Methods for the development of body endurance in running and other sports. Strength endurance

Methods for the development of body endurance in running and other sports.  Strength endurance
Methods for the development of body endurance in running and other sports. Strength endurance

    Endurance exercise is the cornerstone of any sports discipline, because without it, full-fledged training is impossible. Lack of physical endurance will prevent you from gaining muscle mass, doing strength exercises in the gym, developing the functionality of the body, running long distances in an acceptable time, doing martial arts, etc. Therefore, this quality must be developed by every athlete, there will never be excess endurance.

    What does endurance mean?

    The very concept of endurance is quite multifaceted and it is necessary to develop it in several directions at the same time.

    • There is strength endurance - how our muscles overcome the threshold of pain during strength training. It determines how many repetitions we can perform in exercises with weights.
    • For athletes, an indicator such as speed endurance is also important - how much the muscles are ready to maintain the speed of the exercise by adapting to constant contraction, for example, while running or swimming.
    • The question of proper breathing is also important. If you are unable to control your breathing rate while exercising and you develop shortness of breath, you will not be able to do a full workout. We need to look for ways to solve this problem.

    In our article, we will tell you what exercises you need to do to develop endurance, is it possible to develop this indicator at home and what results can be achieved in a month of hard training.

    Ways to develop endurance

    When talking about developing speed endurance, people most often associate this issue with cardio training. Indeed, without cardio, real endurance is impossible to achieve. The most important thing here is the intensity of the cardio load. We will leave the low intensity for those who want to lose weight or improve the relief. Sluggishly stomping on a treadmill or stepper, you are unlikely to become even a little more enduring.

    Using the maximum load

    The more you apply the maximum or sub-maximum load while working for a long time, the more endurance you become. Let us explain: you have set a specific goal for yourself - to run 10 kilometers in 30 minutes. But your actual physical fitness is such that you can master such a distance in only 50 minutes. Therefore, we begin to train as follows: we perform a 30-minute run with almost maximum effort. We run 5, then 6, then 7 kilometers ... After some time you will not notice how you can easily run 10 km in 30 minutes.

    Adapting the muscles to sustained, powerful effort is the key to developing speed endurance.

    There are also various physical exercises for speed endurance. Their job is to do a little less work but put in more effort. Feel free to use any equipment for this that sets additional resistance: weights, rubber bands, free weights, etc.

    Cyclic exercise system

    With strength endurance, things are a little different. Here we need to use a system of cyclic exercises that require endurance. That is, constantly modify and periodize the load. The principle of tonnage, successfully used by weightlifters, is the best suited for this.

    For example, let's say you want to do 15 reps of a bench press with a 100 kg bar. It turns out that in one approach, you need to lift 1,500 kg (1.5 tons) in total. From this we proceed. A ton in one approach can be recruited in many different ways: to shake 50 kg 30 times, 75 kg 20 times, 125 kg 12 times.

    If you train trying to achieve all of these sub-goals, then the original goal will be subdued to you quite easily. Such a varied work trains all groups of muscle fibers, due to which strength indicators and strength endurance increase.

    The benefits of exercise

    In addition to developing strength and speed endurance, you are also doing some serious anaerobic work. This leads to gains in muscle mass and strength. The relief also improves, since working in a large repetition range creates a strong pumping effect, without which good filling and vascularity are impossible.

    In addition, endurance training can be guided by the principles of endurance training without setting global athletic goals. No one is stopping you from trying to get faster and stronger if your goal is to lose some weight before the beach season. And it will work great.


    Since this style of training is impossible without maximum and submaximal loads, such techniques are contraindicated for persons suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    Working to capacity raises blood pressure dramatically. For athletes with arterial hypertension and hypertension, this can be dangerous.

    Excessively intense cardio will also not be beneficial, it is better to replace sprint races with leisurely runs. This point must be taken into account if you do not want to harm your health.

