Fors major: Black Sea Dancer Igor Kuzmenko drops out of the show "Dancing with the stars. Natalia Mogilevskaya about choosing a partner for the show "Dance C Zirki": it's not just a dancer, but Igor Kuzmenko's phenomenon Dancing with stars

Fors major: Black Sea Dancer Igor Kuzmenko drops out of the show "Dancing with the stars. Natalia Mogilevskaya about choosing a partner for the show "Dance C Zirki": it's not just a dancer, but Igor Kuzmenko's phenomenon Dancing with stars

The other day, the popular Ukrainian artist admitted that she adhered to and actively engaged in sports in order to fit in one of the concert outfits of 10 years ago, as well as to shine on the parquet this time in the first time!.

I promised to be placed in one of the dresses from the past "dance", and I will dance even better than ten years ago! I completed my promise - which went away, such and returned, after 10 years. But I'm not going to stop. I train at twelve hours a day to recall the long-forgotten ballroom movements. This is not just dancing, it's a heavy sport!

Also known artist, taking into account the massive interest in her partner in the dance of Igor Kuzmenko, told about how he chose a dancer for a project that became a worthy replacement

It is curious that the casting of dancers continued almost before the start of the show, and the 30-year-old professional dancer from Odessa one of the latter ventured to experience fate on the selection.

Channel could not find me a partner for a long time. It seemed to replace Vlad, the pit is simply impossible. The castings lasted almost to the ether. Ultimately, I stopped at three igors. In each of them I saw the strengths: one is a wonderful teacher, the other is a very passionate dancer, the third is a stunning actor, a dancer, but not bounnik. But in each of me something bothered ... Producers in shock! I'm shocked! After all, we were such a couple with Vlad ... He loved the whole country! I understood that my partner could not be just a dancer, it should be a phenomenon! And when Kuzmenko went, I understood immediately, it's he. And what do you think turned out to be his name? Igor too.

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30.10.2017, 11:16

Igor Kuzmenko: dancer biography

October 29 in the show "Dance Zіrki" 2017 Winned a couple of the dancer of Igor Kuzmenko and Singers Natalia Mogilevskaya. Website without taboor tells about the facts of the biography of Kuzmenko.

On the project a couple of Igor Kuzmenko and Natalia Mogilevskaya called claims to win almost from the first ether, but the judges of the show "Dance Z Zіrki" constantly reproached them in predictability and wanted experiments.

Mogilev and Kuzmenko in the finals of the show "Dance" Zіrki "

When the couple did something unexpected (for example, she went to the parquet and danced in the costumes of "fataches") - they were reproached that "little dance". Catherine cuisine for some reason advised Mogilev to change the partner, and at one of the esters the judge Vlad Yama even said that he had a relationship with Natalia Mogilev, but "on the parquet". To which usually calm Igor reacted very emotionally.

"Vlad, you constantly remember at the expense of your relationship with Natalia. It seems to me that it was for a very long time. And it's time, probably forget about it, because now she has a new page and other relationships. Sorry," Kuzmenko blurted out.

Yama, Mogilev and Kuzmenko

What is aware of the biography Igor KuzmenkoWho paired with Mogilev won all the participants of the show and proved that they are the best dancers on the project.

Igor - 30 years. He was born in the Black Sea region of the Odessa region in an ordinary family of engineers, and now lives in Odessa. The guy is not only good dancing and is the finalist of the open championships of England, the USA, Germany, France and Holland, but also takes off in the cinema, and also leads the network of dance studios "K.I.T Dance Studio".

He leads the studios together with the sufferer sister Tatiana, who also acts as his dance partner. The studio name decrypts very simple - "Studio Kuzmenko Igor and Tatiana".

Title dancer and choreographer Igor Kuzmenko

In addition, Kuzmenko is a judge of the international category for Latin American and European dances.

Winners show

Igor Kuzmenko's education received in the Odessa National Sea University - he studied at the Faculty of Transport Technologies and Systems. Also, he knew the school of theatrical skill them. Faith Cold with Odessa film studio. As an actor, he starred in the series: "Wolf", "Hold me stronger", "Storm's specialty", "Last Yanychar", "Light and Lighthouse Shadow" and "Dance of Our Love".

Igor Kuzmenko on the filming of the movie

Hobbies Igor is a motorcycle and his favorite car. Judging by his photographs in social networks - he is also engaged in boxing.

About the personal life of Igor Kuzmenko knows a bit - on his page in the social network it is stated that he is engaged to choreographer Sasha Popova. After the end of the project, the girl wrote on his joyful post on her page: "We returned the groom! Uraaa. We are insanely glad !!! All thanks for the support of".

The other day in the family of the dancer Igor Kuzmenko, the winner of the first season updated by 1 + 1, partner Natalia Mogilev, was replenished. On the morning of August 17 at 11:25 AM Alexandra Kuzmenko presented his husband her daughter. A girl with a growing 53 cm and weighing 3,360 called Miroslav. Baby was born in Odessa, Mom and daughter feel good.

The joyful event occurred on the eve of the project premiere, during the period of active preparations for direct dance esters with the stars. Igor tries to combine training and finds the time to stay with his wife and daughter.

Recall, earlier the dancer shared memories when he first recognized that he would become a father. The couple had long dreamed of a child, and as soon as it became known that Alexander was pregnant with firstborn, she was not kept and immediately admitted to Igor.

In the new season of the project Dancing with the stars will be attended by Georgian Handsome Mashara Makatsaria, TV presenter Masha Efrosinin, World-famous Boxer Denis Berinchik, Master of Sports Aerobics and Coach Anita Lutsenko, Humorist and Coach "Liga Liga" Igor Lastochkin, Soloist, Nangels Group Sologel Kaminskaya, Actor Pavel Vishnyakov, Ukraine-Bolivian singer Michelle Andrad, Restauchor Nikolai Tishchenko, Singer Zlata Ognevich, TV presenter Lesia Nikityuk and Oksana Marchenko, Singer Pavel Zibrov and leading Morning Show "CNіdanok 1 + 1" Ruslan Senichkin.

Which of the stars will be dancing Igor Kuzmenko, the viewers of the TV channel 1 + 1 will be well known at this Sunday on August 26 at 21:00.

Sale of tickets for air tickets are opened.