Organization of corporate events. Why are corporate parties needed

Organization of corporate events.  Why are corporate parties needed
Organization of corporate events. Why are corporate parties needed

Don't trust your boss if he says that a corporate event is just a party. Rest together with the work collective, of course, is beneficial to interpersonal relationships, but it is not an end in itself for management. A corporate event is a kind of test for an employee: how involved he is in work, whether he knows how to manage emotions, whether he has leadership qualities.

Don't believe me? Let's look at the main types of non-standard corporate events and understand why they are needed.

Trainings, seminars, conferences

Everything is simple here: the main goal is to train employees. Training is needed to put theoretical models into practice. It can be open (participants are specialists from different companies who want to raise their own labor productivity) and closed (an intracorporate event aimed at improving results in a particular area or company as a whole). Training implies active participation, therefore, if you are invited to such an event, show maximum interest and activity, well, or at least pretend that you care.

Seminars and conferences are theory. Here they prepare reports and discuss issues related to optimizing the company's work. Activities are somewhat similar to training, but they are more passive in nature.

What you need to do at seminars and trainings:

If the question of the composition of the participants has not been resolved, propose your candidacy;
- "actively" listen and ask questions;
- express your point of view reasonably.

What not to do at seminars and trainings:

Yawning and sleeping during discussion;
- leave before the end of the event.

The office is a familiar work environment. Having left for nature, the team discovers a lot of new things: where, no matter how in the fresh air, you can find out that in his youth the accountant received a swimming certificate, and the logistician prepares the best barbecue in the world. Hidden talents and disguised character wormholes - outdoor recreation will help you get to know your colleagues better and find an approach to any employee.

What you need to do if the team goes to nature:

Offer assistance in organizing (find a recreation center, draw up a program, etc.);
- show active participation.

What not to do in nature:

Criticizing colleagues;
- try to jump over your head, showing others how to cook at the stake, pitch a tent, etc.;
- abuse alcohol.

Team building campaigns

At first glance, a corporate vacation of this type is similar to the previous item - outdoor recreation. But in fact, it is associated with non-standard, sometimes extreme situations. Teambuilding, as a way to unite a team, appeared not so long ago. It helps the manager to see through all the employees. However, while some employees delight in such entertainments, others feel cold on their skin. Extreme activities involve the simultaneous pressure of psychological, physical and emotional stressors. For example, you may be forced to raft down a mountain river, climb a mountain, or cross rope.

What do we have to do:

What not to do:

Show your fears.

Even if you don't like a corporate party, never refuse to attend it. After all, corporate is not a vacation, but one of the ways to show yourself in the best light in front of your superiors and earn the authority of your colleagues.

Many company executives believe that a New Year's corporate party is a waste of time and money. How can you turn this action into an effective and enjoyable way to solve business problems? And do you need it?

“Closing the current year and strategic planning for the future is the time when it is necessary to show maximum results to each employee of the company. All personnel are involved in this process: from executive managers to line personnel. At the same time, the system of motivation and loyalty programs should be built in such a way that each employee is interested in a common idea - as a result. This is not an easy task for a whole range of events, and, of course, the New Year's corporate party is an integral part of it.

To prevent an event from becoming just a waste of money, it must be organized with a clear understanding of why it is being done at all. If the company attaches great importance to human resources and there are managers who are responsible for the quality of this issue, there should be no problems in holding a corporate party - it is best to rely on their experience (in fact, such managers must be present - whether they are company employees or freelancers). Otherwise, it is better to turn to a team of professionals, who, together with you, will help to realize all the tasks that face the event. The main advice is to understand that corporate is a powerful strategic tool, and not just a holiday. "

The format of the event, experts are sure, directly depends on the HR policy within the company. For what the official part will be, the head decides, relying on the built-up policy of relations with personnel. With proper planning and organization, corporate events can always work well in team building, become a good relaxation in especially crisis periods, strengthen team spirit and convey to employees from the side of managers all the key points in an “informal” setting.
“New Year's corporate events are a reward for all employees without exception for successful work during the year,” Natalya Malykh, acting director, is convinced. Head of the Department for Personnel and Organizational Development of Primorsky SKB OJSC “Primsotsbank”. - Thus, a holiday can increase employee loyalty, favorably affect the company's image in the eyes of the employee. Given that there is a constant shortage of personnel in the labor market, employee retention is becoming a top priority. "

