\u003d Japanese tale \u003d \u003d about maternal love \u003d. Mother's love

\u003d Japanese tale \u003d \u003d about maternal love \u003d. Mother's love

The antipyretic agents for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are emergency situations for fever when the child needs to give a medicine immediately. Then parents take responsibility and apply antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to children of chest? What can be confused with older children? What kind of medicines are the safest?

(The connection between a person with Mom passes a strong, invisible thread through his whole life. Starting from a quiet song from the cradle, Mom becomes the most devoted friend and wise mentor.

Maternal concern is not only in washing, cleaning and cooking. Who is better to regret, sticks and calm? Only gentle, their native hands will be removed pain and fatigue. Only warm maternal lips will facilitate physical and moral suffering.

The baby ran over the flying, motley butterfly, stumbled, fell back, sorted his palm, roared from fright and pain. Mom picked up on his arms, pressed to his chest, poured on bleeding wounds, touched with a slight kiss to the crying eyes, while comforting a calm, affectionate voice. The child is sat down, occasionally sobbing, wrapped his mother's necks, bowed to his native shoulder head and smiled happily.

Believe that the suggestive palms of the Son bake in the maternal heart pain, superior to any, its own, pain.

Mom, like a bird, carefully covers a reliable wing of his child from adversity and danger. Does not sleep at the crib of a sick baby. Holds hard by hand when it is scary or lonely. Helps with school lessons. Advises in the first difficult situations. He teaches human kindness, the ability to be friends and love, help and compassion. Be open, honest and humane. Keep and guard nature and animals in trouble.

Moms wisely lead in life, and always try to find an excuse to our crossies, because the day of them we always stay children - the most loved ones and the best.

Maternal love is the bottomless bowl of angelic patience; everyday wisdom; soulful kindness; inexhaustible heart heat; Tireless, disinterested care and endless devotion.

Then - an example from the text.

An example from life experience or from the hood.

Thus, I can conclude that children should appreciate the love donated by the mother, because there is nothing more beautiful.

Or one more beginning:

Good parents can refuse career, risk life, they will always come to the rescue, warm out caress and kindness, will understand and simulate.

An example from the literature:

And in the comedy of Denis Ivanovich Fonvizin "Nepalvil" we face the main hero of the play, Mitrofan. His parents were madly loved, they did not give offense, they did not make anything to do, that is why the boy grew up lazy and uncompatible. In this case, the reader sees that the love of mother went to the child is not good. . The play is aimed at riding the morals and the life of the families of the simpler family, but despite the entire set of negative qualities, a bright feeling lives in Mrs.. She doesn't have a soul in his son. With the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, the play begins, and this concern and love live in it to the last phenomenon of the play. The last replica is ends with a scream of despair: "I don't have a son!" She was hurt and it was difficult to postpone the betrayal of the Son, who herself admitted that "only in him and sees consolation." Son for her - all. What rage she comes when he learns that Uncle almost broke the Mitrofanushka! And here we see the main features of the mother's image in Russian literature - this is a varying love for her child and not for personal qualities, but because it is her son.

Ready arguments for the essay of the exam:

The problem of motherhood

Problem blind maternal love

Maternity as a feat

Possible theses:

Mother's love is the strongest feeling in the world.

Be a good mother - a real feat

Mother is ready for all for her children

Sometimes maternal love blinds, and the woman sees in her child only good

D. I. Fonvizin Comedy "Nepali"

A vivid example of blind maternal love is the comedy Fonvizin "Nepal". Prostakova loved his son so much that he saw only good in it. Mitrofan was all descended from the hands, any of his whims were performed, the mother always walked on him. The result is obvious - the hero rose by the spoiled and selfish young men who does not like anyone, besides himself, and is not indifferent even to his own mother.

L. Ulitskaya story "Daughter Bukhara"

This maternal feat is described in the story of the street "Daughter Bukhara". Alya, the main heroine of the work was a very beautiful girl. Having become a wife Dmitry, East Beauty gave birth to a girl, but soon it turned out that the child had Down syndrome. Father could not accept an infallible child and left to another woman. And Bukhara, who loved her daughter with all his heart, did not surrender and dedicated her life to raising the girl, making everything possible for her happiness, sacrificing his own.

A. N. Ostrovsky Piece "Thunderstorm"

Not always maternal love is expressed in the caress. In the play of Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm" Kabaniha, mother-in-law, the main character, very much loved to "educate" her children, giving them punishment and reading morality. It is not surprising that the son of Tikhon showed himself as a belligerent, unhappingly man and a mummy who cannot and step to step without "mamma." The permanent intervention of Kabani to the life of the Son has a negative impact on his life.

F. M. Dostoevsky Roman "Crime and Punishment"

In the novel of Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", endless maternal love is also traced. Pulcheria Aleksandrovna was most worried about the happiness of the son of Rodion and believed him in spite of everything. For the sake of him, the woman was ready to sacrifice her daughter. It seems that the son for the pulfer was much more important than the Duni.

A. N. Tolstoy Tale "Russian Character"

In the story of Tolstoy "Russian Character" emphasizes the power of maternal love. When Tankist Egor Dreov received burns, disaggregated his face beyond recognition, he was afraid that the family would turn away from him. The hero visited relatives under the guise of his friend. But sometimes the maternal heart sees clearer than the eyes. A woman despite someone else's appearance, he learned his native son in Guest.

V. Zavokin Tale "Mother Human"

How big may be the heart of the real mother, is described in the story of the spun "Mother of Man". During the war, the main character, having lost her husband and son, was left alone with his future child on the land plundered by the fascists. For the sake of him, Maria continued to live, and soon sheltered a little girl to Sanya and loved her as his own. After some time, the baby died of illness, the heroine almost went crazy, but stubbornly continued his work - to revive the destroyed, for those who may be will return. For all the time a pregnant woman managed to shelter on her farm more orphans. This act can be considered a real maternal feat.

The theme of maternal love in Russian literature.

"She sincerely loves her son, loves him because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, but not at all because she saw in it glimpses of human dignity." (VG Belinsky.)

