Popular ensembles 90 years. How to order a star for holiday prices for anniversary, birthday

Popular ensembles 90 years. How to order a star for holiday prices for anniversary, birthday
Popular ensembles 90 years. How to order a star for holiday prices for anniversary, birthday

In the 90s there were many popular compositions and magnificent groups: Scooter, Spice Girls, Aqua, Ace Of Base and many others. They sounded on all beaches, discos, from each stall and cafes, their posters were hungry of teenagers. But time goes, teens go, the musicians themselves change ...

Spice Girls. The English female pop group was formed in London in 1994, and after two years their debut single "Wannabe" conquered the charts. In our country, as around the world, the girls were simply crazy about the five singers.

After a few attempts by Reunion, the girls were separated by anyone, but many became successful in new hypostasis.

Ace of Base. The Album of the group "Happy Nation / The Sign" is the best-selling debut album in history. Thousands of discos of our country danced under rhythms and tunes.

In 2009, the team left the soloist Jenni Bergghren. The remaining participants created a new musical project, but after three years a new team collapsed.

Scooter. A German musical team, focused on dance and energetic music, in the 90s only lazy did not write "How Much Is The Fish" with the frontman.

Group manager and frontman Eich Pi Baxter are the only ones who stayed in the team from the original composition. Scooter is still toured and produces albums.

No doubt. American Ska Punk Group, formed in 1986 in Anaheim, California, USA. I purchased the greatest fame after the release of the Album Tragic Kingdom in 1995, hit from which "Don't Speak" sounded on every radio station.

The group still exists, although its participants have become more stylish, and Vocalist Gwen Stephanie and built a successful portrait career at all.

Roxette. The Swedish pop rock band, the leaders of which are Per Gessle and Marie Frederson in the late 80s - early 90s literally conquered the musical Olymps of the whole world with their romantic ballads.

In 2000, the vocalist was detected and was operated by brain cancer. The work of the team was suspended, but the participants recorded solo plates.

In 2013-2016, the musicians were actively toured on the planet, the last speech took place on February 8, 2016 on Grand Arena in Cape Town, South Africa, after which the doctors recommended Marie to stop concert activities.

Pet Shop Boys. British syntipop-duet formed in 1981 in London.

It is one of the most commercially successful and fruitful teams of the United Kingdom, recording dance music: over the past thirty years, more than forty singles have been released (of which 20 fell into the upper ten of the British charts). Still stand up and write albums.

Take That. Another English pop rock group, which was different from other "boys" groups of the 1990s that the participants themselves composed their songs. Already in 1996, the group broke down.

A successful solo career managed to build only Robbie Williams. In 2010, the team reunited and even released an album a little later, but as a result, only a trio remained from the original composition.

La Bouche. The project of the famous German producer Frank Farian, whose second single, Be My Lover, was in the top ten on the territory of 14 countries, and in the first place in Germany.

Vocalist Melanie Tornton died on November 24, 2001 in a plane crash. La Bouche albums and solo singers still remain popular, regularly reprinted and remixed.

Bad Boys Blue. The Eurodisco Group released about 30 hit singles in the charts of many countries of the world, including in the United States.

Currently, the Bad Boys Blue Group is John Makinern, who collapsed with other participants, and two back vocalists - Sylvia Makinern, John's wife, and Edith Miracle. The group performs on many shows in countries such as Germany, Poland, United Kingdom, Finland, Israel, Russia, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Turkey, USA and others.

Mr. Present. The German dance group in the style of Eurodens, whose most famous composition "Coco Jamboo" in the mid-90s did not hear only the lazy.

The group discontinued the new material in the late 90s, now only her vocalist Lay Zee leads active creative life.

Mo-Do. Fabio Frittelli is an Italian singer and disc-jockey, whose most famous single became "Eins, Zwei, Polizei", which sounded at all discos of Europe and Russia.

February 6, 2013 Fabio Frittelli was found without signs of life in his house in Udine. At the time of death he was 46 years old. The cause of death is suicide.

Dock. Alban is a Swedish musician of Nigerian origin working in the style of Eurodens. Perhaps the most famous work has become the composition "IT's My Life", practically becoming a DR business card. Alban.

