Education Eastern dancing belly dance. Belly Dance (belly dance)

Education Eastern dancing belly dance. Belly Dance (belly dance)
Education Eastern dancing belly dance. Belly Dance (belly dance)

Oriental dances have long ceased to be simply the direction of art, the elements of Belldanse were based on a modern fitness direction.

What is the charm of such classes? Bellydance lessons make it possible to burn extra calories, return the muscles lost tone, reveal femininity and sexuality. Dance training can attend all women, regardless of their age and the level of physical training.

Of course, it is best to sign up for group classes in Belldans under the guidance of an experienced instructor, but those who do not have such an opportunity, it is recommended to train at home. About the peculiarities of the belly dance for beginners - hereinafter.

Bellydance requires the ability to learn to relax the muscle groups that are not involved in the dance in a given period of time.

Each woman should create their own unique image of the dancer, find their highlight. Important components of the image are makeup, costume, decorations. All these attributes are designed to focus on sexuality, femininity of the attractiveness of the performer Belldadans.

Bellydance for beginners is better to dance in a short top, talking abdomen, and leggings (breeches). Later, the outfit is complemented by a loin bandage with linking coins.

As for the shoes, within the framework of this dance culture, the tradition of execution of the movements of barefoot has long developed. Those women who for some reason do not want to squeeze the feet will suit Czechs, ballet shoes or cotton socks.

Basic elements

The belly dance for beginners includes such basic movements:

  • "Rocking". To perform this element, it is necessary to get up on the semi-beds, bend legs in the knees, conditionally hold the vertical line through the navel. Along this direct, it is necessary to carry out the movements of the bemps forward-back and up-down (that is, in the horizontal and vertical plane).
  • "Pendulum". The right thigh rises and removed aside, after - it drops down simultaneously with the rise of the left hip.
  • Circular movements of the borders. The back should be kept straight. Mentally, it is necessary to draw a horizontal circle for yourself, on the line of which should be moved by the hips (the loin is bent as stronger as possible).
  • Circles with discharge. While the pelvis describes the circle at the maximum rear point, it should be resetting the thigh in the direction from top to bottom. Circular movements can be horizontal, vertical, frontal.
  • "Wave". The upper part of the body is still, there is an exceptionally hidden. It is necessary to get up on the semi-winges, half a turn to the viewer. Mentally draws a vertical circle passing through femoral bones. It is along the line of this imaginary circle and it is worth moving the hollow. Complement the element of moving forward or to the side. Wave in oriental dance can be frontal or lateral.

Video "Basic motions Bellydance":

Advantages of classes

The advantages of Beldomans is difficult to overestimate:

  • Aesthetic enjoyment;
  • Improving overall well-being;
  • Study of muscles press, hands, buttocks, legs;
  • Development of a sense of rhythm, musicality, plastics, flexibility, grace;
  • Disclosure of femininity and sexuality;
  • Formation of beautiful posture;
  • Improving self-esteem;
  • Fighting overweight.

It should be noted that the eastern dances can be (and in some cases it is even recommended) to combine with training in the gym. Belldanz, rather, auxiliary means for the construction of a beautiful embossed body. Women haunting this goal without power training not to do.

Video "Belly Dance for Beginners":

Girls of the 5-8-year-old age can safely behave on classes on Belldans. Dance training will bring them invaluable benefit:

  • Help find self-confidence;
  • Girls occupying oriental dancing become more coordinated, graceful, flexible;
  • Children develop aesthetic taste;
  • Belldanz increases endurance, develops rhythm and musicality;
  • Dance classes are involved in discipline and responsibility.

On the portal collected information about the eastern dance in Moscow: addresses and phone numbers of schools, prices for one-time classes and full-fledged subscriptions, reviews of various studios. Thus, every visitor will be able to find the perfect option under all his wishes! For greater convenience, a search for metro stations and the city's districts is presented.

Eastern dance is an incredibly attractive sight, emphasizing the beauty and elegance of every woman. It can be safely attributed to one of the oldest dances that are very popular today. Eastern dance culture attracts many of their mysteriousness and unusualness, it helps to know themselves and gain inner harmony.

