What useful gifts can you give a newborn girl? Original ideas for a present for a newborn: what can you give a little girl. A video guide listing the necessary purchases.

What useful gifts can you give a newborn girl?  Original ideas for a present for a newborn: what can you give a little girl.  A video guide listing the necessary purchases.
What useful gifts can you give a newborn girl? Original ideas for a present for a newborn: what can you give a little girl. A video guide listing the necessary purchases.

The birth of a little princess is always big holiday not only for the girl's mom and dad, but also for all relatives and friends.

It is customary to give something for the birth of a child. What to give a newborn girl and at the same time please young parents?

Little princess gift ideas

Conventionally, all ideas can be divided into several categories: expensive gifts, original gizmos, practical useful gifts.

How to relieve constipation in 2 year olds?

This problem usually occurs after diet diversification. Here are some ways to relieve constipation in 1 year old babies. Fluid intake: Children's intestinal transit is sometimes due to signs of laziness, so not getting enough fluids throughout the day may be enough. Orange juice: Give your child two or three times natural, sugar-free orange juice. Vegetable broth: Like orange juice, vegetable broth can relieve a child's constipation. As the child acquires new products in his daily diet and refuses breastfeeding, they are more likely to suffer from constipation.

Expensive gifts

TO expensive gifts you need to be taken seriously and be sure to ask your parents if they need this or that thing. It is better not to throw away checks, but give them directly with them. Yes, in this way the family will find out the cost of the presentation, but it will be possible to return or exchange the goods if something suddenly breaks.

Today you can meet big choice baby silver. These are traditional spoons "for the first tooth", drinking cups, plates, rattles and much more. Such a gift will not be cheap, but the memory of the donor will remain for life.

How to relieve constipation in one month old babies?

Therefore, it is important to follow these guidelines in order to relieve constipation in 2-year-old infants. Fiber: It is important to adapt the diet for children between 6 months and 2 years of age, so it will be necessary to add sugar-free jams, fresh fruits and vegetables rich in fiber such as green bean, spinach, peas, lentils, cabbage. Avoid starches and carrots. ... Up to 4 weeks infants there may be many bowel movements per day, but after that time they may have a bowel movement every 3, 4, or 8 days. Learn how to relieve constipation in one month old babies.

This is a very good birthday present. Such things are stored for years and passed down from generation to generation.

2. Gold earrings for baby

Many mothers pierce the ears of their daughters even before a year. This is where tiny cute gold earrings come in handy. Of course, the present is not cheap, but such earrings will also be worn for many years. Today there are special children's models that are designed for little girls. They are light and small in size, without sharp parts with a strong screw lock so that the baby cannot accidentally hurt herself or remove and swallow the earring.

How to massage for constipation in babies?

Abdominal Massage: For babies one month old, a gentle abdominal massage is recommended, these massages can be done with almond oil or castor oil. Pedal Exercise: Raise your baby's legs and transfer them to the abdomen and perform gentle pedal movements, do this several times a day, help move the baby's intestines and thus evacuate. Preserve: how to do a step-by-step massage for constipation in babies.

What are the symptoms of constipation in babies?

It activates the movement of the fingers and the palm of the hand in a very gentle way, as the baby will undoubtedly experience abdominal discomfort. Can you help with a small amount almond oil or a little aloe vera to facilitate massage. The purpose of these massages is to transfer stools that are stuck in the colon.

  • Place the baby on her back and remove the diaper.
  • With his hand, he simply rotates on his stomach in the sense of the needles of a clock.
  • Do the same movement for about 5 minutes.
When the baby doesn't evacuate after a few days and shows signs of discomfort, you can't wait much longer to cause it.

If you want to give earrings, then you only need to choose gold. Silver or jewelry is absolutely not suitable for children!

Today you can find a lot of models of highchairs - with a swing function, "transformers", which are converted into a separate chair and table, made of plastic, wood and many others. Before buying such an accessory, it is better to ask your mom. Perhaps she has already opted for a particular model.

