Tutorial game on synthesizer KB 760. Learning game Synthesizer Tutorial

Tutorial game on synthesizer KB 760. Learning game Synthesizer Tutorial
Tutorial game on synthesizer KB 760. Learning game Synthesizer Tutorial

What if?...

What do you think, if a person knows how to play piano, does this mean that he can play and on a synthesizer? The same keyboard, black, white keys, pedal ... everything seems to be the same ... not necessarily! This means only what he can play on the synthesizer using only the functions of the piano. But in the synthesizer many other features. And the most pleasant for beginners is not to be able to play piano to learn how to play on the synthesizer. Contrary to the way, there is a question. True and reverse - if someone knows how play on synthesizerThis is not necessarily that he can also play on the piano.

In this lesson, we will not discuss all the differences between these tools and all the features of the synthesizer. Now we will discuss only one topic - why learn how to play the synthesizer is much easier than the piano.

Here we must immediately make a reservation: in this article, and indeed on our site, we are talking about the synthesizers with an auto accompaniment, and for simplicity they call them just synthesizers. If at this place you suddenly scared and became convulsively to think, you have an auto accompaniment or not, then I have a hurry to calm down - most likely there is.

For those who study to play piano, already adult, a special difficulty is a game with her left hand. And when you need to play with two hands at the same time, it is generally it turns out for many irresistible barrier. Here some are trying to play just with one hand, for reasons that it is better than nothing. But very quickly it becomes clear that without escorting the left hand, the melody sounds poorly, and that all the beauty in the combination of melody and accompaniment (so we can specifically divide and call the party right and left hand). And since it does not work in two hands, classes are thrown. Unfortunately.

Second difficulty - notes. Oh, these notes. If you learn a violin key notes somehow succeeded, then the bass key is for many separate "song". In addition, to learn notes - this is one thing, and playing on notes is quite another. It is not possible to all. If you could play on notes, it would be enough to disassemble the work once, understand the sophisticated place for yourself, and everything you can play. But many - and we are talking about adult students - due to inability to read notes just memorize, or even jogging, using only muscle memory. And in order for the hands to remember, you need to play more than once and not two, but much more. Therefore, for the intersection of one work, many weeks can leave, and most likely months. The result of such a situation is all the same - the same repertoire is bored, and classes are thrown, because "it still does not work."

There are no these problems if you learn to play on the synthesizer. The fact is that basically you will play with the right hand, and the left will only help enrich the melody by accompaniment. It disappears the need for complex coordination of hands - this is the solution of the first problem. When you want to descend a new song, you will be enough for this one or two evenings. After all, you need to play mostly right hand, and to learn the party right hand is simple enough. And this is the solution of the second problem.

So, summarize. What skills are needed to play a synthesizer?

1. Owning with the right hand. This includes both the knowledge of notes, mainly in a violin veneer. The ability to play on notes with one right hand does not represent a special complexity.

2. The left hand plays chords. It is even difficult to use the word "playing", rather simply "presses at the right moment." In most synthesizers, it is not even necessary to play the whole chord, just one note of it is enough, the rest of the synthesizer will "free up" for you. Do you know how to click on the doorbell? And left hand? After all, it is not difficult, right? Something similar is required from you when you play the synthesizer using an auto accompaniment.

3. Feeling rhythm. It develops with time. More precisely "wakes up" because it is exactly you have! Do not worry about it yet.

4. Knowledge of synthesizer functions. Often the synthesizer holders do not know why there are all these buttons. Do not think about it too, the time will come, and we will deal with everything.

In the first lesson, we learned what the difference between the synthesizer from the piano. This is the most important thing that you had to learn today. In the next lesson, we will talk a little about the first skill - the game right hand. And also learn about why you should not learn to play a synthesizer if you want to play the works of Mozart, Bach or other classic composers.

You will succeed!

