The composition of Viagra by year. "VIA Gra": all participants in ten years (14 photos)

The composition of Viagra by year.
The composition of Viagra by year. "VIA Gra": all participants in ten years (14 photos)

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"The history of the VIA Gra group is extensive and multifaceted, it includes a lot of events, one way or otherwise influenced the fate of this musical team.

Over time, the release of new songs and albums, the appearance of unusual video clips, participation in the shooting of various television programs and magazines, the "VIA Gra" group continues steadily to move up, self-improvement and improving the quality of his creativity, adding all new and new strokes to it.

Each subsequent action of the collective does not seem to be the previous one, wears a certain palette of emotions and feelings, thoughts and impressions inherent exclusively "VIA Gre" and allowing it to be different from most of the other post-Soviet pop groups working in a similar musical genre.
However, the current heights of VIA Gra reached not immediately. As you know, the path to the vertices is not smooth, there are many flaws and turns of fate, in one instant able to cross all the efforts and efforts. It is worth noting that in the history of the group there are no inclusions of a global scale, only change in the participants in the participants, which caused the "change of generations" and left their unique trace in the life of the team. Therefore, we will try to tell about the main events that have occurred since the basis of the group and which continue to occur in our day.
What will happen next - it will be introduced to learn only over time, but as long as we can analyze only what has already happened - the history of the VIA Gra group in all its manifestations. To begin, of course, it follows from the very beginning - the emergence of a group on the light that occurred in 2000. On the musical stage, there was not enough something new, unusual, capable of attracting the attention of the listener with his novelty and honors from others. We needed a team that could equally successfully conquer the hearts of the most versatile public, which can surprise something new, create a positive mood and, at the same time, a wide-awakening spiritual and lyrical feelings in a person.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a similar project came to the future to the future producer - Dmitry Kostyuk. The starting lineup of the group, thereby, from which everything began, were two Ukrainian girls, Alyona Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya. The story of their arrival in the group turned out to be different. Alena, at that time, who worked on the Ukrainian television company "Biz-TV", invited Dmitry Kostyuk to participate in the group. Another producer was Konstantin Meladze. It was him, together with Dmitry, was lucky to open hope for a group. The sending point that bowed him to the decision to make hope was her amateur photo session.

Then the casting followed, which Nadia brilliantly passed and the producers did not have the slightest doubt that it was necessary for a couple to Alena. It remained to come up with a name for a new team. "VIA Gra" - this is exactly what this project was named. About why the group was named this way, there are several versions. On the one hand, VIA is an abbreviation, which is deciphered as a "vocal-instrumental ensemble", and "Gra" is translated from the Ukrainian language as a "game". On the other hand, many believe that the name is a derivative of the names of the vocalist, in which "VI" - the beginning of the name "Vinnitskaya", "A" - the first letter named after Alena, and "Gra" - respectively, the beginning of the name of the partial part of Alena Group, Hope Granovskaya. There is also a version that "gra" is decrypted as "voice, joy, artistry." But the true appearance was that all sorts of decodents, somehow formed the word "VIA Gra", having the same name with pills that increase sexual potency in men, which fully contributed to the external image and sexy vocalist. Definitely how the name of the team is decrypted, is unknown. Yes, it does not matter, everyone can see in the title what he likes.

So, the group was named, formed and ready for the beginning of his creative activity. The first step towards the current vertices was the debut video of the group, which started the beginning of the triumphal procession up the stairs of glory. The video was made on the song "Attempt No. 5". His first show took place on September 3, 2000 on the Biz-TV TV channel. After that, interest in the group began to grow sharply, it was necessary to expand the repertoire to enter new positions. "Attempt No. 5" made a light furor, immediately became a certain "calling card" of the team, it was replicated for pirated wheels, she held the top positions of various musical charts, immediately struggling with the hits of that time. When drawing up collectors of the best songs, the compilers also did not bypass their attention to the debut work of the VIA Gra group. The song "Attempt No. 5" was included in the musical collections of Radio "Hit FM", "Auto Hit", "The Best Hits of Biz-TV" and many others. For the video of VIA Gra "itself became the winner of the Gold Gury Prize. For example, in 2001, November 18, the team won the Golden Gramophone Prize, for all the same "attempt No. 5." As an example, even these two premiums are sufficient to understand - the debut of the group succeeded. The composition leaves its mark on the team and still - it is regularly executed during concert speeches, continuing to remind the listeners about those times when everything just started. Without stopping at the achieved, instantly fixing success, the second video clip appears, shot on the song "Hug me." Together with the "Attempt No. 5", he provides a group of some bridgehead, one can say - the soil under his feet to make further actions.

During the whole 2000, the group forms its repertoire and by mid-December it includes seven songs. Time comes to organize your own concerts. Debut becomes a performance in Dnepropetrovsk, on the stage of the local "Ice Palace", which took place on December 20, 2000. At the concert attended about four thousand spectators.
After spending a very bright debut, demonstrating a part of his huge potential, in 2001, the VIA Gra Group conducts more versatile activities, having an increasing part of fans. It is invited to participate in premiums, concert programs, shooting in reputable media publications. The video sequence is replenished by two more clips - "I will not return" and "bomb". The rapid jerk of 2000 ends, from which the "VIA Gra" took the start, he systemally goes into rational promotion forward, with coverage of all new areas of activity in which the musical project may be affected.

The group gets all-Russian fame, popularity.
In the period from the beginning of the spring until the end of the summer, the team receives various awards, which include a prize from Radio "Hit FM", in the framework of the "Foot Heath" ceremony; Golden Feather at the Gold Fire-Bird ceremony, in the nominations "Best Song" and "Opening of the Year", as well as the "Gold Giri" and "Golden Gramophone" obtained by the Group for the first hit - "Attempt No. 5".

The group took part in the shooting of the musical "night before Christmas".

On August 31, 2001, VIA Gra concluded a contract with Sony Music, designed for the release of five albums. At the same time, the Group continued to successfully tour with its solo concerts by CIS countries.

In the following, 2002, the group "VIA Gra" shocked some changes. A new stage began in its evolutionary development. The structure was changed - the team turned into a trio from the duet. It all started with the fact that Nadezhda Granovskaya was preparing to become a mom, respectively, on saturated touring activities for a while was required to put the cross. In order to fill the temporary loss of hope, a casting was expanded urgently. The producers decided to increase the composition of the participants to three people, which was successfully done. The group was invited to the ex-TV presenter Anna Sedokov, who worked on Channels O-TV and "New Channel", as well as a model from St. Petersburg - Tatyana Nikin. Without giving upgrades to "Crane", the group continued "from a room in a quarry." A magnificent clip was shot on the song "Stop! Stop! Stop!". He showed that the group moves in the right direction and the fact that Anna Sedokova turned out to be in the group solely for the benefit.

