Reference material "Check reader skills. Control and verification work for II quarter

Reference material "Check reader skills. Control and verification work for II quarter

Checking reading skill loud

Everywhere known

Suvorov since childhood dreamed of becoming a military. However, he was a weak and painful boy. "Well, where are you to be a military! - Laughing at him father. "You and the guns are not raising!". Father's words were upset by Suvorov. He decided to tempt. They come, the winter cold will come, everyone will dress in warm fur coats or do not come out of the house, and the little Sasha will throw a light jacket and spends all day on the street. Spring will come. Only the rivers will open, no one else thinks to swim, and Suvorov is stuck in the student water. He was not afraid now no heat nor cold. The boy walked a lot, learned well to ride. Suvorov Rasp. Sixteen years he entered military service. Seventy years lived Suvorov. Fifty four of them he spent in the army. He began serving a simple soldier. Cumshot of her Feld Mar-Sha-Lombie and Ge-non-Ras-Si-Mu-som. Thirty-five large battles and battles spent Suvorov. In all he was the winner.

(137 words)

(S. Alekseev)

Questions and tasks

1. What did you dream about a little Sasha?

2. How did Alexander hardened?

3. How many battles and battles won Suvorov?

Smart Mama Lark

Once a family of larks of Sweet his nest in the middle of the field. When summer passed, the kids were grown. Wheat also grown.

And once the owner came out in the field, looked at wheat and told his son: "I think it's time to remove bread. Tomorrow I will ask my neighbors to come to help me. "

Little larks heard these words and ran to the mother: "The owner wants to collect a crop tomorrow. We are afraid that he will destroy our nest. Let's fly away from this field today! " "Today we are still out of danger," Mama-Larkov said. - We can stay here for another day. "

The next morning the owner and his son went out in the field. They waited long for a long time, but no neighbor came to help them. Everyone was busy on their fields.

The next day, the owner and his son came out again in the field. The owner looked at wheat and said: "Indeed, it's time to clean it. Now I will ask my brothers and sisters to come to help me. "

Little larks heard these words. They frightened and ran to her mother. "Mum! They shouted. - The owner wants to remove bread tomorrow. He is going to call for the help of his brothers and sisters. "

"Do not be frightened," Mama-Larkov said. - There are still no danger. We can safely stay here another day. "

Indeed, the next day, no brothers nor the sisters have come. They all said that, unfortunately, very busy on their own fields. On the third day, the owner rose early in the morning, went out in the field and began to work alone.

When Mama-Lark saw it, she said: "Now we have to fly away. Because it is done only when a person does himself, and not waiting for him to do others. "


Check reader skills Work with text artistic work

Read the fancy "Smart Mama Lark" Ezopa. Operate tasks. Note the approval corresponding to the content of the text read.

1. How do you understand the expression: Female Flashorkov Skil your nest?


Cut off;

Doodped out.

2. What time of the year the events described in the text occur?

In winter;


In summer;


3. What kind of cerebral the field was sown?




4. Why did small larks offered the mother to fly from the field?

It is time to fly into warm edges;

They were afraid that they would destroy their nest;

It became little food.

5. Why did the neighbors and relatives refused the owner of the field in help?

Were busy on their own fields;

Were offended by the owner of the field;

They counted that the crop was not yet ripe.

6. Think what expression is better than others help to understand main thought Text?

The case is done only when a person does it himself, and not waiting for others to do it.

Whoever gets up late, the bread lacks.

Winter will ask what is suitable in autumn.

7. Restore the deformed text plan.

The beginning of harvesting is time to fly.

The house in the middle of the snowy field.

Little larks warn mom about danger.

Mama Lark is not in a hurry to fly away.

8. Write one or two surnames of domestic basinists.

Purpose: check reader skills to work with the text of the artistic work

Block number 1.

Texts with questions to determine the level of knowledge of the content of the product and the pace of reading.

Text number 1.

Protein and wolf

Squirrel jumped from branches on a branch and fell straight on a sleepy wolf. The wolf jumped up and wanted to eat it. Protein began to ask:

- Let me in.

Wolf said:

- Well, I will let you down, just tell me, why are you, proteins, so cheerful. I am always bored, but you look at you, you are still playing and jumping there.

Squirrel said:

- Let me first on the tree, and from there I will tell you, otherwise I am afraid of you.

The wolf was allowed, and the squirrel went to the tree and said from there:

"You're bored that you are angry." You burn anger of anger. And we are merry because we do not do good and no one.

(L.N. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

1. Which beast has fallen protein?

2. What did you want to make a wolf with her?

3. Why are the proteins of cheerful?

Text number 2.


It was tired of wandering around the forest and wanted to rest. Half to the glade and asked the hare:

- Wake me up in half an hour!

The hare was driving: after all, the elk himself asked him.

- Sleep! Wake up! - he promised.

Elk stretched and closed his eyes.

- Maybe you have a hay to raise? - suggested the hare.

I dragged a haystack and let him sleep under the side.

- No, thanks! - Thought through the dream.

- Maybe you have a drink before going to sleep? I'll run a blow!

- No, no, no need ... I want to sleep ...

- Sleep! Want, I'll tell you a fairy tale on your ear?

Jumped up on his feet and, yawning, stray away.

- Where are you? - surprised hare. - After all, it has not passed twenty minutes!

(S. Mikhalkov)

Questions and tasks

1. What Elk asked the hare?

2. How did the hare wanted to help the elm?

3. Why did the elk spent, yawning, away?

Text number 3.

Old dog.

There was a faithful friend - dog. Years passed. Pins aged, began to see badly. Once on a clear summer day, he did not recognize his master. He ran out of his booth, lay like someone else. The owner was surprised. Asked:

- So you no longer know me?

The dog wilted the tail. He gently bored. He wanted to say:

- Forgive me that I did not recognize you.

A few days later, a man brought a little puppy and said to a puppy:

- Live here.

Old dog asked a man:

- Why do you need another dog?

"So that you are not boring to you," said the man and gently swept the old dog on his back.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Questions and tasks

1. Why faithful friend - the dog lay on the owner, as in someone else?

2. How does a person take to this?

3. What did you like in this work?

Text number 4.

