions.

How I Found The Perfect Business Plan

I knew for sure all the intricacies of a broker's work, but I had no experience in opening my own company.

In particular, I did not know the answers to the following questions:

  • How much money will you need to rent an office and purchase equipment ?;
  • How many people will have to be hired for the normal functioning of the office ?;
  • How to attract new clientele ?;
  • How not to break the law when doing business?

All these questions had to be answered by a business plan, which I did not have. I do not suffer from gullibility, and I understand that without a high-quality business plan, there is nothing to start your own business. It is better to buy champagne with start-up capital than to start your own business without a proper business plan.

The services of a competent financier are expensive, and I'm not used to throwing money away. Fortunately, one of the partners suggested to me a wonderful site where you can download a business plan.

It is not expensive, nor is it garbage that clogs up the entire Internet. This is a perfectly usable business plan.

The only thing is that it needs to be slightly modified and adjusted to fit your conditions. This is what we did with our companions in a couple of evenings. Thus, we got the perfect business plan for ridiculous money, and were able to start our own project.

International brokerage company

Some useful information and a short presentation of the brokerage company's business plan:

The structure of the brokerage company in the business plan

A brokerage company is an institution that provides brokerage services for the financial market.

Brokerage involves the performance of operations with securities in favor of the client under a commission agreement or an order agreement. Brokerage can only be carried out with a license.

Therefore, those who want to open a brokerage company, first of all, must take care of obtaining a license for brokerage activities, conclude an agreement on conducting agency activities with the management company and obtain a power of attorney from it.

In addition, starting a "brokerage business", you must register as an agent in the register of mutual funds.

The financial side

For all the activities that are necessary to start a brokerage company, you will need at least 5,000,000 rubles - the availability of such capital is the main condition for obtaining a broker's license.

The opening of the agency itself will cost another 3,000,000 rubles.

To organize a brokerage company, you will need a small office for 2-3 employees, a telephone line and Internet access.

Where the office will be located, in principle, is not so important, the main thing is that the premises should not be rented, but bought out, because according to the Law, the agency bureau has no right to move.

The office area must be at least 100 sq. M. A one-time purchase of such premises will cost 1,500,000 rubles.

In addition to acquiring a license and buying out an office, the funds will be spent on:

  • purchase of equipment;
  • website creation, hosting, purchase of necessary scripts;
  • constant advertising campaign;
  • staff salaries;
  • taxes.


The list of equipment for a brokerage company is very short. To carry out brokerage activities, you only need a phone and a computer. Of course, office equipment must be of high quality and highly efficient.


For competitiveness, the development plans of a young brokerage company should take into account the provision of the following services:

  • financial and management consulting;
  • marketing;
  • audit;
  • PR and advertising;
  • grade;
  • personnel (development, selection);
  • information Technology;
  • legal services;
  • educational activities.

Table # 1. Potential of consumers of brokerage companies' services in Russia

Interaction with customers can be carried out in several ways:

  • execution of works and projects for the client;
  • conducting trainings and seminars;
  • development of methods and products.

The head of a brokerage office must initially decide on the development option for his company:

  • provide advice to customers without cooperating directly with banks;
  • conclude a cooperation agreement with a reliable bank and provide services under its brand.

The second option is preferable, since in this case the owner of the brokerage company will receive a large profit thanks to the reputation of the bank. In addition, the range of services for the customer is expanding - so the customer can additionally issue tickets, receive or transfer money, etc.

Today, trading in the securities markets is attracting more and more interest. Many novice traders quickly stop their experiments, having lost impressive amounts, others have varying success. There are also people like you who are interested not only in information on how to trade successfully on trading platforms, but also on how to create a brokerage company, and how to organize work in it at the proper level.

A brokerage office is rarely attempted by random people who have no idea what it is. But still, to begin with, let's outline the basic concepts:

  • A broker is an intermediary. This concept is used in insurance, lending, customs, as well as in foreign exchange trading and the securities market.
  • Brokerage, as a general concept, is intermediary in the conclusion of any transactions. In the narrow sense in which the modern world is used to understanding this term, these are intermediary services in securities trading. In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Securities Market" dated 04.22.1996 N 39-FZ (new edition effective from 01.01.14), the broker makes purchase and sale transactions with financial instruments on behalf of the client, on his own behalf or on behalf of the client, for customer account.

