Soviet popular groups of the 80s. Estrada USSR

Soviet popular groups of the 80s. Estrada USSR
Soviet popular groups of the 80s. Estrada USSR

The vocal instrumental ensemble created in 1970 in Chelyabinsk. The first fame came in late 1971, after the contest "Silver strings", where he took first place. The first record on the company "Melody" was released in 1975. Self famous songs Ensemble: "I sit on the pebble", "wider circle", "I will tell you, Kuma" and other, no less well-known songs.

- VIA, and then pop rock group of the 70s - 80s. One of the most famous Soviet teams of the 70s. A lot of stars Soviet pop It came out of this team. Explosive popularity by the union appeared after the release of the plate "when we keep quietly". In this album they sounded the most famous songs "People" meet "," how beautiful this world is "," holding hands together "and others.

- vocal instrumental ensemble of the 70s from the Belarusian SSR. The leaders and soloists of the ensemble by Jutyig Poplavskaya and Alexander Tihanovich were spitto many of these Soviet hits. "Malinovka having walked a voice", "Caution", "I live in my grandmother" is still very popular in the people.

Blue guitars

Blue guitars - Moscow vocal-instrumental ensemble of the 70s. Exceptional feature of the group were guitars blue color. Almost all participants in the ensemble solired and their joint singing was very harmoniously merged with music. Their songs "Romance-Dreamers", "Crocodile Green", "North Wind".

- Via 70s from Moscow. In addition to Klvishny, guitars and drums in the ensemble participated and spirit Group. Peak popularity falls at the beginning of the 70s. Cooperation with Yuri Antonov, Vyacheslav Dobrynin and David Tukhmanov gave rise to a lot of beautiful and famous songs. "I'm going to the sea," "the main thing, guys, do not grow old," who told you "," Alyoshkin Love "and other songs are still very popular and hurt with modern stars.

- The vocal-instrumental ensemble, formed in the mid-70s. Nationally popularity came in 1978, after entering the light of a foreign hit in Russian "Blue Inay". After that, the group constantly participated in contests and festivals, writing a lot, favorite people, songs.

- Via and pop rock group from Donetsk. The final creation of the ensemble signs 1975. After the 2nd place at the Sochi 76 festival, the ensemble was worried about shocking the change of composition, while in 1978 the composition did not strengthen it completely. Their albums "if they do not part" and "turns" disks "were very popular and chased the radio parades more than once.
More about the Pop Group in the 80s on the new site

- Vocal and instrumental ensemble of the 70s - 80s. Fame came in 1976, after the arrival of Mikhail Shufutinsky ensemble. It is the energy of the future Master of Chanson raised the ensemble on the wank of popularity in the country. "Who told you?", "Where have you been?", " Wedding ring"And other songs are still hotly loved by the people.

- The most famous ensemble of the Belarusian SSR. In the 70s, the popularity of Pesnyarov was very large. The ensemble of the ensemble "Vologda", "Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "birch juice", "My youth, Belarus" are now very popular.

- Moscow vocal instrumental ensemble. Was founded former participants "Gems". In the late 1970s of the 80s, the song of the ensemble was very popular. 5 albums on vinyl discs were released. The most famous songs of VIA "Flames": "There is a soldier in the city", "at the far station will go", "do not need to be sad."

- Leningrad vocal-instrumental ensemble of the late60s and all of the 70s. The leader among VIA from 1966 to 1973. The founder of the style of Soviet pop rock. A lot of popular VIAs were formed by "singing guitars." Songs " Blue bird"," Cyclist's Song "," Roads "and others are widely known and loved.

- Moscow VIA 70s - 80s. He gained fame after the victory at the All-Union Treasury Competition of the 1974. In 1975, after the release of the vinyl giant, the group acquired all-union fame. Their hits "leaves will spin" and "deceiver" are still very popular.

