Interpersonal conflict and ways to resolve it. Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts

Interpersonal conflict and ways to resolve it.  Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts
Interpersonal conflict and ways to resolve it. Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts

In the interpersonal method, there are five ways to resolve a conflict:

1. evasion.

2. smoothing.

3. coercion.

4. compromise.

5. problem solving.

Evasion. This style implies that a person tries to get away from conflict.

Smoothing. This style is characterized by behavior that is dictated by the belief that there is no need to get angry because "we are all one happy team and the boat should not be rocked." Antialiasing style can ultimately lead to serious conflict, as the problem underlying the conflict is not resolved. The "smoother" achieves temporary harmony among workers, but negative emotions live inside them and accumulate.

Compromise. This style is characterized by accepting the point of view of the other side, but only to a certain extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in managerial situations as it minimizes ill will. which often makes it possible to quickly resolve the conflict with the satisfaction of both parties. However, the use of a compromise at an early stage of a conflict that has arisen over an important issue can shorten the time it takes to find alternatives.

Compulsion. Within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. The one who tries to do this is not interested in the opinion of others, behaves aggressively and uses power through coercion to influence others. This style can be effective in situations where the boss has significant power over the subordinates. The disadvantage of this style is that it suppresses the initiative of subordinates, creates the danger that when making a managerial decision, some important factors will not be taken into account, since only one point of view is presented. This style can cause outrage, especially among younger and more educated staff.

Compromise. This style is characterized by accepting the point of view of the other side, but only to a certain extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in managerial situations, as it minimizes hostility and often provides an opportunity to quickly resolve a conflict to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using compromise in the early stages of a conflict over a serious problem can hinder the diagnosis of the problem and reduce the search for possible alternatives. As a result, the decisions made may not be optimal.

Problem solving. This style is a recognition of differences of opinion and a willingness to learn from different points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action that is acceptable to all parties. Those who use this style do not seek to solve their problems at the expense of others, but rather seeks the best solution to the conflict situation. "

Negotiation is a broad aspect of communication, covering many areas of an individual's activity. As a method of resolving conflicts, negotiations are a set of tactical techniques aimed at finding mutually acceptable solutions for the conflicting parties.

In order for negotiations to become possible, certain conditions must be met:

The existence of interdependence of the parties to the conflict;

The absence of a significant difference in the capabilities (strength) of the subjects of the conflict;

Correspondence of the stage of development of the conflict to the possibilities of negotiations;

Participation in negotiations of the parties who can really make decisions in the current situation.

Each conflict goes through several stages in its development. At some of them negotiations may not be accepted, since it is too early, while at others it will be too late to start them, and then only retaliatory aggressive actions are possible.

It is believed that it is advisable to negotiate only with those forces that have power in the current situation and can influence the outcome of the event. There are several groups whose interests are affected in the conflict:

Primary groups - their personal interests are affected, they themselves participate in the conflict, but the possibility of successful negotiations does not always depend on these groups.

Secondary groups - their interests are affected, but these forces do not seek to openly manifest their interest, their actions are hidden until a certain time. There may also be third forces, also interested in the conflict, but even more hidden.

Correctly organized negotiations go through several stages in succession:

Preparation for the start of negotiations (before the opening of negotiations);

Preliminary choice of position (initial statements of the participants about their position in these negotiations);

Search for a mutually acceptable solution (psychological struggle, establishing the real position of opponents);

Completion (way out of the crisis or negotiation deadlock).

Also, procedural issues are being worked out: where is it better to conduct negotiations? What kind of atmosphere is expected in the negotiations? Are good relations with the opponent important in the future?

Experienced negotiators believe that 50% of the success of all further activities depends on this stage, if it is properly organized.

1. Preparation for the start of negotiations. Before starting any negotiations, it is extremely important to prepare well for them: to diagnose the state of affairs, determine the strengths and weaknesses of the parties to the conflict, predict the balance of power, find out who will negotiate and the interests of which group they represent.

In addition to collecting information, at this stage it is necessary to clearly formulate your goal of participating in the negotiations. In this regard, the following questions should be answered:

What is the main purpose of the negotiations;

What alternatives are available? In reality, negotiations are conducted for the sake of achieving results that would be the most desirable and acceptable;

If no agreement is reached, how will this affect the interests of both parties?

What is the interdependence of opponents and how is it expressed externally?

2. Initial choice of position (official statements of the negotiators). This stage allows you to realize two goals of the participants in the negotiation process:

Show opponents that you know their interests and you take them into account;

Identify a field of maneuver and try to leave as much room for yourself as possible.

Usually, negotiations begin with a statement by both parties about their desires, desires and interests. With the help of facts and principled argumentation (for example, "company objectives", "common interest"), the parties try to strengthen their positions.

If negotiations are held with the participation of a mediator (leader, negotiator), then he must give each side the opportunity to express and do everything in his power so that opponents do not interrupt each other.

In addition, the moderator determines the factors of deterrence of the parties and controls them: the allowable time for the discussed issues, the consequences of the inability to come to a compromise. Offers ways of making decisions: simple majority, consensus. Defines procedural issues.

3. The third stage consists in finding a mutually acceptable solution, psychological struggle.

At this stage, the parties check each other's capabilities, how realistic the requirements of each of the parties are and how their implementation may affect the interests of the other party. Opponents present facts that are beneficial only to them, declare that they have all kinds of alternatives. Here, various manipulations and psychological pressure on the leader are possible, to seize initiatives in all possible ways. The goal of each of the participants is to achieve balance or a little dominance. The task of the mediator at this stage is to see and put into action possible combinations of interests of the participants, to facilitate the introduction of a large number of solutions, to direct the negotiations towards the search for specific proposals. In the event that negotiations begin to take on a sharp character that offends one of the parties, the moderator must find a way out of this situation.

4. Completion of negotiations or breaking the deadlock. By this stage, there are already a significant number of different proposals and options, but agreement on them has not yet been reached. Time starts to run out, tension increases, a decision is required. A few recent concessions made by both sides could save the day. But here it is important for the conflicting parties to clearly remember which concessions do not affect the achievement of their main goal, and which ones negate all previous work.