Most often, teambuilding is called the main business task when organizing corporate events. The goal is to strengthen the corporate spirit, increase team cohesion and the adaptation of new employees. This is especially true for companies with a large team, where more than a hundred employees work. The optimal solution to the problem of combining an entertainment program with team building can be the organization of team games.
Natalya Malykh: “In this case, we are talking about both sports and theatrical skits. Competitions between teams, on the one hand, bring the spirit of rivalry, and on the other hand, they allow the team to rally within the group. This is especially felt in the process of preparing for team games, because for a long time people are preparing with enthusiasm and excitement to complete tasks, get to know each other better, learn to work in a team. When organizing events, the composition of the teams must be constantly changed so that as many employees as possible get to know each other better, which will help in further work.

If we are talking about a new employee, then corporate events and especially preparation for them help the newcomer to quickly join the team, get to know colleagues better, and get to know them better in an informal setting. Establishing friendly ties within the team, perhaps in the future, will contribute to more successful interaction of the newcomer with the team, early adaptation and professional growth. "
Alexander Prosekin: “Behavior at corporate events, as well as behavior at all other team building programs (from in-house trainings to offsite team-building events), always shows the employee's leadership qualities well. The task of managers is to see, the task of the employee is to show ”.

At the same time, experts are sure that when preparing for the holiday, the head must set himself the task of demonstrating the company's success in the market and thereby increasing the motivation of employees, arousing a sense of pride in his company and belonging to it, and encouraging the best employees. A corporate holiday is also a great opportunity to unobtrusively demonstrate to business partners and even competitors the high level of your company, its status, the presence of corporate ethics and corporate identity.

Nowadays, the tendency for corporate culture in companies is actively developing, or rather, this tendency appeared a long time ago, but many managers are still trying to ignore it. Development, profit and performance directly depend on the culture of the company. That is why corporate events, teambuildings, joint trips and hikes are held annually in various developed institutions.

After all, no one will deny that we all spend a significant part of our time at work. And, after all, a lot depends on how comfortable a person feels at work. When you are in a team, you are a link in the work process, and joint recreation is an opportunity to feel like a human being and get closer to your colleagues.

The main goal of any corporate event is team building and increasing the level of employee loyalty. A well-organized corporate vacation is not just fun entertainment, but a great opportunity to establish relationships at work that will contribute to the success of the company. From which it follows that corporate events are the most important tool for the internal development of a company. But then another question arises, why do many employees do not want to take part in corporate events? Everything is simple! Their organization must be approached responsibly! A corporate party, like any other event, is, first of all, our image. But many believe that in this process you can save money, relax or completely shove off all obligations.

Let's divide corporate parties into 2 categories:

  1. A traditional banquet is, as a rule, a standard program with a host, snacks, performers and dances, which is held in restaurants and banquet halls, here the main thing is not team building, but the desire to enjoy food and drinks. Perhaps this option is worth thinking about, but have you thought about the interests of your team in the first place? Active rest may be closer to many, suppose someone does not drink alcohol. Do not forget about the people for whom you are doing all this.
  1. Theme parties or concept events - this category requires more preparation. When corporate events are thought out to the smallest detail, a topic is chosen, goals and responsible ones are assigned, a team is involved, then people find the time and opportunity to visit them. Everyone is happy to take part in a well-planned event. I repeat, think about the employees, work out the possibility of rest for everyone.

Engagement is where it comes in handy more than ever. In many large and developed companies, it has become the norm for all employees to be directly involved in the organization. Don't be afraid to involve your team. Everyone is tired of monotonous corporate parties. People want a show, and a show in which they themselves take part will be a doubly powerful instrument.

