Reference material “Test of reading skills.

Reference material “Test of reading skills.

Reading aloud skill test


Since childhood, Suvorov dreamed of becoming a military man. However, he was a weak and sickly boy. “Well, where can you be a soldier! - the father laughed at him. "You won't even lift a gun!" Father's words upset Suvorov. He decided to temper. It used to be winter colds, everyone would dress in warm fur coats or don't leave the house at all, and little Sasha would put on a light jacket and spend the whole day on the street. Spring will come. As soon as the rivers open up, no one even thinks to swim, and Suvorov - plunge into the icy water. Neither heat nor cold feared him now. The boy walked a lot, learned to ride a horse well. Suvorov got stronger. At the age of sixteen, he entered the military. Suvorov lived seventy years. Fifty-four of them he spent in the army. He began his service as a simple soldier. I finished it with feld-mars-sha-lom and ge-ne-ra-fox-si-mu-som. Suvorov fought thirty-five big battles and battles. In all, he was the winner.

(137 words)

(S. Alekseev)

Questions and tasks

1. What did little Sasha dream about?

2. How was Alexander tempered?

3. How many battles and battles did Suvorov win?


One day a family of larks built their nest in the middle of a sown field. When summer passed, the lark babies grew up. Wheat has also grown.

And then one day the owner went out into the field, looked at the wheat and said to his son: “I think it's time to harvest the bread. Tomorrow I will ask the neighbors to come and help me. "

The little larks heard these words and ran to their mother: “The owner wants to harvest tomorrow. We are afraid that he will destroy our nest. Let's leave this field today! " “We're out of danger today,” said Lark Mom. "We can stay here one more day."

The next morning, the owner and his son went out into the field. They waited for a long, long time, but not a single neighbor came to help them. Everyone was busy in their fields.

The next day, the owner and his son went out into the field again. The owner looked at the wheat and said: “Indeed, it's time to harvest it. Now I will ask my brothers and sisters to come and help me. "

The little larks heard these words. They got scared and ran to their mother. "Mama! They shouted. - The owner wants to harvest the bread tomorrow. He's going to call his brothers and sisters for help. "

“Don't be alarmed,” said Mama the morning person. - There is no danger yet. We can safely stay here one more day. "

Indeed, the next day neither the brothers nor the sisters of the owner came. They all said that, unfortunately, they are very busy in their own fields. On the third day, the owner got up early in the morning, went out into the field and began to work alone.

When my morning lark mother saw this, she said: “Now it's time for us to fly away. Because a job is done only when a person does it himself, and does not expect what others will do to him. "


Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Read the fable "Clever Mama Lark" by Aesop. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. How do you understand the expression: The family of larks built their nest?



I dug it up.

2. What time of the year do the events described in the text take place?

In winter;

In the spring;


In the autumn.

3. What cereal was planted in the field?




4. Why did the little larks ask their mother to fly away from the field?

It's time to fly to warm lands;

They were afraid that they would destroy their nest;

There is little food.

5. Why did neighbors and relatives refuse to help the owner of the field?

Were busy in their own fields;

Were offended by the owner of the field;

It was considered that the harvest was not yet ripe.

6. Think about what expression better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?

A deed is done only when a person does it himself, and does not expect what others will do to him.

Whoever gets up late has not enough bread.

Winter will ask what is in store for the fall.

7. Reconstruct the deformed plan of the text.

The beginning of the harvest is the time to fly.

A house in the middle of a sown field.

Little larks warn mom about danger.

Lark mom is in no hurry to fly away.

8. Write down one or two names of Russian fabulists.

Bee and fly.

Do you know where the white lilies are?

The fly frowned:

I have not seen any lilies here!

How? - exclaimed the bee. - But I was told that there should be lilies in this meadow!

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"Testing reading skills in grade 3."

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Grade 3


F.I. student ___________________________ EMC ___________________________

Bee and fly.

Here is a parable that Elder Paisiy Svyatorets once told.

Many flowers grew in the meadow. There were white fragrant lilies, hyacinths, and tall blue irises. And small flowers also found a place in the grass. The wind tilted them, swayed the grass and leaves merrily, and the scent carried far, far away!