Speaking about the topic of maternal love in Russian literature, I would like to immediately note that in the works of Russian classics the image of the mother, the main place is usually not given away, the mother, as a rule, occupies a secondary position, and most often there is no one at all. But, despite the fact that the writers paid a little attention to this topic, the image of a mother in different writers at different times, in different works endowed with one common features. We will look at them.

The first work studied at the school where the image of the mother appears is the comedy of Phonon Fonvil ", written in 1782. The play is aimed at riding the morals and the life of the families of the simpler family, but despite the entire set of negative qualities, a bright feeling lives in Mrs.. She doesn't have a soul in his son. With the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, the play begins, and this concern and love live in it to the last phenomenon of the play. The last replica is ends with a scream of despair: "I don't have a son!" She was hurt and it was difficult to postpone the betrayal of the Son, who herself admitted that "only in him and sees consolation." Son for her - all. What rage she comes when he learns that Uncle almost broke the Mitrofanushka! And here we see the main features of the mother's image in Russian literature - this is a varying love for her child and not for personal qualities (we remember how Mitrofan was), but because it is her son.

In the "grief from the mind" (1824g.) Griboedov, the mother appears only in one episode. The fussy princess of Toguhovskaya with no less fussy six princessed to Famowov. This bustle is related to the search for the groom. Griboedov draws the scene of their search bright and funny, and in Russian literature such an image of the mother will later become popular, especially in the plays of Ostrovsky. It is Agraphen Kondratyevna in "His People - Treaty", and Ogudalov in the "Nurendannian". In this case, it is difficult to talk about the love of the mother to my daughter, as it is pushed back to the second plan for concerns about marriage, so we will return again to the theme of maternal love for the Son.

In the "Captain's Daughter" and "Taras Bouvube" and Pushkin, and Gogol show a mother at the time of separation of her with their children. Pushkin one sentence showed the state of the mother at the moment when she learns about the upcoming son's departure: "The thought about the ambulance with me so struck her that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face," and when Petrusha leaves, she " In tears punishes his health. Exactly the same image of Mother and Gogol. In Tarasa Bulbe, the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the "old woman". Only having met sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. All night, she spends their headboard and feels with their maternal heart that this night she sees them the last time. Gogol, describing its condition, gives the correct characteristic of any mother: "... For each drop of blood, she would give them all." Bless them, she crumpledly crying, just like the mother of Petrushi. Thus, on the example of two works, we see what it means for a mother to partition with their children and how difficult it suffers it.

In the work of Goncharov "Oblomov" we face two opposing in the warehouse of character and lifestyle heroes. Oblons are lazy, not engaged in anything, not adopted to activities, but, as he himself speaks about him the best friend, "this is a crystal, transparent soul; There are few such people ... ", Half himself an unusually active and energetic person, he knows everything, everything can, all the time he learns something, but spiritually undeveloped. And Goncharov in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" gives us an answer to the question, how it happened. It turns out that they were brought up in different families, and if the mother took the main part in the education of Oblomov, for which it is primarily important that the child was good and nothing threatened to him, then the father took up his father. German by origin, he kept his son in a strict discipline, the mother of the gallez did not differ from the mother of Oblom, she also worried about her son and tried to adopt his participation in his upbringing, but the father took on this role, and we got the famous, but lively Andrei Stolz and the lazy, but spiritual Oblomov.

The image of the mother and her love in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is unusually touching. The mother of Rodion and the Duni Raskolnikov, the Pulcheria Alexandrovna, throughout the novel trying to arrange the happiness of his son, trying to help him, sacrificing even the Duni for him. She loves her daughter, but she loves Rodion more stronger, and the request of the Son does not believe anyone to say about him, she performs. She felt his heart that her son had something terrible, but she did not miss the opportunity to once again not to say even the passing thing that Rodion is a wonderful man, and began to tell how he saved children from a fire. I didn't lose faith in my son to the last, and how hard this separation was hard to her, as she suffered not receiving news of his son, read his article, did not understand anything and proud of her son, because it is his article, his thoughts, and they are published, And this is another reason to justify the son.

Speaking about maternal love, I want to say about her absence. Konstantin from the "Seagulls" Chekhov writes the plays, "looking for new forms," \u200b\u200bin love with the girl, and she replies to him, but he suffers from lack of maternal love and goes to the mother: "Loves, does not like." He regrets that his mother is a famous actress, not an ordinary woman. And with sadness recalls his childhood. At the same time, it is impossible to say that Konstantin is indifferent to the mother. Arkadda comes to horror and worries his son when he learns that he tried to shoot, personally imposes a bandage to him and asks him to do it anymore. This woman preferred a career to raising his son, and without maternal love, a person is hard, which is a vivid example of Kostya, who eventually shot himself.

Using the example of the above works, images and heroes, we can conclude that the mother and maternal love in Russian literature is primarily caressing, care and scoreless love for the child, no matter what. This is the person who is tied to his child with a heart and is able to feel it at a distance, and if this person is absent, then the hero will not be a harmonious personality.

Used Books.

1. V.G. Belinsky "Hamlet, Shakespeare Drama" // full. Cathedral So.: at 13 t. M., 1954. T. 7.

2. D.I. Fonvizyn "Nepal" .// M., True, 1981.

3. A.S. Griboedov "Mount from Wit. "// m., Oziz, 1948.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky. Dramaturgium .// m., Olympus, 2001.

5. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". // full. Cathedral So.: at 10 t. M., True, 1981. T.5.

6. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" .// y-factor, object, 2002.

7. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" .// Cons. So.: M., True, 1952.

8. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". // Hood. Lit., M., 1971.