- The famous Moscow vocal-instrumental ensemble, received all-union fame in the mid-70s. It is considered to be popular ensemble 70s. A lot of the songs of the ensemble are very popular in Russia. Speakers in the country with concerts and to this day. Their songs "My Address of the Soviet Union", "All that I have in life", "the snow is spinning ...", "no need to be sad" and others themselves speak for themselves.

- Belarusian ensemble of the 70s. Popularity came in 1974, after the release of the record on the company "Melody" and a hit "where Clane is noise." Active participant of the propaganda of Bama. Released 10 large vinyl discs. Songs "from the heart to heart", "Hello and Farewell", "White motor ship", "plantain" and others still very loved by the people.

- The second most popular Belorussian ensemble after the songs. Start creative career Marked 1974. The first fame came in 1977 after the victory in the All-Union Estrada Competition. Their famous hits "Olesya", "You do not care, do not make a birch,", "Hymn of Earth" and others are very popular and are known.

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From the author: "In the second half of the XX century, Rock began to play in the USSR. Due to censorship, few groups of that time were underground. Eighty years began to form sewn rock movements. "
Already at the end of the nineties, Russian Rock becomes an integral part of the Russian (I do not like this word) culture. Here are the best in my opinion, rock collectives of our country.

At the beginning I will try to formulate the definition of Russian rock, although there is no definition, but what?
The Russian rock is a special direction in Russian (Soviet) rock music, which has acquired the appearance, completely different from the rock of all other countries. Why? Perhaps the reason was some insulation of performers from the rest music MiraAnd maybe the national mentality, and maybe the CIA - Seva Novgorod and Co. - but as a result, the Russian rock became such as it is (then of course).

What is his features?

It is antagonistic to the existing power. Concerts were held secretly, and records were rewritten at home tape recorders. It was easier to get a rare "self-deficent" cassette than to buy an album of the beloved artist in the store. In principle, the 5th column ...
In Russian Rock, Western rock music was strongly influenced, however, she did not define his appearance completely. The main differences are that in Russian rock main role Plays text (protest text), and not music at all. It can be said that Russian rock generally has little common with rock music, as it usually understands. Texts tell about Russian reality, this is a high-quality lyrics, and it is very poetic. It has practically no sex or frivolity, characteristic of Western Rockers. The Russian rock is not even the first, and the second derivative of Western.
Well, the example. There was no social (rather political and material) anthoganism in the understanding of the old "Soviet" rockers - did not become rockers. Makarevich only confirms the rules, although why badly about the Komsomol resident soviet power About Rublev (in the USSR) millionaire.
Well, after the end of the preface, it can be said that in the field of text, the Russian rock inherits not Western samples, but domestic poetry, only happens in a depressed environment, where the musicians are forced to hide in the underground. They do not dream of popularity, for them the main thing - sincerely express your position. All this imposes an imprint on the very essence of Russian rock. That is why many music lovers say that today there is no more Russian rock, because they went into the past conditions, it determined. Modern rock performers of Russia closer to West Rock than to Russian. This does not mean that Russian rock is worse or better than Western, it's just another.
It is interesting to note that the "real" rock rock is listening almost only in Russia. So it was always: and at times Soviet Union, and after it. The fact is that from a musical point of view, he really does not always represent something interesting. And to understand the texts that conclude contradictions and the features of the "mysterious Russian soul" can only this soul. Abroad fans of Russian rock are, for the most part, immigrants.
To the most famous and classic performers The Russian rock includes Victor Tsoi, the DDT group, Mike Naumenko, Egor Letov, Yanka Dyagileva, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alice Group, Andrei Makarevich and others. Some generations in Russia literally rose on this music, so the Russian rock is often perceived as a special phenomenon domestic culturewhich is too deeply "eaten" in people, just like, for example, the poetry of the Silver Age ...

Let's start…


In 1983, the Leningrad Rock Group "Alice" was established. In 1985, Alice Group releases its first energy album. Already 1987, the team writes a popular album "Blockad". In the whole history of his creative path Alice released 17 albums. Nowadays, the team is working on recording new songs, and actively acts as a chadliner at a variety of festivals.