The stages of conflict resolution can also be represented in the form of a diagram:

Figure 2

Thus, in difficult situations, where a variety of approaches and accurate information are essential for making sound decisions, the emergence of conflicting opinions should even be encouraged and managed using a problem-solving style.

The article provides an analysis of such a phenomenon as interpersonal conflict. The most characteristic causal factors, the main signs and features of interpersonal conflict, its types, the possibility of prevention and overcoming are considered.

In psychological science, a conflict that arises in the course of interaction (communication, communication) of one individual (or several) with another (others) is usually called interpersonal.

An interpersonal conflict is a kind of confrontation between participants in a particular situation, when they perceive events as a psychological problem that requires mandatory resolution in favor of either all or individual participants in such interaction.

A mandatory phenomenon in an interpersonal conflict in society is contradictions between people - obstacles in communication, communication, finding a common language or achieving individual goals, motives and interests.

Causes and signs of occurrence

The concept of interpersonal conflict has a number of features and characteristics:

  • presence of objective contradictions- they must necessarily be significant for each conflicting person;
  • the need to overcome contradictions as a means of establishing relationships between participants in a conflict situation;
  • activity of participants- actions (or their absence) aimed at achieving their interests, or reducing contradictions.

The reasons for interpersonal conflicts are very diverse and depend on the socio-psychological context of a particular situation, the characteristics of an individual, the nature of relations between people, etc.

The classification of causes can be presented as follows:

  1. Resource- reasons associated with the limitations or lack of material, human resources, their quantitative and qualitative indicators.
  2. Interdependencies- act as the causes of conflicts in the course of the implementation of relations associated with power, authority, the performance of common tasks, emotional attachment, including family, sexual.
  3. Target differences as causes of conflicts are manifested in real or perceived differences in the goals of the parties to the conflict, which are considered as a threat to the realization of their own results and expectations in a given situation.
  4. Value-motivational differences in the quality of the cause of the conflict occur when the approaches to assessing the situation, the actions of other people and their own, as well as the motives of actions are incompatible.
  5. Behavioral- the essence of these reasons is manifested in the differences in the life experience of the participants in the conflict, as well as in the manner of behaving in a certain situation.
  6. Communication- reasons arising from inappropriate communication.
  7. Personal- these reasons appear in the process of collision of the participants in the conflict, when they show their individual and personal (personal) characteristics.

The reasons for the conflict may vary depending on the specifics of its participants. So, in adolescence, personality becomes characteristic:

  • increased self-esteem (if it hurts, the teenager is inclined to protect him through conflict interaction);
  • the unambiguity and ultimatum of moral assessments and criteria (everything and everyone is criticized that does not correspond to the values ​​of a teenager);
  • biased level of claims - overestimated or underestimated (the desire to prove something to the whole world or unreasonable pessimism and disbelief in one's own capabilities);
  • maximalism in everything (there is no "golden mean", which often leads to tension in relations with others).

In the family, the reasons for interpersonal conflicts are also specific: from the banal incompatibility of characters or gender-role differences, to the discrepancy in understanding family traditions and values ​​(raising children, sharing responsibilities, responsibilities, etc.).

Types and structure

The structure of interpersonal conflict is quite simple and straightforward. Conflictologists distinguish the following elements:

  1. Participants- all those who, in one way or another, are involved in the conflict process. Types of participants: those who entered the conflict directly, "support groups" of opposing individuals, neutral people (their conflicting people are trying to win over to their side), influential individuals (group leaders, bosses, moral authorities).
  2. Item- an imaginary or objectively existing problem, due to which there is a quarrel (discord) of the parties to the conflict.
  3. An object- a value of a certain kind (spiritual, material, social), which is in the sphere of interests of the conflicting participants and which they seek to possess or use.
  4. Micro and macro environment, in which the conflict proceeds at various stages and spheres: at the intrapersonal, personal, social, space-time level.

The typology and types of interpersonal conflicts are of many varieties. Depending on the nature of the problems that are touched upon, conflicts are:

  • value(conflicts over significant ideas and basic values ​​of the individual);
  • interests(conflicts affect incompatible and conflicting interests, aspirations and goals of the participants in a certain situation);
  • normative(conflicts arise when the rules and norms of behavior are violated in the course of the interaction of individuals).

Depending on the dynamics of the conflict, they are divided into:

  • sharp(happen here and now, affect significant events and values), as an example: deception in a married couple;
  • protracted(last for a long period of time with an average, but constant, tension, affect significant problems for the individual) - conflict between generations, fathers and children;
  • sluggish(not intense, flare up from time to time) - a conflict of jointly working people who are not suitable for each other in character.

Stages and consequences

Each conflict necessarily goes through certain stages and stages, which are characterized by the degree of intensity, duration and consequences:

  1. Hidden, implicit stage interpersonal conflict. It is the foundation for the emergence of a conflict and is found in the dissatisfaction of the individual with something - status in the team, unfair salary, inability to possess something, inadequate assessment of others, etc. If the overcoming of internal displeasure is not carried out, the next stage develops.
  2. Tension stage... The conflict breaks out. This is where the positions of the parties to the conflict are formed and the possibilities to reduce or increase confrontation take place.
  3. Confrontation stage... Antagonism is growing in positions that are in conflict. Active conflicting actions are taking place.
  4. Completion stage... There is either a complete resolution of the conflict when the parties were able to agree. Or partial completion - the conflict is conserved at a certain stage and the tension decreases. Or there is a complete rupture of the conflicting relations and the emergence of prerequisites for a conflict at a deeper level.

Resolution methods

Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts show the intentions of the parties to the conflict, strategies for building relationships in a tense situation:

  1. Offensive strategy manifests itself in the forceful scenario of conflict resolution. Only those who act in their own interests and impose them on the other conflicting side will win here. The means to achieve the result are dominance over others, emotional pressure, cunning and manipulation.
  2. Avoidance and exit strategy... In fact, the conflict is not resolved, but its tension is reduced by ignoring or changing the attitude towards the subject of the conflict. Or, here there are concessions to one of the parties to the conflict, a departure from their interests in order to preserve the relationship.
  3. Treaty strategy... There is a choice of the optimal solution to the conflict through the negotiation procedure and the achievement of a mutually beneficial result.