May 23 in the Moscow Concert Hall "Russia" the group was awarded the "Ovation" award. It did not make sense on the bored borders, everyone was looking forward to continuing.

September 12, 2002 ended the shooting of the clip on the song "Good Morning, Dad!". It was marked by this event by the return of Hope Granovskaya, less than a month ago, who gave birth to the Son, who was named Igor. After a certain period of time after shooting the clip, Tatyana leaves the band. The team continues to be successfully filmed in various television programs, for example, in the "Domino principle" and "Total Show". Earlier, on only the MTV channel, VIA Gra participated in the programs "VIP-Caprice", "Banzai!", "12 evil spectators", "Stylissimo", "Parapazzi". It is impossible not to note and participate in the second on the score of the musical - "Cinderella", in which the participants played three princesses, sang along with the Verka Serdyuchka.

In 2003, it was not without change again. Alena Vinnitskaya decided to start her own, solo career. Accordingly, again casting, painful elections, as a result of which the Vera Brezhnev falls into the group. Another "era" is formed, the composition, which in the frame of the group fans is often called the golden composition. Indeed, such a definition in relation to faith, Anne and Hope is quite reasoned. This year becomes very fruitful, in terms of creativity of the team. At the beginning, a video clip is removed on the song "Do not leave me, Favorite!". Next follows the release of the second album of the group, "Stop! Shot! ".

Events continue to draw as out of abundance horns.
In the summer, the video "Kill my girlfriend" appears. The group goes to the top of glory, where it remains to this day. She is ready to conquer its creativity of the country of Europe and Asia. Outgoing an English-language clip "Stop! Stop! Stop! ", As well as - the English album of the team with the same name. The first release took place in Japan. "VIA Gra" as a hurricane swears through the country of the Rising Sun, performing in Tokyo, taking part in various programs on the "MTV Asia" and "Fuji TV" channel. Removal for the Japanese magazine "Play Boy". In the fall of the same year, the album "Biology" is coming. A magnificent duet is formed - "VIA Gra" and Valery Meladze. Joint work, in the end of 2003 - the beginning of 2004, which has gone fruit in the form of songs "Ocean and three rivers" and "no more", as well as video clips taken on them.

Everything developed rapidly, "VIA Gra" exposed all new and new masterpieces on the court. And then the event was happening, the ranks of fans in a light shock.

In 2004, Anna Sedokova is out of the group. In an emergency, she is looking for a replacement that Svetlana Loboda is found, but the replacement turned out to be a bit not equivalent, despite the fact that on June 4, 2004 VIA Gra wins on the "MUZ-TV 2004" awards, a video clip on the song "Biology" is removed . Still, Svetlana "Do not take" fans, immediately conducting analogies between it and Anna Sedokov. The group continues to perform in various television programs, in particular in the "Total Show", as well as in the third musical with its participation, which is called the Sorochin Fair. By the way, in this musical, one of the potential hits of the group was born, "oh said a clean water", during the Russian speeches, the transmitting unique Ukrainian flavor.
In the same year, a pan-European release of the album "Stop! Stop! Stop! ". Despite this, light discontent Svetlana grew up and a decision was made to part with it. Currently, Svetlana is engaged in solo career. Albina Janabaev is taken to the place of Loboda, for a long time worked on back-vocals from Valery Meladze and who fell into the group on his recommendation. In such a composition, faith, hope, Albina, the team works and now.
The current composition, like the previous ones, started very sharply, immediately received an award at the RMA-04 ceremony, for the song "no more no longer", filled with Valery Meladze. It turns out a magnificent, soulful clip "The world I did not know before you."

2005 began with trouble. Vera Brezhnev, riding skiing, received a spine injury. Fears of fans, fortunately, did not materialized. Faith has no complications. Another duet work appears on the public review - with a popular Rap team "TNMK". The clip is called "there is nothing worse than being like everything." Still, programs are published with the participation of "VIA GRA". For example, shown in ORT in 2005, "Raffle" with faith, "on Saturday evening", "full contact", on which the group "Brilliant", big premiere and many, many others were defeated with a huge translate in the musical battle. "VIA Gra" continues to bargain the media: shooting in magazines "Maxim", "7 days", publications in the "hammer" and "Komsomolskaya Pravda". The list is regularly updated, so it is not necessary to list everything. One can safely say one thing - the "VIA Gra" group is a phenomenon that has a lot of positive sides that distinguish it from other musical groups. She is able to conquer all the new peaks, to strive and surprise with her novelty. In creative plans, there are still a lot of ideas and ideas, so we can safely say that the subsequent pages of the group's history will not be worse than the previous ones.
After all, there is no limit to excellence. "

Another version of the history of the Viagra group (version:
It all started with the fact that on September 3, the premiere of the debut video group was held on the Biz-TV television company - the video clip "Attempt? 5". After this, the events began to develop with the maximum speed, even all the most bold expectations of the producers of the Dmitry Kostyuk and Konstantin Meladze. Already 12 (!) September appeared the first pirated record of the debut song of the group. And by the end of the first month of the existence of a team in the press, a lot of "yellow" materials appeared, on musical layouts - cassettes with an illegally published composition "Attempt? 5". The sixth Ukrainian show business excited "the mystery named" VIA Gra "(quote from the name of one of the publications about the group).

The first hit team quickly won the upper position of charts and was published in many popular Russian and Ukrainian collections. "Attempting? 5" came out on compilations hit FM (Moscow), XXL "Dance", Auto Hit, "Best Hits Biz-TV. Part 2", etc.
Refuting rumors that everything will end on this, by the beginning of winter, another clip is coming out on the screens to the bright dance composition "Right me." Interest in the group is concentrated, thickening and almost materializes. She is invited to concerts and interviews. Stramingly refuse. The intrigued public is engaged in generating countless assumptions about girls, producers and the future of the team.

By the end of 2000, there were already 7 songs in the repertoire of the group with which the "VIA Gra" began to tour. The first concert of the team took place on December 20 in Dnepropetrovsk on the scene of the Ice Palace in the presence of 4 thousand spectators. To date, the Group gave more than 70 concerts in Ukraine, Russia, Moldova, Belarus, Kazakhstan.

year 2001
For the first year of the existence of "VIA Gra" received several prestigious awards. The group took part in the awards ceremony "Stophal Hit" from Radio Hit FM (Moscow), which was held on June 2, 2001 in the Kremlin, and became the laureate of the prestigious "Golden Giri" for hitting the "N5 attempt".

The team spoke at the 10th anniversary annual All-Ukrainian Festival "Tavrian Games" and received the Golden Feather at the Gold Fire Bird awards ceremony in the "Opening of the Year" and "Best Song" nominations.