The pros you get:

  1. Close-knit team
  2. Interest and burning eyes of your employees
  3. Increase the attendance of your events
  4. Positive feedback
  5. Popularization of your company
  6. Increased efficiency
  7. Development of your company
  8. Getting more profit

In conclusion, I would like to summarize. What should you pay attention to when organizing a corporate event:

  1. Interests of your employees - conduct a survey, questionnaire or just chat. Perhaps you have been working side by side with a person for a long time, and you do not know anything about him.
  2. Also, do not forget about age, often there are people of different generations in a team, but this does not mean that it will be difficult to unite them. On the contrary, every adult is just a big child. Therefore, be more creative.
  3. Marital status - someone from your team may have children, husbands. Attention should be paid to them as well. After all, if you choose a place where a child can play, and his parents are nearby and not fully worried about him, then you will only be in the black.
  4. The topic of the event - as we wrote above, the topic is very important. People have long been bored of aimless gatherings at the table. Therefore, discuss the topic with the team, it can also be chosen based on the interests of the team. For example, you choose a theme - movie characters. This means that both the place and the program must be appropriate. Your colleagues will begin to rally already at the stage of forming their own images.
  5. Targets and goals. A corporate event is an important event for every company. Therefore, already at the stage of formation and elaboration of the concept, you should understand what goals and objectives are you pursuing? Do you just want to spend part of the budget, or do you want to get a useful relationship of your own department to progress work processes, increase company loyalty, as well as, as a final step, increase profits.

Project ManagerSTYLE PROJECT

Sazankova Natalia

For most companies, holding corporate events is a huge amount of money that can be spent efficiently, or may not bring any measurable result. A survey conducted both among the readers of the magazine and among HR directors and business coaches showed that there is no definite answer to the question of whether a corporate party is needed.

Some are sure that this is nothing more than a joint gathering, while others, on the contrary, believe that this is a good way to unite company employees and make a team out of them. We turned to teambuilding consultants and coaches with the question "why do we need a corporate party?"

A corporate event is summing up the results of the year, words of gratitude to employees, rewarding all active and motivated people. This is how employers see corporate events. But the attitude of employees to this form of gratitude is not always unambiguous. Many people perceive such events not as a good sign, but rather as a way to “blur” their eyes. As a result, employees receive a negative impression, and the employer - disloyal employees.

According to experts, if an event does not imply any ideological training elements aimed at developing a team, leadership spirit, loyalty to the product, communication, and so on, then such an event will most likely not bring the desired result, but will simply be a cost item.

Georgy Gedenidze: "If you decide to hold a corporate party - make it effective for your employees"

According to Georgy Gedenidze, business coach, consultant, coach, general director of International Business Development Agency LLC, a person begins to take for granted any gifts, including salary increases, especially if it happens often. And quickly gets used to it.

“If the motivation system of the company does not encourage development and self-realization, but rather“ coaxes ”the employee with gifts, then he very soon begins to believe that the company owes him!

If we continue this strategy of personnel management, this will definitely lead to the “dependence” of the company on this strategy, since the employee, having got used to this state of affairs, will categorically refuse any changes, prompting the owner to repeat these stereotypes of management over and over again "- says Georgy Gedenidze ...

Use any opportunity for employee development, including corporate events

When asked what the owner needs to do in order not to become hostages of his own employees, Georgy gives the following advice: “The owner should use every opportunity to develop his people. I will not say that a corporate event is ineffective, on the contrary! Some kind of emotional shake-up is needed.

At the same time, if you decide to spend UAH 300,000 on an event, which is exactly how much an average corporate event costs for an average company (by the way, this is ten times more than the cost of functional training), then do your best to include in it the maximum number of developing activities. So that employees receive material, intellectual, moral and physiological types of earnings. In this case, you will “get” the maximum from the invested money ”.

Statistics from the site

Results of a survey conducted by the portal site on the topic "How will you celebrate the New Year at your work?" showed that the most common way of celebrating the New Year among those who voted is to hold a corporate party for employees in a restaurant. This answer was chosen by 36.97% of the respondents.

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In second place were those whose New Year will be celebrated within the office (20.61%). Third place, with a gap of 1.22%, was taken by those who fundamentally oppose such events, preferring to get their hands on the money spent on corporate events. The number of such responses was 19.39%.

Most likely, they will also have to go through a corporate party, but they categorically do not want this. If you compare this percentage with those who will have corporate parties, but they do not mind, it turns out to be a sad ratio of 2: 1. This means that every third of the respondents is categorically against such a holiday.

Every seventh respondent admitted that there will be no official celebration this year. The total number of answers with this option was 13.94%. Those lucky ones who answered affirmatively to the question that the whole company will go to profitable ones out of town are in the minority - 4.24%.

Every third employee is against corporate events

There are even fewer of those who will go to celebrate the New Year in a narrow circle of colleagues from their department - 1.21%, and the rest chose not to choose a single answer, sharing their unique ones: “we are going with the whole team to Italy”, “we are holding a corporate event in Bukovel” or "no work to celebrate."