The bees worked over the meadow, over the flowers. They collected sweet nectar to feed the young in the hive and to stock up on food for the long, cold winter.

This is where the fly came. She buzzed with displeasure and looked around.

One little bee, who appeared here for the first time, politely asked a fly:

- Do you know where the white lilies are?

The fly frowned:

- I have not seen any lilies here!

- How? - exclaimed the bee. - But I was told that there should be lilies in this meadow!

“I haven't seen flowers here,” the fly muttered. - But not far, behind the meadow, there is one ditch. The water is deliciously dirty and there are so many empty cans nearby!

Then an older bee flew up to them, holding the collected nectar in its paws. Having found out what was the matter, she said:

- True, I never noticed that there is a ditch behind the meadow, but I can tell so much about the local flowers!

“You see,” Father Paisy said. - Poor fly just thinks about dirty ditches, and the bee knows where the lily grows, where is the iris, and where is the hyacinth.

And people are the same. Some are like a bee and love to find something good in everything, others are like a fly and in everything they strive to see only the bad. Who do you want to be like?

(235 words) (M. Alyoshin)

Read the text "A Bee and a Fly" by M. Alyoshin. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. At what time of the year do the events described in the text take place? (There are two possible correct answers.)

2. What many flowers grew in the meadow?

a) Lilies, hyacinths, irises;

b) lilies, hyacinths, irises, tulips;

c) lilies, hyacinths, irises, small flowers.

3. Identify the characters of the work.


4. What were the bees doing in the meadow?

Answer: _____________________________________________________________________________

5. What word does the author describe the actions of bees?

a) Worked;

b) flew merrily;

c) basked in the sun.

6. Why did the little bee not know where the white lilies grow?

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Why didn't the fly see lilies in the meadow? (There are two possible answers.)

a) She was in the meadow for the first time;

b) she was not interested in lilies;

c) she was only interested in a dirty ditch.

8. Restore the deformed plan of the read work.

a) "Who do you want to be like?"

b) Fragrant meadow.

c) Dialogue between a small bee and a fly.

d) Collecting nectar.

e) Everyone sees only what interests him.

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. Make a three-point outline of the text.

Answer: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Describe the bees. (What are they?)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

11. Describe the fly. (What is she like?)

Answer: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. Answer the author's question: "Who do you want to be like?" Why?

Answer: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Correct answers to literary reading assignments.

(for teacher) Grade 3

Bees, fly, father Paisiy

Collected sweet nectar

Analysis scheme for checking reading skills to work with the text of a work of fiction for 3 grades

Check date: ________________

Class ___________ UMK ____________________________

# Of students verified

Did the job without errors

Made mistakes in assignments

____ people ______%

Mark "5" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "4" _______________________________________ people _____%

Mark "3" ________________________________________ people_____%

Mark "2" ________________________________________ people ____%

Success rate ______%

Knowledge quality percentage ______%

Teacher: ____________________ Assistant: _________________________

The grade "5" is given for 100% of correctly completed tasks

Grade "4" is given for 80% of correctly completed tasks

The mark "3" is given for 60% of correctly completed tasks

A score of "2" is given if less than 60% of the tasks are completed correctly

Read the text "Two frogs" L. Panteleev. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Where did the frog friends live?

In the cellar;
in a ditch;
in the forest;
in the park.

2. Mark the features of a real forest frog.


3. What time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

During the day;
in the evening;
at night;
in the morning.

4. Why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

To enjoy sour cream;
the cellar smelled delicious;
the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar.

5. Why did one of the frogs drown?

6. The brave frog continued to flounder in the pot, because:

I decided to swim to the edge of the pot;
decided to fight to the end with death;
decided to knock butter out of liquid sour cream.

7. How do you understand the expression: Naughty frog death?

You play;
nothing will come of it;
making up;
you fantasize.

About the danger that may lie in wait in the cellar;
about delicious smells from the cellar;
about the rules of behavior in difficult situations;
that you should never lose heart.

9. Make an outline of the text.

1) Accommodation of girlfriends in a ditch.
2) ... .
3) ... .
4) ... .
5) Victory!

10. In which collection could this work be placed?

"Fairy stories";
"Stories about nature";
"Stories about Animals".

