How to draw snow patterns. Frosty pattern on the window do it yourself

How to draw snow patterns. Frosty pattern on the window do it yourself
How to draw snow patterns. Frosty pattern on the window do it yourself

Acqualing children to the beautiful since childhood is a very important task. One way is drawing.

Today we will try to answer the question:

"How can I teach a child to draw frost pictures on paper?"

In order to start drawing, we will need:

  • sheet of paper format is not less than A4;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • paints gouache and tassels.


  1. Give the shade of cold blue, for this we dilute the blue paint with water. We pass the entire sheet of paint, creating a background. It is important to reject the background correctly, the top of the sheet must be lighter.
  2. After the leaf dry makes the drawing mark with a pencil across the leaf. We draw a chaotic pattern, with thin, needle petals. We use fantasy, try to make various patterns.
  3. Take a blue paint and a thin tassel draw our pattern.
  4. Next, add the contrast of bright white paint, then here, then there. It is very important to "take" the drawing in the central part and on the left.
  5. When the drawing is dry in places add neat to orange and gentle blue hoods. This will make it overflow and play with paints in the picture.

As you can see, draw a frost pattern is not so difficult.

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  • How to draw a winter pencil in stages for children?
  • How to draw Masha and the bear with a pencil phased?
  • How to draw a horse in a phased pencil?

It is difficult to find a person who would have at least once admired in the winter course the view of the frozen moisture on the glass. Amazing frosty frosty pattern on the window, it turns out, you can create with your own hands. And it is not so difficult.

Anyone can try to make a simple or more intricate winter composition even inside the dwelling: on a glass interior door, a wardrobe sash or a mirror. And for this you do not need frost and moisture.

There are several ways to create in your home. Let's try to figure out what you need and what skills will be required from the artist.

Natural frosty pattern on the window

Winter divorces on the glass is, in fact, the other, which is formed under certain conditions on the branches of trees, wires and any other surface. This happens when the temperature decreases below zero degrees. The moisture in the surrounding air freezes, goes into a solid state and in the form of ice crystals it is settled on the surface turned down.

The same thing happens with windows. Apparent smooth glass actually has minor scratches and cracks. They settle dust particles. Ice crystalline falling on this inhomogeneous and unequal surface, especially when exposed to wind gusts, form a unique frosty pattern.

Unfortunately, with the advent of the Sun or Heat, this beauty disappears. Modern plastic windows exclude the possibility of frosty divorces. Their double-glazed windows are reliably isolated, they are not mistaken from the inside and do not allow the internal space freezing.

But can you stop a person with artistic inclinations, who wished to create a frosty pattern on his window glass in the summer? Of course not!

Frosty pattern: imitation

If there are no two main factors - moisture and glass cooled to negative temperature - the occurrence of a natural hoarfrost on the window is impossible. Learning the reasons for the formation of frost patterns, you can try to create them in summer.

Chemical reactions of crystallization of certain solutions come to the rescue. Methods for formation of frost patterns are known using magnesium sulfate (other names: Magnesia, bitter or can be used for these purposes (known as antichlorine, hyposulfit, photographic fix).

These chemical compounds are not hazardous substances, they can be purchased at a pharmacy or in chemical reagent stores, and when complying with the minimum security requirements, use for decorative purposes to mimic a frost pattern.

You will also need a drawing brushes, you can use cotton discs, sponge or other suitable items. To accelerate the evaporation of moisture, it is convenient to use a hairdryer.

Chemical frost

To create a frost pattern with magnesium sulfate, you need 50 mg of this substance to dilute in 100 g of beer and this solution on a purely washed and dried window to draw a brush divorce. After drying (it is possible to accelerate the process with a hairdryer), magnesia crystals will be shown on the surface.

Another variant of the working solution is the same magnesium sulfate, but instead of beer, boiled water is used and a tablespoon of diluted gelatin is added. Used brush, sponge or rag tampon. The solution is applied by chaotic and disorderly movements on low fat glass.

Frosty patterns on glass with sodium thiosulfate are formed after evaporation of moisture from the working solution prepared from 40 g of this substance dissolved in a glass of water. The chemical pattern in this case will be white, more dense, opaque, reminiscent of snow.

The technique of creating a picture is selected individually. After multiple samples, you can develop certain skills. You need to try to portray frosty divorces, "feathers", curls, improvised snowflakes. The solution after an unsuccessful attempt can be easily removed with a damp cloth and repeat the creative process again.

