Glorious autumn frosty nights clear quiet. Nekrasov poems and about autumn

Glorious autumn frosty nights clear quiet. Nekrasov poems and about autumn

We offer you beautiful autumn poems by N. Nekrasov. Each of us knows well from childhood poems by Nekrasov about autumn, and someone reads them to their children and grandchildren. These poems are included in school curriculum for different classes.
Short Nekrasov helps not only to develop speech and memory, but also to get acquainted with beautiful time year autumn.

Nikolay Nekrasov - Autumn

Before - a village holiday,
Today - autumn is hungry;
There is no end to women's sorrow,
Not for beer and wine.
He's been raving about mail since Sunday
Our Orthodox people,
He goes to town on Saturdays,
He walks, asks, learns:
Who is killed, who is injured in the summer,
Who was missing, who was found?
In some hospitals
Have the survivors been transported?
Is it so creepy! Vault of heaven
Dark at noon as in the night;
Doesn't sit in a cramped hut
Does not lie on the stove.
Well fed, warmed up, thank God,
Only to sleep! No, you are not sleeping
So it pulls on the road,
You can't go to bed for anything.
And the striker is on our way!
They carry a lot of crippled people,
What's behind them on the hillock,
How the carriages pass
Human moans
Clearly audible at dawn.

Nikolay Nekrasov - Verse Glorious Autumn

Glorious Autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Ice is not strong on the cold river
Like melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
I recognize my native Russia everywhere ...
I fly fast on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...

Nikolay Nekrasov - Uncompressed strip

Late fall. The rooks flew away
The forest is bare, the fields are empty

Only one strip is not compressed ...
She leads a sad thought.

The ears seem to whisper to each other:
"It's boring for us to listen to the autumn blizzard,

It's boring to bow down to the ground
Fat grains bathing in dust!

Every night we are ravaged by the villages
Every passing voracious bird

The hare tramples on us, and the storm hits us ...
Where is our plowman? what else is waiting for?

Or are we worse than others?
Or did they bloom and ears uncommonly?

No! we are no worse than others - and for a long time
The grain has poured and ripened in us.

Not for the same he plowed and sowed
So that the autumn wind scatters us? .. "

The wind gives them a sad answer:
- Your plowman does not have a lozenge.

He knew why he plowed and sowed,
Yes, he started the work beyond his strength.

Poor poor man - he does not eat or drink,
The worm sucks his sick heart,

The hands that brought out these furrows,
They dried up to splinters, hung like whips.

Like a plow, leaning on the hand,
The plowman walked thoughtfully in a line.

Nekrasov's poems about autumn are perfect for schoolchildren in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old.


Vanya (in a coachman's jacket).
Daddy! who built this road?
Daddy (in a coat with a red lining)
Count Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmichel, darling!
Conversation in the carriage

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Ice is not strong on the cold river
Like melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
I recognize my native Russia everywhere ...
I fly fast on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...

Good dad! Why in charm
Keep a smart Vanya?
Let me be with moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.

He leads the armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people into the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind
Stonecutters, weavers.

It was he who drove the masses of the people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle
Calling these barren wilds to life,
They found a coffin here for themselves.

Straight path: narrow embankments,
Posts, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many there are! Vanechka, do you know?

Chu! menacing exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran across the frosty glass ...
What's in there? Dead crowd!

They overtake the cast-iron road,
They run by the sides.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
Love us to see our work!

We struggled in the heat, in the cold,
With your back always bent
We lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Frozen and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses whipped, the need pressed ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the ground ...
Do you remember all of us, the poor
Or forgotten for a long time? .. "

Do not be dismayed by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the great state -
These are all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be shy, to be covered with a glove,
You're not little! .. With Russian hair,
You see, standing, emaciated with fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Bloodless lips, drooping eyelids,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangled hair;

I will wash my chest, which is diligently on the spade
I spent the whole century day after day ...
You take a closer look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

I did not straighten my hunchbacked back
He is still now: stupidly silent
And mechanically with a rusty shovel
Hollow ground hollows!

This work habit is noble
It would not be bad for us to adopt ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.

Don't be shy about your dear homeland ...
Endured enough Russian people,
He took out this railroad too -
Whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will make a way for himself with his chest.
It's a pity - to live in this beautiful time
You won't have to - neither for me, nor for you.

The whistle is deafening this minute
Screamed - the crowd of the dead has disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I am an amazing dream, -
Vanya said, - five thousand men,

Russian tribes and breeds representatives
Suddenly they appeared - and he said to me:
"Here they are - builders of our road! .."
The general burst out laughing!

"I was recently within the walls of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw Saint Stephen in Vienna,
What ... did the people create all this?

