"Spiritual music in the work of Russian composers of the XIX in the early XX centuries. Orthodox church music and Russian music classic composers of church songs

"Spiritual music in the work of Russian composers of the XIX in the early XX centuries. Orthodox church music and Russian music classic composers of church songs

Church music exists as much as the church itself exists. For two thousand years, she turned into art, requiring the highest skill, absorbed the traditions of peoples whose culture came, but still kept their unique property to bring people to God
The path of Russian spiritual music was not easy: she was more complicated, she sought to simplify; It used the Old Russian, Greek, Byzantine, Italian, Georgian tradition of singing; Forgotten and reborn again revived, Russian hook notation. And yet she did not cease to be prayer - simple and bright. The history of music can be studied, but it is impossible to convey in dates - it becomes clear only through the biographies and the work of people creating it.
This publication represents the owl collection of articles devoted to the life and creative path of composers, who left their mark in the history of spiritual music. Written by different authors at different times, they form a unique work in the breadth of work.

The formation and development of church music

Singing in the Christian primercycus. Archpriest D. Allems
Pigs and songs of the primacy of the Church
Church singing in III and IVVV
Pigs and songs III and IVVV
Singing VV-VII BB
Pigs and songs V - VII centuries
Singing and songs of the Greek-Eastern Church from VIII in
Pigs and songs from VIII century. until the XV century inclusive
Singing Western Church
The names of the most prominent theorists of spiritual music of the Western Church
Rev. John Damaskin, Sigoving Orthodox Eastern
Churches. Archpriest D. Razumovsky
Historic review of the Greek Church's Historic Review. Archbishop Filaret (Gumilevsky)
Saint Vasily Great
St. John Zlatoust
Rev. Roman Sladkopevts

Church music in Russia

Chapel groups and splashrs of ancient Russia. . V. Martynov
Savroge singing and composer creativity. V. Martynov
The beginning of the parties in Russia. Archpriest D. Razumovsky
First multi-voiced, or partare, singing of the Russian church
The second era of parties singing in Russia
PartE singing in the Russian Church in Bortnian
PartE singing of the Russian Church after Bortyansky
About church singing. L.Pariysky
Opening lecture on the history of church singing. S. Smolensky
One of the "patients" questions of church singing. And Nikolsky
EXPEETIKA IN Orthodox WORKER. B. Kutuzov
Life rules for an amateur regent. Archpriest A. Praldiubov
Religious tasks of the church choir. Archpriest A. Praldiubov

Composers of church music

Maxim Condokovich Berezovsky. M. Khityarev
Bortyansky Dmitry Stepanovich. A. Kashpur, c. Avramenko
About personality and church-musical creativity al. Veser. V. Petrushevsky
Peter Ivanovich Turchaninov. S. Shebureenkov
Archimandrite Feofan (Feodor Alexandrov). G.Alfeyev
Glinka and his spiritual and musical activity. I. Solovyov
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky. A. Kashpur, V.Avarenko
Alexander Andreyevich Arkhangelsky. V. Bakumenko
Stepan Vasilyevich Smolensky - the founder of the new
directions. Ierodiakon Andrey (Danilov)
The memory of the church composer hell of Castal. Ya. Parisian
Mikhail Mikhailovich Ippolitov-Ivanov. V. Avramenko
Grechaninov Alexander Tikhonovich. V. Avramenko
Church chants D.V. Allemanova. S. Shebureenkov
Viktor Sergeevich Kalinnikov. And Kashpur, E. Ignatiev
Church composer Priest Vasily Zinoviev. V. Bakumenko
Milestones of life and creativity P.G. Chesnock Diak A. Nefedov
Alexey Evlampievich Turnykov. A. Kashpur, E. Ignatiev, E. Targon
O. Matthew: I never built anything on someone else's foundation. M. Denisov

50 brief biographies of composers of church music. E. Ignatiev

Dictionary of Terms and Concepts
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Under modern Orthodox music, we mean the religious in keeping music written by Orthodox composers in recent years. We consider the chronologically starting point of Orthodox our time, the year of the 1000th anniversary of the Baptism of Russia.

Vladimir Fierner - Professional interest and creative inspiration of the composer is given to the application of the counterpuncting principles of the development of melodies and entries in relation to the applied tasks of liturgical execution.

Reproduction or, if used, the illustrated embodiment of the declared method was convincingly embodied in a number of capital opuses representing undoubted interest for execution.

"Bless, my soul, gentlemen"- Work for the choir or three soloists with developed voices. It is necessary to work with each voice separately and then connect the parties in a polyphonic strict.

"True" - Work for choir or three soloists, each voice is quite developed. In the parties there are many melodic bindings that are complex intonational and rhythmically.