These results give a general idea that corporate events are most often held in a "classical" way, in restaurants and with live music, and the voices of "dissenting" make you think about the reasons for such an attitude towards corporate parties. What is missing most of them?

A corporate event without a goal is the worst of destinies

According to Stanislava Izyumova, business coach, organization development consultant at Success Group, corporate events, team-building events are in themselves good and useful tools when used correctly. According to him, the potential of such forms of employee unification has not been fully manifested, since few managers see their business as a system. Namely, with a systematic approach to business, the impact of corporate events will be maximum.

“Today we can talk about three types of corporate events, comments Stanislav Izyumov,“ The first is drinking, entertainment and entertainment events. Their main task is to relieve intra-team tension. Most often, participation in such events is voluntary and compulsory.

Another type of events is a format of joint leisure: sports, with the families of employees, excursion programs. Their main task is the development and consolidation of intra-team ties. In addition to the work of third-party providers, they also require internal preparation, organization, and careful planning on the part of the management. In my opinion, there will undoubtedly be more benefits from such active recreation.

The third type, so far little used, but it is for him, I believe, the future. These are corporate events for solving specific business problems: special seminars, working groups, reality trainings. These events are not entertainment, but they give much more for business development ”.

Maxim Romensky: "The main success in holding any corporate party is setting tasks"

Speaking about a specific approach to corporate events, Maxim Romensky, director of the training center "MAX Training", insists that the main success in any corporate event is setting goals. According to him, in order for the corporate party to be successful, the organizers and responsible persons need to answer the following simple questions:

  • - Why do you need a corporate party?
  • - What do you want to get as a result?
  • - When do you want to receive it?
  • - How do you know what you received / did not receive?
  • - Who will participate?
  • - Who will not participate?
  • - Time (when, how much)?

Prevent time crossing with:

  • - personal plans of employees (summer cottages / September 1 / day of the meliorator),
  • - working projects (a group of programmers feverishly working at a buffet table or during coffee breaks at a training is an unpleasant sight).

“Only after the answers to these questions have been received, and they are satisfied with the owners and top management, you need to think about the optimal format of the corporate party, but not earlier,” comments Maxim Romensky.

Corporate or Team Building: which is cooler?

The opinion of business coaches about how effective a corporate party can be is controversial. For example, Sergey Faterin, Director of TeamPower LLC, says that increasing the leadership position of employees, developing their professional growth, increasing loyalty to the organization, rallying and the desire to spend oneself on achieving the company's strategic goals can only be achieved through training programs and trainings on the development of personal effectiveness.

But corporate parties, according to Sergei Faterin, can hardly be called team-building events, especially actions that increase employee loyalty to the organization. He is convinced that increasing loyalty through corporate events has a weak and short-lived effect, and often the exact opposite of the expected result.

Stanislav Izyumov also agrees that the results of corporate events are not always positive, focusing on the fact that a corporate event is serious.

“There are many cases when, after a 'corporate party', people begin to leave the company en masse, - comments Stanislav, - sometimes - because the event was more like a 'feast in time of the plague' - the salary is not paid on time, but here delicacies, cognacs are flooded. Sometimes a powerful and good corporate with the wrong task leads some employees to the realization that they can do much more, but they are not allowed to do in this company.

The reason for the low efficiency of the corporate party is in the absence of a goal

As a result, such employees leave to look for another, more favorable environment. Every leader should be mindful of this risk. There are many options for conducting team training.

You can choose a rope course. But after it, the questions of the levels of responsibility remain unresolved. It almost never works out the ability to listen and hear each other. They do not develop the ability to prioritize work, the readiness to make coordinated decisions. So it is imperative to answer the question why you need a corporate party! "

I do not quite agree with the opinion of my colleagues Sergey Chumachenko, Director of Team Extreme, who believes that corporate events really bring people closer together if they are held smartly. True, the achieved "closeness" is not always constructive. Nevertheless, corporate events have the potential to strengthen team spirit, a sense of community, belonging to the company, to the team.

“I refer to team-building events as those events in the course of which tasks are solved related to changes in organizational behavior, team culture, or during which the participants are transferred knowledge that contributes to increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of business teams, - comments Sergey Chumachenko, - these are trainings, individual and team coaching, organizational consulting, team and strategy sessions, programs to support changes in organizations, etc.

