Group degrees. Complete fire, water and copper pipes Facts about group degrees

Group degrees. Complete fire, water and copper pipes Facts about group degrees
Group degrees. Complete fire, water and copper pipes Facts about group degrees

Group "Degrees" is a shocking, energy, drive ... and provocation. Roman Pashkov and Ruslan Tagiyev thoroughly hidden from their fans that they were no longer alone. And here is the magazine OK! became the first edition to which the musicians talked about their happy family life

Photo: Maxim Ayukov

On October 30, the "degrees" is scheduled for a big concert in the Olympic (Hall "North"), which will be devoted to the three-year group. Although in fact, Roman and Ruslan came from his native Stavropol, moved to Moscow 13 years ago. Everyone in itself. That's just the capital did not immediately adopted ambitious southerners. At first, Ruslan had to work as a DJ in various clubs, and Roman tried to express himself in trade. As it often happens, fate sucks the most unexpected way of old friends. And this significant meeting gave us a powerful duet. Now the soloists of the "degrees" group are recognized that if there were not their favorite women who are the main incentive in his career, it is not yet known how life turned.

When in the editorial board OK! There was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe family shooting of the group soloists, the options for the home photo session near the fireplace were marked immediately. But the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a parody of the family Addams Roman Pashkov and his wife Anna and Ruslan Tagiyev with his wife Elena and his restless crumbs left and Evoi were perceived with interest.

Ruslan and Lena Tagiyev
Lena, in the past interview ok! Ruslan unexpectedly admitted that he had been living with an excellent girl for 10 years that he had two children. But the whole country calls your husband enviable fiance. Does it not disappoint you?
Lena:In fact, I thought to take part in your photo shoot longer over the proposal. I have a page on Facebook, but also there is not one with our Ruslana joint photography.
Ruslan: We just did not want to advertise our personal life.

How did you meet Lena?
R.: Stavropol, 1999, March 8, Club "Provocation". Did groove came to us. I just worked there an animator, was a sort of master-started master.
L.: And I came with girls, dance ...
R.: And now she saw me on stage and realized that they fell in love. There is a girl with such huge eyes and looks, looks, it just does not reduce the eyes.
L.: Yes, and so stood all evening! He just left to shout: "Well, come to me!"
R.:I just don't know how to get acquainted so quickly. I did not know at all that you need to get acquainted when they look at you. But for some reason he paid attention. Although I tupil for a long time, I did not understand what they want from me. I thought that, probably, you need to approach. I say: "Hi." And she answers: "Hello, my bright man." And stretches the piece of paper on which the phone number and signature: "Call. Lena". A day later I called, and we had sex.
L.: We met in two weeks!
R.:Every other day or in two weeks - it does not matter. It is important that sex was met. ( Laugh.) And Lena, as it turned out, I smelled.
L.:True, when we met, Ruslan admitted that he had a girlfriend. But I said that it doesn't matter to me.

We met for only a month. And then he announced to me that he was going to move to Moscow. And at that moment my mother went to the sanatorium for a month. And I take and offer him to live with me.
R.: But suddenly, mom suddenly returned ... As I remember now: I run out of the room, and in the corridor there is love Sergeevna. It was necessary to see her face ...
L.:It was for the first time when I had a man. "Mom," I told her, is Ruslan. He will live with me for two more weeks. "
R.: Oh, and she didn't love me! But at that moment I cleaned her sink. ( Laugh.) In short, I went to Moscow, and after a couple of weeks, Lena called me. He says that they have some kind of foreign economic symposium and she is looking for where to stay. And I already removed the room in a communal. And when he learned that two people had the right to live in the room, of course, called her to her. In general, she lived, then left. And in the summer returned.
L.: Yes, yes, you then offered me to live together. And in a friendly thing, to swim at the room together. And here I come, and the first thing I hear: "Lena, I have a girl ..."
R.: As a result, the girl was gone, and Lena was left.

Lena, not too infantile young man you chose into my husband?
L.:Mom joking that I have not two children, but three. But I always liked the musicians. It is clear that next to his daughter, who has two higher education, Mom saw another, successful figure.
R.:And now you have not tried to ask her, what prince she wants to see with you?
L.: Now it's loved by her beloved. She, if that, more and more on his side.