Prevention and principles of behavior in conflict

Avoiding conflict and its prevention is facilitated by a preliminary assessment of any tense situation in the relationship and the response to it:

  1. Conflict management should include obligatory meetings of the parties to the conflict, where the causes of the conflict and the ways to overcome it are identified.
  2. A necessary principle of behavior in a conflict is the setting of common goals of the conflicting ones, which are understood and accepted by everyone. This is how cooperation is formed.
  3. An important principle of behavior is consent to invite a mediator to resolve the conflict. It can be one person or a group of people who are equally trusted by both one and the other side of the confrontation. The mediator's decision is unconditional and binding on all parties to the conflict.

Video: How interpersonal conflict arises

Conflict Resolution Methods are interconnected with a common source of contradiction, which is the mismatch of interests of the parties. A conflict is a natural process that is a clash of interests of a different nature. Knowledge of constructive ways and reasonable mechanisms for getting out of the state of confrontation between subjects helps to better comprehend one's own personality and understand other individuals, promotes the most effective interaction with the environment, and reveals a variety of views and worldviews. A constructive way out of situations of confrontation brings the interaction of subjects and their relations to a higher and higher quality level, expands the overall potential of the team, unites it.

Conflict management is a meaningful activity in relation to collisions, implemented at all stages of its formation and completion by participants in a conflict situation or a third party. Along with this, the pivotal tool for getting out of situations of confrontation is not blocking the development of a contradiction, but striving to resolve it by non-conflict methods.

Ways to prevent and resolve conflicts

In the process of communicative verbal interaction, people conflict with each other. This phenomenon is considered inevitable.

The science that considers the problems of managing situations of confrontation, ways to prevent the emergence of conflicts and their resolution is called conflictology. Conflictology is based on the fact that the behavioral reactions of individuals are determined not only by expedient, but also by irrational motives, as a result of which it is rather difficult to predict. Such periods of spontaneity are especially prone to increase in circumstances of emotional intensity and stressful situations.

Resolving conflicts using scientific methods seems to be quite difficult. However, based on the theoretical conclusions of sociological and psychological sciences, management theory and existing methods for resolving situations of confrontation, the current conflict management has developed a whole range of techniques that ensure the optimal behavior of individuals in situations of confrontation, a constructive ending of such situations, their prevention and prevention.

Any conflict situation has a connection with the dissatisfaction of some specific needs or the team. Therefore, measures to prevent the emergence of such situations should initially include methods to identify the causes that potentially contain the likelihood of a conflict. The factors that provoke the emergence of situations of confrontation cover the social and psychological levels. The factors of social orientation include economic contradictions, political and spiritual divergences of public life. The mechanisms for preventing the influence of the causes provoking conflicts of this level are reduced to actions by the state, such as:

- pursuing an economic policy based on the principles of equality and social justice;

- strengthening of the principles of the rule of law in all spheres of social life;

- increasing the education of the population, its cultural level, conflictological literacy.

The implementation of these actions is the most reliable way to exclude destructive conflicts and many other negative factors from public life.

Along with this, every socially dependent conflict always has a psychological background. However, the high degree of development of the psyche of individuals also determines its comparative autonomy, independence from the social environment. Therefore, it is possible to single out the types of conflicts generated only by psychological factors, in which it is rather difficult to discern the social background. Such conflicts are caused by feelings of deceived trust, doubts about the rationality of the chosen path, mutual hostility, and other exclusively psychological factors.

Methods for preventing and resolving conflicts of a psychological level include neutralizing or transforming aggressive feelings, attitudes and intentions of individuals.

The ways of resolving conflicts and methods lie in the organization of activities to prevent the emergence of situations and can be implemented by the participants in the social process of interaction.

Such methods and methods of conflict resolution can be carried out in the main four directions. The first direction includes the formation of objective conditions that prevent the emergence and destructive formation of pre-conflict situations. It is impossible to completely exclude the emergence of pre-conflict situations in a team or society, but it is necessary to organize conditions for their minimization and resolution by non-destructive methods. Such conditions include the formation of a favorable environment for the life of specialists in the institution (fair distribution of material benefits in the team, the presence of regulatory procedures for solving everyday pre-conflict situations, convenient layout of premises, ergonomic distribution of furniture in offices, the presence of living plants, etc.).

The next area should include the most important objective-subjective condition for preventing the emergence of conflict situations - the optimization of management activities and organizational prerequisites for the effective functioning of the company. Such activities include optimization of the organizational structure and functional relationships of the company, monitoring the compliance of specialists with the requirements for them, and competent assessment of the results of the professional activities of employees.

The third area is the elimination of socio-psychological prerequisites for the development of conflicts. The final direction covers the blocking of personality factors that provoke the development of conflicts.

There are basic ways to resolve conflicts, which include humor, psychological "stroking", compromise, ultimatum, arbitration, suppression.

Humor can be used as a good-natured, derisive attitude towards disagreements. However, it is necessary to distinguish between harmless humor and sarcasm, which can offend the conflicting parties, thereby aggravating the situation. The so-called psychological "stroking" consists in the manifestation of affection, in highlighting the positive qualities of the "enemy". A compromise is reached through an agreement of the parties based on mutual concessions. An ultimatum is the presentation of a categorical demand, fraught with the threat of using any means of influence, in case of refusal. The arbitration court as a method for resolving a conflict is distinguished by the fact that a person who does not take part in the conflict can help the “opponents” see what was previously unnoticed by them. Suppression can be moral or physical and consists of breaking ties. This method is considered the most unfavorable and is used if principles or beliefs are affected, which the subject of confrontation is unable to sacrifice.

In connection with the above, it should be concluded that each subject chooses his own line of behavior in situations of confrontation, a personal technique for managing conflict relationships. Only through a lot of trial and on your own mistakes can you choose the right model of behavior for yourself in situations of confrontation. After being convinced of the effectiveness of the chosen model, it needs to be improved, relying on subjective feelings.

You can also distinguish strategies of behavior in situations of confrontation: opposition, cooperation, compromise, avoidance, concession.

At the beginning of the unfolding of the conflict or in situations of confrontation, each participant in such a process should decide on the form and style of further reaction in order for the consequences to have a minimal effect on their interests. When a conflict situation arises, a subject or a group of people can choose one of the following behaviors:

- an active battle for their own interests, the elimination or pacification of any resistance;

- avoidance of conflict interaction;

- development of a satisfactory agreement of both parties, a compromise;

- using the consequences of the conflict in their own interests.

