Technology manufacturing wind musical instruments. Copper brass tools: listen to tool sounds

Technology manufacturing wind musical instruments. Copper brass tools: listen to tool sounds
Technology manufacturing wind musical instruments. Copper brass tools: listen to tool sounds

Tools of the brass orchestra. Wind Instruments.

The basis of the brass orchestra is copper with a conical channel: Cornets, flugulgs, euphoniums, alta, tenor, baritones, tube. The other group makes copper closet tools with a cylindrical channel: pipes, trombones, horn. The group of wooden wind instruments includes labile - flutes and lingules (tongue) - clarinets, saxophones, goby, bassotes. In the main group impact tools Filter, large drum, plates, small drum, triangle, tambourine, there. Jazz and Latin American drums are also used: rhythm plates, Congo and Bongo, Tom Tomas, Claise, Tartaruga, Agi, Maracas, Kastagnetta, Pandera, etc.

  • Copper brass tools
  • Trumpet
  • Cornet
  • French horn
  • Trombone
  • Tenor
  • Baritone
  • Percussion instruments
  • Small drum
  • Big drum
  • Plates
  • Litavra
  • Tambourin and Tamburin
  • Wooden box
  • Triangle
  • Wooden wind instruments
  • The flute
  • Oboe
  • Clarinet
  • Saxophone
  • Bassoon


The spiritual orchestra - the orchestra, which includes windows (wooden and copper or only copper) and shock musical instruments, one of the massive performing teams. As a sustainable execution, formed in a number of Europe in 17 century. In Russia appeared at the end of the 17th - early 18th centuries. ( orchestras With the regiments of the Russian army).

Instrumental D. about. Gradually improved. Modern Spirit Orchestra has 3 main varieties that are orchestras mixed type: Small (20), medium (30) and large (42-56 or more performers). The composition of the Big D. about. Includes: Flutes, Goboes (including altom), clarinets (including small, altove and bass clarinet), saxophones (soprano, altu, tenors, baritons), bassones (including counterphagot), French horn, pipes, trombones, corps, alta, tenors , Baritons, bass (copper tubes and jammed double bass) and shock tools with a certain and without a certain height of sound. In the performance of concert works in D. about. Epizodically introduced harp, chest, piano and others. Tools.

Modern D. about. lead versatile concert and popularization activities. In their repertoire, almost all outstanding works Patriotic and world musical Classics. Among soviet conductors Before. - S. A. Chernetsky, V. M. Blazhevich, F. I. Nikolaevsky, V. I. Agapkin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia

The structure of the brass orchestra

Main groups, their role and opportunity

The basis of the brass orchestra is a group of tools that exists under common title Saxcorn. They are named so named A. Saksa, invented by them in the 40s of the XIX century. Saxcorns were an improved type of tools that were called the Bugel (Bugelnorn). Currently, in our USSR, this group is usually referred to as the main copper group. It includes: a) High Testing Tools - Saxcorn-Roshrano, Saxcorn-Soprano (Cortiers); b) the tools of the Middle Register - Alta, tenors, baritons; c) Low register tools - Saxorn-bass and Saxorn-Double Bass.

Two other orchestra groups make up wooden brass and shock tools. A group of Saxcorn actually forms a small copper composition of the brass orchestra. With accession to this group of wooden winds, as well as horn, pipes, trombones and drums form a small mixed and large mixed composition.

In general, the Saxcorn group with a conic tube and a wide mechanic characteristic of these tools has a sufficiently large, strong sound and rich technical capabilities. This especially applies to the cornets, tools of large technical mobility and bright, expressive sound. The main melodic material of the work is primarily entrusted to them.

Middle register tools - alta, tenors, baritons - are performed in the spirit of the orchestra two important tasks. First, they fill the harmonic "middle", that is, they perform the main voices of harmony, in a wide variety of types of presentation (in the form of weathered sounds, figures, repeating notes, etc.). Secondly, they interact with other orchestra groups, first of all with a cornet (one of the usual combinations is the performance of the topic with roots and tenor in octave), as well as with bass, which often "helps" baritone.