Alban created his audio recorder DR. Records, under the brand of which all DR albums are published. Alban, starting with "Born in Africa". Continues to produce albums and singles.

Aqua. Music Dance Pop Group, consisting of one LENE Norwegian girl and three Dane men, which received worldwide fame in the 90s due to the songs "Barbie Girl", "Roses Are Red", "Doctor Jones", "Turn Back Time "," Lollipop (Candyman) "," My Oh My "and others.

The group broke up in the early 2000s and reunited in 2007, and in 2013 even released a new album. After that, the group again disassembled and gathered, now the team of the modified composition is occupied by retro festivals.

Europe. Swedish rock band, founded by vocalist Joey Tempestt and guitarist John Nerum, widely fame reached the hit "Final Countdown".

In 1992, the group broke up and reunited only in 2004. On March 2, 2015, their tenth studio album War Of Kings was released, which came to the Swedish charts to second place.

Backstreet boys. The American Boys Band was formed on April 20, 1993, and starting with the 1996 debut album of the same name, sold about 130 million copies of his records.

Since then, the group disassembled and gathered again, its members were treated from narcotic and alcohol dependence, but occasionally even produced albums.

'N Sync. The "Boy" group was formed in 1995, and a teenage hysteria around her reached apogee in March 2000.

Since 2002, the frontman of the group - Justin Timberlake - took up the solo career, as a result of which the group did not release new records. On August 25, 2013, a two-minute group reunion on the MTV Video Music Awards Award scene was held.

"Lyceum." The main hit of the pop group, "Autumn", sounded in 1995. In addition to her, the story of the Lyceum has dozens of songs that conquered the top lines in musical ratings.

Anastasia Makarevich is the only nonsense participant of the team from the very moment of its foundation in 1991. The group still exists and writes new songs.

"Red mold". The Russian-Ukrainian group created by the musician Pavel Yatsyna, who alone recorded the first four albums. The team is known for the performance of songs using abnormative vocabulary, as well as couplets, chastushk, fairy tales, musical parodies, poems and jokes.

Now the team still exists and touring the eighth composition. By the way, Pavel Yatsina first made the electric guitar from the shovel, which she subsequently patented and performed with her at concerts.

"Ladybug". In 1994, the group saddled the wave of success with the version of the Soviet song "Granite pebbles." Clothes, shoes and accessories are clothing, shoes, and umbrellas, stylized brews.

Vocalist Vladimir Voltenko survived a heavy operation, after which, together with his wife, he began to record songs on religious topics. Conventional albums group also writes, and also gives regular concerts.

"Balagan Limited". Hit group "Che what need?" I did not hear only the lazy. The group appeared on TV, recorded three successful albums, and toured a lot.

In 1999, the producer of the Group secretly registered the trade name "Balagan Limited" and scored a new composition. Old musicians after a whole year of unsuccessful attempts to defend the title began to be called in his first hurt - "what are those necessary?".

"Arrows". The pop group was created by the Soyuz Studio in 1997 and was considered as "our answer" "Spice Gilrs". A particularly popular team became in 1999 after the release of the song and the clip "You threw me", in which the popular actor Ivar Kalnynsh starred.

In the early 2000s, due to frequent change of composition, the group's popularity went to the decline. Information about the collapse of the group varies. Some call 2004, others - 2009. Some girls managed to build solo careers.

"Bachelor party." The Russian hip-hop trio was formed in 1991 by producer Alexei Adamov. The first albums of the "Bachelor party" "Sex without a break" and "talk about sex", issued by the Soyuz Studio in 1991 and 1992, brought a boyz-bandid incredible popularity throughout the country.

Having successfully worked together to 1996, the musicians closed the Bachelor Party project. Dolphin began the solo career, and Dan and Mutobor created a group of "Barbitura", the directivity of which was electronic music.

"Shao? Bao!" The Ukrainian group in 1997 recorded the song "Mom's Mom Konya (and Konya without a leg)", which became a business card of the trio of young musicians from Dnepropetrovsk.

The group changed the compositions, but, alas, "Konya" so remained the only hit.

Each period leaves a special mark in history. Thus, the 90s will be remembered for all the musical groups, which will remain forever in the memory of young people.

