Wigwam - the dwelling of the forest Indians of North America. The house of the Indians is called the name of the housing in which the Indians lived

Wigwam - the dwelling of the forest Indians of North America. The house of the Indians is called the name of the housing in which the Indians lived
Wigwam - the dwelling of the forest Indians of North America. The house of the Indians is called the name of the housing in which the Indians lived

In Russia, in contrast to America, it is not customary to play the Indians. And it is a pity - children like to portray the tribes close to nature with their amazing customs ... However, some children still play them, especially at dachas, in recreation camps, in short, near Nature. In the tents in the forest, such games are that the doctor prescribed. Especially if the tent and looks like Indian Vigvam.

The creation of Designer Dave Ellis (Dave Ellis) is characterized by a stable design and a good ventilation system, as well as, due to quality materials, fire and water resistance. A separate feature - the floor is specially made from the water permeable material, so that the tent will not prevent air penetration to the ground, which means it will not kill the grass on which it is worth it.

Is it necessary to say that rest in Wigwam is much more interesting than in a regular tent? So bonfires will burn more fun, and the songs move soul, and the story to write true and more interesting. If only it was not to hit an excessive realistic: with his face in combat coloring and clothing from beads and feathers, even in the forest, easy to scare someone.

We decided to tell about the Indians, their dwellings, customs, culture. Read cognitive articles on Vamvigvam pages. After all, if we love the wigwams so much, then everything should be known about them!

In the word "Tipi", as a rule, is called the portable habitat of nomadic tribes of indigenous Indians who lived in the Great Plains. However, in the language of the Indian nation, this word "Tipi" means a completely any home, and this type of tents is calledwi. Such a type of tent, as Tipi, was used by many other tribes living in the Far West, as well as settled tribes from the south-west of the country. In some cases, Tipi was constructed in parts of the country with a large number of forests. In the modern world, Tipi is often mistakenly called Wigwam.

Tipi is a cone whose height can be from 4 to 8 meters. The dwelling diameter at the base is from 3 to 6 meters. Traditionally, Tipi's frame is going from long wooden seals. The main material is used wood coniferous trees, such as pine and juniper, depending on the time of the tribe, in which Tipi is built. Tipi coating, which is called a tire, previously sewed from the raw materials of animals, most often from the skin of bison. In order to make one typi, it was necessary from 10 to 40 animal skins, depending on the size of the dwelling.

A little later, when trading began to develop with other continents, the Indians began to use to create a tipie more lightweight material - a canvas. But both materials have their own minuses - the fabric is flammable, and the skin really likes to gnaw to dogs. Therefore, the Indians decided to change the design and combine the coating: the upper part is made and the skin of animals, and the lower part is from the fabric. Materials are bonded using wooden sticks, and the bottom is tied to special pegs that were driven into the ground, leaving a small slot for circulation of air inside the design.

In the upper part of the design there is a smoke hole, which has two blades that acting the role of smoke plugs. Thanks to these blades, the smoke thrust is regulated inside Tipi. To control these blades, either special belts, or sixtes that gave the ability to stretch the valves for the lower angles. The Canadian Indians from the Chippev tribe, for example, these valves were not sewn to the coating itself, so they could be rotated as you like.

Also, due to its design, TIPI can be connected to the most ordinary tent and with other typi. Due to this, additional space is obtained. Special belt is lowered from the connection site of the main poles inside the Tipi. He is tied to spicks in the middle of typi and works as an anchor, which will not givei to the TIPI be found because of a strong wind or other bad weather. Also at the bottom of the TIPI also often climb an additional lining, which creates greater comfort. During the rain, a special round ceiling can also be stretched. However, the Indians from Missouri during the rain put on the top ends of the poles as an umbrella leather boats.

Each tribe has its own special design of TIPI, and among themselves, they differ in both the number of main support poles, the order of their compound, the form of the TIPI itself, the method of cutting fabrics and skins, as well as the shame of the flue valves and the method of their compounds with the poles.

Tipi is an integral part of the life of the Indians. The main advantage of this design is its mobility, as Tipi can be transported unchanged. Before the appearance on the lands of the Indians of the Colonizers, Tipi transported was carried out manually, but after the appearance of horses it became possible to transport Tipi with their help. At the same time, it was possible to significantly increase the size of the design, and sometimes the base diameter reached 7 meters.

Traditionally, the Indians put a typing entrance to the East, but this rule can be neglected when the tents are in a circle. Thanks to a small slope, which provided for the design of certain types of typi, the tents can withstand a sufficiently strong wind. Also typi quickly disassembled and is going. It is thanks to these factors that this design has become very popular among the Indians.

Currently, Tipi uses mainly conservatives from Indians, as well as reconstructors and indianists. In many places in the US, you can buy a tourist tent with such a name, which is similar in design to Tipi.

Tipi plays a huge role in the culture of the Indians. For example, the location of the Tipi entrance to the East is due to the fact that the Indians must in the middle of the morning thank the sun for the day. In the design of Tipi, a circle is used - the sacred symbol of the Indians, which also plays a large enough role, since the circle in Indian culture can designate anything, ranging from the rising sun to seasonal migrations of bison.

