Sale of live trees. New Year business idea

Sale of live trees.  New Year business idea
Sale of live trees. New Year business idea

New Year's holidays are the best time to make money. People are waiting for gifts and they themselves are ready to give gifts to all relatives and friends. Your services will be very useful when organizing a holiday and on vacation during the winter holidays.

It's no secret that the New Year is approaching. And this month allows you to make good money, if you know how. Various are collected here. Let's consider them.

1. New Year's sale of trees

There is a lot of competition in this field, since this is the most demanded business at this time. Both real and artificial trees are in demand. But each product requires its own attitude.

In the city, artificial trees are sold, almost at every step. In underground passages, crowded places, near houses. The result is a huge assortment of goods for every taste and color. The most popular trees in this regard are from Denmark. And here it all depends on the conscientiousness of the suppliers. Sometimes the homeland of such a tree is really Denmark, but there may be fakes. Online stores are also not lagging behind in this field. For busy people, this is just a godsend. The most successful advertising option is in elevators, since these places are often visited by people. More details in our business idea.

2. Christmas trees for rent

There are also real and artificial spruces here. If you are dealing with an artificial option, then here you can do different things. Or they can be sold to the city administration and they will be put on the squares. Or lease to entrepreneurs in offices and, of course, home spruce trees, which are also in great demand.

When naturalness comes first, there is some risk involved. Our main task is that after they are in use, they could be collected and recycled. It doesn't matter if it will be used for firewood or for construction needs - it is more important to justify the costs.

3. Driving trees

Taxi drivers and other drivers can implement another business idea for Christmas trees. Here it is important to find a supplier of small Christmas trees that will fit comfortably in the salon. Or even on the roofs of cars. Looks very original. Of course, with the right presentation, this business can justify itself well. Online shops are also here to help.

4. Toys and decorations for Christmas trees

Annually relevant. However, there is a lot of competition here, and therefore you need to be able to present yourself from the original side. Or push on a low price, but see for yourself.

5. Symbols of the New Year. Various souvenirs

2011 is the year of the Rabbit. The symbols of white and fluffy rabbits will be on sale everywhere. Various souvenirs and trinkets in the form of this furry animal. Of course, many are bumping into purchases and here it is necessary not to yawn. You can put a machine for taking out toys. Older people probably remember such Soviet devices. Threw 15 kopecks and get it to your health! A similar miracle can be hammered to capacity with rabbits and I don’t want to get it!

6. New Year's souvenirs from corporations

In continuation of the previous theme, we take a rabbit, hang it with the label "Euroset" or "Gazprom" - there will be buyers. Naturally from the respective organizations.

7. Sweets

No new year is complete without sweets. It is important to have time to stock up on this product, and you are in the game.

8. Salutes, sparklers, fireworks

Everything is clear and without words. The people demand shows!

9. Hiking Santa Claus and Snow Maiden at home

If you are active enough and easily tolerate large doses of alcohol - a similar income for you. Especially, at your request, we have published a business idea "".

10. Matinees and other New Year's celebrations

You can hire actors, presenters, musicians and go to the people with the holidays.

11. New Year's costumes, hand-made

12. Hire of New Year's costumes

Here it is similar to the trees. The same principle. It is easy for children and adults to find different options. And again advertising is the engine of commerce.

13. Animals want a party too

You can make costumes for animals according to Western trends. Here the main market for nurseries, as well as a wealthy clientele who can afford it.

14. Selling snow

Everything is very simple. Snow is not everywhere, which means that our task is to sell it where it is not.

15. New Year's wishes on the Internet

The point is to make a website that will describe various wishes for the New Year. Then friends or relatives go there, see what is written and buy. It is important to find your sales market, to cooperate correctly with various social networks. Everything is in your power. The main thing is that such a portal will continue its life further after NG, which means that it will be possible to use it on any holiday.

16. Room decor

Everything is simple and easy here. We decorate the premises at the request of the customer. You can hire an experienced designer, then his fee should be higher, but so should your earnings.

17. Writing scripts for the New Year

The point is simple - I wrote a script, I sold it, and so on. If you have a rich imagination - get started!

18. Desktop for New Year

Making a New Year screensaver or screensaver is not that difficult. They can be sold for SMS.

19. Gift wrapping

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20. Delicacies for the New Year

Rare products for the new year - if you can arrange their supply - it's in the bag!