    If you are developing strength endurance in exercises such as the barbell squat or deadlift, be sure to follow the correct exercise technique and breathing rate. The consequences can be mass: starting from too strong axial load on the spine, which will inevitably, sooner or later, lead to injury, and ending with increased intraocular pressure, which can also be critical for some athletes.

    Remember how you felt after doing barbell squats with a weight of 75% of the one-time maximum for 15 times. Now imagine how this can affect the health of an unprepared athlete. For this reason, work on the development of strength endurance should be cyclical, after which a period of lighter training must necessarily follow for the complete restoration of all body systems. Without an experienced personal trainer, very few people succeed in properly building the training process in such a way as to achieve the assigned tasks and not harm themselves.

    Best Endurance Exercises

    Strength endurance training

    In order to comprehensively develop the body's strength endurance, you need to build your entire training process around basic exercises, such as:

    • bench press lying and standing;
    • squats;
    • deadlift (classical and sumo);
    • pull-ups on the horizontal bar;
    • various types of push-ups.

    Of course, the work should be intense, and the time spent by the athlete under load should be long. When working with small weights, it can take up to 3 minutes. Rest between sets should be until breathing is fully restored.

    Speed ​​Endurance Exercises

    In addition to the well-known cardio exercises (running, swimming, cycling, jumping rope, etc.), we recommend that you include some of the exercises from this list in your arsenal:

    • rowing in the simulator;
    • rope climbing, work with horizontally hanging ropes;
    • pushing and pulling the sled;
    • jump squats and box jumps;
    • hammer blows on the tire;
    • burpee.

    These exercises combine elements of aerobic and anaerobic activity. By doing them, you will stimulate your body to adapt to the complex load, which is exactly what a CrossFit athlete needs. In addition, these exercises are performed in an explosive manner, they are great to turn on the central nervous system. And without stimulation of the central nervous system, it is much more difficult to show a really decent result in CrossFit.

    Breathing exercises

    Without the correct breathing technique, it is impossible to competently perform any functional set of endurance exercises. But the high tempo of the load often knocks the athlete out of rhythm. He begins to reverse inhalation and exhalation, and in very severe cases, he simply ignores this moment and breathes at random. To prevent this, perform the following exercises (for some, this approach to training may seem frivolous, but it really works):

    • inflate balloons;
    • hold your breath underwater;
    • Do more outdoor cardio workouts.

    This will create mild stimulation for your lungs, making them stronger. The first two endurance exercises can be done at home.

    There are many other factors that affect breathing. The two main ones are smoking and being overweight. With the first, everything is clear, bad habits and sports are incompatible things. Overweight needs to be fought, and - immediately and radically. The more the athlete's own weight, the greater the load on the heart, lungs, joints and ligaments. Many obese people note that sports after losing excess weight are much easier and more productive, and the breathing rhythm during training is normalized, there is no trace of shortness of breath.

    How to improve performance correctly?

    The answer is simple: take your time on the way to your cherished goal. Progress consists of three main principles: constant progression of loads, regular training and competent recovery.

    For example, when working on strength endurance, we in no way force events. Working with an average weight, add 2-3 repetitions to each set on each subsequent workout. For heavy weights, add one repetition at a time. After you complete the entire cycle, the results will increase in both strength and endurance.

    We work on the same principle with speed endurance. Our best friends in this matter: timer and sports apps for smartphones. The timer is needed to keep track of the training time and gradually increase it. The functionality of applications can also be useful to us. There you can find out the time under load, the distance that the athlete ran (swam, drove, etc.), the average speed. A fitness bracelet or heart rate monitor will not be superfluous. This will help you know that you are keeping your heart rate within normal limits and not overdoing it.

    Crossfit complexes

    In fact, CrossFit is a discipline, the whole point of which is just about strength and speed endurance. By doing CrossFit, you improve them. By improving them separately, not within the framework of functional complexes, you increase your potential in CrossFit.

    The complexes given below are of both aerobic and anaerobic nature. By doing them, you become stronger and more enduring. See for yourself.