"Smoke cigarettes with menthol ..." and "she has granite pebbles in his chest ..." "Little literally all girls. The songs of the "Nancy" and "Ladybug" groups were on each disco, regardless of the age of the audience. The girls wrote a lot of letters with confessions in love with the participants of men's groups, such as "Ivanushki International", "Affectionate May", "on-on", "Outways", "Hi-Fi". Memories of first love are undoubtedly accompanied by memory of "demo" groups, "virus", "guests from the future", "brilliant", "arrows" and "paints". The first kisses, the first dance, the first relations-under each of these periods were their unforgettable music, which even many years will return to the memories of those events.

It is impossible not to remember the cult group "Hand Up". Hundreds of songs about love, clips, whose viewing it was impossible to tear off, and the whole youth, built on the rows of songs. For more than 20 years, the team pleases the fans of their work. Soloist Sergey Zhukov still is the main star of concerts of the 90s.

If the girls squeezed from pop groups, then the young men preferred rock. "Cinema", "Tea", "Time Machine", "Agatha Christie", "Sunday", "Alice" - undoubtedly contributed to the development of music. Viktor Tsoi remained the legend of rock, even after his death. Personal attitude towards changes in the country and the people around him are the main topics of his creativity. It was for freedom and honesty that he received recognition of millions of citizens.

Posters of the SPICE GIRLS groups, Nirvana, "Scorpions" were a mandatory attribute of the room depending on the sex of the teenager. Everyone tried to portray MICHAEL JACKSON movements - they were so famous. "Backstreet Boys", "Nsync", "Aqua" - the walked to the top of the love of fans. Mariah Carey, Britney Spears, Natalia Oreiro and Christina Aguilera - Standard Women's Beauty Stall.

Music was given a separate place in the heart of any teenager. Everyone tried to record words from his favorite songs in the notebook and learn them. Such notebooks were kept very carefully. Boys and girls even changed them and rewritten the texts of themselves.

Disco 90s and now is definitely a popular event. Dozens of idols are collected together and their works please the audience. Unfortunately, some of the performers of that time are no longer alive, but it is the songs and video that make them immortal.

How to order the performance of stars on the corporate and private event of the lead.

P rigulate popular foreign or Russian artist, actor or famous group in your city, Find out how much the performance is on a private or corporate event, to book a date of events, you can with us in real time. Send a preliminary application from the site or contact us by contact data.

D. overcome the organization and holding a concert, speech by star Russian and foreign pop, the order of popular artists and leading business shows on a corporate party or wedding, company anniversary or birthday, to the club for a party or presentation.

M. sayerly decisive All questions regarding the repertoire, the subtleties of the order of stars, prices, performances and other nuances taking into account all your wishes. We can make proposals based on the taste and budget of our customers, carefully apply to the wishes of each client and guarantee a well-thought-out organization of the event. The official conclusion of the contract.

G ONORAR TO ORDER SPECIALS Popular foreign and Russian artists are installed on the site for Moscow and the region (except for the New Year's period). Send a preliminary application for your city or contact us directly by contact information on the site.

C. eNA and final cost Speeches of stars on a company corporate party or a presentation, a wedding or anniversary, a festival or a sports event, taking into account the Raider, will be known after the date, city and venue of the organization of a private or corporate holiday.

P Redoplative and final calculations. "Date booking":

Guarantees of performances and arrival of artists. After harmonizing the rider and the fee at the date of the event, "Customer" - private or legal entity and Company "Executive", Enclosed a bilateral agreement for participation (performance) of the artist in the concert program in the time established by this Treaty.

N either can also rememberAfter holding negotiations with the artist and the statement of the Rider, you will need 50% of the fee for the conclusion of the contract. The second part is paid 14 days before the event.Without prepayment under the contractCompany "performer", booking the date and performance of the artist is excluded.

Celebrities show business, popular musical groups and world-class performers are the main direction of our activity. Experienced and creative organizers of the Agency without unnecessary Volokati will issue an invitation to a loved singer, a leading or musician, and will also be able to create an atmosphere of an impeccable holiday and excellent mood.

P revaluable organization celebrations at any level . Whatever event you would plan, it will be held on the highest category. You do not have to break your head over the solution of endless organizational issues. We will fully take this task!