Eastern dance classes - Features of the dance direction

Beautiful oriental dance can tell a lot about a woman. A few centuries ago it was used as one of the methods of art of seduction and communication. Elegant and attracting plastic movements will emphasize the beauty of the girl and its grace. Complement the impressions and colorful costumes consisting of wide oriental pants or skirts and short tops. Interestingly and unusually looks like the use of additional items, for example, blazing candles, swords or scarves.

The lesson of oriental dance will become a decent and pleasant alternative to the gym. During classes in the studio, the body does not suffer from excessive loads. At the same time, the dancer, moving at his pleasure, improves posture, develops ductility and flexibility. The advantages of eastern dance can also be attributed to the opportunity to lose weight - used methods of respiratory gymnastics, in combination with rhythmic movements, develop and strengthen the muscles of the legs, press and hips. The figure of a woman becomes more attractive and elegant, acquires attractive forms.

How is the lesson of oriental dance?

First of all, the teacher conducts a small warm-up, during which the muscles are preparing for further loads. Depending on the dance school, the lesson can be made separately from the rest and simply demonstrate individual elements and ligaments, and can build a full-fledged dance, with the participation of previously studied movements. This question is better to clarify the school administrator in advance, so as not to detect already during the class that the other students quite mastered the dances of the East and have already put a full-fledged dance program.

Eastern dance training involves a consistent study of basic movements and the creation of bundles of them. For example, such elements as "Shimmi" (shivering or shaking) requires serious work of the knee and hips. With the help of the knees alone, the rocking is performed, and the "eight horizontal" includes the eight movement of the hips. Gradually learning the elements of oriental dance with the teacher, students produce their own original style.

Eastern dance training in Moscow

The big popularity and the demand for the eastern dance led to the fact that almost every school of dance in Moscow is ready to offer full-fledged classes. Such a variety easily confuses any future dancer - how to choose your school? Our portal will help on which dance studios with oriental dance lessons are collected! In structured and visual tables, it is possible to familiarize yourself with the price of one-time occupation and compare the cost of subscriptions in different schools. There will be reviews about the training of oriental dances.

Belly Dance - the dance of the mysterious soul consisting of harmonious movements of abdominal muscles, hips and shoulders. There is no consequential opinion regarding the origin of the direction, it still does not exist, but it is just known that it has Turkish, North African and oriental roots. For the first time, the "belly dance" was executed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Lebanese actress and the dancer Badi Masabni.

In the choreographic center, the stomach dance is held for beginners, as well as experienced performers.

The style of Tribal is different from other types of abdominal dance improvisation. Dance consists not only of choreography, but also improvisational movements. The dancer moves gracefully, like a fluff in the air. Each girl dreams to learn the movements of the belly dance. Tribal dance movements will be able to repeat any girl who wants to show her body from the best side. Our School of Dance Tribal in Moscow will help to feel your body on the other hand. Have time to sign up for classes in our professional dance school, where the Tribal dance will be your favorite activity!

Belly / Belly Dance dance has a number of advantages:

Most muscle groups are activated;

The spine and joints are becoming more flexible;

Improved blood circulation;

Figure acquires a sports and attractive view;

Eliminates the stuff;

Thanks to rhythmic movements, grace and elegant gait;

The mood increases.

Belly Dance

Belly Dance Lessons also contribute to weight loss, relaxing and maintaining youth skin, as facial muscles are trained in the dance process.

Our experienced trainers will teach you basic technicians, for example, "waves" or "eight" will show how the hands should move to fascinate and hypnotize the audience with their beauty.

For classes, the belly dance are of great importance to gestures, facial expressions and artistry, whose secrets will also show our professional teachers.

The most attractive movements of the direction are considered: shaking chest, buttocks and abdomen. In addition to its beauty, they have a favorable effect on the health of the dancers - the outer vibration goes to the internal organs, eliminating the body from toxins, and also allowing to flow by a large amount of oxygen. Belly Dance dance normalizes breathing, prepares for childbirth, so the lessons are well suited for future mothers.

Our classes will help you to liberate, improve the body and harmonize weight. Calm, iridescent movements contribute to the development of plastics, flexibility, grace and lead to internal freedom.