Carbon black

Previously, in Soviet times, frosty patterns on the glass were obtained using the surface, it was necessary to remove gloss, to treat it to light mats with sandpaper or sand with abrasive. The essence lies in the fact that the tile or granulated joinery gluing tile or granulated carbon black and the pile and granulated jaunde glue, shrink and bakes it unpredictable.

If such a composition, heated before the fluid state in a water bath, apply to 3 mm on a glass-processed glass, then after a day it will begin to dying. The composition of the non-repeated patterns will form a network of non-refined patterns to the surface. After completion, the dot particles gently sweep the brush.

The glass for such an intimate should be chosen not subtle, otherwise it will simply bent and deforms the tension force of the drying joinery glue. The working structure is applied to a smooth horizontal surface and leave it for a day.

Such a frosty pattern remains forever. Wipe from dust and washing the glass after the exposure to the joinery glue should be carefully - the sharp face of the drawing can hurt the skin.

Painting toothpaste

Not everyone will decide on the painting of window windows, arguing this in the absence of artistic abilities or reluctance to wash the windows from the paint. But with the help of such a material, you can get lightly light pictures. Frosty toothpaste patterns are safe, this technology is even available to children.

The glasses after unsuccessful creative processes are easy to clean and even better shine after that. And creative abilities can be limited only by simply spraying of a dissolved toothpaste from the spray gun.

The main thing is to decide, and understood the simplicity of the venture, you can try to paint the glass with a tassel (better with tough bristles) in the style of frosty frosty. The smears are applied, starting from the corner and moving towards the center. To simplify, you can keep at hand a suitable image of a natural frost pattern or any abstract picture.

By template

For people who do not want to draw, but they want to decorate their windows with artificial frost, there is an easy way to create frosty patterns with your own hands. Stencil with the finished composition will be the best solution for those who never took a brush and paint.

Pattern template can be purchased in the store or make it yourself. This will not be difficult if you cannot immediately set the target for the imitation of realistic winter divorces. You can download your favorite composition from the Internet, but it is better to draw it personally, especially together with the child.

You can start with a simple snowman, a simple image of the Christmas tree, different animals, suitable stars. After transferring the pattern to dense paper, the contours are neatly cut. The template is applied to the glass or gluing with scotch and apply a solution of toothpaste, diluted to a creamy state.

If you add some watercolor or gouache paint to it, you can get more opportunities to implement ideas. For applying, use kitchen foam sponge or brush. Use as a background as a stencil, you can not only a sheet with a cut, but also the image itself, causing the coloring composition around it.

With a small child who got used to taste everything, you can arrange funny drawing. Frosty patterns can be made quite safe if used to create sugar powder.

Cold on sterile glass It can be on the adhesive basis from diluted with honey, sucrose, fructose or any delicious syrup. If the baby really likes the result, it can even eat homemade frosty patterns.

The stencil is applied to the washed glass, the edible adhesive composition is smeared, then a powdered sugar sand is applied with a powder or soft brush for powder. It can even make a child. The safety of the fascinating process is observed, the kids will be delighted. And they can try to taste the drawing without a feet after removing the stencil.

Artificial snow

There is another simple way to create frost on any surface. Frosty pattern on a window using a stencil can be quickly and easily applied with artificial snow. Caller with this composition is better to choose from the discharge of non-sliding flakes.

To better pick up a winter composition associated with New Year's holidays. Snowflakes and all sorts of fabulous characters acting in winter are suitable.

The glasses are washed away and dry wipes so that there is no condensate or wet divorce left. Before use, the spray can thoroughly shake. The side of the template should fit tightly to the glass so that it is possible to get clear frosty patterns. Stencil is better to attach scotch.

Spray the composition from a distance from 15 to 40 cm, depending on the desired effect of the density of the frost. After applying the snow, its surplus is removed with a dry cloth, the stencil is gently removed.

Snowflakes for windows

Frosty pattern on the glass is not necessarily an orientable unique picture. For many people, a simple snowflake on the window is a symbol of winter and New Year holidays.

It is possible to start creating frosty patterns for children from the manufacture of homemade paper masterpieces. Material can serve any paper, but traditionally for these purposes napkins were used. They are already folded in four layers. It remains to make another fold diagonally, so that it was the middle part of the snowflake, take scissors and start creating.