On April 14, 2001, "VIA Gra" performed in St. Petersburg in a large concert "Hit-parade MUZ-TV" The translation of the show took place in 250 cities of Russia.

On April 23, the Group became the nominee of the project "Star of Ukrainian pop", held as part of the "Star of Ukraine" shares, and received a corresponding diploma.

On November 17 and 18, the group "VIA Gra" became the first Ukrainian team, which was awarded the prestigious Golden Gramophone Prize. The team received her for hitting the N5 attempt.
The participants of the group took part in photo shoots for many magazines. Among them "XXL" (Moscow), "OM" (Moscow), "Poshisha" (Moscow), "Women's Journal" (Kiev) and others. Producers of the team decided to abandon photographing for the magazine "Playboy" (Moscow). Alena and Nadezhda took part in the filming of popular television programs "V.I.P. - Caprice", "Banzai!", "12 evil spectators", "Stylissimo", "Papaprazzi" (MTV); SV-show (1 + 1); Project "Evening on the farm near Dikanka"

The year of the horse for the most sexy team at all post-Soviet space has become a year of great change and transformations. In the spring duet turned into a trio. The motivating impetus to changes in the composition was the desire of the Hope of Granovskaya to become a mother and temporarily leave the group. To fill the vacancy, the producers of the team - Dmitry Kostyk and Konstantin Meladze - staged a hard selection of applicants, as a result of which two reached the final: the ex-lead-leading Anya and St. Petersburg model Tanya.

The new trio immediately began to work, recorded a new song called "Stop! Stop! Stop!" And starred in the memorable video on it. On May 23, the Girls took part in the awarding the "Ovation" in the Moscow HCCs "Russia".

August 15 Nadia gave life to a pretty boyfriend. The boy, very similar to the mother, was born with a weight of 2700 grams and an increase in 52 centimeters. The child was called Igor.12 of September ended the shooting of a new video clip on the song "Good Morning, Dad!". The main sensation of new work was to participate in the shooting of Hope Granovskaya! The return of a sex brunette to the team was very expelled and fans of the group, and its producers, and the heads of Sony Music, with which a year ago, the Group concluded a five-year contract. Some time after filming the video, Tanya left the team to take part in a large-scale television project.

In the autumn Alena, Nadia and Anya took part in the shooting of a new screensaver to one of the most rating charts of the Russian MTV - "Ukrainian Twenty". The girls in the overalls of the "second leather", according to the script, robbed the bank, drove on the huge motorcycles, used firearms, electric copies and charm for mercenary purposes.

This year, the soloists VIA Gra Anya, Nadia and Alena played the role of crowned persons for the musical "Cinderella", the next New Year's project of the All-Ukrainian TV channel "Inter". The girls reincarnated in the overseas princesses, to the measure of the forces and mentality of the seductive Character of Baskov.

Last year, Anya, Nadia and Alena took part in several television projects. They became the heroines of the program "Cossacks-Robbers", "Domino Principle", "Total Shaw" and others. The beauties appeared on the covers of superpopular men's magazines "XXL", "Maxim" and once again refused to undress for "Playboy".

New Year is the best reason to start a new life. This was used by our favorite female team and in early January struck the public at once the wholesale portion of supernasts. The first and most importantly - faith appeared in the group. No religious fanaticism, just so calling a stunning blonde, who recently became a soloist VIA GRA. In addition to extraordinary appearance, stage talents and a beautiful name, the young star possesses the intriguing surname of Brezhnev. Faith replaced Alain Vinnitsa, who left the trio for the solo career.

Updated and also brighter to VIA GRA - thousands of grand plans. Some of them are already embodied. With the participation of faith, the debut album of the group "Attempting? 5" is rewritten, and work on a new plate is almost finished.

Conclusion of a contract with Sony Music:
On August 31, 2001, a contract between Sony Music and the VIA Gra was signed in Moscow. This is the first international contract of Sony Music Entertainment (RUS), as the charming team is a fully Ukrainian product: all its participants are citizens of Ukraine and live in its capital - Kiev. Thus, in the Sony Music catalog, you can now find 5 Russian-speaking performers.

On September 27, on the "Columbia" label, on which the albums of such famous performers are published as: Ricky Martin, Celine Dion, Destiny "S Child, Aerosmith, Jessica Simpson and many others, came out a debut album of the VIA Gra Titted" Attempt? 5 ". It included 11 songs: "Spell", "Attempting? 5", a comic description of the adventures of the main character in Love Hexahedra, which by the end of the song is replenished with a friend of Masha and her a few clones, "I will not come back", very lyrical, sad and unusual The melody composition, "Meet My Mom, say that the greatest nonsense in the world is made with serious facial expressions. If you listen to this thing seriously, it will, indeed, a big slip. Because she is superlight. And generally super! The range of positive emotions from a light smile to a cheerful laughter is provided to you, "what I have done", "bomb", a protest song, which in itself is already interesting because of the not typical of such sensations for the post-Soviet pop. We blow up this world with music and fresh energy until he died from boredom! "Would you let me go", sensual recognition in love. In love! Whatever they say, "now or never", in this song - aabusive freedom, as in a dream. So why not take advantage of it! If you can now change everything around, why wait? I urgently proceed to the positive deconstruction of objective reality, "hug me", another confirmation of the rapid upcoming matriarchy and no less inevitably impending female polygamy. "Thank you for the summer," autumn causes inspiration not only in Pushkin, especially if the summer has passed in a good company of his own dream, "every day", with a creative approach of everyday life becomes no less romantic than the day of the first kisser.

By mid-March 2003, the company "Sony Music Entertainment (RUS)" plans to release the second album of the group. There is no name for the future Long-Misa, but a few songs have already managed to become superhitis. Fresh material has more serious themes, it is designed for a more prolonged audience than the previous one. This is evidenced by those compositions from the disk that have already managed to become superhitis, "Good Morning, dad!", "Do not leave me", "Stop! Stop! Stop!".

The Viagra project has existed for 17 years, and during this time a lot of amazingly beautiful soloists visited him. We remember the brightest of them.

What happened to the former soloists "Viagra"? All of them are still successful and beautiful! See yourself.

Alena Vinnitskaya, 42 years

Alena Vinnitskaya became one of the first soloists of the Viagra group. In his youth, the girl was a fan of the "Cinema" group. Under the influence of the creativity of Viktor Tsoi, she began to write songs and organized his own group "The last unicorn". In 2000, Alena was invited to the music team "Viagra", where he sang in a duet with the hope of Granovskaya. Already after the first clip, the group became popular, but Alena chose to leave the project and make a solo career.

Now Alena lives in Ukraine, gives concerts and leads entertainment transmission on television. She is fine with her personal life: for more than 20 years, the singer is happy in marriage with producer Sergey Alekseev.