21. Russian Santa

The main demand will be from foreigners and migrants.

22. Advertising

23. Ringtones and ringbacks

This is obvious - SMS ringtone has become a common service for a long time.

24. Taxi for New Year

Perhaps the most relevant type of earnings for especially celebrated Russians. Like these ones new year business ideas which you can implement!

25. Custom-designed Christmas trees

Here the hand made version is at the forefront. You can sell such a product in the following ways:

  • Custom design. First, the customer selects the design of interest, and then it is made by hand.
  • Ready-made ate.

In this case, all products are made in advance for a wide variety of designs, which are then sold. It is best to combine the two. The buyers are mainly wealthy customers and firms. Of course, this business requires a rich imagination and skillful hands. You can sell a couple of these firs to large shopping centers. It is both joy for the people and advertising of products. You should indicate your contact information.

Alexander Kaptsov

Reading time: 13 minutes


On the eve of the New Year, people are easier to part with money, because this long-awaited holiday happens once a year. Money is spent without regret in exchange for positive emotions, expectation of a miracle, the opportunity to give joy to your family and friends. Some spend a lot on New Year's, others make good money on it. For those who decide to take advantage of the bustle of the holiday and grow their business, we offer 15 ways to make money on New Year's Eve.

Complete set of sweet New Year gifts

Not only children, but also adults love sweet New Year gifts.

On the eve of the New Year, their sales miraculously grow.

Children's New Year's sets are very popular due to their affordable price.

Most parents can afford to buy them.

If you consider selling sweet New Year's gifts as a business, then you can have a good income.

What you need to make sweet sets:

  • Package ... This should be thought about in advance. In summer, the prices for packaging are quite reasonable, and the shelf life is not limited. What to buy? Colorful cardboard and tin boxes, textile bags, ribbons, animal-shaped backpacks and much more.
  • Confectionery ... Closer to the end of autumn, you can start purchasing sweets. What do the kits usually include? Chocolates, gingerbread, halva, lollipops, cookies, soufflés and so on.

After completing a sufficient number of kits, you can start selling them: hand over in bulk to a store or distribute to enterprises yourself.

Decoration of New Year cards, calendars

An interesting idea for the design of postcards and calendars with photographs of the customer. Grandparents will love the calendar of their beloved grandchildren.

Friends and colleagues will love the cool New Year cards. On the eve of the New Year, handmade cards are also in good demand. Made with high quality and original, they are much more expensive than factory ones. On postcards for children, you can write congratulations from Santa Claus, as well as any fairy-tale character at the request of the customer.

With the onset of winter, the sale of calendars and New Year's cards enters an active phase. That is why their production and design must be started in advance.

Organization of New Year's corporate parties, children's Christmas trees

If you have creativity and creative ideas, you can make money on organizing the New Year's holidays.

For holding children's matinees and corporate events, you will need:

  • Actors, presenter, musicians ... A professional team can be hired by prior arrangement or by acquaintances.
  • Carnival costumes and inventory ... The costume of Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and fairy-tale characters is an indispensable attribute of the holiday. It is not necessary to buy them, at first you can rent them.
  • Holiday script ... An interesting and original script will allow you to get more applications for events than competitors.

If a person has never been involved in organizing holidays, then it is unlikely that he will succeed so immediately. It is better not to waste time and consider another line of business, find a business to your liking. Moreover, there is plenty to choose from.

Sale of salutes, fireworks

Today it has become a tradition to celebrate the New Year with an abundance of fireworks and fireworks. They are bought in thousands of pieces, and the sellers of pyrotechnics make a solid profit.

For the New Year holidays to be successful, you need to take care of the implementation of your business idea in the summer:

  • Find profitable suppliers ... Mostly Chinese products are supplied, but they are certified, since this is strict. Domestic manufacturers offer wholesalers only sparklers and firecrackers.
  • Find a good place to trade ... In a shopping center, a store selling pyrotechnics can only be located on the top floor and must have a corresponding permit. Many trade from trays semi-legally, at their own peril and risk.

When choosing a product, you should focus on the price of up to 500 rubles, it is the most popular. Approximately 90% of buyers will purchase just such a product.

What should be included in the assortment of the outlet:

  • Roman candles, firecrackers, flying fireworks of 1-3 class, easy to operate and do not require a license.
  • Multi-charge batteries for 1 600-2 000 rubles.
  • High-altitude fireworks for 15,000-20,000 rubles.