Confrontation or confrontation is expressed in the active struggle of subjects for their own interests, the absence of elements of cooperation in the search for solutions, aspiration only for their own interest to the detriment of the interests of the adversary. The subject uses all the techniques known to him to obtain the results he needs, for example, power, pressure on the opponent, coercion, etc. The situation is perceived by the subject as being of particular importance, which provokes him to take a tough position towards his opponent. The conditions for using this model are the perception of the situation as extremely significant for the subject, the presence of power or other opportunities to insist on one's own point of view, the limited time to resolve the current situation, the need to act harshly.

Cooperation is the active participation of the opposing sides in the search for solutions that can satisfy all the subjects of such confrontation. There is an interest of all opponents in working out a single solution and an open exchange of opinions. This model assumes participation of all members and continuous work. If the parties have time and the solution of the problem is of paramount importance for them, then a comprehensive discussion of disagreements with this approach and the development of a single solution while respecting the interests of all opponents is permissible.

The actions of the parties aimed at resolving the situation through mutual concessions, at creating an intermediate solution that would suit both parties, is called a compromise. This model is applicable only in conditions of an equal position of participants, the absence of a lot of time to find the best solution.

Avoidance or evasion (withdrawal) consists in the performance of the actions of an individual. This model is chosen when the individual is unwilling to defend his own position or rights, develop intermediate solutions, and avoid disputes. This model presupposes a desire to avoid responsibility for the solutions developed. Such a reaction is possible provided that the outcome of the conflict is not important for the individual, the resolution of the situation requires a lot of effort from the parties, and he lacks power to resolve the situation in his direction.

Compliance or accommodation consists in the actions of an individual aimed at maintaining and reviving a favorable relationship with a rival by smoothing out discrepancies to the detriment of self-interest. The implementation of this approach is possible provided that the contribution of the subject is not very large, and the probability of loss is obvious, the subject of contradictions is more significant for the opponent than for himself, maintaining good relations with the opponent is more important than resolving the dispute in his own favor, the subject has little power.

Effective methods of resolving conflicts involve not only managing an already arisen confrontation, but also organizing conditions for its prevention. At the same time, the most important are preventive methods of conflict resolution. It is the competent work to prevent conflicts that helps to reduce their number and eliminate the likelihood of destructive confrontation situations.

Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts

The clash of individuals with all sorts of goals, different characters, worldviews is called interpersonal conflict. The background for the emergence of a conflict is considered a problematic or contradictory situation that appears when striving to meet opposite goals, mismatch of interests of individuals, etc. A conflict situation is an indispensable condition for the emergence of the conflict itself.

A sudden conflict must be avoided. In cases where it is impossible to avoid it, you need to meet it calmly with the installation on the earliest constructive resolution to the satisfaction of both warring parties. To resolve situations of confrontation, you need to be prepared. You need to clearly understand your goal. For competent and constructive regulation of interpersonal conflict situations, it is important not to forget about your own position and try to understand the point of view of the opposing side, as well as be aware of the state of the situation as a whole. A constructive way out of situations of confrontation involves a calm statement of one's own interests and a conversation with the enemy about his desire or unwillingness to resolve the conflict. If the opponent does not agree with the presented point of view and is not going to resolve the conflict, then you need to find out from him how he sees the resolution of the situation. After the readiness of both sides to resolve the confrontation situation, you need to realize your own state, feelings at a particular moment and understand whose position is closer: your own or your opponent's.

Reasonable resolution of interpersonal confrontations involves the search for understanding, not personal victory. You need to try to calmly discuss the factors that provoked the emergence of the conflict. Therefore, you need to understand what exactly caused the conflict - the actions of the enemy or misunderstanding of the situation. You should always assume the best, and not blame until the motives and point of view of the opponent are clarified.

One should defend one's own position, but not through pressure on a partner. The pressure narrows the possibilities of both opponents and does not help to resolve the confrontation situation.

There is a certain model of behavior that contributes to a constructive way out of the current situation of confrontation. First of all, it is necessary to use phrases in speech that will "raise" the opponent, and not "lower" him. It is necessary to be aware that the arguments correspond to reality, and are not the result of exaggeration. It is also necessary to try not to use such adverbs in a dispute, as always or never. In conversation, you need to be friendly, open and honest. You also need to remember about the golden rule, which will help you get out of any confrontation with dignity. And the rule is as follows - "sometimes it is better to remain silent." It is necessary to understand that a conflict situation arises due to a mismatch of interests, points of view, principles, and not because of the personal qualities of the participants. Therefore, in the course of a dispute, it is necessary to attack directly on the subject of the conflict, and not on the person. One should speak concretely and reasonably, and not generalize. It is necessary to solve the main tasks, and not to find fault with trifles. You don't need to talk about your opponent, you should talk about yourself. For example, instead of the phrase: "you are lying", it is better to say: "I own other information."

In the process of resolving controversial situations, you need to try to keep your own emotions under tight control. In other words, you shouldn't suppress your emotions, but you shouldn't let them control you either.

It is necessary to learn to feel the atmosphere of the situation as a whole, because each participant in the process plays a certain role in it.

Methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts

In educational institutions, teachers are faced with a variety of situations of confrontation and confrontation, which can be divided into several groups depending on the status of the participants: between a student or a group of students or their parents and a teacher, between the students themselves, conflicts in the team of teachers and intra-family conflict situations separately taken student, the consequences of which affect his school life.

In terms of their content, the types of conflicts listed above can be of a business or personal nature. Conflictology divides all pedagogical conflicts according to the content of the situation that provoked their inception, into conflicts of relations, activities and behavior. Today, the number of such conflicts has increased due to the addition of a social factor, for example, material problems that cause a decrease in interest in educational activities.

Conflicts of behavior are associated with violations by students of the instructions adopted in the educational institution. It is easier, faster and more constructive to resolve conflicts caused by connection with activities, a little more difficult - conflicts of behavior, the largest percentage of non-constructively completed situations of confrontation falls on the conflict of relations.

