How to make glowing windows with toothpaste. DIY Christmas window decorations

How to make glowing windows with toothpaste. DIY Christmas window decorations

New Year's drawings on the windows tell the world that friendly and cheerful people live in this house. And the children, creating them, believe that it is to them that Santa Claus will first look and bring the best gifts. Choose how to decorate your windows at home.

New Year's drawings on the windows: stencils

Window decoration for the New Year is an excellent component of a complex room decoration before the holiday. This task can be realized both independently and together with children. New Year's drawings on the windows are a classic option for decorating shop windows, windows in shops, various salons and, of course, in houses.

While decorating the windows in this way, show your imagination and paint a real picture of the New Year. You can use New Year's stencils for windows:

  • download from the Internet;
  • make it yourself.

If you don't want to bother, then here are New Year's stencils for paper windows that are suitable for decorating windows:






Choose something from the proposed models or create a stencil yourself. In the second case, take your favorite drawing and tracing paper:

  • attach tracing paper to the drawing and transfer the image;
  • stick tracing paper on thicker paper;
  • cut out the drawing.

Stencils for windows can be different. Choose those that would be in harmony with each other and create a single composition.

New Year's drawings on the windows in gouache

Making drawings on glass is easy if you know the technology, show diligence and perseverance. For this you will need:

  1. New Year stencils.
  2. Special tools for making drawings for the new year: a toothbrush or brushes of different sizes.
  3. Dyes:
  • gouache;
  • stained glass paints;
  • Toothpaste.

Consider the option when gouache drawings are applied:

  1. Print the models you like.
  2. Use a utility knife or scissors to cut out the drawing.
  3. Glue, after wetting them in water or rubbing them with soap and sprinkling with water.
  4. Use a paintbrush or toothbrush to apply paint. Moisten the tool with water, dip it in gouache and apply a pattern on the glass along the model's kennels. Try the spray method: Soak a toothbrush in water and dip in gouache; Move the bristles in the opposite direction from the stencil with your finger and release them.
  5. Wait for the gouache to dry, lift the ends of the stencil with wooden sticks or the tip of a knife and carefully remove it.
  6. If you need to remove residual adhesive or touch up the drawing, use wet wipes or cotton pads soaked in water.
  7. Using a fine paintbrush, bring the designs on the windows to perfection.

For drawing, a special spray with artificial snow or white toothpaste is also used. It is easy to wash them off the glass after the holiday.

New Year's drawings on paper windows

An excellent option for New Year's decoration of windows is a silhouette paper cut, or vytynanka. The beauty of this method is that you do not need to fiddle with paints, and after the holidays, waste time to wash off the gouache or toothpaste.

The silhouette cut allows you to reproduce a holistic New Year's plot, to create an original New Year's story. They look elegant and smart.

To do them, you need:

  1. Pick up interesting stencils and print them.
  2. Carefully cut out the models. For these purposes, it is better to use nail scissors, a thin blade or a stationery knife.
  3. Stick with soapy water. Dissolve ¼ a bar of laundry soap in 200 ml of warm water (first grate it). Or use a glue stick, but you will have difficulty cleaning the glasses later.
  4. Remove excess mortar with a dry cloth.

Use such popular stencils.

Have you ever painted on windows? If not, we'll show you how to do it right!

How to create a New Year mood? Dress up a Christmas tree, hang tinsel and a garland in the apartment, write a letter to Santa Claus, buy some gifts for relatives. And you can also create a masterpiece with your own hands - decorate the windows with painted snowflakes, patterns, fairy-tale characters.

Painting on windows is a fairly budgetary and very creative way to create a New Year mood. In addition, most likely, the mood will improve not only among you, but also among everyone who passes by your windows, as well as your friends, guests and household members.

New Year's drawings on the windows, stencils for cutting

Plain white paper is the easiest window decoration for you! It doesn't take much effort to decorate windows in this way. You can entrust simple drawings to children - they will gladly take up this lesson, and keep more complex ones for yourself. Some templates require neatness and special attention.

So, prepare the following tools:

  • thick white paper (plain stationery will do)
  • fine-blade scissors
  • simple pencil
  • a board, you can use a chopping board or thick plastic
  • patterns
  • eraser
  • stationery knife
  • a printer

To make paper decorations, follow these steps:

  1. Print the drawing you like on a printer.
  2. Using the necessary tools, cut out the design from the paper. Do this as carefully as possible, any curved line will be immediately noticeable.
  3. Use duct tape to attach the cutout to the window pane.
  4. Enjoy the finished result and New Year's mood!

It is interesting! Such pictures on the windows look especially impressive at night: a contrast between a dark street and a white image is created.

We will list the most successful templates below.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka- not a single New Year can do without them. Therefore, if you decide to decorate the window for this holiday, do not forget about grandfather and granddaughter.

A real symbol of the New Year - elka! Yes, not simple, but decorated with balls, garlands, figurines and tinsel. Do not forget to glue her image on the window.

Live tree, squirrel and hare

Snowflake- a symbol not only of the New Year, but of the entire winter as a whole.

The most vivid and impressive will look new year miniatures cut from paper. Such patterns on the windows look magical.

Cut out a large Christmas tree pattern and decorate it with the cut out Christmas balls.

Christmas toys templates we will provide below.

Candle with a fir branch - a symbol of New Year and Christmas

It is important! If you do not have a printer, attach the sheet to the monitor and circle the image. Then cut out the design from paper and glue it to the window.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows?

You can paint on windows in many ways and materials. The main materials can be:

  • gouache
  • watercolor
  • stained glass
  • Toothpaste
  • markers

Gouache is the easiest to draw. Sometimes, so that the gouache does not roll, it is mixed with soap, or typed on a brush with a minimum amount of water.

The toothpaste drawings on the windows resemble frosty patterns. With the help of toothpaste, you can achieve the effect of a "frozen window", make splashes and paint frost. In addition, drawings with toothpaste can be easily erased with plain water.

Drawing with markers on windows looks no less impressive. For this type of creativity, special markers for windows are used, other markers and felt-tip pens may be difficult to wash off or not at all.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows with toothpaste?