9. A.P. Chekhov "Seagull". Cathedral So: at 6 t. M., 1955. T. 1.

Objectives lesson:

  • to trace how in Russian literature, faithful to its humanistic traditions, depicted the image of a female mother
  • educate students with respect for the mother of the mother
  • educate a patriot and a citizen aimed at improving the society in which he lives
  • develop the spiritual and moral world of students, their national self-consciousness

During the classes

I. Teacher's Introductory Word

Great and diverse Russian literature. It is indisputable by its civil and social sound and meaning. From this Great Sea, you can draw incessantly - and it will not hide it forever. Not by chance, therefore we have books about the partnership and friendship, love and nature, the soldiers' courage and the Motherland ... and any of these topics received its complete and decent embodiment in the deep and peculiar works of domestic masters.

But there is another holy page in our literature, dear and close to anyone's heart, is works about mother.

With respect and appreciation, we look at a person, to the gray hair of a reverently uttering mother's name for their old age respectively; And the contempt of an execution of the one who in the bitter senile, it turned away from her, refused to have a good memory, a piece or blood.

In relation to the mother, the people measured their attitude towards a person ...

II.. Definition of the goal of classes.

To trace how in Russian literature, faithful to its humanistic traditions, the image of a woman is depicted - the mother.

III. The image of M3Atery in oral folk creativity

The word of the teacher. The appearance of the mother already in oral folk art acquired the captivating features of the custodian of the focus, working and the faithful wife, defenders of their own children and the unchanged wardwoman for all disadvantaged, offended and offended. These defining the qualities of the maternal soul are displayed and the pigs are still in Russian folk tales and folk songs.

Speeches of students (drawing, singing) for folk tales and folk songs.

IV. Mother's image in printed literature

The word teacher. In printed literature, which, for known reasons, at first was a lot of only representatives of the highest classes, the maternal image remained in the shadows for a long time. Perhaps the named item was not considered a worthy high syllable, and maybe the reason for such a phenomenon is more simple and natural: after all, then the noble children, as a rule, were taken to educate not only governors, but also the Kormilitz, and the children of the noble class, unlike the children of peasant were artificially distant from the mother and were fed by milk of other women; Therefore, it happened - even if not quite conscious - the dullness of sons of feelings, which could ultimately not affect the work of future poets and prosaikov.

Not by chance, Pushkin does not say a single poem about his mother and so many adorable poetic initiations of Nyan Arine Rodionov, which, by the way, the poet often called gently and carefully - "Mamushka".

Mother in the work of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov

Mother ... the most expensive and close man. She gave us life, gave a happy childhood. Maternal heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with their warmth. She is our best friend, the wise adviser. Mother - our angel is a keeper.

That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main in Russian literature already in the XIX century.

True, deeply theme of the mother sounded in the poetry Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Closed and discrepanted by nature, Nekrasov literally did not find enough bright words and strong expressions to assess the role of the mother in his life. And the young men, and the old man of Nekrasov always with love and admissions spoke of his mother. A similar attitude towards her, in addition to the usual sons of attachment, flowed, undoubtedly, from the consciousness of what he was obliged to:

And if I easily shook over the years
With the soul of my intersecting traces
I remember all the reasonable legs,
Proud of ignorance environment
And if I filled the life of the struggle
For the ideal of good and beauty,
And wears the song, me,
Live Love Deep Damage -
Oh, my mother, I will come to you!
In me saved the live soul you!
(From the poem "Mother")

Question class:

How did the poet of his mother "saved the soul"?

Presentations of students (reading and analyzing works).

Pupil 1 - First of all, being a woman highly educated, she joined her children to mental, in particular literary, interests. In the poem "Mother" Nekrasov recalls that another child, thanks to the mother, he met the images of Dante and Shakespeare. She also taught his love and compassion to those "whose ideal is the left grief", that is, to serfs.

Student 2 - The image of a woman - the mother is brightly represented by Nekrasov in many of his works "in full ripping rustic", "Orina, Mother Soldiers'"

Student 3 - poem "Attentive to the horrors of war"

Student 4 - Poem "Who lives well in Russia" ...

The word of the teacher."Who will protect you?" - addresses the poet in one of his poems.

He understands that, besides him, there is no one else to fold the word about the sufferer of the land of Russian, the feat of which is indispensable, but great!

Nekrasovsky traditions in the image of the Light Image of Mother - Peasants in Lyrics S.A. Yesenin

(In the course of the lecture, the teachers sound poems of Yesenin about the mother in the performance of students (by heart))

Nekrasov traditions found their reflection in the poetry of the Great Russian Poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother - the peasant.

Through the creativity of Yesenin is the light image of the mother of the poet. Endowed with individual features, he grows into the generalized image of a Russian woman, there is still in the youthful poet verses, as a fabulous image of the one that not only gave a whole world, but also made the song with a song. This image takes the concrete earth appearance of the peasant engaged in everyday affairs: "Mother with grasp is not swimming, bent low ..."

Loyalty, constancy of feeling, heart dedication, inexhaustible patience are summarized and opoetized by Yesenin in the image of the mother. "Oh, my patient mother!" - This exclamation broke out not by chance: many excitement brings the son, but everything forgives the maternal heart. So the Motive of the Son's guilt is frequent with Yesenin. At his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: she is a road to the memory of youth, but most of all goes there the mother's teenager about the son.

"Cute, kind, old, gentle" mother seems to poet "For the parent dinner." Mother worries - the Son has not been at home for a long time. How is he there, in the distance? The son is trying to calm her in letters: "Time will be dear, native!" In the meantime, "Evening unspecified light" flows over the maternal hut. The son, "still the same gentle", "dreams only that rather from longing a rebel grogging into the lowest one." In the "letter of the mother", the sovie feelings are expressed with a piercing artistic force: "You are one help me and Otrada, you are one of the unspecified light."

Yesenin was 19 years old, when he with amazing penetration felt in the poem "Rus", the maternity expectation - "waiting for gray mothers."

Sons became soldiers, the royal service carried them on the bloody fields of world war. Rarely rarely come from them "doodle, derived with such labor", but everyone is waiting for their "chille huts", warmed by the maternal heart. Yesenin can be put next to Nekrasov, challenged "tears of poor mothers."

They do not forget their children,
Dead on bloody Niva,
How not to raise wreaku
His dreamed branches.

