Timer to turn off the computer - an overview of useful programs and utilities. Install the computer automatic shutdown timer at the right time - there is nothing easier

Timer to turn off the computer - an overview of useful programs and utilities. Install the computer automatic shutdown timer at the right time - there is nothing easier

Teach your computer is disconnected independently useful for many users. If you leave the last season of the series at night, you want to limit the time of computer games for a child or just save the power to electricity - you need a computer shutdown timer for Windows 7, 8 and 10. Consider the funds built into Windows and third-party programs.

Automatic shutdown of the computer in Windows 7 or 10 can be configured by the tools itself, without installing other applications. But the beautiful shell for this action is not provided, you will have to register a number of parameters on the command line or scheduler.

Command line

To start the command prompt, find the "Service" section in the "Start" menu and click on the item item. A window with a black background and a flashing cursor appear. You can also open "execute" or clamp Win + R, you will see a small string. In it enter the shutdown / s / t command n. Here "shutdown" is the name of the function, "/ s" - the parameter of the full completion of the PC, "/ T N" - indicates that the shutdown will take place through N seconds.

If you need to turn off the computer via the command line after 1 hour, enter Shutdown / S / T 3600 and click on "OK". A system message appears that the PC will be turned off at a specified period of time. Before shutting down, you will be offered to manually close the running applications.

To close all programs forcibly, without your participation, add the parameter / f parameter in the formula. If you decide to remove the timer, enter the ShutDown / A command, then the auto power connection will be canceled. To complete the session instead of / s, use the / L parameter to send PC to sleep - parameter / h.

If you turn off the computer via the command line you need to regularly prepare the label for the operation. To do this, click on the desktop by right-click, go to "Label" in the "Create" menu. In the window, enter the path to the program "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Shutdown.exe" with the desired parameters. Avtovascular in 1 hour with the closure of all applications will correspond to the "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Shutdown.exe / S / F / T 3600" command.

Next, specify the name for the icon and click Finish. To change the picture, in the label properties, select "Change icon". You will then need to activate the timer, you will only need to double-click the shortcut, and the computer will turn off after the specified number of seconds.

To disable the computer in Windows 10 or another version, you can use the Task Scheduler tool. It is hidden in the "Administration Tools" section of the Start menu, also can be called a Taskschd.msc string by pressing Win + R.

How to put the Windows 7 or 10 computer shutdown timer: click on the "Action" submenu, click on "Create a simple task". Enter an arbitrary name, select the regularity of execution - daily or once. In the next step, set the computer shutdown timer: here you do not have to calculate seconds, set the date and exact time. As an action, set the "Start of the program", in the settings, suck shutdown with the argument / s.

The task will be created and starts at the set time. If you have changed plans, you can always edit the task parameters moved to another hour.

Third-party programs

Unlike Windows system tools, other programs for automatically disconnecting the computer are characterized by wider settings. You do not have to count the time in seconds and manually prescribe parameters to start the timer.

Laconic SMART Turn Off Utility for Computer Auto Expunity running Windows 10, 8, XP or Vista. Only basic settings are available: Complete Session or Full PC Shutdown, through the specified gap or at a certain time.

The SWITCH OFF program knows how to turn off the computer after a certain time. The utility has flexible settings: Schedule by days of the week and the specified time, selection of action - shutdown, reboot, sleep, breaking VPN connections. Switch OFF can close the applications and show a warning before starting the function. Also, the auto sound can be launched not by hours, but in the absence of processor or user actions for a certain period.

You can download the utility in full option or portable - does not require installation, starts from any media. The application adds your icon to Windows notifications, to start the job, click on it and select the desired function. There is a Switch OFF and a web interface for - with it you can disable the computer online in the browser from any device.

How to put the Windows 10 computer shutdown timer, knows the program. The utility provides a choice of several variants of action, time is exhibited - accurate, through the gap, daily or simple.

The reminder will be shown before auto power off, from which you can postpone the specified action.

The Multifunctional PowerOff application for Windows 7 or 10 has a huge number of timer settings for turning off the computer. Choose an action and set the trigger time to start standard mode. The function can be associated with the processor boot level or playing music player Winamp. The utility can manage the Internet connection by counting traffic volumes.

Note that when closing PowerOff, the timers will be reset. Therefore, put in the settings so that the utility so that the utility is turned off instead of the full exit, then the PC will turn off at a specified time.


Configure the automatic shutdown of the computer on the timer is not difficult. Use Windows commands are faster than any other applications if you need more flexible installations.