There are two main options for starting a brokerage business, both of which require investment and serious preparation. Let's go from the simplest to the most complex.

Agency agreement with any well-known brokerage company of the federal or even international level. The essence of this option is as follows: the organization opens a representative office of a large company in the region and operates under its brand. Typically, there is a charge for using the brand, but this is usually a token amount. Income is distributed by agreement, agents can receive up to 50 and even 70% of the commission from trading operations of attracted clients (namely, income, not profit, i.e. all costs for maintaining a dealing room, attracting clients and conducting training seminars are borne by the agent share of "revenue"). No investment is required to obtain a license, you are subject to the permissive effect of your "federal" license, you act on his behalf. They will also share software for online trading, analytical resources and a whole list of liquidity providers for successful work with you.

Since the broker's income consists of a very small percentage of the commission from each client's operation (usually about 5 hundredths of a percent from any "movement", profitable or unprofitable - the broker's income does not depend on the profitability of the client's trade, but on its turnovers), it will take active work to attract clients. It can be a couple of dozen large "preferred" traders, or a constantly replenished stream of small investor clients. Usually, newcomers are obtained through training seminars.

Opening a brokerage office is quite a responsible and serious business.

Before starting a business, you need to study this type of activity and its features in detail.

It is advisable to get information from expert brokers in order to learn about all the intricacies of mediation in the securities or currency markets. You should know that the success of a brokerage company depends on how unique it is compared to others.

The essence of brokerage

A broker is an individual or a legal entity that, in the form of trust, performs operations in the stock market, using the client's money for this and trying to increase their amount for a certain amount of remuneration. In other words, the broker invests funds in securities, scrolls them in various ways, negotiating the amount of profit with the client in advance. Everything that will be earned in excess of the established amount remains with the broker or he receives a certain percentage of the total income.

To successfully complete these operations, a broker will need recommendations and analytics from specialized agencies that monitor various markets. At the same time, it is important to independently correctly analyze the dynamics of the required markets, to take into account the micro- and macroeconomic factors that affect them. Brokerage is a challenging and demanding job for a number of reasons.

  1. Firstly, although the securities market is predictable, despite this, many different events often occur in the world that can have a significant impact on prices at any time.
  2. Secondly, the employees of the brokerage office must constantly monitor the entire flow of news, graphics, analytics and various information in order to carry out effective transactions.

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Brokerage opening process

Before you open a brokerage office that will have access to the stock market, you need to prepare a solid budget for promotion and advertising, as well as invest a serious amount of money in the business itself. Therefore, most often such companies are created on the basis of banking organizations or other large financial structures.

The simpler and more promising options for starting a brokerage business are ways to create a sub-broker that operates through direct brokers. To do this, you need to find a broker in the United States or Europe and inform him by letter of your desire and readiness to open an office of his representative office in Russia. If consent is obtained, the following options for cooperation will be offered:

  1. The brokerage office starts working in its region, representing the interests of the parent company (draws up contracts, serves clients in Russian, transfers money to the main company, opens accounts, etc.). In this case, the firm will receive a commission from each transaction that the client will carry out.
  2. The brokerage firm acquires a certain status that allows it to independently conduct transactions, train traders, and have its own brand under the auspices of the parent company. In this case, you will have to pay a commission for using the business model and brand of the main enterprise.

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Registration and obtaining a license to carry out activities

You can open a brokerage office only after obtaining a license, because this type of activity is regulated by the state with the help of the Federal Service for Financial Markets. The company can be registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC.

The most popular and inexpensive license is “for the provision of brokerage services”, which is issued to an individual or organization that meets the requirements of the Federal Financial Markets Service. To obtain it, you must have:

  • a sufficient amount of own funds - at least 10 million rubles;
  • accounting system and related technical support;
  • qualified personnel who have passed special exams.