Poem "Requiem" A.A. Ahmatova.

These lines from the distant 19th century remind us of the bitter cry of the mother, who we hear in the poem Anna Andreevna Akhmatova "Requiem". Here it is, the immortality of true poetry, here it is, the enviable length of its existence in time!

17 months (1938 - 1939) Akhmatova held in prison queues in connection with the arrest of the Son, Lion Gumilyova: He was arrested three times: in 1935, 1938 and 1949.

(Excerpts are heard from the poem performed by the artist's masters. Fochrestomitia. 11th grade)

Seventeen months shout
Calling you home ...
Everything was confused forever
And I do not disassemble
Now who is a beast, who is a person
And long to wait.

But this is the fate of not only one mother. And the fate of many Mothers of Russia, day-to-judged prisons for prisons in numerous queues with gears for children arrested by media, Stalinist regime, cruel repression regime.

Before that, grief bent the mountains,
The Great River does not flow
But strong prison shutters,
And behind them "Cutting holes"
And mortal longing.

Mother passes the circles of hell.

X The head of the poem is a culmination - direct appeal to the evangelical issues. The appearance of religious patterns was prepared not only by mentioning saving appeals to prayer, but also the entire atmosphere of the suffering mother, the present son on the inevitable, inevitable death. The suffering of mother is associated with the state of the Virgin of the Virgin Mary; The suffering of the son with the flour of Christ, crucified on the cross. There appears the image "Heaven melted on fire." This is a sign of the greatest catastrophe, a world-historical tragedy.

Magdalene beat and sobbed,
Pupil Favorite Kamene,
And there, where silently mother stood,
So no one to look and did not dare.

Mother's Mountain, it is impossible and inexpressible, its loss is intense, because it is her only son and because this son is God, the Savior's only time. Crucifixion in the "Requiem" - the universal sentence of the inhuman system, which encourages the mother on the immense and disadvantaged suffering, and the only beloved of her, the Son is for non-existence.

The tragedy of the mother's image in works about the Great Patriotic War.

The word teacher

The image of the mother is extremely used on itself the features of drama. And it began to look even more tragic against the background of the Great and terrible war in his fierce. Who more mother suffered suffering at this time? About this book Mothers E. Koshevaya "Tale of Son", Kosmodemyanskaya "Tale of Zoe and Shura" ...

Yes, don't tell about it -
What years did you live in!
What immeasurable weight
On the female shoulders lay down!
(M, Isakovsky).

Speeches of students

  1. according to the "Tale of the Son" E. Koshevaya
  2. according to Roman A.A. Fadeeva "Young Guard" (view passages from the film "Young Guard")
  3. according to "Tale of Zoe and Shura" Kosmodemyanskaya

The student reads an excerpt from the poem Y. Smelyakov

Mothers closes us with breasts, even at our own existence from all evil.

But the mother cannot protect their children from the war, and perhaps the war is most directed against mothers.

Our mother not only lost their sons, worried about the occupation, worked until the exhaustion, helping the front, but they themselves died in fascist concentration camps, they were tortured, burned in the furnaces of crematoriums.

Question class

Why are the people who exactly a mother gave life, so cruel to her?

(Answers speeches, thinking of students)

Roman Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate"

In the novel Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate" Violence appears in different kinds, and writer creates bright, piercing pictures of the threat that it carries for life.

A student reads a letter of mothers physics Strum Anna Semenovna, written by her on the eve of the death of the inhabitants of the Jewish ghetto.

Impressions of students from heard (exemplary answers)

Student 1 - it is impossible to read it without shudder and tears. Horror, the feeling of fear covers me. How could people endure these inhuman tests that have fallen into their share. And especially scary, it becomes not in itself when the mother is bad, the saint being on earth.

Pupil 2 - and Mother - Martyrs, Stradalitsa, she always thinks about children, even in the last minutes of life: "How to finish me a letter? Where to get forces, son? Are there human words capable of expressing my love for you? I kiss you, your eyes, your forehead, your hair.

Remember that always in the days of happiness and the day of grief maternal love with you, no one is able to kill it.

Live, live, live forever! "

Pupil 3 - Mother is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of children! Great Power of Maternal Love!

The word teacher

Mother Vasily Grossman died in 1942 from the hands of the fascist executioners.

In 1961, 19 years after the death of the mother, the Son wrote her a letter. It has been preserved in the archive of the widow writer.

"When I die, you will live in the book that I dedicated to you and the fate of which is similar to your destiny" (V. Grossman)

And the hot tear, spilled by the writer in his old mother and in the Jewish people burn our hearts and leaves them a scar of memory.

"Mother of Human" Vitaly Zapotkin - a heroic poem about the unparalleled courage, durability and humanity of the Russian woman - Mother.

The story of everyday life, inhuman hardships and adversity of the young woman in the deep rear in the Germans grows into the story about the mother and motherhood as the embodiment of the stentedness in the childhood, on endurance, durability, long-suffering, faith in the inevitable victory of good over evil.

B. Zavokatin described the exceptional situation, but in it the author saw and managed to transfer the manifestation of typical traits of a female mother. Talking about the misadventures and experiences of the heroine, the writer constantly seeks to identify in private nationwide. Maria understood that "her grief is only an invisible drop of a drop in that terrible, the wide river of the burning of human, black, illuminated by fires in the river, which, overpaying, the shore rules, looked wider and wider and wider and faster, sought to the east, giving away from Mary is what she lived in this light all their short twenty-nine years ...

Tale's last scene - when the commander of the regiment of the upcoming Soviet army, having learned the history of the heroine, with all the squadron "sank to Mary on his knees and silently pressed her cheek to her facelessly lowered by a little rigid hand ..." - gives almost a symbolic meaning to fate and the feat of the heroine.

The generalization is achieved by introducing a symbolic image of motherhood - the image of Madonna with a baby on the hands embodied in the marble by a missing artist.

"I was peering into her face," V. V. Splotkin writes, "remembering the story of a simple Russian woman Mary and thought:" There are many things like Maria, we have a great many on earth, and time will come - people will give them due ...