All parts of the typi design symbolize something: for example, the floor symbolizes the land that can play the role of the altar. The walls are the sky, and the poles acting the role of the frame are the paths that lead from the ground to the world of perfume.

Despite such small sizes of Tipi, families lived in them quite comfortably, since they observed their unique etiquette. According to this etiquette, men were located in the northern part of the tent, and women, respectively, in South. You can walk inside the design only clockwise. Guests who first come to the tent could be only in the female part of Tipi.

To walk between the central hearth and a person who stands in front of him was also considered to be acknowledged, because the Indians believed that this could prevent people with a hearth. In order to sit on your place, a person needed to go beyond the backs of the sitting. Part of the tribes believed that only the master of Tipi could be called for the altar.

Most of the dwellings in the Camps of Indians, as a rule, was not painted. Those units that were somehow decorated were drawn up according to the traditions of the tribe and often the pictures on them were traditionally stylized images of natural phenomena and fauna representatives.

The next motive of the drawing was most often met: the pattern was laughed at the bottom edge of the tent, personified the earth, and on the top, respectively, the heavenly pattern. In some cases, the drawings on Tipi were worn and historical: for example, it could be a story that happened on the hunt with the owner of the dwelling. The Indians were given quite much attention to their dreams, images of which sometimes were also depicted on Tipi's tire.

The choice of colors was not rich, so some of them had a double meaning. For example, red might mean both fire and land, and yellow could be both lightning and stone. White colors denoted water and air. The sky has drawn blue or black flowers.

In the decoration of Tipi, not only drawings were used, but also all kinds of medallions and amulets, which were done manually in accordance with the traditions of the tribe. There were also all sorts of trophies, mined on the hunt, and a little later, women began to decorate typi and with the help of beads.

In the next article we will talk about the Indian Wigvamama. And choose typi handmade for your child you can.

What is Wigvam? This is a typical design of rods and birch crust, used including the Indian tribes of the northeastern cultural group, as home or asylum.

What is Wigvam?

The very concept comes from the word used by the Abenakian tribe, and means the house. It was a shelter form used by various tribes of the Indians, especially those who lived in the northeast forest. What is Wigvam? This is a house that is usually building a domestic form.

It achieved, as a rule, 2.5-3 meters in height and about 12 meters in the diameter. First, a wooden frame was manufactured, which was then covered with other available materials, for example animal skins. The joints of the design firmly fasten with ropes. From the end of the 1700s, the fabric sometimes began to be used to cover the wigvamov.

Native American homes

What is Wigvam? This word was once used to describe all regardless of the structure, location or cultural group. In fact, this term is used to describe the semi-permanent types of shelters used by the cultural group of the northeastern forest massif. Wetu word is translated as "home" in the tribe of vampoagov. The term "Birch House" is also used as an alternative name for Wigwam. The word "Wikip" is used to describe such primitive dwellings, but is distributed to the tribes in the south-west of the United States.

What is the difference between Wigwam and Tipi?

The difference between Wigwam and Tipi is as follows: Vigvam was used by the tribes of the northeastern forest cultural group, while Tipi used nomadic tribes of the Great Plains. The first was a semi-permanent design, the second was completely tolerant. Forest tribes had access to the forests and used Beresto as coating for their shelters.

The tribes hunted on the bison and used buffalo skins as coatings for their homes. Wigwam demanded more time to build, while Tipi was easily and rapidly erected. Some were domed, while others were reminded of pyramido-shaped tents.

Who lived in Wigwam?

Usually, the Vigvam was used as a dwelling with indigenous Indian tribes (Vampanoag, Schona, Abenaki, Sauk, Fox, Beckot, Naraganastet, Kickup, Okubva and OTO), who lived around the Great Lakes and the Eastern Coast and had access to Bereste from forests in their territories. These structures were comfortable to tribes that were in one place for several months. Algonkinsky tribes of northeastern Indians who used Wigwams lived in the villages during the agricultural season, engage in the cultivation of corn, pumpkins, zucchini, beans and tobacco.

During the hunting season, small family groups moved to hunting camps. When the family moved to a new place, Indian Vigvam was disassembled in such a way that the frame from the rod remained untouched, and all the coating the Indians were taken with them. Upon his return, the house was again covered with the necessary materials. And if the frame was already unavailable, it was raised again.

Indian Lifestyle

Each tribe chooses the type of housing in accordance with his lifestyle, climate, the environment and natural resources that are available to them. Wigwam (a photo of such structures is in the article) was chosen as the most suitable type of housing and style of the house, since he corresponded to the lifestyle of the tribes inhabiting forest areas.

Is it possible to build vigvam yourself?

How to make Vigvam? In fact, it is not so difficult, it will take a minimum of equipment. The main materials used to create an authentic Wigwam are branches of flexible trees or seedlings. To begin with, the circle is drawn, which is about 12 meters in diameter. Then evenly around the circle are made 16 holes to a depth of about 20-30 cm. The trunks firmly firmly secured in the holes, thus forming the domestic form of Wigvama.

