The easiest way to make artificial snow is. How to make snow? How do artificial snow

The easiest way to make artificial snow is. How to make snow? How do artificial snow
The easiest way to make artificial snow is. How to make snow? How do artificial snow

In order to brighten the holiday waiting for the holiday, as well as reminded to colleagues that the coming year promises new perspectives, we suggest to decorate the workplace. Also, the New Year Craft "Branch in the Snow" from salt is quite suitable for decorating the apartment. Such a twig in a vase, decorated with New Year's toys, will look beautiful on the windowsill or table.

It is necessary to highlight about two hours to create the original composition. With a white branch, the breath of the snowy winter will become expressive, despite the fact that the rain window and gray asphalt.

The branch in the snow out of salt is made as follows:

We find a test sample.

In the dishes (saucepan, kettle) we fall asleep 4-4.5 tablespoons of the food salt. Take hot water in the amount of 0.5 liters. We stir the contents of the dishes to the state of a strong solution and the inability of the crystals dissolve.

Tara put on the stove, put a cut branch into the liquid and boil. The lid "filth" is not necessary to cover, water should evaporate.

When the solution acquires a sour cream-like consistency, the future New Year's branch in the snow gently takes out and put a bit in a secluded place.

We do not spend the time for nothing, prepare the vase. We offer for this purpose to use a glass glass or a beautiful wide steady glass. We are looking for a piece of tinsel or fluffy garland, we collect chestnuts, beads, buttons and fill the glass that the branch is secure in it might fix. You can also fill the container with multi-colored sea salt, putting it with layers.

We put the New Year's branch in the snow from salt to the vase surrounding the garland. Caps from Christmas balls, buttons and other small objects decorate the snow branch. Also can go into the course of miniature toys carved from paper or other materials and other New Year's crafts made by their own hands.

Attention! Fully salt snow will dry only after 24 hours and the result will be visible.

Snow hot summer? Impossible - you say. And we will reply that knowing chemistry is possible. Moreover, get this indispensable winter attribute easier than simple. Today we will tell how to make artificial snow from diapers. The resulting snow can be used as a festive decor, replacing a banal wool.

How to make artificial snow from diaper

We dare to assume that if you are interested in chemical experiments for children, then children, and, therefore, and diapers in your family are already available. Therefore, it remains for small - make artificial snow from diaper.

Carefully cut the diaper and remove the package similar to the usual wool from it. Then try to crush it as much as possible. After that, we put our small pieces of packing into a deep bowl, and even better to take a basin, and we begin to slowly add cold water. During this process, the mixture is vigorously. On your eyes wet lump "Wat" will turn into a snowball! Madrid until artificial snow from the diaper will be indistinguishable from the present. But in contrast to him, our snow does not melt. It is important not to overdo it with the amount of water - otherwise there is a risk of getting an ugly gray mass, so it is very important to pour water very slowly. When visually artificial snow from the diaper will satisfy you, then you can put it for a while in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!). So he will become more believable.

Important addition. In no case do not allow children to try the resulting snow to taste and all the more swallow! Polyacrylate is not as safe that it can be. Yes, and when preparing artificial snow, it is also better to use rubber gloves in order to care the skin of the hands. Well, probably will be superfluous to add that for the manufacture you should use only a new and unused diaper. 🙂

What happened

The thing is that modern diapers are not filled with cotton, but by a special absorbent - sodium polyacrylate. The absorbent is any substance capable of absorbing any other substances, such as water. The same sodium polyacrylate is able to absorb moisture 30 times more than its masses!

When the water is added, the fiber filler swell and visually become similar to snow crystals. By the way, you can grow crystal with your own hands.

Real snow can be brought from the street, put in a basin and pamper children. But this magic will last long because it melts in minutes. To decorate the Christmas tree, window sills, candles and other details, artificial snow can be used, which is easily done at home. In some cases, it can even sculpt snowballs. We collected for you the best collection of ways to prepare artificial attributes. Consider all options in more detail.

Candles and Talc

For the production of dry snow, prepare glitter (preferably gold, silver, blue or pearl). Also, set the kitchen cooler, the children's talc without fragrances (powder), several paraffin candles of white.