And when did you find out that a child appears, this news did not scare Ruslan?
L.: No, Ruslan just asked the kids. I pulled it. I needed to learn, then work. Therefore, when I got pregnant, and I was already thirty, his joy was not the limit ... And if you hint at his unstable earnings, he never frightened me.
R.: He is now unstable. And children, yes, I really wanted. This is my Caucasian. We love to host the kids early earlier. But when I learned that after thirty, the children were obtained by Wunderkinda, calmed down. ( Laughs.)

Tell us what you had a wedding. I am sure that she was at least unusual.
L.: We also signed only because for mortgage design it is necessary for people to be officially registered. With the wedding, too was a funny story. On the day of registration, Ruslan had to return with the tour. I come to the registry office - there are only beautiful brides in wedding dresses, and my groom is not. It turned out that he was just landed. I remember while I was waiting for him, some kind of employee of the registry office tried to get rid of me - send to someone's guests. ( Laughs.) One fine moment is Rusya ... in denim shorts, a red T-shirt and in the dyes. We did not want to talk about the wedding, but Rusya was first told.
R.:We did not want, because we did not have a normal wedding. I want to play a luxury wedding, with a white dress. Everything is as it should be. I will not be, if I do not restructure my promise.

Lena, do not jealous when Ruslan leaves for touring?

L.: For some reason, no. I trust him. I can call if, for example, I do not know where the cord from the computer is stuck.
R.: She was jealous of me when I was dragging. But then it was dangerous not to jealous. (Laughs.) Many DJs drink. He drank a glass - playlist, drank the second - two playlists. In blue condition, it is clearly revealed what you need to blue. ( Laughs.) Then I broke off full. For a week, in other cities was detained.
L.: It was. Several flights to sleep - ok ...

You're so easy about it, and I thought, now you will tell you that the show business so dragged your husband that you are not sleeping for days and nights, worry ...
Yet depends on a person. Ruslan loves the family - this is the main thing. Yes, and now the situation has changed: in the group "degrees" do not drink. It is harmful, and no need. So he will not do anything unreasonable. I, confess, would very much wanted to ride him on tour. But not because of jealousy, but just to see the country. But the younger daughter is only 10 months old. Where am I? But when it will grow up, I will definitely go. And I will go with the girls to the club.

Do not you think that as soon as you gather in the club, the husband will ask the third baby?
L.: He is already asking for, but we have yet decided to wait ...
R.:Hallelujah, she said "while"! For the first time! I want a big family. My friend had twins, and twins were waiting for us.

You have passed the fire and water together. And copper pipes have already passed too?
L.:Sometimes it happens that Rusy makes, but he quickly understands who is the owner in the house. In fact, it seems to me that he has become only better with the years.
R.:And I thought you would say that I caught the star.

Roman and Anna Pashkovy
Anya, the soloists of the "degrees" group hid that they were married. You did not hurt that there are a lot of fans around, and you stay behind the scenes? ..
Anya:Tried, of course. I know Romu from 14 years old. Actually, it's time to get used that many girls always go around around him. Even Mom says: "Baby, and wasn't you ready for the fact that the musicians travel around different cities and countries that they have crowds of fans?" But getting better with this thought I get bad.

How many years have you got acquainted with the same time when you were 14?
In fact, our paths dispelled. Roman is my first kiss, my first man. He is my first love. We met when I came to the novel and his friends to the dance school. But having seen these villains, I realized that I would not walk there, because adult guys were more jumped over the students. But he somehow noticed me, I remembered. Then he asked the general familiar phone. Acknowledge when I called, I did not fall in fainting! I could not believe that such an adult beautiful guy invites for a date, because in Stavropol, all participants in the group, where he danced was like gods.

Roman, and you, such a star of Olympa, what did the 14-year-old girl conquered?
Novel: In fact, I was not so much - almost 18 years old. Remember yourself, for the 14-year-old girl, the guy is a little older seems to be adult. And Anya from 14-year-olds was the most combat. This conquered my heart. I remember, she came to the first date with a bottle of wine. Fall. Cold. The meeting was appointed somewhere at a construction site near the House of Culture.

BUT.:You were with flowers!

R.: Is it? Strange, I remember vague about the flowers, but the fact that Anya stole a bottle of homemade wine from his parents, I remembered very well.

BUT.: It was the best wine that my dad makes.
R.:And I see, she goes with this bottle and in the Adidas jacket. Beautiful! In general, all the date kissed and drank wine. At the construction site. ( Laugh.) Frozen both, in my opinion, to such an extent that it was difficult to speak. But none of us admitted to this. Merzley, trembled, but did not want to leave and part.