As always, the New Year generates a demand for living Christmas trees that smell of pine needles. Their purchase and further sale, what is not a ready-made business idea?

True, for the successful implementation of the project, some nuances should be taken into account:

  • Choose the right price range, otherwise there is a risk of burnout in case of fierce competition.
  • There are time limits. Unfortunately, after December 31, no one will be interested in the trees.

Preparations for the sale of Christmas trees will need to begin long before the New Year.

What will have to be done to organize the New Year's process:

  • Find forestry with optimal prices and conclude an agreement with it.
  • Execute documents for trade and rent a place.
  • Equip a retail outlet in accordance with the law.

On New Year's Eve, the price of a green product reaches its maximum, which is 100 percent or more of the trade margin.

For those who are good at sewing, sewing New Year's suits can be offered as a business idea. With proper organization and correct calculations, the implementation of the idea will bring tangible profits. Do not forget about the manufacture of carnival masks, since in recent years it has been one of the most important elements of a New Year's costume.

What is required for quality work:

  • Ability to sew.
  • Workplace.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Patterns of suits.
  • Fabrics, threads, accessories.

The most popular images at the New Year's holiday are Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Snowflake, Snow Queen, Cinderella, wolf, hare, Pinocchio, bee, butterfly and others. There will be no shortage of orders, since with good quality products, new customers come already on the basis of recommendations.

Decoration of premises for the new year

Having your own style and understanding interior design, it is possible for a while. Such a business on New Year's Eve is quite profitable, as orders are well paid. For example, the design of a small office usually costs from 24,000 to 30,000 rubles. In addition to your own ideas, you can use options for decorating rooms from the Internet. Large investments for the implementation of the idea will not be required.

Attention should be paid to:

  • Advertising (distribution of flyers, a group in a social network, posting ads).
  • Preparation of decorations and garlands for interior decoration.

The profitability of a project depends on the ability to sell services and the speed of order fulfillment.

Personal congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus at home

The idea of ​​personal congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus at home is becoming more and more widespread. Its implementation does not require large investments, since the main costs will fall on the purchase of New Year's costumes. But at first you can rent them (from 200 to 1000 rubles) or sew them yourself.

To stand out from the competition and provide yourself with a decent income, there is not much you need to do:

  • Conduct a small advertising campaign (further customers will follow the recommendation).
  • Create an interesting and non-standard scenario for an entertainment program.
  • Pay attention to every customer.
  • Work with all family members.

If you work out 10 orders per day, then the daily proceeds will be 10,000 rubles.

Handicraft: making New Year's souvenirs

Many people like to do crafts with their own hands in their free time. But a hobby can easily become a profitable business on New Year's holidays. Decorative candles, soft toys, beaded products, topiary, key chains - all this is certainly in demand. People are ready to pay money for an original and high-quality souvenir that cannot be bought in any store. If you also attract family and friends to help, then you can make good money for the New Year.

True, you need to understand that New Year's souvenirs will be sold only if they meet the needs of buyers.

To date, the following requirements are put forward for souvenir products:

  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Functionality.
  • Exclusivity.
  • Aesthetic appeal.

Do not be afraid to start your own business on the New Year, and when developing souvenirs, let your imagination run wild.

Letter to Santa Claus: development and sale of the form

What business ideas are not implemented in the New Year! A new service has already appeared - a letter to Santa Claus and it is becoming more widespread. The competition in this niche is still small, as many are stopped by painstaking work.

Well, those who wish to start implementing the idea will need:

  • Color printer.
  • Colorful templates for letters to Santa Claus.
  • Advertising on social networks or on the street.

True, in order to earn decent money, you have to work hard. Together with the letter to Santa Claus, parents can be offered the service "Congratulations from Santa Claus", which includes the delivery of the letter and the gift chosen by the customer.

Sale of Christmas tree decorations

The idea of ​​selling Christmas tree decorations is far from new and seems uninteresting due to the great competition. But if you put up for sale something that others do not have? After all, Christmas trees are decorated every year, toys are beating, become unusable. To stay ahead of the competition, you can make and sell handmade Christmas tree decorations. Toys made of leather, beads, glass, paper will look good.

Preparation for the production of New Year's decorations should be started in advance:

  • Involve family and friends in the business.
  • Carefully select sketches and materials.
  • Analyze the toy market and offer exclusive products.