Nadezhda Meikher-Granovskaya, 35 years

According to the memories of the producer of the group, Konstantin Meladze, at the beginning of his career Nadezhda Granovskaya was similar to Mowgli. The girl who grew up in the Ukrainian village of Zbruchevka was dyed and could not connect two words, but her sexiness and extraordinary acting talent allowed her to become one of the brightest soloists of the team. According to producer Dmitry Kostyka:

"Nadka ... born for a scene. In life, modest, closed, can quietly sit in the corner, do not even notice her. But only goes to the scene, fills all the space "

Hope spent several times from the team and returned again. In 2011, she finally left the group and devoted himself to solo projects. It must be said that hope is a very creative person: she was engaged in academic vocals for three years, released a collection of verses, and also on October 1, 2017 presented his author's performance "Historia de Un Amor". The singer is the mother of three children: Son Igor, she gave birth at the dawn of her career from the Ukrainian businessman. Two daughters, Anna and Maria, appeared in marriage with Mikhail Urzhamtev after the hope left from the team.

Anna Sedokova, 34 years

Although Anna Sedokova was a soloist "Viagra" just two years and left the team for more than 10 years ago, it still considers the soul of the group and its quintessence. Ambitious Anna since childhood was engaged in music and dances, and, joining the team, immediately won the hearts of his fans. However, in two years later, she married a football player Valentina Belkevich, pregnant and decided to leave Viagra, providing mass discontent among fans.

From Belkevich Anna gave birth to Daughter Alina, but the marriage soon collapsed. A few years later, Sedokova married Maxim Chernyavsky's businessman and gave birth to the second daughter Monica, but this time divorced her husband. In April 2017, the son of Anna Hector appeared on the world, the father of which was a businessman Artem Komarov. After a few months after the birth of the child, his parents broke up.

Anna continues to actively engage in his career: writes songs, shoots clips. In 2011, together with Dmitry Dyughz, she starred in the film "Pregnant".

Tatyana Nikin, 39 years

Tatiana replaced the hope of Hope Granovskaya when she was on maternity leave, and managed to play only in two clips: "Stop! Stop! Stop!" And "Good Morning, Dad!". After leaving the "Viagra", Tatiana organized the Maybe group, which, however, did not achieve success and quickly broke up. For some time, Nijnike worked as a model, and then on her family, unhappiness collapsed one after another: First, Tatyana's father died, then a favorite dog died, after this, the girl was attacked by hooligans and in addition her mother had cancer. The psyche of Tatiana could not stand so many terrible shocks:

"I was covered by all-consuming fear. I clogged in seizures on the floor, the body was like on fire. I screamed, wielded, cried ... "

The girl on the "ambulance" was taken to the hospital, where she diagnosed an anxious-depressive disorder, accompanied by panic attacks and convulsions. Treatment lasted more than 7 years, and to pay it, Tatiana had to sell his jewels and two apartments.

In 2014, Nijnieck married Alexander Terekhov's actor - the son of Margarita Terekhova. In 2015, they had a daughter faith. Now Tatiana is engaged in her upbringing.

Vera Brezhnev, 35 years

When Vera Brezhnev still studied at school, no one thought that this shy girl in glasses would ever become a star of pop and a sex symbol. Yes, and the faith itself did not dreamed of the scene at all; After graduating from school, she entered the Economic Faculty and hoped to become an accountant. Somehow fate brought her to the concert of the Viagra group, where the girl responded to the call of soloist to sing along with them on stage. The producers liked the speech of faith, in addition, they just looked for replacing the leaving team of Alain Vinnitsa, so the blonde from Dnepropetrovsk was invited to casting. So faith fell into the group and along with Anna Sedokova and the hope of Granovskaya entered the so-called "golden composition" "Viagra". According to the producer of Dmitry Kostyka, Faith was the most advanced of the soloist of the group and deceased to the essential of touring life.

In 2007, faith left the group and took up the solo career, which develops very successfully. She recorded several popular songs, and also starred in the cinema.

Faith has two daughters born in two marriages: 17-year-old Sonya and 8-year-old Sarah. In October 2015, a wedding of faith with producer Konstantin Meladze took place in Italy.

Svetlana Loboda, 35 years

Svetlana Lobod was taken to the group when Anna Sedokova left it. The fans took a new one in the bayonets, it was not too similar to it was not a saddle. In addition, Svetlana had disagreements with producers, therefore, without worrying in Viagra and the Year, she left the team. It did not prevent her to make a pretty successful solo career, and recently Svetlana was declared the "singer of the year" in Russia.

Svetlana's personal life did not work out. Marriage with Andrei King broke up, but the daughter of Evangelina remained from him. At the moment, the singer is devoting all the time to her upbringing and creativity.

Albina Dzhanabaeva, 38 years

Albina Dzhanabaeva was a permanent soloist "Viagra" for 8 years: from 2004 to 2012, up to the closure of the group. Even before his arrival in the team, Albina gave birth to the son of Constantine. For a long time she hid the name of the father of the child, but in the end, it became known that it was Valery Meladze, who was married at that time.

In 2014, Meladze divorced his wife inna and married Albin. They were born the second son, which was called Luke. Albina pays a lot of time to his family and children, but at the same time does not forget about the career. She records songs, removes clips, and also performs the role in the entrepreneurs of "bad habits".

Olga Koriagin (Romanovskaya), 31 years

Olga came to the project in 2006. She starred in the clips "Flower and Knife" and "L.M.L.", and then left the team due to changes in his personal life. The girl married a businessman Andrei Romanovsky and gave birth to two sons. In the first years of Family Life, Olga devoted himself to homemade troubles and raising children. She leads a healthy lifestyle, is engaged in boxing and dancing on Pilon. Love for sports Ex-soloist "Viagra" handed over to her sons.

In 2016, Olga tried herself as the leading Transmission of Audioralo, but worked in it only a few months. Then she became one of the soloists of the Queens group, which was organized by the former soloists "Viagra", but soon left her.

Mesolated Bagaudinova, 34 years

Mesheda came to the team to replace Olga Romanovskaya, but after 1.5 years was forced to leave him because of the return of the Hope of Granovskaya, since two "black" in the group could not be. Meshed tried to do a solo career, but did not achieve special success. In 2011, she married a businessman named Alan, in a year she gave birth to a son, and in 2015 divorced her husband.

Recently, Messeda became very similar to Angelina Jolie. Fans suspected that she increased her lips.

Tatyana Kotova managed to become famous before his arrival in the project: In 2006, she was awarded the title "Miss Russia", Tatyana also took part in the Miss Universe and Miss World contests. In Viagra, she fell after the departure of the faith of Brezhnev and immediately fit into the team, but after 2 years it was unexpectedly for everyone announced his care and began to perform solo.

In 2016, Tatiana joined the Queens group, which was organized by the ex-soloists of the Viagra group, but soon left it.