Directly to this group, copper instruments typical for the symphony orchestra are adjacent - French horn, pipes, trombones (according to the terminology of the brass orchestra adopted in the USSR - the so-called "characteristic copper").

An important addition to the main copper composition of the brass orchestra is a group of wooden wind instruments. It is flutes, clarinets with their main varieties, and in big composition Also baroes, bassotes, saxophones. Introduction to the orchestra of wooden tools (flutes, clarinets) allows you to significantly expand its range: for example, a melody (as well as harmony), executed by root, pipes and tenor, can be doubled in one or two octaves up. In addition, the value of wooden windows is that they wrote M. I. Glinka, "serve mainly for the colors of the orchestra," that is, they contribute to the colorfulness, his brightness of his sound (Glinka, though, meant the symphony orchestra, but clear that this is his definition applies to the orchestra of the wind).

Finally, you need to emphasize important shock group In the spirit of the orchestra. With very peculiar specifics of the brass orchestra and first of all the high density, the massiveness of the sound, as well as the frequent cases of the open-air game, in the hike, with a significant predominance in the repertoire of the music of the Marshaemic and dance, organizing the role of the drum rhythm is especially important. Therefore, the brass orchestra, in comparison with the symphony, characteristic of a somewhat forced, underlined the sound of the shock group (when we hear the informed of the sounds of the brass orchestra, then first perceive the rhythmic blows of a large drum, and then begin to hear all other voices).

Small mixed brand orchestra

The decisive difference between the Small Copper and Small Mixed Orchestra is the altitude factor: thanks to the participation of flutes and clarinets with their varieties of the orchestra gets access to the "zone" of a high register. Consequently, the total volume of sound, which has a very great importanceSince the completeness of the orchestra sound depends not as much from absolute force, but from register latitude, the volume of location. In addition, there are capabilities for comparing the sound of a copper orchestra with a contrasting wooden group. Hence, some reduction in the borders of the "activity" of the copper group actually, which does not lose the versatility, natural in a small copper orchestra.

Thanks to the presence wooden groupAs well as characteristic copper (French horn, pipes), it is possible to introduce new timbres that arise from the mixture of paints in both wooden and copper groups and in the most wooden group.

Thanks to the high technical capabilities, wooden "copper" is unloaded from technical forcing, the general sound of the orchestra is made easier, not felt typical of the technique of copper tools "viscosity".

All this together makes it possible to expand the boundaries of the repertoire: a small mixed orchestra is available more than wide circle works of various genres.

Thus, a small mixed brave orchestra is a more advanced performance team, and this, in turn, imposes broader duties both on the orchestrants (technique, ensemble coherence) and on the head (conducting technology, selection of the repertoire).

Big Mixed Spirit Orchestra

The highest form of the brass orchestra is a large mixed brass orchestra, which is available to the execution of products of considerable complexity.

This composition is characterized primarily by the introduction of trombones, three or four (for the opposition of trombones "soft" group of Saxcorn), three batches of pipes, four batchs of foam. In addition, the big orchestra has significantly more full group Wooden windows, which consists of three flutes (two large and piccolo), two braes (with the replacement of the second gobouse by an English horror or with independent parties), a large group of clarinets with their varieties, two papers (sometimes with counterpart) and saxophones.

IN big Orchestra Helikons are usually replaced by tubes (sort them, the principles of the game, the applicatures are the same as Helikonov).

The shock group is added by the Litauria, usually three: large, medium and small.

It is clear that the large orchestra compared to small has much greater colorful and dynamic capabilities. For him, the use of more diverse receptions of the game is typical - the widespread use of the technical capabilities of wooden, the use of "closed" sounds (Surdin) in a copper group, a wide variety of timbre and harmonic tools.

In the Great Orchestra, the opposition of pipes and cornets is particularly advisable, as well as the widespread use of Divisi techniques in clarinets and cornets, and the separation of each group can be brought to 4-5 votes.

Naturally, a large mixed orchestra significantly exceeds small compounds by the number of musicians (if a small copper orchestra is 10-12 people, a small mixed 25-30 people, then in large mixed 40-50 musicians and more).