Every child is different, and some of them tend to pick up their diapers dirty once every three days, simply because the transit is slow. Some pediatricians recommend worrying about less than 3 bowel movements per week. These are some of the symptoms of constipation in babies.

What causes constipation in babies?

His stomach is tense or inflamed by screaming throughout the day for no apparent reason.

  • He perverts pain.
  • He makes strength without success.
  • When evacuated, he displaces some hard and dry stools.
During the first few months of life, constipation in babies is caused by an immature digestive system that lacks essential enzymes and bacteria. However, mild constipation can be a sign of insufficient water intake. An example is when a breastfeeding mother does not drink enough fluids when milk is diluted with a little water, or when the baby is in a hot climate that tends to become dehydrated.

A children's feeding chair will come in handy for a young family, of course, not right away, but you still can't do without this accessory as the baby grows up.

A video baby monitor is a necessary and useful accessory for modern parents. With the help of a smartphone and a simple application, you can follow your baby in his room from any room in the house or outside the house. This will save a lot of time and nerves for mommy, who will not need to constantly worry and run to check on the child.

What medications are used for constipation in babies?

Constipation in infants can also be caused by excess flour in a nursing mother's diet, such as chocolate, banana, rice, starches, etc. as a low fiber diet such as green vegetables, raw vegetables, fruits, whole grains, etc. Osmotic laxatives: These are the most commonly used medicine for constipation in infants. They are effective and well tolerated, although they can cause inflammation in some cases, so the child should be closely monitored. However, with long-term use, they can reduce the absorption of certain vitamins. Rectal laxatives: Glycerine suppositories and mini enemas facilitate bowel movements by stimulating the rectum, and in some infants, they can interfere with the defecation reflex if used very often. Laxative lubricants facilitate movement and transit in the intestines. ... Constipation in infants is usually not a concern and can be avoided by adopting eating habits.

No matter how good radio nannies are, their video counterparts have already firmly won the favor of families with small children.

Original gifts

An original gift will require more time and effort from the donor than just buying something in the store. To surprise the baby's mom and dad, you will have to do it yourself or spend time looking for a good master.

Is milk good for constipation in babies?

These are some fruits for constipation in infants that have proven to be very effective and can be easily incorporated into children's diets. Orange: Orange juice contains fructose and sucrose, sugars that soften stools to help relieve constipation in babies. Plum: It can be consumed both in juice and in porridge because the more concentrated it is, the higher the protein content, which is very effective in relieving constipation. Kiwi: Like plums, kiwi is also high in fiber, ideal for facilitating bowel movements in children. Some children suffer from constipation, especially when their diet contains solid foods.

1. Memorable gifts

Any of these gifts can be made independently, armed with master classes from the Internet. A huge number of design ideas and techniques are simply amazing. But if you are not confident in your abilities or time and perseverance, then it is better to order an album and a box or embroidery from the master. You can immediately buy ready-made options or ask that all ordered items be made in the same style, with personal inscriptions, metrics, etc.

Before testing with any remedies, laxatives, suppositories, etc. we recommend that you test the milk formula you provide. These are some types of milk for constipation in infants, recommended by specialists, with adequate iron content to avoid aggravating the problem.

How to relieve constipation in newborn babies?

Cloves: This formula also includes partially hydrolyzed proteins. ... If your baby develops constipation despite being in control of food, then we show you how to relieve constipation in newborns, with some effective methods... Suppositories: Glycerin suppositories are very effective to help relieve the intestines of infants, however, laxatives, enemas, and fiber supplements should be avoided unless directed at medical professionals as they can have consequences Side effects if used incorrectly.

What drops are good for constipation in babies

Constipation in infants can be occasional, frequent and regular, but it can also be serious in cases of bowel obstruction, the latter fortunately very rare.