Place the candle in the refrigerator for half an hour or in the freezer for 10-15 minutes so that it froze well. After the expiration of the time, soda it on the cooler of a small section. To create a flickering effect, add small blades to chips (color at your discretion).

The resulting composition does not leave the traces, does not dissolve in water and does not change the form when contacting it. As a rule, artificial snow of this kind is used to decorate the New Year's balls and trees, murals of windows and window sills.


The easiest and widespread way to make artificial snow at home. To do this, remove a piece of foam in a box from under household appliances or electronics (they have less granules). Put the layer on a flat surface, take the plug and begin to drive it intensively to back. As a result of the "grain" will disappear, you need to collect them as accumulation.

In most cases, artificial snow based on foam looks unfulstly. It is used to decorate fir branches, directly the spruce itself / Christmas trees, window sills, murals of balls and their filling, creating fine hails and clappers.

Paper towels (toilet paper)

Take white paper towels or toilet paper, burst into small pieces. Grind in the crumb in a convenient way white natural soap, place the composition on the bottom of the ceramic or glass container. Placing pieces of paper / towels on top.

Put a bowl into the microwave for 30-45 seconds, follow the condition of paper fibers. They should become more fluffy and raised. Soap, in turn, will gain a softer and fuel consistency.

After the expiration, you get the composition, pour some filtered water and mix everything with a fork. Put in the refrigerator for 3 minutes, then repeat again.

It is from such snow that you can sculpt mini snowmen, play snowballs, decorate any surfaces and items.


Cook a few eggs with a white (not red) shell. Clean them, remove the films. Place in a dense polyethylene package, put on a solid surface and grind the rolling pin into powder. When the shell is ready, you can mix it with glitter, and then proceed to the scenery. Artificial snow is attached to PVA glue to sprigs of ate / tree, they decorate windows, creating various drawings. The composition is used to embed transparent Christmas balls.

Children's diapers

No matter how strange it sounds, but artificial snow can be made from disposable pellery or white-colored diapers. The thing is that such attributes absorb moisture due to the sodium polyacrylate contained in the composition. In the swelling state, the drug looks like a real snow.

To properly execute the procedure, pull out a package similar to cotton from diapers / pellery. Run it on very little particles, then put in a deep bowl. Start slowly pouring cold purified water and at the same time knead the resulting mixture with your hands. In the end, you will get a decoration that is difficult to distinguish from real snow. The attribute is used to create snowballs, snowmen, festive decorations involving peculiar snowdrifts.

Food Soda and Shaving Foam

Spend the soda into a small bottle, so that it is convenient to mix it with other components. In the deep container, squeeze the bottle with foam and simultaneously suck the soda, then mix immediately. Act with breaks: Survised, mixed, suited again. On 1 cylinder foam there are one and a half packs of soda. When mixing is suitable for an end, send the composition to the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Then get it out and add blades for decoration. A feature of this method is that the finished snow smells frosty freshness if you choose a foam with the appropriate aroma.


Very often, the hostesses use pipple polyethylene, which are wrapped with household appliances during transportation for better maintenance of cargo. Take 1 square. m. Material, twist it in a tight tube, then soda on a grater with small divisions. Connect the resulting air mass with pearl blasts, add 3-5 packatures of potato starch and a little filtered water. Mix up until the composition becomes homogeneous.

After that, dry it on the battery or under the right sunlight. Shot a little with a fork, then proceed to the scenery. Very natural and natural composition looks on fluffy artificial Christmas tree and natural seals. To properly attach artificial snow, lubricate the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe PVA, and then sprinkle it.


The method is more suitable for spraying on the windows, mirrors, balls, tree. As a rule, a stencil is superimposed on the surface, moistened in water for better adhesion. After that, empties are filled with snowclosures. It is necessary to spray extremely gently, because the drops are scattered in different directions. Purchase the cheapest white toothpaste without colored granules. Issimate half the tube into the container, pize a little filtered water so that the composition becomes more liquid, creamy. Lower the toothbrush into it, send it to that object you want to process. Spend your finger on the bristle up and release to the splashes formed the specks on the subject.

Starch and soap

Stit on the grate of a small section of a white soap bar, mix it with 3 bags of potato or corn starch. Boil 200-250 ml. Water, pour steep boiling water into the composition, then beat the mixture with a wedge, forks or a mixer before the formation of thick foam.