November 8, 2010, 13:54

The starting lineup of the group, Thus, from which everything began, two Ukrainian girls began, Alyona Vinnitskaya and Nadezhda Granovskaya. The story of their arrival in the group turned out to be different. Alena, at that time, who worked on the Ukrainian television company "Biz-TV", invited Dmitry Kostyuk to participate in the group. Another producer was Konstantin Meladze. It was him, together with Dmitry, was lucky to open hope for a group. The sending point that bowed him to the decision to make hope was her amateur photo session.

About why the group was named this way, there are several versions. On the one hand, VIA is an abbreviation, which is deciphered as a "vocal-instrumental ensemble", and "Gra" is translated from the Ukrainian language as a "game". On the other hand, many believe that the name is a derivative of the names of the vocalist, in which "VI" - the beginning of the name "Vinnitskaya", "A" - the first letter named after Alena, and "Gra" - respectively, the beginning of the name of the partial part of Alena Group, Hope Granovskaya. There is also a version that "gra" is decrypted as "voice, joy, artistry." But the true appearance was that all sorts of decodents, somehow formed the word "VIA Gra", having the same name with pills that increase sexual potency in men, which fully contributed to the external image and sexy vocalist. In 2002, the group "VIA Gra" shocked some changes. A new stage began in its evolutionary development. The structure was changed - the team turned into a trio from the duet. It all started with the fact that Nadezhda Granovskaya was preparing to become a mom, respectively, on saturated touring activities for a while was required to put the cross. In order to fill the temporary loss of hope, a casting was expanded urgently. The producers decided to increase the composition of the participants to three people, which was successfully done. Ex-TV presenter invited to the group Anna Sedokov, Worked on Channels O-TV and "New Channel", as well as a model from St. Petersburg - Tatyana Nikin. Without giving upgrades to "Crane", the group continued "from a room in a quarry." A magnificent clip was shot on the song "Stop! Stop! Stop!". He showed that the group moves in the right direction and the fact that Anna Sedokova turned out to be in the group solely for the benefit. September 12, 2002 ended the shooting of the clip on the song "Good Morning, Dad!". It was marked by this event by the return of Hope Granovskaya, less than a month ago, who gave birth to the Son, who was named Igor. After a certain period of time after shooting the clip, Tatyana leaves the band. Golden composition In 2003, it was not without change again. Alena Vinnitskaya decided to start her own, solo career. Accordingly, again casting, painful elections, as a result of which the group gets Vera Brezhneva. Another "era" is formed, the composition, which in the frame of the group fans is often called the golden composition. Indeed, such a definition in relation to faith, Anne and Hope is quite reasoned. This year becomes very fruitful, in terms of creativity of the team. At the beginning, a video clip is removed on the song "Do not leave me, Favorite!". Next follows the release of the second album of the group, "Stop! Shot! ".
In 2004, Anna Sedokova is out of the group. In an emergency, she is looking for a replacement that Svetlana Loboda is found, but the replacement turned out to be a bit not equivalent, despite the fact that on June 4, 2004 VIA Gra wins on the "MUZ-TV 2004" awards, a video clip on the song "Biology" is removed . Still, Svetlana "Do not take" fans, immediately conducting analogies between it and Anna Sedokov.
Despite this, light discontent Svetlana grew up and a decision was made to part with it. Currently, Svetlana is engaged in solo career.
At the place of the lobody take Albina Janabaevu, For a long time, I have worked on the back-vocal from Valery Meladze and has fallen into the group on his recommendation. And I would have to breathe everyone calmly, but suddenly the Nadia Granovskaya is leaving. 2005 year. And the group is urgently looking for a replacement. In the hurry take Christina Kots-Gotlib. Albina becomes the center - as the strongest vocalist. The group looks like this:
Christina also did not "fit." I had to urgently take a girl who was on the dancers at Meladze. The girl is modest and diligent. Name is it Olga Koryagyaga.

And it would seem ... all is well. We work. It was not here! From the team Viagra leaves a new Olga Koryagin. Marry. Not long worked albin and faith duet and producers found a beautiful Mesalo..
All these above-mentioned shifts of the composition provesed faith Brezhnev and she left the team. Messeda and Albina perfectly perform a duet ... In March 2008, producers take a new soloist - the winner of the contest "Miss Russia 2006" Tatyana Kotovu. In January 2009, there was a permutation in the team. Mesamebuudinova had to part with the team due to the fact that the collective was returned to the soloist of the first composition of the group and the main older team - Nadezhda Meikher on March 22, 2010 Tatiana Kotova finally left the group on his own request. A finalist of the Ukrainian project "Factory ZIROK 3" was invited to replace Tatyana producers of the collective Eva Bushmina.
Now the soloists of the group VIA GR are Hope Meikher-Granovskaya, Albina Dzhanabaeva and Eva Bushmina. For all the time speeches through the project, many participants have passed and all of them in one way or another associate their future life with show business. Alyona Vinnitskaya Successfully made his solo career in Ukraine. Tatyana Nyikin Producer and participant of the MAYBE Trio. Anna Sedokova and Svetlana Loboda Actively try to unwind solo in Russia and Ukraine. Christina Kots-Gotlib Engaged in model business. Olga Romanovskaya (Koryagin) He took off the clip on the song "Lullaby" and after the birth of a child to a big scene never returned, but he opened his corporate boutique in Odessa. Abandoned a group in August 2007 Vera Brezhneva I decided to try my hand on television and led the program "Magic 10", later made a successful solo career. Mesolated Bagaudinova Plans to make a solo project. Tatyana Kotova. Immediately after leaving the team began to shoot in one of the new Russian TV series and released the solo song "He". The author of the text and the composer of all songs of the group is Konstantin Meladze. He, together with Dmitry Kostyk, performs a producer role. Updated 08/11/10 15:09: Ex-soloist of the VIA Gra Group Olga Romanovskaya exposured at the anniversary concert

As it is not surprising, but the last composition of the VIA-Gra group lasted longer in the entire history of the female band. The composition of Misha Romanova, Anastasia Kozhevnikova and Erica Hertz lasted together for more than five years. But recently there was information on the network that the group soloist decided to leave it.

Misha Romanova (real name Natalia Moglianets) still finally leaves the WIA-Gra a female pop group, but the producers have already managed to find her replacement.

New soloist Viagra instead of Misha: what happened

Misha Romanova made an official statement that it is really no longer a soloist of the VIA-Gra group, and she has already managed to find a replacement, nevertheless the team did not update the composition, and fans in confusion and crave to find out: who is New participant.

Back in 2014, the media said that the team had a conflict among girls, despite the fact that Misha Romanova quarreled with Nastya and Erica, that is, both participants were tuned negatively on the girl.

But despite all this producer of the group denied all these news, reporting media that girls are friends not only at work, but also in life, and no conflicts between them can be.