BUT.: It was very cool. I still remember the smell of autumn foliage ... We have met three and a half years. Love was crazy. But then Roma said that he needed to grow further what we must go to Moscow. And I just turned seventeen. Naturally, my mother did not allow me anywhere. She said what to learn, enter the university. How much I breathed in the pillow then! Gradually, love began to fade. I went to New York, began to safely start the roots there. Ten years passed, as suddenly in Odnoklassniki I see a message. The heart was stuffed. That is the truth say that the first love does not die. She can get lost somewhere inside, but will not die.

That is all these ten years, Roma, did you think about Anna? But what about the millionth army of fans?
R.:"Degrees" just started, so I was not spoiled by the attention of fans. But this is for the better. I remember, I sat from a friend and began to rummage on the Internet. Suddenly I see on his page among the general friends Anya. I do not hide, all ten years I often thought about it. Contact, asked the phone. Then I call, and she says to me that he can not talk, "the husband is nearby ...

BUT.:Yes, I was married at that time. But it was not my man. Good, but not mine. Roma also had a girl, but probably not his ...
R.: We first just started calling out. No signs of trouble. ( Laugh.)
BUT.:And then I went to Stavropol through Moscow, but did not come to Roma. But he learned about this in some way. Called, read. And in the next arrival, I still decided to meet him ... We did not part more.

How quickly Roma offered her hand and heart?
R.:Not so quickly everything was. We reversed again. But the irreversible process in the shower has already gone. They realized that we could not with each other.
BUT.: I broke up with my husband. Friends, of course, said that I am a complete fool. Like, everyone is aspire to settle in America, and I feel so easy for sure with the possibility of making a green card. But I was still. The main thing for me was to be near Romka. Yes, the first time, as soon as I moved here, it was difficult. The lack of friends and Sunday breakfasts with them. I even cried.

You did not scare what for 10 years a person could change? What is he a musician and his all the time is not at home?
BUT.: Romka has not changed at all. He became only more serious. And the fact that the musician, not scarecrow. But when it goes, still sad. In America, I was my own mistress myself, worked as a stylist, and here I sit at home. That is probably sad of boredom. Although I do yoga, I got a dog and try not to strain it, but it does not work. I call very often.

I know that Roma prepares very well.

A.: Yes. I even suggest it to open some restaurant. He, of course, is not against, but not before that.

R.: She intercepted. I prepare very simple dishes. But I will never have such pancakes like Ani. When she just arrived, she prepared pancakes all the time. And I ate them with cheese, with ham. Yes, we both absorbed them in some immeasurable quantity.

But looking at you, you will not say that you are fans of flour.
A.: Which lovers! But you have to keep yourself in shape. And follow Roma. ( Laughs.)
R.: There was a moment when I hinted that the fat was postponed from the impressive use of pancakes on the stomach. ( Laughs.) I had to go to salad and turkey. Now it seems to be in the form.

A.: Not without my help. It is necessary to maintain rum in everything. On the diet - so together. Now, before the concert in the "Olympic", we also try to keep yourself in your hands.

R.: In fact, now I feel comfortable. There was a moment when it became hard to lean. For me it became a shock: in the past I am an athlete, danced a lot. I had to remember the sports past. And you know, if not to be lazy, then the good form is quickly returning. Look, now I am beautiful and stored. (Laughs.)

Anya pampers you pancakes, what are you whistling her?
R.: I am the king of sandwiches and fast food.

A.: Yes, you have every sandwich is a work of art! Roman generally can so beautifully cover the table that you will feel like in the Mishlenian restaurant. I never succeed.

I, actually, meant, did you pamper Anna with diamonds?
A.: This is yes! Unexpectedly, always brings some gifts. And I do not refuse anything. It's so nice. It is ashamed to confess, but I did not expect a novel to be such a careful and caring husband. And soon we have a year from the day of the wedding, I am sure that I will not stay without a gift. ( Smiles.)

Roma, really want to hear the story of how you, caring and attentive husband, made an anne offer. With flowers, stopping the knee?
R.: It's not about me at all. There was no restaurant, colors. There was nothing. Only excitement. The whole day ran around the apartment with the ring, and then ran up and quickly said everything. Anya, of course, immediately agreed. ( Laugh.) And the wedding was modest. Many close and relatives from Stavropol could not come. Therefore, sat with friends, and that's it. We thought that when we were marred, we would buy a white dress, we will make a big celebration, calling parents, and then, unfortunately, there was also no.