Horizontal hoops are attached to the other frame with hard fibers of a tree bark. Then the entire design is covered with sheets of beered, forming a roof and walls. Sometimes, for additional housing protection, a layer of straw or dried grass is placed on the birch bark. Woven mats, skins, canvas and blankets were also covered by Vigvam if these things were available to the owners. They held in place with rope. The space left for the doorway is an input valve that allows people to get into the wigvam. And the smoke hole done on top serves as a kind of chimney to eliminate the outside of smoke from fire and air circulation.

The size of the vigvamov was the most different, in the biggest structures could simultaneously live up to 30 tribesmen. Currently, these designs are often used as a venue for traditional rites. Vigvamov analogs can be found in some African nations, Chukchi, Evenks and Soytov.

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"Housing of the peoples of the world"

(66 of the "Life Real Estate Objects" selected by us from "Abyalayshi" to "Yarangi")

The wall newspapers of the charitable educational project "Briefly and clear about the most interesting" (site site) are designed for schoolchildren, parents and teachers of St. Petersburg. They are delivered free of charge to most educational institutions, as well as in a number of hospitals, orphanages and other institutions of the city. The project's publication does not contain any advertisement (only the logos of the founders), politically and religiously neutral, are written in a slight language, well illustrated. They are conceived as informational "torment" of students, the awakening of cognitive activity and desire for reading. The authors and publishers, without claiming the academic completeness of the material supply, publish interesting facts, illustrations, interviews with famous figures of science and culture and hope to increase the interest of schoolchildren to the educational process.

Dear friends! Our regular readers have noticed that we are not the first time we present a release, one way or another connected with the topic of real estate. We recently discussed the very first residential buildings of the Stone Age, and also looked at the "real estate" of Neanderthals and Cryanons (release). About the dwellings of peoples, which has long been living on the lands from Onega Lake to the shores of the Finnish Gulf (and these are Veps, water, Izhora, Ingermanland Finns, Tikhvin Karelia and Russians), we talked to the "Indigenous Peoples of the Leningrad Region" (, and issues). We looked at the most incredible and peculiar modern buildings in the release. More than once, we also wrote about the holidays related to the topic: Day of the realtor in Russia (February 8); Builder's day in Russia (second Sunday August); World Architecture Day and World Housing Day (First Monday of October). This wall newspaper is a brief "wall encyclopedia" of traditional housing of peoples from around the world. 66 We selected "Living Real Estate Objects" selected according to the alphabet: from "Abylayshi" to "Yarangi".


Abyláysh is a hiking yurt among the Kazakhs. Its frame consists of a plurality of stories that are attached from above to a wooden ring - chimney. The whole design is covered with felt. In the past, such dwellings were used in the Military campaigns of the Kazakh Khan Abyla, from where and the name.


Ail ("Wooden Yurt") is the traditional dwelling of Telengitis, the people of the South Altai. Logged hexagonal structure with earthen flooring and high roof covered with bark or larch bark. In the middle of the earthen floor is the focus.


Arish - Summer House of the Arab population of the Persian Gulf Coast, woven from the stems of palm leaves. On the roof there is a peculiar fabric pipe, which in conditions of extremely roast climate provides ventilation in the house.


Balaguan - Winter Residence of Yakuts. In the log frame, inclined walls of thin jersends, crushed clay were strengthened. Low gentle roof was covered with bark and earth. Slices of ice inserted into small windows. The entrance is focused east and covered with a canopy. From the west side to Balagan, the hlev was attracted for livestock.


Barams - On the Arabian Peninsula, the common name for huts woven from the leaves of the father's palm tree. At night, the leaves absorb excess dampness, and the day gradually dry out, moisturizing the hot air.


The battery is a spacious semi-smoking agent, the indigenous population of the Aleutian islands. The frame was made from whale bones and thrown ashore to Korhig. The roof was insulated with grass, rod and skins. In the roof, the hole was left for the entrance and lighting, from where they descended inside the log with the steps chopped in it. Baraboron was built on the hills off the coast to conveniently observe the marine animals and the approach of enemies.


Bordes are a traditional twilight in Romania and Moldova, covered with a thick layer of straw or cane. Such a dwelling saved from significant temperature differences during the day, as well as from a strong wind. On the clay floor there was a hearth, however, the Bordes was treated in black: smoke went through a small door. This is one of the most ancient types of housing in this part of Europe.


Bahakeka - the hut of the Indian Guatemala. Walls are from stories and branches, crowns. The roof is from dry grass or straw, floor - from the rammed soil. Bahack is resistant to strong earthquakes that happen in Central America.


Buram - Temporary Dwelling Bashkir. The walls were made from logs and branches and did not have windows. The bartal roof was covered with a crust. Earthy floor covered her grass, branches and leaves. Inside the boards were built from boards and a hearth with a wide chimney.


Valkaran ("House from China" in Chukotka) - dwelling among the peoples of the coast of the Bering Sea (Eskimos, Aleutov and Chukchi). A twilight with a frame of large bones of a whale, covered with land and a row. He had two entrances: summer - through a hole in the roof, winter - through a long semi-base corridor.


