History of the rock band "Time Machine". reference

Rock band history
History of the rock band "Time Machine". reference

In 1969, on the initiative and Sergey Sinovich Kavagoe, a new musical team was created, which performed songs in popular then genres - rock, rock and roll and author's song. The final name of the group - "Time Machine" - replaced the initial version of "Time Machines".

The history of creation and composition

At the turn of the 1960-1970 years of the twentieth century on the territory of the USSR, the popularity of youth and student groups were gaining popularity, as usual, as a rule, British and other legendary musicians. Following such a tendency, in 1968, in Moscow, students of school №19 with in-depth study of English created a group, which included four senior students: Andrei Makarevich, Mikhail Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova. Girls sang, and the guys accompanied them on the guitars.

The repertoire of young people who freely owned English, consisted of foreign famous songs with which they performed in metropolitan schools and youth clubs called "The Kids".

Once at school, where the guys studied, Via from Leningrad "Atlanta" took place. The group had at its disposal high-quality high-class equipment and bass guitar, which was then in the wonder. At the interruption of Atlantov, Andrei Makarevich with comrades performed several own musical works.

In 1969, the initial composition of the "Time Machine" was organized, where Andrei Makarevich, Yuri Borzov, Igor Mazaev, Pavel Rubin, Alexander Ivanov and Sergey Kawagoe. The author of the nameGroup, which was then "Time Machines", became Yuri Ivanovich Borzov, and Sergey became the initiator of creating an exclusively male team - Andrei Makarevich was the permanent vocalist.

According to the guys, the appearance in the "Time Machines" Cavagoe helped them succeed. Sergey, whose parents lived in Japan, had real electric guitars, considered short-term in those days in the Soviet Union, and even a small amplifier. So the sound of the songs "TimeMachines" was favorably distinguished from other musical groups.

In the men's team, conflicts were arising related to the choice of repertoire: Sergey and Yuri wanted to play Bitles, but Makarevich insisted on the choice of compositions of less famous authors. Andrei argued his position with the fact that they would not be able to sing the best "Liverpool Four", and "Time Machines" will have a "pale appearance".

As a result of the dispute arose, the team split: greyhounds, Cavagoe and Mazaev came out of "Time Machines" and began work under the name "Durapon Parroviki", but success did not achieve, in connection with which they returned to Time Machines.

After the release of the debut album, Pavl Rubin guitarists and Alexander Ivanov left the group. By that time, the guys graduated from secondary education and seriously thought not about music, but about obtaining higher education. Yuriy and Andrei enrolled in the Architectural Institute in Moscow, where they met Alexey Romanov (now acts in) and Alexander Kutikov.

The latter was soon replaced by Mazaev's armed forces as part of Time Machines, and Borzov went to the Alexey Romanov group. The scriptor became the screenwriter and the writer Maxim Captain, who in a year also left to serve in the USSR armed forces.

At the same time, Sergey Kawagoore began to prepare for entrance exams in Moscow State University, because of what he regularly missed the rehearsal and canceled the speeches, and Makarevich and Kutikov worked in the Best Years group. Resting in 1973, the guys changed the name to the more familiar hearing of Soviet people - "Time Machine", and a year later, Alexey Romanov became a vocalist together with Makarevich.

At the same time, the cutics left the team, came to replace him, playing on the bass guitar. 5 years after the conflict associated with the general concept, the composition of the "Time Machine" again changed: Makarevich remained a vocalist, and Alexander Kutikov, Valery Efremov and Peter Podgorodetsky, accompanied him. In 1999, Podgorodetsky due to problems with drugs and disorders of discipline was dismissed, and replaced it.


The debut album of the band who operated then called Timemachines, came out in 1969 and wore a similar name. It includes 11 English-speaking songs, which significantly resembled the work of "The Beatles". The record was recorded at home: in the center of the room stood a vocalist Makarevich with a coil tape recorder with a recording function and a microphone, musicians were located around the perimeter of the room. Bobbin with recorded songs The guys spread among friends and acquaintances.

Group "Time Machine"

The official release did not take place, but now the guys occasionally perform a composition from "Time Machines", called "This Happened To Me". She entered the album "unmanned", released in 1996.

By 1973, the structure of the collective was undergoing significant changes, and the name began to sound like a "time machine", but formally performances and folk love musicians had to wait long. In 1973, a collection of "Melody" was released, where "Time Machine" was in the musical accompaniment.

"Time Machine" - "One day will get under us"

The period of 1973-1975 became the most difficult in the history of the group: there were practically no speeches, the guys often sang for accommodation and food, more than once had to look for a new database for rehearsals, and the leader of the Time Machine was excluded from the university, and he got a job in Hyprovetr. At the same time, the guys were offered to play a number of compositions in the film "Afonya", for which they received a decent fee. However, in the final version of the film remained only one song "You or I", but they flashed them in the credits.