At the same time, such events are also characterized by emotional results associated with the so-called feeling of "team spirit". Undoubtedly, gratitude, expressed in the form of a holiday, helps to increase employee loyalty. The question is, what else is included in the event - besides the holiday?

True loyalty is formed when employees understand the “transparent” system of distribution of powers, remuneration and decision-making. The rules of relationships and values ​​that form the corporate culture are clear. All these issues are difficult to resolve during a festive corporate event. "

Instruction: we are holding a corporate party according to the mind!

There are many tips for holding corporate events. However, according to Maxim Romensky, the most important thing is not a corporate event held during one day, where everyone is a team, but a joint team work every day, primarily in the format of projects.

In his opinion, it is precisely this kind of teamwork that is the main incentive and event that unites. “And if she doesn't motivate, no corporate parties will help,” says Maxim.

Before coming up with a format, answer the question: why do you need a corporate party

The second important factor, according to the expert, is joint goal-setting - where are we running? This happens in strategic planning sessions. “I noticed,” comments the director of the training center “MAX Training”, “that people who participate in such sessions are usually more loyal to the company. Actually, they are the company ”!

The next step towards unification is joint learning and development - training, learning English, joint sports, which is more important than just leisure or holidays, because it attracts families, creates a subculture. In addition, joint leisure is also important - holidays, bowling, beer on Fridays, and so on.

Speaking about events aimed at uniting the team, creating a team, Sergei Chumachenko insists that the form of the event should not be discordant with the goals of the corporate party.

“If one of the goals of a corporate event is cohesion, then in such cases it is necessary to avoid competitive manifestations or competitive principles of team problem solving. Giving a sense of victory to one of the teams or one of the participants is a good way to increase the dynamics of the game. But this will detract from the overall sense of unity in the team.

Games and exercises should be structured in such a way as to guide the teams from the stage of “in-depth acquaintance” to joint problem solving with the effect of “super-complexity”. The script should highlight the strengths or values ​​that have made the organization or team successful. Following this logic will give meaning to what is happening and guarantee the receipt of emotional effects associated with a successful joint interaction, ”Sergei Chumachenko is sure.

Corporate results are not always positive

Sergey Faterin is convinced that there are no universal advice on the preparation and conduct of events. “It all depends on the mental characteristics, ethical norms and rules, the basic values ​​of the employees supported - everything that can be called the corporate culture of the organization, Sergey is sure, - my advice is to make a diagnosis of the socio-psychological climate in the organization and to pay attention to the goal events, for which a corporate party is held and only then choose a scenario. "

We count the benefits. Drawing conclusions

If a company was created to make a profit, then any investment, whether in staff training, or on the purchase of new equipment, should pay off, allowing the owners to make a big profit. Is this the case with corporate holidays, or is it just an expense item that does not imply an opportunity to get back what was spent?

According to Stanislav Izyumov, it is not easy to calculate the economic effect of a corporate party, since it is "blurred" due to the influence of many factors. “You can indirectly assess the effect of increasing sales, reducing errors in operations, and reducing associated losses,” suggests Stanislav Izyumov, “no one has, for example, doubts about the need to lubricate car parts. This must be done because repairs will then cost more.

Gratitude, expressed in the form of a holiday, helps to increase employee loyalty

Employee training, joint corporate events - these are the same preventive measures necessary for the normal operation of the organization. You can skip them, but then their absence will cost the company much more. In my opinion, corporate events must be carried out without fail. This is a kind of battery recharge for your business. But you need to do it wisely. First, understand what exactly you want to achieve with the help of a corporate event, and only then select the way of holding it and the trainers. "

With the fact that it is difficult to calculate the effect, Sergey Chumachenko also agrees, emphasizing that the goals of the customer of this corporate event should be taken as the basis for efficiency. Such goals must be prescribed. And this is already half the battle.

“Often, especially on New Year's Eve,” comments Sergei Chumachenko, “the customer develops a desire to resolve several issues in one event. In such a situation, the clarification of goals sometimes led to a change in the format, a postponement of the dates of the event. The more precisely the goals and expected results are formulated, the easier it is to predict the effectiveness of the event, both for the provider and for the customer. "

In turn, Maxim Romensky, I am sure that you can always calculate the effectiveness, it all depends on the tasks and previous indicators.