11. Which of the frogs did you like and how?

Testing reading skills to work with text

Correct answers to tasks

Reading level check

1. Identify the genres that can be included in the section of oral folk art.

Fairy tales;

2. Define the genre of the work.

In the middle of a clean field,
The sun is red at sunset
The moon is clear at sunrise
To the heroic outpost
Gathered for a hiking council
Slavnorussian heroes:
Duma thought, thought,
They were equipped according to the outfits.

Fairy tale;

3. Consider a reproduction of V. Vasnetsov's painting "Heroes". What genre are these characters?

Fairy tales;

4. Write down the name of one of the epic heroes.

5. What characters (2-3) have you met most often in fairy tales about animals?

6. Write down the traditional heroes (2-3) of Russian fairy tales.

7. From what fairy tale A.S. Pushkin's saying came to us: stay at a broken trough?

"The tale of Tsar Saltan, his glorious and mighty hero, Prince Gvidon Saltanovich, and the beautiful Swan princess";
"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish";
"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs."

8. Write down 1–2 names of storytellers.

9. In which section of the book can the works of writers be placed: N.N. Sladkova, V.V. Bianki, E.I. Charushin?

“About our little brothers”;
"Business is time - fun is an hour";
"A good brotherhood is more valuable than wealth."

10.What genres of L.N. Do you know Tolstoy?

Fairy tales;

11. Write down 2-3 names of poets, whose works about winter you have read.

12. Write down the title of the last book you read.

Class th


I was returning from hunting and walking along the alley of the garden. The dog ran ahead of me.
Suddenly she reduced her steps and began to sneak, as if sensing the game in front of her.
I looked along the alley and saw a young sparrow with yellowness near its beak and down on its head. He fell out of the nest (the wind strongly swayed the birches of the alley) and sat motionless, helplessly spreading out his barely growing wings.
My dog ​​slowly approached him, when suddenly, having fallen from a nearby tree, the old black-chested sparrow fell like a stone in front of her muzzle - and all disheveled, distorted, with a desperate and pitiful squeak, jumped once or twice in the direction of the toothy open mouth.
He rushed to save, he covered his brainchild with himself ... but his whole small body trembled with horror, his voice went wild and hoarse, he died away, he sacrificed himself!
What a huge monster the dog must have seemed to him! And yet he could not sit on his high, safe branch ... A force stronger than his will threw him out of there.
My Trezor stopped, backed away ... Apparently, and he recognized this power. I hastened to recall the embarrassed dog and left, reverent.
Yes, don't laugh. I was in awe of that little, heroic bird, of her love impulse.
Love, I thought, is stronger than death and the fear of death. Only by her, only by love does life hold and move.

(I.S. Turgenev)

Read the text of I.S. Turgenev's "Sparrow". Complete the tasks. Find statements that match the content of the text you read and underline them.

1. Where do the events described in the text take place?

a) In the forest;
b) in the garden;
c) in the park.

2. Why did the young sparrow fall out of the nest?

a) The wind shook the tree strongly;
b) the sparrow tried to fly;
c) other chicks pushed him out of the nest.

3. Which tree was the sparrow's nest on?

a) On an aspen;
b) on a birch;
c) on an apple tree.

4. Why did the old black-chested sparrow fall like a stone in front of the dog's face?

a) rushed to save his brainchild;
b) fell off a tree branch;
c) wanted to scare the dog.

5. Use numbers to restore the sequence of actions of a sparrow that fell from a nearby tree.

a) I rushed to save.
b) Fell.
c) Shielded.
d) Jumped.

6. How do you understand the expression he sacrificed himself?

a) I was ready to give my life to save the chick;
b) wanted to die;
c) wanted to drive off the dog.

7. Write down what power is stronger than the will of a sparrow, the author says.

8. Think about which expression is the best to help you understand the main idea of ​​the text.

a) They bark at a brave dog, and bite a cowardly one.
b) Happiness is on the side of the brave.
v) Love is stronger than death and fear of death.

9. Reconstruct the deformed outline of the read text with the help of numbers.

a) Desperate act of the old sparrow.
b) Return from the hunt.
c) Trezor's retreat.
d) Meeting with a helpless sparrow.
e) Love is stronger than death.