In 1974, the "Time Machine" recorded the composition "Who is to blame", written by Alexei Romanov, who, unfortunately, was perceived by critics as dissident. Although, according to the author, the composition did not carry any secret meaning and all the more political poversion.

"Time Machine" - "Little Prince"

In 1976, the team performed at the Music Festival "Tallinn Songs of Youth", and soon their songs were sang in all corners of the Soviet Union. But after 2 years, a scandalous incident occurred: at the famous musical festival, the group was called politically unreliable, and the guys were removed from further concerts.

Since then, the speeches of the musicians became illegal, but according to Cavagoe, they brought a good income. However, Andrei Makarevich always sought to bring a group to the All-Russian stage from closed performances in the semi-basement, which was the reason for the next conflict with Sergey Kavagoe.

"Time Machine" - "For those who are in the sea"

By changing the composition of the group, Makarevich with the help of a specially appointed party curator still managed to bring the "Time Machine" on the stage, and by the beginning of the 1980s the group was fully officially officially. At concerts held in the crowded halls, sounded "Rotate", "Candle" and others who are not losing popularity today.

Soon the group was waiting for an unpleasant surprise from the USSR authorities: the creativity of the musicians was sharply criticized by officials, but, to universal surprise, fans defended the right "Machine of Time" to carry out further concert activities - 250 thousand letters from fans came to the editorial office of Komsomolskaya Pravda In support of musicians.

"Time Machine" - "Years fly arrows"

With the beginning of the collapse of the USSR, political pressure on the musicians was significantly weakened, they were unhindered at the capital's concert venues, produced new albums, no longer fear of political censorship. In 1986, a foreign speech in the history of the Group was held at the Music Festival in Japan.

In 1986, the "First Real Album" "Time Machines" was published. As indicated on the official website of the group, it was a woven from concert phonograms, and the musicians themselves themselves did not accept. But even in this form, the presentation of the album "In Good Hour" became a big step forward for the team.

"Time Machine" - "In Good Hour"

And already in 1988, the "Time Machine" was recognized as a group of the year. In the early 1990s, the composition was changed again: Zaitsev in connection with the problems with alcohol and drugs left the team, but Margulis returned.

In 1991, at the initiative of Makarevich, the guys made a political action organized with the aim of supporting. An old-hour popularity was the 8-hour concert "Time Machine" on Red Square in Moscow, which gathered about 300 thousand fans. And in December 1999, the concert "Machine of Time" visited such outstanding policies, as, as well as, then occupied the position of the Prime Minister.

"Time Machine" - "Brought by God World"

Already in the 2000s, the "Time Machine" entered the top ten most popular Russian rock bands according to Komsomolskaya Pravda, and the Koster composition entered the hundreds of the best songs of Russian rock in the 20th century according to the "Our Radio". In 2010, the Group's leader was famous for his literary activities, published 3 books.

The "Time Machine" logo is a packer gear inside. The symbolism was depicted on the cover of the album "Machine". Today we are produced T-shirts, baseball caps and scarves with a team logo.

Logo group "Time Machine"

In the summer of 2012, Margulis, referring to the desire to work on a solo project, left the "Time Machine", nevertheless remaining in friendly relations with musicians. And in February 2015, the media appeared information on the new disaster in the group associated with the political situation in neighboring Ukraine. True, rumors that the team collapsed was not confirmed. However, in the tour "Time Machine" in Ukraine, Andrei Derzhavin did not accept participation.

The hype arose due to the position of Andrei Makarevich regarding the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Makarevich took the direction of the latter, thereby provoking the endlessly by scatching, including a boycott and a breakdown, as well as a fake message about his death. Oils in the fire poured the artist himself, in the summer of 2015 he recorded the track "became worms of the former brothers mine." At the same time, the musician categorically refutes the political context of the composition.

"Andrei Makarevich" - "people worms"

Despite this, in September 2015, the leader of the group Andrei Makarevich told reporters that the team intends to unite the "golden" composition again to record a new album. But, unfortunately, fans, this did not happen. After the ill-fated song, rumors appeared that Makarevich broke out conflict with Margulis. But soon, Eugene said that he did not quarrel with Andrei Vadimovich, but his work is so far from him that he is not ready to comment on him.

"Time Machine" now

2017 marked not only long touring, but also, again, scandals with a political background. So Andrei Derzhavin supported the official position of the Kremlin in the Crimea, in connection with which it was on the list of artists who are denied entry into Ukraine. Makarevich himself considers the accession of Crimea Annexia, which was repeatedly expressed in his interview.

In Ukraine, "Time Machine" toured in incomplete composition

At the same time, the musicians conducted a number of concerts in Ukrainian cities, and her leader Andrei Makarevich refused to comment on the distinction in the political views of the musicians. By the way, the producer of the group Vladimir Borisovich Sapunov also supported the position of the Russian Federation. However, judging by the questionnaires and photos on the site "Machinery", personnel permutations due to the political worldview at that time followed.