Fox and goats

(Russian folk fairytale)

Falshal fled, the crow came on - and got into the well. Water in the well was a bit: it is impossible to drown, and even jump out too. Fox sits, flashes.

Goat goes - smart person; Walking, the borodic shakes, the face winds; He looked from nothing to do in the well, saw a fox there and asked:

- What are you there, Lynony, do you like?

"Rest, darling," Lisa replies, "there is hot, so I climbed here." How cool it is cool here! Water colder - how much do you want.

And I want to drink a goat for a long time.

- Is it good? - asks the goat.

- Excellent! - Lisa is responsible. - Clean, cold! Jump here, if you want; Here both our place will be.

Jumped a truncot, a little foxes did not crush, she him:

- Eh, bearded fool! And it did not manage to jump - all sprayed.

Jumped fox goat on his back, from the back on the horns, sama from the well.

Slightly did not disappear the goat with hunger in the well; Nasil, he was found and pulled out for the horns.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did Lisa hit the well?

2. For what purpose did she lure a goat to himself?

3. How can I find this fairy tale as different way?

Text number 5.

Golden Key or Adventure Buratino


The dolls on the stage played a merry comedy. Pinocchio was terribly laughed. Suddenly, the dolls saw him and shouted: "Look, this is a real alive Pinocchio! Merry Pinocchio, go to us!"
Pinocchio jumped onto the scene. The dolls began to hugging him, kiss, pinch, brake.
Then because of the scene he dried out scary manthat it was possible to get rid of fear.
It was Karabas Barabas ...

(A. Tolstoy)

Questions and tasks

1. Remember how Pinocchio was in the theater?

2. Who was the owner of this theater?

3. How did the whole puppet people met the cheerful Pinocchio?

4. How do you understand the words "get into the fear"?

5. What happened then?

Text number 6.

Morning rays

Floored the red sun and began to scatter his golden rays - to wake the earth.
The first beam flew and got on the lark. Lark soldered his silver song.
The second beam hit the bunny. Bunny cheerfully jumped in a rowed meadow.
The third beam hit the chicken coop. Rooster Put: "Ku-ku-re-ku!"
The fourth beam hit the hive. Flying the bee to collect a naked with fragrant flowers.
The fifth beam hit the nursery, to the bed to a lazy man: cuts him straight into his eyes, and he turned on the other side and fell asleep again.

(By K. Ushinsky)

2. Remember where the first, second, third, fourth and fifth rays fell? Watch not mistaken.

3. What ray was the hardest job?

Text number 7.

Lived in the light of elephant


He lived in the light of the elephant.
It was very good elephant. Only now the trouble: he did not know what he did, who to be. So everything was sitting off the elephant at the window, nozzles and thought, thought ...
Once it rained on the street.
- U-y! - said the grooved fox, seeing in the window of the elephant. - Through what! Yes, with such ears, he may well be an umbrella!
Elephant was delighted and became a "big umbrella." And lisate, and they mean, and hedgehog - everyone hid under his big ears from the rain...


Tasks and question

1. Imagine that a small kid sits in front of you. Remaining this text for it.

2. Find and emphasize the text of the heroes of the work. Who else could tell the elephant about his new profession? Be careful, not mistaken!

3. Invent the ending fairy tale so that the elephant can be proud of his profession

Block number 2.

Work on the texts containing test tasks.

How to perform test tasks.

(Instructions for students)

    Carefully read the whole text.

    View all test tasks.

    Perform test tasks sequentially.

    When you perform the task, you can make a pencil to make a note in the text, use drafts.

    As a rule, only one right answer

Text 1.

Lowering birds, over all sorts of colors - and umbrella, and cruciferous, and the most invisible, as say, the plantain, - flew darous bumblebees, bees and dragonflies. Bumblebees did not pay attention to Petya, and the dragonflies stopped in the air and, shooting the wings, considered it by convex glazes, as if they were thinking: to hit him in the forehead from all the raid, to get hurt from the shore or not to contact so little? And in the water was also good. You look at it from the shore - and so it is waved to dive and look: what's there, in deep depth, where the algae swing? And everything is molding that she crawls along the bottom of Cancer with Babkino trough, crushes popped up, and the fish height from it, wave by tails. Gradually and animals and birds are accustomed to the pave and, it happened, listened in the morning: when will his horn fall behind the bushes? At first they were accustomed to Pet, and then loved him for not bored: he did not knock down the nests sticks, did not touch the dragonfly behind the paws, did not throw the stones in the beavers and did not make the fish by hard lime. The trees quietly noise to meet themselves - remembered that it never bent, like other boys, thin onts to the very earth to admire how they, straightening, shivered for a long time from pain and rustle - complain of leaves.

Test after reading text

1. Who flew "lower birds" over all sorts of colors?

a) bumblebees, bees and dragonflies

b) mosquitoes yes midge

in) ladybugs

2. Who considered Petya convex glazes?

a) ladybugs

b) dragonflies

3. What do you feel might at the bottom of the river?

a) what the cancer crawls

b) that the snake crawls

c) treasure

4. For what loved animals and birds Petya?

a) for sings

b) for the fact that he is a hooligan

c) for not biting

5. What calmly noishes toward the pave?

c) trees

Text 2.

We brought a drawer from the barn, poured him to the top of the earth and transplanted a little birches into it. The box was put in the bright and warm room at the window, and a day later, the lowered barks were risen, and she had fun, and even her leaves were noisy when the end-to-end wind was drunk in the room and slapped the door in the hearts. In the garden settled autumn, but our birch leaves remained green and alive. Saved Dark Purple Cleano, Porozoval Oven, pushed wild grapes on the gazebo. Even in some places in the Birch in the garden, yellow strands appeared as the first sidino in another unfortunate person. But Birch in the room seemed to all the youth. We did not notice any signs of wilting. Somehow the first frost came at night. He put on a cold on a glass in the house, and they fucked, sprinkled with grainy hoarse roofs, shook under his feet. One stars seemed to be delighted with the first frost and glittered much brighter than in warm summer nights. On this night I woke up from the long and pleasant sound - the pastry horn sang in the dark. Outside the windows barely noticeably bluer dawn

Test after reading

1. What did you bring from the barn?

B) Chest

2. In which room was put a little birches?

A) in Chulana

B) in the bright room itself

C) in the kitchen

3. After how many days did the desired branches rose?

A) in two days

B) after 7 days

C) every other day

4. From what awake the main character in frosty night?

A) from severe cold

B) OT bright light

C) from the sound of a shepherd horn

5. What sparkled brighter in a frosty night than in warm summer night?

A) dew on foliage

B) stars

C) roof houses

Text 3.