Drawing with toothpaste is much easier than it might seem at first glance! To make a beautiful drawing with toothpaste on the window, you will need:

  • white toothpaste for snow and colored for other elements
  • Toothbrush
  • rag
  • sketch
  • brush
  • thin stick for drawing details (may not be needed)
  • sponge
  • scotch tape or duct tape

Description of the process of drawing with toothpaste on the window:

  1. Cut a small rectangular piece out of the sponge, fix it in the middle with electrical tape or tape to make a kind of sponge.
  2. Fill a bowl or saucer with the toothpaste of the color you want.
  3. Dip the resulting sponge in toothpaste and using pressing movements transfer the drawing from the sketch to the window. To draw a straight line, you have to work hard.
  4. Some places can be additionally drawn with a stick.
  5. If you are unsure of your artistic skills, draw a thin pattern on the window in advance using a brush dipped in water. Or use a stencil.
  6. You can make a very interesting drawing with toothpaste by attaching a stencil, for example, snowflakes, to glass, and securing it to double-sided tape. Put some toothpaste on your toothbrush, then run your finger across the bristles of the brush several times to splatter the glass. This way, there will be toothpaste around the stencil and the area of ​​the stencil will be clean.

You can also paint with toothpaste using a regular or bristle brush.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows with paints, gouache?

Gouache is a word familiar to every artist. Almost everyone started to paint with gouache. Watercolors and oils require a certain level of skill, while gouache "forgives" many mistakes in execution.

It is very easy to paint with gouache on windows:

  1. Find a suitable sketch.
  2. Buy a good gouache. It is better to take artistic paints, rather than cheap children's paints, which have a very low surface coating density.
  3. Buy a wide and thin brush.
  4. Transfer the drawing with brushes and paints to the surface of the window. Sometimes it takes time to get a perfect drawing, as well as a couple of jars of clean water and a sponge to remove the failed lines.
  5. Now your window is decorated with a gouache pattern for the New Year!

Advice! If the gouache does not fit well on the glass, mix it with liquid soap so that the consistency is rather thick. This will help the paint to lay down more evenly, and save you from the cost of liquid for cleaning windows in the future.

You can replace gouache with watercolor, but be prepared for the fact that watercolor is quite capricious in use and you are unlikely to be able to apply a dense layer. And one more significant disadvantage of watercolors - it is difficult to wash it off. It is much easier to wash off the gouache from the windows.

New Year's drawings from paper on windows

What can be used as paper drawings? The stencils that you gave as an example earlier in the article.

They can be cut and glued, you can build them yourself, guided by your own imagination.

Surely everyone in childhood cut snowflakes on the windows, at least at school or in kindergarten? This is also a wonderful decoration - there are several such snowflakes on the windows, and you will always have a New Year's mood!

Drawings made of paper look very picturesque, and you will not have to experience difficulties when removing them - just tear them away from the window. Unlike washing off drawings made with gouache or toothpaste, you don't have to dilute the dirt and you don't have to wash the windows again.

New Year's drawings on the windows: options, photos

If you have already been inspired by our article on exploits, but have not yet decided on the sketches, we offer you a choice of several options for what drawings can be drawn on the windows in different ways!

The pattern can only be made on the bottom of the window

As you can see, there are a lot of window design options for the New Year. Choose the one that you like - and go!

Video: How to paint on windows with toothpaste? We create New Year's drawings and decorate windows with children!

If you are wondering what is the best way to draw New Year's drawings on the windows so that they look original and do not spoil the glass, we will help you choose an interesting option.

Drawings on the windows for the New Year with toothpaste

In recent years, a simple improvised material has been popular - toothpaste. Everyone has it in the house, and it is inexpensive. But the main plus is different - the New Year's drawings on the windows with toothpaste dry very quickly, do not harm the state of the glass at all and can be easily wiped off with a damp cloth. In addition, if something goes wrong while applying the pattern, you can erase the pattern or part of it and reapply the pattern.

You need to apply drawings to the window like this:

  1. Plan what you want to see on your window: snowflakes, Christmas trees, houses.
  2. Pour a small amount of white toothpaste into a specially prepared container.
  3. Prepare brushes and sponges (you can use kitchen scourers cut into small pieces).
  4. Wipe the window dry and you can start drawing. To make the pattern look feathery, use sponges, and draw clear lines with paint brushes.

If you do not have a talent for drawing, but you really want to decorate the apartment with drawings on the windows for the New Year, do not despair. Choose your own stencils and use them to create your masterpiece. For example, take the patterns of a scattering of stars, cut out their outline for yourself, attach to the window, and sketch the empty space inside with paste.

New Year's drawings on the windows in gouache and not only

For those who are fond of drawing and know how to create beautiful paintings, you can use another method of applying a pattern to the window. New Year's drawings on the windows in gouache look incredibly fabulous. Gouache dries well and can be easily washed off with a window cleaner. The main advantage of such paints is the ability to create a multi-colored pattern. If we use toothpaste, then all the images we have are only white, and with the help of gouache they can be green, and red, and blue.

Today in stores you can buy a product such as liquid snow. It is sold in special spray bottles, like hairspray. It is incredibly easy to create drawings with such a product.

Master class on creating a New Year's picture on a window using liquid snow:

  1. Take a piece of paper, fold it into a triangle and draw a pattern for the future snowflake with a pencil.
  1. Cut out a snowflake and attach it to the glass of the window.
  2. Shake the liquid snow bottle and spray it directly over the snowflake stencil. You will have such a beautiful pattern.

Choose for yourself the most suitable way to decorate windows with New Year's drawings, and be sure to please your loved ones with such beauty!

For the new 2018 year of the yellow dog, everything around is filled with a kind of intangible spirit of miracle and magic. This feeling is especially intensified when you are walking in the cold, and decorated windows are looking at you. Immediately, hands begin to itch to create something like that, and at the same time a quite reasonable question arises: "how to decorate windows for the New Year 2018 with your own hands?" Let's look at interesting master - cash registers with photos that will help you understand this creative process.

Simple snowflakes

This way of decorating windows is the most elementary, but no less effective. To make a simple snowflake to decorate a window, we need:

  • Snow in a spray can;
  • Toothpaste and water;
  • Tooth brush;
  • Ready snowflake;
  • Paper;
  • Scissors.

Option 1

Work process:

  1. If you do not have a ready-made snowflake, you can make such a window decoration yourself. To do this, download any stencil you like from the Internet, cut out a shape according to it;
  2. Moisten a snowflake with water and press it against the glass;
  3. Spray artificial snow onto the window and carefully remove the snowflake. Your window decoration for the New 2018 is ready.

Option 2

Instead of snow in a spray can, you can use the old old-fashioned way - toothpaste. As in the previous version of the decoration, you need to stick the cut out snowflake on the window, moisten the paste with a little water, apply it to the brush and spray it with your fingers. In a couple of minutes, when the paste dries up, you can remove the snowflakes and the beautiful window decoration for the New 2018 of the earthen dog is ready.

You can decorate windows in an unusual and original way using ordinary white toothpaste. This will also require:

  • Snowflakes or other paper figures;
  • Sponge;
  • Water;
  • Rag;
  • Sprayer with water.

