Belly dance. The benefits of eastern dance

Belly dance. The benefits of eastern dance

To maintain your body in the form or acquisition slender Figure everything more women They make their choice in favor of the eastern dance, namely the dancing of the belly. What is the benefit and complexity of the belly dance? What are there any contraindications to the abdominal dance?

Let's consider in more detail.

What we can manitate the belly dance

At first glance, the belly dance is the perfect solution in all senses, the instructors of this colorful eastern direction argue that regular exercises of Eastern dances will help you quickly restore the form, get rid of excess fat In the field of hips and abdomen, the pelvic muscles will strengthen and tighten the buttocks, they will remove the pain in the back and improve the posture. And if the erotic aspect of Eastern dance also has also to fill in the list of advantages, then it seems there is no need to think more.

Then why European do European do European people are alarming that Eastern dance can be very dangerous?

How the belly dance helps to lose weight

Any friend of lovely sex knows, in order to be a happy owner of a slim elegant figure, you need to always spend the energies more than enters the body with meals.

Such elements of the belly dance as strikes, shaking, eight, rocking and steps, in one hour of classes are able to burn at least 400 kilocalories. Despite their external simplicity, it is a decent load for the female body, because the dance is involved literally all parts of the body: head, belly, hips, buttocks, legs and hands. Properly performed east dance movements make the pulse stably be located in the "Energy Grinding" zone. So regular rehearsals with periodicity 3-4 times a week - an excellent alternative to aerobic training in the name of weight loss.

But fitness coaches recognize the belly dance can help simulate the figure not everyone. If you have a trained body accustomed to permanent loads, then for weight loss, you will need to make more effort than beginners. Alternatively, you can perform dance elements with a good amplitude, without a break throughout the occupation, and with a concentration on the quality of each movement. But if you do not feel the heating of the muscles, easy fatigue or do not feel the load at all, it is hardly possible to lose weight. In this case, it is better to choose another fitness program.

Unconditional belly dance benefits

What results can be obtained instead of spent time and efforts to conquer the dance of life?

- The first surprise for you will be improved coordination of movements and strengthen the vestibular apparatus. Your body will overeat natural grace, flexibility and plasticity.

- In the process of performing some dance movements, an improvement in blood circulation is observed, which is very useful for the prevention of congestive phenomena in the organs of the small pelvis.

- After a month of stable classes, the abdominal dance is strengthened by a vertebral pillar and makes relief even for those dancing who have previously had spine injuries.

- The belly dance is an excellent prevention of diseases such as osteochondrosis and hypertension.

- Couples of months of classes are enough to improve the flexibility of joints, and not only young girls, but also in women aged.

- Special technique of movements of hands in the abdomen dance, due to voltage spinal muscles Corrects posture defects, reduces or eliminates stuff.

- involved in the performance of oriental dance shoulder girdle and hands help many fans of belly dance on long years Save perfect breast shape.

- This component of the Eastern dance as shaking, significantly reduces the manifestation of cellulite and prevents new fat deposits in the problem areas of the hips and buttocks.

- Rhythmic breathing, which is the basis for performing all dance elements, reduces the level of stress and helps to get rid of depression.

The role of belly dance in the preparation of women to pregnancy and childbirth

The belly dance plays a special role in the preparation of women to pregnancy and childbirth. In the first case, he trains important muscle groups, usually not involved in everyday life, strengthens the muscles of the back, which accounts for the main load during the nipping of the child, and prevents the development of varicose veins in most pregnant women.

In the second case, due to the workout of the muscles of the perineum, the strengthening of the abdominal press and addiction to the loads on the legs, the battleship period and the women themselves are easily passing, and most of the fencers can avoid cutting crotch and breaks.

"Underwater Stones" Eastern Dance

It is important to understand and accept that the belly dance is not a panacea from all diseases, as many fans of this direction are convinced. There is a risk group for which the belly dance, like any other dance direction, or a sport, is able to apply tangible harm and jeopardize health. Therefore, before plunging into the world of East exotic, be sure to visit the doctor for temporary and absolute contraindications.

Temporary contraindications

- chronic diseases in the stage of aggravation: ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, bronchitis, cholecystitis and others;

- any purulent processes regardless of the location of the location;

- acute inflammatory processes: ARVI, ORZ, influenza, angina;

- the postoperative period of any diseases (the duration of the necessary abstinence regulates the doctor);

- a pronounced shift of the vertebral discs, at the stage of rehabilitation, the classes are not fully valid;

- phase of exacerbation of liver and gallbladder diseases;

- Abundant blood loss and painful condition during critical days.