Wardo - Gypsy Chibea, a real one-room house on wheels. It has a door and windows, a furnace for cooking and heating, bed, drawers for things. Rear, under the folding board, is a storage box for kitchenware. Bottom, between wheels, - Luggage, removable steps and even a chicken coop! The whole wagon is light enough, so one horse could take it. Wardo was separated by skilled carvings and stained with bright colors. Wardo's flourishing appeared at the end of the XIX - the beginning of the 20th century.


Pepper is an ancient winter dwelling of Saamov, the root Finno-Ugric people of Northern Europe. Pepper was made from a bricken in the form of a pyramid with a smoke hole at the top. The cores of the females were covered with reindeer skins, and the bark, a twig and jerle were put on top and filled with birch acresses for strength. In the center of the housing arranged a stone hearth. The floor covered with reindeer skins. Nearby put "Nili" - Saraike on the pillars. By the beginning of the 20th century, many Saami living in Russia had already built over themselves and called them a Russian word "home".


Vigvam - the general name of the housing of the forest Indians of North America. Most often it is a chaolash of a dome-shaped form with a hole for the exit of smoke. The Wigwama Frame was made of curved thin trunks and covered with a bark, cane mats, skins or slices of fabric. Outside, the coating was additionally pressed with jerles. Wigwami can be both round in terms and elongated and have several flue holes (such structures are called "long houses"). Wigvamami often erroneously called the cone-shaped dwellings of the Indians of the Great Plains - "Tipi" (remember, for example, the "Folk Creativity" of the balloon from the cartoon "Winter in Prostokvashino").


Wikiyap - Apache dwelling and some other Indian tribes of the southwest of the United States and California. A small coarse hut, covered with branches, shrubs, straw or mats, often with additionally popped with pieces of fabric and blankets. Vihwam's type.


The Dörd House is a traditional building of Iceland since the time of the inhabitants of her Vikings. Its design was determined by the harsh climate and a deficiency of the tree. Large flat stones were laid out on the place of the future house. They put a wooden framework, which was laid on a row in several layers. In one half of this house, lived, in the other - contained domestic cattle.


Dalyou - a fortified multi-storey house in Guangdong Province in southern China. The first Dalyou was built during the Ming dynasty, when the piles of robbers were played in South China. In later and relatively safe times, such buildings built, just following the tradition.


The dugout is one of the oldest and everywhere common types of insulated housing. In a number of countries, the peasants lived mainly in the dugouts up to late Middle Ages. The pit broken in the land was overlapped with jersoes or brices that land fell asleep. Inside there was a focus, and along the walls - Nara.


The needle is a dome-shaped Eskimo hut, folded from tight snow blocks. Floor and sometimes walls covered with skins. For the entrance, broke through in the snow tunnel. If the snow is shallow, the entrance was arranged in the wall to which an additional corridor from the snow blocks was completed. The room into the room penetrates directly through the snow walls, although they also made windows closed with seal guts or ice floes. Often, a few needle joined the long snow corridors among themselves.


Izba - a log house in the forest zone of Russia. Up to X century, the hut was similar to a twilight designed by several rows of logs. There were no doors, the entrance was covered with lamps and a canopy. In the depths of the hut there was a folded focus folded from stones. The hollow was treated in black. People slept on the grounds on the earthen floor in the same room with a cattle. With the centuries, the hut got a stove, a hole on the roof for the exit of smoke, and then the pipe. Holes appeared in the walls - the windows that were closed with mica plates or a bull bubble. Over time, began to blow up the hut in two parts: the hill and sense. So the hut - "five-rank" appeared.

Severorusskaya Izba

The hut in the Russian north was built in two floors. Upper floor - residential, lower ("Slister") - economic. In the page there were servants, children, yard workers, there were also rooms for livestock and storage of supplies. The drill was built with deaf walls, without windows and doors. The outer staircase led immediately to the second floor. It saved from noticeing snow: in the north there are drifts for several meters! An indoor courtyard was attracted to such an exterior. Long cold winters forced to combine residential and economic buildings into a single whole.


Ikukvana is a large domed cane house Zulusov (South Africa). They built it from long thin rods, high grass, cane. All this was intertwined and strengthened with ropes. The entrance to the hut was closed by a special shield. Travelers believe that Ikukvan fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape.


Kabria - a small hut of the indigenous population of Ecuador (the state in the north-west of South America). Its frame weave from the vine, partially deceive the clay and crouch straw. Such a name also received gazebos for recreation and technical needs installed at the resorts at the beaches and pools.


Kawa is a bounce gang of the root, the indigenous people of the Khabarovsk Territory (Far East of Russia). The roof and side walls were covered with spruce bark, the hole for smoke in bad weather was covered with a special tire. The entrance to the dwelling has always appealed to the river. The place for the focus was filled with a pebble and fell by wooden feet, which from the inside woke up clay. Wooden naras built along the walls.