V.. The final word of the teacher. Summarizing.

Yes, this time will come. They will disappear on the earth of war ... People will become people-brothers ... They will gain joy, happiness and peace.

So it will be. "And maybe then not fictional Madonna erected grateful people the most beautiful, the most majestic monument, and to her, the woman-worker of the earth. Self-white, black and yellow people-brothers are all gold of the world, all the gems, all the gifts of the seas, the oceans and the bowels of the earth, and, created by the genius of new unknown creators, will shine over the earth the image of the mother of the human, our imperishable faith, our hope, eternal love. "

People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers. This mother is given once!

VI. Homework (differentiated):

  1. prepare expressive reading (by heart) poems or prose about mother
  2. the writing "I want to tell you about my mom ..."
  3. essay - Essay "Is it easy to be my mother?"
  4. monologue "Mother"
  5. mother Ballad Scenery
"She sincerely loves her son, loves him because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, but not at all because she saw in it glimpses of human dignity." (VG Belinsky.)

Speaking about the topic of maternal love in Russian literature, I would like to immediately note that in the works of Russian classics the image of the mother, the main place is usually not given away, the mother, as a rule, occupies a secondary position, and most often there is no one at all. But, despite the fact that the writers paid a little attention to this topic, the image of a mother in different writers at different times, in different works endowed with one common features. We will look at them.

The first work studied at the school where the image of the mother appears is the comedy of Phonon Fonvil ", written in 1782. The play is aimed at riding the morals and the life of the families of the simpler family, but despite the entire set of negative qualities, a bright feeling lives in Mrs.. She doesn't have a soul in his son. With the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, the play begins, and this concern and love live in it to the last phenomenon of the play. The last replica is ends with a scream of despair: "I don't have a son!" She was hurt and it was difficult to postpone the betrayal of the Son, who herself admitted that "only in him and sees consolation." Son for her - all. What rage she comes when he learns that Uncle almost broke the Mitrofanushka! And here we see the main features of the mother's image in Russian literature - this is a varying love for her child and not for personal qualities (we remember how Mitrofan was), but because it is her son.

In the "grief from the mind" (1824g.) Griboedov, the mother appears only in one episode. The fussy princess of Toguhovskaya with no less fussy six princessed to Famowov. This bustle is related to the search for the groom. Griboedov draws the scene of their search bright and funny, and in Russian literature such an image of the mother will later become popular, especially in the plays of Ostrovsky. It is Agraphen Kondratyevna in "His People - Treaty", and Ogudalov in the "Nurendannian". In this case, it is difficult to talk about the love of the mother to my daughter, as it is pushed back to the second plan for concerns about marriage, so we will return again to the theme of maternal love for the Son.

In the "Captain's Daughter" and "Taras Bouvube" and Pushkin, and Gogol show a mother at the time of separation of her with their children. Pushkin one sentence showed the state of the mother at the moment when she learns about the upcoming son's departure: "The thought about the ambulance with me so struck her that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face," and when Petrusha leaves, she " In tears punishes his health. Exactly the same image of Mother and Gogol. In Tarasa Bulbe, the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the "old woman". Only having met sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. All night, she spends their headboard and feels with their maternal heart that this night she sees them the last time. Gogol, describing its condition, gives the correct characteristic of any mother: "... For each drop of blood, she would give them all." Bless them, she crumpledly crying, just like the mother of Petrushi. Thus, on the example of two works, we see what it means for a mother to partition with their children and how difficult it suffers it.

In the work of Goncharov "Oblomov" we face two opposing in the warehouse of character and lifestyle heroes. Oblons are lazy, not engaged in anything, not adopted to activities, but, as he himself speaks about him the best friend, "this is a crystal, transparent soul; There are few such people ... ", Half himself an unusually active and energetic person, he knows everything, everything can, all the time he learns something, but spiritually undeveloped. And Goncharov in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" gives us an answer to the question, how it happened. It turns out that they were brought up in different families, and if the mother took the main part in the education of Oblomov, for which it is primarily important that the child was good and nothing threatened to him, then the father took up his father. German by origin, he kept his son in a strict discipline, the mother of the gallez did not differ from the mother of Oblom, she also worried about her son and tried to adopt his participation in his upbringing, but the father took on this role, and we got the famous, but lively Andrei Stolz and the lazy, but spiritual Oblomov.

The image of the mother and her love in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is unusually touching. The mother of Rodion and the Duni Raskolnikov, the Pulcheria Alexandrovna, throughout the novel trying to arrange the happiness of his son, trying to help him, sacrificing even the Duni for him. She loves her daughter, but she loves Rodion more stronger, and the request of the Son does not believe anyone to say about him, she performs. She felt his heart that her son had something terrible, but she did not miss the opportunity to once again not to say even the passing thing that Rodion is a wonderful man, and began to tell how he saved children from a fire. I didn't lose faith in my son to the last, and how hard this separation was hard to her, as she suffered not receiving news of his son, read his article, did not understand anything and proud of her son, because it is his article, his thoughts, and they are published, And this is another reason to justify the son.

Speaking about maternal love, I want to say about her absence. Konstantin from the "Seagulls" Chekhov writes the plays, "looking for new forms," \u200b\u200bin love with the girl, and she replies to him, but he suffers from lack of maternal love and goes to the mother: "Loves, does not like." He regrets that his mother is a famous actress, not an ordinary woman. And with sadness recalls his childhood. At the same time, it is impossible to say that Konstantin is indifferent to the mother. Arkadda comes to horror and worries his son when he learns that he tried to shoot, personally imposes a bandage to him and asks him to do it anymore. This woman preferred a career to raising his son, and without maternal love, a person is hard, which is a vivid example of Kostya, who eventually shot himself.

Using the example of the above works, images and heroes, we can conclude that the mother and maternal love in Russian literature is primarily caressing, care and scoreless love for the child, no matter what. This is the person who is tied to his child with a heart and is able to feel it at a distance, and if this person is absent, then the hero will not be a harmonious personality.