In order to regulate the conflict situation that has arisen, the teacher, first of all, needs to give a correct assessment of the conflict and analyze it. The creation of a sufficient information foundation for the possibility of making a decision and obtaining the best result of overcoming the conflict will be the key task of such an analysis.

A. Dobrovich suggested ways of resolving conflicts in a team of students of direct action by involving a third party, the so-called arbitrator, for example, another teacher or a representative of the administration. The arbiter must take turns to conduct conversations with each of the opposing parties. At the same time, one should listen to their opinions about the nature and causes of the situation, collect objective data about the conflict and about the individuals taking part in it. After that, the arbiter invites both opponents, gives them the opportunity to speak and proposes their own solution.

Another way of resolving pedagogical conflicts is to provide an opportunity for the arbitrator to the conflicting parties to express the accumulated mutual claims or demands in the team. The decision is made collectively, based on the judgment of each participant.

If these methods do not contribute to the successful completion of pedagogical conflicts, then the task of the leader or teacher will be to apply sanctions against both warring parties or one of them. In cases where even the application of sanctions does not help, it is necessary to use the method of separating opponents into different classes or schools.

A conflict situation often arises as a result of the teacher's desire to assert his own pedagogical position or students' protest against undeserved punishment, underestimation, etc. By showing the correct reaction to the behavior of students, the teacher thereby controls the situation.

Methods for resolving pedagogical conflicts include an arsenal of actions of the following nature: conflict-generating, conflict-tolerant and constructive. Anger, indignation, negative assessment of the student's personality or insult, the application of sanctions to him, etc. are typical actions of a conflict-generating nature. Avoiding the problem, delaying the process of resolving conflicts, compromise - these are all conflict-tolerant means. Actions aimed at changing the non-constructive completion of the situation, switching attention, "step towards" refer to constructive actions.

Therefore, in the constructive resolution of states of confrontation, quite a lot depends on the teacher.

Ways to resolve intrapersonal conflicts

Adequate assessment of the situation and the complexity of the problem, self-assessment of the individual are the most effective ways to resolve conflicts of an intrapersonal nature. Since such conflicts are always conditioned by the personality of the individual and its character traits, their resolution depends on gender, age of the subject, his and, social status, moral guidelines and values.

D. Carnegie suggests, in situations of intrapersonal confrontation, in order to prevent the emergence of stress, not to panic, but to try to accept what happened as an accomplished event and act, throwing away emotions. However, at the same time, despite the need for an individual attitude to overcoming conflicts within the individual, it is necessary to highlight the most typical methods and methods of resolving conflicts, which can be applied by all, taking into account individual characteristics. Below are the most significant ways to resolve intrapersonal conflicts.

First of all, in addition to an adequate assessment of the situation, one should take it under control and try to identify the contradictions that served as a provocateur of the conflict. Then one should comprehend the existential essence of the conflict, analyze the degree of its significance.

The reason that provoked the situation of confrontation should be localized by revealing its very essence, discarding all unimportant and accompanying factors. For the constructive end of conflicts within the personality, courage plays an essential role in the analysis of the provocateurs of confrontation. One should be able to accept the truth as it is by its nature, without embellishment, even if it is not entirely pleasant. It is also not recommended to forget that accumulated emotions (for example, anger or anxiety) only lead to a breakdown, so you need to learn how to give them a way out.

The listed methods are far from all the main ways of resolving intrapersonal conflicts.

Modern psychological science and conflictology have developed a whole complex of mechanisms, consisting in the psychological protection of the personality, which is a specific system of regulation of personality stabilization, aimed at eliminating or reducing anxiety or feelings accompanying intrapersonal conflict.

Ways to resolve family conflicts

For any human subject, personal life is of paramount importance. After reaching social adulthood, the strong and weak halves of humanity decide to enter into a marriage union and start a family. Life in it, as a rule, is connected not only exclusively with the personal relations of partners, their parents or children, but also with material and property relations. Any field of relationship between spouses can become the foundation for the emergence of situations of confrontation, leading to protracted conflicts. Any spouses experience difficulties in the processes of family interaction that interfere with their life, but do not always lead to a feeling of persistent dissatisfaction with the union.

There are rules or methods for resolving family conflicts. And the first such method is to prohibit the presentation of claims or reproaches to a partner in the presence of third parties, even if they are close ones. Also, you should not scold children in front of strangers.

The next way to prevent the development of situations of confrontation or to successfully resolve conflicts that have already arisen will be the desire of all participants in family relations to understand the principles or worldview of each other. There is no need to immediately reject the position of the other, without even having time to listen to it. It is in the ability to patiently listen to a partner or other relatives that the culture of communication in family relations lies, which develops throughout the entire cohabitation.

The next way to resolve family conflicts is the ability to admit your own mistakes or mistakes as quickly and decisively as possible, ahead of possible hard-hitting statements. The last strategically important way in the arsenal of psychologists is to conduct a conversation in the process of controversial or conflict situations in a benevolent tone, but at the same time expressing firmness and calmness. This means that it is necessary to control the manifestation of emotions, monitor your own speech and statements, and never offend your opponent as a person.

Any of us, remembering any conflict, experiences unpleasant sensations. This event is certainly associated with threats and hostility, misunderstandings and resentments. Moreover, its occurrence is undesirable for each of us.

Types of conflicts

There are many varieties of this negative phenomenon. But the most common ones are:

  1. Intrapersonal. The source of such a conflict is situations when personal needs and desires of a person are directly opposite to the rules accepted in society.
  2. Individual and group. These are conflicts of a psychological type, the reason for which lies in the difference in values ​​of the parties involved.
  3. Interpersonal. These are the most common conflicts between people.
  4. Intergroup. In this case, the opposing parties may be structural divisions of enterprises and various organizations. In social groups, such conflicts are not uncommon between informal and formal communities.
  5. On a professional basis. They are the cause of production conflicts.

There are ideological and economic conflicts, social and family-household, psychological-pedagogical, etc.

Elimination of intrapersonal conflicts

This problem is solved by applying various methods. One of them is an adequate assessment of the current situation. To resolve the conflict, a person must not only understand the reasons for the arisen internal tension, but also determine the complexity of the problem that has arisen.