So it lasted until the fall of 2017. Director and Producer Vladimir Sapunov after 23 years of work in the team was dismissed from his post. He explained that they had a conversation with Andrei Makarevich, in which he said to him: "We no longer work with you." At the same time, Sapunov noted that he was grateful to the team, working with him, he managed to forget about his ailment and sense himself happy. The news appeared in the network that Makarevich dismissed and Derzhavin, but this information was not confirmed at that time.

On May 5, 2018, Sapunov died due to prolonged illness, oncology was diagnosed for the ex-director of the Time Machine.

In early 2018, it became known that the group still left Andrei Derzhavin, and since the topic has long been emerged by the media, this news fans did not surprise. In an interview that the musician gave in March, he said that the intersection was the intersection of touring charts. The fact is that Derzhavin decided to revive his team - the legendary group of the 90s "Stalker".

As a result, for 2018, three participants were left as part of the Time Machine Group - Makarevich, Cutics and Efremov. Anyway, the musicians continue to tour. In 2018, the team will perform at the Music Festival "Khmelnov Fest" in Minsk. Also for the first time in 5 years, they will visit Tyumen, where they will give a concert "Stay" in Philharmonic.

And for November 2018, their participation in the play "Quartet and" is planned. Earlier, Andrei Makarevich no longer participated in "letters and songs ...", but solo. This time the whole composition will appear on the theater scene.

In 2019, the group marks 50 years. In honor of the anniversary, the musicians decided to invite the famous Russian directors to remove the Machine [Outside Day. " It will consist of short-lasting news-sketches, combined with one topic: Songs of the Machine of Time.


  • 1986 - "In Good Hour"
  • 1987 - "Ten years later"
  • 1987 - "Rivers and Bridges"
  • 1988 - "In the circle of light"
  • 1991 - "Slow good music"
  • 1992 - "It was so long ago ... 1978"
  • 1993 - "Freelance commander. Blues El Mokambo »
  • 1996 - "Cardboard Wings of Love"
  • 1997 - "Overlooking"
  • 1999 - "Watches and Signs"
  • 2001 - "Place where light"
  • 2004 - "Machine"
  • 2007 - "Timemachine"
  • 2009 - "Machines not to park"
  • 2016 - "You"


  • 1983 - "In the Nikitsky Botanical Garden"
  • 1986 - "In Good Hour"
  • 1988 - "Heroes of yesterday's Days"
  • 1988 - "ALL I CAN SAY IS Hello"
  • 1989 - "Marine Law"
  • 1991 - "She wishes (dump from the USSR)"
  • 1993 - "My friend is best played blues"
  • 1996 - "Rotate"
  • 1997 - "He was older than her"
  • 1997 - "Once the world will drive under us"
  • 1999 - "The Epoch of Big Nelyubvi"
  • 2001 - "Place where light"
  • 2012 - "Rats"
  • 2016 - "Once"
  • 2017 - "Sing"
The team "Time Machine" is considered to be the attitude of the classical Russian rock and made an invaluable contribution to the domestic musical culture. "Machiners" not only first began to compose and perform rock music in Russian (the official date of the group's birth of the group is considered to be 1969), but also filled it with a deep meaning, thereby making the audience to think about important universal problems. For half a century, the work of the "Machine of Time" did not lose its relevance and is a peculiar standard of musical style and professionalism both for millions of fans and numerous colleagues in the workshop.

History of group creation

Music Moscow schoolboy Andrei Makarevich was carried away in adolescence and already at fifteen years organized his first team "The Kids", which, in addition to him, included Misha Yashin, Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova. At first, the guys sang in English, speaking with the hits of popular Western performers at the evenings of self-esteem and school discos.

In 1968, Andrei first heard "Beatles", whose creativity completely turned his consciousness. An example of the Liverpool Four, as well as a joint speech at a school concert with VIA "Atlanta", inspired young Makarevich to create a rock group "Time Machines". In it, by analogy with "Beatles", there was no place for girls: Andrei sang and played the guitar, the bass guitarists were Pasha Rubin and Igor Mazaev, Yura Borzov sat down behind the drums, Sasha Ivanov played the party on the rhythm guitar, the keys entrusted Seinery Cavagoe. The last parents worked at the embassy, \u200b\u200blived and worked in Japan for a long time and acquired high-class musical instruments, which highly improved the sound of the newly minted group.

At first, among the participants of the team often disagreements often arose about the musical material: Makarevich insisted on the original repertoire, the rest of the guys sought to imitate "Beatlam". Because of this, in the group even there was a split, and Mazaev, Borzov and Cavagoe made an attempt to create their own team, which was not crowned with success. "Time Machines" again reunited, and soon the first album consisting of eleven English-speaking songs was recorded on the home tape recorder. Unfortunately, this material is not preserved, which Makarevich does not regree, calling him "monstrous".