    Masters Final 11 Run 500 meters of rowing, 500 meters of cycling, 15 box jump burpees, and a 110 meter shoulder sand run. It needs to be done as quickly as possible.
    McKinnon Run a 2.5 km run, a 5 km rowing run, a 7.5 km stationary bike, and another 2.5 km run. It must be done as quickly as possible.
    Pedal to the metal Perform 12, use 24 calories on a rowing machine, 16 calories on a stationary bike, then do 8. The task is to complete the maximum number of rounds in 7 minutes.
    Regional Individual Event 6-16 Pedal 1km on a stationary bike, 30m arm walk, 10, 500m rowing machine, 50 box jumps, and 5 overhead squats. The task is to complete the maximum number of rounds in 20 minutes.

    Training program for a month

    In 1 month, you can manage to develop your anaerobic endurance well. With strength endurance, things are a little more complicated, it will take longer.

    To achieve a truly athletic and functionally prepared body, you need to develop in all respects. Therefore, in this program, we combine classic cardio workouts with more narrow-profile movements aimed at developing endurance.

    The program is designed for 30 days, workouts take place every other day, there will be 30 workouts in total.

    Workout number Exercises
    1 Running - 3 km
    - 4x60 seconds
    Jumping rope - 3x120 seconds
    Running - 3 km
    8 Rowing in the simulator - 5x500 meters
    Jumping rope - 3x60 seconds
    Pull-ups - 3x15
    9 Running - 7 km
    - 5x20 for each leg
    10 Hammer blows on the tire - 5x20 with each hand
    Plank - 2x90 seconds
    Jumping rope - 4x60 seconds
    11 Rowing in the simulator - 3x750 meters
    Jump Squat - 4x2
    Pull-ups - 2x20
    12 Running - 7.5 km
    Burpee - 3x20
    13 Pull-ups - 5x20
    - 3x12
    Working with horizontal ropes - 3x45 seconds
    Hammer blows on the tire - 3x25 with each hand
    14 Exercise bike or bike - 15 km
    Burpee - 8x15
    15 Running - 10 km

Endurance is the body's ability to resist fatigue during physical activity. It is measured by the time during which the muscles can perform a particular task. People who have developed endurance achieve great success in sports and feel much better in everyday life. Therefore, this topic is important not only for professional athletes, but also for those people who always want to be healthy, energetic and young.


Before you figure it out, you need to find out what it is. Mainly, the body's resistance to stress is divided into two types:

1. General, or as it is also called - aerobic. It is expressed in the body's ability to perform work of medium intensity for a long time.

2. The second type is called special (specific) endurance. It characterizes the ability of the human body to perform a specific type of work in a particular sport, with a given intensity, for a long time.

The second type is further subdivided into three subspecies:

  • Expressway. It is expressed by the time interval for which a person can perform certain actions with the proper level of pace and speed.
  • Coordination. We are talking about the body's resistance to physical activity, which is accompanied by the implementation of various technical and tactical actions.
  • Power. This type reflects the body's ability to withstand physical activity without losing its effectiveness.

How to develop endurance: methods

To develop aerobic endurance, you need to engage in cyclic exercise. Moreover, all muscle groups should be involved in the work to some extent. This is where physical activities like walking, swimming, cycling, skiing and even simple chopping wood come to the rescue. For the development of specific types of stamina, as a rule, competitive exercises are needed. So, let's look at the main methods that are used to solve this issue:

1. Method of uniform character. The method involves continuous work with a constant speed, rhythm and amplitude.

2. Variable method. Here there is a sequential change in load, speed, or amplitude.

3. The method of repetitions. In this case, the exercise is performed very quickly (up to 20 seconds), followed by rest and load again.

4. The circular method. The same as the last point, only in each new approach a new exercise is done.

5. Endurance develops in the course of a kind of game. Emotion control is also practiced with her.

6. Competitive method. It implies the performance of certain exercises in the form of competitions.

Development of general resilience

It's time to figure out how to develop endurance. It will be about general indefatigability, since it concerns absolutely everyone, in contrast to the specific one. In addition, for the development of specific endurance, different exercises are needed in each sport. And sometimes such activities force a person to sacrifice their health for the sake of achieving a result.