Methods for resolving conflicts of an intrapersonal nature are offered by many psychotherapists. The most optimal of them are the following:

Creation of the correct image of your own "I";

Reaction only to facts;

Delaying irritation without unnecessary emotions;

Ability to forgive both yourself and others;

The ability to inhibit the cultivation of feelings such as self-pity and various resentments;

Ability to cope with aggression, directing it in the right direction;

A sober assessment of the current situation.

These, as well as many other methods of resolving conflicts of an interpersonal nature, allow you to throw off the burdensome and unnecessary burden of grievances. At the same time, they tune in to control their emotions, release from hatred and fear, anger, etc.

Methods for resolving conflicts of this nature include such techniques as offering to speak out in a circle of loved ones, getting some relaxation during sports, letting off steam by tearing up old magazines, etc.

Elimination of individual-group conflicts

The negative phenomenon arising from the incorrect distribution of duties and rights, poor organization of the labor process, injustice in the incentive system for employees of the enterprise, etc., can be eliminated by structural methods. Conflict resolution in an organization is possible if:

The clarification of the requirements for the results of the work of the employee and the entire unit has been carried out;

Ensured the existence of clearly formulated rights and rules for each member of the team;

Observe the principle of one-man management, etc.

All of these methods of conflict resolution will eliminate collisions between individual employees and entire departments. To use one of these methods, the leader will need to analyze the situation and establish criteria that play an important role in the effectiveness of the entire team.

The identified conflicts and ways to resolve them should not lead to an aggravation of the existing situation. For example, bonuses for identifying violations of labor protection only to those employees who are responsible for safety precautions will certainly cause negative feedback from the operational and production services. But monetary rewards for all employees for the same actions will reduce conflicts. In addition, this method will become an effective measure to improve labor safety.

Elimination of interpersonal conflicts

Negative phenomena can be the result of a clash of individuals with different views, characters and goals. The ways of resolving interpersonal conflicts can be different. The very first of them is a person's withdrawal from the exacerbation of the situation that has arisen. However, this will not solve the problem. Avoiding a showdown will only postpone the conflict. But in this case, there will be a pause, which will allow the parties to fully analyze the situation, while postponing an open confrontation. The strategy for resolving conflicts with the use of avoiding open manifestations of aggression has its drawbacks: the conflicting parties accumulate mental discontent.

Methods for resolving conflicts of an interpersonal nature are varied, and one of them is smoothing. This method consists in demonstrating resignation and agreement with the put forward claim. Anyone who follows the path of this strategy for resolving conflicts of an interpersonal nature, either does not try to understand the essence of the subject of the dispute itself, or simply does not consider it necessary to fulfill his own promises. Harmony and peace in relationships come with this method only for a while. The problem itself remains and, in the end, will certainly escalate.

Conflict resolution techniques of this nature include trade-offs in their list. This is the agreement that the parties seek through mutual concessions. This method allows you to completely solve the urgent problem. Each of the parties receives part of what it aspired to. There are a variety of examples of conflict resolution through compromise. This is an open discussion of positions and opinions, and a voluntary decision in the process of active participation of all parties.

Methods for resolving conflicts of an interpersonal nature can be more severe. Such, for example, is coercion. A similar method is often used by the initiator of the conflict. He suppresses his partner, while completely ignoring his opinion. Using his power, he subordinates another person to his will. Such methods of conflict resolution, when one of the parties has a single argument ("I said!"), Are effective only from the point of view of the initiator. The defendant is humiliated, he has a desire to take revenge. Coercion can be justified only if:

Lack of time;


Emergency situations.

It is worth remembering that this method of resolving conflicts will never maintain friendly relations. Confrontation can be attributed to such methods. This is one of the methods of resolving unpleasant situations when neither side makes any concessions. A way out of this impasse can only be suggested by a mediator who has made an attempt to achieve reconciliation. Confrontation can only be justified when people don't even try to maintain a relationship with each other.

Conflicts and ways to resolve them can end up winning for both sides. Such ways out of unpleasant situations include cooperation. This method is the most difficult, but at the same time the most optimal. The strategy for its implementation lies in an open discussion of positions and further choice of an alternative.

As you can see, the methods of resolving conflicts of an interpersonal nature are different, and everyone is free to choose for himself the one that corresponds to the current situation and the position taken by the person.

Intergroup conflict management

Situations of misunderstanding arise in any society. At the same time, they appear, as a rule, between various formal and informal groups. Such conflicts are much deeper and more complex than intragroup and interpersonal conflicts.

Intergroup conflicts can be ethnic and class, age and socio-cultural, professional, regional, etc. When determining the methods of resolving the situations that have arisen, it is important to determine all the weak and strong sides of the opponents, to correlate their capabilities and resources.

There are the following types of conflict resolution of this typology:





When choosing an offensive strategy, changes occur that are undesirable for the enemy. If a side in the process of the conflict has chosen defense for itself, this only means that it is actively opposing the aggression directed against it. When choosing an evasion strategy, there are no collisions with the enemy. Each of the parties seeks not to allow any changes for itself.

Under certain conditions of the course of intergroup conflicts, which include the superiority of resources, means and forces of the enemy, the method of retreat may be the most effective. There are widely known cases when teams of hockey players and football players won the world championships using defensive tactics.

The method of retreat is often intertwined with evasion. This tactic allows you to get away from a major collision with the enemy in an organized manner, achieving his physical and psychological exhaustion.

Elimination of social conflicts

These contradictions refer to intergroup ones. The resolution of social conflicts can be carried out either by the parties themselves, or with the involvement of a mediator.

There are the following models for getting out of this state:

Unilateral domination (power);

Integral model;


A symbiotic way that uses the separation of the sides.

Forceful method

With unilateral domination, one of the conflicting parties resolves its interests by suppressing the interests of the enemy. In this case, the most diverse means can be applied. This is coercion, psychological and physical pressure. Often, the forceful method involves shifting responsibility and guilt to the weaker side. In this case, the true cause of the conflict is replaced by one that is more beneficial to the dominant side. A forceful way of resolving a conflict can be observed in cases where a person intends to achieve victory at any cost. Typically, such a dispute resolution model is used by those people who largely overestimate their own strengths.

Integral method

This method of resolving conflicts allows you to satisfy the interests of all parties. At the same time, the positions previously formulated by opponents are subject to thorough revision. This model integrates the interests of all parties to the conflict. Its use enables each opponent to satisfy their interests. This allows all parties to feel like a winner. But in order to come to such a conclusion, the conflicts must reconsider their goals and abandon their original positions.