Work process:

  1. Stir the paste with water to a paste consistency;
  2. Wet the snowflakes with water and glue them to the window. Blot a little with a rag so that there are no drips;
  3. Sprinkle a large area of ​​glass with water. This is necessary in order for it to remain transparent;
  4. Apply the paste in a circular motion with a sponge. When all this decoration for the New 2018 dries up, you can remove the snowflakes.

If the paste is diluted thicker, then you can even make drawings on the glass. A sponge is also suitable for these purposes.

Snowballs window decoration

Windows can be beautifully decorated not only with drawings, but also with unusual garlands. To do this, you will need the following materials:

  • Air balloons;
  • PVA glue;
  • White threads and braid;
  • Container with a lid.

Work process:

  1. We inflate small balls;
  2. We make holes with an awl on both sides in a jar, thread a thread through them and fill with glue;
  3. Wrap the balls tightly with glued thread and leave them to dry;
  4. We blow off and take out the balls, we hang the resulting compositions on the window. So that your window decoration for the New Year 2018 is definitely noticed by the dogs from the street, you can put a New Year's garland on the windowsill or light candles.

Step-by-step video of a master class for making a New Year's ball from threads

As curtains on the windows for the New Year 2018, you can make such an interesting decoration in the form of a snowfall. For him you will need:

  • Fishing line;
  • Needle;
  • Styrofoam.

Work process:

  1. We disassemble polystyrene into grains;
  2. We thread a line through a needle and string our "snowflakes" on it. It is best to keep them in a random order and hang them lightly tightly to each other. You can sprinkle with shiny hairspray;
  3. When the garlands are ready to bring them to the windows.

To create such a wonderful decoration for windows as a garland "snow mood" we need:

  • Snowflakes;
  • Thin PVC plastic;
  • Plain thick cardboard or whatman paper;
  • Thermo gun or glue;
  • Awl;
  • Scissors;
  • Fishing line.

Work process:

  1. An equal circle of snowflakes, cut out a crescent shape from plastic or cardboard;
  2. We glue a snowflake to it. When the structure dries up, we glue another smaller snowflake on both sides;
  3. We fix all this on a fishing line and you can hang the resulting decoration for the New Year 2018 on the window.

New Year's window decor perfectly complements the traditional Christmas tree; such decoration looks very harmonious both in an apartment and in a country house. Children are especially sensitive to window decorations, you must admit that the feeling of a fairy tale and New Year's mood are necessary attributes for the new year. In today's article, we decided to talk about several ideas on how to decorate windows in your apartment in an original and quick way.

Idea number 1. Artificial Snow Patterns

You will need:

  1. carved snowflake
  2. artificial snow can

Step 1

We glue the snowflakes to the glass with water, gently straighten the creases of the paper. Water will flow from the snowflakes, blot it with a rag.

Step 2

In order for most of the window to be transparent, apply a little water to it with a sprayer.

Step 3

Apply artificial snow of a spray can on top of the snowflakes. Wait a few minutes for everything to dry and peel off the paper snowflakes. Thus, even if there is no snow outside the window, then at home you will have both snowflakes and imitation of falling snow.

Instead of snowflakes, you can use any other paper cutouts in the form of snowmen, trees, deer and other symbols of the New Year or Christmas.

At the end of the holidays, artificial snow can be easily removed from the window surface with a damp cloth.

Idea number 2. Paper snowflakes

All sorts of attributes of the new year, such as snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees, help to create a festive atmosphere in the apartment. Experiment with color and shape, do not be afraid to make the New Year's decor bright and noticeable, because it will last only a few weeks on the windows, without having time to get bored.

If there is a child in the house, then all kinds of snowflakes and stars can be cut out with the baby, for this you need colored paper, safe baby scissors and imagination.

Idea number 3. Christmas decorations on the curtains

If the previous two ideas do not suit you due to the fact that after them a new task arises - washing windows, then the option with decorating curtains does not require subsequent cleaning.

Hang a few balls of Christmas tree held together with a ribbon from the cornice - this simple and concise decor will look great in the bedroom or living room.

You can also make a curtain holder from New Year's toys and a satin ribbon. The indisputable advantage of this decor option is that such decorations are very easy to remove and hide until next New Year.

If you have a long garland with original hanging elements, hang it along the eaves. Such an impromptu "lambrequin" will give the room a festive look.

Idea number 4. Christmas toys, needles and garlands

Completely different garlands are suitable for jewelry, if you wish, you can make them yourself: or.

Another interesting option for decorating a window is Christmas balls hanging from a satin or any other ribbon / thread or fishing line from the cornice. Please note that such pendants look best when they are located at different heights in relation to the windowsill - the effect of "randomness" only colors this composition. If you have a radiator battery under your window, then the balls will sway slightly from the influx of warm air.

The easiest way to create garlands for New Year's window decoration is to cut out snowflakes and fasten them with white thread, creating an original hanging composition.

Idea number 5. Gouache painting

Experiment and use bright colors by painting Christmas trees, Santa Claus, snowdrifts, snowmen on the windows of the child's room. The process of drawing on windows is so exciting that you just need to involve children in it - they will really like it.

Carefully consider the choice of paints, the most common gouache, finger paints for children's creativity and acrylic paints that are washed off with water will do. The intended drawing is applied to the glass and painted.

If you don't have any special artistic talent, you can stencil the patterns with paint. To do this, you need to buy special stencils for painting on windows (they are always sold in departments with New Year's decor) or make such clippings with your own hands (for this it is better to use thick paper so that the stencil can be used several times).

Using the same paints as for painting with a brush, a sponge and a stencil, you can create a beautiful window decoration on the eve of the holidays.

Idea number 6. Christmas wreaths on the windows

Christmas toys and pine needles will also help to decorate the house on the eve of the New Year, it can be Christmas wreaths or just small coniferous bouquets suspended by ribbons from the window opening. Take care to choose a beautiful tape for fastening such coniferous compositions - they can match the color scheme of windows, textiles in the room, the color of walls or furniture.


Before you start painting the window space, you need to stock up on some inventory. You may find useful (depending on the chosen decorating method) the following tools:

  • a jar for water;
  • Toothbrush;
  • paint brushes;
  • scraper or stick;
  • cloth for washing the window;
  • sponge.

In addition, pre-prepared paper stencils may be useful to you. Although you can paint yourself if you have talent.

Before applying the pattern, clean the window surface with a special glass cleaner. They include degreasing components, thanks to which the drawing will hold on tightly and will look better on a clean one.