A brokerage license is issued within 30 days and for professional securities market participants engaged in brokerage activities is unlimited.

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Organization of the office of the company and selection of employees

It is equally important to properly prepare the necessary space for successful activities. At the moment, almost all work on the stock exchange is done via the Internet, so you need an uninterrupted and high-frequency channel, since even a few seconds can change the course of a transaction. You will also need to purchase computer equipment, telephones and a fax. It is important that all equipment is modern and of high quality.

Particular attention should be paid to the place of work, where transactions will be concluded, negotiate with clients. You will need good furniture that fits perfectly into the interior.

The brokerage office must necessarily look solid.

Employees who will work for the company must be able to sell on the stock market and successfully attract new customers. Also, personnel must pass the certification of the Federal Financial Markets Service.

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Business plan

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The proposed business plan of a brokerage company will allow you to decide on the introduction into the life of a company that will provide clients with a variety of financial and consulting services. Modern people quite often need various consulting services in the banking sector, services for processing banking and financial documentation, transferring money to specific persons, and so on are also in demand.

A high-quality document will certainly help you in the implementation of the formation of an enterprise of this type. Consider creating your own customer base. The direction of cooperation with clients via the Internet is also interesting. This method allows you to minimize costs and reduce to a minimum the time spent on a specific operation for a specific client.

An example of a ready-made document is an opportunity to take advantage of the invaluable experience of specialists in this industry, because financial transactions often contain various pitfalls. Remember to hire experienced banking and finance professionals who can negotiate with clients that will lead to fruitful results. A brokerage company is a business that guarantees profit if you constantly keep your finger on the pulse and act professionally, making informed decisions.

A loan is an opportunity to quickly solve most financial problems, and hundreds of thousands of people use this opportunity every year. In this regard, the services of credit brokers are in increasing demand in the domestic market. A business like brokerage has several options for development. For example, an entrepreneur can simply open a brokerage firm for insurance, or provide exclusively consulting services, advising a client on the preparation of documents, helping to choose a suitable bank, etc.

The effectiveness of the organization of the work of a credit broker depends on the ability to build partnerships with various banks. If you manage to conclude a cooperation agreement with a specific bank, you will have the right to represent the client's interests throughout the entire procedure for obtaining a loan. Accordingly, the payment for your services will be significantly higher.

Many banks, concluding an agency agreement with credit brokers, simultaneously provide special software that makes it possible to quickly exchange information and, accordingly, improve the quality of services.

The business of a loan broker can hardly be called simple and free of problems. They begin at the very first stage of opening a credit brokerage firm. First of all, for the successful development of the brokerage business, it is necessary to choose the right location. This can be a room located in the business center of the city, where traffic is constantly high and where it is very convenient to get there, or an office that is located in close proximity to car markets, large shopping centers, that is, to places where your potential customers gather. It is desirable that there are no such firms nearby - the broker's main competitors.

A business has the opportunity to develop actively if at least fifty clients turn to your company every month. But for this it is not enough to acquire a cozy office; it will take a lot of effort to recruit the appropriate staff. Only an experienced specialist will be able to explain to a potential borrower all the advantages and disadvantages of various loan products, and will help to draw up the necessary documents. In addition, it is important for a broker manager to be able to accurately determine the client's solvency and his chances of getting a loan.

Many entrepreneurs planning to open their own business - a brokerage agency or company, prefer to hire people who have experience in the relevant activities, for example, former bank employees. Their experience and knowledge can play a critical role in the success of a business such as an insurance or mortgage broker. According to statistics, consumer loans and loans for the purchase of vehicles are still the most in demand. Mortgage lending is still in its infancy, so it is risky to bet on it.

The profitability of this type of business reaches the level of 20-25%. With proper business management, you can recoup your investment in just 3-4 months, maximum - in six months. All the information a broker needs about the intricacies of this business is contained in the professional business plan of the brokerage company. This document is the key to successful business development. In it you will find answers to all questions - how to open a business such as a credit broker, what it will take and how to quickly reach the top in this business and bypass the main competitors.