Cat - a large community house of Eskimos, designed for several dozen man and many years of service. On elected place for the house, there was a rectangular pit, in the corners of which were installed high thick brica (there are no local wood in Eskimos, so the trees thrown into the coast on the shore). Next, the walls and roof in the form of a pyramid were erected - from briced or whale bones. The hole, which remained in the middle, was inserted with a transparent bubble. The whole structure fell asleep earth. The roof was supported by pillars, just like the shop-beds installed along the walls in several tiers. Paul rushed by boards and mats. A narrow underground corridor dug up for the entrance.


Kazhn - traditional for Istria (peninsula in the Adriatic Sea, in the northern part of Croatia) Stone structure. Kazhun cylindrical shape with a conical roof. Without windows. The construction was carried out by dry masonry (without the use of a binding solution). Initially served as a housing, but later began to play the role of economic building.


Karamo - dugout Selkups, hunters and fishermen of the North of Western Siberia. The steep bank of the river was digging the pit, put four columns in the corners and made log walls. The roof, also buried the ground, fell asleep. From the side of the water, the entrance was dried and disguised with its coastal vegetation. So that the dugout does not pour, the floor did gradually rising from the entrance. It was possible to get into the dwelling only on a boat, and the boat was also drained inside. Because of such peculiar homes, Selkups were called "earthy people."


Kloch - a dome-shaped stone hut, common in the southwest of Ireland. Very thick, up to one and a half meters, the walls were laid out "dry", without a binder solution. Narrow slit windows, input and chimney were left. Such uncomplicated huts built for themselves the monks leading a ascetic lifestyle, so inside the inside you do not have to expect special comfort.


Kolyba - Summer housing of shepherds and lumberjacks, common in the mountainous areas of the Carpathians. This is a log cabin without windows with a double roof, covered dranco (flat sins). Along the walls there are wooden beds and shelves for things, the floor of the earth. In the middle there is a focus, smoke comes out through a hole in the roof.


Konák - two or three-storey stone house found in Turkey, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania. The structure, in terms of the letter "g", covers a massive tiled roof that creates a deep shadow. Each bedroom has an indoor protruding balcony and steam bath. A large number of diverse rooms satisfies all the needs of the owners, so there is no need for in the courtyard.


Kuvaksa is a portable dwelling of Saamov during the period of spring-summer nomads. It has a cone-shaped frame of several poles, connected by the vertices, which was pulled by a case of deer skins, berers or cans. The center arranged the hearth. Kuvaksa is a kind of plague, and also resembles Tipi North American Indians, but somewhat more squat.


Coula is a fortified stone tower in two or three floors with powerful walls and small boys. Couots can be found in the mountainous regions of Albania. The tradition of building such houses-fortresses is very ancient and exists also in the Caucasus, Sardinia, Corsica and Ireland.


Kuryin (from the word "smoke", which means "smoke") - the dwelling of the Cossacks, the "free troops" of the Russian kingdom in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Don, Yaika, Volga. The first Cossack settlements arose in smooth (river reeds). At home stood on the piles, the walls were made from the shoulders filled with earth and crushed clay, the roof was reed with a hole for the exit of smoke. The features of these first Cossack housing are traced in modern curtains.

Lepa Lep

Lepa Lepa - Boat-House Bajao, People of Southeast Asia. Bajao, "Marine Gypsies", as they are called, spend their entire lives in boats in the "coral triangle" of the Pacific Ocean - between Borneo, Philippines and Solomon Islands. In one part of the boat, they prepare food and store tackle, and they sleep in the other. They are chosen only to sell fish, buy rice, water and fishing gear, as well as buried the dead.


Mázanka is a practical rural house of steppe and forest-steppe Ukraine. Mazanka received its name according to the old technology of construction: a frame of branches, insulated with a cane layer, was abundantly failed to clay mixed with straw. The walls were regularly descended from the inside and outside, which gave the house an elegant look. The four-scale straw roof had large skes so that the walls were not twisted in the rain.


Minka is the traditional dwelling of Japanese peasants, artisans and merchants. Minka was built of easily accessible materials: bamboo, clay, herbs and straws. Instead of the inner walls, sliding partitions or shirma were used. This allowed the inhabitants of the house at their discretion to change the location of the rooms. The roofs were made very high so that the snow and rain immediately rolved, and the straw did not have time to wet.


Odag - Wedding Shalas Shorets, the people living in the southeastern part of Western Siberia. Nine thin young birches with foliage tied on top and covered bark. The bride walked inside the fire with a fire. The young people remained in the god for three days, after which they moved to a permanent home.


Paliao is the view of the dwelling in Galicia (North-West of the Pyrenean Peninsula). In a circle with a diameter of 10-20 meters, a stone wall was laid out, leaving the outlets for the front door and small windows. On top on a wooden frame, a cone-shaped roof of straw was put. Sometimes two rooms were arranged in Big Fairy: one - a residential, second - for livestock. As housing, Palias was used in Galicia until the 1970s.


Palheiru is a traditional farmers house of Santana village in the east of Madeira Island. This is a small stone structure with a shovel of the straw roof to the earth itself. Houses are painted in white, red and blue. Forenee began to build the first island colonizers.