Used Books.

1. V.G. Belinsky "Hamlet, Shakespeare Drama" // full. Cathedral So.: at 13 t. M., 1954. T. 7.

2. D.I. Fonvizyn "Nepal" .// M., True, 1981.

3. A.S. Griboedov "Mount from Wit. "// m., Oziz, 1948.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky. Dramaturgium .// m., Olympus, 2001.

5. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". // full. Cathedral So.: at 10 t. M., True, 1981. T.5.

6. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" .// y-factor, object, 2002.

7. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" .// Cons. So.: M., True, 1952.

8. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". // Hood. Lit., M., 1971.

9. A.P. Chekhov "Seagull". Cathedral So: at 6 t. M., 1955. T. 1.


The theme of maternal love in Russian literature.

"She sincerely loves her son, loves him because she gave birth to him, that he is her son, but not at all because she saw in it glimpses of human dignity." (VG Belinsky.)

Speaking about the topic of maternal love in Russian literature, I would like to immediately note that in the works of Russian classics the image of the mother, the main place is usually not given away, the mother, as a rule, occupies a secondary position, and most often there is no one at all. But, despite the fact that the writers paid a little attention to this topic, the image of a mother in different writers at different times, in different works endowed with one common features. We will look at them.

The first work studied at the school where the image of the mother appears is the comedy of Phonon Fonvil ", written in 1782. The play is aimed at riding the morals and the life of the families of the simpler family, but despite the entire set of negative qualities, a bright feeling lives in Mrs.. She doesn't have a soul in his son. With the manifestation of care for Mitrofanushka, the play begins, and this concern and love live in it to the last phenomenon of the play. The last replica is ends with a scream of despair: "I don't have a son!" She was hurt and it was difficult to postpone the betrayal of the Son, who herself admitted that "only in him and sees consolation." Son for her - all. What rage she comes when he learns that Uncle almost broke the Mitrofanushka! And here we see the main features of the mother's image in Russian literature - this is a varying love for her child and not for personal qualities (we remember how Mitrofan was), but because it is her son.

In the "grief from the mind" (1824g.) Griboedov, the mother appears only in one episode. The fussy princess of Toguhovskaya with no less fussy six princessed to Famowov. This bustle is related to the search for the groom. Griboedov draws the scene of their search bright and funny, and in Russian literature such an image of the mother will later become popular, especially in the plays of Ostrovsky. It is Agraphen Kondratyevna in "His People - Treaty", and Ogudalov in the "Nurendannian". In this case, it is difficult to talk about the love of the mother to my daughter, as it is pushed back to the second plan for concerns about marriage, so we will return again to the theme of maternal love for the Son.

In the "Captain's Daughter" and "Taras Bouvube" and Pushkin, and Gogol show a mother at the time of separation of her with their children. Pushkin one sentence showed the state of the mother at the moment when she learns about the upcoming son's departure: "The thought about the ambulance with me so struck her that she dropped a spoon in a saucepan, and tears flowed down her face," and when Petrusha leaves, she " In tears punishes his health. Exactly the same image of Mother and Gogol. In Tarasa Bulbe, the author describes in detail the emotional shock of the "old woman". Only having met sons after a long separation, she is again forced to part with them. All night, she spends their headboard and feels with their maternal heart that this night she sees them the last time. Gogol, describing its condition, gives the correct characteristic of any mother: "... For each drop of blood, she would give them all." Bless them, she crumpledly crying, just like the mother of Petrushi. Thus, on the example of two works, we see what it means for a mother to partition with their children and how difficult it suffers it.

In the work of Goncharov "Oblomov" we face two opposing in the warehouse of character and lifestyle heroes. Oblons are lazy, not engaged in anything, not adopted to activities, but, as he himself speaks about him the best friend, "this is a crystal, transparent soul; There are few such people ... ", Half himself an unusually active and energetic person, he knows everything, everything can, all the time he learns something, but spiritually undeveloped. And Goncharov in the chapter "Sleep Oblomov" gives us an answer to the question, how it happened. It turns out that they were brought up in different families, and if the mother took the main part in the education of Oblomov, for which it is primarily important that the child was good and nothing threatened to him, then the father took up his father. German by origin, he kept his son in a strict discipline, the mother of the gallez did not differ from the mother of Oblom, she also worried about her son and tried to adopt his participation in his upbringing, but the father took on this role, and we got the famous, but lively Andrei Stolz and the lazy, but spiritual Oblomov.

The image of the mother and her love in the novel of the Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" is unusually touching. The mother of Rodion and the Duni Raskolnikov, the Pulcheria Alexandrovna, throughout the novel trying to arrange the happiness of his son, trying to help him, sacrificing even the Duni for him. She loves her daughter, but she loves Rodion more stronger, and the request of the Son does not believe anyone to say about him, she performs. She felt his heart that her son had something terrible, but she did not miss the opportunity to once again not to say even the passing thing that Rodion is a wonderful man, and began to tell how he saved children from a fire. I didn't lose faith in my son to the last, and how hard this separation was hard to her, as she suffered not receiving news of his son, read his article, did not understand anything and proud of her son, because it is his article, his thoughts, and they are published, And this is another reason to justify the son.

Speaking about maternal love, I want to say about her absence. Konstantin from the "Seagulls" Chekhov writes the plays, "looking for new forms," \u200b\u200bin love with the girl, and she replies to him, but he suffers from lack of maternal love and goes to the mother: "Loves, does not like." He regrets that his mother is a famous actress, not an ordinary woman. And with sadness recalls his childhood. At the same time, it is impossible to say that Konstantin is indifferent to the mother. Arkadda comes to horror and worries his son when he learns that he tried to shoot, personally imposes a bandage to him and asks him to do it anymore. This woman preferred a career to raising his son, and without maternal love, a person is hard, which is a vivid example of Kostya, who eventually shot himself.