10. Who is the narrator from?

11. Think about which genre we will classify this text:

a) a fairy tale;
b) a fable;
c) story.




Under a hummock, in a damp swamp, Zhaleikin noticed a small, weak frog.

Poor, unhappy little fellow! - exclaimed Zhaleikin. - How bad it is for you, poor thing, in this dirty swamp! Dark, damp, cold! But don't be discouraged! I will save you, at my house you will be good and comfortable!

At home, Zhaleikin put the frog in the most beautiful painted box, laid soft dry cotton wool on the bottom, put the box in the warm sun and laughed merrily with joy.

Remember, frog, my worries! You will now live in warmth, dryness and cleanliness. Not like in your dirty swamp!

And the frog is not happy, and the frog is not up to fun. He is very bad, he is barely alive. It overheated in the sun, dried up and tangled in cotton wool.

As Zhaleikin saw him, he roared! All the frog shed tears. And in time: a little more - and the frog would have died!

Zhaleikin with a frog rushed to the swamp. The one where it is damp and dirty and cold. But where is the frog as good as Zhaleikin in his warm and clean room? (155 words)

Choose the correct answer:

1) in a puddle

2) in the river

3) in a damp swamp

2. How did you decide to save?

1) take it home

3) let go into the river

1) on cotton wool in a box

2) on cotton wool in a box

3) on the table

4) Frog in the sun ...

1) was happy

3) was barely alive, withered.

5) The frog was saved ...

1) Zhaleikin's tears

Choose the correct answer:

1. Where did Zhaleikin notice the frog?

1) in a puddle

2) in the river

3) in a damp swamp

2. How did you decide to save?

1) take it home

2) put on a sunny meadow

3) let go into the river

3. Where did Zhaleikin put the frog?

1) on cotton wool in a box

2) on cotton wool in a box

3) on the table

4) Frog in the sun ...

1) was happy

2) got tangled up in cotton wool, but was glad

3) was barely alive, withered.

5) The frog was saved ...

1) Zhaleikin's tears

2) return to the damp swamp


1.Where did the frog friends live?

a) in the cellar;

B) in a ditch;

C) in the forest;

D) in the park;

2. Note the traits of a real forest frog.

a) brave;

B) a coward;

c) strong;

d) lazy;

e) sleepyhead;

E) funny;

3. What time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

a) during the day;

b) in the evening;

d) at night;

D) in the morning;

4 why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

A) to enjoy sour cream;

B) smelled delicious from the cellar;

C) the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar;

5 why did one of the frogs drown? ____________________________________________________.

6 the brave frog kept floundering in the pot because:

a) decided to swim to the edge of the pot;

b) decided to fight to the end with death;

D) decided to knock butter out of liquid sour cream;

7.How do you understand the expression: Are you naughty, frog death?

A) you play;

B) nothing will come of yours;

C) you invent;

D) you fantasize;

8. What is the main thing the author wanted to tell us?

A) about the danger that may lie in wait in the cellar;

B) about delicious smells from the cellar;

c) about the rules of behavior in difficult situations;

D) that one should never lose heart;

9. Make an outline of the text.1) Accommodation of girlfriends in a ditch.

2)____________________________________________________________________ .

3) ____________________________________________________________________ .

4)____________________________________________________________________ .

5) Victory!

10. In which of the collections could this work be placed?

A) "Fairy stories";

B) "Fables";

C) "Stories about nature";

D) "Stories about animals".

11. Which of the frogs did you like and how? _____________________________________________________.

Two frogs.

Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither one nor the other: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was not born in the forest, but somewhere in a city park. But still they lived together, these frogs.

And then one night they went out for a walk. They are walking along a forest road and suddenly they see there is a house. And near the house there is a cellar. And from this cellar it smells very tasty: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.

So they quickly climbed into the cellar, began to run and jump there. They jumped, jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream. And they began to drown. And they, of course, do not want to drown.

Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high, slippery sides. And the frogs can't get out of there. That frog, who was lazy, swam a little, floundered and thinks: “I can't get out of here anyway. Why should I flounder in vain? I'd rather drown right away. "

She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.