You can cut the pattern by templates or come up with your pattern. Find out in advance what happens for the snowflake, quite difficult. Only after removing unnecessary parts and deploying a paper sheet can be represented and understand how one or another intricate pattern turned out. Snowflakes can be decorated with sequins, and you can cut them out of foil.

Frosty patterns can do with their own hands, the main thing is that it wants to highlight and spend some time and strength. Mood, impressions and positive emotions are guaranteed.

The magic of the Winter Beauty with its snow-covered snowdrifts, "crystal" trees, horned snowflakes and fun holidays fascinating not only children, but also adults. Therefore, it is not surprising that children's creativity so often transfers the beauty of winter landscapes. Set of drawing techniques Set: "spray", drawing salt, semolia and even shaving foam. Let's determine what and how best to draw.

Working on the winter drawing greatly simplifies the blowing materials: special stamps, cotton wands, toothbrushes, wax shallow, salt and food film. Consider the most accessible techniques.

Snow-covered tree in stamping technique

Draw such a picture for even the preschooler. The paper uses special sticks made from a piece of wool, bandage and scotch.

Chopsticks, dipping them to the white gouache, make "stumps" around the tree trunk and at its base. Children can give ready-made patterns.

The basis of the drawing is left white or painted in a blue shade.


With the help of paints and wax chalk, real masterpieces are obtained. On a white sheet, the child shall make any drawing, such as falling snowflakes or drifts.

Then the paper is covered with paints and the drawing "comes to life." For greater magic, a wet surface is sprinkled with salt.

Imitation of the snow of semal cereals

The easiest way to portray the winter landscape with the help of glue and mankey. Working with such a material is very easy, and it costs significantly cheaper than colored sand. To work take color cardboard, preferably blue or blue. The workplace is littered with a glue or newspaper. The drawing on the surface is applied with PVA glue. The subject can be any: Snow-covered forest, a house falling snow or standing in a snowdrift. At this stage, small artists may need adult assistance.

The semitter is poured in a saucer and abundantly sprinkle a picture of a crop.

The job is left for a few minutes on the table. Then the sheet is slightly flipped and shaking the remnants of the manus. The drawing will manifest only in those places where glue was applied.

Top winter drawings, photos

The mandatory heroes of winter landscapes are snowmen. They can be located in the yard, on the school yard or stand in a pair.

Cute snowmen

To begin with, the sheet depicts two large circles standing nearby. Top of the balls are given two circles smaller. In the form of the letter "V" on the top balls are nose. Curved long line depict a common scarf. In the fifth step, two lines for hands are drawn and complement the scarf of another curved line.

Next on the head of each snowman add "birds" for the eyes and an additional line on the scarf. Then detail the hands in the form of sticks and draw more curved lines. On the ninth step, it is embarked on drawing an oval for a shared hat and convex lines of the outer part of the scarf.
Stage 10 provides for the application of two smaller ovals for the top of hats and more curved lines for the inner hand. The internal sticks of both snowmen are connected down at an angle so that they formed the form of the letter "V". Two vertical lines on a hat are added.

At the twelfth step, depicting the upper left half of the "heart" -ruk and three buttons on each snowman. Finish "Heart" and draw up a circle over a hat for a bird. Inside the circle depicts ovals for the eyes (step 14). In step 15 and 16, the birds and nose should appear in the bird. At the end, work is deactivated.

Winter snowfall

The next work provides for drawing a snowfall, which suddenly collapsed on the village. Many scares drawing landscapes, but there is nothing complicated in it. The foundation of the drawing is the snowy hills that covered the house and a visible forest, so they are planned at the very beginning of work.

On the right top depict the house, and in the foreground - three big ate. The trees are seen in a smaller village (they are applied by triangles), a snowman and a path leading to the house.

Then suggest the contours and details the items: a snowman is added to the cylinder and hands, the windows, doors and smoke, which goes into the sky is added on the house. To give dynamicity, the space is filled with falling snowflakes.

Work is disappeared. To more accurately convey the beauty of the night landscape, the drawing is performed in dark and gray colors, and also add a full moon in the sky.

Winter forest gouache

An example of a picture when seasonal changes in nature are shown in one job. Paint is applied on a white background.

Drawing gouache involves the application of several layers: background, forest and only during drying - white snow.