Using the example of the above works, images and heroes, we can conclude that the mother and maternal love in Russian literature is primarily caressing, care and scoreless love for the child, no matter what. This is the person who is tied to his child with a heart and is able to feel it at a distance, and if this person is absent, then the hero will not be a harmonious personality.

Used Books.

1. V.G. Belinsky "Hamlet, Shakespeare Drama" // full. Cathedral So.: at 13 t. M., 1954. T. 7.

2. D.I. Fonvizyn "Nepal" .// M., True, 1981.

3. A.S. Griboedov "Mount from Wit. "// m., Oziz, 1948.

4. A.N. Ostrovsky. Dramaturgium .// m., Olympus, 2001.

5. A.S. Pushkin "Captain's daughter". // full. Cathedral So.: at 10 t. M., True, 1981. T.5.

6. N.V. Gogol "Taras Bulba" .// y-factor, object, 2002.

7. I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov" .// Cons. So.: M., True, 1952.

8. F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment". // Hood. Lit., M., 1971.

9. A.P. Chekhov "Seagull". Cathedral So: at 6 t. M., 1955. T. 1.

Scarlett is the most famous cat in America, and, perhaps, around the world. The books were written about her heroism, devotion and maternal love, films were recorded, and the SCARLETT Award for Animal Heroism was established in honor of it. Since 1996, this award is awarded to animals noted in heroic actions and self-sacrifice in the salvation of other animals or people. Scarlett also received many awards for courage, in particular, from the British royal society against cruelty to animals.

But that's not the point. Scarlett is not just a cat. This is a mother with a capital letter. Her courage, maternal love and devotion I think they will make everyone think.

On March 30, 1996, a fire began in the abandoned Brooklyn garage in New York. Firefighters arrived at the place quickly quickly, and during extinguishing one of the firefighters - David Giagelli - noticed a homeless cat, which once again returned to the garage in the flame, pulling out one of his newborn kittens. Despite the burns of the eyes, heavily burned ears and face, she sentenced all his kittens from the burning room - and, since the cat could take them only one by one, she had to go back to the garage, soaked in a thick smoke.

The cats have already been burned down their paws, the ears are damaged, the eyes of the muzzle and the eyes were bubbled, but only after she pulled out of the latter the last, the fifth of his kitten, pushed the muzzle to everyone to make sure everyone was saved, lost consciousness.

One, the weakest of the five surviving kittens, died a month after the fire.

David Giagelli taking a cat with kittens in a veterinary hospital with the league of protecting animals of the North Shore (North Shore Animal League), where the heroic mother immediately conducted a course of intensive therapy, placing in an oxygen chamber. Three months it took on almost complete rehabilitation Scarlett (this name cat was given in the league of animal protection), but preventive treatment was required to animal the rest of his life (for example, a special eye cream, she needed to apply three times a day).

The story about the heroic cat was soon separated worldwide, calls with the proposal of assistance came from Japan, the Netherlands and South Africa, the Americans sent a postcard for her day. In the league of animal protection, more than 7,000 applications were received from those who wish to adopt Scarlett and her kittens.

Two families from Long Island took four couples, and Scarlett adopted Ceren Wellen. In his letter to League, Mrs. Keren reported that she had recently lost her favorite cat in a car accident, and now I would like to take into the house only such an animal that needs constant treatment, care and special conditions.

Having received one day from the veterinarians of the verdict League that there is no hope for improved health, Kerean was forced to take a very difficult solution. Scarlett had to be sealed. Each animal owner, faced with a similar situation, knows what is a bitter decision.

Scarlett lived happily in the house of loving Keren for more than 10 years. At the end of life, it is believed that the cat was more than 13 years old, - Scarlett suffered from different diseases - renal failure, noises in the heart, lymphoma and other ailments.

In the distant old, lived on the very edge of one small town of an old man with an old woman. They traded them with sweet AME pulling. Once in the Dark Winter Evening, there was some young woman on the door of their shops. Standing behind the threshold, she timidly extended a coin in three pencils.
- Here, let me, please, a little of your Ame ...
- What are you standing in the cold wind, Mrs.? Come on, heated until we complete your purchase.
- No, I will stand here.
Took a young woman with a delicacy and disappeared in the darkness.
- Who is she and why comes in this late course? Does she really have no other time?
On the second and on the third night, the woman came again. And on the fourth old old people were unwritten: it was not a coin she left them, but a dry leaf.
- Oh, a cheater! - Called the old woman. - Go, the old man, for her, after, she has not yet left far. I have a better eye, she would not slip the sheet instead of a coin ..
- see the threshold of Key Red clay ...- The old man was surprised, lighting the lantern. - And where did this woman come from? Next door we have one white sand.
He wandered into the side where the stranger was hidden. Watching: footprints in the snow is not visible, only lumps of red clay track show.
"But here there are no houses here," the old man thinks. "Sometimes she went to the cemetery?" Around one grave monuments. "
Suddenly he heard a crying baby ...
"True, I made me. So poke ... This is the wind in the branches whistles. "
No, again the children's crying, miserable and deaf, as if from under the ground. Old man approached closer. And right, someone cries under fresh embankment graves ...
"Warred business! - thinks old man. - I'll go, I will wake up the rector of the neighboring temple. It is necessary to know what is the mystery here. Caught in the grave of living buried? "
He woke up by the abbot. They went to the grave with a society.
- This is, what? Here a pregnant woman was buried for this a few days, "the priser exclaimed." Died from some kind of disease, without waiting for childbirth. Yes, didn't you imagine the old man?
Suddenly, they heard the deaf-deafness to their children's crying.
They began to slowly dig a society. Here it seemed the cover of the new coffin. They dropped the lid. They see: Lies in the coffin, a young woman is asleep, and on the chest the dead mother is a lively baby. And in his mouth he has a sweet Ame.
- So that's what she fed him! Now I understand everything! - An old man exclaimed. - Veliko Miracle of Mother's Love! No in the light of her stronger! The poor thing first gave me those coins that she, according to custom, was put in the coffin, and how they ended, brought a dry leaf ... Ah, unhappy, she was behind the coffin of her baby.
Here they were shed both old tears over the open grave. They ignored the hands of the dead woman, took out of her babes and attributed it to the temple. There he grew up, there he remained to take care of the grave of his mother, who loved him so much ...