Drawing options

To create a New Year's pattern on glass, you can use:

  • artificial snow;
  • PVA glue;
  • toothpaste;
  • gouache or finger paints;
  • stained glass paints.

Never use watercolor. Unlike gouache or children's finger paint, it is very difficult to wash it off.

The choice of stained glass paints should also be considered carefully. It will not be easy to clean the glass from the dried pattern. Therefore, it is best to use children's paints. However, it should be borne in mind that then you should not paint on windows, but on a specially prepared surface. After the paints have thickened, the drawing can be easily removed and can be transferred directly to the glass.

Method 1

Using PVA glue, you can quickly and easily create simple patterns.

  1. Apply the picture to the glass with glue.
  2. Spread glitter or tinsel evenly on the glue base.

In this way, funny and fluffy holiday pictures are obtained.

Method 2

This method is suitable for painting on windows using gouache, artificial snow in aerosol cans or toothpaste.

  1. Roll a small piece of thin foam rubber into a tube. Secure it with tape so that it does not turn around.
  2. Prepare toothpaste or paint by squeezing a little onto a saucer.
  3. Dip a foam brush into the paint and paint.
  4. When the drawing is slightly dry, you can add finishing touches to it using a stick with a thin end.

In this way, it is convenient to draw spruce branches or other contour drawings on the windows for the New Year. For some details, you can use regular paint brushes to create small strokes and details.

Method 3

You can also use artificial snow, paints or toothpaste for this method.

  1. Prepare stencils for painting.
  2. Pour some gouache into a plate. If you use toothpaste, add a little water to it.
  3. Now attach the paper stencil to the glass. To do this, the workpiece must be glued to the window, slightly moistened with water or using tape (preferably double-sided).
  4. Dip a sponge into the prepared paint and apply it to the prepared surface by stamping.
  5. After 10 minutes, when the drawing is dry, you can remove the stencil. A beautiful New Year's drawing will remain under it.

Using a sponge, you can whiten the entire background of the window with gouache or toothpaste and water. And to create a play in the whiteness of the snow cover, you can spray it with a spray bottle with water on the glass surface before stamping. Then the background in these places will be more transparent.

Method 4

For this method, it is best to use white toothpaste.

  1. Prepare paper stencils.
  2. Apply them to the glass, securing with tape or water.
  3. Dilute a small amount of toothpaste with water to a liquid consistency.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle.
  5. Spray the resulting white mixture onto glass.
  6. When the drawing is dry, you can remove the stencils.

The first spray from the spray is large and can ruin the whole look, so shake it down the sink.

Method 5

This is another way to create an imitation of snow grains on the window. You can use this method to create a background with a stencil, or simply to decorate the remaining unoccupied glass surface.

  1. Dilute some toothpaste with water.
  2. Dip the brush into the prepared mixture.
  3. Using a spray motion, apply a layer of toothpaste to the glass.

Method 6

This method is suitable for painting with stained glass paints, the advantage of which, in comparison with other materials for drawing, is the ability to use different colors, as well as detailed drawing of small details.

You can create decorative elements using such paint using stencils as described above, or using pattern templates. Applying a sketch of a picture, you just need to redraw the plot you like on the window. But if you have no experience in drawing, then you can simply glue the template to the glass on the back of the window in such a way as to draw along the existing contours.

As already mentioned above, painting with children's stained-glass paints should not be on glass, but on a prepared surface, for example, on a dense file.

Drawing options

Decorating a window for the New Year is always a pleasant pastime. Starting this interesting lesson, you need to decide on the plot that you want to portray. Here are some drawing ideas:

  • snowflakes;
  • angels;
  • Christmas trees or forest landscapes;
  • Ded Moroz and Snegurochka;
  • sleigh with deer;
  • candles;
  • present;
  • biblical stories;
  • houses.

If you are not an expert in drawing, then it is best to use a paper stencil. You can take it from the Internet, or you can do it yourself by simply transferring your favorite picture from a book or magazine onto a Whatman paper or cardboard. All that remains is to cut the drawing out of paper along the contour and apply the image on the glass. The main thing is that the process of decorating the window will bring joy to you and your household.

Before the New Year, windows are painted in kindergartens. Perhaps the patterns on the glasses are not quite in your style ... Mom has an exquisite taste, and then it is not easy to wash all this beauty. But there are at least two reasons to close our eyes to how “beautiful” it is: children simply adore this and Santa Claus certainly will not fly past your window (well, he likes all that ...). And one more thing: we offer you original ideas, so painters dip your brushes and have fun!

Once upon a time on the windows painted with toothpaste, but we have the same magic! So, we take gouache (it is also easy to clean) with sparkles or special stickers - and off you go! And, yes, about windows: observe safety precautions! By the way, take a break for tea, and when you return, you will find a present on the windowsill with the inscription: “Impressive! Keep it up!"

Ideas for gifts "landing" on the windowsill:

    1. Artificial snow can
    2. Toe socks
    3. Glowing plasticine

Assignment for parents:

A child under 3-4 years old will probably want to continue the "banquet" on the walls ... The ideal option is to attach Whatman paper sheets around the perimeter of the apartment so that the child can draw to his heart's content. There is no such possibility? Set aside a specific location where you can do this. This "disgrace" from the point of view of a grandmother and a clean mother is a very useful thing from the point of view of psychologists. And even necessary for the development of creativity, a sense of the importance of their own "I" ... Thus, the child tells the world: "I am!". If you already forbid drawing on the walls, then immediately show where you can turn.

Task for the child:

Together with mom and dad, decorate the window so that Santa Claus will never fly by! We have prepared for you 8 best ideas to help create a fabulous atmosphere in your home. Don't waste time - start your pleasant chores now.

Snowflakes made of PVA glue

For Christmas snowflake stickers you will need:

  • stencils for drawing
  • transparent files
  • PVA glue
  • syringe without needle
  • tassel

The huge advantage of such snowflakes is that PVA glue is non-toxic, so you can make as many of them as you like. In addition, such stickers are transparent, which means that during the day they do not block the view from the window, and in the evening they are beautifully illuminated with lights and flicker.

PVA snowflakes can be used several times: they can be easily removed and glued back, they do not fall off the window. And if you decorate them on top with colored sparkles, the window will turn out to be just fabulous!

How to make DIY snowflake stickers from PVA, see the video instructions:

  1. After you have drawn the snowflakes, place them to dry in a place where no one will touch them.
  2. When the stickers are dry, peel them off the sheet and stick them on your New Year's window.
  3. If the snowflakes are slightly smeared during the drying process, do not worry: you can correct this with nail scissors, cutting off the uneven edges.