A beautiful delicate scrapbooking album will really be an original and memorable gift

The box "Mom's Treasure" will also bring a lot of joy to mom, who will put there dear to heart little things - a curl of a daughter, the first tooth that fell out, a tag from the maternity hospital

Certain medications or home remedies for constipation in a child are usually very effective. In case of colic and constipation during lactation, we recommend using an infusion and a few drops of olive oil in your bottle. From one year old, you can use some plants and syrups, as well as a mild laxative, by applying a few drops in fruit juice, preferably prunes, tamarind and fig trees, so the baby keep a regular intestinal transit.

When a newborn is born, they often receive many gifts. Some of these gifts may be really useful and necessary, but others may nevertheless be kept in the bottom of the closet and never be used. That is why today we want to make a collection best gifts for newborns. Most of them are helpful gifts and great help for newly released potatoes.

Frame embroidery is exclusive and fashionable. Such a gift will bring a lot of positive emotions to mom and the baby herself when she grows up

2. DIY children's clothing

If a decision is made about self-production things for the little fairy, it is better to do something not too festive, without a huge number of frills and shiny decor. Everyday things will be more in use, the child is more comfortable in them. A variety of interesting modern models and ideas from the Internet will help make the thing fashionable, bright and memorable.

It should be borne in mind that in object gifts, attention should be paid to the needs of each family. For example, if a child will be fed formula or formula milk, if they will practice, if they will use disposable diapers or cloth, or if they want to practice porting or prefer to use only a stroller.

The parental control method that parents choose must be followed and therefore must be considered when choosing the perfect gift. For those women who prefer this, this is the perfect gift. This will make the job easier and you will avoid back pain and you will enjoy breastfeeding.

Knitted or self-sewn children's things always look original and attract attention

3. Sweet gifts

If you show imagination and invention, then you can make a sweet present with your own hands. Well, if cooking is not the most strong point then you can always find a professional pastry chef and order a set of cupcakes or cookies.

In addition, this pillow can also be used later to place the baby when not yet unsupported. Custom sheets are an economical gift and can be very original. You can choose a message, place photos of the baby, date of birth, weight and height, etc.

Indeed, they are not a useful gift, but they will serve to decorate the child's room and depend on the message, can be very motivated for the parents. There is and the choice will depend on each mother. From ergonomic backpacks to scarves that are very practical and take up little space.

You won't surprise anyone with a huge birthday cake, the parents will probably take care of it themselves. But beautiful designer cookies or cupcakes will be very useful.

Tip: It is better to choose a recipe for sweets as simple as possible, from products that are not contraindicated when feeding, then the nursing mother will be able to appreciate the original gift.

It is important to choose the one that is safe and the best if you can use it for several years. This is very useful gift because it allows the parents to be closer to the child, but with their hands free to do other activities, such as shopping or walking, without having to transport the cart.

Providing diapers seems to me great idea... A child can use up to 10 diapers a day and no doubt diapers will always be well received. The original way delivery of this gift is to make a cake or other figure with diapers.

Practical useful gifts

This is the largest segment of baby gift ideas. Here you can find all the things that will be useful to a young family every day.

1. Pampers

If a decision is made to give diapers, then it is better not to wind cakes, locks and the like out of them. A diaper is a personal hygiene product for a child, so it is advisable not to open the original packaging, but to give it directly in it. Otherwise, it is possible to infect the baby, because it is not known whether the diaper cake was going to be made with clean hands.

Memorable gifts for a newborn

You can do it yourself if you own the crafts or buy them. There are many models and this is a useful and very original gift. Perhaps the first few days don't leave much at home with the newborns, but when they start to leave, they should never forget about the diaper changer.

This allows you to change the diaper anywhere, reducing the risk of accidents such as having the baby urinate directly when you change the diaper and all is lost. Nappies diapers are waterproof and many have compartments in which you can put diapers and wipes, so you have everything by hand.

None modern family does not go without diapers when caring for a small child. All parents will say that this is, indeed, a necessary and useful gift.