Brass band. Short essay. I. Gubarev. M.: Soviet composer, 1963

The principle of playing on which, naturally, is carried out:

  • sound recovery by blowing the air flow and the position of the musician lips,
  • by regulating the strength and tone of the sound, according to the force and length of the issued air flow.

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    The name "copper" historically dates back to the material from which these tools were manufactured, in our time for their manufacture, in addition to copper, brass are often used, less often silver or manufacturing material is covered with silver film (silver). Some of the tools of the Middle Ages and Baroque era with a similar way of sound recovery (for example, serpent) were made of wood, but covered with sheet copper.

    Copper brass tools include modern: French horn, pipe, cornet, Flugulgorn, Trombone, tube. Separate group Make up Saxcorn. Vintage copper tools: Sacbut (predecessor of modern thrombone), serpent and other copper are also some folk instruments, for example, Central Asian carna.

    History of copper tools

    The art of cutting into the horn of the animal or in the sink was known in ancient times. Subsequently, people have learned to make special tools from metal, similar to the horns and intended for military, hunting and religious purposes.

    The ancestors of modern copper brass tools were hunting horns, military signaling pipes, postal horns and ancient Greek fanfares (you can also mention the pioneer horn). These tools that did not have a valve mechanism published several sounds of natural skewers extracted only with the help of the artist's lips. From here there were military and hunting fanfares and signals based on the sounds of a natural sound hand, firmly entered into musical practice.

    With the increase in the techniques for processing metals and the production of metal products, it became possible to make pipes for wind instruments of certain dimensions and the desired degree of finish. As the copper brass pipes improve and the development of art, to extract a significant number of sounds of natural soundouts on them, a concept appeared natural instruments, that is, tools without a mechanism capable of giving only a natural source.

    IN early XIX. The century was invented by the valve mechanism, dramatically changed the execution technique and the capacity of copper brass instruments.

    Creative classification

    Copper brass instruments are divided into several families:

    Nowadays, with the revival of interest in old musicThe execution on natural and valve tools is again in practice.

    Copper brass tools can also be classified according to their acoustic properties:

    • Full - Tools on which you can extract the main tone of the harmonic scale.
    • Half - Tools on which the basic tone is impossible is impossible, and the sound rug begins with the second harmonic consonance.

    Application of copper brass tools in music

    Copper brass widely applied in various music genres and compositions. As part of the symphony orchestra, they form one of its main groups. The standard composition of the group of copper wind instruments in the Symphony Orchestra includes:

    • French horn (motorway from two to eight, most often - four)
    • Pipes (from two to five, most often two or three)
    • Trombones (usually three: two tenors and one bass)
    • Tuba (usually one)

    In the scores of the XIX century, the symphony orchestra also often included the corps, however, with the development of the executive equipment, their batch began to perform on pipes. Other copper tools appear in the orchestra only episodically.

    Copper tools are the basis of the brass orchestra, which in addition to the above tools also includes Saxcorn different sizes.

    Solo musical compositions For copper brass instruments, virtuoso performers on natural trumpets and French horn existed already in the era of early baroque, and composers willingly created their writings for them. After some recession of interest in the wind instruments in the era of romanticism, in the XX century there was a discovery of new performing opportunities for copper brass instruments and a significant expansion of their repertoire.

    IN chamber ensembles Copper brass instruments are applied relatively rarely, but they themselves are united in the ensembles, of which the breeding quintet (two pipes, horn, trombone, tube) is most common.

    Pipes and trombones play important role In jazz and a number of other genres of modern music.

    The brass include musical instruments in the form of a tube, in which the sound is created by fluctuating the air column. The housing (tube) can be made from any material (wood, metal) and take any form. In the Symphony Orchestra, brass tools are highlighted by bright and strong sound.

    The origin of the wind instruments

    The prototype of the first in the history of the music of the oven tool was the bone in which primitive I tried to pour. Much later will appear flutes, a pipe, a baroon and - but in all these instruments the same principle, which forced the bone to make sounds. We are talking On air fluctuations in the hollow tube.