Apparently, it was really that there were only rumors, because for 5 years of joint work, there was not a general scandal among the participants of the pop group.

New soloist Viagra instead of Misha: Reason for Romanova

Fans of the female pop group were stamped by the news about the care of Romanov. Versions about Misha's leaving there are many, but the girl herself in his instagram said that she changed her priorities in life, and now for her in the first place is love, that's why she leaves the team.

"The most important vocation of a woman is love. And sometimes it needs a solid solution. For a while, the artist gave me a woman in me ... Therefore, I'm leaving from the group, but I leave the part of my soul in it," the girl wrote.

"These were years filled with beautiful music of a genius man, adorable producer Konstantin Meladze. Thank you, Kostya, for this chance, for faith and support, for beautiful songs that warm the hearts of many listeners! Erika and Nastya, we were a team, one whole. , I will be very, very much to miss you! This page from life will forever remain in my memory, "she summed up.

But the fans are confident that Romanovskaya just decided to engage in its solo cause, since it was for this reason that all ex-participants "VIA-GRA" left.

New soloist Viagra instead of Misha: who is new

The media appeared in the media that Romanova had already found a replacement and VIA-Gra not to turn into a blow. Olga Meganskaya from St. Petersburg has become a new soloist "VIA-GRA".

About this fans "VIA-GRU" learned the day before yesterday at the concert group in Casino Iveria in the center of Republic in Tbilisi (Georgia). Instead of Misha, a new girl appeared on the scene.

It is known that in the near future "VIA-Gra" will perform in a new composition: March 30 in Moscow, and on March 31 in Kiev at the restaurant Alaska.

The pop-project group Viagra 2018 is still successful, at least having a new composition of the soloist, tours and regularly pleases the fans with new hits, is a repeated winner of the Golden Disc premiums, "MUZ-TV", "Golden Gramophone", etc. .

The girls from Viagra recorded six studio albums, three of whom received gold status in our country, and one became platinum in Thailand.

Group Viagra -Ulyana Snetskaya, Eric Herceg and Olga Meganskaya .

All teams of the Viagra group

The history of the popular female team of the Viagra group began on September 3, 2000. It was then that on the ether of the Ukrainian television company "Biz-TV" a premiere of the debut clip "Attempt No. 5" took place, which instantly flew to the top positions of the main charts. After that, the group more than once experienced rapid ups and downs, repeatedly replaced the composition, its soloists began successful solo careers and gave birth to children. But despite this, the popularity of Viagra did not decrease.

In 1999, the Ukrainian businessman and the owner of the Biz-TV channel Vladimir Kostyuk, inspired by the success of Russian "brilliant" and western "Spice Girls", decided to launch a similar Ukrainian project. For the role of musical producer, he called Constantine Meladze. One of the first approved soloists was Alain Vinnitskaya, before that, she worked the leading on Biz-TV. Thanks to Casting Meladze and the costume found two more girls: Marina Moodina and Julia Miroshnichenko. But in the process of working on "Attempt No. 5", it was decided to leave one alane and for a while freeze the project, continuing the search for suitable soloists.

When the horizon appeared Hope Granovskaya, the trio was decided to retrain in the duo, in which the role of the leading soloist was invented by Vinnitsa. Initially, the group was supposed to be called "silver". Regarding where the name "Viagra" appears, there are several versions. According to one of them, VIA is a vocal-instrumental ensemble, "Gra" in Ukrainian indicates the game. Some believe that "Viagra" is derived from the names and names of vocalists (VI-Vinnitsa, A- Alena, GRANO-Granovskaya). But the first thing I remember, having heard the word "Viagra" - the famous drug that enhancing male potency. By the way, withdrawing a collective V.I.A. "GRA" in the English music market, the leadership of Sony Music received a pre-trial claim from tablet manufacturers. Therefore, in the West, the group is known under the nu virgos pseudonym.

Initially, the critics were considered to be "Viagra" by a group of one hit and propheted its short glory. But the next after "attempt number 5" dance composition "Hug me" even more thickened interest around the team. Girls began to invite interviews and concerts. By the end of 2000, their repertoire had already seven songs. The first solo concert of the team took place on the scene of the Ice Palace of Dnepropetrovsk on December 20. It was attended by 4 thousand spectators.

During its work, the group changed 16 compositions. Almost all former soloists tied life with show business and were able to build successful careers.

The composition of the Viagra group for 2000-2003:
  • Alena Vinnitskaya;

Alena (Olga) Vinnitskaya was born on December 27, 1974 in the capital of Ukraine. Almost immediately after graduation, I got acquainted with the future husband, who at that time performed in the Seven team. Over time, they together changed the name of the group on the "last unicorn", where Vinnitskaya became the author of the music and the words of the songs performed by them.

From 1997 to 2000, Vinnitsa successfully combined the Vi-Jite profession and reporter on music TV channels and DJs on radio stations. On the biz-tv, she led the Ukrainian Twenty, whose broadcasts were in the Russian "MTV". It was there that she met a costume, who called her in the Viagra group. With the participation of Alena, 6 clips were withdrawn, released a debut album, starred in two musicals and recorded several non-literal songs.

On January 20, 2003, the girl left the team and began a solo career, performing compositions in the style of pop rock. Among the notable works on this field, it is worth highlighting the compositions "Let's forget everything", which has become a shock hit in all Ukrainian charts, and the single "exhausted heart", who gave the opportunity to feel the entire depth of the author's lyrics of Alena.

In 2004, Alena performed together with the world-famous group "The Cardigans" in the Palace of Sports, the largest concert area of \u200b\u200bUkraine, and released the first album "Dawn". The girl is actively actively acting, writes new albums and leads active social activities.

Nadia Meikher was born in the village of Zbruchovka on April 10, 1982. From 11 years old she visited a circle of popula dance and performed at various events. After school, Nadezhda entered the faculty of choreography and musical dance in the Khmelnitsky Pedagogical School.

In 2000, the girl passed the casting to the group "Viagra", but in 2002 the team left for pregnancy. However, maternity leave lasted for a long time, and a month after the birth, Nadya returned to the group. Repeated care of hope occurred in 2006. Then she decided to start a career as a TV presenter.

But in 2009, Granovskaya again became the participant of the team. In 2013, she was in the jury of the realistic show "I want to Viagra." In 2016, Nadezhda presented his performance "Historia de Un Amor" and opened a boutique "Meiher by Meiher" in Kiev, in which he presented her collection of clothes.

For 2002:

After care to the decree of Hope Granovskaya, the producers decided to turn the duet in the trio and declared urgent casting. So the new composition of the Viagra group was replenished with Tatyana Nijnik and Anna Sedokova.