2. Toys for newborns

The sheer assortment of toys in stores can easily confuse the shopper. For newborn babies, only rattles of various configurations, toys for a crib or stroller, toys for bathing are useful. You can also buy a big ball as a gift - a fitball, it is needed for gymnastics and it is just fun to jump on it. Children like swimming toys very much, they will be in use for a long time.

Some people think this is a little over the top, but others find baby cameras to be very helpful. This is an expensive gift to give as a group. These cameras allow you to see your baby through a mobile or other device while in another room.

Car stickers

You have to place the camera in the baby's crib or room and you can see it through the screen at any time. Car stickers are an original and very funny gift. Plus, it is an economic gift and is easy to get as you can find it in children's stores or gift stores in general.

Stopping the choice on rattles, it is better to buy modern models that combine various textures, colors, equipped with teethers

3. Textiles

You need to be very careful about the choice of children's textiles. Things should be made from natural materials the highest quality... No need to strive to buy kits as bright as possible. This is not good for newborns. Bright colors irritate the eyes, and dyes can cause allergic reactions.

This set of towels for a baby is a great gift idea. There are not many such things, because they are used throughout life.

A set of bed linen in a crib will definitely come in handy and will be in use for more than one year.

Gifts for a young mom

Mom also deserves attention and gifts. For her, you can choose some things that will help in caring for the baby or, conversely, give something special for her personally.


Today, it is customary for mothers to give jewelry for the birth of a baby. But not everyone likes heel rings and pendants and the like. Such peculiar jewelry is difficult to wear. They don't fit well. It is better to show imagination and originality and present something graceful and really beautiful.

Such an engraved pendant will be a gorgeous gift for both mom and daughter. You can even order paired pendants to give to both of them. For the inscription, a child's metric or some special phrase is suitable.

A nursing pillow is a modern, unique accessory that will help a mother prevent back pain and greatly facilitate the process of feeding her baby. Both mom and baby are comfortable with her.

Convenient and functional thing! Such a pillow will serve for more than one year, because with its help it is not only much more convenient to feed a child, but also just to sleep.


The sling allows the woman to free her hands, and the child in it takes the most comfortable and physiological position. This is a must-have accessory for any modern mom.
For the birth of a daughter, you can safely purchase a sling as a gift. This thing will definitely not remain idle. This accessory allows the mother to be mobile and unrestrained by the bulkiness of the stroller. The convenience of the slings has been appreciated by millions of women.

If the question is "What to give a newborn girl?" still unanswered, then you can stop at a simple, but no less relevant gift - money. You can also buy a gift certificate to a children's store, to a studio for a children's photo shoot or to a spa for a mom. More ideas for gifts for newborns in the article.

The birth of the little princess was expected for a long 9 months. Finally the momentous day has arrived. The girl was born! Friends, relatives, colleagues are in a hurry to congratulate the happy parents and the baby. And everyone is interested in one question: what to give a newborn girl? With all the richness of choice, it is not easy to decide on a present. Reflecting on possible options, remember that the gift should have been useful first of all to the hero of the occasion.

The newborn is too small to appreciate the originality of your gift. Therefore, the most relevant at first will be items that will help a young mother take care of the baby: they will competently equip the space of an apartment or a children's room and eliminate the need to purchase in huge numbers the most important "consumables".

Care in comfort

It is better to buy baby hygiene products in specialized stores or pharmacies, where a sales assistant or pharmacist will provide you with expert assistance in choosing the appropriate option. Remember: all baby products must have a certificate of conformity!

  • Diapers and nappies-waterproof. In the first months, these consumables will fly away at a cosmic speed. Therefore, the gift wrapping will definitely not be superfluous. When choosing these hygiene products, check with the mother of the newborn which brand she trusts more and whether it is worth buying girls' diapers or prefer universal ones.
  • Children's cosmetics. Baby care products should be odorless or with a delicate, subtle scent, colorless or not brightly colored, produced by a company you can trust.
  • Baby changing table. It will help a young mother not to overload her back, bending over the baby, is comfortable and multifunctional. This useful structure organizes the space, allowing you to neatly place at a distance arm outstretched all baby care products ( cotton buds, wet wipes, powders, diapers, etc.) Lying on the table, the baby takes air baths, and the hard surface helps the baby to make the first attempts to lift the heavy head, roll over on her stomach and try to crawl.