Sometimes at night, waking up, Tchaikovsky heard, how, crackling, it saves one, then another flooring, as if remembering his daily music and snatching his beloved note from her. It also reminded the orchestra before the overture, when the orchestrants set up the tools. Then, then there is in the attic, then in a small hall, then in a glazed hallway - someone touched the string. Tchaikovsky through the sleep pulled the melody, but, waking up in the morning, forgot it. He strained memory and sighed. What a pity that the night running of a wooden house can not be played now! To lose the uncomplicated song of a drying tree, window windows with a cramped smear, wind tagged on the roof. Listening to the night sounds, he often thought that she was going on, and nothing was really done. Everything written is only a dangerous tribute to their people, friends, favorite poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. But I have never managed to convey that easy delight that arises from the spectacle of the rainbow, from Auchania of peasant girls in more often, from the most simple phenomena surrounding life. The simpler was that he saw, the harder it was on the music. How to convey at least yesterday's case when he was hiding from the pouring rain in the hut at the Tikhon's charmer.

Test after reading

1. What did Tchaikovsky hear, waking up at night?

A) how, crackling, it saves one, then another floorboard

B) how, crackling, saves one, then another bird

C) how, crackling, goes away then, then another tit

2. What did Tchaikovsky think of listening to night sounds?

A) that the whole life is ahead

B) what life passes, and nothing else is really done

C) what really wants to sleep

3. Who is a favorite Poet Tchaikovsky?

B) Pushkin

C) Lermontov

4. Whose hut was hidden from Tchaikovsky's torrential rain?

A) peasant girl

B) in his

C) Tikhon's charmer

5. What, waking up in the morning, forgot Tchaikovsky?

A) your life

B) melody

C) your dream

Text 4.

Two owls were settled in the voupel of the root tree among the deaf forest - Gray Neasy. Early in the spring of dancing - the female demolished straight on the drowling bottom of the hollow of four round white eggs. Owls flew out of the hollow at night when all other birds sleep. Therefore, no one in the forest knew where these terrible night robbers live. Tiny cutters with fire-bearing caps on the head did not know this. They looked for a quiet place for their nest for a long time. In the end, they chose high spruce just next to the corona tree, where owls were hiding. At the beginning of summer, when the counted ones hatched, the Rabbles also staged a nest. Highly above the earth, at the tip of the branch, they deftly splured flexible needles of needles. The foreshadow seemed to bottom that small sprigs were confused on a wide fir paw. They never occurred to them that in this ball there was a cozy round nest from moss, grass stalks and a strong horse-hairy. From above, the kolki was removed the nest with a spruce lichen, in the walls fell thin clasons, and inside were laid by tricks; The female postponed eight pink with brown urbanks, a magnitude with a pea. There were no two weeks, as in the nest, naked babies were enraged.

Test after reading

1. Where did the owls settled?

A) in the nest

B) in the vapor of the root tree

2. How many eggs demolished to bother?

At four

3. When departed owls from the hollow?

4. What tree were chosen for your nest kolki?

A) high fir

B) old oak

C) smokery bush

5. What are the cuts of the nest from the inside?

A) horse hair

B) spruce lichen

C) Pyzhshkami

Text 5.

I was driving with a hunt in the evening alone on running trembles. There was still a wool eight to home; My kind lynist mare cheerfully fled on a dusty road, occasionally pouring and stitching ears; The tired dog, as if attached, did not lag behind the hollows. Thunderstorm has come. Ahead of the huge lilapid cloud was slowly raised due to the forest; I need me to meet long gray clouds rushed to meet; Rakites worked anxiously and povered. Fine fever suddenly replaced with a wet cold; Shadows quickly left. I hit the horsepie scene, went down to the ravine, moved through a dry stream, all overgrown with slotes, rose to the mountain and drove into the forest. The road came in front of me between dense hairs bushes, already flooded with darkness; I fought forward with difficulty. The yeast jumped on the hardest roots of centenary oaks and linden, indifferently intersecting deep longitudinal rods - traces of television wheels; My horse began to stumble. Strong wind suddenly thugged in the embroidery, the trees of Zablude, the major drops of rain were abruptly stuck, looked around the leaves, flashed lightning, and the thunderstorm broke out.

Test after reading

1. Where did the protagonary hero come from?

A) from guests

B) with hunting

C) from work

2. What cloud slowly rose due to the forest?

B) black

C) Lilova

3. What horse was the main character?

A) kind lyny mare

B) raven stallion

C) purea donkey

4. Who fled after the main hero?

A) Tired dog

B) stallion

IN) grey Wolf

5. What zero dry stream?

A) Cactus

B) Lozinsky

C) mushrooms

Text 6.

Wind and sun

Once the sun and the angry northern wind started a dispute about which of them is stronger. They argued for a long time and finally decided to measure the forces with the traveler, which at that time was riding large road.

"Look," said the wind, "as I fell on him: MiG is a mug of a raincoat."

Said - and began to blow that it was urine. But the more tried the wind, the stronger the traveler was soaked into his cloak: he grumbled in bad weather, but drove farther further.

The wind was angry, raced, snapped the poor traveler with rain and snow; Scroll wind, the traveler put on his cloak in the sleeve and tied to the belt. Here the wind itself was convinced that he could not get along with him.

The sun, seeing the powerlessness of his rival, smiled, looked out because of the clouds, heated, dried up the earth, and at the same time the poor half-frozen traveler.

Feeling the warmth of the sun's rays, he boiled, blessed the sun, he took off his raincoat, turned it and tied to the saddle.

"You see," then the meek sun as an angry wind said, "caressing and kindness can be made much more than anger.

(K. D. Ushinsky)

Read the text "Wind and Sun" K.D. Ushinsky. Operate tasks. Note the approval corresponding to the content of the text read.

1. Determine the characters of the work.

a) sun, wind, traveler;

b) the sun, the wind;

c) sun, wind, horse.