  • - If the task is to spend the budget by the end of the year, then you can measure the efficiency in the spent rubles in comparison with the previous year. In the number of guests, in the stardom of the restaurant.
  • - If there are specific business tasks or communication problems in departments, then they are solved / not solved / partially solved. It is important here in the process of work to determine the criteria for the solution (how do we know that we have solved the problem)
  • - If the task is to unite employees and form loyalty to the company, then over the next three months, measure staff turnover and key performance indicators.

If you want the team to rally, do not hold competitions.

“A very important point,” comments Maxim Romensky, “is a control point. For example, from the moment of birth, the company taught its employees to gather in a restaurant every three months and eat delicious food under the speeches of the leaders. The company is growing, developing, there are certain indicators of staff turnover.

With a certain degree of probability, the effectiveness of the company can be attributed, including corporate get-togethers. We will never know (even by interviewing employees!) If this is so, until we miss one such corporate event, continuing to measure the effectiveness. I have advised this simple scheme to many managers, and they got very interesting results, up to the opposite of the expected ones, when there was no corporate party - they started to work better, turnover decreased. "

HR-s talk about the technology for preparing and holding corporate events:

Natalia Bereza,
HR Director, MTS Ukraine

New Year's corporate party is a holiday for employees. Its implementation should be viewed as an investment. In the long run, a well-run corporate event influences the calculation of the overall employee engagement score. And engagement is an important business tool in driving a company's bottom line. According to expert estimates, a 10% increase in employee engagement can increase operating profit, increase customer satisfaction and reduce employee turnover.

The concept of the New Year's holiday changes every year. The practice of creating a holiday, where the employees themselves are the protagonists, has proven itself well. For example, in a talent show format. We invite famous professionals to the party who help employees to reveal their talents and brightly perform in front of colleagues on stage with interesting numbers.

7-8 people from various company directorates (for example, hr, marketing, pr) are involved in organizing a holiday in our company. We are celebrating the New Year in eight cities of Ukraine, where the territorial offices of the company are located. Both full-time and freelance employees and even employees on maternity leave are invited to the party.

Any internal corporate party, including New Year's, may have several goals. In addition to team building, increasing loyalty and engagement, we bring certain information to employees in the holiday format. For example, we would like to thank you for a well-worked year, broadcast the company's internal values, mission, etc.

We calculate the effectiveness of the event in several ways, such as: feedback from employees on the internal forum. The second way is the results of the annual survey of employee engagement and satisfaction, or rather their increase. In 2010, the level of involvement and satisfaction of MTS employees increased by 2% compared to the previous year. In 2009, when due to the economic crisis the involvement of Ukrainian companies in general dropped by 10%, this indicator remained at the level of 2008 in our country.

Evgeniya Teplova,
Organizational Development Manager Danone Ukraine

New Year's corporate parties are a wonderful opportunity for both the company and its employees to sum up the results of the past year, to voice plans and strategy for the next year, to enable employees from different departments and regions to communicate with each other, and to feel that we are all from director to driver - one command. It is difficult to set and track clear KPIs for the effectiveness of a corporate event. The satisfaction of employees and their desire to continue working in the company next year is probably the best indicator.

Danone always celebrates New Year's, but each time in a different way. The organization of New Year's events is carried out by the HR and PR departments with the involvement of representatives of various departments that are part of the "Be Happy" team.

Our company is large and extensive geographically, so common events always entail a team-building effect, even if there are no special contests or assignments. This year, our company will conduct a New Year's quest in Kiev, in which cross-functional teams from different departments and regions will take part, which will help to unite people from different directions even more.

Irina Rogovaya,
HR Director of the company "Hercules"

New Year is the time to define new goals, tasks, summarize the past. In my opinion, we all need a corporate New Year. At work, each of us spends up to 80% of our time.

The only way in which a company lives, grows and develops is possible only when all members of the company want this development. And holding such events allows us to move in the right direction. Every year we try to come up with something new.

We are the team of the HR Directorate of the TM “Hercules” management company (there are 5 of us) and our assistants are the HR services of other enterprises. We develop scenarios ourselves, calculate budgets, if necessary, involve professional artists.