Paper snowflakes

This method of decorating New Year's windows has already been proven over the years, but this does not mean that it is boring! A pattern of paper snowflakes can always be diversified, and to create them you only need scissors, napkins (or white paper), thin tape and imagination.

It is not necessary to cut only snowflakes out of paper: you and your child can create a whole fabulous composition on the window! Take white A4 sheets and cut out houses, Christmas trees, a month, stars, animals from paper!

Of course, a small child will not be able to cut very complex patterns and bizarre snowflakes. Start with simple templates, and if the crumbs succeed, show how to complicate the drawing!

New Year is a family celebration, a holiday for which all relatives and friends gather.

It is also a time of bright hopes, anticipation of gifts and, most importantly, fairy tales. After all, in childhood, all of us were told about the kind Grandfather Frost, who will bring long-awaited gifts.

Therefore, it is not surprising that many during the New Year's decoration of their home want not only to create a festive theme, but to return, albeit for a short time, to the very fairy tale that they have loved so much since childhood.

Of course, many different items can be found in the store for home decor, such as stickers, garlands and figurines, including whole sets with ready-made stories.

But today, the fashion for New Year's decoration of the house is again returning with handmade items and using the simplest and most affordable means.

In addition to the fact that the room can be decorated using figures, stickers and Christmas tree decorations, nowadays such a method as New Year's window painting is gaining great popularity.

A distinctive feature of this decor is that all the images on the glass are exclusively drawn, and even with their own hands.

Naturally, such a process will take a lot of time, but it allows you to create a truly original entourage, which will even better increase the pre-holiday mood than just paper snowflakes glued to the window.

Drawings on the window with toothpaste, 2 ways

In stores, you can find special sprays for painting glass.

But much more interesting, and at the same time and economical, is the use of improvised means, such as soap or toothpaste. Some people even remember, from the time of their childhood, how they decorated the windows with such "paints". Now it's time to teach this to your children too.

  • If we talk about soap, then everything is simple: you need to take white or laundry soap that does not have dyes, and just run it on the glass, drawing the necessary patterns on the glass.
  • As for the toothpaste, it allows you to carry out two types of painting - ornamental and negative, that is, one where light places are dark, and dark ones, on the contrary, are light, like on photographic film.

Ornamental painting

If you have imagination and even the slightest drawing skills, then you can create patterns on the window with toothpaste by hand.

To do this, you need to make an impromptu brush. It is made with a stick, on one end of which a piece of sponge or foam rubber of the required size is wound.

But if there are no sticks, then you can simply twist the foam rubber into a tube and wrap it with tape. To create more complex images, it is recommended to prepare several brushes of different sizes in advance.

Now you need to squeeze the paste into a saucer suitable for work, perhaps for convenience it is worth adding a little water to the paste, but first you need to try to draw something with undiluted paste. By the way, it is also convenient because it can be easily wiped off the glass surface with a slightly damp sponge.

So, when the paste of the desired consistency is ready, let's get to work. An impromptu brush must be dipped in a saucer and, applying to the glass, draw a base consisting of lines, circles, triangles and other shapes that will be combined into common objects.

For example, thick winding lines can turn into fir branches, circles into snowmen or balls on branches, triangles into little Christmas trees, and squares into houses. The main thing is to initially understand the entire composition that will be drawn.

And you can also turn all the windows in different rooms into one single composition, where some story will be told in parts.

Now that the base is ready and the paste is a little dry, but not completely dry, take a thin stick made of wood or plastic and start sketching the details by creating contour lines, applying thin scratches on the paste base. Thus, the snowman will have eyes and a mouth, a window and a door will appear at the house, and needles will be visible at the spruce branch.

If your drawing skills are not very good, then you can use various stencils made of plastic, cardboard and just paper for the composition. There are many different samples in stores, you can also find them on the Internet, print on paper, redraw on cardboard and cut the necessary pattern along the contour.

Negative painting

Unlike the first option, you can't do without a stencil here. But on the other hand, such a drawing can be made by a person even with a lack of drawing ability.

Negative painting is when light objects are depicted as dark, and the background, which should be dark, on the contrary turns into light, which allows you to create the impression of a window covered with frost with incredibly beautiful frosty patterns.

For this you can take simple stencils on the Internet, since there should not be too many drawings on the window. It will be enough snowflakes on a window made of toothpaste, a Christmas tree, a crescent moon with stars or a bell with a bow.

First, the sample needs to be printed and cut out. Now wet the resulting template a little with water, shake off all the drops so that there are no streaks on the surface, and carefully stick to the glass.

Carefully wipe off excess moisture so as not to damage the paper with a dry cloth.

After the template is ready, dilute the toothpaste in a plate and start drawing.

There are two ways to do this:

  1. A regular sponge is used as a brush. It needs to be dipped into the paste, then shaken off or blotted to get rid of excess liquid, and slowly, without pressing the sponge to the surface, apply the paste to the glass.
  2. Drawings on the window with toothpaste spray - carried out using a regular toothbrush. After dipping it in the paste, shake off the first splashes somewhere to the side, as they turn out to be too large and ugly. After that, running your finger along the brush, evenly cover the window with fine spray.

When the entire planned area is covered, you can remove the stencil, and the frosty pattern on the glass with toothpaste is ready!

Video on how to paint on the window with toothpaste

Home decoration is always a pleasure. Everyone's favorite winter holiday is approaching. On New Year's Eve, mass preparations begin. Many housewives make crafts with children at home, as well as special labor lessons in educational institutions. They teach children how to draw snowflakes on a toothpaste window or how to glue a beautiful garland of such elements.

Snowflakes on a toothpaste window are by far the most popular New Year's decorations. There is nothing easier than giving the windows a festive look this way. To recreate the snow pattern, you first need to choose a beautiful drawing of the element itself.

Almost every house today has plastic windows that prevent real frosts from depicting artful masterpieces of winter weather. In other words, on plastic windows you can no longer find those patterns that could be seen on the windows before. After all, painted masterpieces just mesmerized with their appearance quite recently, and now it is possible to embody the reverse painting only with the help of your own forces.

Of course, it may not be possible to draw this way, but decorating the windows is no worse for everyone on the shoulder. Moreover, even the smallest family members can cope with such a task. Ordinary toothpaste, which is always at hand, will help to decorate the house. Moreover, you can depict not only snowflakes, but any desired patterns and images. It is not uncommon for fairy-tale characters or animals to be painted on glass, for example, the symbol of the year, and so on.

What you need to work:

- deep water tank;
- Toothbrush;
- Toothpaste;
- water.