2. Where, in what place the events described in the text occur?

a) on the forest path;

b) in the mountain gorge;

c) on a big road.

3. What did the sun and the wind be reached?

a) who is more needed;

b) which of them is stronger;

c) some of them love more.

4. Pick up the phrase, close in meaning the meaning of the expression that was urine.

and from last forces;

b) struggling;

c) as far as possible.

5. Restore the sequence of the actions of the traveler in response to the efforts of the wind.

b) fighter boiled;

c) put on his cloak in the sleeve;

d) grumbled in bad weather;

e) tied to the belt.

6. Restore the sequence of the Sun actions.

a) looked out;

b) smiled;

c) dried up;

d) heated.

Text 7.


Strongly called grandfather. He saw badly, I heard poorly; His hands and legs were trembling from old age: carries a spoon to mouth and soup breaks.

I did not like this son and the daughter-in-law: they stopped the father with them to plant with them, they crushed him out for the oven and began to feed from the clay cup. Hands up the old man, the cup fell and crashed. The son's son and daughter-in-law were angry with the former, they began to feed her father from an old wooden bowl.

Starikov son had his little son. Sitting once a boy on the floor and folds something out of the chips.

- What are you doing, dyatyko? - asked mother.

"Box," answers the child. - That's how you are with a soot, I will feed you from a wooden box.

Father's father with mother and blushed. Fully since then the old man is hiding behind the oven, feed from a wooden cup.

Subscribe to the furnace grandfather, you will suit you grandchildren.

Relie the old man: you will be old yourself.

(K.D. Ushinsky)

Read the text "Grandfather" K.D. Ushinsky. Operate tasks. Note the approval corresponding to the content of the text read.

1. Determine the characters of the Basni.

A) grandfather, son, daughter-in-law, grandson;

B) old man, daughter-in-law, grandson;

C) Grandfather, Son, grandson.

2. Choose the right, in your opinion, the meaning of the word flush in this text.

A) unnecessary used;

B) weak, weak from old age;

C) bad, bad.

3. Restore with the help of the digit sequence of the description by the author of the gentity of the grandfather.

A) He saw himself;

B) his hands and legs were trembling from old age;

C) I heard poorly.

4. Why the son and daughter-in-law stopped planting her father with them?

A) they did not want to communicate with the Father;

B) father has become inactively eating;

C) Father began to offend them.

5. What are important human qualities Are discussed in the work?

A) love for children;

B) love for the elderly parents;

C) ability to respect old age.

6. Choose from the proverbs that more than others helps to understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bBasni.

A) you like to ride - love and sosochos to carry.

B) Having worse, do not wait for goodness.

C) Treat your parents as you want your children to treat you.

Text 8.


One old man lived, and he had three sons. The brothers often quarreled with each other.

The old man thinks: "As soon as I die, sons will be divided and disperse, and everything will be bad."

It's time to die old man. He called his sons and ordered to bring a broom. The sons filed a broom.

The old man says:

- Punomy broom.

Sons said:

- Is it possible to break a broom?

The old man unleashed the subsidence on the broom, and the bars crumbled.

- Break the rods! - said the old man.

Sons all rods broken.

The old man says:

- So it will be with you the same thing with this broom. If you live together together, no trouble will overcome you. And how to disappear one by one, then everything will disappear.

(L.N. Tolstoy)

1. Determine the characters of the Basni.

A) old man, three sons;

B) old man, one son;

C) old man, two sons.

2. How did the brothers among themselves lived?

A) often quarreled;

B) lived together;

B) all supported each other.

3. What was the concerned their father? Restore the sequence of his thoughts.

A) everything will be bad;

B) everyone is divided;

C) everything will disperse.

4. What value, in your opinion, the author puts into the word HOW?

A) boring;

C) fun.

5. What is the purpose of the old man asked the sons to bring him a broom?

A) on the example of the rods in the broom show the need for mutual support;

B) reversal a broom;

C) Sooting the floor in the hut.

6. Think what two expressions are better than others help to understand the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Basni?

A) who will be told, from that too;

B) where the world and the road do not need a treasure;

C) is uncomfortable - not cargo, and apart - at least throw;

D) Good example Better than a hundred words.

Control I. checking For the 2nd class on literary reading.



Woke up by Jurik in the morning. Looked out the window. The sun is shining. Denek is good. And she wanted to do something good for himself.

Here he is sitting and thinks: "What if my little sister was tone, and I would save her!"

And the sister here is like here:

Go with me, Yura!

Go away, do not bother to think!

The sister was offended, moved away. And Yura thinks:

"That's if the wolves hit the nanny, and I would shoot them!"

And the nanny here is like here:

Take the dishes, Yurochka.

Element myself - no time for me!

Shook her head nanny. And Jura thinks again: "That's if there was a phone to the well, I would pull it out!"

And the phone here is like. Tail wins: "Let me drink, Yura!"

Go away! Do not bother to think! Closed the handpiece, climbed into the bushes.

And Yura went to mom:

What would I do so well?

I stroked my mother Yura on the head:

Put a sister, help nyan dishes to remove, give water to the ancestor. V.A. Oseev

Tasks to the text.

1. Choose the correct answer.

This work-….

a) fairytale

b) story

2. What person is being spent in this work?

3. How many characters in this text?

4. Why did Yura wanted to do something good?

a) There was a good sunny day.

b) wanted to please love

c) wanted to praise

5. What kind of sister asked Yura?

a) help make lessons

b) remove dishes

c) take a walk with her

6. What did you want to make a baby for nanny?

a) Save the nanny when it will sink.

b) Save the nanny from wolves.

c) help Nyan remove in the room.

7. Who gave the advice of Yura about what good can be done?

a) sister

8. Indicate the proverb that determines the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

a) visible falcon by flight, and good well done.

b) For everything takes, but not everything is possible.

c) you like to ride, love and sosochos to carry.

Wasi and forks

The plug was invented later than a spoon. Why? Guess it is not difficult. Soup with a palm will not hurt, and a piece of meat can be grabbed hands. They say that the first with this habit broke up rich. Magnificent lace collars entered the fashion. They prevented tilting their heads. There were hands it was not easy, so the fork appeared.

The plug, like a spoon, was not immediately recognized. First, it's not easy to get rid of habits.