Tanya was born in St. Petersburg on April 6, 1978. Since childhood, she dreamed of becoming an artist, but at the end of the school he entered the psychological and pedagogical faculty of the Herzen University. In 1996, Nijnique got into the model business. Her photos appeared in such popular fashion editions as major editions such as "Elle", "Shape" and "Top Ten".

In the group "Viagra" Tatyana Nynynik sluggish in place Granovskaya. Together with her participation, songs "Good Morning, Dad", "Kill my girlfriend" were recorded. After the return of Granovskaya-Meikher, the girls spent some time a quartet and four of them took over to the cover of the Russian magazine "Maxim". But in the same year, Tatiana left the team, not avoiding problems with the leadership.

After care, the girl starred in the full-length European cinema in Art House and Horror (unfortunately, the paintings did not go beyond European rental) and the comedic television series "Situi". Now she cooperates with various charitable and public organizations and is a soloist and producer of his own group "Maybe", created immediately after leaving the "Viagra" and successfully operating to this day.

The girl was born on December 16, 1982 in Kiev. She graduated with honors and general education, and music school. He studied at the Kiev National University, also graduating from his red diploma. At the age of 15, she worked as a model later - leading in clubs and on TV.

Anna tried to get to the "Viagra" Anna in 2000, but due to the fact that she had not yet been 18 years old, the casting could not be passed. In the new composition of the group, she immediately became the leader and front vocalist. It was with her that the group became a female pop group No. 1 in the domestic show business.

In 2004, Anna Sedokova left the group, married and gave birth to a daughter. In 2006, he starred for the magazine "Playboy" and began to perform on the stage under the pseudonym Annabel. At the moment, the career sedlock is quite successful. She regularly releases new singles, acts as a lead, nominated and receives various awards and rewards for its songs. In addition, Anya raises two children, and at the end of 2016 he declared his third pregnancy.

In 2003-2004:

Vera Brezhneva (Galushka)

Born in a poor large familial family in Dneprodzerzhinsk February 3, 1982. For the first time, she made a "Viagra" in 2002 as a wishing from the hall. In 2003, the casting was successfully passed and won the left Alena Vinnitsa. It is the composition of "Brezhnev-Sedokova- Granovskaya" critics called "gold".

In 2007, Vera left the group and began the solo career of the singer and actress. Her compositions "Rose Petals" (together with Dan Balan), "Love will save the world", "real life" occupied the tops of the charts. The films "Love in the Big City" and "Jungle" were successful, where she played the main roles.

In addition to creative activities, Brezhnev is the founder of the Ray Faith Foundation, helping children with oncohematological diseases and the UN ambassador under Janids.

Viagra in 2004:

Came to place Anna Sedokova. Light was born in Kiev on October 18, 1982. He graduated from music school by class of academic vocals, piano and conducting. From young age actively toured. After school, he entered the separation of pop vocals to the pop-circus academy of Kiev.

At the same time performed as part of the popular Ukrainian team "Capuccino", speaking with the hits of "feelings" and "fairy tale." After leaving Kapuccino, he participated in the first Ukrainian musical show "Equator", where he performed the role of Dicarka Mirana. In 2003, Svetlana Loboda founded his own creative team "Ketch". It was then that Dmitry Kostyuk noticed her.

Together with the Loboda, the team removed the clip "Biology" and took part in the New Year's musical "Sorochin Fair" on the Inter Channel. Having stayed in the Viagra group about six months, Svetlana decided to leave. In 2009, she represented Ukraine on Eurovision, in 2010 - founded his own brand "Loboda", in 2012 - became the coach in the show "Voice. Children".

Composition for 2004-2006:

Based on April 9, 1979 in Volgograd. At the age of 17 he entered the Gnesin school. After graduating from sang in the Korean musical production "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", performing a batch of snow-white.

After worked as a back-vocalist in Valeria Meladze. Initially, it was Albin that received a proposal to take the vacancy of Anna Sedokova. But at that time the girl just gave birth to his son, so refused. After leaving, she still joined the musical team.

Albin has worked as part of a group for more than 8 years, in parallel having time to play in the film "Treason" directed by Kirill Serennikov and taking third place in the show "Dancing with the Stars". On January 1, 2013, Konstantin Meladze announced the collapse of "VIA GRA" and suggested albin to build a solo career under his wing. In 2013, he was a member of the jury in the show "I want V Viagra". Released several solo singles.

Group for 2006:

Born in Donetsk on May 2, 1983. With honors graduated from the Economic University. From 15 years he participated in numerous beauty contests, developed a model career, won the title "Miss Donbass-2003.

After re-leaving the hope of Granovskaya, the casting successfully passed and came to her place. He participated in the shooting of the video "Deception, but remain," but after 3 months left the team. In 2009, won in the Ukrainian National Competition "Miss Ukraine Universe". In 2014, released a solo clip on the "Trust Your Heart" composition.

Soloists 2006-2007:

Olga Koryakina (Romanovskaya)

Born in Nikolaev in 1986. At the age of 15, I won the Miss Black Sea and 2001 contest, worked in one of the model agencies. In 2004, he became the owner of the title "Miss Koblevo". He participated in Casting together with Christina Kots-Gotlib, but lost. After Kristina did not fit in Trio, the producers decided to give Olga the second chance.

During the stay in the group, Olga starred in the clips "Flower and Knife", "L.L.L.", participated in the record of the album "L.L.L." in English. In March 2007, she announced pregnancy and care from the group. Olga's solo career began under the surname of her husband. For 8 months of pregnancy Olga recorded the song "Lullaby".

She tried to cooperate with Maxim Fadeev, but they could not work out. In 2012 she received a proposal to become one and six mentors in reality "I want V VIA", but the girl refused.

On December 2, 2015, the singer presented the debut album "Hold me stronger." From April to October 2016, I tried myself in the role of the leading popular transmission of "Audio" instead of Elena Vieta.

Participants for 2007-2008:
  • Bagaudinova Mesolated.

Born on October 30, 1983 in the city of Grozny. Since 2002, in the international group "Dreams". On April 1, 2007, Bagaudinova came to Viagra, where I replaced Olga Koryakin. Performed in the team of a year and a half.

With her participation, the video clip "Kisses" and three more rollers. With the return of Hope Granovskaya left the group. He recorded the solo composition "Smoke", but suspended his career because of the marriage and the birth of the son of Aspar. In 2013, it became one of the mentors to "I want to Viagra." In 2013-2014, the Singles "Just Zamri" presented, "intersection", I believe.

Singers 2008-2010:

Appeared on the light in the village. Sholokhovsky September 3, 1985. Still in his youth began to take part in beauty contests. In December 2006, the title "Miss Russia" won, gaining more than 50% of spectator votes.