Absolute contraindications to belly dance

- strong flatfoot (in view of the main position "on the pillows of fingers");

- non-diagnosed problems with the spine, hernia more than eight millimeters;

- benign and malignant tumors;

- congenital heart disease, severe heart disease: roasting angina and stress, suffered by heart attack, mitral valve prolapse;

- hypertension, aneurysms, blockades;

- obstructive bronchitis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Decision, dance oriental dances or not, always remains for you. The benefit from the belly dance is very much, but do not forget about the contraindications of doctors. Always do right choice Listening to your body.

Belly dance or Eastern dance is an exotic lesson, which today has great popularity among women of all ages. This dance is in addition to clean exerciseallows you to take care of female Health, spending time with benefit. The movements on which the belly dance is based to strengthen muscles and ligaments, and also has a beneficial effect on the internal organs.

What is the use of belly dancing for women health

Circular motions and shaking of the abdomen during the eastern dance have a massage effect on small pelvis and internal organs, due to which the preventive effect of stagnant, spaciousness, improved intestinal functions and blood circulation occurs. Thus, it can be safely argued that East Dance brings colossal benefits to the feminine organism. And the strengthening of the muscles of the back will make rid of pain and feeling of fatigue.

During the abdomen dance, a directional impact on the muscles of the abdominal press and a small pelvis. Already after a short period of time, it will be possible to notice that the shoulder belt, breast musclesAlso joints and bundles have become stronger and rustier.

The belly dance does not have age limitations. Do you dance belly without looking at how old you are. No matter what kind of money you are and how much your body is flexible. Starting to master the Eastern Dance, you will quickly master your body, which will gladly respond to intensive movements inherent in this lesson.

Only certain cases, for example: a strong degree of flat-bearing, hernia, injuries of the musculoskeletal system and the spine, in particular, inflammatory processes and tumors, complex pregnancy, if the doctor prohibits any kind of loads, can serve as contraindications for abdomen.

Basically, the belly dance is one of the safest types of dance, as well as one of the most useful for women.

The stomach dance school for beginners allows you to master all the movements of the belly dance in a short time and gives an unprecedented pleasure from the dance and on what kind of vigor appears in the body after each occupation.

We plan to pregnancy, engaged in belly dancing

If you are planning a child conception, then the belly dance is the perfect way to prepare the body for future pregnancy and childbirth. Moves during the dancing wave prepare the body to the fights, and therefore you will be more relaxed in childbirth, and then in turn helps to reduce the power of pain. Eastern dance lessons lovely gift For a woman planning a kid.

Lose weight, doing belly dancing

Due to the fact that the belly dance is quite energy-price, classes will help to lose weight. This is a kind of cardiotry, during which the heartbeat is accelerated, which means the fat burning occurs intensively. Watching the thighs and shaking with the belly, as well as movements with hands allow one hour to burn more than 500 kcal. If the dancing belly will be in your life 4 times a week in combination with proper nutritionT. excess weight There will be no chance to stay on your body.

Improving abdominal dance

Swinging hips, making shock movements with belly, the body discharge in the form of eight or imitating the pendulum, the body gets good load, during which oblique and straight muscles of the press are trained, as well as the loin. And the movements of the hands during dance will strengthen the shoulders and triceps, which will save his hands from declarations. The load on the muscles of the buttocks and quadriceps is carried out during the dance when steps are performed on semi-bent legs. As you can see, the abdomen dance comprehensively affect the whole body and the perfect figure in regular classes is provided to you.

Load the body, engaged in belly dancing

The belly dance provides a full physical activity on the whole body, thanks to smooth incessant movements that all muscles are essential, and also have a massage effect on the internal organs.

Eastern dance helps to develop plastic and flexibility, regardless of which age group You treat. Classes will certainly require perseverance and patience in order to master all the movements and learn how to own their own body. However, as a result, all efforts are rewarded with a beautiful and taut body, as well as excellent well-being and cheerful mood.

Strengthen your back belly dance

The belly dance has a well-felting effect on the back muscles. Moves make all the spine departments work. Regular classes will strengthen the muscles, which means that the gait will become easy, and the posture is perfect.

SUMMARIZING. What uses the belly dance for women?

Belly dance is the perfect version of the exercise for women of any age and any complex. There is no age limit here, since the movements are understandable even to the child. Regardless of the complex, women performing dance movements, look sexy and attractive, thanks to the smoothness and beauty of the dance. And the bonus in the form of weight loss and at all attracts attention. Lose weight, having fun - what is not a dream?

The directional impact on the internal organs, in particular, the organs of the small pelvis contribute to good blood circulation, which means that women's cycle, the likelihood of the development of adhesive processes is liquefied. When pregnant planning, the belly dance is perfect prevention for quick conception.

The belly dance perfectly liberates a woman and fights the inner complexes of a woman, since the frankness of movements allows a woman to reveal and be herself. The smoothness of the hands is lulling, and therefore nervous system It is restored that in turn increases stress resistance. As a result, you become an attractive woman With a beautiful plastic body.