    A little later, primitive musicians think to drill holes in the dice - so the sound will acquire various shades: From low to high. And then in the holes of the tube there will be a tongue made from the cane. His oscillations will force this tube to make a melodious sound. So the clarinet appeared. And after him, the oboe is a similar design, only with two tongues.

    Device of wind instruments on the example of flutes

    In principle, all the brass instruments are extremely simple. Consider their structure on the example of the flute. Modern flute can be wooden, less than metallic. In any case, it is a hollow tube with multiple valves. From the side is a hole in which the flutist blows, removing the sound from the tool.

    Obviously, inside the tube there is air, which the musician makes the power of his breathing head. Hence the sound. And the smaller the tube will be - the one is higher. For this purpose, holes are provided: closing or opening them, you can adjust the length of the tube.

    For convenience, these holes are covered with special valves. This is especially comfortable for wind instruments with a long tube - a musician's fingers are difficult to reach all holes.

    Varieties of wind instruments

    Obooe has a very rich history and several ancestors among the ancients musical instruments (In his design, the features of the Caucasian Zureny and ancient swirls are traced).



    Clarinet whose name happened from the Latin word "clear" occupies an honorable place in symphony orchestras And stands out with warm rich sound.

    One of the most well-known brass tools is considered to be a pipe. But few knows that she fell into Europe from distant Asian countries. The first pipes were peculiar to the straight or slightly curved form, the pipes appeared much later. modern viewRaised. For pipes, a loud, warlike sound is characterized - therefore, they used them most often in military campaigns. In the orchestra, the pipe appeared with light hands Italian Monteverdi. In addition, in Europe, the pipe has provided valves to adjust the length and obtaining sounds of different heights. But also initial form This tool has been preserved - only called Trombone.

    Another brave instrument is the bayan, created by Peter Sterling, according to the individual order of Harmonian Harmonist. It was perfect new tool With a rich sound, providing a musician much more opportunities than harmony. Buttons in the button accordion are located on the sides: 100 left and 53 on the right.

    The brass instrument occupies an important place in the culture of all nations. It is not known why, but almost every people had its own musical instrument of this type. What is so special in wind instruments and why don't they lose their fans? Let's deal with.

    What is it?

    Wind instruments belong to the family of musical, in which the source of sound is an air pole. By the way, this explains the very name of the instruments: the word "spirit" is used in the meaning of "air". So that the oven tool "spoke", you need to blow the air jet into it.

    The possibilities of tools of this kind are unique. They can be used both in orchestras (brass, jazz, symphonic) and for the ensemble and solo performances, or in the avant-garde directions of modern music.

    History of origin

    Before considering the types of wind instruments, as well as try to understand how to learn how to play them, you need to remember how they arose.

    For the first time to drive in the horn or in the sink learned, probably more ancient man. This was the first primitive brass tools that were used by hunters or shamans occult purposes. Gradually, a person learned how to process the metal, and it was fundamentally influenced not only on the weapon of his work and weapons, but also on the wind musical instruments. Although the metal now was used, the tool shape was practically not changed and imitated natural forms.

    The first postal horn, as well as signaling pipes and hunting horn, can be considered the great-over copper brand instruments. However, the sound palette, which could be removed by such instruments, was pretty scarce, if not primitive, and completely depended on the talent of the musician. And the reason is that such tools have not yet been equipped with a mechanism of valves. Despite the primitivism, this score served as the basis for creating a fanfar.

    Improving the quality of metalworking has a positive effect on the development of music. Now every brass musical instrument could get the pipe of the specified sizes. As a result, they got the name of natural.

    Carefully expand the possibilities of wind instruments could only in the XIX century, when the ventilation mechanism was invented. It was he who really influenced the technique of the game.

    How to learn to play?

    Start studying the ovens tool must be needed depending on the age and physiological features of the child. The fact is that there are age restrictions for him.

    The first tool that is mastering the child becomes a block flute. It helps to develop their breath, as well as comprehend the adhesives of the note. This tool is also good because it is the basis for studying other types of wind instruments.