The cave is probably the most ancient natural refuge of man. In soft rocks (limestone, lassions, tuffs), people have long resulted in artificial caves, where they were equipped with comfortable dwellings, sometimes - whole cave cities. So, in the cave city of Eski-Kermen in the Crimea (in the photo), the numbers, chimneys, "beds", niches for dishes and other things, water tanks, windows and doorways with traces of the loops are cut into the rocks of the room.


Cook - Summer Residence of Kamchadalov, the people of Kamchatka Territory, Magadan region and Chukotka. To protect yourself from water level drops, the dwelling (like a plague) was built on high piles. We used bricnos, thrown by the sea ashore. The hearth was placed on a pile of pebbles. Smoke went into the hole in the middle of the spicy roof. Under the roof was made multi-tiered rods for drying fish. Cooks and now you can see on the shore of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.


Pueblo is the ancient settlements of the Indian Pueblo, the groups of the Indian peoples of the South-West of the modern US. A closed structure built of sandstone or raw brick, in the form of a fortress. Residential premises were located in several floors - so that the roof of the lower floor is the yard for the top. On the upper floors were closed along the withdrawal stairs through the holes in the roofs. In some Pueblo, for example, in Taos Pueblo (Millennaya Presidency), the Indians still live.


Pueberto is a small house-fortress in the northwest of the American state of New Mexico. 300 years ago they were built, as expected, Navajo tribes and Pueblo, who defended the Spaniards, as well as from the Tribal of Utah and Team. The walls are posted from boulders and cobblestones and fastened with clay. Interior premises are also covered with clay coating. The ceilings are made of pine or juniper beams, on top of which rods are laid. Pueberto was located at high places within sight of each other to ensure the possibility of long-distance communication.


Riga ("Residential Riga") is a log house of Estonian peasants with a high straw or cane roof. In the central premises, the winding in the black, lived and dried the hay. In the next room (it was called "Humnó") threatened and sleigh grains, stored guns and hay, and in the winter they contained domestic cattle. There were still unheard rooms ("cameras"), which were used as storage rooms, and in warm time and as a residential premises.


Rondavél - Round House of Nations Basta (South Africa). The walls were stoned. The cementing composition consisted of sand, land and manure. The roof is the poles from the branches to which the cane beams were tied with grassy ropes.


Sákla is the house of residents of the Mountain seats of the Caucasus and the Crimea. This is usually a house of stone, clay or raw bricks with a flat roof and narrow windows similar to loopholes. If Sakley was located in each other on the mountainside, the roof of the lower house could easily serve the yard for the top. Frame beams did advocates to equip cozy canopies. However, any small hut with a straw roof can be called saclay here.


Seneke - "Log Urta" of the Shorets, the people of the southeastern part of Western Siberia. The bartal roof was covered with a bark, which was fastened from above half-breeds. The focus was in the form of a clay pit opposite the front door. Above the hearth on the transverse thrill. A wooden hook with a kitel was suspended. Smoke went to the hole in the roof.


Tipi is a portable dwelling of nomadic Indians of the great plains of America. Tipi has a cone form up to eight meters high. The frame is collected from the poles (pine - on the northern and central plains and from juniper - on the southern). The tire is stitched from bridges or cans. Leave the smoke hole on top. Two smoke valves regulate the focal smoke thrust using special poles. In case of strong wind, Tipi is tied to a special peg with a belt. Do not confuse Tipi with Wigwam.


Culley - Round straw hut in courts of Sudan (East Africa). Bearing parts of walls and conical roofs are made of mimosa long trunks. Then they put their hoops from flexible branches and coat straw.


Totelu - House-Fortress in Fujian and Guangdong Provinces (China). From the stones in a circle or square, the foundation was laid out (which made it difficult to enemies during the siege) and the lower part of the wall was built with a thickness of about two meters. Above the wall, it was completed from a mixture of clay, sand and lime, which hardening in the sun. On the upper floors were left narrow loops under the loopholes. Inside the fortress there were residential premises, well, large containers for food. In one Toolau could live 500 people representing one clan.


Trello is an original house with a conical roof in the Italian region of Apulia. The walls of Trillo are very thick, so in hot weather there is cool, and in winter - it is not so cold. Trullo bunk, on the second floor climbed along the perturbation stairs. Often, Trill had several roof cones, each of which is a separate room.


Tuzzi - Summer House Udaegei, Orochi and Nanachi - indigenous peoples of the Far East. Over the dumped pit, a duplex roof was installed, covered with bark or cedar bark. Side sides were falling asleep. Inside Tuezi is divided into three parts: female, male and central, in which the hearth was located. Over the hearth installed the platform from thin poles for drying and smoking fish and meat, and also suspended the cooking boiler.


URACA - Yakut's summer dwelling, cone-shala shank, covered by bark. Long, thrill, set in a circle, bonded on top of a wooden hoop. From the inside the frame was painted in a reddish brown color of the aulhow bark. The door was made in the form of a birch curtain, decorated with folk patterns. For the strength of Berré, the water was tiled in water, then puck the top layer with a knife and stitched with a thin hair cord into the stripes. Inside the walls were built by Nara. In the middle on the earth's floor was the focus.