By this time, the guys graduated from school and thought about the continuation of education. Not everyone managed to combine her studies at the university with music, and the band left Ruby and Ivanov. Makarevich and Borzov were enrolled in the metropolitan architectural institute, where they met Alexey Romanov and Alexander Kutikov. The guys began to perform together at the institute rock band, gave concerts in DC Energetik.

Soon the cutics replaced Mazaev who went into the army, and the drummer's place took Maxim Captain. A year later, he also went to serve in the armed forces, and Cavagoe himself sat down behind the drums.

The main stages of creativity

This trinity until the mid-70s remained the main composition of the group, which by that time has already changed the name on the "Time Machine" and, thanks to the participation of the recorder of the Zodiac Trio, even lit up at the Melody Studio.

But Rosoncert and the Union of Composers ignored the emergence of a strange team, knocking out of the overall concept of the Soviet pop, and repaired all sorts of obstacles to young musicians. In the group itself, it was also not everything smoothly, and in 1974, because of disagreements from Cavagoe, he left the cutics. Evgeny Margulis came to replace him, a universal musician with a "blues" voice.

In the same year, "Machinists" was invited to play in the film Georgy Delelia "Afonya", and, although in the final version of the episode with their participation, the song "You or I" remained in the picture, and the title is the name of the group.

In 1975, "Time Machine" was called on television to record the program "Music Kiosk". The program on the air has not been released, but seven new compositions recorded in the professional studio quickly separated across the country. When in 1976, the group was invited to speak at the Music Festival in Tallinn, their songs were already well known to the public, which warmly met the "Time Machine". The team became the owner of the main prize and met many talented musicians, including Boris Grebenchikov. He helped organize "driver" tour in St. Petersburg, who passed with tremendous success.

Time Machine - Puppets (Speech of 1977)

But, nevertheless, officials "from culture" continued to persist not notice their increased popularity, so the tour activities of the group took place in the "underground mode". Makarevich was nervous this situation, and he tried in every possible way to give the team official status. Andrei even came up with the literary-musical program "Little Prince", with which several years have tried unsuccessfully to get to Rosoncert.

The remaining participants in the group quite satisfied their "illegal" position, which did not affect the income from touring activities, therefore disagreements began among the musicians. In 1979, Kawagoe and Margulis go to Sunday, the cutics return to the group, and after a while, Peter Podgorksky joins the team.

In the same year, the "Time Machine" was able to speak from "Rosoncerta" by entering the troupe of the Moscow Theater Comedy. The musicians immediately engaged in creating a new concert program, and a few months later they stated themselves in the prestigious music festival in Tbilisi. From that moment on, the rapid take-off of the group on the top of the musical Olympus.

Time Machine - I only know (1985)

Their hits were twisted on radio stations, the cassettes filled the sound recording kiosks, and after participating in the "Soul film" participants began to stop on the streets. But, despite this, in 1982, the work of the "Machine of Time" was sharply criticized by officials ("... Rock-group declares indifference and hopelessness from pop, and multiplies the records of these dubious declarations," they wrote recruitment critics), and only The wave of human wrath and thousands of letters of fans forced the functionaries to retreat.

"In Nikitsky Botanical Garden." First clip "Time Machine"

Such a dual situation was preserved until the mid-80s. The group actively toured around the country and freely performed songs of his own essay. At the same time, official performances in Moscow were banned, most of the television programs with the participation of musicians hit the regiment, and until 1986, not a single professional studio album was published.

With the beginning of the restructuring, the situation in the root changed. The team became a member of the Festival of Youth and Students and for the first time went on tour abroad. The excitement at their concerts was comparable to the Bitomania Ripple, when fans were ready to break from an excess of feelings of their idols. At the end of 1986, the first official album of the group "In Good Hollow" (compilation of the best songs) was released, and in a year - the first studio album "Rivers and Bridges". The musicians became frequent guests on television, without their presence, no popular musical and entertainment program was accounted for at that time.

The twentieth anniversary of the Time Machine noted a large-scale precast concert in Luzhniki, on which close-friendly musicians and former participants of the team were made. The next, the fourth-time anniversary "Machinists" was celebrated in the heart of the capital, on Red Square. The concert was attended by the best Russian rock bands, and about 350 thousand people gathered to listen to musicians.

After 1991, Makarevich began to actively participate in the country's social life, openly showing his civil position. The group supported Boris Yeltsin on the White House barricades, and in 1996 supported Boris Nikolayevich at the next presidential election.

Time Machine - My friend is best played blues

At the anniversary concert in the "Olympic", dedicated to the thirtieth of the team, there were quite a few politicians. Among them were Anatoly Chubais, Boris Nemtsov and Vladimir Putin, then as the Prime Minister. Immediately after this large-scale show, Peter Podgorodetsky was dismissed due to excessive addiction to cocaine. Later he wrote a scandalous book "Machine with Jews", in which he did not speak better about the former colleagues in the group.

The last concert, in which theft participated, was the statement of 1999, timed to the 30th anniversary of the group. In 2000, a concert DVD came out, recorded on this speech. The musicians performed 36 of their hits.