Excuse me for this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a little bit wild.
Or Apollo Belvedere for you
Worse than a stove pot?

Here are your people - these baths and baths,
A miracle of art - he pulled everything apart! "-
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vanya ..."
But the general did not give an objection:

"Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! a wild bunch of drunks! ..
However, it's time to get busy with Vanyusha;

You know, a spectacle of death, sorrow
It is a sin to resent a child's heart.
Would you show the child now
The bright side ... "

Glad to show!
Listen, my dear: fateful works
It's over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people

Gathered in a close crowd at the office ...
They scratched their heads tightly:
Every contractor should stay,
Walking days have become a penny!

The foremen entered everything in the book -
Did he take to the bathhouse, did the patient lie down:
"Maybe there is now a surplus here,
Why, come on! .. "They waved their hand ...

In a blue caftan is a venerable meadowsweet,
Thick, squishy, ​​red as copper,
The contractor rides along the line on a holiday,
He is going to see his work.

Idle people make way decorously ...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo picture:
"Okay ... not a thing ... well done! .. well done! ..

With God, now go home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to the workers
And - I give arrears! .. "

Someone yelled "hurray". Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer ... Look:
The foremen rolled the barrel with the song ...
Here even the lazy one could not resist!

The people unharnessed their horses - and the merchant
Shouting "hurray!" rushed along the road ...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, General? ..

Vania(in a coachman's jacket).
Daddy! who built this road?

Daddy(in a coat with a red lining),
Count Pyotr Andreevich Kleinmichel, darling!

Conversation in the carriage

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Ice is not strong on the cold river
Like melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus ...
I fly fast on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...

Good dad! Why in charm
Keep a smart Vanya?
Let me be with the moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.

He leads the armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people into the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind
Stonecutters, weavers.

It was he who drove the masses of the people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle
Calling these barren wilds to life,
They found a coffin here for themselves.

Straight path: narrow embankments,
Posts, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many there are! Vanechka, do you know?

Chu! menacing exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran across the frosty glass ...
What's in there? Dead crowd!

They overtake the cast-iron road,
They run by the sides.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
Love us to see our work!

We struggled in the heat, in the cold,
With your back always bent
We lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Frozen and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses whipped, the need pressed ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the ground ...
Do you remember all of us, the poor
Or forgotten for a long time? .. "

Do not be dismayed by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the great state -
These are all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be shy, to be covered with a glove,
You're not little! .. With Russian hair,
You see, standing, emaciated with fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Bloodless lips, drooping eyelids,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangled hair;

I will wash my chest, which is diligently on the spade
I spent the whole century day after day ...
You take a closer look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

I did not straighten my hunchbacked back
He is still now: stupidly silent
And mechanically with a rusty shovel
Hollow ground hollows!

This work habit is noble
It would not be bad for us to adopt ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.

Don't be shy about your dear homeland ...
Endured enough Russian people,
He took out this railroad too -
Whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will make a way for himself with his chest.
It's a pity - to live in this beautiful time
You won't have to - neither for me, nor for you.

The whistle is deafening this minute
Screamed - the crowd of the dead has disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I am an amazing dream, -
Vanya said, - five thousand men,

Russian tribes and breeds representatives
Suddenly appeared - and he he told me:
"Here they are - the builders of our road! .."
The general burst out laughing!

“I was recently within the walls of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw Saint Stephen in Vienna,
What ... did the people create all this?

Excuse me for this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a little bit wild.
Or Apollo Belvedere for you
Worse than a stove pot?

Here are your people - these baths and baths,
A miracle of art - he took everything away! "-
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vanya ..."
But the general did not give an objection:

"Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! a wild bunch of drunks! ..
However, it's time to get busy with Vanyusha;

You know, a spectacle of death, sorrow
It is a sin to resent a child's heart.
Would you show the child now
The bright side ... "

Glad to show!
Listen, my dear: fateful works
It's over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people

Gathered in a close crowd at the office ...
They scratched their heads tightly:
Every contractor should stay,
Walking days have become a penny!

The foremen entered everything in the book -
Did he take to the bathhouse, did the patient lie down:
“Maybe there is now a surplus here,
Why, come on! .. ”They waved their hand ...

In a blue caftan is a venerable meadowsweet,
Thick, squishy, ​​red as copper,
The contractor rides along the line on a holiday,
He is going to see his work.

Idle people make way decorously ...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo picture:
"Okay ... nest O... well done a! .. well done a!..

With God, now go home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to the workers
AND - I give arrears!..»

Someone shouted "hurray". Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer ... Look:
The foremen rolled the barrel with the song ...
Here even the lazy one could not resist!

The people unharnessed their horses - and the merchant
Shouting "Hurray!" rushed along the road ...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, General? ..

