What types of musical instruments exist? Why are some musical instruments called wind, and others are shock? Group of musical instruments What are the musical instruments.

What types of musical instruments exist? Why are some musical instruments called wind, and others are shock? Group of musical instruments What are the musical instruments.
What types of musical instruments exist? Why are some musical instruments called wind, and others are shock? Group of musical instruments What are the musical instruments.

Music and various sounds accompanies human all life. We are surrounded by the sounds of the forest, the singing of birds, the noise of the sea and, of course, the music. She is always with us, in the watches of fun, and at the moments of sadness, in sorrow and in joy, at night and day. To extract sounds, a person came up with various types of musical instruments. Currently, there are musical instruments that are divided into several groups:

  • string;
  • brass;
  • drums.

The emergence of musical instruments

It is difficult to figure out how and when the first musical instrument appeared. The legend says that the greek greek gods came up with the shepherd Dudka. Music accompanied and primitive people: they danced, clapped and drums. It suggests that the first musical devices were shock musical instruments.

Many later people learned to make wind instruments from animal horns. Remove the gentle sounds man learned after the invention of the bow tools.

Types of musical instruments are divided into different classes and families depending on:

  • sound source;
  • manufacturing material;
  • timbre and type of sound;
  • how to extract sounds.

Each musical instrument has its own device so that you can get the necessary sound. So the classification of musical instruments appeared. The list is replenished all the time, electronic musical instruments appeared. But live music is still out of competition.

In fact, each body, if you bring it in motion or oscillation, can make a sound. This type of sound source is used to classify.

Tool groups, depending on the method of obtaining sound, are divided into subgroups.

Percussion instruments

Impact musical instruments appeared in times when people were engaged in hunting. Impact musical instruments were invented, the names of which are known to all: drums and tambourines. They were made of dried skins and hollow objects: fruits, wooden pads, clay pots. To obtain sound, they beat the shock tools with fingers, palms or special chopsticks. That is, shock musical instruments are tools that have the extraction of sounds occurs with the help of shocks, shaking, hammers, sticks or palms.

Today the drums are the most numerous family of musical instruments. By sound, they are divided into two groups:

  • an indefinite height of the sound - drums, there - there, plates, tambourine, triangle, cassays;
  • a certain height of the sound - bells, liconts, vibrafon, xylophone.

Wind instruments

Wind musical instruments are a type of tools that the sound occurs from air fluctuations in the tube. Classified by producer, material and methods of sound recovery. This category can be divided into:

  • wooden - flute, foant, oboe;
  • copper - Trombone, Pipe, Tuba, French Horn.

Stringed instruments

String musical instruments are a group of tools in which the source of sound is string oscillations. String tools are divided into:

  • pedgles - Gusli, Guitar, Dombra, Balalaika, Dombra, Sitar, Harp;
  • bow - Violin, Alto, Cello, Double bass;
  • impact - piano, cymbals,

At the beginning of the 20th century, electrical tools appeared. The first such tool - termenvoxhas been invented back in 1917. Today, numerous modern sound synthesizers have been created, which can simulate not only the sound of many well-known musical instruments, and reproduce all sorts of sounds - grommet rolls, birds singing, the sound of the aircraft or the passing train. As a rule, synthesizers are available with a piano keyboard.

Video: Gordon Hunt, Saint-San Sonata for Oboy

Musical instruments

tools with the ability to reproduce with the assistance of a person rhythmically organized and fixed in height sounds or a clearly regulated rhythm. Each M. and. It has a special voice (color) sound, as well as its musical and expressive dynamic capabilities defined by the range of sounds. The sound quality of M. and. It depends on the relationship between the materials used for the manufacture of the instrument and the form they leveled and can be changed using additional devices (for example, Surdins (see Surdin)), various recovery techniques (for example, pizzicato, flag).

M. and. It is customary to divide folk and professional. Folk M. and. It can be distinctive, belong only to one people, and "interethnic", using the spread of different peoples related to each other ethnic community or long-term historical and cultural contacts. Thus, for example, Bandura is only in Ukraine, Pandouri and Chonguri only in Georgia, and husli, nozzles, a poultry, a violence at the same time among Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians; SAZ, TAR, KEDANCH, Duduk, Zurna in Azerbaijan and Armenia; In Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, almost all tools are the same.