Endurance exercises are cyclical. They take a long time (up to 20 minutes), in a measured mode.

So, among the best exercises for strengthening the body are the following:

1. Slow but long cross. Its duration can be up to two hours.

2. Fast running for shorter distances.

3. Alternating walking and running for several hours.

4. Slow but prolonged swimming.

5. Playing soccer or basketball.

6. Cross-country skiing at a distance of up to 15 km.

7. Jumping rope in series. A series can last up to a minute, and rest between series can last 2-3 minutes.

8. at a measured pace for long distances.

9. Cycling at a fast pace for short distances.

As you can see, the sports that develop endurance are quite diverse. Therefore, everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. Excuses here will definitely be inappropriate. Moreover, sports that develop endurance are absolutely accessible to everyone.

Exercise rules

1. Gradual increase in load. In the process of exercising, the body gradually adapts to heavy loads.

2. Consistency. Only if exercise is done systematically will it benefit the body. It is necessary to strictly follow the procedure and increase the load at each new stage. Do not forget about the rest as well.

3. Measurement. Do not forget that only a reasonable approach will protect the heart and blood vessels from overwork and will give the desired result.


As you know, athletes and ordinary people are significantly different. When a person trains endurance, his body depletes its energy reserves. To restore them, you need to consume mainly carbohydrates and fats. It is carbohydrates that are the best "fuel" for the athlete's body.

Carbohydrates. Their dose depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The minimum daily allowance is 4 grams per kilogram of body. However, with intense training, this figure rises to 9 grams. It is undesirable to consume carbohydrates in excess, because this will lead to the appearance of fat. By actively developing endurance, you need to gradually increase your carbohydrate intake and control your body weight. Foods high in carbohydrates include oats, buckwheat, rice, legumes, fruits and vegetables.

Proteins. When developing endurance, it is imperative to consume 1.4 g per 1 kg of body. With prolonged and intense training, it rises to 1.8 g. A lot of protein is found in chicken eggs, fish, venison, poultry and lean red meat.

Fats. The development of endurance is facilitated by the use of fatty acids, so fats must be included in the diet. The amount of fat consumed should be 15-20 percent of the total energy burned. It is worth paying attention to foods such as olive and flaxseed oil, nuts and sea fish.

Don't forget about water as well. Water is essential for any person. It can be consumed both between workouts and during.

An important addition to the measures for the development of endurance is the intake of Mildronate, a drug that optimizes intracellular metabolic processes, stimulates nutrition and the functioning of cells in conditions of a lack of oxygen. This not only significantly speeds up the process of adaptation of the body to increased loads, but also protects the membranes of myocardial cells from damage by products of incomplete metabolism, which inevitably appear due to hypoxia. The drug is taken according to the instructions and can greatly facilitate the process of developing endurance.


Our body is capable of many things and the best way to make sure of this is to develop resistance to stress. A person who has developed strength, dexterity, endurance and coordination is less sick, is always in good shape and in a good mood, because, as you know: "A healthy mind is in a healthy body." Such a useful property of sport as the development of tirelessness is much more important than a pumped-up body or medals hanging on the wall, because it implies the health of the cardiovascular system. So we figured out how to develop endurance, and what it is in general.

The spetsnaz attack technique offers an excellent opportunity to develop speed, strength and endurance. There is a wide variety of exercises and they are all classified into the following types:

Consists of a set of rhythmic, typically military, so-called ceremonial exercises, the task of which is to form an "army bearing". Some consider it an unnatural state of the body, while others, on the contrary, walk proudly, lifting their shoulders and protruding their chest, often experiencing some discomfort. To understand who is right and who is not, one should recall the old proverb: "How you look, so you feel."