Analysis of the poem "Railway" by Nekrasov

The overwhelming part of Nekrasov's work is devoted to the common Russian people, a description of their troubles and sufferings. He believed that a real poet should not deviate from reality into romantic illusions. The poem "Railroad" - vivid example the poet's civil lyrics. It was written in 1864 and is dedicated to the construction of the Nikolaevskaya railroad(1843-1851).

The railway between St. Petersburg and Moscow has become a grandiose project. He significantly raised the authority of Russia, reduced the gap with the developed European countries.

At the same time, construction was carried out using backward methods. The labor of the state and serfs was actually slave labor. The state did not take into account the victims, in a difficult physical work many people died in unbearable conditions.

The introduction to the work is the subtle irony of Nekrasov. The general calls the builder of the railway not the mass of workers without rights, but Count Kleinmichel, famous for his cruelty.

The first part of the poem is a lyrical description of the beautiful view that opens before the eyes of the train passengers. Nekrasov lovingly depicts the landscape of "dear Rus". In the second part, there is an abrupt change. The narrator shows the general's son a terrible picture of the construction of the railway, which the high society prefers not to see. Thousands are behind the movement to progress peasant lives... Peasants from all over the immense Russia gathered here " real king" - hunger. Titanic work, like many large-scale Russian projects, literally strewn with human bones.

The third part is the opinion of a self-confident general, symbolizing the stupidity and limitations of high society. He believes that illiterate and always drunk men have no value. Only important higher creations human art. In this thought, opponents of Nekrasov's views on the role of the creator in the life of society are easily guessed.

At the request of the general, the narrator shows Vanya the "bright side" of the construction. The work is over, the dead are buried, it's time to take stock. Russia proves its progressive development to the world. The Emperor and high society are triumphant. Site managers and merchants made significant profits. The workers were awarded ... a barrel of wine and forgiveness of accumulated fines. A timid exclamation of "hurray!" caught up in the crowd.

The picture of the general final jubilation is incredibly bitter and sad. Long-suffering Russian people deceived again. The symbolic price of a grandiose construction (one third of the annual budget Russian Empire), which claimed thousands of lives, expressed itself for ordinary workers in a barrel of vodka. They cannot appreciate the true value of their work and are therefore grateful and happy.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Fragile ice on the frozen river
Like melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps, and stumps -
All is well under the moonlight
Everywhere I recognize my dear Rus ...
I fly fast on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...

Analysis of the poem "Glorious Autumn" by Nekrasov

N. Nekrasov was convinced that the poet's real vocation is to protect the interests common people, description of his troubles and sufferings, criticism of the unjust position of the Russian peasantry. Therefore, in his work, there are rarely purely lyric works... But some landscape sketches confirm the enormous poetic skill of Nekrasov. A small fragment from which the work "Railroad" (1864) begins can be singled out as a separate whole poem "Glorious Autumn".

The poet describes the landscape that opens up before his eyes from the carriage window. Rapidly sweeping picture autumn forest makes him delighted. The lyrical hero regrets that he is watching her from the sidelines and cannot breathe in "vigorous air" and "sleep" on the carpet of fallen leaves.

Nekrasov was very fond of using figurative comparisons. In this poem, he compares the ice on the river with “melting sugar”, the leaves with “soft bed”. He considers “peace and space” to be one of the main advantages of the surrounding nature. Forests, plains and rivers, endlessly replacing each other, are rarely disturbed by human sounds. This complacent surrounding picture evokes in the soul lyric hero peace and quiet bliss.

The invasion of railway transport can be considered a blasphemy in relation to the virgin nature, in which "there is no disgrace." Nekrasov gradually leads the reader to the idea that the construction of the railway has upset the fragile natural balance. Into beautiful and clean world human suffering and grief intruded roughly.

Remaining an ardent patriot of his land, the poet concludes: "I recognize my native Russia everywhere." It was very important for Nekrasov to emphasize nationality. He could not abstractly admire nature as a whole, necessarily pointing out its connection with the long-suffering Russian people. It is the surrounding beauty and harmony that prompts the author to deeply reflect on the fate of those people who inhabit this land. He is especially outraged by the sharp contradiction between perfect nature and the plight of the Russian peasantry.

"Glorious Autumn" is a great example landscape lyrics Nekrasov. Without even giving this genre much attention, the poet, in a fit of inspiration, could create surprisingly felt and deeply lyrical poems.

Glorious autumn! Healthy, vigorous
The air invigorates tired strength;
Fragile ice on the frozen river
Like melting sugar lies;

Near the forest, as in a soft bed,
You can sleep - peace and space!
The leaves have not yet had time to fade,
Are yellow and fresh like a carpet.