Features Tribal Dance

Tribal dance serves as a dance of female strength and independence. Important attention is paid to the aesthetics of Tribal movements. Our school is open in Moscow for beginners. Professional teachers are engaged in training. This dance girl does not seduce this dance, it shows its strength and sophistication of the body. Tribal Dance is Gypsy traditions with Flamenco details. Characteristic features are straight posture, strong hands, chin, expressive flow of movements.
Tribal dance is executed by a group of persons. It is also a characteristic feature of the Tribal Dance direction. Training in Moscow in this area every wishing and strong spirit girl can go through our dance school. Here you will learn not only to listen to your body, but also move feminine and beautiful.

Clothing that characterizes Tribal style

The style of Tribal differs not only by the feed, but also clothes from other types of belly dance. Tribal Dance is characterized by folk or tribal costumes.

The traditional outfit of this direction is considered:

  • wide sharovar;
  • long skirt;
  • belt;
  • scarves on the hips;
  • chole with open stomach;
  • decorated bodice.

In Tribal Dance, a decorated turban is wound on his head. Important in the style of Trib Dance are decorations. Our School of Dance Tribal in Moscow will teach any girl to this area. Tribal dance (Tribal style) will help reveal your strong nature and show the beauty of your body.
This outfit is characterized by Tribal Dance. Training in Moscow is best to pass with us, as professionals are taught by Tribal direction. Our school is open in Moscow for beginners. We are waiting for everyone, come to us and learn to dance beautifully!

Belly dance in Moscow

Training Belly Dance is carried out in a modern and fully equipped room, with the presence of high-quality selected music, a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. We are waiting for guests of the girls of any age and the level of preparation that wish to learn this mysterious, seductive dance. In the process of training, each novice artist is gradually formed its unique style, which will allow you to show your individuality and special character.

Dancing Belly Dance, you will learn to respect, as well as love your body. A variety of movements and the use of various additional items make this direction in interesting and fascinating. Belldans makes it possible to engage in the work of the internal muscles, which are practically inactive in vivo. Thus, its benefit is difficult to overestimate.

Belly Dance not only contributes to the improvement and formation of a beautiful body, it allows you to become more confident, to disclose sexuality and maintain the perfect weight. Hand movements, soft corps turns help to increase women's energy, become cheerful, cheerful, inspired by new beginnings and achieve them.

Our belly dance school is located in Moscow on the territory of the Badaevsky factory: Kutuzovsky Avenue 12, p. 3, m. Kievan.

Which pictures draw imagination, with the words Eastern belly dancing

Oriental dances ... With these words, as a motion of the magic sticks in front of a mental look, images of gentle waibers of beauties arise. Girls fascinate, seduce the audience smooth, light, drum movements of the flexible chill body. They gracefully float in dance in their embroidered gems of translucent costumes. Measured as heartbeat sound drum, rustling of silk and velvet. Massive openwork decorations are sparkling in the light of lamps and melodiously wrap in the beat, emphasizing the musicality and sensuality of movements of their owners. Looking amazing music fills arched arches of the spacious halls of the eastern palaces. And only the motley generously sketched here and there carpets are capable of slightly muffle these magic sounds. The delightful aromas of hookah and wicked spirits envelop dancers and spectators, immerse us in the world of an amazing oriental fairy tale ...

Nowadays, for such fabulous feelings, you do not need to sail for the sea. It is possible to become the magician and the heroine of this magic fairy tale. Perfume, dresses, music and decorations - only an addition. The main thing is to master the magic of Eastern dance, this mysterious secret of the charming of oriental women. Bellydance has absorbed the beauty and identity of the ancient culture of Egypt, Turkey, India, Persia and carried this wealth in time since the ancient centuries and to the present day.

Eastern dance, as no other type of art, is surrounded by myths, riddles, mystery and, sometimes, prejudices. What is Bellydance? Why is the eastern dance so fashionable and demanded worldwide today? Who and why should you pay your attention to him?

The origins of Bellydance are lost in the ancient cults of fertility and the abundance of the peoples of the East. Once the belly dance was so sacral art that it was possible to see his execution in a harem. And not wonderful: After all, the eastern dance reveals the entire enchanting natural beauty of the performer, the magic of the movement of which men cannot resist. Bellydance is this anthem of femininity, the dance of the one that gives the life and beauty of the world. Eastern dance is a reminder to a woman that her power is in beauty and harmony, and its true mystical destination is to continue the genus and keep a family hearth. A woman with a capital letter - a real rarity of our high technology and feminism.