Winter landscape pencil

With the help of a simple pencil, convey the beauty of the winter forest is only a real master.

Winter morning in the village

The work is made by paints. Pink shade of trees transmits the magic of the ascending frosty rays of the sun.

Winter cat drawing gradually

The cat sits on the background of the lunar window, so only its main outline is visible. For work, you need a gouache with dark shades (blue, green, red and black). The center of the sheet has a cat shape. Her head is slightly turned left. The animal is located on the windowsill, so the frame shape with the handle is applied to the right.

The sky shall be mixed with blue with black or blue with green gouache. You can add a little red. Clouds are made by light up and a little darker below. Near the house draw yellow lamp circle.

The house covers blue-gray, making on the facade yellow glare from lanterns.

Yellow design windows and lamppost poles.

The rigid brush is dip in thick white paint and "cover" trees and earth with snow.

Then the white color is mixed with blue and apply it to the trunks of the trees.

With the help of a toothbrush splash white paint through the window. On the left paint the transparent speed. To do this, white paint is bred by water to a watercolor state.

The cat is painted with black and blue tones, having a flare from the light of the light by its contour.

Winter patterns drawing step by step

It seems that intricate frosty patterns are difficult to transfer to paper, but it is not. Methods drawing a lot, but let's stop at the easiest.

Application of a pattern of brush

The surface of the sheet is covered with blue paint. The brush is dipped into a white shade and spray paint on a blue surface. The edges of the pattern are decorated with a tassel.

Pattern with foam

The volumetric pattern of the frost pattern is obtained when using a shaving foam. A small amount of the means is squeezed out onto the sheet, the edges are resurrected by the line on the surface.

In several places make dots blue paint, and then brushes draw curls.

The work is covered with a clean sheet and slightly pressed. Winter pattern should be imprinted on the second surface. The impression is removed and dried.

Unusual pattern

Work is performed on a white surface. The curls are applied to the paper, and then pass the tip of the candle on them.

The surface is wetted with a damp tassel and covered blue paint.

Places where the candle passed, will remain white.

Winter drawings about Sport, step by step

To transfer the image of a person on paper is not so simple, especially when it is in motion. In this paper, you should adhere to certain proportions and initially do sketch with a pencil, and only then watercolor work.

Figure skater

To begin with, it is necessary to study the photo of the present figure skater, which will serve as a hint. Below are the steps of drawing a girl. Work starts with bending of the body, then complement it head and dress.

The skier's figure, descending from the mountain, is drawn with an outline. One leg of the athlete is slightly raised, and the other is on the ski.

Hockey player

Below is a simple hockey player drawing scheme. Work starts with the application of bending of the body and head, then draw the details of the costume and add a stick with a washer.

Winter window drawing, stepdown

Beauty of snow-covered streets can be admired from the window. The working background of the pattern is usually painted in light blue, you can apply a piece of polyethylene film from above. This will give the work of special magic.

The drawing is applied by legels in various techniques, for example, leaf print, spray or tyroty.

Yes, and the subject of work can be different, it all depends on the desire of the author.

When the appearance is completely ready, white stripes are glued on it, which serve as a frame of the window.
Examples of children's work performed in different techniques.

Winter Palace drawing, stepdown

Palaces are usually associated with magic and have many small details: turrets, fine windows, roof tiles and high fence.

Square Palace Example

The drawing is painted in white, blue and gray tones, you can apply sequins.

Winter oak drawing, stepdown

Oak - a mighty tree with a spreaded crown, so the drawing must necessarily transmit its strength. Winter tree condition emphasizes cold tones. The pattern of the pattern is made in one color with a gradual lightening of white paint.

The trunk of the tree is better to blow up brown blots with a tube. It will be slightly tilted from the wind.

The sponge is lowered into white paint and apply frost around the tree.

You can add a visible snowdrift and one more mighty tree.

Figure Winter Forest, Phased

Before working, you need to remember what is the feature of the winter forest? At this time, the blue and purple shadow can be labeled between the trees sparkling snow. And the dark needles of fools only emphasizes the severity of the cold pore.
Paper before applying blue and blue paint should be slightly wet. Then the sheet turn the side to get a divorce.

On the foreground in the foreground draw the trunk of a mighty oak surrounded by small shrubs.

A dark green tint is depicted aside two ates.