An unromantic, but perhaps the most practical gift will be an envelope with money. Parents will be able to purchase exactly what they have in mind. If you are uncomfortable with being limited to bills in an envelope, present a certificate for a certain amount. By presenting it in the store, parents will be able to shop by full program... And if the specified amount is suddenly not enough, pay extra.

Let's fill up the little fairy's wardrobe

The crumb blooms every day as beautiful flower... A cozy jumpsuit for a walk or an outfit for going out is a good gift for a newborn girl. When choosing things for a baby, consider the following points:

  • Although the gift is for a newborn, do not buy the smallest size clothing. Children grow up quickly. The first months of life are published only to visit the clinic. Many things may not be worn even once. It is better to buy clothes for growth, for example, for a 4-6 month old lady.
  • When buying a jumpsuit for the winter for a girl born in summer, take it with a margin. If the "lady" is miniature, size 62-64 is suitable (usually it corresponds to the height of children), if large - it is better to take 68-72.
  • Clothes for the baby should be comfortable above all. The main thing is not to restrict the movements of the child and give the mother the opportunity to quickly change the diaper.
  • Check with your parents. There is a stereotype that things for girls should be color pink... However, not all parents follow the generally accepted rules and deliberately prefer other colors.

Pay attention to the composition of the fabric. Delicate children's leather does not tolerate synthetics! We give preference to natural materials - cotton, bike, calico, thin terry fabrics. Synthetics can only be used as filler for baby blankets and pillows.

Textiles as a gift

Some parents, out of superstition, do not buy a dowry for a child before his birth. Textiles will be one of the expected gifts.

  • Linens. The baby spends a lot of time in her crib in the first days and months of life. High-quality bedding made from natural fabrics - bed sheets, duvet covers and blankets, removable soft sides will help to make the "nest" warm and cozy. Delicate tones with cheerful pattern will please the princess and will not irritate the nervous system.
  • Towels. No less important ritual - water treatments... A fluffy terry towel with a corner or a bath sheet will come in handy. And you can give the little charming girl a terry robe. Choose a bigger size - from 74-80. While the girl cannot walk, it is more convenient for parents to wrap their daughter in a towel, warm diaper or sheet.

Let's help mom

The appearance of a new person in the family is pleasant chores and ... not a minute of free time. Useful tools will help a young mother take a break, take a breath between feedings, a walk, changing diapers, taking a bath and every minute communication with the baby. When thinking about what to give a newborn girl and her mother, pay attention to modern facilities communications and electronic cradles.