Secondly, it was very necessary to be uncomfortable: only two long teeth on a tiny handle. Meat tormented to jump from the teeth, the handle - slip out of the fingers.

And what are the forks here? Yes, despite the fact that, looking at them, our ancestors thought to the fork. So the similarity between them is not at all random. And external, and in the title.

(From the book "I want to know everything")

Tasks to the text.

a) fairytale

b) story

in) cognitive story

2. What appeared earlier?

3. What prevented the lace collars made into fashion?

a) see a neighbor

b) tilting the head and eat

c) see a variety of dishes

4. What value does the word habit in the text?

a) behavior that has become common

b) Proper behavior.

5. Who invented the plug?

a) scientists

b) our contemporaries

c) our ancestors

6. What is the similarity between the pitchfork and fork?

a) appearance

b) title

c) appearance and name

7. Choose a word from the text that matters "persistently strive to do something"

a) appear

b) Want

c) Storing

8. What do you think I contributed to the creation of a fork?

a) inconvenience and difficulties

b) the desire to become famous

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Check reader skills

Grade 2, 1 half year

Whose treasure is better?

He lived in the light of the prince. Most of all, he loved his treasures in the world and then they considered them. His dignitaries took from him. He had eight them.

One day, the prince decided to arrange a look of treasures. He ordered the dicks to bring the most rare dicks and promised to award the owner of the best thing. At the appointed time, everyone gathered, each showed their wonder. The first brought the stone "The Eye of the Dragon; The second is the calf skull; Third - Magic Lantern; Fourth stomach badger; Fifth - shoes for sparrow; Sixth - Wings and Pigeons of Pigeon-Vertune; The seventh is an artificial ear for deaf. Waiting for the eighth, and he does not go. Finally appeared and bowed to the prince:

I was late, forgive me.

Not until apologized to us! Show your treasure!

Prince, my treasure is the most ordinary ...

Ordinary? What else is? Show Rather ...

I left him before the castle gate.

Well, go soon for him!

Yes, yes, now!

The eighth Vassal returned with his treasure. These were four obedient boys and four robust girls.

All big hall Lucky from the shine of lively children's faces. And the treasures of the prince and the dicks of his servants immediately swept.

M-yes ... - sighed the prince. - Beautiful children! Next to them, our rarity and jewels are like trash. You won. The first award is yours. Congratulations!

And all the princely vassals bowed heads: why treasures and dicks, if there is no main thing in life - family, children?

Japanese fairy tale (207 words)

Check reader skills

Work with artwork text

1 half year

FI ___________________________________________ class ______ Date of conduct ___________________

Read the text "Whose Treasure is better?". Operate tasks. Note the approval corresponding to the content of the text read.

    What country does this fairy tale belong to the people?

A) Russia b) Japan c) China d) Italy

    Determine the characters of the work.

C) eight dignity

D) princely vassals

    Drink, as in a fairy tale, princely dignitaries are named. (2 names)


    Defined the meanings of the Worddignitary In this text.

A) face having a high chin (position)

B) a sacrificent worker holding a high post

IN) important view, solid man

D) man inspiring respect, respect

    What value is the prince in the wordhidden treasures ?

BUT) gems

B) rare woundings

C) inconspicable wealth

D) gold and silver

    Who promised to reward the prince? Write an answer from the text.

    What treasure presented the prince of the eighth vassal? Write an answer from the text.

    Determine the sequence of events in the text associated with the eighth vassal.

A) won b) late c) returned d) left

    What did the prince of rarity and jewel compare to children?


    Drink the main thought of the fairy tale.



Diagnostics of reader skills

work with artwork text

pupils 2 "___" class MOU SOSH No. _______

p / p













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Test reading 2 class, 2 hundred.

Jack guide

Residents of the world streets know this person well. In winter and in the summer, in large black glasses on the face dressed in blue, he passes through the sidewalk and Tuk-Tuk every day - he tapping his carved wand. A man in black glasses is a former military pilot. From the explosion of the enemy projectile, he lost one hand and both eyes. And suddenly, to the surprise of passersby, the blind flyer appeared without his eternal stick. Instead of her he kept a dog behind a leash. Jack confidently led his owner on the street. The intersection Jack stayed and waited until the cars were held. He looked around each pillar, every pothole or puddle.

"Jack, to stop!" - And the dog obediently leads his owner to the bus. If the bus passengers themselves do not guess to give way to blind. Jack chooses from the people sitting on the lavender and pumped into his nose in his knees: they say, you can stand up, and it's hard to stand for my owner ... "Jack, to the store!" - leads in a grocery.

- Jack now I have an eye in return! - The former pilot will not be pulled out by his render.

1. Determine the genre of the work.

1) Story 2) bass 3) fairy tale 4) poem

2. Why did residents of the streets of the world knew this person well?

1) he was distinguished from all external species

2) He always walked with a dog

3) he walked in the same place

3. For what reason is the dower of the pilot? Write an answer from the text. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


4. How do you understand the meaning of the word guide? __________________________________________________________

5. Who became true friend Former pilot? ___________________________

6. How do you understand the expression " Jack now I am instead of eyes "? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

7. Pick up synonym for the word pothole- _______________________________

8. How did Jack help the owner to take a place in the bus?

1) Boyal on young man

2) poked her nose in a passenger knees

3) I started lying on the passenger

9. Restore the sequence of the story of the story.

Instead of a stick, he kept a dog behind a leash.

Jack leads to the bus.

Every day passes by the sidewalk, tapping with a wand.

He lost one hand and both eyes.

The former pilot is pleased with the other.

10. Determined the main thought of the text. ______________________________________________________

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FI _______________________

Playing dogs

Volodya looked outside, where he was warmed in the sun. Big dog Polcan.

A small Pug rank to the Polkan and began to throw it on him and bark: grabbed his teeth for huge paws, for the muzzle and, it seemed, very born big and sullen dog.

Wait to go, here she will ask you! - said Volodya. - She will read you.

But Pug did not stop playing, and the Polcan looked at him very much.

You see if Father said Volodya. - Rubber is kinder. When you start playing your little brothers and sisters to play with you, then it will certainly end in the fact that you are foaming them. The Polcan knows that he is very shameful to offend the little and weak. (83 words) (K. Shushinsky)

1 .Vave the desired figure.