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Synthesizer Tutorial Tutorial

Would you like learning to play any your favorite song on the synthesizer? This can be learned in just 6 small video activities with a total duration of 25 minutes. You do not believe? In fact, everything is very simple. Any composition always consists of chords - modern, classic, jazz. It is absolutely not important, they all consist of chords, which means it is enough to explain the basic chords and you can safely play any song. That's so simple! Training for as much simple that even a child can cope with him. At the last lesson, we will examine 6 modern songs in detail what is guaranteed to give you confidence in yourself and give the foundations to move forward to your dream. ATTENTION! This is not trained in a music school. Whatever all video classes you need to click on the "Go to a site" button in the video yourself or follow the link in the description. See you in class!

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If you think it is difficult to learn how to play a synthesizer, then you are in many ways mistaken, because basic skills are easily given even to children. At all stages of studying this craft, remember that the most brilliant people were also self-taught. Choose the most effective methods presented below.

How to learn how to play a synthesizer - is it worth trusting tutorials

Do not be reckless of any sources that will help you to draw at least some knowledge about the basics of the game on the synthesizer. Even if you are in a mature age, try to take a children's tutorial on a piano or synthesizer. It is in such small books for schoolchildren that the information is served most accessible, openly and in small batches.

Do not forget about such a source, like video lessons and channels of experienced people on YouTube and other services. Not even knowing notes, you can slowly repeat the compositions behind a playing person. After some time after such practices, you yourself will notice that it is already well remember how the one or that key sounds, this means that you have started to develop a musical rumor.

Therefore, to trust the tutorials, of course, it is possible, but you have to search for a suitable textbook for you.

How to learn how to play on the synthesizer - where to start

Do not attempt to immediately play complex parties or great works. The thing is that you have to have a thin hearing and the correct appliqué for a full-fledged game on keyboard tools. If you do not pay due attention to the formulation of your hands, then you risk continuing your hobby on the wrong path, at the end of which some problems with the joints of the fingers are waiting for you.

First of all, study the appliqué. Each finger on the keys is intended for its place. Start playing light and uncomplicated works, paying special attention to what finger on which key should be stretching.

After a while, when you are already accustomed to the fact that all your fingers are involved in the game, go to the study of chords. Take for example the easiest and common combinations, for example, in A Minor and to Major. Rearrange your fingers quickly and well press that all keys. After a while, add a bust to your chord breakdown. For example, play three consecutive notes on La Minor and immediately three consecutive notes on to the major.

Do I need to study notes for playing on a synthesizer

This item is purely individual for each person. If the purpose of your learning is to play a certain work and not to continue after this lessons, then the knowledge of notes is most likely, you will not need. However, to understand the sound of notes and how chords are put, you just need to learn all the notes, know which one is in what Octave, and begin to study solfeggio.

Only knowing notes and signs on a tiny mill, you can easily play the songs right from the paper sheet, putting the emphasis and longitude correctly.

Remember that your learning should bring joy. Do not make yourself play for a few hours a day at a time if you are tired, then distracted. Long tension in hands with inappropriate, can entail a decrease in their performance. Find on the Internet on the Internet lessons to warm up hand, fingers, as well as backs. Perform them at least once every twenty minutes.

Buy yourself a notebook and write down the main signs, as well as notes. Training proceeds much faster when you record information, and not only read and listen.

Many people believe that the game on the synthesizer does not represent special differences and under the power of everyone who has ever met with piano. But, unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, it is not. The synthesizer has many excellent functions from classic tools. Although, despite the more possibilities, the game on the synthesizer is still easier than the game on the piano. This does not mean that the technologies of this musical instrument will make everything for you, and you will only enjoy various melodies, but simplify you definitely.

What is the feature of the synthesizer?

For many performers, playing with the left hand and the more two hands on the synthesizer can simultaneously cause difficulties. Not everyone under the power to combine the leading melody with accompaniment and almost every synthesizer has an accompaniment auto function, which greatly facilitates the learning process and allows you to pay more attention to the melodies. Yes, and learn the notes of the bass key, which are almost always used in accompaniment - the task is not simple.