Time Machine - Place where Light (2001)

In zero years, the group has become consistently pleased with the fans with new creativity. In 2001, the experimental album "Place where the light" was available on sale, in which the keyboard player and the arranger Andrei Derzhavin, who came to replace theft. He also wrote the text for the song "Wings and Sky", however, later recognized that it turned out poorly. In general, the album turned out unusual for the creation of the group: the listeners were waiting for absolutely new sound quality and a large number of soloists.

Anniversary, the tenth studio album "Time Machinery" called "Machine" (he was invented by 26-year-old Elina Sokolova, which won in the announced group of the titles contest) saw the light in 2004.

The next album "Time Machine" The musicians recorded in the London Studio Abbey Road. Studio staff wanted to send the resulting material to the Gremmy award to the organizers (in the nomination "Foreign Music"), but it required colossal injections by the group itself, and it was impossible to earn several hundred thousand dollars on selling discs in Russia.

In the next album, "Machines do not park" (2009), in addition to the new songs of the group, suddenly entered the cables of other performers on the old hits of the "Machine of Time". Sergey Chigrakov from "Chizhi" quail "Crossroads", Alexey Kortnev sang "what you had", Boris Grebenshchikov - "I - Snake" and "Apocrifra", Peter Mamonov - "Leisure Bugs", etc.


  • Rivers and Bridges (1987)
  • In the circle of light (1988)
  • Slow Good Music (1991)
  • It was so long ago ... 1978 (1992)
  • Freelance commander Zѣmli. Blues El Mokambo (1993)
  • Cardboard Wings of Love (1996)
  • Open (1997)
  • Clocks and signs (1999)
  • Place where light (2001)
  • Mechanically (2004)
  • Time Machine (2007)
  • Machines do not park (2009)
  • You (2016)

Group "Time Machine" now

Recently, the "Time Machine" has sharply reduced the number of speeches and does not often pamper the concerts of its fans. Perhaps this is due to the departure from the Margulis Group and with the political statements of the group leader who disappointed many fans of the team. So, in 2014, Antimylitarist Makarevich condemned the accession of the Crimea to Russia, repeatedly participated in the anti-governmental rallies of Democrats, "Belolantchikov", spoke to Ukrainian military personnel in Slavyansk. The incompatibility in political views explains the sudden departure from the group Andrei Derzhavin, which the authorities of Ukraine banned entry into the country before the tour of the tour in the fall of 2017.

Time Machine - Rats (2012)

As for creativity, the Last Album of the Group - "You" - was published in 2016. The new member of the group, Guitarist Igor Khomich, took part in the album record.

Andrei Makarevich will celebrate his 55-year-old anniversary with the release of a collection of songs "55", who prepared his friend and associate in the group "Time Machine" Alexander Kutikov.

The Soviet and Russian rock band from the Pioneers of the Rock Music of the USSR "Time Machine" was founded by Andrei Makarevich in 1969.

Back in 1968, Andrei Makarevich in Moscow Specialschool No. 19, where he studied, created an ensemble with his classmates. In the ensemble there were two guitarists (Andrei Makarevich himself and Mikhail Yashin) and two vocalists (Larisa Kashperko and Nina Baranova). The ensemble performed the Anglo-American folk songs. Then, Yuri Borzov and Igor Mazaev came to the class in which Makarevich studied. They also entered the ensemble.

Soon on the basis of the ensemble, a group was formed, called "The Kids". Andrei Makarevich, Igor Mazaev, Yuri Borzov, Alexander Ivanov and Pavel Ruben. Another member of the group was a friend of childhood Borzov Sergey Kawagoy, at the insistence of the "The Kids" girls were excluded. In 1969, the Group began to be called "Time Machines", in 1973 the name of the group was changed to a single number - "Time Machine".

In 1971, Alexander Kutikov appeared in the group, under the influence of which the repertoire of the group was replenished with the songs "Seller of Happiness", "Soldier", etc.

At the same time, the first concert "Machine of Time" was held on the stage of the House of Culture "Energy" - the cradle of the Moscow Rock.

In the first years of the Group's existence, the team was amateur, and his composition was unstable. In 1972, Igor Mazaeva called on the army, and Soon Yuri Borzov left, drummer "Machines". The cutics led to the group of Max Captain, but soon he was called in the army. Drummer became Sergey Kawagoy. Later, Igor Sauulsky joined the composition, who left the band several times and returned again.

In the spring of 1973, Cutics left the "Time Machine" in the group "Leap Summer". After a year, he returned, and until the summer of 1975, the group played Makarevich - Cutikov - Cavagoy - Alexey Romanov. In 1975, the group left the Romanov, and Kutikov went to the Tula State Philharmonic.