"Lived and son and son. The folder was killed in the war. And the days of post-war, hungry. Mom's souls did not care in the son, so loved him. The best is to him! From myself will break off, and the son will not be offended. It happened, they will treat it at work with a candy, and she herself doesn't eat - slavik to his own. And then also cacuds, they say, why is one, not two!?
Mom in thread stretched, if only a son was good. I will update what will guarantee, the toy will buy a new one, then the deficit will get.
All for him, everything!

Captured Choo, thank God, healthy, read, and did not seriously ill.
Heavy woman to raise one child. Without a peasant, in the house like?!
Marry, of course, could go out, and the grooms were, but only the son was jealous so much that before the nervous disorder came. How can a mother loving to the detriment of the child do something?
So she remained a widow.
Well, okay! If only the son was good!

I have already called the last son in the school, and there is a clinical institute.
She fastened to the famous one, learned, he released a young specialist with high education. I went, asked, persuaded, and took a son in one closed Research Institute. Not in the workshop, it is mechanical to drink, mergers dirty all sorts to sharpen !?
As time went.
Made by estate slowly - a studio apartment, a small dirty, the furniture there, the technique of various household.
In general, well.

Son in male strength entered. Beginning began. And what about! For him any, only horstov! Handsome! Blood with milk!
Mom thought and joined the apartment for the apartment for Slavik.
And on time!
In general, she gave her young to the wedding the keys to a new apartment.
I did not have time to accumulate on the car, and Alonka's granddaughter, the Third Year went. On this occasion, the son wanted to talk to my mother.
- The granddaughter is big already, and the apartment is not enough. The thing is young, and here it is spinning. Uncomfortable, you see ...
- I saved the car. Once so, take that there is. You can change the apartment with a surcharge, to a big one! And I'll take Alenaka yet.
The son hid money in his pocket and answered.
- How can I, mom!? A child with parents should be. We thought. Let's change our apartments for one.
- Also good. You look, and I am with my granddaughter.
- Well I'm saying, so closely, also to drag you there!
- And where am I?! - Mom was surprised.
- And dacha on what?! She is warm. And fresh air! You will be good there!
And Mom began to live in the country.

All would be good, but just killed the dashing "nineties". Son, when the work was lost, in business came. But whether he didn't have a mustache for him, whether the partners were unscrupulous fell, only he burned to the alert, he also had to stay!
I went to my mother.
- Mom! I sold the car, and the debt is still hanging.
- Poor you are mine!? How can I help?
- We need to sell the cottage!
- It is necessary, so necessary! I will move to you!
- No, mom! I agreed, go to the nursing home. I have already made a fee. For a year forward, while Everything is so expensive, horror!
- Good, son! - Mom said, but he was not kept, I cried.
- Just do not cry! That will rise, buy you a house ... with a swimming pool.

After three months, Slavik came to the nursing home and told Mother that again he was all in debt, like in silks. What a wife left him, taking Alyna with him, and at the same time and an apartment.
Mom sighed, the son of the regrets, sighed because of the sinus, the old rag and handed her son with words.
- Take! I have nothing more! It got me from Mom, and she is from my grandmother.
The son deployed the rag and saw a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- And you were silent?! - He shouted evil to his mother.
Spat her legs and left.
And mother died in the evening "

What sad fairy tale! - said Vanyatka.
- Not a fairy tale is at all, but the history of the life of your great-grandfathers. - smiling sadly, answered Baba Alyona and stroked the grandson on his head.
- How interesting! And what happened to the son? Helped him then ring?
- From now on, a real fairy tale begins.
- Like this?!
- It is said that the maternal love is blind, but this is stating superficial people. Mother's love for children is stronger than any diamond, as she loves children as they are, no matter, they are nice or bad. Does not expect thanks and does not require anything in return. That is why her love is more expensive than any gem or metal, and therefore it has no price. But, like any phenomenon, this love has a reverse side.
- What?! - impatiently interrupted grandmother's grandmother.

Do not hurry and think about what I will say now. If the love of mother does not find reciprocity in children, they will not be happy. Never!
- It seems I understood! So you often go to the grave of grandmothers often!
- You clever! - said Baba Alyona and kissed the Vanyatka in the warm maquet. - The memory of those who gone is one of the manifestations of mutual love.
- Granny! And wonders? What a fairy tale without miracles?
- Son gave the Ring Creditors for debts. But when they turned the rag, the rings did not turn out in it, and they decided that the debtor wanted to deceive them. In the end, the beaten Slavik was on the city landfill, where she finished his life badly.
- And where did it work?!
- Here it is! - And Baba Lena pulled a clean rag from the chest, there was a platinum ring with a large diamond.
- And truth, miracles! Where!?

I do not know! I found it in my children's locker every day after the funeral of your grandfathers. I was then 8 years old. But it seems to me, I know why it turned out to be with me.
- Why!?
- You see! My mom, your great-grandmother, was very badly accepted with your great-grandfather. After all, partially and in her fault she found himself in the nursing home, because she did not want her to live with them. And the wonderiness of the rings is that it can not be sold, lay or turn into money in some way. It can only be preserved and stored as the embodiment of maternal love. Your grandfathers died from what I gave absolutely everything that I had, and without my love could not live.
- Why don't you sleep! It's too late!? - Mom said, entering the room. She just returned from work.
- We talked about love! - answered Baba Lena.
- Not too early!?
- Just right! - she objected Granny, got up and went to the chest, waving a ring in the rag on the go.
- AAA! You are about it! - Mom understood, watching the actions of her mother. - Oh, I forgot, I treated me with an apple! Take, Vanyus, attempt.
The son took the apple, thoughtfully turned his fingers, then cut in half and extended half a granny and mother with words.
- For the night, children are harmful. I'm better than a milk.

Women secretly looked up and smiled quietly each other.