On New Year's holidays, it is customary to give gifts to each other. Even a small sign of attention cheers up if it is packaged brightly and original. No wonder on the eve of the New Year many people gather near the gift wrappers.

If you like a business idea, do not hesitate, but bring it to life.

What is needed for this:

  • Of course, skills in this matter are necessary, because without training it will not be possible to pack a gift beautifully (you can learn some master classes on the Internet).
  • You will also have to purchase packaging material: ribbons, beads, colorful bright paper.
  • Find a place and rent a counter in a shopping center (best at the entrance).
  • Get to work.

The display of skill in the form of fast and graceful packaging of goods will attract a lot of people to the counter. You can earn decent money on this.

Video recording: personal congratulations from Santa Claus

Few people will be surprised by an ordinary greeting card from Santa Claus. Modern kids often do not believe in its existence. And if it is a video appeal, and even a personal one? Here is a real miracle that even an adult skeptic would believe in. And how can you not believe when you hear your name from a kind wizard.

What does the addressee find in this case under the tree? Colorfully designed DVD with animation or real film. Much depends on the skills and capabilities of the entrepreneur.

At the same time, the child does not just listen to a banal congratulation:

  • Santa Claus is talking to him.
  • He asks to guess several riddles.
  • Invites you to meet your fabulous friends and so on.

With the help of the Internet, you can easily set up such a business. In addition to the main order, it is appropriate for customers to offer a unique personalized postcard and coloring book. Then you get a whole New Year's set - a memorable original gift.

Organization of excursions to the homeland of Santa Claus (Veliky Ustyug)

Where to go on the eve of New Year's holidays? Of course, on a visit to the main character of this event. The organizer of such an excursion clearly does not fail financially. Many are curious to visit the homeland of Father Frost in Veliky Ustyug.

How to attract tourists:

  • A visit to the residence of the main New Year's hero with a personal audience in the throne room.
  • By going to a special post office, from where everyone can send a postcard signed by Santa Claus. Here loved ones will be surprised to receive it.
  • A trip to a shop with magic souvenirs.
  • A journey along a fabulous trail.
  • A walk through the small zoo and winter garden.
  • Other entertainment - attractions, game programs, theatrical performances, various types of winter skiing.
  • Historical sights of Veliky Ustyug - churches, temples, monasteries.

One-day or multi-day tours can be offered. Of course, the organization of sightseeing trips requires experience in this area.

Earnings on New Year's photo shoot

That is a wonderful time when you can make good money on photo shoots in kindergartens, at corporate events, themed parties. Before that, of course, you have to work hard. Advertise in local media and Internet sites, prepare and debug special equipment (camera, color printer, computer). You can even wear a fairy-tale character costume to make children more interesting.

December is on the calendar, which means it's time for enterprising people to mobilize and make money on New Year's Eve. While the townsfolk are slowly preparing for the traditional watching TV at the festive table, novice businessmen are starting to implement business ideas for selling Christmas trees.

What needs to be done for this? The first is to negotiate the terms of cooperation with the coniferous nursery of the nearest forestry. The second is to choose a place for organizing a retail outlet.

What should be foreseen first?

It should be noted that the forestry sells Christmas trees in bulk (quantity from 100 units) and usually takes an advance payment of 50% of the purchase cost. Harvesting of trees begins approximately around December 10-15.

The estimated cost of purchasing the most valuable New Year's product - spruce - is 100-130 rubles for a meter-long tree and 250-300 rubles for a two-meter high spruce. The second most popular New Year's symbol - pine - will cost less than one and a half times.

Required documents for organizing Christmas tree trade

To implement a New Year's business idea, you need to prepare documents for the sale of Christmas trees... In order to prevent poaching, the transportation of conifers along the highway is controlled by the police, which, in the absence of the necessary documents, has the right to completely confiscate the goods and impose a fine. That is, the first thing you need is a bill of lading confirming the legal origin of the trees and your right to transport them. The invoice must indicate two points - the number of the car carrying the spruce and the number of trees transported in it.

In addition to the aforementioned consignment note, you must have an invoice (if you paid for the purchase by bank transfer) and a tax invoice. The trees must be stamped with the mark of the supplier who sold you the product.

What documents are needed to sell Christmas trees directly at a retail outlet? For individuals and individual entrepreneurs - a certificate of registration, as well as a document agreeing on the location of the outlet.