The computer is a magical subject that gives us all the entertainment and knowledge of the world, but ruthlessly devouring our time. Which of us did not have to get deep over midnight in front of the monitor, being unable to tear away from an interesting article or from cutting with monsters. As a result, chronic lack of sleep, troubles at work / studies, conflicts in the family. You can solve these problems by configuring the computer to automatically shut down at a specified time. Moreover, it is not difficult to do it.

For the daily shutdown of the computer at a specified time we will use standard Windows tools. Open Task Scheduler (Control Panel \\ All Control Panel Elements \\ Administration) And in the right pane, choose the link Create a simple task.

A task creation wizard window appears in which you want to enter a name, description, and then on the Trigger tab, specify frequency. Pressing the button Further Go to the next tab and enter the task execution time. Again Furtherand it remains only to choose the type of action ( Run the program) and enter in the field shutdown.

In addition, you need to add arguments to the appropriate field. -s -t 60.This indicates that it will be performed that it will be turned off, and not a reboot or falling asleep computers, and before that there will be a pause with a duration of 60 seconds. In general, the Shutdown command allows other arguments, but you can learn more about this in the Windows help system.

So, in just a few minutes, we taught the computer to automatically turn off at a specified time, thereby depends on the most dangerous killer of our free time. Dedicate better free hours to your loved ones, sports, nature. After all, the summer remains at all!

Greetings to you, blog readers! In this lesson, we will consider such a situation as using a computer as alarm clock, or rather, switching on or.

I think every novice user faced with such a question, how to turn off the computer on the schedule? After all, there are such situations when the computer performs a certain task, for example, downloading from the Internet important information for us, or it may be a data record, or any other significant tasks that must be brought to their logical completion from the date of implementation . In this completion of the task can be expected pretty at the late hour, for example, only 5 o'clock in the morning. Of course, in this case, you can use additional features of the program that provide for setting up a computer shutdown after successful operation. And what if there are no computers on some programs in some programs after the task is missing?

In this case, it is advisable to use the computer automatic shutdown program, which is called the "job scheduler".

In the Windows 7 operating system, the task scheduler is present from the installation of the system itself. Using task scheduler, you can manage your computer power, by specifying a specific command. In order to open the task scheduler, you must click on the "Start" button and in the search string to type "Planner". To enlarge pictures - click on the pictures.

After that, click on it with the left mouse button and the result will open the main job scheduler window. Then we need to open the "Create a simple task" section.

In the new window that opens, we will need to set the necessary settings. First, specify the name, for example, "Turning off the computer".

In the next "Description" item, you can specify the task executed by the computer, for example, "Turning off the computer at 05-00."

After that, press "Next" and in the next window indicate the type of startup. Here you can consolidate the created task so that it, for example, was performed daily. I choose the startup type "single" and in the next point I specify the time of turning off the computer, namely at 05-00.

After you set the time of turning off the computer, you will need to click "Next". In the next step, we will need to select a computer shutdown program. Click "Overview" and select shutdown.exe, located at: Local disk with - Windows - System32 - shutdown.exe.

In the "Argument" line, we need to enter the "-s" command, which is responsible for turning off the computer. At the final stage, click "Next", and then "ready" and fold the job scheduler window.

At the time of time, when the computer should turn off, a notification will appear that the computer will be completed in one minute.

Thus, using the task scheduler, you can turn off the computer in the pre-set time we set.

Consider another example when the computer will need to be included at a specified time (configure the alarm function for a computer). To do this, we use the same task scheduler. Open the main window of the planner and click "Create a Task".

In the new window that opens on the General tab, we enter the name of the alarm, for example, turning on the computer or. In the "Description" item, you can write the enabling of the computer, let's say at 07-00. In the drop-down tab, I recommend choosing the value of Windows 7 (if you have Windows 7 installed).

Then go to the next tab - these are "triggers", and click "Create". As a result, the "Creating Trigger" window will open, in which it will be necessary to set the time to turn on the alarm, in addition, in the Parameters, you can set the frequency of inclusion of alarm clock: daily, weekly, monthly. After you installed all the necessary settings, click "OK".

Thus, in the field in the TRIGGER tab, the planned task of turning on the computer will appear. Next, you will need to go to the "Actions" tab and click on the "Create" button. In the window that opens, click on the "Overview" button and select for yourself, for example, a favorite music file that will be played when the alarm is turned on. After you have chosen a music file, click OK.

In the following "Conditions" tab, you will need to put a check mark "Wake up a computer to execute the task" after which click "OK".