  • Chaise lounge. This is a multifunctional variation on the theme of a child seat. The backrest tilt of this useful device is adjustable: the baby can sit or lie down to rest. Sun loungers have visors that protect the child from bright sun, equipped with fixing straps and carrying handles. You can take them with you on a trip. Many models are equipped with a music application, supplemented with rattle toys, and have a useful developmental function. The baby learns to entertain herself. And finally, after a few months, the chaise longue can serve as a highchair - some models come with a removable table. When buying a chaise longue as a gift, pay attention to the shape of the frame - so that it has an anatomically correct relief.
  • Rocking chairs and electronic swings. Improved carrycots help the baby to self-pump, observing the world around. Orthopedically correct form of construction, soft seat, vibration in combination with a lullaby song and a favorite mobile - the baby is calm, her mother is happy. The swing can be moved from room to room after you, so that the child is not left alone.
  • This is a special electronic communication tool for mom and baby. The "walkie-talkie" consists of two parts. The "adult" part can be attached to the belt of the trousers or worn on the arm like a watch. The children's half usually has a "toy" design and is installed next to the baby's crib or stroller. Indoors, the range of the device is from 50 to 100 meters, and on open space up to 300-400 meters. The baby monitor can be one-way (the mother hears what is happening in the crib or room, but cannot say anything in response) and two-way (the function feedback allows mom to talk to the baby, calm down). If one-sided models after a while are forgotten and hidden away, then with the help of two-sided models it will be possible to keep in touch with a child walking in the yard unattended. There are analog and digital radios. The former are cheaper, but more susceptible to various interference, are manually configured and offer poor communication quality. Digital baby monitors will provide reliable reception without interference, have automatic channel switching and a longer range, but they are more expensive. When choosing a device, give preference to a digital two-sided model with a maximum range. Pay attention to what material the baby monitor is made of - whether it is toxic, whether it will withstand shocks and falls. When buying, do not forget to check how good the reception is.
  • Baby monitor. An analogue of a baby monitor. Consists of a video camera with a transmitter, which are installed next to the child, and a receiver with a monitor, located next to the adult. With the help of the baby monitor, the mother will be able to watch the baby while in another room or even in the next apartment. The range of the device is from 100-150 to 500 m. Additional functions - illumination, connection to a home TV, sound signal (including in the case of "wet film"), video recording - expand the capabilities of the baby monitor, but also make it more expensive.

Entertainment and educational equipment

Develop by knowing the world in all its variety, toys will help the baby. At first, the child looks at everything around him - the space has unexpectedly expanded, pleases with unusual colors and sounds.

  • Mobile or carousel. Toys hanging over a crib or stroller will help you learn to fix your gaze. With pleasure, looking at the figures rotating under musical accompaniment, the baby can be alone a little, and in the meantime, mom will do several important things.
  • Traditional rattles. They will not only allow the child to make plenty of noise, but also help develop visual and auditory concentration.
  • Developing rugs. These are real playgrounds for newborns in the form of a soft mattress made of bright material with additional accessories. They can be one-sided and two-sided, differ in size and shape. Arcs made of soft plastic or dense foam are fastened crosswise over the rug. You can hang various toys on the resulting cross and change them periodically. For the smallest, there are rugs with lifting boards, lifting which adults can leave the child alone for a few minutes. Models are more complicated - transforming rugs, which, with a slight movement of the hand, turn into a portable cradle for rocking a baby, a cradle or a bag for toys. There is a house mat, a maze path and even a puzzle mat.

When choosing educational devices as a gift for a newborn, pay attention to the materials from which they are made, environmental safety. Check for defects and damage, build quality.

Children's luxury items

If you are financially capable of making royal gifts, consider the following options.

  • Car seat. If the baby was born into a family of motorists, this item is a must. There are three types of car seats for newborns:
    • group 0 - infant carriers for babies from 0 to 6 months, i.e. for babies who cannot sit on their own;
    • group 0+ - a car seat equipped with a handle for carrying with the baby. Designed for children from birth to 1 year old. This model can be used as a carrier, rocking chair or high chair, or can be installed on the stroller chassis;
    • group 0+ and 1 - car seat for babies from birth to 4 years. This versatile model has several recline positions (for sleep and wakefulness). All car seats are equipped with seat belts.
  • Humidifier. Too dry indoor air adversely affects the body. Dehydration, lung problems, dry skin and mucous membranes - to avoid these problems, as well as strengthen the baby's immunity, a humidifier will help to create a favorable climate in the nursery. It will cleanse the atmosphere from dust and microbes, regulate the air temperature, and saturate it with moisture.
  • Night light. Babies, like their mothers, lead a 24-hour lifestyle. To prevent the child from roaming around, waking up at night for the next meal or changing the diaper, a night light is useful, the dimmed light of which is quite enough for important night manipulations.
  • Family silver. The metal is not only precious, but also useful - it has bactericidal properties. A silver pendant or set of silvered combs will wonderful gift for a little princess. Even though it is still far from thick hair, a silver-coated comb is good for gentle massage of a newborn's head. Depending on what budget you have, you can buy as a gift a silver spoon ("for a tooth") or a gift set of a spoon, mug and rattles with a "toy" ornament. Some parents get their daughters ears pierced early enough. An original gift in this case, silver or gold jewelry will become - miniature earrings of a laconic design, with reliable clasps.