Belly dance, like everything that came to us from the East, has an unconditional charm and mystery. Bright outfits and light fabrics that use the dancers, reveal the sexuality of a woman and beautifully emphasize the forms. Belly dance is mounted smooth movements, shine in the eyes and feeling of lightness. Come to us to become even more beautiful!

Belly Dance Moscow Training and classes - a popular online request, which is increasingly found on the Internet. Our school will gladly provide you with the opportunity to learn to all the intricacies of this exotic dance.

Schedule on Eastern Dance



Cost of classes in the group


600 rub.
200 rubles.

1 200 rub.
300 rub.

1 800 rub.
400 rubles.

The benefits of belly dancing has long been proven. In our country, oriental dances love both women and men. For men, beautifully filled dance, it is a pleasure. For performers is an opportunity to show your dance talents, reveal your femininity and individuality. Movement in the dancing of belly graceful and plastic, filled with female energy and grace. it great way Relax and escape from everyday problems. Eastern dance classes allow us - women to understand their body on a deeper and thin level. And those who took at least the initial skills of Eastern dance feels the development of their real female nature and essence. What is a pity that in this, sometimes a cruel world, in pursuit of "full and secured life" we begin to use "Men's" methods, losing gradually their female personality. Working for itself, and for the "breadwinner" of the family, these are the realities of our time, we sometimes forget about themselves, about our nature.

Woman Warrior

I stop loving yourself to truly, simple female love ... Dance classes can serve as an impetus, which will allow to reveal their capabilities, to gain new friends and girlfriends, pull the contours of the body and become more graceful and plastic. It is not necessary to be a great dancer who's conquering hundreds male hearts And perfectly owned by all secrets of dance. You can deal with abdomen and houses, in a relaxed, home environment, gradually studying movements and ligaments. Currently, oriental dance online - no longer uncommon .... If there is no possibility to attend the studio, you can study the movements of the eastern dance houses. Although the teacher is certainly better and more productive.

Useful oriental dances and health. True, there is a speech about classes at the amateur level, where there are almost no contraindications. Contraindications can be very serious diseases The spine, as well as serious diseases of the cardiovascular system, in such cases you need a doctor consultation. It is not recommended to engage in eastern dance girls under five years old. Special caution should be observed during pregnancy.

The use of belly dancing

The use of belly dancing is enormous to improve the emotional state of the woman, the anxiety and nervousness are gradually, confidence, individuality, harmony come to shift.From women warriors and female sufferers, we turn into princesses and queens. Life around begins to change, as well as our inner sensations. And here is not important your age and weight category.

We are women, and the desire to dance is laid in our blood.

I remember, ten years ago I had problems with hand. At first could not make sharp movements, then began more acute painleaving in the forearm. The hand began to simply "hang", left shoulder Gradually began to descend down. At that time I worked in a mad mode, I did not want to ask for a pain of work to go to the doctor early. Afraid of dismissal. Going out somehow in the supermarket, bought a disk - Eastern dance with wine and nina bidas. Beginning to engage in the dancing of the belly at home, after work and the performance of homework. I love to dance, and I love oriental dances. And here everything is clear for any novice. Since in the abdominal dance there are a lot of movements with your hands, mostly used a healthy hand. Gradually, the dance rhythms began to "fit" and left hand. Hands, shoulders, and forearms work here. It is worked out literally every centimeter. A month later, the hand completely recovered. Although I did not put this goal.

Highly good program For beginners, tested by time, performed by the present pro. Looking at them, not only learning the movements of oriental dances, learn to keep posture, to behave simply and naturally. The program includes several steps. Including a lesson for weight loss. If you stick to the diet and follow dance rhythmsYou can really lose weight and remove unnecessary centimeters on the stomach and waist.
Maybe now there is more modern programs. I do not argue. I share what I tried and saw a real result and benefit.

Nowadays, it is even easier to learn the movements of the eastern dance, you can not leaving home. Belly dance online is available at any time. If only there was a desire.

Dance women, dancing!

Belly dance, combining smoothness and expression, shyness and sexuality, playfulness and humility, won the hearts of women from all over the planet. In addition to beauty and aesthetics, it has a healing effect due to the characteristic movements. But the same elements with improper use may cause harm to health.

Eastern dance gained popularity due to graziness, plasticity of movements, mysterious oriental beauty of the image and stylistics.

Eastern dance

Balanced, regular classes contribute to:

  • smooth weight loss;
  • correction of body forms, reducing the manifestation of cellulite;
  • development of plasticity, muscle training, including deep and lowered;
  • improving the work of the stomach, intestine due to massage internal organs with the help of special movements of the abdominal muscles;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes and lymphatic;
  • strengthening the musculoskeletal system, correcting posture defects;
  • characteristic breathing in the dance enriches the organism with oxygen, which removes headaches, reduces the manifestation of premenstrual symptoms;
  • raising the mood, reducing the level of tension, stress, excitement;
  • enhance confidence, disclosure of destruction and sexuality.