He came to the group "Viagra" on March 17, 2008. With the participation of cats, the clips "I am not afraid", the "American wife", "My Emancipation" and the "Anti-Geisha" singles and "crazy" were recorded. April 22, 2010 announced care. Now on the account of the singer, several solo compositions ("He", "Red on Red", "Hop Hop", "dissolve", "I will say yes", etc.), with which it performs on large sites and prefabricated concerts .

Girls2010-2011 of the year:
  • Bushman Eve.

Yana Shvets (Bushmina)

Born in Sverdlovsk on April 2, 1989. He studied simultaneously with the Nastya Kamensky at the Faculty of Vocal in the Pop Circus Academy. Later was the TV host of Guten Morgen on M1, was a soloist in the Lucky group, danced in the show-ballet "The Best", participated in the Ukrainian "Star Factory".

In March 2010, he declared an early exit from the project "Superfinal Factory" and the transition to Viagra. In the same year, according to the Life-Star portal, entered the top 10 outdoor year. Yana, like Albin Janabaeva, successfully performed as part of the "Viagra" until its closure.

In 2011-2012:
  • Eva Bushmina;

Born in Kiev on May 21, 1987. From an early age, he was engaged in sports dancing, at 17 he entered the law faculty. In 2011, he became an absolute world champion in fitness in Thailand in the nomination "Women's Model Telecommunication". In the same year he received a diploma of a lawyer, but decided to associate life with creativity.

The first team was the Ukrainian group "Seventh Heaven", then participated in the third Ukrainian factory of stars. In December 2011, she ranked in the group "Viagra" the place of the newest hope of Granovskaya, but in early October 2012 decided to do a solo career.

"Viagra" for 2013 Beginning of 2018:

Anastasia was born in Yuzhnoukrainsk on March 26, 1993. In childhood, she studied at a music school, sang in the choir and studied acting and choreography.

After passing preliminary castings on the show "I want to Viagra, Nastya also successfully performed in the first round. A little later, she seemed in a pair with Misha and Erica. Initially, Albina Dzhanabayeva was originally by the mentor.

But after the girls, cutting before the performance of concert dresses, almost flew out and projects, the patronage over them is sluggish hope Granovskaya. According to the results of the audience voting, the top three won. In the final, they presented a new song "truce", which later became their business card.

Natalia Mogilets (Misha Romanova) was born on August 3, 1990. in Kherson. In 5 years, Natasha was very frightened and began to stutter. Doctors advised to give the girl to the lists of vocals, where it turned out that when singing the defect instantly disappears.

So Natasha began to dream of the career of the singer and participate in various contests. In 2007, together with Nikolai Bortnik (Max Barsky), they arrived in Kiev and passed the exams to the Academy of Pop and Circus Art.

In the same year, Natalia began a solo career under the pseudonym Misha Romanova, and in 2013 passed casting on the show "I want V Viagra".

Eric Herceg was born in S. Malaya Dawry on July 5, 1988. As a child, Erica sang in the Hungarian church church, and later he entered the Faculty of Management and Economics to the Institute named after Ferenz Rakocy II.

At the age of 17, the girl weighed more than 80 kg. But for 8 months she was able to lose 30 kg, and fixing small flaws with plastic surgery, get a highly paid contract for advertising French underwear in 2012.

In the same year, she appeared naked in the November issue "Playboy". Now sings in the group of Viagra.

In September, the month of 2013, Konstantin Meladze gave the start of the new reality project "I want to in Via Gru", with which the girls could pass the casting to the revived group. Anastasia, Misha and Eric became the winners and presented a new pop-trio.

From April 2018:

  • Olya Meganskaya

Olga Meganskaya

The date of birth of Olga Megan's 1992, was born in the city of Yaroslavl. From early childhood, Olya alone his music, loved this business and even graduated from a music school, which is quite natural in these circumstances.

However, higher education chose to receive as a "teacher of history and English." But self-improvement did not cease to this Meganskaya, enrolling to study on the pop department of culture and art, which is located in the Leningrad College.

Olya loves our smaller brothers, so the meat of animals does not eat, and there is absolutely no naturally. Yellow enemy of natural fly. Of course, it has pages in Instagram and VC. Before becoming a new soloist of Viagra, Olya tried to get into other musical projects, but not so successfully.

New composition of the Viagra group from September 2018:

  • Olya Meganskaya
  • Ulyana Setskaya

Ulyana Setskaya

Ulyana Snetskaya in the spring of March 29, 1995 was born, in a very small Yugorsk, which is located in the Tyumen region, its northern part. From the age of five attended music school, even then the girl's parents were recognized in her talent for music. Further, the family moved to Yekaterinburg, where Ulyana continued to give all her creativity.

Since 2014, a beginner singe has begun a career growth. Participation in the show "Voice", hitting the project "New Star Factory", was in the "Cash" team and now I became a member of the Viagra group. From the first days, work in the group Zakipel - photo shoots of all soloists, recording new tracks, which promise to be stunning according to the producer of Pop Trio.

So the young age, the girl is only 23 years old, the new soloist is not a hindrance, the work of Ulyana Snetskaya began with a place in the quarry, we are waiting for her success.

Hits of the group "Viagra"

Since the successful start of the project, thanks to the compositions "Attempt No. 5", "Bomb", "I will not return" the group managed to record six studio albums:

  • In 2001 - "Attempt No. 5";
  • In 2003 - "Stop! Shot" (Russian and Japanese edition);
  • In 2003 - "Biology";
  • In 2004 - "Stop! Stop! Stop! " (international publication);
  • In 2007 - "L.M.L".

In 2002, the group presented new clips "Stop! Stop! Stop! " And "Good Morning". In the second roller, the fans again saw the hope of Hope Granovskaya who had led to this group, which led to a new surge of the popularity of Viagra.

In February 2003, a video was released to "Do not leave me, Favorite." The composition occupied the tops of a set of hit parades and is still considered in the history of the group of one of the best. It was the time of the "gold composition" and his successful duets with Valery Meladze. Hits were produced one by one: "Ocean and three rivers", "there is no more attraction", "kill my girlfriend", "diamonds".

Next, the team began to storm. "Golden Composition" collapsed. Participants constantly replaced each other. But the compositions "Flower and Knife" recorded with Olga Koryakina, "Kisses" - with the Messena Bagaudine, Antigiysh, "Crazy" - with Tatiana Cotana, "Day Without You", "Wound Won", "Hello, Mom!" "With Eva Bushmina did not give the group to lose the status of the sexiest pop-trio of the Russian pop.

The new composition of "Viagra", like most of the previous ones, has repeatedly criticized. Many were confident that the success of previous participants is no longer repeat. Despite this, the group confidently conquers high lines of hit parades, gets musical awards, and their songs "truce", "oxygen", "I have another", "so much" do not cease to rotate on radio stations. Over time, 17 past hits with changed arrangements have entered the repertoire of the group.