In Russia, the ensembles of people M. and. (Huslarov, gudoshnikov, domrists); In the 2nd half of the 18th century. Based on hunting horn, horny orchestras were created; In the 70s Great fame received choirs of shepherds; The choir organized by N. V. Kondratyev was especially famous. At the end of the 19th century Thanks to the activities of V. V. Andreeva and its closest assistants S. I. Nalimov, F. S. Passerbsky, N. P. Fomina, some Russian M. and. (Balalaika, Gusli, etc.) were improved or reconstructed (domra) and based on their basis the orchestras of folk instruments. Centuries-old and diverse in their national forms, popular instrumental culture have the Republic of USSR. Here in Soviet times, orchestras and ensembles of folk instruments were created, a lot of work is being done on the improvement of the folk instrumentation.

Professional M. and. Tools constituting the symphonic (opera), brass and pop orchestra are considered. Almost all professional M. and. Its origins go to folk prototypes. People M. and. In the distant past there was a violin, from the simplest folk flute created modern, from primitive Salmeya - Oboe, etc.

The development of M. and. Directly associated with the development of human society, its culture, music, performing art and technology of production. At the same time, one M., and. Thanks to the peculiarities of their design, the centuries were preserved and reached our time in its original form (for example, Uzbek stone cassations - Cayrak), many others were improved, the third, which were unable to respond to growing musical and fulfillmental requirements, They died and replaced them new.

The most clearly connection M. and. With creativity and execution, the selection and improvement of them can be traced in the field of professional music, rather than in the folk (where these processes proceed much more slowly and where M. and. centuries are preserved in constant or not yet changed form). So, in 15-16 centuries. Coarse and low-alignment fidelis (villages) were replaced by gentle, matte cambrons of "aristocratic" viruses. In 17-18 centuries. In connection with the advent of the polyphonic style of the homophone-harmonic and emergence of music that requires dynamic performance, the viola with their quiet sound and the chord equipment of the game was gradually replaced by a violin and her family with bright, expressive sound, rich gerbal technology and the capabilities for a virtuoso game. Simultaneously with the Viol, the same gentle sound came out of use, but the "lifeless" longitudinal flute, giving way to a more soniced and technically movable transverse flute. At the same time, in an ensemblance and orchestral practice, they cease to apply the European Lutno and its species - the theorem and kitarrons (archfulthe), in the homemade household musication, the lute is replaced with violea, and then a guitar. By the end of the 18th century. A new key tool - piano came to change Clavesiso and Chamber Clavo.

Professional M. and., In view of the complexity of their design, more than people, depend on their development also on the state of the exact sciences and production techniques - the presence of music factories and plants with their experimental laboratories, design bureaus and qualified tools for tools. The exception is tools of a violin family, requiring a purely individual manufacture. Improved on the basis of folk samples by famous Breschani and Cremonian masters of 16-18 centuries. Gasparo da Salo, J. Madzhini, N. Amati, A. Stradivari, J. Guardari Del Jezu and others - they remain unsurpassed in their advantages. The most intensive development of professional M. and. happened in 18-19 centuries. The creation of T. Whether the rational valve system (the first model appeared in 1832), the use of it first at the flute, and then, in different versions, on the clarinet, the bobbin and the Fagot significantly expanded the performing opportunities and increased the intonation purity and the stability of the building of wooden wind instruments, allowed Composers wider and diverse use them in their work, contributed to the development of solo-concert performing arts. The genuine revolution made the appearance at the beginning of the 19th century. The valve mechanics (see the valve) in copper wind instruments that turned them out of the so-called. Natural M. and., with a limited number of sounds and from here by limited performers, in chromatic, capable, like wooden brass tools, reproduce any music. The indigenous stylistic change in the music of all genres for string keys tools occurred with the appearance of a hammer piano. With the invention of the radio it became possible to design the electrophonic M. and.