2009 was held under the motto "Retro New Year", 2010 - in the style of "Festivities". near the Christmas tree, with a festive table (hot tea, dumplings, dumplings, pancakes. " meetings we annually publish a New Year's newspaper, where we sum up the results of the year. We make gifts from the enterprise. We pay great attention to "children", we organize matinees and New Year's quests.

The tradition of organized joint recreation for employees from the same company has already become firmly established in the corporate culture in Russia - with which everyone agrees. However, not everyone fully understands and realizes why these events are needed. After all, any corporate event is, first of all, a powerful instrument of HR policy in business. It can be used to solve many different tasks! What are we talking about? We have collected for you in this material 7 of the most significant and important goals for corporate events.

Why is it important to define the task of the corporate party?

No one, of course, prohibits holding corporate events without identifying the goals and objectives of such events. After all, they in one way or another have a beneficial effect on all the factors that are mentioned in the list below. But the situation can be compared to watering a vegetable garden. All plants need water, but to varying degrees - and therefore it is logical that part of the garden can be watered once every few days, and the other every day. With the team, the picture is exactly the same! If you assess the strengths and weaknesses of the company's employees, their interactions within the same team, it will become clear where efforts should be directed in the first place. And then with the help of a corporate party, you can try to correct the existing shortcomings - which will make such an event productive for the business as a whole.

What are the goals of the corporate party?

Encouragement and motivation. Numerous surveys show that for the majority of employees it is very important not only to materially express gratitude from the company in the form of bonuses, etc., but also to other ways of recognizing their merits and role in the success of the business. For this reason, an interesting corporate party is able to show the team that it is appreciated and, in honor of the reporting date, are ready to "present" rest: with refreshments and visiting unusual places. And the motivation of staff to work efficiently from this increases.

Increased loyalty. This point is inextricably linked to the past. If an employee sees real manifestations of respect by the management of his work, he changes his attitude towards him, as well as the company. Without which it is impossible to talk about improving the working atmosphere and increasing the efficiency of the employee's work. At the same time, a loyal specialist is also less inclined to change jobs. Thanks to this, it is really possible to reduce staff turnover and investments in the search for new employees, their training, etc., which increases the stability of your business.

Improving the company's image. A serious-minded, responsible and ambitious employee is usually interested in the positioning of the employing company: how solid, prestigious, and status it is - this will certainly be confirmed by any HR specialist. After all, I want to feel a certain pride in “my” brand and feel a sense of belonging. A held at a high level, with attention to all organizational issues, will noticeably improve the perception of the company by the employee himself - and he will appreciate it more.

Team building. Communication in an informal setting allows a person to get to know his colleagues better, to see them not just as specialists, but as real people. This is good for building stronger bonds and improving team communication. And if you add elements to this, then in a fun way it will turn out to teach colleagues to interact better, trusting and supporting each other. In addition, in such circumstances, it is possible to conduct an additional assessment of the team, to reveal the hidden potential of employees and identify leaders among them.

Formation of corporate culture. Any company has its own norms of communication between both colleagues and superiors and subordinates - and they can be prescribed by regulations or behind the scenes. This can also be said about corporate values: concepts important for business in relation to work, labor results, team, customers, etc. All this corporate holiday can set, correct or strengthen. Moreover, in such a format, such standards are perceived most naturally and easily.

Onboarding new employees. The effectiveness of his work in the future depends largely on how quickly, efficiently and comfortably the newly attracted specialist will be integrated into the established team. During a corporate event, this process can be significantly accelerated. Indeed, at this event he will get to know his colleagues better, make the first impression of the already mentioned corporate values ​​and adapt to the company. Therefore, already during working days, he will perform his duties better and more accurately.

Recreation. It is impossible to work without stopping - everyone needs a break to relieve psychological and physical stress and "recharge" energy. Of course, there are weekends and vacations for this, but a corporate party is also useful in this case. Indeed, in a relaxed atmosphere, you can get rid of the potential tension that has accumulated on work issues within the team itself. People communicating on topics unrelated to the activities of the company itself can often "reset" interpersonal relationships, which will make their business communication more effective.

Another thing is more important here: the assessment of employees and the selection of tools for require certain knowledge and skills. Therefore, you cannot do without competent and professional support - and you can find it in the Full Cycle Laboratory of the NTS Group of Companies. We will help you to individually define the goals of the corporate party, select the optimal solutions focused on a specific company and its personnel, and implement them with a quality guarantee.