Where to buy wholesale Christmas trees?

To find a wholesale supplier of Christmas trees, you do not need to go in search of coniferous nurseries. It is enough to open any search engine and indicate "Sale of Christmas trees for the new year" in the search bar. Then it will remain from dozens of coordinates of foresters who want to conclude a contract for the supply of trees, choose the most suitable for you. It's that simple!

If for some reason you do not need a large batch of Christmas trees, you should look for the addresses of farms that grow spruce no worse than large forest districts, but offer conifers for sale in small wholesale.

Advantages and disadvantages of working with farmers

The sale of Christmas trees for the new year by farms is carried out at prices 2-3 times lower than in the nursery under the forestry. Why is there such a difference in price? Because there is a high probability that the documents for the released spruce will not be provided to you and you will have to solve all the related problems in the future on your own, at the expense of funds from your own pocket.

Necessary equipment of a sales point for the sale of Christmas trees

The point of sale must have a fence, a signboard, an electric cable and a lamp for lighting. It is also necessary to have inventory for maintaining order, fire safety equipment (fire extinguisher), devices for measuring spruce and pine trees (for example, a folding rule).

What else to sell for a company with Christmas trees?

Fir suppliers can offer you branches with cones for free. If the branches look attractive, don't skip it. They can also be successfully traded.

In addition, some customers may need stands for installing purchased fir trees. Small quantities of wooden cross stands will need to be made on their own, taking into account the amount of demand for this product (on average, 10 stands for 100 Christmas trees sold).

How to make a stand for a Christmas tree or pine?

For the manufacture of one stand-cross, you will need a 1.5 meter long "forty" bar, 4 screws for fastening the crossbeams. The hole for installing the spruce in the stand is not always required, but if the need arises, then using a drill and a “crown” of 40-45 mm, the cross is refined at the point of sale.

What to do with illiquid leftovers?

During the sale of Christmas trees for the new year, all kinds of illiquid assets (defective trees, branches, sawdust) are inevitably formed, on the sale of which you can also earn a little. Possible options:

Suitable leftovers can be sold to manufacturers of pine needles; you can find them at the cemetery in the spontaneous market.
- if necessary, grind and sell in a dacha cooperative for the production of compost.

It must be remembered that selling Christmas trees for the new year is a seasonal business starting in mid-December and ending at about 5 pm on December 31st. Therefore, you need to start acting right now!

The New Year is coming soon and many are already planning holiday expenses in advance and are thinking about the New Year's table, decorations and, of course, the Christmas tree. Very soon bazaars and outlets near bazaars will fill many traders with Christmas trees, and although the sales period does not last very long - a maximum of a week and a half, during this time you can earn good money if you organize the sale and supply of Christmas trees correctly.

For those who want to make an investment in quick earnings, selling Christmas trees will be a good investment choice and a way to make good money in a short time.

Live spruce is a very specific product, first of all, because the life of a live tree is very short, it quickly loses its presentation and crumbles. But, a person who knows how to competently organize trade can earn up to three thousand dollars in profit on the Christmas tree business for the holiday period.

Organizational nuances

First of all, it should be borne in mind that for the sale of Christmas trees, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate permit, which is issued in the departments of consumer services in the markets, in the district executive committees or in the local city administration. The location and number of Christmas tree markets are also controlled by the city administration. Therefore, it will take some effort to get a trade permit in a good location. Because the level of sales will largely depend on the location of the outlet. As a rule, people buy Christmas trees near their homes so that they do not have to carry the tree across the city. Therefore, it makes sense to get permission to organize a Christmas tree bazaar somewhere in a residential area.

After obtaining permission to trade in spruce, it will be necessary to conclude an agreement with some forestry. All these documents must be carried with you in full, since the Christmas tree bazaars are subject to constant and rigorous checks. The stalls with Christmas trees are also subject to constant inspections. The outlet must have a cash register, fire extinguisher, meter and price list. Selling Christmas trees is allowed to sell not only on a fenced area, but also directly from the car.

It should also be noted that the registration of all the necessary permits and documents must be started in advance, some experienced Christmas tree sellers advise to do this back in September, in order to have the entire set of documents on hand at the beginning of the New Year holidays.