Who is suitable oriental belly dancing

We are waiting for you in the class of oriental dances at the RENARDANCE School

After all, there are no rigid frames and restrictions, as in classic choreography, or initial preparation requirements, as in jazz modern, or strict canons of appearance, as in strip-plastic, or special physical data for stretching on the twine. Countless bellydance styles and an individual approach, the multifaceted images that you can try out - from the submissive gentle slave to the ruthless fatal slander of male hearts, the special beauty of your body will be the key to one hundred percent success. You do not suspect what the inner force and seductive plasticity are laid in you. East dance will allow you to surprise the rich potential laid in you by nature, and a rapid waterfall of admiration and approval, which will cause your transformation into colleagues, friends and just passersby. After all, the graceful gait, dimly swaying from the side towards the hip, the star sparkle in the eyes and a breaking smile of a woman who knows the price, unnoticed.

By the way, the knowledge of the basic elements of oriental dance will not only bring you to the virtuoso style of belly dance, but also come in handy in the club, on a disco or any party - after all, all club plastics are born of the same elements.

Oriental Dancing at Renardance School

  1. In our dance school, you can start to engage in eastern dancing, without having any dance experience, because we have groups for beginners from scratch. Renardance dance school teachers will never entrust you at once the flow of complex schemes and performances. The teacher-professional first explains in detail each movement from the base course, teaching a newcomer Azam Bellydance and achieving a clear and correct performance. After all, no one causes a person to immediately play the "Lunar Sonatu" Bach. First you need to learn notes.
  2. Are you no longer a newcomer in Bellydance or have mastered the basic course on the East Dance? Then you will be interested in a group in which the teacher will teach you to work with the requisite (Vale, the cane, etc.), will put the dances with whom you can become famous for our unforgettable performances and brilliant victories at the festivals.
  3. Bellydance teachers at the Renardance dance school use an individual approach to each student in their lessons, focusing on its type of thinking, temperament and the rate of mastering material, on the features of the figure and always taking care of your safety, good mood and health!
  4. For groups of each level, our School of Eastern Dance finds a teacher, the strong side of which is exactly what this group needs and specifically you. In most schools and in beginners, and in the medium, and the same people are taught in advanced groups. In our school, dancing perfectly understand that "universal" teachers are rare, so carefully pick up for each level of their teacher.

    One "skate" is working with the most beginning, he patient and attentive, with love and a smile will help to overcome the pressure and constraint, ready to repeat the material for many times. The other is an amazing vision of the show and the gift of the dance numbers in which you will be the goddess of the dance floor. The third is given quick training to complex elements and the entire dance art palette, which he will dilute the classic belly dance, highlighting you from many. As a result, classes are most effective for you.

  5. East dance training in our dance school is carried out on a clear program, which will allow you to gradually and confidently increase your level if you wish to professional. Some student of our school tied their lives with dancing after 20 years, but it did not prevent them from becoming professional dancers and beautiful teachers.

Do you want to play on stage? Or are you just looking for an interesting hobby? Do you want to lose weight, fall in love with the world or completely change your life? Oriental dances will help you achieve dream performance. Whatever your goals and desires, we will definitely teach you to dance and help you achieve your own.

To sign up for the lessons of the east dance of the abdomen, fill out the recording form or leave the application by phone: 8-926-497-03-21.

Schedule on Eastern Dance



Cost of classes in the group


600 rub.
200 rubles.

1 200 rub.
300 rub.

1 800 rub.
400 rubles.

Belly Dance - the dance of the mysterious soul consisting of harmonious movements of abdominal muscles, hips and shoulders. There is no consequential opinion regarding the origin of the direction, it still does not exist, but it is just known that it has Turkish, North African and oriental roots. For the first time, the "belly dance" was executed at the beginning of the 20th century by the Lebanese actress and the dancer Badi Masabni.

In the choreographic center, the stomach dance is held for beginners, as well as experienced performers.