In this work ____ main characters (character)

2. What time of day the events described in the text could occur?

a) morning; b) day; c) evening; d) night.

3. Write out of the text word that determined your time selection. ________________________________

4 Like the meaning of the Word :

Sullen - ____________________________

5. Find the word in the text favorably . Note a word close to him in meaning:

a) benevolently; b) sternly; c) fun.

6 . Who is what? Give a characteristic of dogs.

7. Restore with numbers The sequence of actions of a small pug:

Grabbing his teeth behind the paws, for the face;
ran up;
He began to throw and bark.

8. Find in the text and write a word that characterizes the actions of the pug relative to the Polkan ._________________________

9 . And what can you say about Volodya, what is he? ________________________________________________

What word helped to determine your choice, write it down.


10 . Write out of the text the main thought.


11. Think to which genre we will take this text:

a) a fairy tale; b) story; c) mystery. D) Basnya

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Read the text, answer the questions, task.


He lived on the ground a poor woman. She had four children. The children of the mother did not obey. Ranged, played snow from morning to evening. The clothes are wetted, and the mother is sushi, the snow will fall, and the mother is to remove. And the fish mother on the river itself caught. He was hard for her. And the children did not help her. Mother got sick from life. She lies and asks, the children calling: "Baby, dry the throat, bring me a driver."

Not one, not twice asked the mother. Children go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the Chum, and the mother in the middle of the plague stands, Malitsa puts on. And suddenly Malitsa feathers covered. Takes mother board, on which the skin is scraped, and the board is the tail of the bird becomes. The cloth iron to her beak became. Instead of hands, the wings rose. The mother turned around the bird and flew out of the plague.

- Brothers, look, look: Our mother flies to the bird! - shouted the eldest son.

Here they ran the children behind the mother:

- Mom, we brought you a driver.

- Ku-ku, ku ku, ku-ku! Late, son, I will not be back.

So the children fled behind the mother and nights along the rocks, on the swamps, on the bodies. His legs wrote into the blood. Where to run, there is a red track remain.

Forever threw the children's cuckoo children. And since then does not live a cuckoo of the nest, she does not grow their children, and on the tundra from that time the red moss is worth it.

Questions and tasks:

1. Determine the genre of the work.

1) Story 2) bass 3) fairy tale 4) poem

2. How many children were the mother?

1) Three

2) Two

3) Four

3. Why did the mother get sick?

1) Shept

2) infected

3) from severe life

4) write down your answer option

4. What did the mother of their children ask? Write an answer from the text.


5. Pick up synonym for the word Chum.


6. Which bird turned into a mother?

7. What do you think, what kind of people compose this work?

1) Russians

2) Azerbaijanis

3) Nenets

4) write down your answer option

8. Where did events happen?

1) in the steppe

2) in the forest

3) in the desert

4) in tundra

9. Restore with numbers of the deformed plan of the read text.

Transformation into a bird.

Forever threw the children's cuckoo children.

Mother asks to drink.

The children of the mother did not obey.

Mother got sick.

\u206f Mother flies away.

Children ask to come back.

10. Determined the main thought of the text.


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Check reader skills 2 quarter

Purpose:check Level readership competence.

Bee and fly.

This is what parable told the old man of Paisius Svyatogorets.

There were many colors in the meadow. There were white fragrant lilies, and hyacinths, and high blue irises. And the little flowers also found a place in the grass. The wind tilted them, having fun cried grass and leaves, and the fragrance was broadcast far-far!

Over the clearing, the bees worked above the colors. They gathered sweet nectar to feed the young in the ulle and stock up for a long cold Winter.

Muha flew here. She displeasually buzzed and looked around.

One little bee, which turned out here for the first time, politely asked Fly:

- Do you know where white lilies are here?

The fly went out:

- I have not seen here any lilies!

- How? - exclaimed the bee. - But I was told that on this meadow there should be lilies!

"I didn't see the colors here," the fly was bored. - But not far, behind the meadow, there is one ditch. Water there is amazingly dirty, and there are so many empty canned cans!

Here, the beach was flew away. Older, who kept the assembled nectar in his paws. Upon learning what was the matter, she said:

- True, I never noticed that there are a ditch behind the meadow, but I can tell so much about the local colors!

"You see," said Father Paisius. "The poor man is only thinking about dirty datars, and the bee knows where Lily is growing, where - Iris, and where is Hyacinth.

And people are the same. Some look like a bee and in all love to find something good, others - on the fly and in all seek to see only bad. And who do you want to be like?

(235 words) (M. Aleshin)

1. What time of the year the events described in the text occur? (Two right responses are possible.)

2. A lot of colors grew in the meadow?

a) lilies, hyacinths, irises;

b) lilies, hyacinths, irises, tulips;

c) lilies, hyacinths, irises, small flowers.

3. Determine the characters of the work.


4. What did the bees on the glade?

Answer: _________________________________________________________________________

5. What word does the author characterizes the author?

a) worked;

b) flew fun;

b) Warred in the sun.

6 *. Why did the little bee did not know where white lilies grow?

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7 *. Why didn't fly the fly on the meadow of lilies? (Two answers are possible.)

a) she was in the meadow for the first time;

b) lily did not interest her;

c) she was only interested in dirty dangling.

eight*. Restore the deformed plan of the read work.

a) "And who do you want to be like?"

b) fragrant glade.

c) Dialogue of a small bee with a fly.

d) Netter collection.

e) everyone sees only what interests him.

nine*. Make up the text plan of three points.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Frequency of bee. (What are they?)

Answer: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Fly Fly. (What is she?)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 *. Answer the author's question: "And who do you want to be like?" Why?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Formation of reader skills in lessons literary reading in primary school

Place of work: MBU "School №71" G.O.Tolyatti

Teacher primary classes

Surname, name ______________________________________ class2 ""

Read carefully text.


In one pretty Russian village, there were so many gardens that the whole she seemed to be one big garden. The trees bloomed and fragrant in spring, and in the thick greenery of their branches a lot of birds fluffled, who announced the surroundings by ringing songs and cheerbetany; In the fall, many pink apples, yellow pears and blue-purple drops appeared between the leaves.