Irina Denisova - Author of more than 80 church chants, harmonization and treatments. A novel collection of its works "singing all-heed", released by the publishing house of the Holy Elizavetin monastery, has undergone the second edition and is in demand among Orthodox musicians of Belarus and Russia. The same publishing house recently released "author's" disc I. Denisova under the same name. A significant role in the works is played by a single intonation, built on the synthesizing of the "archaic" and "modern" musical structures. This type of intonation becomes an important adoption of modern thinking in composer work.

Concert "For Your Grace" - Very expressive concert chant, requires work on the harmonious system, as deviations are very often found, chromatic moves should be developed in the parties. A rich dynamic ensemble.

Kondak Akathist "Apostle Andrey" - In the chanting there are deviations in various tones, which can cause certain difficulties from performers. It is also necessary to draw attention to the change of size in the middle of the work and on temporary drama.

III. Translude

Thus, I would like to emphasize that spiritual music is a fertile soil for vocal education of the choral team, since it was originally based on singing practice, and not on abstract composer research.

Easy, spirituality, flyiness, tenderness of sound is the basis for the execution of church writings. Immersion into the atmosphere of spirituality, the desire for the embodiment of high images laid down in chants, the reverent attitude towards the text, naturally expressiveness, brings up a child's soul and has a positive effect on the formation of aesthetic looks. And therefore, in the repertoire of children's choral groups, it is necessary to include the writings of Russian spiritual music.

In the secular works of outstanding Russian composers, the images of Orthodox spirituality were organically entered, and they found a bright embodiment of the intonation of Orthodox church music. The introduction of bell tower into opera scenes has become a tradition in the Russian opera XIX century.

Flipping to the origins

With high value guidelines, carrying moral purity and inner harmony of Orthodox spirituality, fifth Russian music, in counterweight, presenting and sowing the insignificance of the worldly bustle, the lowland of human passions and vices.

Outstanding heroic-tragic opera M. I. Glinka "Life for the king" ("Ivan Susanin"), the drama "Tsarist Bride", folk musical dramas - M. P. Mussorgsky, Epic Opera N.A. Roman Corsakov, etc., comprehend is deeply possible only through the prism of Orthodox religious culture. The characteristics of the heroes of these musical works are given from the point of view of Orthodox moral and ethical representations.

Melos of Russian composers and church chants

Starting from the XIX century, Orthodox church music penetrates abundantly into Russian classical music at the intonational-thematic level. Reminds the paired style of church chants quartet-prayer, which the heroes of the opera "Life for the king" of ingenious Glinka sing, the final solo scene of Ivan Susanin is, essentially, the prayer appeal to God before the death of the opera, the epilogue of the opera begins the oblivious choir "Nice", close to church Genre "Multi-Nethe". The solo parties of the heroes in the famous musical folk drama about the king of Boris Mussorgsky, revealing the image of Orthodox monastics (the elder Pimen, the Yreek, Kaliki disturbing), are permeated by intonations of church chants.

The harsh choirs of Raskolnikov, weathered in style, are presented in the Opera Mussorgsky "Hovhanshchina". The main themes of the first parts of the famous piano concerts S.V. were built on intonations of bannyar singulation. Rachmaninova (second and third).

Scene from the opera "Hovanshchyna" M.P. Mussorgsky

The deep connection with the Orthodox culture can be traced in the work of an outstanding master of the vocal choir genre G.V. Sviridova. The original Melos of the composer is the synthesis of the People's Song, Church-Canonical and Kantoy began.

Announced binding dominates in the choir cycle Sviridov "Tsar Fedor John" - on the tragedy of A.K. Tolstoy. "Chasters and prayers" written in church texts, but intended for secular concert performance, are unsurpassed creations by Sviridov, in which old liturgical traditions are organically merged with the music language of the XX century.

Bells sound

The bell ringing is considered an integral part of Orthodox life. The majority of composers of the Russian school in the musical heritage present a shaped world of bells.

For the first time in the Russian opera, Introduced the scene with the bell tower of Glinka: the bells accompany the final part of the opera "Life for the king". Recreation in the orchestra of the bell tongue enhances the drama of the image of the king Boris: the scene of coronation and the death scene. (Mussorgsky: Music drama "Boris Godunov").

The bell is filled with many works of Rachmaninov. One of the bright examples is in this sense of Prelude to Diez Minor. Wonderful examples of recreation of the bell ring are presented in the musical writings of the composer XX century. V.A. Gavrilina ("Chimes").

And now - a musical gift. Wonderful choral Easter miniature of one of the Russian composers. So here the bell disease manifests itself more than clearly.

M. Vasilyev Tripman Easter "Bell"