BUT.: Well what are you saying. We had a great wedding. The best wedding in the world. If there is a huge celebration, I naturally will not refuse. But I liked everything so much. He "naked" sang. Specially for me. Everything was cool.

"Naked" is your favorite song from "degrees"?
A.: Honestly? I love their songs. I have their new melody road and loved. I am one of the first listeners. So how can I criticize something?
Roma, soon you have a concert in the Olympic. Care? After all, this is your first major event of this kind, and even on such a large platform.
Of course I worry. Plus we are now adding the album. It is necessary to work, add songs, and I write songs for a long time. If not rushing, I will not write. I wrote one song for three years. You have to think about everything.

Anya, and not a moment when you suddenly became annoying the popularity of her husband?

There was such a moment. Somehow I went with him on tour to some seaside city. And after the concert, we decided to stroll along the embankment. But calmly walk and could not go. People were rushed to us all the time and asked to take a picture. I'm terribly silent. But then I tried to calm myself. After all, the novel always sought to this, and I am happy that everything works for him.

And if you imagine that Roma called you to move to it from America, but not to a prosperous life, but in the kitchen to a friend, where he dwells to "degrees". Would you go?
Walked. Yes, even on the edge of the world! Although in a slash!

Read the full version of the interview in the OK magazine! №42.

russian group from Stavropol.

The "degrees" group emerged in 2008. The participants of the group, before that participated in different musical groups, collected together Dmitry Bakhtinov (Fidel). Roman Pashkov and Ruslan Tagiyev (DJ Bak $) wrote songs "director", "7:00", "time of mine", "tramp", "Radio rain" and others. Then the former drummer of the group "City 312" Victor joined them Golovanov.

Roman Pashkov, Victor Golovanov and Dmitry Bakhtinov earlier

we were musicians of the Stavropol team of locust (group).

The first concert team played the name "Degreus 100" after a month and a half of active rehearsals - May 29, 2008.

The song "The director" appeared in the fall of 2009 received strong rotation on the air of many radio stations: Europe Plus, Russian Radio, Fresh Radio, Hit FM, Radio Siberia and also ranked high places in the charts (charts). According to the results of 20.

09 years old, the song took 6th place in the Chart of the most downloaded digital singles in Russia. Also, the song reached the first place in the Russian radiochart. The video clip on this composition was on MTV and MUM-TV, and participated in the program Russian ten.

The second single group is "who you" reached 11 places. On June 18, 2010, the song debuted on 2 lines of the Russian chart of digital singles.

Single group "I will never" debuters

al on the 9 line of the Russian chart of digital singles.

On March 3, 2011, the first album of the group "Naked" came out. In the plate included 11 songs, including those who have already become the "director" hits, "who you are", "I never".

Composition of the group

Ruslan Tagiyev (DJ BAK $) - vocals, DJ, samples

Roman Pashkov - vocals.

Arsen Poison - Guitar.

Victor Golovanov - drums.

The songs "Director" and "Naked" groups of "degrees" are known to all Russians who have ever been to the street. Roman Pashkov and other members of the group woke up famous after the execution of these hits. Fans dream to learn about them as much as possible, and journalists from a variety of editions regularly take interviews. In the life of young people, there are really quite a few interesting facts that they willingly share with the public.

Teenage years

One of the soloists of the most popular project in Stavropol was born. Roman Pashkov was brought up in a full and prosperous family, which did not prevent him in childhood to be a hooligan. They lived in a spacious private house, and together with Roman, parents raised their daughter to Vika. The boy studied on the troika, and in high school he stopped trying at all.

In adolescence, Roman Pashkov engaged in handball, and after his first disco he threw the sport and began to learn to play the guitar. According to his recognition, the young man was a dracan. After school, he entered the directorial faculty, but was expelled percentage. Later he led a musical program on top television, but this career was interrupted. He along with his friend went to conquer the capital.

Acquaintance with Ruslana Tagiyev

Thanks to his depth character, Roman Pashkov met his future companion - Ruslana Tagiyev. It happened on the main Square of Stavropol, where young people were going to the evenings. At that time, the novel looked very eccentric - wearing a white shirt, tied with a knot on his chest, and high-heeled shoes, which were slaughtered during dancing.