Thus, we set up a configuration for a computer. Upon completion, you will need to translate the computer to hibernation or sleep mode. To do this, click on the Start button and click on the Additional Opening Menu and select Sleep or Hibernation. Within 30 seconds, the computer will switch to sleep mode, and turn on the time you set. In my example, Windows Media Player was used. Yes, by the way, do not forget to adjust the volume of your player, otherwise it may turn out that the computer will turn on, and the player's volume will be turned off.

It should be noted that there are quite a few programs that include not only the functions on and off the computer, and also contain various reminders, diaries, one of these programs I want to imagine. The program is called. This program applies absolutely free and has a fairly wide functionality in terms of computer power management, you can download it by clicking below the link.

After you download this program, unpack the archive and run the POWEROFF63_RUS.EXE file, as a result, the main program window will open, which seems to contain various computer power management tabs.

By default, the first Timer tab opens, in which there are information, additional features, processor loading. In the Additional features section in the "Schedule" tab, you can configure the time off of the computer, select all days or a specific day and specify the time.

The following tabs allow you to make a diary settings according to your taste, I think here so everything is clear. In the Hot Keys tab, you can assign control by a system of various commands. Suppose to ask any system management command, you will need to first put a check mark and then press and holding the Ctrl key to additionally click on any Latin letter.

The next tab "Planner" allows you to specify a specific task and display it at the specified point in time. For example, you can set the program to open a text file at a given point in time.

In the following tab "Program Setup" to provide automatic PowerOff start, you need to install checkboxes, as shown in the figure. At the same time, at its discretion, you can edit "texts" that will be displayed when the computer is switched to sleep, when you complete the work, reboot. The remaining settings I left everything by default.

In general, there is nothing difficult in management, it is enough to work only several times with this program and you will already acquire the necessary skills in the system management.
Today it's all. I hope to read this material, you will know how to include and! See you in the next lesson!

Many have had the situation when I had to wait until some program would complete my work on the computer. For example: video conversion, movie view, download files and so on. In fact, it is not necessary to wait - you can configure the touch of the computer on the timer. To date, taking into account the development of various applications and the operating system itself, there is a huge number of ways to configure your PC auto-connections, including the built-in Windows features.

In order to configure the computer's autotrunner by time with the console, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Open the console. For example, using the WIN + X key combination. Next, select the selected item.

If you have another version of Windows 10, then instead Windows PowerShell Will be written.

  1. Dial the following command.
shutdown.exe / s / f / t 7200

  1. Press the ENTER key.
  2. The next lower corner of the screen should appear the following notice.

Team Shutdown. It has a large number of parameters that allow you to set the instructions you need when you disconnect or restart the computer. For example, the number 7200 means, after what time the device must be turned off. Measured in seconds. 1 hour is 3600 seconds.

Is it possible to cancel the completion of work

Plan the shutdown of your computer or laptop easily. But sometimes there are cases when you need to cancel this command. For example, if you first decided to specify a time of 2 hours, and then changed my mind and wanted to set another time.

With re-entering shutdown.eXE /s /f /t 7200. (or with any other time) the following message will appear.

To cancel the schedule, enter the following command.

Please note that after each input you need to press the ENTER key. Immediately after that, the following notification will appear.

Now you can re-specify a shutdown with any time convenient for you.

It should be noted that when entering the team shutdown. In the console it is not necessary to always indicate the expansion . eXE.

In order to familiarize yourself with the additional parameters of the exit from the system, it is enough to enter the following operator:

Shutdown /?


If you need to constantly turn off the computer after a certain time interval, then this process is recommended to automate as much as possible. You can run sleep timer through a shortcut. Create it easy. It is enough to perform the following steps:

  1. Make the right mouse click on the desktop. In the context menu that appears, select items "Create" - "Label".

  1. A shortcut will be created on the desktop. You will be offered to specify additional parameters.

  1. In the selected column, you need to specify the following line.
C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Shutdown.exe / S / F / T 7200

  1. Go to the next step using the button "Further".
  2. In the window that appears, you will be asked to enter the name of the label. The default command is the name of the command. For beauty, you can enter any name convenient to you.

  1. Save the settings by pressing the button. "Ready".

The code described above can be used in other places. For example, in the "Run" utility. To start it, simultaneously press the Win + R keys.

Initially, the input field is empty. But if you used to have already enjoyed this program, then the old team will continue there. Write here the above code, but without specifying the full path.

shutdown.exe / s / f / t 7200

After that, press ENTER or button. « OK ».

As a result of this, in the lower right corner of the screen you will have the following notice.