And the second frog - that was not like that. She thinks: “No, brothers, I always have time to drown. It won't leave me. Better yet, I'll play some more, I'll swim some more. Who knows, maybe something will work out for me. "

But only - no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you won't swim far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery - the frog can't get out of the sour cream. But all the same, she does not give up, does not lose heart.

“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I will fight. I'm still alive, so I have to live. And there - what will be. "

And so, with the last of his strength, our frog is struggling with its frog death. Already drowned. She is already pulling her to the bottom. And she does not give up even here - know her paws works. She jerks her paws and thinks: “No! I will not give up! You are naughty frog death ... "

And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under its feet it is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something so strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no longer any sour cream in the pot, but it was standing on a lump of butter.

" What? - thinks the frog. "Where did the oil come from here?" She was surprised, and then guessed: after all, she herself knocked hard butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.

“Well,” the frog thinks, “it means I did well that I didn’t drown right away.”

She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.

And the second frog remained in the pot. And never, my dear, she saw the white light again, and never jumped, and never croaked.

(L. Panteleev)

Reading as a type of speech activity requires a special approach to assessing the quality of knowledge, abilities and skills of students in primary school.
The proposed tests are approximate and are selected by the teacher based on the level of formation of the reading skill not only in the class as a whole, but also by each student individually, as well as taking into account the requirements of variable author's programs.
An individual test of the reading skill (reading aloud) gives the teacher a fairly complete picture of the level of formation of this skill in younger students.
Students are offered to read aloud an unfamiliar text available in content. The teacher, by fixing the mistakes made in reading, determining the number of unreasonable pauses, the time spent on reading, answers to the questions posed, assesses the level of mastering of the reading skill by the students.
In 1st grade, reading texts should be offered to children gently, taking into account the child's wishes. The gentle test mode will allow the teacher to determine the level at which the first grader is, which is especially important for both the teacher and the child. Throughout the monitoring period, the child should be aware that he was entrusted to read the text because he already “reads well”. The situation of success should accompany the child not only in normal work, but also during control.
In the 2nd, 3rd, 4th grades, the control of the reading skill is carried out as "reading aloud" and "reading to oneself." Large texts can be read by two or three children (in a chain). Answers to questions can be built in the form of a conversation, a dialogue.

2nd grade


At the corner of my dacha stood tub 1 full of water. Nearby is an elderberry bush. Two young sparrows were sitting side by side on an elderberry, still very young, with a downy fluff coming through from behind the feathers, with bright yellow sinuses along the edges of their beaks. One briskly and confidently fluttered to the edge of the tub and began to drink. He drank - and kept looking at the other, echoing with him in his ringing tongue. Another - a little smaller - with a serious look was sitting on a branch and cautiously squinting at the tub. And, apparently, he was thirsty - the beak was open from the heat.
And suddenly I clearly saw: the one, the first - he had already drunk for a long time and simply by his example encourages the other, shows that there is nothing terrible here. He continuously jumped along the edge of the tub, lowered his beak, grabbed water and immediately dropped it from his beak and looked at his brother - he called him. The brother on the branch made up his mind, flew to the tub. But he just touched the damp green edge with his paws - and immediately fluttered back in fright onto the elderberry. And he again began to call him.
And finally got it. The little brother flew over to the tub, sat uncertainly, flapping his wings all the time, and got drunk. Both flew away.

(V. Veresaev)


1 Shell- a small wooden vessel of a cylindrical shape, made of planks tied with hoops.

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Read the text "Brother" by V. Veresaev. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Where do the events described in the text take place?

In the town;
in the park;
in the country.

2. On which bush were the two young sparrows?

On the lilac;
on elderberry;
on jasmine.

3. What was the weather like?


4. Mark the phrase from the text that determined your choice of weather characteristics.

The beak was open from the heat;
the sparrow wanted to get drunk;
The sun shone brightly.

5. Pick up the phrase encourages by example phrases close in meaning.

Shows a role model;
instills self-confidence;
brags about his dexterity.

6. Restore the sequence of actions of the sparrow encouraging his brother by his example.

Captured water;
lowered the beak;
dropped it.