First, young people did not like each other, a fight was not raised, but everything turned into break-dance Battle. From this point on, the biography of Roman Pashkov made a serious turn, he began to engage in creativity. Young people took off the basement for their dance school, and then they decided to try happiness in the capital at all. At first, they shot an apartment in which parties began to be very soon. The first hits of the "degrees" group were also born.

The first years in the capital were very complex. After some time, Roman Pashkov went to "vacation". His biography would not be interesting to anyone if it were not for a mom's mom. He did not want to return to Moscow, but she herself bought a ticket to him for a train and pushed back in adulthood. Upon arrival, comrades took off a new apartment and began working on their promotion.


An interesting part of the biography is the personal life of the idol. With his wife, he met in Stavropol, then the girl was only 14 years old, the novel became her first man. He met the future wife Anna he is in his own school of dances. There was a couple of three and a half years, a crazy love was burning between them. The romance of Pashkov became the cause of separation. His biography at this moment just made a steep turn, the young man was going to the capital. Since the girl was only 17, her parents did not let anywhere. They sent her to study at the university.

Gradually, the feelings began to fade, Anna became a stylist and left for New York. There she got married and almost received the "Green Map", but here in one of the social networks she met with Roman. Later, they began to be convened, and during one of the visits to Moscow, the young man sang a girl's song "Naked", in the clip on which Anna later starred. It was the music that put a point in this story. Anna returned to the US only to collect his belongings. Friends were partially turned away, who did not understand such a act, but she found love.

In 2013, the couple played a modest wedding, which could not come all friends from Stavropol. In the near future, lovers are going to be married. This event they are going to celebrate more magnificently. In 2015, the novel was born the son of Danil.


Biography of Roman Pashkov greatly influenced the work of the group. On his difficult relationships, Anna tell the songs of "Degree 100" and "notice." Many hits of this group were written by Roman and Ruslan on the first removable apartment, which almost put the point in their career. Meanwhile, Dmitry Bakhtinov became the founder of the group, with whom they met in Moscow. It was he who collected the team and began to promote the project.

Literally after a year and a half, the Group became popular, thanks to the "director" hit, which not only received a rotation on all leading radio stations, but also began to appear in the cinema and serials. This song often sounded behind the frame of the TV series "Molodezhka". Immediately after this hit, the photo of Roman Pashkov and other participants of the group had all the tabloids. The rest of the singles also started with high charts. Through what, in March 2011, "degrees" were able to release their debut album.

The "degrees" group is five bright, positive ragins and adventurers, "suffering from excessive creativity and their own departments. And these are friends, who threw 10 years old in various teams, but they always knew that one day they gather together and would make something from what would be enjoyed themselves and make them smile.
And everything began in an ordinary apartment, where two ancient friends Roman Pashkov and Ruslan Tagiyev (DJ Bak $), having lived half a year under the same roof, wrote "director", "7:00", "time of mine", "Broadcasting", "Radio Rain "and others.
Then they joined the bass player Fidel, who immediately took away the creative experiments at the creative experiments, promised to gather a gang of musicians and start rehearsing, and drummer Victor Golovanov.

Victor Golovnov: "Yes, for example, the song" Tramp "is completely about me, I am sure that the guys can well say too and about themselves."

Ruslan DJ BAK $: "I always go with a voice recorder and, when a melody comes, I sing it, I write it on the voice recorder and come to Roma. He, oddly enough, immediately hears her. There are very few such people. Then we sit down at the computer and start doing the "skeleton" songs. And then we already test it at concerts. If they take well, perform and then. "

About the first concert:
The first full-fledged concert of the collective then, called "Degreus 100", took place after a month and a half of active rehearsals - May 29, 2008. And for this concert "degrees" had to pay from his own pocket.

Ruslan DJ BAK $: "We wanted to make this first concert free, and the club wanted to earn money, so we had to pay, so that everyone could come and hear our songs ..."

"Degrees" - a popular team of musicians from Stavropol, who created their group in 2008. The main genres of their creativity - pop music, reggae and funk. They released two album compositions and removed 8 clips.

Composition of the group

The group "Degrees" includes 5 people. All members of the "degrees" are friends who unite common interests and music. Over the years of existence, the bass guitarist Dmitry Bakhtinov and Drikher Victor Golovanov left.

Dmitry Bakhtinov - Bass-guitarist groups, ideological creator, known as Fidel. Previously performed in the creative team of "Saransch". He left the "degrees" on the last day of 2013.