In 1981, under the beginning of Viktor Tsoi, Oleg Valinsky and Alexei Rybin created a rock group "Cinema". For nine years, the musicians recorded more than 100 songs, as well as an incredible amount of unofficial bulbies. The albums "Blood Group" and "Star named Sun", released in 1987 and 1989, were particularly popular. After the sudden death of Viktor Tsoi in a car accident, the last album "Black Album" was released, after which the group graduated from its existence.


In 1980, the Rock Group DDT was created in Ufa Yury Shevchuk. It is he who is the constant leader of the team and the author of the majority of songs. The name of the group is like chemical substance DichlorodiphenylTrichloretan, which is used in the fight against insects. The whole creative path of the group is divided into two stages. In 1980-1997, the Group works in such genre directions as hard rock, Russian rock and folk rock. Since 1987, the works of Industrial Rock, India-rock and alternative rock are increasingly being heard in the works of DDT.

Agatha Christie

The founders of the Rock Group "Agatha Christie" became V. Samoilov, A. Kozlov and P. May. Dramatic performance manner and decadent texts distinctive feature Team. In their musical compositions The group combined various musical directions, for example, such as Gothic Rock, alternative rock, post-punk and art rock. In his entire history, "Agatha Christie" released from a dozen albums, and also removed about 20 video clips. In 2009, the team went to his final tour and already in 2010 it was released the last album of the group "Agata Christie

Nautilus Pompilius

In 1982, in Sverdlovsk V. Butusov and D. Skotsky created the rock band "Nautilus Pompilius". The group united in his music various genre directions, such as post-punk, punk, alternative rock. For 1988-1990, a two-year break accounts for a two-year break, but after that the group reunited again. The final collapse of the group took place in 1997.


In 1972, the legendary Rock Group "Aquarium" was founded. Anatoly George Gunnitsky and Boris Grebenshchikov, who later became its main vocalist, were Her Rodonarchists. The team worked in such musical directionslike Bard rock, blues rock, jazz fusion, folk rock. For his history, "Aquarium" released 27 studio albums and filmed 41 video clips. The group has become the owner of numerous awards, and words from their songs are still quoted in literature and cinema.

Time Machine

In Moscow, in May 1969 (I strongly doubt) the legendary Soviet rock band "Time Machine" was created. Her origins stood Sergey Kawagoe and Andrei Makarevich. In his music, the team combined at the same time several genres: blues, rock and roll, rock and author's song. During the existence, the team issued 11 official albums, 7 concert albums and 11 singles, shot 28 video clips, and also received many awards and awards. "Time Machine" is one of the few groups that was able to preserve its popularity to the present day.


The Teiff Group was founded in 1985 by O. Reshetnikov, V. Shahrin and V. Rugunov. The team combines harmoniously in his music various directions: Rock and Roll, Rock, Blues and Reggae. From the beginning of its foundation and to today, the Tea Group has released 15 studio albums, 5 acoustic and 4 concert albumAlso, their video source has 22 clips. To date, "Tea" is one of the most sought-after and famous rock bands From the former USSR.


In 1985, in Moscow V. Dubinin and V. Holyninin created new Rock Group "Aria". The new team immediately attributed the attention of many listeners with a new and unusual genre - havi metal. For all his own musical history "Aria" released 11 studio albums. It was the "Aria" it became one of the few domestic rock groups, which was able to receive recognition even abroad. In 2007, the Group became the Fuzz Prize winner.

King and the Clown

In Leningrad, Mikhail Gorentov was founded by the group "King and Jester" (1988). The highlight of the group has become an unusual feeding of its works - fabulous, historical, mystical images Found a display in styles: horror punk, folk, hard rock and punk rock. For its creative path, the band released about 20 video clips. The group's image was kept on its founder and the leader M. Gorsdev, which died in 2013, after that in 2014 the group finished his creative path.