To make snowballs take the ball from the foam, plunge it into the mixture and dry on the battery. If you want to decorate the composition of the window or branches of the tree, it is enough to swing the toothbrush in the snow and the fluxing movements cover the surface. You can dry the mixture, and then it is necessary to smoke it if the snow is needed in powder form.


Very popular recently became New Year's wreaths, decorated with artificial snow. Also, many people do not put fir, and decorate the room with its individual branches. As a result, you get a kind of mine. To proceed with the procedure, take the enameled saucepan, pour 5 liters of water into it and add 2 packs of cook salt. Put a saucepan on fire, stir and heat up until the composition is dissolved. When it happens, turn off the plate, put the branch in the container and wait 4-6 hours. During this time, salt is absorbed into the needles and forms the original snow crust. At the end of the term, remove the branches and leave them to dry by half an hour.

Edible artificial snow

Experienced hostesses indulge their children with artificial edible snow. They can be decorated with a festive table, in particular, New Year's, just to show fantasy and perseverance. To give baking, fruit salads or other desserts magic, it is enough to pour them with air cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar. For the second dishes, a boiled chicken squirrel is suitable on a grater.

It is easy to make artificial snow at home, if you are in service with various ways. Take advantage of polyethylene, foam, egg shell, toothpaste, a mixture of foam for shaving and food soda, paraffin candles and a talc. Treat children with edible magic with sugar powder and cream.

Video: how to make artificial snow with your own hands

NEEDLEWORK / Piggy bank of creative ideas / New Year's needlework

How to make artificial snow yourself! 20 recipes.

Artificial snow can help you have fun with a child, and also come in handy for a variety of crafts. How to make it, so that it was better enough and just?

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The topic presents 20 versions of artificial snow recipes

Try and share your impressions.

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Not all of them will completely imitate snow - fluffy, soft, cold and smelling freshness. There is also a "snowy" paint for drawing and "snowy" lysun, and "snowy" plasticine, and other interesting substances. But they all have the most direct attitude to the snow and necessarily like children.


How to make artificial snow at home

1. Shining snow

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It turns out cold, fluffy and very soft.




Two Corn Starch / Corn Flour Boxes


Shaving cream


Mint extract (optional)


Sequins or mica

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2. Snow plasticine





2 cups of food soda


1 cup of corn starch


1 and 1/2 cup of cold water


Several drops of mint extract

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3. Snow "Lizun"

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2 cups of plow glue


1.5 cups of hot water

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Optional: a few drops of mint extract to give lizen frosty flavor


Mix in a small bowl


In the second bowl mix


3/4 teaspoon borants


1.3 cups of hot water
Combine the contents of both bowls and mix out for a few minutes until the mass starts to reach.



4. Snow paint.

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Shaving cream


School glue PVA


Peppermint extract

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5. "Silk" snow

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Frozen white slices of soap (any brand)


Grater for cheese

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Peppermint extract


Method of preparation - Send soap overnight in the freezer. In the morning it can be taken over one piece (the crystal used 6 bars) and rub on the grater. Fluffy snow will be obtained, in which sparkles and mint extract can be added. It is very beautiful, and you can make a snowman or any other feature.

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6. Snow dough

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Corn starch (freeze overnight so that the snow dough is cold)


Lotion (in the refrigerator for the night so that snow dough is cold)

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7. "Liquid" snow.





Frozen corn starch


Ice water


Peppermint extract

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In the starch that you got out of the freezer, you need to add icy water to getting the desired consistency. It is recommended to add a little to "snow" not turned out too liquid.


And even if you have never done Nengeton liquids before, a surprise may wait for you. Because with the active interaction, the mass becomes harder and more viscous, and at rest spreads.


8. Snow from shaving foam

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1 Shaving Foam Caller


1.5 packs of soda


sequins (optional)


Squeeze the contents of the canister with foam in the basin and gradually add soda. You will have a very pleasant snow mass, from which you can sculpt the figures.


And now we turn to the part that will be useful and adults!

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9. Snow out of foamed polyethylene

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Polyethylene foamed (used as a packaging material for equipment, glass; liners for shoes) or foam;
Small grater.
We work in gloves. Grind on the grater of polyethylene or foam and ... voila! Fluffy flakes you have all over the house !!! If you add sparkles, then the snow will also be sparkled. With this snow, you can apart all anything, if you pre-lubricate the surface with liquid (dilute with water) PVA glue.