This is a way to solve the problem peacefully. It consists in the implementation of mutual concessions to each of the warring parties. Its main advantage is considered to be the transfer of a negative situation into a constructive channel, as well as the establishment of a process of communication links between the parties. Such a conflict resolution strategy is much more civilized than a military one. However, it has its limits of application, and it cannot be used in every intergroup confrontation.

Separation of conflicting parties

With this method, a strategy is chosen to break all kinds of relations between opponents and their isolation from each other. An example is the separation of neighbors, divorce of spouses, etc. Separation of conflicting groups can be accomplished by leaving them from the “battlefield”. This is, for example, the end of the skirmish between the passengers of public transport, one of whom got off at the bus stop.

With the help of such a model, a negative situation is resolved effectively and cardinally. However, when social conflicts arise, this method does not always lead to their repayment. For example, if after a divorce the spouses cannot leave and continue to be at enmity with each other.

Elimination of international conflicts

This problem is especially urgent in the modern world. The prevention and resolution of conflicts of an international character is an activity, the main direction of which is the peaceful settlement of differences. In the process, special mechanisms are developed that guarantee the observance of certain norms of behavior by the opposing sides.

The reasons for the resolution of conflicts are being investigated and are in the sphere of interests of the activities of specially created structures responsible for collective security. In addition, various measures are being taken to eliminate contradictions between states. These include the following:

Economic blockades;


Military actions.

The resolution of international conflicts by means of economic impact measures is the most common. Already with the threat of a confrontation, the collective security bodies send messages to the heads of the opposing countries. They put forward demands to end the brewing conflict, and certainly mention the inadmissibility of violating the norms established by the international community. There are also indicated the sanctions that will be applied to violators.

If the conflict is of a regional nature, then the parties are called upon to end it. At the same time, the prosecutor's office initiates a criminal case to establish and punish the instigator of the confrontation that has arisen.

The main objective of the conflict resolution strategy is to conclude a truce and end hostilities. And only after that, the opposing sides should be withdrawn and separated with the creation of a special security corridor.

The third party does the following:

Control measures to comply with established boundaries;

Patrolling the created security zone;

Functions of a mediator in the reconciliation of the parties and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

At the final stage of resolving an international conflict, an agreement of consent must be signed.

As H.Cornelius and S.Fair note, the resolution of a conflict largely depends on a person's ability to notice in time the moment when disagreements and discomfort develop into a conflict situation. The conflict is preceded by more or less obvious signals - "conflict signals":

A crisis. The crisis as a signal is quite obvious. When a person breaks his bond with a partner for work or love, it is clear that, apparently, we are dealing with an unresolved conflict. Violence also indicates the undoubted presence of a crisis, as well as violent arguments where people insult each other by losing control of their emotions. During a crisis, normal norms of behavior lose their force. A person becomes capable of extremes - in his imagination, and sometimes in reality.

Voltage. The state of tension distorts our perception of another person and many of his actions. Our relationships are burdened with the weight of negative attitudes and preconceived notions. Feelings towards the opponent change significantly for the worse. The very relationship with him becomes a source of continuous anxiety. In an atmosphere of tension, misunderstandings can quickly escalate into conflict.

Misunderstanding. A person often falls into misunderstandings, drawing false conclusions from a situation, most often from an insufficiently clear expression of thoughts or a lack of mutual understanding. Sometimes a misunderstanding is caused by the fact that this situation is associated with the emotional tension of one of its participants. In this case, his thoughts tend to continually return to the same problem. Her perception is distorted.

Incidents. The signal that you are part of an incident with a grain of conflict is usually small. Some little thing can cause temporary excitement or irritation, but after a few days it is often forgotten. However, the incident itself, if misunderstood, could escalate the conflict.

The discomfort. It is an intuitive feeling that something is wrong, although it is difficult to express it in words. However, learning to recognize and respond quickly to signals of discomfort and incidents can often prevent tensions, misunderstandings and crises from arising.

There are several ways or methods to determine the causes of conflicting behavior. As an example, consider one of them - the method of conflict mapping. The essence of this method, as D.G. Scott notes, consists in the graphic display of the components of the conflict, in the sequential analysis of the behavior of the participants in the conflict interaction, in the formulation of the main problem, the needs and fears of the participants, and ways of eliminating the causes that led to the conflict.

The work consists of several stages.

At the first stage, the problem is described in general terms. If, for example, we are talking about inconsistency in work, about the fact that someone does not "pull the strap" together with everyone, then the problem can be displayed as "load distribution". If the conflict has arisen due to the lack of trust between the individual and the group, then the problem can be expressed as "communication". At this stage, it is important to determine the very nature of the conflict.

At the second stage, the main participants in the conflict are identified. Individuals or entire teams, departments, groups, organizations can be entered into the list. To the extent that the people involved in the conflict have common needs in relation to the conflict, they can be brought together.

The third stage involves listing the basic needs and concerns associated with this need, all the main participants in the conflict interaction. It is necessary to find out the motives behind the positions of the participants in this matter. The actions of people and their attitudes are determined by their desires, needs, motives that need to be established.

As a result of drawing up the map, the points of coincidence of interests of the conflicting parties are clarified, the fears and fears of each and the parties are more clearly manifested, possible ways out of the current situation are determined.

In general, if we talk about resolving the conflict, then this, according to V.L. Vasiliev, is the elimination of completely or partially the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or a change in the goals of the parties to the conflict.

Conflict management is a purposeful impact on the elimination (minimization) of the causes that gave rise to the conflict, or on the correction of the behavior of the parties to the conflict.

There are many methods of conflict management. Enlarged, they can be represented in the form of several groups, each of which has its own field of application:

intrapersonal, i.e. methods of influencing an individual;

structural, i.e. methods for eliminating organizational conflicts;

interpersonal methods or styles of behavior in conflicts;


retaliatory aggressive actions, this group of methods is used in extreme cases, when the capabilities of all previous groups have been exhausted.

Intrapersonal methods consist in the ability to properly organize their own behavior, express their point of view, without causing a defensive reaction from another person. Some authors suggest using the method "I am a statement", i.e. a way of transferring to another person your attitude towards a certain subject, without accusations and demands, but so that the other person changes his attitude.