In Moscow in 1979, under the post of A. Romanova, the Rock Group "Resurrection" was created. Musical works Groups are a mixture of blues, rock, art rock and country. But since 1983, after the release of several successful albums, the team took a ten-year holiday and reappeared on stage only in 1994. In general, in the entire history of the group, 5 studio albums were issued. And the songs of "Resurrection" were repeatedly performed by other artists.


In Moscow in 1983, the popular group of "crematorium" was created by Armen Grigoryan. The group gave their first concerts in small clubs and private apartments. The popularity has gained popularity in 1985 together with the release of the first studio album. The group "Crematorium" skillfully unites various musical styles: Folk, Blues, Art Rock, Rock and Roll and Psychedelic Rock. To date creative heritage The groups have one and a half dozen albums, as well as many awards.

Corrosion of metal

In 1984, the Rock Group "Metal Corrosion" was founded in Moscow. The attention of the audience the group attracted shocking performances and causing texts. The group fulfills its works in styles such as trash metal, AIDS-metal, crossover-trash. During the whole creative path, the group released 15 studio albums.
And of course, too interesting groups (no offense) and performers. Sasha Bashchechev (one of my favorite authors), Mike Naumenko, Sergey Chigrakov and "Chizh and Co.", "Spleen", "Master", "Gaza Strip", "Colonel and One-pillar," c. About. "," Bi-2 "," Mumiy Troll "," Single Hallucinations "," Night Snipers "," Surganova and Orchestra "," Auktsyon ", and many, many, sorry if forgot (sclerosis), thanks ...

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It is well known that the appearance in the West of such groups as "Beatles", " Rolling Stones"," Scorpions "provided a huge impact both on the world and the domestic pop musical culture. The difference is that western groupsStarting your career, they were laughed in free swimming, choosing a recording studio that the most suitable for them. In the USSR, the case was much more difficult. The legendary Russian rock originates at the end of the 60th and early 70s and becomes almost the dominant direction. Almost every school, as in large, so small cities, has its own rock band or valo-instrumental Ensemble (hereinafter VIA). The most talented of the guys get good musical education And dream of start professional career. This is where the difficulties begin. The fact is that the official VIA has the ability to record discs on the studio - a monopolist "melody", perform with concerts, participate in television programs. But they have no right to perform their own songs, if not members of the composer union. Rock bands sing everything that they think, but they do not receive sites for speeches and are forced to produce their music, like samizdat, give concerts on apartments and in citizens remote from the cities. Through it was such well-known rock groups as "Time Machine", "Slavs", Scythians, "Skomori". Censored was the strictest. It was easy for you to please under the article for unauthorized concerts. Not looking at anything, musical groups in it is not easy for patriotic music Time, grow like mushrooms. There are such truly wonderful teams - as "gems", "Ariel", " Funny boys"," Flowers "," Earthman "and more. Amazing lyrical compositions of these groups: they are simple and at the same time piercing - melodious. It is not surprising that they love them and remember so far. So exist in parallel in the 70s years Via. And rock teams whose participants often move from one camp to another and back. The 80s are famous by the fact that at this time 1 rock club appears in Leningrad and real rocks are beginning to be held - festivals. The purpose of these events is a certain streamlining of rock movements, at times really leaving under control. The TV show appears Music ring"In which it is allowed to perform some rock bands. Rolling the second powerful wave of Russian rock: literally exploded the rock-Olim group "Cinema", "Alice" and others. The style of their execution is defined as "New Wei". "Agatha Christie" begins to play his famous psychedelic music. At the peak of popularity - Nautilus Pompilius and Zoo. Time runs, orders in the country are changing. Rock - musicians even manage to take part in filming movies, by the way, very good and later the cult ("needle", "Assa", "Burglar"). Separate VIA and rock bands still successfully perform, collect large halls. They are performed by new compositions, talented and professional. But for some reason, the violent delight of the audience is already caused by a million once listened songs. It seems that all the most best musicians Created precisely in Soviet times.