10. Snow from polymer clay

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Remains of frying polymer clay (plastic).
Needlewomen often stored the remnants of the polymer clay, which is a pity to throw away. It is very convenient to crush it with your hands, and then with the help of a coffee grinder. It turns out light and multi-colored (when using color clay) in the snowball, which can be used to decorate postcards and other hand maid products.

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11. Snow from the children's diaper

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Children's diaper.
To get snow, you need:
1. Cut the diaper and remove the sodium polyacrylate from it, and then break into small pieces.
2. The resulting mass put into the container and pour water. Pour gradually, in small portions, while polyacrylate pieces do not resemble snow. Just do not cease, otherwise it will turn out too wet;
3. So that the snow looks more realistic, put the capacity in the refrigerator, but not only in the freezer.

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12. Inay from salt

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salt (better large grinding);
We prepare a concentrated salt solution. To do this, fill the saucepan with a small amount of water and put on a weak fire. We are swaying until it stops dissolving. The branches of fir branches, pine or any other plant in a hot solution and leave for a while. The process of formation of crystals is much faster in warm water! We give water to drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. Sparkling Animes you are guaranteed! If you add to the salty solution with green, food dyes or ink, then the Inay will turn out to be colored!



13. Artificial snow for the "Snow Bowl"

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Paraffin candle
It must be gratened to shake. Such "snow" is great for the manufacture of toys "a la snow ball" when glycerin and artificial snow flakes are added to the water. The container is sealed and when shaking, the snow flakes smoothly on the bottom.


It is true to go and easily - and add ordinary sequins to such a ball. It turns out no less effectively.

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14. Snow from PVA and FLOK




Flock is a very finely chopped pile. And if you are lucky to find a white flock packaging on sale - rejoice. After all, now "snow" for any craft will be obtained in a matter of minutes. It is enough to generously lubricate the surface with glue and sprinkle on top of the flock (it is possible through the siter).

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15. Snow from PVA and Starch

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2 tablespoons starch


2 tablespoons pva


2 tablespoons of silver paint


Mix thoroughly (confused) ingredients.


This snow is suitable when it is necessary to decorate the surface of the product with a bulk white mass.

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16. Mass imitating snow






small Quartz Sand or Manka or Foam Crumb


white Acryl


thick plow

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1. In a bowl, we smell a small amount of material you choose. Approximately 1 faceted glass.
2. In this bulk material, we begin to add white acrylic paint. According to the experience, it is better to buy it in a construction store for facade works. Add to such a state so that our bulk particles stick together with each other, but did not float in the liquid.
3. Then add PVA, preferably thick. We also add quite a bit so that the mixture is elastic and hard.
4. Well, and some silver sequins. All mix and ... everything !!!


Recipes edible "Snow"

17. Sugar snow


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Dip the edge of the glass (cup) into water or syrup, and then in sugar.

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18. "Snow-covered" plants



egg white.
With the help of these components, plants can be planted (non-union and non-angry). Pear flowers, apple trees, cherries, roses, violets, primroses, lemon, begonias, chrysanthemums, gladiols, pansies are possessed with a good taste. Beautiful and very fragrant obtained candied leaves of mint, Melissa, Gerani. 12g Gummirabik dissolve with a constant stirring in a glass of hot water (on a water bath). Cool solution. Prepare sugar syrup: 100g sugar on the ¼ glass of water. Also cool. On the plants, it is for a brush first a solution of gumiarabic, and then sugar syrup. Sprinkle with small sugar sand (but not powder). Dry on parchment or tracing. Such a "snow-covered" beauty will not deteriorate for several months. With these flowers, you can decorate a festive cake or your favorite small sweet baking.



19. "Snow-covered" plants - option 2


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egg white;
Beat egg protein and sugar in foam. Apply a tassel on the petals of the plant or on New Year's cookies and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put the products prepared in this way on the parchment, and put in the oven for a small fire. An hour later (or less - see ourselves) you can admire the beauty!

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20. Salted "Snow" for meat




a pinch of salt;
egg white.
Beat the egg squirrel and pinch salt into the cool foam with a mixer. This improvised snow is put on meat and send to the oven! Wonders: Chicken in the Snow Snowbrobe!