Winter games drawing stages

To convey winter fun children, you need to portray guys on the street. Winter walk involves children's images dressed in overalls. We will draw them with the help of the palm.
The left palm is applied to the surface, while the thumb is a bit dismissed.

Then disconnect the Unnamed and middle fingers so that between them it turned out the "bird".
The work turn over, tops give a semicircle for the hood. Right add another hand to the right. It can go up or to the side, it all depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author.
On the edges of the overalls draw ovals for boots and mittens. The face is applied, mouth and nose.

The contour of the drawing is covered with wax shallow, which simplifies working with watercolor paints.
Jumpsuit make bright with many small details.

Drawings for drawing winter species

Those who do not know how to draw at all, you can use ready-made patterns. They are kept before their eyes and gradually transfer to the surface. Any winter landscape will come to know if you make a little fantasy and patience.

It seems that winter landscapes are boring and monotonous, but every work has its own charm, passing a personal view of the author. They are fabulous and incurrant, dazzling and snow-white and somewhere slightly sad.

Objectives and objectives of the lesson:

  • Continue to form knowledge of the people's decorative and applied creativity, on the decoration of the specified shape with the use of natural motives, the ability to combine traditional and non-traditional drawing techniques;
  • Develop the ability to compose the composition of the drawing, figurative representation and fantasy; Fasten the skill of graphic image;
  • Rail a aesthetic taste and accuracy.

Materials and equipment: Paper for watercolor, gouache or watercolor, candle, Vologda lace, disk with works of Russian and foreign composers, samples of frosty patterns, "Procedure for performing work", a letter from Santa Claus and an A4 envelope, decorated with a new year's symbolism.

During the classes:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Setting goals.

Teacher:Dear Guys! We came to Message from Santa Claus! We read the letter:

"Dear children! Best in the world! I became completely old, I can not think of new patterns on the windows.
Help! Send your drawings with patterns! Send you an envelope! I hope for your fantasy and fiction.
Your Santa Claus. "

Let's help my santa Claus, draw patterns?

Tune in to fantasy, you will help the poem about the frost artist:

Frost - the artist is the best,
In the city goes.
Then the cheeks are nourishes,
All the nose will pour
And at night he, while I slept,
Came with a magic brush,
And drew on the window
Sparkling leaves.

III. Conversation:

- Draw Frosty Patterns to help us here these products. (The teacher shows the Vologda lace. They can be broken on the tissue of blue or black.)

- Who knows how they are called? (Lace.)

- Yes, it is lace. They are flying with a special hook and various threads. These weave are engaged in many Russian lands. Especially in the north, in the Vologda region. The fate of this type of art is happy. We still use lace to decorate our dwellings and clothes.

- Tell me, what natural forms do we see in them? (Leafs, Flowers, Curls.)

- Right. Folk masters have always peased in plants form for the manufacture of their products!

- What else can we portray in the form of a frost pattern? (Children's responses.)

- Now I will make up the riddles, and the deposits will be answered by my question.

1. Only a white pattern that lace weave,

With the flicker of stars of these compared (snowflakes).

- There is not a single snowflakes in the world, but they all arise in one rule. Their rays are located as it were in mirror reflection.

(Draw on a snowflake board.)

Walked overnight everywhere
And we have a miracle in the apartment
Behind the window house disappeared
There is a magical grew ... (forest)

Correctly can depict the forest.

3. Children, and what else can be depicted in the form of a frostite pattern on the window, fantasize. (5-6 replies.)


IV. Explanation of the work stages.

  • What is on the table? (Artist's tools.)
  • Do you know how to work with all? (I do not know how to candle.)
  • I will teach you, but first of all it is necessary to determine the procedure.
  • How to locate a sheet of paper? Horizontally or vertically? Recall where and how frost paints his patterns? (On glasses, vertically.) Place a sheet as well.
  • And in what parts of the window most often are patterns? (On the bottom of glass and sides.)
  • What time of day it is better to consider patterns on the glass? (Early in the morning and in the evening) paints What color do we need? (Blue and white.)
  • No, guys, the white paint should not be needed today, since its function will perform a candle. Wax of candles does not let water and does not paint paper. Bands spent with a candle will remain white.
  • Listen carefully to work:
    1) Think out the pattern composition.
    2) Apply the drawing on paper with light strokes and lines.
    3) Pencil drawing circle a candle with a strong pressure on the dry sheet
    4) Cover the sheet with water without paint.
    5) Not giving a sheet to dry, evenly apply blue paint.
    (On the board are placed cards with a phased image of the work: a pencil, a candle, a glass with a tassel, a jar with blue paint.)