Fal is the hut in residents of the island state of themselves (southern part of the Pacific Ocean). The bartal roof of the coconut palm leaves is installed on the wooden poles located in a circle or oval. A distinctive feature of the Fal is the lack of walls. The movements between the columns, if necessary, wrapped with mats. Wooden design elements are associated with ropes woven from the threads of the husk of coconut nuts.


Fántza is the type of rural dwelling in Northeast China and in the Far East of Russia in indigenous peoples. Rectangular structure on a framework of pillars that support a banta straw roof. The walls were made of straw mixed with clay. Fanza had a cunning room heating system. From the clay focus along the entire wall at the floor level passed the chimney. Smoke, before reaching the long tube, built outside fantas, heated wide Nara. Hot coals from the hearth poured on a special exaltation and used to heal water and drying clothes.


Felidge - Bedouin Tent, Arabic Nomads. The frame of long jernya is covered with a cloth woven from camel, goat or sheep wool. This fabric is so dense that does not miss the rain. In the afternoon, the awning is raised so that the dwelling is ventilated, and at night or in a strong wind - omit. Felidge is divided into male and female halves curtain from patterned fabric. In each half - its hearth. The floor is covered with mats.


Hanóc is a traditional Korean house with clay walls and a straw or tiled roof. His feature is a heating system: the pipes are laid under the floor, along which hot air from the hearth is spread throughout the house. This is the ideal place for Khanoka is this: behind the house - the hill, and in front of the house flows the stream.


Hat - the traditional house of Ukrainians, Belarusians, southern Russians and parts of the Poles. The roof, in contrast to the Russian hut, was made four-tailed: straw or reed. The walls were erected from a semi-crust, cooled by a mixture of clay, horse manure and straw, and descended - both outside and from the inside. Understand the windows made shutters. The covered house was covered around the house (wide, filled clay shop), which protects the lower part of the wall from turning. Hata was divided into two parts: residential and economic, separated by the Seine.


Hógan - an ancient dwelling of the Indians Navajo, one of the most numerous Indian peoples of North America. The frame of 45 ° in the angle of 45 ° to the Earth was intertwined by the branches and the clay was hustled. Often, the "entrance hall" was attached to this simple design. The entrance was launched with a blanket. After the first railway was held on the territory of Navajo, the Khogan design changed: the Indians found very convenient to build their homes from the sleepers.


The Chum is the common name of the conical halasel from the streams covered by the Best, felt or deer skins. Such a shape of the dwelling is common throughout Siberia - from the Ural ridge to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, in Finno-Ugric, Turkic and Mongolian peoples.


Shabono - the collective dwelling of the Indian Indian dwelling, lost in the tropical forests of Amazonia on the border of Venezuela and Brazil. A big family (from 50 to 400 people) chooses a suitable glade in the depths of the jungle and makes it the pillars to which the long roof of the leaves is attached. Inside such a peculiar bleeding remains open space for business and rituals.


Shalásh is the general name of the simplest shelter from bad weather from any girlfriend: sticks, branches, herbs, etc. was probably the first man-made shelter of an ancient person. In any case, something similar is created by some animals, in particular, man monkeys.


Shalé ("Shepherd's hut") - a small rural house in the "Swiss style" in the Alps. One of the signs of the chalet is strongly protruding cornisses. Walls - wooden, their lower part can be plastered or closed stone.


The tent is the general name of the temporary lightweight construction of fabric, leather or skins, stretched on stoles and ropes. Ecluded tents used Eastern nomadic peoples. The tent (under different names) is often mentioned in the Bible.


Yurt is the total name of the portable frame dwelling with a felt coating of the Turkic and Mongolian nomads. The classic yurt is easily going and disassembled by one family for several hours. It is transported on a camel or horse, its felt coating well protects against temperature drops, neither rain nor the wind is missing. The dwellings of this type are so ancient, which is recognized even on rock paintings. Yurts in a number of locations are successfully used today.


Yaodun - home cave of the northern provinces of China. Lesses - soft, easy breed processing. Local residents have long discovered the time of the centuries digged themselves directly in the hillside. Inside such a house is comfortable for any weather.


Yarángang - a portable dwelling of some nations of Northeast Siberia: Chukchi, Koryakov, Evenov, Yukagirov. Initially, the tripods from the poles are installed in a circle and fix them with stones. Trenuts are tied by inclined sixth walls. The frame of the dome is mounted on top. The whole design is covered with deer or walrous skins. Two or three rods put in the middle in order to restore the ceiling. Yaranga is divided by springs into several rooms. Sometimes inside the yarangi put a little covered with hodges "House".

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The Indians had two types of dwellings, which distinguished them from other nations, is Tipi and Wigwam. They have features peculiar to the people who used them. They are also adapted to typical people and the environment.

Everyone - according to his needs

Houses of nomads and sedentary tribes are distinguished. The first prefer tents and chalashi, while fixed buildings or sonons are more convenient for the second more convenient. If we talk about hurns of hunters, then they could often see animal skins. North American Indians - the people for whom it was characterized by a large number of each group she was their own.

For example, Navajo preferred semi-ray. They created a global roof and a corridor called "Hogan", through which it was possible to enter inside. Former residents of Florida built pile huts, and for nomadic tribes from the subarctic, the most convenient was Vigvam. In the colder time, he was covered, and in warm - bark.