This method helps a person to maintain a position without turning the other into his enemy. "I am a statement" can be useful in any setting, but it is especially effective when the person is angry, annoyed, displeased. It should be immediately noted that the application of this approach requires practice and skills, but this is sometimes justified in the future. "I am a statement" is constructed in such a way as to allow the individual to express their opinion about the current situation, to express their wishes. It is especially useful when a person wants to convey something to another, but does not want him to perceive it negatively and go on the attack.

The arrangement of statements from "I" consists of: events, reactions of the individual, the preferred outcome for the individual.

Event. The situation that has arisen, taking into account the applied method, requires a brief objective description without the use of subjective and emotionally colored expressions. You can start the phrase like this: "When they shout at me ...", "When my things are scattered on my desk ...", "When they don't tell me that I was summoned to the boss ...".

The reaction of the individual. A clear statement why you are annoyed by such actions of others helps them to understand you, and when you speak from “I”, without attacking them, but such a reaction can push others to change their behavior. The reaction can be emotional: "I am offended at you ...", "I will assume that you do not understand me ...", "I decide to do everything myself ...".

Preferred outcome of the event. When an individual expresses his desires about the outcome of the conflict, it is desirable to offer several options. A correctly composed "I am a statement", in which the wishes of the individual are not reduced to the fact that the partner does only what is beneficial for him, implies the possibility of discovering new options for solutions.

Structural methods, i.e. methods of influencing mainly organizational conflicts arising from the incorrect distribution of powers, the organization of labor, the adopted incentive system, etc. These methods include: clarification of job requirements, coordination and integration mechanisms, corporate goals, use of reward systems.

Clarifying job requirements is one effective management and conflict prevention method. Each specialist must clearly understand what results are required from him, what are his duties, responsibilities, limits of authority, stages of work. The method is implemented in the form of drawing up the appropriate job descriptions (job descriptions), distributing rights and responsibilities by management levels,

Coordination mechanisms are the use of structural units in the organization, which, if necessary, can intervene and resolve disputes between them.

Organization-wide goals. This method involves the development or refinement of corporate goals so that the efforts of all employees are united and aimed at achieving them.

Reward system. Stimulation can be used as a method of managing a conflict situation; with competent influence on people's behavior, conflicts can be avoided. It is important that the reward system does not reward non-constructive behavior by individuals or groups. For example, rewarding sales executives only for increasing sales can lead to a contradiction in profit targets. The leaders of these departments can increase sales by offering deep discounts and thereby lowering the average profit of the company.

Interpersonal methods. When creating a conflict situation or the beginning of the deployment of the conflict itself, its participants need to choose the form, style of their further behavior so that this is least reflected in their interests.

When choosing an effective style of conflict resolution, two aspects are key: the power of one person in relation to another and what this person is (what can be expected from him). The ratio of these factors will help to choose the most effective way of behavior from the point of view of "winning" in the conflict.

The ability to remember about your interests in a conflict situation is important. If the "victory" in the conflict is not so important compared to the strength of negative emotions in a conflict situation, you can get away from participating in the conflict.

It is necessary to determine the real problems and interests of both parties to the conflict situation. The key to solving the problem is to determine the true interests of the parties in the main areas:

hidden desires and interests of the parties;

what is required to satisfy these latent desires and interests.

There are two ways to get this information. The first is to discuss them openly. The second involves the use of intuition in order to look into the hidden essence of what is happening.

The ability to predict the behavior of another person helps to predict possible options for his behavior in a conflict situation. A person who owns a set of styles of behavior in a conflict has a more pronounced advantage, allowing him to adapt to the situation and find the best way to resolve it.

Jeanie Graham Scott describes a rational - intuitive model of mastering a conflict situation. From the very beginning, this method involves consciousness and intuition in the work when making a choice of a course of action in a conflict situation. This approach is based on an assessment of the circumstances, characters, interests and needs of the people involved in the conflict, as well as their own goals, interests, needs. The emotions of the participants are always involved in serious conflicts. Thus, one of the first steps to resolving a conflict is to suppress the negative emotions it generates - one's own and the emotions of others.

After suppressing emotions, it becomes possible to use reason or intuition, respectively, in order to formulate possible solutions that are acceptable to all interested parties.

Helena Cornelius and Shoshana Fair offer the following conflict resolution techniques:

in solving the problem, take into account the needs of everyone;

a creative approach to solving a problem: turning a problem into an opportunity to discover something new for oneself and for others;

empathy: communication techniques that lead to rapprochement. Listen to your opponent's opinion. Give him the opportunity to speak;

optimal self-affirmation: attack the problem, not the person. Express your opinion so that you are heard;

shared power: how to neutralize the power struggle. How to achieve "joint power";

how to manage emotions: fear, anger, resentment, disappointment can become a stimulus for positive change;

willingness to resolve the conflict: be able to identify personal attitudes that interfere with an objective view of things;

development of alternatives: their joint creative search;

negotiating ability: effective planning and strategy options for reaching agreement;

be able to see the problem in a wider context and in the long term.

As noted by NV Grishina, in the effective settlement of social conflicts a decisive role is assigned to such a universal factor as the value of preserving the social as a whole]. In the settlement of conflicts, great importance should be given to the development and introduction of appropriate legislation. In fact, in the field of labor relations, and in the field of other social relations, we are also talking about the search for such institutional mechanisms that would make it possible to legitimize the conflict and at the same time contribute to the development of an agreement by ensuring a kind of balance - a mechanism of "checks" and balances.

The concept of "conflict management" implies the process of controlling the conflict by the participants themselves or by external forces (public institutions, authorities, entrepreneurs, special knowledge, etc.).

Conflict resolution refers to the impact on the conflict, as well as its partial or temporary solution. In this sense, the settlement is described as the result of an organized successful inducement (or coercion) of one of the adversaries to one or another type of action that is beneficial to the other party or mediator.

"Ending a conflict" usually means any ending of a conflict, not necessarily involving a resolution.

However, the main thing is the concept of "conflict resolution", which is understood as the elimination or minimization of problems separating the parties; usually carried out through a search for a compromise, reaching an agreement, etc.