At the same time, Evgeny Margulis appeared in the group, and a little later, Nikolai Larin's violinist. For a year and a half, at least 15 musicians passed through the group, among which were drummers Yuri Fokin and Mikhail Sokolov, Gitarists Alex "White" Belov, Alexander Mikoyan and Igor DegtyAiruk, Skripach Igor Saulsky and many others.

At the beginning of his concert activity, the Group performed the Caver version of the Beatles songs and their songs in English, written in imitation.

The group received wide fame and official recognition in 1976 after the speech at the festival "Tallinn Songs of Youth - 76" in Estonia, where he received the first prize.

In 1977, musicians playing on wind instruments appeared in the group, Evgeny Leghyshov and Sergey Litty.

In 1978, the band recorded the debut album "It was so long ago ..." and the audio list "Little Prince" on the fairy tale of Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

In the summer of 1979, "Time Machine" broke out: Cavagoe and Margulis, collecting old friends, formed the "Resurrection" group, and Makarevich brought the new MV to the stage: Alexander Kutikov - Bass, vocals; Valery Efremov - Impact, Peter Podgorodetsky - Keyboard, vocals. They prepared a new repertoire, went to work at the Moscow Regional Comedy Theater, and in March 1980, became the main sensation and the laureate of the All-Union Rock Festival "Spring Rhythms-80" in Tbilisi.

"Time Machine" received all-union fame, she was invited to television (the program "Music ring"), radio, popular songs "Rotate", "Candle", "Three windows", written back in the 1970s.

The Gastro-Concert Association Rosoncert signed a treaty with the Group, and in the early 1980s, the rock band actively toured through the cities of the USSR.

In the spring of 1982, a campaign was deployed against the group, inspired by the article "Ragi Blue Bird" in Komsomolskaya Pravda. So did not come out the first album on the "melodies", the MV program ruled several times and revised countlessly expensive. Peter Podgorodetsky left the "time car", joining the troupe of Joseph Kobzon. The place of Podgorodetsky took Alexander Zaitsev.

In 1986, with a change in the entire cultural policy of the country, the group was able to work normally. New programs "rivers and bridges" and "in the circle of light" were prepared, served as the basis for the plates of the same name. A retrospective plate "10 years later," on which Makarevich tried to restore the sound and repertoire of the group of the mid-1970s.

In 1987, the "Time Machine" made the first tour abroad.

In the summer of 1989, Alexander Zaitsev left MV; Evgeny Margulis and Peter Podgorodetsky returned to the group. The repertoire of MV again included the songs of the "classic" repertoire of past years.

Alexander Kutikov, who created Sintez Records a recording company, becomes the producer of the group, thanks to which the double album was published "it was so long ago ...". In the 1990s, seven group albums are published, the most popular of which became the "Foreign Earth Commander", "Running", "Cardboard Wings of Love" and "Watches and Signs". Among the most famous songs of this period - "one day the world will come under us," the clip is broadcast on Russian TV channels.

In 1999, the "Time Machine" noted the 30th anniversary. The group was awarded the Order of Honor "For Merit in the Development of Music Arts"; In December 1999, a triumphal concert of the MV in the SC "Olympic", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the team. The day after the concert there were changes in the group: a keyboard player Peter Podgorodetsky was fired, and Andrei Derzhavin came to his place.

In 2004, the "Time Machine" celebrated the 35th anniversary. On May 30, a concert of the group on Red Square took place. In the fall of the same year, the Anthology of Time Machine, which includes 19 group albums for 35 years and DVD Collection of 22 clips, November 25, 2004 saw the light of the new album "Machine".

In 2005, the group "Time Machine" and "Resurrection" prepared and showed the program "50 for two", in 2006 the two legendary Moscow groups returned to joint concerts and submitted a new program "Handmade Music" in the State Kremlin Palace.

In 2007, the last album of the Time Machine group was released on the London Studio "Abby Road" (Abbey Road).

Documentary films "Rock-cult", "Rock and Fortune", "Six Letters about Bate" are devoted to the group "Time Machine". The group herself took part in the soundtracks to many films, and in some participants of the group even starred themselves: "Soul" (1981), "Speed" (1983), "Start first" (1986), "Dancer" (2004), "Day Elections "(2007)," Losezer "(2007).

The modern composition of the group includes: Andrei Makarevich - author, vocals, guitars, Alexander Kutikov - author of music, producer, bass guitar, vocals (1971-1974, since 1979), Evgeny Margulis - author, guitars, bass guitar (1975- 1979, since 1989), Valery Efremov - Percussion, Percussion (since 1979), Andrei Derzhavin - author, keyboards, vocals (since 1999).