Scaligence and strength

Iroquoise built a frame of wood bark that could serve under 15 years. Usually, throughout this period, the community lived near the selected fields. When the land was worn out, relocation took place. These constructions were high enough. They could reach 8 meters in height, from 6 to 10 m wide, and their length sometimes accounted for 60 meters or more. In this regard, such dwellings were nicknamed long houses. The entrance was placed in the end. Nearby was a picture depicting the Totem of the kind, the animal, which he patronized and faith. The dwelling of the Indians was divided into several compartments, each living has a couple that form a family. Everyone had in his hearth. For sleep, there were Nara near the walls.

Settlements of sedentary and nomadic type

Pueblo tribes built strengthened houses from stones and bricks. The courtyard was surrounded by a semicircle or circuit circuit. The Indian people struggled whole terraces on which houses could be built in several tiers. The roof of one dwelling became an outside site for another, located on top.

People who have chosen forests built Wigwam. This is a portable domestic dwelling in the form of the dome. It was different in small sizes. The height, as a rule, did not exceed 10 feet, however, indoor to thirty inhabitants. Now such buildings are used in ritual purposes. It is very important not to confuse them with Tipi. For nomads, such a design was quite convenient, since it did not have to apply great effort to construction. And you could always move the house to the new territory.

Design features

During the structure, trunks were used, which were well bent and were rather thin. To tie them, a leaky or birch bark, mats made from reed or reeds were used. Also came the leaves of corn and grass. Wigwam nomad was covered with cloth or skin. So that they do not sculpted, used frame outside, trunks or poles. The inlet was covered with a curtain. The walls were inclined and vertical. Planning - round or rectangular. To expand the construction, it was pulled into an oval, spending several holes for the exit of smoke. For the pyramidal form, the installation of smooth poles, which bind upstairs are characteristic.

The dwelling of the Indians, similar to a tent, called Tipi. He had a stiffe, from which a conical shape was obtained. For the formation of the tires used bison skins. The hole from above was designed specifically so that the smoke from the fire went outside. During the rain it was covered with a blade. The decoration of the walls served drawings and signs that mean the belonging to one or another owner. Tipi really finds many on the Vigvam, which is why they are often confused. This type of construction of the Indian people used also quite often as in the north, so in the south-west and far west traditionally for the purpose of nomadicity.


They also built a pyramidal or conical form. The base diameter was up to 6 meters. The forming poles reached the length of 25 feet. The tire was made from an average to create a coating had to kill from 10 to 40 animals. When North American Indians began to interact with Europeans, trading exchange began. They had a canas, who had more easily. Both skin and fabric have its drawbacks, so combined products often created. Pins made of wood used as a fastener, the coating was tied to spicks that were traphed from the ground. Especially for the movement of the air left the gap. As in Wigwam, there was a hole for the exit of smoke.

Useful devices

A distinctive feature is that there were valves regulating air craving. To stretch them to the bottom corners, leather belts used. This dwelling of the Indians was quite comfortable. It was possible to attach a tent or another such building that significantly expanded the inner area. From a strong wind defended the belt descended from above, which served an anchor. At the bottom, the lining was laid below, which had a width of up to 1.7 m. It retained the inner heat, fencing people from external cold. During the rain, the ceiling of a semicircular shape was stretched, which was called "Ozan".

Exploring the construction of various tribes, it can be seen that each of them differs from some of its own inherent in her feature. The number of poles is different. They are connected differently. The pyramid formed by them can be both inclined and straight. The base has an ovoid, round or oval form. The tire is dismissed in a variety of options.

Other popular varieties of buildings

Another interesting dwelling of the Indians is a Wikiyap, which is also often identified with Wigwam. The building in the form of the dome is a slash in which they lived predominantly Apache. It was covered with slices of fabric and grass. They were often used for temporary purposes to hide. Covered with branches, mats, put on steppe outlets. Atabasi, inhabited by Canada, preferred this type of building. It was perfectly suitable when the army put forward on the battle and needed in a temporary place of stay to hide himself and hide fire.

Navajo settled in the Hogans. As well as in summer-type houses and dugouts. In the hogan, the cross section of the round shape, the walls form a cone. Often there are and square designs of this type. The door was located in the eastern part: It was believed that the Sun brings good luck through her. Also in building a large cult value. There is a legend telling that Hogan was first built in the form of Coyote. He was helped by beavers. They were engaged in the construction in order to provide housing for the first people. In the midnight of the five-pointed pyramid there was a forktime pole. The faces had three angle. The place between the beams filled the earth. The walls were as dense and strong, which could effectively protect people from winter weather.

Front was located the lobby, where they conducted religious ceremonies. Residential buildings were distinguished by large sizes. In the 20th century, Navao began to build buildings with 6 and 8 corners. This is due to the fact that then the railway function was functioning not far from them. It was possible to get sleepers and use them in construction. There was more space and space, despite the house stood quite tight. In a word, the habitats of the Indians are quite diverse, but each of them performed functions assigned to it.