But here are some evil boys, gathering the crowd, ruined the bird nests. Poor birds left the gardens and no longer returned to them. Passed autumn and winter, came new spring; But the gardens were quiet and sad. Harmful caterpillars, whom the birds used to exterminate thousands, was divided now unhindered. They eaten on the trees not only flowers, but also leaves. And here the naked trees in the midst of the summer watched sadly, as if in winter.

Autumn came, but there were no pink apples in the gardens, nor yellow pears, no purple drain; Funny birds did not pear off on the branches; The village was not announced by their ringing songs.

by K. D. Ushinsky

Operate tasks.

1.Where are the actions of the story?

a) in the town

b) in the village

c) in the village

2. What trees grew in the gardens?

a) apple trees, pears, plums

b) apple, apricots, cherries

c) apple trees, chestnuts, cherries

3. Choose the right thing, in your opinion, the meaning of the word flawshali In this text.

a) grew big

b) grew high

c) nice smelled

4. Why did the birds leave the gardens?

a) boys ruined their nests

b) they had nothing to eat

c) they were kicked out of the garden

5. What harm caused caterpillars gardens?

a) eaten flowers on trees

b) eaten leaves on trees

c) eaten flowers and leaves

6. How did nude trees look in the gardens? Write an offer from the text.


7.Bery from proverbs that more than others reveals the meaning of this text.

a) the bad act to good will not lead.

b) Human colors head, not a hat.

in) Good man Everywhere is good, and lean everywhere.

8. In what book do you advise you to search for this work?

a) poems
b) Baszy
c) stories
d) fairy tales

9. Restore the sequence of events in this text. Write the corresponding digit opposite each sentence.

but) Birds left the gardens ._________

b) Broke the bird nest _______

in) On the branches did not pear off the birds ________

d) Trees bloomed and fragrant ________

Table of answers



And here the naked trees in the midst of the summer watched sadly, as if in winter.

9 correct answers - "5"

8-7 correct answers- "4"

6 correct answers - "3"

5 or less - "2"

Analysis of checking reader skills in 2 "Class

from ________________ 2015

Number in class ________ Uch.

The number that performed ______ uch.


Received "2"


On "5" ______________ Uch.

On "4" ______________ Uch.

On "3" ______________ Uch.

On "2" ______________ Uch.


Quantity ______________ uch.


Analysis of assuming errors:

    Finding answers to questions in the text (Questions No. 1,2,4, 5,) __________ Uch.

    The ability to write out of the text answers to questions (Question No. 6) ____________ Uch.

    The ability to make independent conclusions (Questions No. 3, 7, 8) _______________ Uch.

    Lining the sequence of events (Questions No. 9) ____________ Uch.


Rhalkin and frogsonok

Rhalkin and frogsonok

Under the bump, in the cheese Bolotze, noticed the porrower of a small, weak frog.

Poor, unhappy kid! - I exclaimed the pit. - How bad to you, poor man, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But you do not lose! I will save you, I will be fine and comfortable for me!

Rhalkin's houses planted a frog into the most beautiful painted box, stuck on the bottom soft dry cotton wool, put the casket on the warm sun and fun laughed at joy.

Remember, frog, my care! You will live now in warmth, dryness and clean. Not that in your dirty swamp!

And the frog does not rejoice, but the frog is not so fun. He is very bad, he is a little alive. It overheated in the sun, dried and confused in the cotton.

As he saw his poultry, and he roared! Total frog pulled tears. And on time: a little more - and the frog would be chalky!

Rhalked prank with a frog to the swamp. That is where and dirty, and dirty, and cold. But where the frog is as good as a pity in his warm and clean room. (155 words)

Choose the right answer:

1) in a puddle

2) in the river

3) in the cheese swamp

2. How did you decide?

1) carry home

3) let go in the river

1) on cotton box

2) on cotton in the box

3) on the table

4) Frogs in the sun ...

1) I was glad

3) was alive, dry.

5) Frog saved ...

1) sucks

Choose the right answer:

1. Where did I notice the fruit of frog?

1) in a puddle

2) in the river

3) in the cheese swamp

2. How did you decide?

1) carry home

2) put on the solar cleaner

3) let go in the river

3. Where did the frog frog planted?

1) on cotton box

2) on cotton in the box

3) on the table

4) Frogs in the sun ...

1) I was glad

2) confused in cotton, but was glad

3) was alive, dry.

5) Frog saved ...

1) sucks

2) Return to the raw swamp


1.Where lived a frog girlfriend?

a) in the cellar;

B) in the ditch;

C) in the forest;

D) in the park;

2. Thove the features inherent in the real forest frog.

a) brave;

B) panty;

c) strong;

d) lazy;

e) Sonya;

E) cheerful;

3. What time of day the girlfriend went out to walk?

a) day;

b) in the evening;

d) at night;

E) in the morning;

4. For example, the frogs climbed into the cellar?

A) to enjoy sour cream;

B) from the cellage very tasty smelled;

C) frogs wanted to know that in the cellar;

5. Why was one of the frogs drowned? ________________________________________________.

6. Brave frog continued to flounded in a pot because:

a) I decided to go to the edge of the pot;

b) decided to fight to the end with death;

D) decided to knock off the oil from the liquid sour cream;

7. How do you understand the expression: Shawl, frog death?

A) play;

B) you will not get anything;

C) invent;

D) fantasize;

8. What is the main thing that I wanted to tell us the author?

A) about the danger that can tides in the cellar;

B) about delicious smells from the cellar;

c) on the rules of behavior in difficult situations;

D) that you never need to fall in spirit;

9. Save the Plan of Text.1) Accommodation girlfriends in the ditch.

2)____________________________________________________________________ .

3) ____________________________________________________________________ .

4)____________________________________________________________________ .

5) Victory!

10. In which of the collections could be placed this work?

A) "Fabulous stories";

B) "Basni";

C) "Nature Stories";

D) "Stories about animals".

11. What did you like from the frogs and what? _________________________________________________.

Two frogs.

There were two frogs. They were girlfriends and lived in one channel. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, fun, and the other - neither: the panty was, lazy, Sonya. I even talked about it, as if she was not in the forest, and somewhere in the city park was born. But nevertheless they lived together, these frogs.