To determine the species M. and. There are various classification systems. There is a 3-group system for which M. and. are divided into brass, strings and drums; In turn, the winds are divided into wooden (flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, surroundophone, bodycoon and their varieties) and copper (pipe, cornet, horn, trombone, tube, brass orchestra tools), and string - on tweezes (harp, Lute, guitar) and bow (violins and viol families). To shock M. and. Litales, drum, xylophone, chest, gong, plates, etc. in scientific study, especially diverse folk M. and., Apply more complete and accurate classification systems. Among them, the system developed at the beginning of the 20th century is enjoyed. The Austrian musicologist E. Hornbostele and the German musicologist K. Zaksz (the basis of which was put in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Belgian musicologists FR. Gevart and V. Sh. Maiyon). Hornbostel system - Zaksa is built on two signs: the sound source of the tool and the method of its extraction. According to the first sign M. and. They are divided into self-refined (idiophones or autofhones), membrane (membrogenphones), string (chordophones) and windows (Aerofons). The sound source of the first - the material itself, from which the tool is made or its sounding item; second - stretched elastic membrane; third - stretched string; Fourth - air pole enclosed in the barrel channel (tube). According to the method of extracting sound, self-visible are divided into tweezed (Vargan), frictional (karamatpille, nail and glass harmonics), drums (xylophone, plates, cassays); Membrane - for frictional (Bugai), drums (drum, pita); string - on the tweezing (balalaika, harp, guitar), brook (Kamandach, Violin), drums (cymbals); The windows are on flute (all kinds of flutes), tongue (zurna, oboe, clarinet, baggage), mouthpieces (pipes and horns). Further division is made according to the features of the tool design. For example, flutes are divided into longitudinal (open and whistling), transverse and multi-dimensional; Strings on keyboard-pin (spinet, harpsichine) and keyboard-shock (piano, keycorder), etc.

Among modern M. and. The special group is electrical, the source of the sound of sound frequency oscillations. These tools are divided mainly into two subgroups: electronic (actual power tools) and adapted, i.e. typical type tools equipped with sound amplifiers (electric guitar, electric craft, Turkmen electrodetar).

LIT: Zaks K., Modern orchestral musical instruments, per. with him., M., 1932; Belyaev V. M., Musical instruments of Uzbekistan, M., 1933; His, folk musical instruments of Azerbaijan, in the collection: the art of the Azerbaijani people, M. - L., 1938; Agazhanov A., Russian folk musical instruments, M. - L., 1949; Yampolsky I. M., Russian violin art. Essays and materials, [h. 1], M. - L., 1951; Vinogradov V.S., Kyrgyz folk music, Frunze, 1958; Zhinovich I. I., State Belarusian People's Orchestra .. Minsk, 1958; B. Struve, the process of formation of Viol and Violins, M., 1959; Bolshai M., Tools of the Symphony Orchestra, 2 ed., M., 1962; Vertkov K., Blagitis G., Yazovitskaya E., Atlas of musical instruments of the peoples of the USSR, L., 1964 (lit.); Berov L. S., Moldovan Music Folk Instruments, Kish., 1964; Gumenyuk A. I., Ukraїnski People's Muzichni Uzstrumenti, Kyiv, 1967 (lit.).

K. A. Vertkov, S. Ya. Levin.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

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Music is an amazing phenomenon. Her sounds can affect the wildest catches of human nature. The funny melody makes people start to dance, obscurely obstructing the insurmountable influence of its intricate patterns. Some music, on the contrary, makes you feel sad and sadness, carefully nested by the author in every note of the work. A good song is a journey to the musician, where he, like a guide, will hold a listener through the beautiful or terrifying depths of his soul. The sounds of music pour out to the outside of what is impossible to express in words.

Music in antiquity

Humanity is familiar with the art of music for a long time. Archaeologists constantly find various types of musical instruments in places where our ancestors lived. It is assumed that the first tools were shock. They allowed to ask the rhythm necessary for the same type of work or achieve some finds say that the brass instruments also leave their roots in deep antiquity.

The development of civilization also changed preferences of people. Musical instruments were constantly progressed, they became more difficult and sophisticated, bringing a variety and novelty to human cultural life. Great musicians were read and gifted to generous gifts, which speaks of their high status in society.

Music place in the modern world

Over time, the music has become an integral part of the life of not only idle wine, but also ordinary people who have met songs about their hardest fate. It can be assumed that the art of music accompanied humanity from time immemorial and will accompany it until the last representative of our species leaves this mortal world.

To date, hundreds of various musical instruments are available to musicians. Anyone who decided to make music will be able to choose the tool in the shower. However, whatever bizarre forms have taken modern devices for creating music, most of them can be attributed to shock, string or brass. Let's consider in more detail the main types of musical instruments.

Wind musical instruments

The brass instruments firmly occupied their place in the hearts of Melomanians. Both in classical works and in modern musical compositions, their fascinating sound continues to delight listeners. There are different types of wind musical instruments. Basically they are divided into wooden and copper.

Wooden tools extract various sounds due to the shortening of the air flow passing through the tool. An excellent example of such a tool - flute. In it, opening or closing the holes on the housing, you can make the sound above or lower. Such tools appeared quite a long time and were originally manufactured from the tree, which was the reason for their name. K are oboe, clarinet and saxophone.