If this message is not, then, it means that you did something wrong.

Deferred shutdown in Windows scheduler

You can configure the timer in a special system planner. To do this, follow these steps.

  1. Run the "Perform" utility described above.
  2. Enter the command there mSC.and click on the button « OK.» .

  1. In the window that appears, you need to select item "Create a simple task ...".

  1. Next, specify the name of the task and click on the " Further".

  1. You will be asked when you need to perform this task.

  1. Then the time will be offered. For example, you can make the computer turn off every day at 23:00. It is convenient because sometimes you can fall asleep with a working PC.

  1. Select the item and click " Further".

  1. Then you need to specify the desired command and its parameters.

  1. After you click the "button" Further"going to the final stage.

Press Ready. Now you have every day the computer will turn off exactly at 11 pm.

Please note that you can turn off the laptop in the same way.

Automatic shutdown of a computer using third-party applications

How to put a timer on turning off the computer on Windows 10 using other programs? On the Internet you can download the computer shutdown timer. There are a lot of such applications. For example:

  • Wise Auto Shutdown;
  • Airytec Switch OFF;
  • Sleep timer;
  • PowerOff;
  • SM Timer;
  • and many others.

You can download any of them in Russian. The timer program works exactly by the same principle as the system scheduler in Windows.


As you can see, there are a large number of methods, thanks to which you can restart or turn off your desktop or laptop. Choose the option you like most. If you need to disable the device only once, then it is not necessary to use the planner or some gadgets. Much more convenient to enter the command in the console than to set the integer application.

Video instruction

If you do not understand how to put a timer, then it is recommended to watch a video in which everything is stressed to demonstrate with additional comments.

For two weeks of September, my younger son Sasha has already walked to school twice - no way to rest over the summer holidays to go to bed earlier, and not sit at the computer up to one night. So I decided to teach his computer forcibly disconnected at a certain time.

Helped me in this antidemocratic business computer shutdown timer - absolutely free, simple and powerful (as it turned out) program Pclimiter.

The Pclimiter computer program does not just turn off the computer at a certain time - it allows you to install various restrictions on using the computer on any day of the week, set limits to different users - for example, 2-3 ... an hour for the day from 8.00 to 22.00.

This computer shutdown timer is not as simple as it seems at first glance - it will not allow you to change the system time or user, remove yourself without the introduction of the password ...

... continues to work after removing the task in the task manager and even will be run along with the computer after excluding it from the autoload, I tried it all.

Intrigued? Let's look at Pclimiter closer and learn to use them ...

Pclimiter - smart computer shutdown timer

So, the most important thing is during the installation of the computer shutdown timer you will be asked to introduce a parent password.

I am very pleased to approach this time and remember this password, so as not to ask the stupid questions in the comments to the article, no one, besides you, will not be able to unlock the computer if that ...

After its installation, the program will appear in the tray (near the watch) - click on the icon with the left mouse button and in the window that appears, poke on the green lock in the right corner ...

... We introduce the parent password and proceed to limit the time of the computer ...

Balance - time accessible to the user for a specific day of the week
Bonus - extra time that can be used on any day of the week
The limit is the maximum allowable time on a specific day of the week (balance + bonus).

I set the balance for the entire period of restriction, but you can set 2-3 ... an hour - how much you want. Thus, your child (or you) can turn off the computer and turn it on as much as possible, and the program will monitor the time used. When the limit is exhausted - the computer will turn off.

I'm slightly disturbed - continue. After registering all the balance sheets, limits and bonuses by day of the week - you need to choose the user for which you all prepared and clicking on his icon ...

... "Include temporary limitations" ...

It remains to click on the red lock that on the right up - everything, congratulations, the usurpactor shutdown timer works.

How to turn off Pclimiter

It can only be uninstalling, knowing the parent password or "disable temporary restrictions" where you activated them (under the user's icon), but the program will continue to work at the same time.

How to turn off Pclimiter If there is no icon in the tray and got all the limit on the day (this is what happened to me when I removed the program from the startup - an ambush, the computer immediately turned on)?

I tell you, you have only a couple of minutes - after the next run of the system, we spend very quickly in the folder with the program installed and poke on its label ...

... the icon in the tray appears - click on it, in the program window that appears, I am even faster than the lock on the lock, then on the user icon and "disable temporary limitations". Do not forget to push the lock again to apply the changes. Have time?

Download pclimiter

The size of the downloaded installation file is 3.1 MB. There are no viruses and additional "useful" software in it. The program understands all versions of the Windows operating system (including the tenth).