In essence, the first star of domestic rock music and in many ways predetermined its transition to Russian-speaking creativity, the "Time Machine" was organized in one of the Moscow schools, although its creator and since then, the permanent leader Andrei Makarevich began his way to music a year earlier. In 1968, he first heard "" and, exposed to universal fashion, gathered from classmates and classmates the vocal guitar Quartet "The Kids", with varying success, playing English-speaking numbers at the evenings of school amateurant. An acquaintance with singing already in Russian "Atlants" by A. Sikorsky and K. Nikolsky prompted it to make a "real" group and start writing songs on his own.
In the first, existed extremely long, the composition of the "Time Machine" includes: Andrei Makarevich - Guitar, Vocals; Alexander Ivanov - Guitar; Pavel Rubin - bass; Igor Mazaev - piano; Yuri Borzov - Drums. The need to achieve minimal professional sound has soon changed changes: Ivanov, Rubin and Mazaev left one after another. Alexander Cutikov - Bass, vocals and Sergey Kawagoe were replaced - keyboards. Little little group began to perform, seeking popularity in the surrounding schools.
In 1970, the last of the "Veterans" - Yu. Borzov - changed the pretty famous drummer Maxim Captain in Moscow. "Machine of time" appeared its device and a rather extensive repertoire. Two years later, however, Captain goes to subsequently dissolve in the restaurant-philharmonic carousel, and the group, not finding him a worthy replacement, disintegrates. The next 12 months or a little more the fate of the participants of the "Time Machine" turned out to be associated with the "Best Years" P. Zobnin, quite well known in Moscow. Shortly before that, the "best years" radically changed their composition and one of the recruits was the co-manufacturer Makarevich in the architectural institute Sergey Grachev, who led Makarevich, Kutikov and Cavagoe.
In 1973, the "best years" almost in full force went to a professional scene and the "Time Machine" was returned to life. From the fall of 1973 to the beginning of 1975, the group survived the troubled time, speaking on the dance pieces and segenerate, playing "at the table and shelter" in the southern resorts, continuously changing the composition. During these one and a half years, at least 15 musicians passed through the group, among which were drummers Yuri Fokin and Mikhail Sokolov, Guitarists Alexey "White" Belov, Alexander Mikoyan and Igor DegtyAiruk, Skripach Sergey Level, Keyman Igor Saulsky and many others. Cuttics in the end, did not endure this inclination in "", Saulsky was later played with Arsenal Alexey Kozlov.
By the spring of 1975, the composition of the "Time Machine" stabilized: Makarevich, Cavagoe (as a result of all these movements, which was behind the drums) and bass player, vocalist Evgeny Majugulis; Bought recognizable features and style of a group that has identified numerous interests and addictions to its participants: from the bard song to the blues and from country to rock and roll. Plus, the characteristic texts of Makarevich: a little ironic, sometimes a little palatible, having a form of parables or fables, they touched upon a wide range of problems characteristic of the then youth.
In March 1976, "Time Machine" with the Triumph performed at the Tallinn "Days of Popular Music", after which, at the invitation of the "Myths" and "Aquarium" gave several concerts in Leningrad, who became the beginning of the mass and launching 5 years. For half a year, the Leningrad Bluesman Yury Ilchenko (ex- "Miphs") joined the group. "Time Machine" every 2-3 months makes shuttle flights to Leningrad, giving several concerts who have confused in the ranks of local rock fans, and disappear.
The growth of the group's popularity was also facilitated by her participation in the film G. Deliaty "Afonya", in which then her hit "You or I" ("Sunny Island"). Experiments continued with the composition. After Ilchenko's departure in the "Time Machine" appeared violinist Nikolay Larin, Trubuchi Sergey Kuzminok, Clarnetist Evgeny Leghyshov, Keychers Igor Saulsky (secondary) and Alexander Voronov (ex- "). In 1978, Leningrad sound engineer Andrei Tropillo released the first magneto alone "Birthday Time Machines. The following year, the Group prepared a "Little Prince" monumental program with unfolded solos, reading verses and launches of director (it was also recorded on the film).
In the summer of 1979, the internal contradictions that have long been copied in the group have found their permission. "Time Machine" again broke up: Cavagoe and Margulis, collecting old friends, formed "Resurrection", crows reorganized "", and Makarevich took the same year to Scene New Composition Machine: Alexander Kutikov - Bass, Vocals; Valery Efremov - drums; Peter Podgorodetsky - Keyboard, vocals. They prepared a new repertoire, went to work at the Moscow Regional Comedy Theater, and in March 1980 were the main sensation and the Laureate of the All-Union Rock Festival "Spring Rhythms. Tbilisi-80. The group finally came out of the underground, received recognition of millions of listeners. However, the thaw las lastwhelm. In the spring of 1982, a campaign was deployed against rock music, inspired by Article "Ragi from Blue Bird" in Komsomolskaya Pravda. So did not come out the first album on the "melodies", the program "Time Machine" has ruled many times and was revised by countless idles. The group left Podgorodetsky, who was replaced by a violinist Sergey Rygenko and the keyboard player Alexander Zaitsev. Rydenko, unfortunately, a year later leaves.
A forced reduction in the activity of the "Time Machine" prompted Makarevich to look for himself in other genres. He spoke Solo (with an acoustic repertoire), starred in the cinema (together with the group): in two not too interesting artistic tapes A. Stefanovich - "Soul" (1982) And "start first" (1986), wrote music to the "speed" and "breakthrough" movies.
Only in 1986, with a change in the entire cultural policy of the country, the "Time Machine" received the possibility of normal operation. New, rather strong programs "rivers and bridges" and "in the circle of light" were prepared, served as the basis for the plates of the same name. There was also a retrospective plate "10 years later", on which Makarevich tried to restore the sound and repertoire of the "Machine Machine" of the middle 70- x year The group visited several foreign rock festivals, worked on the album in the United States, where, by the way, in 1981 their "pirated" record was released.
Documentary films "Rock-cult", "Rock and Fortune", "Six letters about bit" are devoted to the fate of the "Machine of time in one form or another. For a long time, the "Time Machine" did not attach importance to the definition of the names of its albums and did not give them years. In discography, we give the most important and interesting samples of recording of the group, which, by the way, had a great many "piracy-concert" albums.
In the summer of 1990, Alexander Zaitsev goes to tour in Kuibyshev from the "Time Machine". Evgeny Margulis returns to the group, which now plays the guitar, and Peter Podgorodetsky. In the repertoire of the "Time Machine" again a lot of songs of the "classic" repertoire of past years.
A year later, the Group participates in the International Festival "Musicians of the World - Children Chernobyl" in Minsk, "Action of solidarity with the program" View ". A group touring a lot, the drives the discs, Alexander Kutikov publishes the old records of the group, Andrei Makarevich writes a book, in Italy the exhibition of graphic works. Solo projects of the group participants are recorded and published.
1999 - Jubilee! There is a preparation for the tour. The rock band was awarded "for merits in the development of musical art" by President Boris Yeltsin Order of Honor. The presentation of the awards took place on June 24 with a direct broadcast on TV. In November, a press conference and an autograph of the Time Machine Session was held in Gum-e, dedicated to the release of the Album "Clocks and Signs". On December 19, the Grand Final Concert of the Jubilee Tour of the 30th anniversary of the Time Machinery was held in Moscow in Moscow in Moscow. After the concert, the next day there are changes in the group: a keyboard player was fired, Peter Podgorodetsky, and Andrei Derzhavin was taken to his place. After half a year, it turns out a double CD and a video tag with an anniversary concert record.
The new century and millennium comes. In 2001, there is an album "Place where light". The group is actively toured, actively celebrates the next date. May 30, 2004 on the Red Square "Time Machine" celebrates its 35th anniversary. The concert took place within the framework of the "Future without AIDS". The group joined the movement of the fight against AIDS along with Elton John, the musicians of the group "", Mstislav Rastopovich and Galina Vishnevskaya. This project was continued in St. Petersburg and other largest cities of the country. In 2005, a new plate "Machine" is released. In 2006, the musicians go to record a new disk into the legendary Studio "Abbey Road" in London. The presentation of the Time Machine record was held in March 2007 in the Olympic.