    About 8-10 years old, a child can go to a more adult brass musical instrument. Most often it is oboe, saxophone, transverse flute or clarinet. Pipe, French horn and thrombone, a small musician will be able to master after ten years.

    Spirit Orchestra: Tools and Features

    Such an orchestra consists of a team of musicians, each of which plays on wind instruments. Depending on the composition, the oven orchestra can be small copper or mixed (small, medium, large).

    If the orchestra consists only of clarinets, alt, tenors, baritons and bass, then it is related to a small copper. Depending on which the tools are joined to them, the remaining types are formed. It can be added as wooden windows (flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, baggage) and copper tools.

    A small copper orchestra can cope with simple music, for example, march or dance. To play a more complex repertoire, you need to use a mixed orchestra.

    Main types of copper tools

    Often parents cannot decide on the choice: what kind of instrument does the hellish child fit? In order not to make a mistake, it is necessary to own all the information relating to them. Since now copper tools have received great distribution, we will tell you about them.

    There are several types of copper tools:

    1. Valve. Such a fuum tool in its design has three or four valves, which manages the musician itself. He also has an additional crown, which not only increases the length of the tool, but lowers its system. To this family of copper tools include pipes, tubes, sxcorns and French horn.
    2. Easy. Such tools have a retractable brass tube - Kulisu. It makes it possible to control the length of the air that enters the channel. The motion of the musician contributes to the fact that the sound rises or decreases. Classic example Sweet tool - Trombone.
    3. Natural. From such a tool, you can extract only those sounds that relate to a natural scatter. This is a mountain, horn, fanfare, alpine horn, signal horn.
    4. Valve. These tools are distinguished by the holes on their housing. During the game, the musician closes or opens them. The valve tools were widely used in the XVIII century, but they gradually refused. This is primarily associated with the inconvenience of their operation. This species belongs to the serpent, the cornet and valve pipe.

    The benefits of wind instruments

    Scientists have long been proven that the game on wind instruments has a positive effect on the human respiratory system. To engage in this kind of art is worth it to people who suffer from asthma or chronic bronchitis. In addition, the game on such tools helps to treat nervous disorders. If children begin to play on wind instruments, they soon become calmer and balanced.

    Music surrounds us from childhood. And at the same time, our first musical instruments appear. Remember your first drum or tambourine? And the brilliant metallone, on the plates of which it was necessary to knock on a wooden wand? And dulls with holes on the side? At them, with a certain skill, it was possible to even play simple melodies.

    Toy tools are the first step into the world of real music. Now you can purchase a variety of musical toys: from simple drums and harmonica to almost real piano and synthesizers. Do you think it is only toys? Not at all: in preparatory classes music schools Of these toys, whole noise orchestres are drawn up, in which the kids are selflessly blowing into the shoes, knocking on the drums and tambourines, spurt the Rhythm Maracas and play the first songs on xylophone ... and this is their first real step into the world of music.

    Types of musical instruments

    In the world of music there is an order and classification. Tools are divided into large groups: string, keyboards, drums, brass, and also language. Which of them appeared earlier, which later, it is difficult to say for sure. But already ancient people who shot out of Luca noticed that the stretched valuation sounds, reed tubes, if they have a pioneer, publish whistling sounds, and the rhythm is conveniently discouraged on all the surfaces with all his profiles. These items have become the progenitors of strings, wind and shock tools, already known in Ancient Greece. Also, the tongues appeared for a long time, but the keys were invented a little later. Consider these basic groups.


    In wind instruments, the sound is issued as a result of the oscillations of the air column concluded inside the tube. The larger the amount of air, the lower sound it makes it.

    The winds are divided into two large groups: wooden and copper. Wooden - Flute, Clarinet, Oboe, Fagot, Alpine Horn ... - are a straight tube with side holes. Closing or opening holes with fingers, the musician can shorten the air post and change the height of the sound. Modern tools often not made of wood, but from other materials, however, according to traditions are called wooden.