There are few such exercises. They are done very quickly, with a certain amount of sporting anger. An example would be a short quick hit or a dash. At the moment of doing anaerobic exercise, energy and strength are generated in the muscles without using oxygen in the blood. Therefore, this type of exercise does not depend on the regulation of your breathing or the number of blood vessels in your muscles. Anaerobic exercise is very ineffective because, unlike aerobic exercise, it produces only 10% of the available energy. Of all the standard athletics exercises, only the 100 m race does not use oxygen in the blood. The meaning of the 100-meter race is to get a person to be able to run quickly over short distances. Some doctors believe that anaerobic breathing developed in ancient man due to the fact that he often had to escape from predators, making a lightning-fast sprint dash.


Such exercises are a clear majority, and they all require an increase in the work of the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise (rowing, cycling and swimming, 800m and 1,500m races and, of course, marathon) requires endurance and full dedication. Aerobic exercise helps develop and strengthen the heart and lungs, thus improving overall fitness.


This type of training is designed for prolonged and repeated performance of exercises aimed at increasing strength and speed without using weights. Periods of intense exercise are alternated with short pauses, allowing you to train longer for maximum performance. During a short pause, the so-called recovery period, substances on which a person's fatigue depends, such as lactic acid, are released from the muscles, energy-rich substances are restored, and the tissues are saturated with oxygen contained in the blood.


It is the same as timed workout, with the difference that it includes machine exercises and weight lifting exercises. The goal of this workout is to get all muscle groups to work by doing as many exercises as possible, but before moving on to the next, do as many repetitions of the same exercise in a given period of time.


Its task is to increase strength and, as a result, performance. It develops the muscles that cover the most vulnerable parts of the body, such as the rectus abdominis, which protects the solar plexus from shock.


For the development of general endurance, the best exercises are those in which large muscle groups are involved and in which rhythmic and repetitive actions take place. Therefore, excellent methods are such well-known and traditional exercises as regular long-distance running (it is advisable to run 2-3 times a week, in time - from half an hour to an hour); swimming - long swims, at least 15-30 minutes; cross-country skiing; cycling or exercise on a stationary bike; jumping with a rolling pin, various sports games (such as football). As the endurance of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems increases, training should become more intense. It must be remembered that if regular training is stopped, the body's endurance decreases after a few weeks.

In addition, there are mixed exercises that develop general and special endurance. So, in the process of cross, you can and should accelerate, run in a ragged rhythm. Weigh yourself with all sorts of objects - from special weights on the legs and belt to a backpack with a load.

Intermittent training is when intense exercise is followed by periods of active rest, breathing exercises, and stretching exercises. For example, for 1 minute (with an increase in endurance for 3-6 minutes) you intensively work with a punching bag (another projectile for practicing percussion technique), then you do stretching for 3 minutes, or exercises to develop movement skills. And so several approaches. This workout develops both aerobic and anaerobic body endurance.

Another similar exercise is to run 100 meters at maximum speed, return by jogging, brisk pace and again accelerate, so several times in a row. You practice punches (legs) for three minutes, a minute for stretching, and so on for several approaches. Three-minute sparring with a partner, a minute to recover, and so on for several rounds.

Sparring with a tree: jog in the forest, when approaching a low hanging branch or just a selected tree, 30 seconds - you make quick attacking movements for a minute, run again and so on as many times as you wish.

Stair Run: Run up the stairs at high speed, then walk or jog back. And so several times. A similar training can be done on a hill, in the mountains.

Running in place: Run for a minute at maximum speed, raising your knees as high as possible. Then breathing exercises, stretching. Take multiple sets.

"Circular" training - consistent performance of exercises for the development of strength, endurance development. For example: do push-ups 30-50 times, then squat 50-100 times, push-ups again (you can change the type of push-ups, the first time is standard - on the palms, the second on the fists, the third on the toes, the fourth on a hill, etc.), jump with a rolling pin for 3 minutes, do push-ups, squats, work with a pear (makiwara), and so you can do it until you are completely exhausted. A similar workout can be done at home, in the gym on simulators, on the street, alone or in a group. Naturally, you need the intensity, the number of exercises, the time to increase as you are ready.