AND nadividual approach. Every holiday is special in its own way, and in confirmation of this thesis we will select the most interesting repertoire for you, safely solve all the nuances with the invitation of the selected artist, and also take into account all your wishes for this regard.

Z. across the official agreement. Since our agency works only on prepayment, we conclude with the client the appropriate agreement, stipulate all the responsibilities and the rights of each part.

T. full-time calculations of the final cost. As soon as we get all the information you need about the upcoming event, we immediately proceed to the calculation of our services, taking into account all possible nuances.

"Site | Disc Star "International Representative

For 10 years, the Big City Concert Agency has been organizing events with the participation of famous artists in Russia and abroad. We work directly with many cumiers of the public and offer customers a transparent payment system and necessarily the quality of the holidays. A large selection of musicians of different genres allows you to choose exactly the one who will provide on your corporate party, a birthday or wedding atmosphere, which will be happy with all those present. From the list of Russian rock bands of the 90s, you can invite such legends of heavy music as Bi-2, Spleen, 7b, Diana Arbenina, Dancing minus. For admirers, alternatives, we can organize a concert of a slot group, Tracktor Bowling, Amatory or Stigmat.

Personal concert from rock musicians

In the list of Russian rock bands of the 80-90s, presented in our catalog, there are famous teams whose creativity adores, suffer and divide the quotes. A huge demand for high-quality, meaningful music was always. Now it is also relevant, so if you wish to make a corporate or anniversary unforgettable, invite the star to your holiday. You can order popular Russian rock bands of the 80s from the list - earthlings, Alice, Tea, Aria, DDT, Time Machine, Mummy Troll and Mass of other musicians whose plates disperse in two bills.

What artists can be ordered for events

Russian rock bands of the 80s, 90s are represented only by the most famous teams that deserve their authority with powerful music and texts. Musicians who deserve their popularity thanks to talent. You do not know who you want to invite to the event? Concert and festive agency "Big City" will help to choose the popular Russian rock bands of the 90s from the list for your holiday and organize it, taking into account all the wishes and suggestions. Some groups that are worthy of invitations to a private or corporate holiday:

  • A group of love and Nikolay Rastorguev will bring to the atmosphere of your holiday solemnity, and charges patriotic energy.
  • The Leningrad group will explode the public and will not leave a single chance on boredom. All present will be delighted, regardless of gender and age.
  • Gorky Park is a cult group of the 1980s, whose song Moscow Calling brought them mad popularity in America and Europe.

Of course, the choice of Russian rock band of the 80s and 90s completely depends on the customer's musical preferences, but one obviously - a celebrity at your guest is solid, interesting and outstandingly. Specialists of the Agency "Big City" are ready to take full responsibility for organizing any holiday.

List of Russian Punk Rock Groups of the 90s

Punk is a subculture, a separate milestone in the history of heavy music, because this genre personifies the critical attitude towards society and the generally accepted norms of morality. The punk rock of the 80-90s many are now listening to nostalgia, for some words are important, and someone is interested in the rhythm of guitar strings, which charges energy and drive. Order for yourself and guests the best Russian rock bands of the 90s and your event will remain in memory for a long time. Prince, cockroaches, brigade in a row, Lumen, Lapis Trubetskoy - a list of popular Russian rock bands of the 80s can be continued for a long time. Our concert agency cooperates with all the well-known artists of Russia and abroad, so we provide our customers with a huge selection of musicians who can be invited to private or public events.

The reasons for which the "big city" is chosen

The high level of professionals of the concert agency "Big City" helps to embody the most bold fantasies of customers. We provide musicians to order and provide a cultural program at the event. Working with us, you will get a concert of your favorite artists of those years, as well as many advantages, because we:

  • On the market since 2008, which means that for 10 years we have been creating a festive mood and invite stars on corporate parties, birthdays, weddings.
  • We make the event "per million" for affordable money thanks to direct cooperation with the musicians.
  • We have a huge base of artists, we work with them on an ongoing basis. We guarantee high-quality sound and spectacular show on your holiday.
  • We carry out a cycle of work on the creation and organization of celebrations of different scales - from small private to public, available to the general public.