1. Cut out beautiful openwork silhouettes of snowflakes, then the drawing on the window will look much more attractive.
2. During work, small splashing droplets always remain around the element, which will give the pattern only originality, therefore, such decorations should not be placed very close to each other on the windows.
3. When working, try to shake off the brush as much as possible, otherwise you will get splashing of large drops, which, as a result, can ruin the whole picture as a whole.
4. When an image is superimposed, it is not uncommon for unwanted places to get dirty, so during work they can be covered with a newspaper or other material.
5. Do not fill the entire window space with a huge number of snowflakes, because it will not look very original. It will be better if such a composition is placed in the corner of the window. Or make a drawing, shifting it slightly to the side, and let it contain several snowflakes, slightly overlapping each other.

Drawing a picture

The selected openwork snowflake is glued to the window, leveled well and pulled smoothly. Then a solution is prepared for applying the pattern. And you can paint anything on the window with toothpaste.

Spray method

To do this, pour lukewarm water into a deep container and add toothpaste there. After that, you need to dip a toothbrush into this composition, shake off excess water and use your thumb to run along the bristles while directing the brush to the snowflake glued on the window.

Small splashes will settle next to the snowflake stencil, but this is not scary, but on the contrary it will turn out more beautifully. You just need to make sure that the spray does not fly in large drops, because then the drawing can be smeared.

As a result, after the final work, the stencil of the snowflakes is carefully removed, and a beautiful pattern is obtained that will resemble a kind of dusting. For those people who do not know this application option, it will not immediately come to mind that there is ordinary toothpaste on the windows.

You can also decorate the windows for the New Year with colored snowflakes, which look just gorgeous. For this, many use colored toothpaste, but it is not always possible to find the right shade, so you have to resort to using watercolors.

The basis of the composition will be toothpaste, but it is necessary to add paint of the desired color with water to it. This is done in this way, the paste is squeezed into a suitable deep container of a small size. After that, using water and a brush, the watercolor paint of the desired color is wetted and mixed with the paste, and then the entire composition can be brought to the required consistency. After all, the paste from the brush should be sprayed, so the composition should not be of a thick consistency.

Coloring method

Many people know how to paint with toothpaste without a toothbrush. In this case, the drawings are no worse. To do this, you need to pick up watercolor paints, a blank sheet of paper, an openwork snowflake pattern, preferably a black marker, because then the contours of the application are clearly visible. It is better to pick up brushes one thick and the other thin and a container for water.

After all the auxiliary material is ready, you can start working. Take the selected template and apply it to the window. Trace all the outlines of the snowflake with a black marker. After that, the template is removed, and the drawn element remains. When painting, many "artists" smear the marker with paints, and leave some for contrast, so here everyone decides for himself what he wants to see.

After a beautiful snowflake is applied to the window, they begin to decorate it, for example, in blue, tracing all the lines several times. This is done quickly, the paint also dries almost immediately.

Getting started, first squeeze a little toothpaste onto a sheet of clean paper (you should not take a lot, if you need more later, you can always add). Then a thick brush is dipped in water and thoroughly smeared in blue paint. After that, transfer to the squeezed out paste and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is achieved, achieving the desired color. After that, they paint with the created composition like watercolor paint.

The result is a bright blue snowflake. Further, after the paint has dried, take a thin brush and draw a darker color around the edges to highlight the surface contours, so it turns out more beautiful. You can also resort to additional accessories. For example, apply not a dark tone around the edges, but apply sparkles with a brush, but this is already a painstaking work for an amateur.

Undoubtedly, everything depends on the imagination of the person himself. Someone likes to create real New Year's masterpieces. Some people draw beautifully themselves without templates, having really artistic skills. Those who find it difficult to draw on their own use templates and popular ideas. After all, snowflakes on the window are a delightful New Year's decoration that remains and will always remain in fashion.

I see that many are already preparing for the new year with might and main, decorating Christmas trees, decorating apartments. Well, I think I also need to somehow take part in this "disgrace". The simplest thing that came to mind was to draw (or rather, spray) snowflakes on glass... We will "draw" with toothpaste, and we will cut out the snowflakes from paper, thank God, I have not forgotten how to do this. At the end of the article, you can watch a video on how to cut out these very snowflakes. Until then, let's get started.

Making snowflakes on glass

To begin with, let's prepare everything you need for our "lesson of labor and patience." I know that 2012 is the Year of the Dragon, but personally I have always had problems with drawing, but there is no printer - otherwise you could just print a dragon on paper, cut it out and attach it to glass. But what is not, that is not - the most that is capable of, is to draw a "smiley" - a smiling face - so we will make it instead of a dragon. At the same time, we cut out numbers and, of course, snowflakes (how? - there is a video at the bottom of the article, look, everything is clear there). I cut everything out of ordinary A4 office paper. see photo

As you can see from the photo, we need: scissors and a clerical knife (for cutting out a smile and eyes from a smiley face), toothpaste (you can use tooth powder), a toothbrush, a container where we will dilute the paste with water. Do not pay attention to watercolors, I wanted to make color drawings at first, but changed my mind.

We dilute the toothpaste with water to a state of medium density gruel. I can't tell the proportions, I did it by eye, drop by drop

I did not find colored toothpaste in our village stores, and I wanted to try to dilute with watercolors - but it turned out to be a pale gruel, inside the apartment it might work, but my drawing will be oriented towards the street and there is not much difference in color, so I changed my mind and used only clean dental porridge.

It is better to use a hard brush, it sprinkles better and is denser. It is very simple to spray - with your finger you move from the beginning of the bristles, the bristles are bent, then straightened. Depending on the speed of running the finger along the bristles, the circle of spread of drops can be reduced or increased, all this is determined experimentally.

click on the picture to enlarge

for a start, I decided to "play-practice" on the mirror cabinet in the bathroom, it didn't work out very well.

click on the picture to enlarge

Now let's get down to the main thing. The photo below shows the place where the drawing will be. This is my workshop window. I will draw from the inside, but the drawing will be oriented for those who see from the outside - in bent

click on the picture to enlarge

The first thing I decided to draw was a smiley face. I wet it with water, but not much, so that our face sticks to the glass, smoothed it out with a damp cloth. After that, we take a brush in our hands, dip it into our dental solution and forward.

click on the picture to enlarge

By the way, I still had to pick up a brush and draw a border for all the figures. Since the edges of the drawings were not noticeable from the street, they merged, and so, to strengthen the edges (it's still not photoshop), I dipped the brush into the same dental solution - tapped on the edges of my figures. An important note, you do not need to move the brush over the glass - you can "knock down" the paper or even tear it. it is wet and easy to handle.

Well, see the result below. Photographed from the street.