Usually, endurance is understood as the ability to work without fatigue and to resist fatigue that occurs in the process of performing work.

Distinguish between general and special endurance. General endurance is understood as the body's ability to perform long-term work with high efficiency of moderate intensity. Special endurance is the ability to endure long-term stresses characteristic of a particular type of activity.

A variety of training methods are used to develop endurance, which are divided into continuous and interval training methods. Each of the methods has its own characteristics and is used to improve certain components of endurance, depending on the parameters of the exercises used. By varying the type of exercises, their duration and intensity, the number of repetitions of the exercise, as well as the duration and nature of rest, it is possible to change the physiological orientation of the work performed.

The uniform continuous method consists in a single uniform performance of exercises of low and moderate power with a duration of 15 - 30 minutes. and up to 1 - 3 hours. This method develops aerobic capacity.

The variable continuous method is characterized by periodic changes in the intensity of the continuously performed work. At the same time, the body works in a mixed aerobic-anaerobic regime.

The variable continuous method is designed to develop both special and general endurance. It allows you to develop aerobic capabilities, the body's ability to endure hypoxic conditions that periodically arise during the performance of accelerations and are eliminated with a subsequent decrease in the intensity of the exercise, teaches those involved to "endure", fostering volitional qualities.

The interval training method consists in the dosed repetition of exercises of a relatively short duration (up to 2 minutes) at strictly defined intervals of rest. This method is usually used to develop specific endurance for a specific job. This method can develop both anaerobic and aerobic components of endurance.

Starting work on the development of endurance, it is necessary to adhere to a certain sequence of training construction. At the initial stage, it is necessary to focus on the development of aerobic capabilities, improving the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, i.e. development of general endurance. At the second stage, it is necessary to increase the volume of loads in a mixed aerobic-anaerobic regime. At the third stage, it is necessary to increase the volume of loads through the use of more intense exercises, performed by the methods of interval and repeated work in mixed aerobic-anaerobic and anaerobic modes, and a selective effect on individual components of special endurance.

For development overall endurance the simplest and most affordable is jogging. When starting a running workout, the following rules should be remembered and followed:

Warm up thoroughly before exercising;

Thick socks made from a mixture of wool and cotton should be worn on your feet;

You should run at least 3 times a week and at least 20 minutes;

You should not increase your running speed even when you see other runners or pretty girls :))

The muscles of the arch of the feet should be constantly strengthened to avoid the development of flat feet;

The greatest training effect is achieved when the running time approaches 1 hour;

The pulse rate (HR) should be monitored - it should not be greater than 180 blows per minute minus your age.

For development special endurance most often used "shadow boxing" and exercises on shells: performance of 5 - 6 series of 20 - 30 seconds. intensive work in alternation with work of low intensity for 1 - 3 minutes. With an increase in fitness, the duration of recovery work can be reduced by the end of the series. After such a series, a rest of up to 10 minutes is required, during which breathing exercises and exercises for relaxation and flexibility are performed.

You can use jumping exercises (for example, jumping rope): 10 - 15 sec. repeat intensive work 5 - 6 times in 1.5 - 2 minutes. work of low intensity.

(When writing this section, materials from the book were used: Zakharov E.N. et al. Encyclopedia of Physical Training.-M.: Leptos, 1994.)

In simple terms, endurance is the ability of a person to perform any kind of work that requires increased energy consumption for a long period of time. Endurance is of two types: emotional and physical. The first allows a person to quite calmly, calmly and calmly endure heavy exhausting emotional conditions, the physical one helps the body spend less energy, performing certain actions, and quickly regenerate its reserves.

It would not be wrong to say that these two types of endurance are closely related and, developing one of them, the other involuntarily evolves. This article will tell you what exactly is physical endurance and how to train it in order to become stronger, hardened, resilient and enduring.

Trained organism

Endurance will not come to you from nowhere, it must be developed through long, exhausting and systematic training. What is the difference between a trained hardy human body and an untrained one?