V. Getting to work.

On the board, the teacher places samples of drawings.

Fig. one

Fig. 2.

Fig. 3.

1. The selection of classic works (quiet) sounds.
2. The teacher points to the mistakes of children.

Guys who will work out, refers it and attaches with a magnet to the board. This is our exhibition.

At the end of the lesson we will admire our drawings.

Vi. Summarizing. Exhibition. Analysis of work.

1. What work did you like most? Why? Explain.

(Work Analysis.)

2. Have you received pleasure from working in class?

- What's new learned about the artist?
- What folk creativity met?
- What instruments of the artist do you know?
- Which one for you is new?

What was the most interesting in the lesson?

House Task: draw houses with parents candle

And now we will take our drawings, on the opposite, we will write our wishes to the Grandfather Frost and send in this fabulously beautiful envelope.

Master class on drawing "Winter patterns".

Kovtonuk Anastasia Sergeyevna, a second-year student KGCP "Kostanay Pedagogical College" Department of Education of Akimat Kostanay region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Leader:Syzdykov Bakyt Saparbekovna, Lecturer of Physics and Mathematics KGCP "Kostanai Pedagogical College" Department of Education of Akimat Kostanay region, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Work description:This paper discusses the attentive attitude of people to the world around the world, the beauty of nature is described, the ability to portray the beauty of nature on paper with a simple pencil and gouache on toned paper. This work is intended for teachers, managers of circles, students of 1-6 school classes in the preparation and holding of extracurricular activities dedicated to the world around the world, the season.
Purpose:develop in children a sense of excellent, the ability to comprehend the surrounding life, to portray the beauty of winter nature on paper.
Tasks:brigade careful attitude towards the environment.
Develop the ability to build the composition and make the drawing sketch on the format sheet (A3);
Shape the ability to create new colors by mixing the paints.
Tools and materials:Sheet of paper for drawing a3 format.
Simple pencil, eraser.
Gouache paints.
Tassels for drawing.
Glass for water.

And glass window as if kisses
From the Winter-Maiden, every day a gift,
Silver drawing like a ray of the sun of the sun.
O. Esin

The world around us is full of amazing miracles, but we often do not pay attention to them. Admiring clean blue spring sky or bright sunset paints, we do not even think about why the sky changes color with a change in the time of day.
Outside the window - blue sky, white clouds ...
Clouds - clusters of the smallest water droplets and ice crystals.
The light, meeting with a micro-drip of water, is reflected from its surface.
This allows a sunbeam to stay in its original color palette, that is, white, while painting the cloud molecules in white.
Microscopic sizes of cloud elements - drops or ice floes - make it possible to stay in the air for a long time.
In order for the sunshine to reach Earth, it needs to be made through a huge layer of air. During the passage of light through the air, the rays begin to dissipate, and this process is more intensively with a blue, since the blue light wavelength is the shortest.

In order to write a picture to start, we must correctly post the image in the center. Simple pencil make an outline of the future image.

Who struck the ornament
On the window of any apartment?
This is all one artist.
This is all his paintings.

Next, we start working in color. For this image, I used paint such as gouache and a dark color paper, it can still be replaced with cardboard. On such darker paper, the image seems more contrasting, bright. Colors: brown, green, white, blue. Usually we begin with darker tones gradually introducing light. For window frames and landscape in the background, sizes are suitable for the patterns, and for the patterns we will need a thin brush.

Winter patterns to me winter draws
And glass window as if kisses
From the Winter-Maiden, every day a gift,
Silver drawing like a ray of the sun of the sun.

We start to pour the landscape outside the window. In order to achieve heavenly color, by mixing the paints of blue + white in unequal quantities, white should be a little more than blue. After drying, we enter white color to portray clouds, drifts, snow on the Christmas trees, as well as glare on the window frames.

All drawings are different, the mastery of creativity,
And with frost strong, more inspiration,
Does not get tired of making pictures,
Before Spring, tighten the snowstorm!
Here is winter came
White snow was offended
The field is clean.
Happy kids
everything rides
Night in snow lights
scattered ...
The windows writes pattern
And he knocks to us into the yard
With a fresh christmas tree.