And once at night they went out to walk. Going along the forest road and suddenly see the house. And near the house of the cellar. And from this cellage it smells very tasty: mold smells, damp, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly the fact that the frogs love.

They got closer to the cellar, began to run there and jump. Jump, jumped and inadvertently fell into a pot with sour cream. And they began to sink. And of course, they do not want to sink.

Then they began to flounded, began to swim. But this clay pot was very high slippery walls. And there are no frogs from there. That frog, which was lazy, swallowed a little, stumbled and thinks: "I still do not get out from here. WHAT I WILL BE PASSIVE WARNING? I'd rather at once drowned. "

She thought so, stopped jogging - and drowned.

And the second frog was not so. That thinks: "No, brothers, I always have time to drown. It will not leave me. And better I am still overgrown, I also swim. Who knows, maybe something will come out. "

But only - no, nothing comes out. Like a float - do not float. The pot is narrow, slippery walls - do not get out the frog from sour cream. But still she does not give up, he does not lose.

"Nothing," thinks - while there are strength, I will fight. After all, I still live - it means to live. And there - what will happen. "

And from the last strength, our frog is fighting with their frog death. So I choke. I am pulling it to the bottom. And she does not give here - Knish my legs works. He hides his paws and thinks: "No! Do not surrender! Shawl frog death ... "

And suddenly - what is? Suddenly, our frog feels that under her feet she is no longer sour cream, but something hard, something is so strong, reliable, like the Earth. The frog was surprised, looked and sees: no sour cream in a pot is no longer, but it stands on a lump of oil.

" What? - Thinks frog. - Where did the oil come from? " She was surprised, and then guess: after all, she herself with his legs with their liquid sour cream firing oil shot down.

"Well," the frog thinks, "it means I did well that I didn't have drowned."

She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and rowed to her home - in the forest.

And the second frog remained lying in a pot. And never she, Golubushka, did not see the white light anymore, and never jumped, and never kicked.

(L. Panteleev)

Option 1

Jack guide

Residents of the world streets know this person well. In winter and in the summer, in large black glasses on the face dressed in blue, he passes through the sidewalk and Tuk-Tuk every day - he tapping his carved wand. A man in black glasses is a former military pilot. From the explosion of the enemy projectile, he lost one hand and both eyes. And suddenly, to the surprise of passersby, the blind flyer appeared without his eternal stick. Instead of her he kept a dog behind a leash. Jack confidently led his owner on the street. The intersection Jack stayed and waited until the cars were held. He looked around each pillar, every pothole or puddle.

"Jack, to stop!" - And the dog obediently leads his owner to the bus. If the passengers of the bus themselves do not guess to give way to the blind, Jack chooses from the people who are sitting, and pumped his nose in his knees: they say, you can stand, and you can stand it difficult to stand ... "Jack, to the store!" - Divine in a grocery.

Jack now I am instead of eyes! - The former pilot will not be pressed his guide.


Questions and tasks:

1. Determine the genre of the work.

□ 1) story

□ 2) bass

□ 3) Tale

□ 4) poem

2. Why did residents of the streets of the world knew this person well?

□ 1) He was different from all appearance

□ 2) He always walked with a dog

□ 3) he walked in the same place

3. For what reason is the dower of the pilot? Write an answer from the text.


4. How do you understand the meaning of the wordguide?


5. Who became the faithful friend of the former pilot?


6. How do you understand the expressionJack now I am instead of eyes?

8. How did Jack help the owner to take a place in the bus?

□ 1) Beyal on a young man

□ 2) poked the nose in the knees of the passenger

□ 3) I started lying on the passenger

9. Restore the sequence of the story of the story.

□ 1) Instead of a stick, he kept a dog behind a leash.

□ 2) Jack leads to the bus.

□ 3) Every day passes on the sidewalk, tapping with a stick.

□ 4) He lost one hand and both eyes.

□ 5) The former pilot is satisfied with the other.


Option 2.

Read the text to answer questions, take the tasks.


He lived on the ground a poor woman. She had four children. The children of the mother did not obey. Ranged, played snow from morning to evening. The clothes are wetted, and the mother is sushi, the snow will fall, and the mother is to remove. And the fish mother on the river itself caught. He was hard for her. And the children did not help her. Mother got sick from life. She lies and asks, the children calling: "Baby, dry the throat, bring me a driver."

Not one, not twice asked the mother. Children go for water. Finally, the eldest wanted to eat, looked into the Chum, and the mother in the middle of the plague stands, Malitsa puts on. And suddenly Malitsa feathers covered. Takes mother board, on which the skin is scraped, and the board is the tail of the bird becomes. The cloth iron to her beak became. Instead of hands, the wings rose. The mother turned around the bird and flew out of the plague.

Brothers, look, see: Our mother flies! - shouted the eldest son.

Here they ran the children behind the mother:

Mom, we brought the driver to you.

Ku-ku, ku, ku-ku! Late, son, I will not be back.

So fled behind the mother kids many days and nights

by stones, on the swamps, on the bodies. His legs wrote into the blood. Where to run, there is a red track remain.

Forever threw the children's cuckoo children. And since then does not live a cuckoo of the nest, she does not grow their children, and on the tundra from that time the red moss is worth it.

Questions and tasks:

1. Determine the genre of the work.

□ 1) story

□ 2) bass

□ 3) folk tale

□ 4) poem

2. How many children had a mother?

□ 1) Three

□ 2) two

□ 3) four

□4) _____________________________________________________

(write down your answer)

3. Why did the mother get sick?

□ 1) has bothered

□ 2) infected

□ 3) from severe life

(write down your answer)

4. What did I ask my children? (Write out the answer from the text.)


5. Select synonym for the wordchum.


6. B. what bird turned the mother?


7. What do you think, what kind of people compose this work?

□ 1) Russian

□ 2) Azerbaijanis

□ 3) Nenets


(write down your answer)

8. Where did events happen?

□ 1) in the steppe

□ 2) in the forest

□ 3) in the desert

□ 4) in tundra

9. Restore with numbers a deformed plan of read text.

□ Transformation into a bird.

□ Forever threw the children's cuckoo children.

□ Mother asks to drink.

□ The children of the mother did not obey.

□ Mother got sick.

□ Mother flies.

□ Children ask back.

10. Determine the main thought of the text.