The organism of the former undergoes profound physiological changes. Even the appearance and nature of movements can distinguish a hardy person from a weak and unstable person to physical exertion. A trained person always looks fit, dignified, possesses well-developed muscles, he is characterized by accuracy, speed and confidence of movements. And that's just outside!

However, most of all, the changes taking place inside the body are evident and amazing - the muscle tissues and internal organs of a person change their appearance, composition, structure and properties. Such changes affect almost all organs and systems of the human body.

  • By changing the chemical composition and physical properties, the quality, characteristics and condition of the human muscular system are significantly increased. Muscles begin to increase in volume, become more elastic and elastic. You can observe serious changes in the central nervous system, which responds and regulates all human activity without exception.
  • Under the influence of such changes, all human movements acquire an accurate, strictly coordinated and maximally economical character. A person develops in himself the ability to use alternate muscle tension and relaxation, as well as to fully synchronize all organs during maximum loads.
  • As a consequence, any organ under extreme stress has an increased ability to work. The composition of the blood partially changes, the number of erythrocytes and the level of hemoglobin increase in it, which contributes to an increase in the amount of oxygen transported by the blood, strengthening of the respiratory muscles, and an increase in lung volume. Enlarged and trained heart muscles achieve the ability to sustained increased contractions.

The facts listed above indicate that all the changes that occur in the body under the influence of training contribute to the maximum mobilization of the potential capabilities of the human body.

Endurance is able to preserve not only health, but in some cases even human life. The endurance of an athlete contributes to his stable and steady state during training or competition, the endurance of an "ordinary" person gives him the opportunity to feel comfortable in any extreme suddenly arisen situations, the endurance of a warrior will definitely help him in the successful performance of complex combat missions, will allow him to perform any work, requiring significant physical exertion.

Heart training and endurance development

How to increase endurance?

First of all, in this article, it is necessary to pay attention and dwell on increasing the level of physical endurance just for an ordinary person, not an athlete, not a soldier - an average citizen. So what does it take to do this?

  1. Stick to a specific, measured daily routine. Typically, many endurance problems are predetermined by internal overvoltage. Try to set aside at least 8 hours of sleep;
  2. To begin with, introduce morning exercises into your daily routine, a warm-up, after which it will not be superfluous to jog for about a kilometer. can be replaced with a 2-3-kilometer cross, which will contribute not only to a quick awakening, but also quickly fill your lungs with oxygen. After a short period of time, your stamina will increase exponentially;
  3. Set aside time for long-distance cross-country skiing once a week. Start with a distance of 3 kilometers, then gradually increase your mileage and running speed. Such training should be planned, say, on a weekend, so that you have enough time for a full recovery of the body. Gradually, the body will adapt to such loads, which, naturally, will lead to an increase in the level of endurance;
  4. Endurance depends directly on the factor of fatigue, and in order for it to come as late as possible, you need to have a well-developed cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Therefore, one should engage in special breathing exercises and practices. There are tons of yoga exercises that will be a great addition to your sports or physical activity and exercise;
  5. Be sure to pay attention to your daily diet, this is one of the most important factors. Otherwise, improper nutrition will cause a decrease in stamina, you will not only be unable to progress in this area, but will simply stagnate if you do not worsen its level. Fruits, nuts, vegetables, grains and an abundance of fermented milk products - eat as much fiber as possible. All these products are quickly and well absorbed, so they will definitely have a very positive effect on the body. In addition, do not ignore the various vitamin complexes;
  6. When training endurance, the main thing is that you get satisfaction and enjoyment from this process. Scientists have proven that if you perform all the exercises in a good mood and with a smile on your face, their effectiveness and efficiency will be many times higher.

Basic principles of endurance training

When training physical endurance, it is imperative to adhere to some rules and patterns, thanks to which you can achieve the desired result correctly, measuredly and without harm to your own health.