The sound of the copper tool affects the power of the air flow and the position of the musician lips. The main material from which such tools are manufactured are metal. Most copper brass instruments are made of brass or copper, but there are exotic variants from silver. Initially, such tools could only publish sounds but, over time, they circled with mechanisms that allow extracting chromatic tones. The most famous representatives of copper brass instruments can be called tube, trombone, horn, as well as various types of this type can diversify any composition with their bright and juicy sound.

String musical instruments enjoy great popularity in modern society. In them, the sound is removed due to the oscillation of the string and is amplified by the case. There are various types of musical instruments using strings to create a sound, but all of them can be attributed to the plug-in, bow or shock.

In to create music, use the string pin. Bright plug-in representatives are such popular tools as guitar, double bass, banjo, harp. The bow tools differ from their tweezing fellows in that it uses a bow to extract the notes. He slides on the strings, forcing them to vibrate. Violin, Alto, Cello - the most famous bow tools. Painted shock string tool - Piano. In it, notes are removed due to the strike with a small wooden hammer over the stretched string. For the convenience of the game, the musicians are provided with a key interface where each key matches its note.

musical instruments

It is hard to present a modern musical ensemble without drums. They set the rhythm of the whole composition, create a pulse song. The rest of the musicians in the team are equal to the rhythm, which is asks the drummer. Therefore, one of the oldest and most important means of creating music should be considered shock types of musical instruments.

Impact instruments are divided into membranephones and idiophones. In membranephones, the sound is removed from the membrane stretched on the tool body. These include such popular representatives of the musical world, like tambourine, drums, Litavra, Bongo, Djembe, and the unpleasant many other tools. In idiophists, the sound is published by all the instrument or the tool consists of a variety of sounding elements of different heights. For example, xylophone, vibrafon, bells, gong, triangle - just a few examples of idiophones.


No matter what kind of musical instrument you choose, the main thing is to remember that the music does not create a tool, but a musician. A good musician extracts an excellent melody from empty tin cans, but even the most expensive tool will not help someone who does not love music, sound well.

The musical instrument is not just an object to extract the sound, this is a virtuoso gun in the hands of a musician who can conquer, pacify, disturb the minds and souls. The history of musical instruments is rooted in the distant past.

The birth of musical instruments

Historians put forward many different hypotheses regarding the appearance of ancient musical instruments. Based on the results of archaeological excavations on the territory of their lives of different ethnic groups, scientists came to the conclusion that he was drummed by the widdle type of musical instruments. The essence of percussion instruments - in the performance of the rhythm, and the simple rhythm was the first form.

Other types of musical instruments have no less long history. Thus, the prototype of the first string tools was the gauge of the onion, which, when tensioning, published a characteristic sound. And the sound created by the dungement of the air into the hollow skeleton became the prototype already.

Three ways to classify musical instruments

All musical instruments are divided into groups on the presence of common features. The first one is a way of sound formation. By the name of the element responsible for the production of sound, several different types of tools are distinguished. So, the string is also attributed, and the saxophone as well as the flute is the brass tools. Accordion and simple lifting harmonica are all sorts of drums - refiguration instruments. There are more rare types: for example, a plate (xylophone) or a rod (triangle, chest).


Second classification - according to the method of excitement of sound. Moreover, in a group of instruments with the same sound formation, several groups can be distinguished with different types of sound excitation. Among the winds, dulse or whistling (flutes) are distinguished; Co-orproof (, oboe, baggage), mouthpiece or copper (alt, thrombone, pipe, mining and even hunting horns). Strings are divided into tweezes (harp, balalaika, harpsichine) and a brood (family.


The third principle of typing is a way of sound recovery. In the shock group, the sound is extracted by hand or a hammer that provokes vibrator vibrations of any shape: plates in xylophone, straggle in a triangle, drum membranes ...


Based on the foregoing, we get a triple classification: piano is a key-shock string musical instrument.

Evolution of musical instruments

Each stage of the evolution of a person found its reflection in musical culture. A century over the age of the century is becoming diverse, more difficult, perfect from a technical point of view. The development of music is manifested in the emergence of new musical instruments, more virtuoso, comfortable, melodic.

Many previously existing musical instruments remained buried in the annals of history. Others, over time, improve, becoming the founders of entire families of tools. An important role in the development of world musical culture was played by such instruments as an organ, harpsichine, piano, flute and many others.

The most modern to date is the type of musical instruments are considered. They are created using the latest advances in electronics and technology and are capable of producing a fundamentally new, unusual sound. Electricizing tools are an integer phenomenon in modern musical culture, which threatened certain directions of music, and the next confirmation of the thesis parallelism of the development of culture in general and music in particular.