I really hope that of these 20 options for artificial snow recipes, you were able to choose suitable.

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In winter, the streets are covered with fluffy white carpet. What new year is without snowflakes and snowflakes? Such charm can be done at home to please the kids. We find out what you can make snow, which will decorate your apartment.

Main ways of making artificial snow

To create artificial snowflakes, it is not necessary to buy a special tool in

caller. You can use the materials that will be in your home. Yes, from what your fantasy indicates. Any hostess has many materials that will rise for this simple worker.

Very often made from the stuffing of diapers, foam, paraffin, soap, packaging bags, paper, shaving foam, salt or sugar. Perhaps you will come to mind something else. Try to remember what is in your covers. Deliver everything that can come in handy.

Let's talk more about how to make artificial snow at home. Despite the fact that there are a lot of options, we will analyze the main.

Snow from foam

If you have unnecessary slices of foam, they will perfectly come for artificial snow.

By the way, this material is often used to pack the objects of household appliances and equipment, so it will not find any problems.

Flose the foam into small pieces so that they are comfortable to keep in hand. Take the grater and grind the material. Remember that the foam can operate all over the apartment. Better to undress something to the floor. The crumbs obtained should be collected in some container. Actually, that's all. Here's how artificial snow can do, without spending money.

Foam can be decorated with fir branches. To do this, they should be deceived by glue, for example, PVA and sprinkle with a crumb. It will look very beautiful. If you add a sparkler, then the snow-covered twig sparkles.

Snow from soap and shaving foam

Foam for shaving is expensive, so you should first think if you are ready for such expenses. If so, we boldly take the canister in your hands. You still need a pack of food soda and a large bowl. Pouring the contents of the canister and pour out the soda. Now it is necessary to mix all this thoroughly. As a result, you should get a cool mass, from which you can sculpt snowflakes.

For the manufacture of snow from soap or paraffin, use the grater. Grind them and mix with a powder for children. Get small flakes. So that the snow looks like natural, take soap or white candle.

Making snow from diapers

What can snow be made from something else? From diapers. Only they should be new. They are

consist of sodium polyacrylate, which we will need. We take scissors and cut diapers, removing the contents and folding it in the pelvis.

When you planted all the cooked diapers, pour a little water in the pellet. Stir the mass and wait until the liquid is absorbed into polyacrylate. If it seems to you that the water is not enough, a fraction and stop again.

With the strength of a short time, the mass will be like a real snow. It can be briefly put in the refrigerator. Then it will also be cold. So with the help of diapers you can make snow with your own hands.

What can snow for decor?

To decorate Christmas tree toys or open, you can use the polymer

clay. It should be cooled well. You can do this with a hammer or coffee grinder. The crumbs obtained should be covered with glue or other object. Such a snow can be squeezed by adding in the paint or mascara. That's how to make snow quickly and cheap.

Small twigs can be decorated with incomplete. It is made from the food salt and looks like a real. We boil in a saucepan of about 1.5 liters of water (you can slightly more) and pour into it a kilogram of a salt of a large grinding. When it is dissolved, lowered a dry twig in a hot liquid and leave for a while. When the water cools, pull it out and put it on a sheet of paper or oil to give to cool. Inay is ready.

These ways of making snow are perfectly suitable for home interior decoration and gifts. But besides this, hostess want to decorate their festive dishes. Tell how to make artificial snow at home, which can be there.

Making edible snow

Snow for decoration of festive dishes is made very simple and fast. The easiest

method - Take sugar. They can decorate wine glasses. For this, they dip them in syrup, and then in sugar. It turns out the effect of snow spraying.

To decorate fruits and cake, it is necessary to beat until it turns into a homogeneous white foam. Mix with a brush and sprinkle with sugar powder. Then put fruit in the oven to a small fire. After 2 hours, they can be removed and put in such a way you can decorate any baking.

For or birds, you can make a similar icing. Only instead of sugar use salt. Cover the dish with such a snowdrift and put it. The sauce will remain on the meat, creating the impression of snow cover.

Now you know what the snow can be made independently. Take advantage of these tips and you will see how the household will be made by the magnificence of the decoration of your apartment. In addition, you will spend fun and give the joy to children.