The Russian winter is often called an artist, and this is true - well, who can repeat the fantastic patterns painted by frost overnight? It is these snowy pictures that take up all the glass that bring the New Year's feeling. And yet, from year to year we are trying to compete with the winter cold, painting the windows with watercolors, stained glass and acrylic paints, gouache, toothpaste. Perhaps soon you too will want to depict drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, dedicated to the Dog. . How to do this and what to draw on the glass at home, school or kindergarten? We will help you decide on the choice of window decorations - here you will find the necessary templates and stencils, as well as master classes on their use with examples in video and photos.

Beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year: stencils for 2018 Dogs

Since the coming year is under the auspices of an animal that every minute proves its loyalty and loyalty, many will want to decorate their homes with images of dogs. These can be paintings on the walls, plush toys snuggled up on beds and sofas, plates depicting puppies, slippers in the form of funny dogs, etc. In case you want to depict beautiful drawings on the windows for the New Year, you will find stencils for 2018 of the Dog on this page. .

A selection of templates and stencils for the Year of the Dog

Let the New Year be dedicated to the Dog - does this exclude the possibility of drawing traditional frosty patterns on the windows? Of course, professional artists and naturally talented painters will not need any tools at hand to help decorate glass. Others can download templates for free to help draw beautiful designs on windows in preparation for the New Year. A selection of stencils for 2018 Dogs can be found here.

Patterned drawings with toothpaste on the windows for the New Year: examples in the photo and video

Drawing on glass is a real pleasure for many. Indeed, a window can become an ideal "canvas": if something does not work out, the image can always be washed off with water, and the work surface will again be ready to accept another masterpiece created by your own hands. Of course, none of the artists will ever be able to repeat a painting woven in a bitter frost, but you can try to do it. For example, what prevents you from making patterned drawings with toothpaste on windows for the New Year, examples of which in the photo and video you will find under this text?

Workshop on drawing with toothpaste on glass

If you want to depict patterned drawings with toothpaste on your windows, preparing for the New Year, use this master class and examples of finished glass painting works in photos and videos.

So, start drawing snowflakes.

Multicolored children's drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 in gouache: photos of finished works

Winter, of course, is associated with white. But how bright everything else seems against the snow-white background! For example, multi-colored children's drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018 in gouache, photos of the finished works of which you will find on this site, may even remind you of summer. Indeed, why not depict the July heat on the "January" glass? And yet, most of us, especially children, choose a winter theme, drawing red-breasted bullfinches, Snow Maidens in blue outfits, green fluffy Christmas trees, orange tangerines, colorful candies ...

Examples of drawings in gouache on windows

It's great when the child himself wants to help you prepare for the new year and decorate the house for the winter holidays. Offer him to do creative work, visual arts. Multicolored children's drawings on your windows, made in gouache for the New Year 2018, will become the best decor of the room. Look at the photos of finished works and invite your son or daughter to draw something from the proposed options or apply your pattern on the glass.

Frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints: examples of ready-made patterns

It is unlikely that anyone will object to you if you say that no one will make patterns on the windows better than the frost itself. And yet, most of us, preparing for the winter holidays, make frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints. It is enough to look at examples of ready-made patterns to understand how beautiful it is. Would you like to try decorating your house in the same way?

How to draw a frosty drawing on a window - Master class with step-by-step steps

In order to draw unusual frosty drawings on the windows for the New Year with paints (you will find examples of ready-made patterns just below), you first need to prepare everything you need. Prepare the paint (you can take toothpaste), a brush, a sponge and start creating a small masterpiece.

What to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten - Master class with a photo

In all the kindergartens, December is awaited with special impatience - the children know that Grandfather Frost himself and his granddaughter Snegurochka will definitely visit them, give gifts to the most obedient children, and fulfill someone's wishes. To meet such long-awaited guests, you need to properly prepare. Preschoolers should ask the teacher what they can draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten. A master class with a photo will help the children cope with the task (not without the help of adults, of course).

How to decorate a New Year's window - children's drawings

If the children do not yet know what to draw on the windows for the New Year in kindergarten, a master class with a photo (you will find everything on this page) will help them cope with a creative task from the teacher.

What can be drawn on the window for the New Year 2018 at school: photo and video examples

New Year's Eve is celebrated in every home and, of course, in all institutions. By the coming of January, the walls of the premises are decorated with "winter" decor - garlands, tinsel, balloons and glass balls. And what can you draw on the window for the New Year 2018 at school? Photo and video examples of finished works performed by teachers and students will answer this question.

Examples of New Year's drawings on school windows

What and how can you draw on the window for the upcoming New Year 2018 at school so that later the drawing will be washed off? In the photo and video examples, it can be seen that the images are applied with rather intense, thick strokes. Will such beauty wash off after the winter holidays? Of course, unless you just start using oil paints. Gouache, watercolor, toothpaste are washed off with hot water and detergent.

What to draw on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018: Video and photo examples

If you plan to clean the windows from drawings immediately after the end of the New Year holidays, use easily washable paints for work on glass - watercolors, toothpaste, gouache that do not leave traces and streaks. As a last resort, use acrylic paints - they can also be washed off. Well, what is possible to paint on glass with stained glass, almost indelible paints for the New Year 2018? See our videos and photo examples of work.

Examples of work for the New Year with stained glass paints

For the winter holidays, households and friends can prepare unique gifts - using the technique of painting on glass, create with your own hands originally decorated wine glasses, framed paintings, even simple jars painted with unusual patterns. If you have not yet chosen what to paint on glass with stained glass paints for the New Year 2018, the video and photo examples posted on this page will give you ideas.

How to draw patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush at home

If you want to get ready for December 31 and all the following winter holidays "right", learn how to paint patterns on the window for the New Year with a brush at home and decorate your home with amazing drawings. If the resulting images are to the liking of all households, the curtains from the windows can be removed - so the apartment will take on a truly New Year's look.

We draw New Year's patterns with a brush - Description of the process with a photo

When you learn how to paint an amazing variety of patterns on the window for the New Year using a regular brush, you will be surprised: you have everything at home to get started right away.

Having carefully studied the photo and video materials of the master classes telling about the drawings on the windows for the New Year 2018, according to the Eastern calendar, passing under the sign of the Dog, depict with gouache, acrylic or watercolors and a brush of Santa Claus, frost patterns, Snow Maiden, funny puppies and etc. Use the stencils downloaded for free from our site and decorate your home, school or kindergarten with a wonderful window painting. Present your loved ones with Christmas-themed souvenirs painted with stained glass paints.