So, with the help of the developed capabilities of the synthesizer, the learning process becomes much easier and faster and less demand for the student.

Piano training is a complicated version of the game, which does not have help with effects, modes and all different synthesizer capabilities. The only decoration of the game can be a pedal that will add the sound of brightness and compounds.

Basic requirements for the student:

  1. Rhythm . How much the capabilities of the synthesizer did not simplify the game, without a feeling of rhythm it is unlikely to succeed. But, do not hurry to worry and check, with time, rhythm develops, so you should not worry if the pupil from the first time the student will have its own rhythm.
  2. Knowledge of notes, first in a violin velection . The game on the synthesizer will not be able to do without a bass key. But for novice musicians, there is enough free game with the right hand and reading notes from the sheet. A typical key to remember is not difficult, it includes seven notes that can be located in different octaves. It is worth paying attention to this, as the game in each octave differs in sound, and creates harmony in the game.
  3. It is worth fully studying all the capabilities of the synthesizer. , effects, accompaniment, etc. This will greatly facilitate the training of the game on the synthesizer from scratch.
  4. Left hand you need to learn how to accurately hit the synthesizer keys . That is, press chords, without falling past the notes. It may be a few chords on the whole work, thanks to the car accompaniment, but they should be clean.

Basic functions and instrument capabilities

Each tool has a "timbra palette." You yourself must listen to all options and make associations with each. Perhaps this sound reminds you of a string tool or a brave orchestra, and possibly a shock sound. Usually, all the timbres are numbered, but it will be easier to choose the brightest and remember them.

2. Auto accompaniment.

With this feature you have already met higher. Thanks to this effect, you can play on the synthesizer in various genres and styles. Adds compounds sounding.

3. Record.

This button will provide an opportunity not only to listen to your game and draw conclusions, but also combine the recording with the game on the synthesizer. The effect of a two-haired sounds very interesting.


This section may seem unimportant to you, but it is completely wrong. Putting fingers when playing on
The synthesizer is very important. Play one finger at least uncomfortable, and it looks like this game is not attractive.

The calculation of the fingers begins with a large (1) and ends with a mother's maiden (5).

In many notes, an application is written, which will make it easier for the task when playing a synthesizer. If not, there is no clear rules in the use of fingers, follow the aesthetics of the game and convenience. It all depends on your fingers and hands, so the application is quite personal, but still you should adhere to the advice of professionals. And, do not forget to follow the condition of the hand. Careless and relaxed fingers are unlikely to play a beautiful melody.

Chords and Arpeggio

Chords are simultaneously pressing the three synthesizer keys. Over this skill, you will have to work hard. You need to fall on the keys purely, without clinging extra notes, which can spoil all the sound.

Arpeggio - alternately pressing notes from chord. Simply put - decomposed chord. Separately, playing arpeggio on the synthesizer is much easier than simultaneously. But in the process of the game, when in parallel it will be necessary to lead the main melody in the right hand, you will understand that the simultaneous pressing of the chord is still easier.

Reading from sheet

Important is the ability to read music from a sheet and instantly lose. This requires knowledge of notes and oriented in octas and tonalities. Meaning several works you very quickly get tired and repertoire you decide to increase. There you will need reading from the sheet.

Video lessons game

Summary memory and a game on a synthesizer on video lessons is suitable for beginners from scratch musicians who do not know notes. Such a game will not give you development in musical endeavors; And no useful skills from such a game on the synthesizer you do not remove, but it will help expand your repertoire, which is also important. Sometimes you want to simply enjoy the execution of a popular melody, even if not knowing the notes, and in such situations video lessons are indispensable.

Using the effects on the synthesizer

With the help of various effects, you can create music in any genre, style and rhythm. The main thing is to disperse from all the buttons of your synthesizer, because there are no unnecessary buttons on the tool. It presents many options for the game, including even a "independent game", that is, you just sufficiently press a few keys, and the tool itself will pick a melody, chords and an interesting finale.