Purchase of goods in the forestry

Finding a suitable forestry is not at all difficult. Now it is enough to have the Internet and be able to use search engines. On the Internet there are many offers from forestries for the wholesale purchase of Christmas trees. If the sale of Christmas trees is not planned in large volumes, then another option for the supplier is a farm. They also grow spruces and pines, but unlike forestry, they accept small supplies.

Forestry companies usually offer batches of up to 100 Christmas trees and more and require up to 50% advance payment. Fir-tree felling starts after December 15th. The purchase price of Christmas trees within a meter in height is about 200 rubles, above a meter up to two - about 400 rubles.

When transporting Christmas trees from forestry, it is imperative to remember that cars with such a load are monitored on the highways in order to be fined for poaching, in this case the goods are completely confiscated. In order not to face such a problem, you need to take care of the presence of a consignment note, which must indicate the car numbers and the number of trees in the back.

Trade in related products

In addition to Christmas trees, you can get beautiful branches with cones for free in the forestry, which are selling well. Especially such a product is in demand among that category of the population that does not want to purchase a whole Christmas tree. In parallel with the Christmas trees, spruce crosses are usually realized at the points. They are both metal and homemade wooden. You can even make a dozen or two crosses yourself and sell them along with the Christmas trees. However, the demand for them is not very high, so it is not worth making a lot of them - a dozen crosses for a hundred trees will be quite enough.

The sale of Christmas trees begins after mid-December and ends on December 31, near the end of the working day.

Separately, attention should be paid to such a question, what to do with unsold goods? Indeed, often these unrealized Christmas trees can be seen in the trash heaps near the market. However, you can try to sell the leftovers of unsold goods. For example, you can grind Christmas trees into dust and sell them for fertilization to summer residents. Another option for selling unsold Christmas trees is to sell them to those who make funeral wreaths from live needles.

Thus, for those who want to make investments in quick earnings to get a high income, sale of Christmas trees a very good investment option. The main thing in the sale of this specific product is the competent organization of trade. If we take into account all the nuances of this business, then in a short period of selling Christmas trees, you can get a profit several times higher than the invested funds.

We have already considered various options for earning money before the New Year, and in this article we will talk about how to make money selling Christmas trees. The launch of such a business has its own specifics, which must be taken into account before starting a trade.

Where to sell?

Finding the right place for your Christmas tree business requires researching your competitors first. Particularly profitable places of sale will be markets in residential areas of the city, or simply passages.

If you are planning to rent a place in the market, then you only need to pay the rent. But when selling on the street, you will need to get a trade permit from the city administration.

What about the competition? You don't have to be afraid of it, there are a lot of customers for this product and each of the entrepreneurs will find their buyer. Sometimes from the sellers of Christmas trees, whole shopping arcades are built, but they all successfully sell their goods and have a good profit.

Assortment and suppliers

There are two types of Christmas trees: artificial and real "live" trees. There is a demand for both types of goods. To purchase artificial Christmas trees, you will need to go to the wholesale market. For a presentable appearance, they will need to be flattened or even steamed as they are usually packed very tightly.

To trade "live" trees, you will need to purchase them at special nurseries, while demanding from the supplier all the necessary documents for them. Otherwise, you face a fine and confiscation of the goods. Be attentive to this issue.

The third type of holiday New Year tree is pine trees, which are also often bought as they have a beautiful shape and longer needles.

An additional assortment can be New Year's decorations, garlands and various New Year's paraphernalia.

To deliver the goods to the place of sale, you will need a freight transport.

How much money do you need to start?

Selling Christmas trees for the new year, as a business, does not require huge capital investments, and is quite affordable for a novice entrepreneur.

We quote the estimated costs of starting this business.

  • Lease of a trading place - $ 100 - $ 150
  • Taxes - $ 150
  • Seller's Salary - $ 200
  • Initial purchase of goods - $ 2500 - $ 3500
  • Transportation costs - $ 50

How much can you earn from this?

The Christmas tree business is a lucrative niche since you don't have to spend on advertising, space, and other expenses. To calculate how much you can earn selling Christmas trees for the new year, we indicate the average markup for the product, which is equal to - 50% - 70%.

If you sell individual branches of Christmas trees or pine trees, then the margin on the cost of this product reaches 100%.

Based on these numbers, you can estimate how much sales you need to provide in order to make a profit.

Conclusions. A Christmas tree trading business is an excellent seasonal income for aspiring entrepreneurs.

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