7. Think about the meaning of the word used in the text little brother.

Younger brother;
Older brother.

8. Mark the sentence that expresses the main idea of ​​the text.

A good example is better than a hundred words.
Whoever fell in spirit was lost.
Trust in God, but do not make a mistake yourself.

Correct answers to tasks

Grade 3

Reading aloud skill test


Since childhood, Suvorov dreamed of becoming a military man. However, he was a weak and sickly boy. “Well, where can you be a soldier! - the father laughed at him. "You won't even lift a gun!" Father's words upset Suvorov. He decided to temper. It used to be winter colds, everyone would dress in warm fur coats or don't leave the house at all, and little Sasha would put on a light jacket and spend the whole day on the street. Spring will come. As soon as the rivers open up, no one even thinks to swim, and Suvorov - plunge into the icy water. Neither heat nor cold feared him now. The boy walked a lot, learned to ride a horse well. Suvorov got stronger. At the age of sixteen, he entered the military. Suvorov lived seventy years. Fifty-four of them he spent in the army. He began his service as a simple soldier. I finished it with feld-mars-sha-lom and ge-ne-ra-fox-si-mu-som. Suvorov fought thirty-five big battles and battles. In all, he was the winner.

(137 words)

(S. Alekseev)

Questions and tasks

1. What did little Sasha dream about?
2. How was Alexander tempered?
3. How many battles and battles did Suvorov win?


One day a family of larks built their nest in the middle of a sown field. When summer passed, the lark babies grew up. Wheat has also grown.
And then one day the owner went out into the field, looked at the wheat and said to his son: “I think it's time to harvest the bread. Tomorrow I will ask the neighbors to come and help me. "
The little larks heard these words and ran to their mother: “The owner wants to harvest tomorrow. We are afraid that he will destroy our nest. Let's leave this field today! " “We're out of danger today,” said Lark Mom. "We can stay here one more day."
The next morning, the owner and his son went out into the field. They waited for a long, long time, but not a single neighbor came to help them. Everyone was busy in their fields.
The next day, the owner and his son went out into the field again. The owner looked at the wheat and said: “Indeed, it's time to harvest it. Now I will ask my brothers and sisters to come and help me. "
The little larks heard these words. They got scared and ran to their mother. "Mama! They shouted. - The owner wants to harvest the bread tomorrow. He's going to call his brothers and sisters for help. "
“Don't be alarmed,” said Mama the morning person. - There is no danger yet. We can safely stay here one more day. "
Indeed, the next day neither the brothers nor the sisters of the owner came. They all said that, unfortunately, they are very busy in their own fields. On the third day, the owner got up early in the morning, went out into the field and began to work alone.
When my morning lark mother saw this, she said: “Now it's time for us to fly away. Because a job is done only when a person does it himself, and does not expect what others will do to him. "


Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Read the fable "Clever Mama Lark" by Aesop. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. How do you understand the expression: A family of larks built their nest?

dug out.

2. What time of the year do the events described in the text take place?

In winter;
in the spring;
in the fall.

3. What cereal was planted in the field?


4. Why did the little larks ask their mother to fly away from the field?

It's time to fly to warm lands;
were afraid that they would destroy their nest;
there is little food.

5. Why did neighbors and relatives refuse to help the owner of the field?

Were busy in their own fields;
were offended by the owner of the field;
considered that the harvest was not yet ripe.

6. Think about what expression better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?

A deed is done only when a person does it himself, and does not expect what others will do to him.
Whoever gets up late has no bread.
Winter will ask what is in store for the fall.

7. Reconstruct the deformed plan of the text.

The beginning of the harvest is the time to fly.
A house in the middle of a sown field.
Little larks warn mom about danger.
Lark mom is in no hurry to fly away.