These tips will help you independently learn the game on the synthesizer from scratch. Strive, try, play and use the capabilities of your tool to the maximum. Overcoming the Stage "Novika" you will like and musical development will begin to be given easier. The main thing and the most difficult thing is to start and hard to seek the initial skills, and the further - the more pleasant.

How to learn to play on a synthesizer, and even understand everything yourself? It is about this today and talk today. Before you start our conversation, we will give you only two installations.

Well, first, there is one universal rule: to learn how to play keys, you just need one day just take and start playing them. In fact, the game is a practical type of activity conjugate to some degree with the cunning of the mind.

Secondly, we need training, because the game on for "young, mischievous" and very green beginners is like a game of football. Imagine how many goals will score a football player if "scores" to your workouts. I think very little, what do you think? But the permanent simulator allows you to improve and improve your skills. The results usually do not make yourself wait a long time - what failed today, it turns out perfectly literally the next day!

In addition to these "settings", we note that in order to begin to learn the game on the synthesizer and in order to exercise your skills in training, you need this very synthesizer. Your own tool with which you are free to do everything you want. Let even it will be the cheapest model (the cheap does not mean bad) or at all "synthesizer-toy" - for the beginning it will go away and so. If you are going to purchase a cooler tool, then how to choose a synthesizer can be read in. Now, and now we will return to our basic question and come closely to them.

Acquaintance with the instrument

In general, it is enough to simply turn on the tool to start playing on it, but it will not be superfluous to get acquainted with the main capabilities of the synthesizer. This tool was called the synthesizer, because it combines hundreds of timbres of various musical instruments and hundreds of ready-made arrangements in all possible styles of instrumental music.

Let's see, for which function on the keys is the same button. So, what our synthesizers are able to:

  1. Play various tool timbres (bank tools). In order to find it easier to find the required timbre. Manufacturers of synthesizers group them according to some features: Tool type (Duchow, String, etc.), tool manufacturing material (wood or copper). Any tone has a sequence number (each manufacturer has its own numbering - on the case, abbreviated lists are usually displayed, full lists of codes for the bank of tools are published in the user manual).
  2. Automatic accompaniment or "Samographeka" - this function much simplifies the game on the synthesizer. With it, you can play a play in any style (blues, hip-hop, rock and others) or genre (waltz, polka, ballad, march, etc.). The most pleasant thing is that to create music with "self-game", not even requires knowledge of notes. Just launched the process - improvise and enjoy.
  3. In addition to the styles of finished arrangements, it is also possible to experiment with the tempo and height of the sound (tonality) of the accompaniment of the accompaniment.
  4. The recording button will save the melody lost. You can use it as a second batch of your essay: just turn on the entry and play something else on top.

Now let's look at the working panel of the simplest synthesizer. It is simple and logical in it, there is nothing superfluous. Working tables of synthesizers in their most of the same type. Look at the picture - on all other models everything is arranged almost the same:

Meet a notebook

Before specifically sitting behind the keys, it is advisable to ask the basic musical knowledge. Do not worry, they are not so much! You to help - which our site gives everyone. Fill out the form (in the upper right side of this page) to obtain a simple and understandable textbook for those who passionately want to comprehend this brutal science.

How to act if you decide to learn how to play a synthesizer yourself?

For those who decided to master everything on their own - several tips. You need not to get involved in the theory, watching video lectures and reading thousands of books for teapots. Your musical perception is so fresh that you can learn a lot intenitively, most importantly - more practicing. This is the first advice.

So that something began to get to have to devote time to the study on the instrument - it is very fond of, directly "blows the roof", so as not to sit behind the night tool, ask the relatives from time to time to tear you from the synthesizer and laying sleeping. It was the second advice.