Exclusive: handmade

If the dowry of the little princess is rich and the baby no longer needs anything, you can present a handmade present.

  • Pillows-letters that make up the name of the newborn. Sewn from bright fabrics with a cheerful pattern, soft dummies will decorate the interior of the nursery.
  • Photo album made using scrapbooking technique. A great option for an exclusive gift for a newborn girl. Sew the cover with a cloth, placing a synthetic winterizer, which will make it pleasantly soft to the touch. You can decorate with half beads, figurines of dolls, strollers. Inside, it is worth providing not only pages for the very first photos, but also secret pockets for the results of a pregnancy test, the first ultrasound of the baby, metrics / tags from the hospital, the first curl. It is very important for every mother to keep all this as a keepsake.
  • "Roll" or "cake" of terry towels. It is quite simple to "prepare" it: gently fold the towels of brown and white flowers narrow strips, roll up and tie with a bright ribbon.
  • Knitted hat, blouse, romper or jumpsuit. These woolen things will keep your baby warm in cool weather. The assortment of shops and knitting departments is rich; finding a suitable video lesson or master class is also not difficult. And most importantly, related with my own hands things will not only be unique, but also give the baby your warmth and positive energy.

And you can present as a gift special sets for molds - with clay or gel, which will help young parents to "create" as a keepsake for themselves and the younger generation of a handprint and a child's feet.

We do not repeat other people's mistakes

The easiest way to avoid unpleasant surprises, both for the donor and for the gifted, is by discussing in advance the wish-list of the heroes of the occasion. First, it will allow you to immediately exclude a number of positions. Secondly, it will help to identify brands of manufacturers of children's products that young parents trust. Third, by finding out your preferences and needs, you will avoid multiple repetitions of gifts.

  • Flowers. The very first gift for a young mother and her newborn daughter is most often numerous bouquets with which happy relatives and friends meet girls when they are discharged from the hospital. Being in joyful euphoria, adults forget that in the first days of life, a child is susceptible to infections and allergens, and pollen is one of the strongest irritants. A bouquet from the happy father of the family will be enough. Flower arrangements can be replaced with a "bouquet" of toys.
  • Diaper construction. Trying to design the most standard, but necessary gift in an original way, some of the pile of diapers are building a multi-tiered cake. Pediatricians do not recommend this. Hygiene items for the little ones must be sterile and must be removed from the packaging before use.
  • Stuffed Toys. You should not give textile animals and dolls to a newborn girl. As a rule, they are intended for children from 3 years old. Gifts for birth or 1 month, toys will be hidden away on the mezzanine shelves and covered with an impressive layer of dust, in which dust mites can start.

What to giftWhat is not worth giving
DiapersSea of ​​flowers
An envelope with money or its equivalent in the form of a money certificateAlcohol and chocolates for a young mom
Soft toys, especially oversized
Car seatToys with loud sound effects
Rattle toysAnimals
Cosmetics for childrenBalloons
Bathing supplies: bath towel, rubber toysBaby food
StrollerPacifiers, pacifiers, bottles
Sun loungerBreast pump for mom
BeddingUsed things
Mobile or carousel-suspension in the cribSynthetic clothing
Sling or ergo backpackArena
Developing matPharmacy products - hygiene products, medicinal teas, gas pipes, syringes

If you are in search of what to give for the birth of a girl, remember: it is not the gift that is important, but the attention and how you will present your gift. Check with young parents. So you can avoid mistakes and please the hero of the occasion, and her loved ones, and yourself.