    Copper The brass set the tone of any orchestra, from the wind to the symphony. Pipe, French horn, Trombone, Tuba, Helikon, whole family of Saxcorn (Bariton, Tenor, Alt) - typical representatives of this very loud group Tools. Later, a saxophone appeared - the king of jazz.

    The height of the sound in copper winds is changing due to the power of the inventive air and the position of the lips. Without additional valves, such a pipe can only publish a limited number of sounds - a natural sound. To expand the sound range and the ability to fall on all sounds, a system of valves - valves, changing the height of the air column (as side holes on wooden) were invented. Too long copper pipesUnlike wooden, you can collapse, giving them a more compact form. French horn, Tuba, Helicon - examples of rolled pipes.


    The lap tutor can be considered a prototype strings tools - One of the most important groups of any orchestra. The sound here is published by the oscillating string. To strengthen the sound of the string began to stretch over the hollow case - so the lute and mandolin, cymbals, husli appeared ... and a guitar familiar to us well.

    The string group is divided into two main subgroups: smychkovy and plug instruments. Smychkov include violins of all varieties: violins, alta, cello and huge double bass. The sound of them is extracted by a broken stretched strings. And for the pinch, the bow is not needed: the musician fingers turns the string, causing it to hesitate. Guitar, Balalaika, Lutni - Plumbing Tools. Like the beauty of the harp, publishing such tender speaker sounds. But the double bass is a bow or tweezky instrument? Formally, it refers to the puffy, but often, especially in Jazz, they play with tweezers.


    If the fingers hitting the strings are replaced by the hammers, and the hammers to move in motion using the keys will turn out keyboards instruments. First keys - clavician and clauses - appeared in the Middle Ages. They sounded quite quiet, but very gentle and romantic. And at the beginning of the 18th century invented piano - The tool on which it was possible to play both loud (forte) and quietly (piano). A long name is usually reduced to more familiar "piano". Senior Brother Pianino - Why there is a brother - king! - So it is called: piano. This is not a tool for small apartments, but for concert halls.

    The keys belongs to the biggest - and one of the most ancient! - Musical instruments: organ. This is no longer a shock-key, like a piano and piano, but keychard Tool: not light musician, and the blower creates an air flow into the tube system. This huge system is managed by a complex control panel, in which there is everything: from manual (that is, manual) keyboard to pedals and register switches. And as otherwise, the organs consist of tens of thousands of individual tubes of various sizes! But the range is huge: each tube may sound only on one note, but when there are thousands of them ...


    The ancient musical instruments were drums. It was the advocating rhythm that was the first prehistoric music. The sound can produce a stretched membrane (drum, tambourine, oriental darbuka ...) or the tool housing itself: triangles, plates, gongs, casstans and other ruts and godrelki. The special group is the drums, emitting the sound of a certain height: Litales, bells, xylophones. They can already play a melody. Percussion ensembles, consisting only of drum tools, arrange entire concerts!


    Is it possible to somehow extract the sound? Can. If one end of the plate from the tree or metal is fixed, and the second leave free and make it hesitate, then we get the simplest tongue - the basis of the tongue tools. If the tongue is one, we get vargan. Belongs include harmony, accordions, accordions and their miniature model - harmonica.


    On the accordion and accordion you can see the keys, so they are also considered keyboards, and the bunch. The tongues are some winds: for example, in the already acquaintances of us clarinet and a fagot tongue is hidden inside the pipe. Therefore, the separation of tools for these types is conditional: there are many tools mixed type.

    In the 20th century, a friendly musical family was replenished with another big family: electronic tools . The sound in them is created artificially with the help of electronic circuits, and the first sample was the legendary Termenvelox, created in 1919. Electronic synthesizers Can imitate the sound of any tool and even ... play yourself. If, of course, someone will make up the program. :)

    The separation of tools to these groups is just one of the ways to classify. There are many others: for example, the Chinese combined tools depending on the material from which they were made: wooden, metal, silk and even stone ... Classification methods are not so important. Much more important to be able to recognize the tools and appearance, and by sound. We will learn to this.