Jokes jokes, and there are real problems that arise from beginners. Many newbies are taken for being temporarily not in the teeth - this is not necessary. If you want to play something complicated - look for a simplified version of this play, and it is better to start with one-haired melodies, the simplest exercises and maybe even a hamme (some like to play the gamma - they are sitting for hours without breaking down).

There are musicians such a thing as fingering. This terrible word is called the feasibility of the game of a particular note by one or another finger. In short: what fingers push the buttons. You may seem that it's all ridiculous, but we cannot say about the importance of the applicatural principles.

Imagine: You need to play five notes in a row, five keys that are located one by one on the keyboard. How easier and faster to do it? After all, not the same finger to shock into all five buttons? Of course not! It is much more convenient to place five fingers of your hand (one above each key), and the ones with light "hammer-shaped" movements move five keys.

By the way, the keyboard players are not called their own names (large, index, medium, etc.), and numbers: 1 - large, 2 - index, 3 - medium, 4 - Unnamed, 5 - Mysinetseed. In good notes for beginners over each notew, an application is affixed (that is, the "numbers" of the fingers that these notes need to play).

The next thing you need to learn is to take chords (three sounds taken at the same time). Clearly work out the movements, rearning your fingers from the keys to the keys. There is no fragment - losing it again and again, bring the movement to automatism.

We learned the location of the notes - read them from the sheet (that is, try to play an unfamiliar play at an average pace, making as few errors as possible). Chitka notes from the sheet is the most important skills for those who continue not just mechanically perform learned melodies, but quickly and without any difficulties playing completely new plays for themselves straight from the notes (this is especially useful at family meetings, parties - Perform songs by order of your friends).

How to play a synthesizer, not knowing notes?

Do not know the notes and especially if you do not imagine how to play a synthesizer? Pamper yourself, feel yourself a mega-keyboard - will help you in this auto accompaniment. Send the skill of the game on the synthesizer using the "SAMFORY" is simpler simple, follow the tasks:

  1. Turn on the accompaniment function. We will also find all the buttons you need.
  2. Know that the left hand is responsible for the accompaniment, and the right - for the main melodic line (it is not even necessary to play a melody).
  3. Choose the style of the work you are going to execute. Decide with its tempo.
  4. Select the timbre of the solo party tool (if you play some melody, if not, then skip).
  5. Turn on the "Play" or "Start" button and the synthesizer itself will lose accession.
  6. Left hand in the left half of the keyboard (the closer to the edge, the better) take chords or simply press any key. The tool for you will play rhythm, bass, accompaniment, pedal and everything else.
  7. With the right hand you can try to play some melody. In principle, this is not a prerequisite, because under the accompaniment you made you can sing!
  8. Song ends? Click "Stop" and the synthesizer will lose your interest finale yourself.

In order to enjoy all these modes - find a number of buttons on your model that are similar to those depicted in the picture:

Learn yourself or take lessons?

There are several training options, consider each of them.

  1. Private lessons from the teacher. A good option for those who do not know how to discipline themselves. Mandatory visit to classes and regular performance of homework will force you sooner or later something to play on the synthesizer.
  2. Synthesizer game courses. Classes are held in the same way as private, only instead of one person, teacher teaches immediately several, which is not so effective.
  3. Video lessons. A good learning method: Sharing a lesson, look through it several times and perform everything according to the recommendations of the teacher. The time of classes and the timing of the study of the material you put for yourself.
  4. Tutorial game (book, website, online magazine, etc.). Another good way to explore the features of the game on the synthesizer. Choose your favorite material - and forward, on musical barricades. The big plus is that you can always go back and read (view) incomprehensible material also again.
  5. With the help of synthesizer "Trainers". On the display screen, the program prompts you which keys, which hand and fingers need to be pressed. This method is more like a scattering. You will undoubtedly have the reflexes of A la "Dog Pavlova" that is just this will not help you advance far in performing skill on the synthesizer.

Of course, to learn everything about how to learn how to play the synthesizer is simply impossible. But we helped solve the problems faced by all newcomers.