Victor Golovanov - Drummer of the group, performed in the creative blow with Bakhtinov. From the group went in February 2013. Former member of the Sarancha Group and the City 312.

Roman Pashkov - The soloist of the group "Degrees", was fond of the game on the guitar, led the musical transmission in Stavropol, the author of songs and music.

Ruslan Tagiyev - Vocalist, has a pseudonym DJ Baks. Some time worked by DJ, playing RNB & Mush Up.

Anton Grebelkin - The drummer, participated in jazz festivals, collaborated with Stas Piecha. Replaced Golovanov in 2013.

Arsen Poison Before the appearance in the group, he taught the game on the guitar, had joint projects with musical groups and performers.

Kirill Jalalov Appeared in "degrees" on the first day of 2014. Prior to that, he worked with the "Unamp" and faith, Brezhnev, was a member of the project "DJ".

How did the group "degrees" appear?

All participants in the "degrees" team come from Stavropol. Over the years of their life, they crossed each other, were familiar. When Ruslan and Roman came to conquer the capital, met in the city and united. Pashkov was first as part of the group "Ten legs". After it collapsed, he worked as a courier, a plasterfront and a sales in the network of mobile communications stores. Tagiyev, before appearing in the group, was a cook.

After a ten-year-old separation, the guys met, Ruslan began to teach Roma DJ. Together they composed poems and melodies, represented to the court to friends. Due to joint cooperation, 18 compositions appeared guys. They showed their friends, including Dmitry Bakhtinov. He liked the songs so much that he decided to leave his project and to establish his own group with the guys.

Musicians created 16 compositions. They acted with them in clubs and eaters. In some cases, guys had to pay for them to be allowed to perform. They showed their songs to producers, but they rejected them until they met with Oleg Nekrasov, who became interested in their work. The guys knew him and somehow invited the producer to the concert. And then they were awaited by success. Soon their first song was recorded, which was rotated on the radio.

Group development

2008 - the year of the group. It is obliged to bass guitarist Dmitry Bakhtinov, who suggested R. Pashkov and R. Tagiyev to create a creative team. Friends were written by several compositions, including "director", "Tramp" and other songs. The guys actively rehearsed 1.5 months, and the time of their first real concert came. He took place on May 29, 2008, the musicians called it "degrees 100".

Their first song "Director" appeared when the musicians had a heavy period of life, they had no place to live. She was written on an empty stomach when friends lived fourwise in the kitchen.

In the autumn of 2009, they hit the essential radio stations of Russia in the fall of 2009. He quickly won popularity. It was twisted on popular country radio stations. He quickly climbed the steps of his charts, held the first places in the charts. It was the sixth in the popularity of the single, which was downloaded by all Russia in 2009. Hit was in the first place in the Russian radiochart.

Soon the musicians pressed the clip on the "director" composition. He appeared on Muz-TV and MTV, was a member of the Russian Tensherap program.

The group is gaining popularity

After the release of the first Signal, the second called "Who You" appeared immediately. He did not occupy the first place, but 11 position is also a good result after the debut on the second line. After that, the track "I've never" appeared.

In March 2011, the "degrees" group produces the first album "Naked". There were 11 songs, including the three Singla Russians. The composition "Naked", served as the name of the album, appeared in one breath. The girl of Roman Pashkov inspired his beloved on his writing.

The real success was waiting for the team at the solo concert in the SC "Olympic", which was held on October 30, 2012. One at one appeared singles "notic", "oil", "I always remember the main thing", "Radio Rain" and "Dirty Stew".

In the creative arsenal of "degrees" 8 clips, the directors of whom were Georgy Tidze, Vladilen Razgulin, Igor Shmelev and Valentin Grosu. Their hits occupy not only high lines in the charts, but also become soundtracks for the youth serials. The group "Degrees" is awarded the Golden Gramophone award. Also repeatedly was the nominee of the awards of MUZ-TV.

The group "Degrees" ceases to exist

The solo project of Roman Pashkov appeared in April 2015. PA-Shock has nothing to do with a group of "degrees". Vocalist has several musical compositions. Roman conducted experiments with Gennady Lagutin and Andrey Timonin from the IFEYOPA project. Their joint Clip Russians saw on April 15. And at the end of the month, the group broke up, as the participants took up the solo career. The music of the group "Degrees" loved many. So far, their compositions can be heard on the air. Fans would not mind if the guys were going together again.