After we generally portrayed our drawing, you can go to detail. We start with a clearer drawing patterns on the window. With the help of a thin brush and white guashi, we try to convey fancy patterns with smooth lines.

Circling easily and ineptly
Snowflake sat on the glass.
Walked snow thick and white -
From snow in the room light.
Slightly thunder
And the sun gets up the winter.
How every day, complete and better,
Full and better new year ...
Winter pictures
Puppy stroll aunt.
Puppy broke up with a leash.
And here on shaking flight
The crows are flying at the puppy.
Snow sparkles ...
What a little!
Sadness, where did you go?

Fresh frost. Frozen rivers.
Birch trees near the river.
It is warm here. In a hot stove
Clear lights.
They burn, and soon, soon
In cozy room warm
Thin patterns melt
On the painted glass.

Who draws so skillfully,
What a miracle fantasies
Ice drawing sad:
Rivers, groves and lakes?
Who struck the ornament
On the window of any apartment?
This is all one artist.
This is all his paintings.
Cut in a wide field
And the charter in the forest wander,
Santa Claus from boredom, or
The warm house decided to climb.
But frightened people
The door was kept on the constipation,
And Morozko - Be what will be -
Through the window climbed to them soon.
But there was a barrier -
In glass windows were everywhere
And frost from annoyance
It was decided to harm people.
He figured the tricky eye,
Brushes took, Belil, Enamel -
And by morning all windows windows
Lights in the house did not miss.

In double, it is more interesting to observe the phenomena of nature, knowing the cause of the emergence and development of certain phenomena. Thanks to such a wonderful science as physics. Very informative to find answers to the riddles of nature.
Winter. Magic season. When can be observed for changes in the environment
One of the excellent phenomena: patterns on the windows. How fabulously looks like these patterns look like an artist, frost paints these wonderful paintings.
From childhood I liked to admire frosty patterns. I tried to portray this phenomenon of winter on paper. But like any child it did not quite succeed. Today, looking at the window I inspired to try to portray it on paper. In addition to the patterns, I depicted a landscape, which can be seen from the window. But I did the accent on the frost patterns that I could repeat, remembering my children's drawings.
Frosty patterns on the windows ...
At the time when the air is cooled, the moisture content is reduced. Frosty patterns on the glass are formed if the wet air is cooled to the water freezing point, that is, up to 0 ° C. At this temperature, an excess of moisture is condensing contained in the wet air, on cold surfaces. At the same time, the water is crystallized, that is, turns into the smallest crystalline ice. Water contained in humid air, at 0 ° C passes from a gaseous state into crystalline.
Why do ice crystals form bizarre patterns?
On the surface of the glass there are invisible irregularities and scratches. Ice crystals are formed on them. Crystals are deposited one after another, and amazing unique patterns are obtained.
In addition to the irregularities of glass, in drawing patterns, particles of dust on the surface of glass and air flows are involved.
Patterns are formed if air humidity is increased, and the cooling of the glass began at a positive temperature and continued with a further decrease in temperature. In this case, a water film is formed on the glass, which is crystallized during freezing. Most often, this process begins at the bottom of the glass, because there is more water under the influence of gravity. That is why at the bottom of the window patterns are larger, and the higher, the amount of icy sprigs thinner and smaller.
If the glass is moistened with cooling uniformly, that is, it is covered with a smooth film of water, the patterns are approximately the same in magnitude along the entire surface of the glass.

Now we apply the colors thick slightly damp tassel, as if we spray color. To achieve such a result, we can replace a brush, a sponge.

Snow and snow patterns
In the field - blizzards conversations,
Cold, half a dream.
Day - skates, mountain, sled,
Evening - Babushkina Fairy Tale.
Here it is - Winter!

Russed winter:
On the jacket of fros
From transparent ice
All in diamonds, pearls,
In multicolored lights,
Pouring around the shine
Whispering spell:
-Lag, soft snow,
On the forest and on the meadow,
Shutter trails
Fall branches!
On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scattering crystal roses
Light visions
Clear plexes.
You, Metelitsa, Cui,
Horics Creek,
Jumping whirlpool white
In the field of the head!
Sleep, my earth, alloy,
Dreams Magic store:
Wait for passing,
New dawn!