  • It is imperative to stretch and warm up the muscles of the whole body immediately before not only a planned workout, but also any physical activity. This will prepare and adjust them for such loads, improving blood circulation in them. Intense blood flow in the body is an exceptional indicator of endurance. It removes decay products from the body, lactic acid, in particular, which causes a feeling of fatigue;
  • Try to exercise more often and constantly change the type of exercise, as well as the ways and options for doing them. This will contribute to the even development of all parts of the body and muscle groups, preventing the body from getting used to a particular exercise, which will contribute to an increase in speed and clarity. Also, an important aspect during training is the regularity and consistency in the training process;
  • Workouts should be continuous, in addition, if you are performing a variety of exercises, you should not take long breaks between them - as soon as you have completed one, you immediately need to start doing another. This will increase the overall degree of endurance, while allowing the muscles involved in the previous activity to rest and relax a little;
  • Do not shy away from aerobic exercise, bicycling and walking will greatly improve your endurance. Plus, the work of the heart will improve, the lungs will be cleansed, breathing will be evened out. All this in the future will allow you to rise to a new level of endurance development, and as a result you will be able to perform exercises of increased complexity, and your body will receive much less stress;
  • The number of repetitions and approaches should be gradually increased. Whichever type of exercise you choose, as you can do it more and more easily, increase the pace, intensity and number of repetitions. Little by little, but confidently move towards your goal, expanding your capabilities;
  • Avoid high-calorie foods that can provide the body with energy for only a short period of time, in particular, put a taboo on candy, cookies, soda, sweet tea, white bread and chips;
  • Gradually reduce the weight by increasing the number of repetitions during strength training, which will lead to increased endurance. The fact is that the more weight you take, the larger the muscles become, but given their size and the energy required to contract them, the development of endurance leaves much to be desired.

Full body workout. Testosterone. Endurance.

Endurance training period

Endurance training consists of these three stages: preparatory, basic and special.

First stage implies the study of the technique of exercises, with the help of which endurance education will be carried out. It is necessary to learn how to correctly perform this or that exercise in order to obtain maximum results. Also, at the same time, you need to plan your workouts, draw up a training schedule, their duration and the process itself.

The purpose of the main stage of the training- development and production of general physical endurance. The main task is to strengthen the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, muscles and ligaments. All this is needed to raise overall performance, develop strength, reaction speed and dexterity.

Second stage... The foundation for training endurance must be morning exercises. For the most part, exercise can be a stereotypical free movement. Exercises should not be performed at a very fast pace, give up the maximum range of movements, volitional tension and a large number of repetitions. Charging should take about 10-15 minutes.

However, if desired, morning exercises can turn into a great way to train endurance if:

  • - all the time allotted for exercise, saturate with exercises to the maximum, based on the expectation that at least 90% of the time will be occupied by a variety of intense movements with the least amount of time for rest;
  • - For the first couple of weeks, exercise should be done at a slow pace, increasing it with each exercise. After a few months, classes should be held at a fast, frisky pace, with maximum calculation and impact. Charging should be carried out daily, every two days, the cross should be included in it.

Whichever type and method of training you choose, over time, in the process of performing the exercises, it is necessary to constantly increase their density, try to shorten the intervals for rest, gradually and gradually increase the repetition and speed of individual exercises.

To the third stage workouts can be continued only after you get positive results at the main stage. The criterion by which it is possible to determine the high quality of acquired endurance can be a control cross for 3 kilometers in combination with strength exercises on a horizontal bar or uneven bars.

A special stage contributes to the solution of already specific specific tasks that you set for yourself. It is dominated by prolonged physical activity, combined with instant and unexpected strength and speed exercises, which will contribute to the education of contrast endurance.

When you see that you have become much more enduring and tireless, you can start training not only during the day, but also combine them with night trainings (training is allowed either very late in the evening, or in the very early morning), which will teach the body to endure round-the-clock loads and tasks.

And remember the most important thing - bad inclement weather - rain, blizzard, wind, cold, heat - in no case can be regarded as a reason for canceling training.

Gather all the will into a fist, and into battle! Good luck!