Every person with the onset of December immediately remembers the fabulous celebration. On the eve of the New Year, according to old customs, people dress up their homes with traditional decorations that can be glued or painted. Therefore, some are worried about how to draw snowflakes on a toothpaste window? After all, it would seem that this is not an entirely ordinary combination, because many are used to painting with paints.

However, I would like to note that toothpaste allows you to create real painted masterpieces on the windows. This art has endless possibilities for decorating windows or glass. Of course, before you create any composition, you need to take into account some of the nuances.

For those people who have experience in this matter, the difficulties are undoubtedly less, but those who will delve into this craft for the first time will have to heed some advice. Snowflakes on the toothpaste window will allow you to create fabulous compositions in any style. Although everything will depend on the individual fantasy.

Some people like to simply apply elements of snowflakes, while many draw scenes from children's fairy tales. After all, such a holiday is endowed with mystery and magic. Moreover, the painted compositions will please anyone, even the most inveterate critic and sloth.

Of course, in order to make the house look festive, you can resort to other decoration options, for example, garlands, stickers, glowing lanterns and many other toys can help decorate your home. But these decorations cannot be compared with real painted snowflakes on the window with toothpaste.

And while doing this work, you can call children who are very fond of drawing. The participation of children allows making creativity a real pleasure, especially for parents. Window decorations can be applied in different ways.

Different ways to apply snowflakes

Drawing on the window with toothpaste is not at all difficult. To begin with, you should prepare a white paste without adding various impurities. The window must be pre-washed and dried. This option is very suitable for very young children.

After that, a small amount of toothpaste is applied to the tip of the finger and a snowflake is drawn directly with the finger. For a child, the silhouette of an openwork element can first be drawn with a marker of any color. Because for sure the child will not create symmetrical rays of the snowflake, but will be able to circle it with a smeared finger.

If such a drawing is performed by an adult, then it should be taken into account that at first the strip of the applied line from the paste will be abundantly white, then the line will begin to brighten due to the consumption of toothpaste. But since this "paint" dries quickly, you can apply a second line directly along this strip in order to create a snow-white look of the composition.

Thus, you can draw a dance of snowflakes suspended from a garland. Or just randomly "scatter" the falling beauties on the glass. It is not uncommon for many people to draw a sleigh with deer according to templates, and the background of falling snowflakes will harmoniously decorate such a composition, and they are drawn quite quickly with their finger.

However, any drawing can be decorated with snow beauties. Such arts are clearly to the taste of many, and the involvement of children will make the process of work more interesting and fun. After all, drawing with your fingers is so funny that the child will clearly be delighted.

How to paint with a brush

This method is a little more complicated than the previous one, because in the course of work you will need a watercolor brush. It is better to take several copies, that is, one thin and the other thick. This will make it more convenient to create the image of falling or dancing snowflakes.

In the dance, it is necessary to take into account the rows, that is, the silhouettes of the beauties from the snow should be of different sizes. For example, the first circle is applied with a thin brush, and the second with a thick one, then the dance will turn out to be symmetrical.

For work, the toothpaste is slightly diluted with water and used instead of watercolors. The consistency should not be too thick, but it should not be made liquid either, because then the drawing will drip on the glass and the figure will not work.

Diluted toothpaste may dry out while painting. It is difficult to work with such a means, so you should add a little water, returning the previous consistency. If you are afraid to immediately draw on glass because it may not work, then you can first practice on a sheet of paper.

A method of applying snowflakes to windows using a brush and watercolors

This process requires watercolors, toothpaste, and brushes of the same size as in the previous method of applying the snow beauties. After that, several small bowls are taken (you can take plastic lids for cans), in which the necessary contents will be diluted.

To do this, a small amount of toothpaste is squeezed into each bowl and the toothpaste is mixed with a thick brush dipped in water and smeared in the desired color with watercolor paint. At the same time, the color and consistency become different and it is easy to draw patterns with them.

These colors can be anything you like. It is not uncommon for drawing art compositions, at first, everything is drawn with a large brush, and for drawing small details, a thinner brush is used. Also, with the help of a tool, gloss is applied, which is harvested in advance. It can be a snow-white snowflake iridescent with white sparks or another pattern. Everything will depend on the imagination of the "artist".

Application method using templates

For this work, you need to prepare the necessary stencils. For example, snowflakes and snowmen or fluffy spruce branches with a Christmas tree toy attached to it. The snowman can be arranged in the middle of the window, and the twigs are better in the corner. Decorate all this with falling openwork snowflakes.

For work, you need to prepare a toothpaste without additives in the composition. A deep bowl for diluting the applicator. A piece of foam rubber and fabric that absorbs moisture well. Toothbrush and matched stencils.

Then wet the glass with plain water using foam rubber and stick stencils on it, as they should "sit" on the glass. After that, dilute the toothpaste with water to the consistency of a clerical stroke. Soak a toothbrush in this composition, bring it as close as possible to the attached stencil and run your finger over the brush.

In this case, droplets of toothpaste sprayed over the place where the template is located. Do this until it is all painted over. After the stencil has dried, it is removed, but the drawing remains. Snow-white compositions can be complemented with colored inserts using the application methods described above.

It is not uncommon for those who first apply such drawings do not spray the brush with toothpaste poorly, so they get smudges. Do not be afraid of this, use a cloth prepared in advance for wiping, which will help remove all such troubles.
Everyone now knows how to draw patterns and various compositions, so use these methods of application, for your home, delighting yourself and those around you. After all, it is the New Year's compositions that can immediately cheer everyone up, and this is so important today. Moreover, it is so pleasant to apply various patterns.

Not many dare to draw on the windows, arguing that after the New Year it will be hard and too lazy to wash them)) I will not argue with laziness, we all have it. But beauty in this case must overcome it. You will not face any difficulty in laundering either - it has been checked on yourself many times.

We will need:
1.toothpaste or powder
2.Dish sponge
3.big paper

Naturally, you can draw whatever you want. I suggest drawing a Christmas tree. It will consist of many stars of different sizes.

We draw stars: you can freehand, I drew in Power Point - it's very convenient and fast. Cut out, leaving a lot of space around the edges:

Prepare the "paint": mix the toothpaste or powder with water until it becomes thick sour cream. For those who love to clean windows, I can suggest adding watercolors to this mixture: drawing will be much more fun!

We pass to the window. We prepare our stencils, sponge and paint. We figure out where the drawing will be located and start drawing. We apply the stencil to the glass and go over it with a sponge dipped in "paint".

We do this repeatedly using all the stencils. We get a beautiful winter drawing, pleasantly smelling of mint.

Such a painting looks very beautiful on the windows of old wooden country houses, lavishly decorated with carved platbands.