The style of Tribal is different from other types of abdominal dance improvisation. Dance consists not only of choreography, but also improvisational movements. The dancer moves gracefully, like a fluff in the air. Each girl dreams to learn the movements of the belly dance. Tribal dance movements will be able to repeat any girl who wants to show her body from the best side. Our School of Dance Tribal in Moscow will help to feel your body on the other hand. Have time to sign up for classes in our professional dance school, where the Tribal dance will be your favorite activity!

Belly / Belly Dance dance has a number of advantages:

Most muscle groups are activated;

The spine and joints are becoming more flexible;

Improved blood circulation;

Figure acquires a sports and attractive view;

Eliminates the stuff;

Thanks to rhythmic movements, grace and elegant gait;

The mood increases.

Belly Dance

Belly Dance Lessons also contribute to weight loss, relaxing and maintaining youth skin, as facial muscles are trained in the dance process.

Our experienced trainers will teach you basic technicians, for example, "waves" or "eight" will show how the hands should move to fascinate and hypnotize the audience with their beauty.

For classes, the belly dance are of great importance to gestures, facial expressions and artistry, whose secrets will also show our professional teachers.

The most attractive movements of the direction are considered: shaking chest, buttocks and abdomen. In addition to its beauty, they have a favorable effect on the health of the dancers - the outer vibration goes to the internal organs, eliminating the body from toxins, and also allowing to flow by a large amount of oxygen. Belly Dance dance normalizes breathing, prepares for childbirth, so the lessons are well suited for future mothers.

Our classes will help you to liberate, improve the body and harmonize weight. Calm, iridescent movements contribute to the development of plastics, flexibility, grace and lead to internal freedom.

Features Tribal Dance

Tribal dance serves as a dance of female strength and independence. Important attention is paid to the aesthetics of Tribal movements. Our school is open in Moscow for beginners. Professional teachers are engaged in training. This dance girl does not seduce this dance, it shows its strength and sophistication of the body. Tribal Dance is Gypsy traditions with Flamenco details. Characteristic features are straight posture, strong hands, chin, expressive flow of movements.
Tribal dance is executed by a group of persons. It is also a characteristic feature of the Tribal Dance direction. Training in Moscow in this area every wishing and strong spirit girl can go through our dance school. Here you will learn not only to listen to your body, but also move feminine and beautiful.

Clothing that characterizes Tribal style

The style of Tribal differs not only by the feed, but also clothes from other types of belly dance. Tribal Dance is characterized by folk or tribal costumes.

The traditional outfit of this direction is considered:

  • wide sharovar;
  • long skirt;
  • belt;
  • scarves on the hips;
  • chole with open stomach;
  • decorated bodice.

In Tribal Dance, a decorated turban is wound on his head. Important in the style of Trib Dance are decorations. Our School of Dance Tribal in Moscow will teach any girl to this area. Tribal dance (Tribal style) will help reveal your strong nature and show the beauty of your body.
This outfit is characterized by Tribal Dance. Training in Moscow is best to pass with us, as professionals are taught by Tribal direction. Our school is open in Moscow for beginners. We are waiting for everyone, come to us and learn to dance beautifully!

Belly dance in Moscow

Training Belly Dance is carried out in a modern and fully equipped room, with the presence of high-quality selected music, a comfortable and friendly atmosphere. We are waiting for guests of the girls of any age and the level of preparation that wish to learn this mysterious, seductive dance. In the process of training, each novice artist is gradually formed its unique style, which will allow you to show your individuality and special character.

Dancing Belly Dance, you will learn to respect, as well as love your body. A variety of movements and the use of various additional items make this direction in interesting and fascinating. Belldans makes it possible to engage in the work of the internal muscles, which are practically inactive in vivo. Thus, its benefit is difficult to overestimate.

Belly Dance not only contributes to the improvement and formation of a beautiful body, it allows you to become more confident, to disclose sexuality and maintain the perfect weight. Hand movements, soft corps turns help to increase women's energy, become cheerful, cheerful, inspired by new beginnings and achieve them.

Our belly dance school is located in Moscow on the territory of the Badaevsky factory: Kutuzovsky Avenue 12, p. 3, m. Kievan.