Eastern dance will bring undeniable health, if you correctly assess the level physical training and the capacity of the body. Such an assessment can make professional coach After a medical examination of the student.

For people with weak sports training or diseases that are not direct contraindications to Belly Dance, it is recommended to start classes from the course of the belly dance for beginners. "

Such workouts consist of basic movements Eastern dance with a gradual dosage increase in the burden on the body. Under the guidance of an experienced trainer, the body receives a systematic load taking into account the unpreparedness of muscles and joints.

Contraindications for classes

Specific movements inherent in the abdomen have enough sharp, "shock" impact on the back, legs, press, vascular - cardiac system:

  1. During classes, a large load falls on the heart. It is not recommended to engage in people with diseases of the heat muscle, vessels.
  2. Most of the dance is performed from the position "on socks", which can negatively affect the weakened or deformed joints of the legs.
  3. Vibrating movements can provoke hernia formation, vertebral displacement.
  4. Accelerated blood circulation increases the risk of bleeding of various etiologies, including during menstruation.
  5. Gynecologists are not recommended to engage in oriental dances during pregnancy - the possibility of bleeding, uterine tone, increase blood pressure. Sports clubs offer a lightweight classes designed specifically for future mothers. Such a course prepares the muscles of the pelvis and the press to the generic activity, is the prevention of edema, improves the overall health of a pregnant woman. Before signing up for classes, consultation of the attending gynecologist is required.
  6. Up to 12 years old girls, it is necessary to eliminate the elements of "fighting" and any kind of "climbs", pick up gentlemen for the rapid spine of movement.

Having accepted a thoughtful decision on the desire to study the abdomen dance, passing a diagnostic medical examination and choosing a professional dance school, you can fully enjoy every elegant movement of your body, to penetrate the grace and intrigue of mysterious unsolved dance.

Novosibirsk, June 26 - AiF-Novosibirsk. Many people think that the belly dance is an exotic oriental dance, very beautiful and erotic. However, it turned out that he not only carries the aesthetic and spiritual components, but also unusually useful for the recovery and strengthening of the female organism, the normalization of its work, solving many specific female problems. All of this we decided to talk with the leading health dance direction Alena Pletneva.

Movement - medicine

website: - Alena, the very phrase "belly dance" implies that the main working muscles here are the muscles of the abdomen. Is it so?

Feminine in stomach

site: -And, by the way, the belly itself ... Will it be possible to make it flatter?

A.P.: - Many women think: "The best belly is his absence." And mistaken! Flat belly With convex "cubes" - this is a privilege of men. The female belly should be not flat and in no way drawn! He just needs to be. Gentle, slightly convex belly line (notice: not the folds of fat in three or four layers, but only a hint of bulging) gives rise to a sense of softness, femininity.

site: - It is said that the dance is a litmus paper that shows inner world man. Do you agree with this?

A.P.: - Yes. For example, the eligibility of the lower part of the body speaks of a sexually suppression, it is especially noticeable in women's older women, while young clad in the thoracic department talks about the lack of mentality in relations with the outside world. At the same time, the flexibility in the dance gives flexibility to the nature: softness and smoothness affect the ease of communication, the rest of the movement leads to internal freedom. In general, the belly dance changes the woman both externally and internally, because during him you have a unique pleasure from movements, a sense of joy of life, love to the whole world, you study live a happy real. Today, I develop a dance and health system "Yamuna", which is directed to this - to change the internal state through movements and music.

site: - You have been working with women for a long time ... How do they feel today?

AP: - Our women became squirrels in the wheel, cars. Being effective, to earn money - it is such values \u200b\u200bthat imposes society. And if we want our man to be successful, then you must feed it with the female care energy and love, which, after the reinforced work, may not be enough. Therefore, I always say: now, in the classroom, stop and at least this hour you have to share a woman, enjoy dancing. After all, the dance is beautiful when the dancer moves with pleasure. And then the audience read this energy and cannot tear the eyes. It happens that the dance consists of only several elements, but it fascinates. And it happens that the star shows a lot of beautiful learned movements as a crumpled soulless doll.

site: - Alena, what does dance mean for you personally?

A.P.: - Dance is my life, I can't imagine without it. Sometimes I have a vacation - it would seem, do nothing and rejoice in life, but without dance, my mood gradually falls. Therefore, I am very glad that work brings me so much joy. In general, I believe that in life you need to do what I like, 99% of the time. Then you will be happy yourself, and everyone around you will be happy too.