8. Write down one or two names of Russian fabulists.

Testing reading skills to work with text

Correct answers to tasks

4th grade

Reading aloud skill test


The turtle carries its house on its back. She walks with him everywhere and sleeps wherever she wants. In no hurry to return home like we are! As soon as it gets dark, the turtle packs up in its house and sleeps. And as soon as the sun rises, the house heats up, and the turtle realizes that it is already day. Its head is visible from the house. The turtle looks around with its beautiful eyes. She enjoys green grass and flowers. The turtle walks very slowly. After all, the house is hard to carry. We run after her and catch up with her. And Sharik is running after us. He stands near the turtle and barks. She is not afraid. The ball suddenly rushes at her. But she quickly hides the head. The ball is waiting for the head to appear again. As soon as she looks out, he rushes at her and barks. And the head hides again. The ball was offended and stepped aside. The turtle peered out cautiously. The ball did not budge. She looked around and slowly crawled over the green grass. Sharik admitted himself defeated!

(145 words)

(D. Gabe)

Questions and tasks

1. What animal carries its house on its back?
2. Why does the turtle walk slowly:
3. Where does she hide her head in case of danger?


Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them was a real forest frog - brave, strong, cheerful, and the other was neither one nor the other: she was a coward, a lazy woman, a sleepyhead. They even said about her that she was not born in the forest, but somewhere in a city park.
But still they lived together, these frogs.
And then one night they went out for a walk.
They walk along a forest road and suddenly see - there is a house. And near the house there is a cellar. And from this cellar it smells very tasty: it smells of mold, dampness, moss, mushrooms. And this is exactly what frogs love.
So they quickly climbed into the cellar, began to run and jump there. They jumped, jumped and accidentally fell into a pot of sour cream.
And they began to drown.
And they, of course, do not want to drown.
Then they began to flounder, began to swim. But this clay pot had very high, slippery sides. And the frogs can't get out of there.
That frog that was lazy, swam a little, floundered and thinks: “All the same, I can't get out of here. Why should I flounder in vain? I'd rather drown right away. "
She thought so, stopped floundering - and drowned.
And the second frog - that was not like that. She thinks: “No, brothers, I always have time to drown. It won't leave me. Better yet, I'll play some more, I'll swim some more. Who knows, maybe something will work out for me. "
But only - no, nothing comes of it. No matter how you swim, you won't swim far. The pot is narrow, the walls are slippery - the frog can't get out of the sour cream.
But all the same, she does not give up, does not lose heart.
“Nothing,” he thinks, “as long as I have the strength, I will fight. I'm still alive, so I have to live. And there - what will be. "
And so, with the last of his strength, our frog is struggling with its frog death. So she began to lose consciousness. Already drowned. She is already pulling her to the bottom. And she does not give up even here - you know she works with her paws. She jerks her paws and thinks: “No! I will not give up! You are naughty, frog death ... "
And suddenly - what is it? Suddenly our frog feels that under its feet it is no longer sour cream, but something solid, something so strong, reliable, like earth. The frog was surprised, looked and saw: there was no longer any sour cream in the pot, but it was standing on a lump of butter.
"What? - thinks the frog. "Where did the oil come from here?"
She was surprised, and then guessed: after all, she herself knocked hard butter out of liquid sour cream with her paws.
“Well,” the frog thinks, “it means I did well that I didn’t drown right away.”
She thought so, jumped out of the pot, rested and galloped to her home - into the forest.
And the second frog remained in the pot.
And never, my dear, she saw the white light again, and never jumped, and never croaked.

(L. Panteleev)

Testing reading skills to work with the text of a work of art

Read the text "Two frogs" L. Panteleev. Complete the tasks. Mark statements that match the content of the text you read.

1. Where did the frog friends live?

In the cellar;
in a ditch;
in the forest;
in the park.

2. Mark the features of a real forest frog.


3. What time of day did your friends go out for a walk?

During the day;
in the evening;
at night;
in the morning.

4. Why did the frogs climb into the cellar?

To enjoy sour cream;
the cellar smelled delicious;
the frogs wanted to know what was in the cellar.

5. Why did one of the frogs drown?

6. The brave frog continued to flounder in the pot, because:

I decided to swim to the edge of the pot;
decided to fight to the end with death;
decided to knock butter out of liquid sour cream.

7. How do you understand the expression: Naughty frog death?

You play;
nothing will come of it;
making up;
you fantasize.

About the danger that may lie in wait in the cellar;
about delicious smells from the cellar;
about the rules of behavior in difficult situations;
that you should never lose heart.