Evgeny Markulis leaves the group on June 25, 2012, a month after the 43th anniversary of the "Time Machine", "said in a message posted on the official website of the group. The causes of the care guitarist are not called. At the same time, some media suggested that Margulis leaves a group for the sake of recording solo album.
Margulis is not for the first time saying goodbye from the "car time". In 1979, he went to another popular group - "", but after 11 years still returned to the team of Andrei Makarevich. In addition, the guitarist performed in such groups as "", "Airbus" and "
As a session musician in the studio and a special guest at concerts, the Guitarist Igor Homich is attracted to the group.

On December 20, 2017, the keyboard player Andrei Derzhavin leaves the group after 17 years of cooperation.
In November 2017, the team went to the tour without Derzhavin, and his place behind the keys was taken by the former musician of the Nuance group Alexander Levochkin. Many tied it with political reasons: because of the opinion of Derzhavin, the Crimea did not let him go to Ukraine.
Andrei Makarevich denied rumors: "This is an absolutely temporary coincidence. It could happen and would have happened at any other time anyway.
We work all the time, now there was a Ukrainian tour, and before that there was a tour of Germany, which ended with a concert in London. It so happened that the time to part fell pause between these tour. "
Andrei Derzhavin appeared in the group in 2000, leaving his own group "Stalker". As part of the "Machines" he played the keys, was also a vocalist and co-author of many songs. An unexpected change of the roles and further plans of the musician revealed him already former colleague Andrei Makarevich:
"We like this oddity then. It seemed to me that it looks extremely unexpected, because of him, because no one was waiting for such music that we play, and he - please you. But everything went. He revives Stalker. I do not condemn him, his brainchild. "
The new calendar year "Time Machine" will begin a concert in Tallinn, and in February 2018 speaks at a ceremony of a premium of a dozine charts.

Materials were used:
A. Alexseev, A.Borlaca, A. Sidorov "Who is who in the Soviet Rock", Publisher MP "Ostankino", 1991.