Glorious autumn! Frosty nights
Clear, quiet days ...
There is no disgrace in nature! And kochi,
And moss swamps, and stumps -

All is well under the moonlight
I recognize my native Russia everywhere ...
I fly fast on cast-iron rails,
I think my thought ...

Good dad! Why in charm
Keep a smart Vanya?
Let me be with the moonlight
Show him the truth.

This work, Vanya, was terribly huge
Not on the shoulder alone!
There is a king in the world: this king is merciless,
Hunger is his name.

He leads the armies; at sea by ships
Rules; drives people into the artel,
Walks behind the plow, stands behind
Stonecutters, weavers.

It was he who drove the masses of the people here.
Many are in a terrible struggle
Calling these barren wilds to life,
They found a coffin here for themselves.

Straight path: narrow embankments,
Posts, rails, bridges.
And on the sides, all the bones are Russian ...
How many there are! Vanechka, do you know?

Chu! menacing exclamations were heard!
Stomp and gnashing of teeth;
A shadow ran across the frosty glass ...
What's in there? Dead crowd!

They overtake the cast-iron road,
They run by the sides.
Do you hear the singing? .. "On this moonlit night
Love us to see our work!

We struggled in the heat, in the cold,
With your back always bent
We lived in dugouts, fought hunger,
Freezing and wet, sick with scurvy.

We were robbed by literate foremen,
The bosses whipped, the need pressed ...
We have endured everything, God's warriors,
Peaceful children of labor!

Brothers! You are reaping our fruits!
We are destined to rot in the ground ...
Do you remember all of us, the poor
Or forgotten for a long time? .. "

Do not be dismayed by their wild singing!
From Volkhov, from mother Volga, from Oka,
From different ends of the great state -
These are all your brothers - men!

It's a shame to be shy, to be covered with a glove,
You're not little! .. With Russian hair,
You see, standing, emaciated with fever,
Tall sick Belarusian:

Bloodless lips, drooping eyelids,
Ulcers on skinny arms
Forever knee-deep in water
The legs are swollen; tangled hair;

I will wash my chest, which is diligently on the spade
I spent the whole century day after day ...
You take a closer look at him, Vanya, carefully:
It was difficult for a man to get his bread!

I did not straighten my hunchbacked back
He is still: stupidly silent
And mechanically with a rusty shovel
Hollows the frozen ground!

This work habit is noble
It would not be bad for us to adopt ...
Bless the work of the people
And learn to respect the man.

Don't be shy about your dear homeland ...
Endured enough Russian people,
He took out this railroad too -
Whatever the Lord sends!

Will endure everything - and wide, clear
He will make a way for himself with his chest.
It's a pity - to live in this beautiful time
I won't have to - neither me, nor you.

The whistle is deafening this minute
Screamed - the crowd of the dead has disappeared!
"I saw, dad, I am an amazing dream, -
Vanya said, - five thousand men,

Russian tribes and breeds representatives
Suddenly they appeared - and he said to me:
"Here they are - the builders of our road! .."
The general burst out laughing!

“I was recently within the walls of the Vatican,
I wandered around the Colosseum for two nights,
I saw Saint Stephen in Vienna,
What ... did the people create all this?

Excuse me for this impudent laugh,
Your logic is a little bit wild.
Or Apollo Belvedere for you
Worse than a stove pot?

Here are your people - these baths and baths,
A miracle of art - he took everything away! " -
"I'm not talking for you, but for Vanya ..."
But the general did not give an objection:

"Your Slav, Anglo-Saxon and German
Do not create - destroy the master,
Barbarians! a wild bunch of drunks! ..
However, it's time to get busy with Vanyusha;

You know, a spectacle of death, sorrow
It is a sin to resent a child's heart.
Would you show the child now
The bright side ... "

Glad to show!
Listen, my dear: fateful works
It's over - the German is already laying the rails.
The dead are buried in the ground; sick
Hidden in dugouts; working people

Gathered in a close crowd at the office ...
They scratched their heads tightly:
Every contractor should stay,
Walking days have become a penny!

The foremen entered everything in the book -
Did he take to the bathhouse, did the patient lie down:
“Maybe there is now a surplus here,
Why, come on! .. ”They waved their hand ...

In a blue caftan is a venerable meadowsweet,
Thick, squishy, ​​red as copper,
The contractor rides along the line on a holiday,
He is going to see his work.

Idle people make way decorously ...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo picture:
“Okay ... not a thing ... well done! .. well done! ..

With God, now go home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to the workers
And - I give arrears! .. "

Someone shouted "hurray". Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer ... Look:
The foremen rolled the barrel with the song ...
Here even the lazy one could not resist!

The people unharnessed their horses - and the merchant
Shouting "Hurray!" rushed along the road ...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, General? ..