Plan-abstract drawing classes (middle group) on the topic: Abstract Node in unconventional technique "Yellow dandelion" Average group. Practice on drawing "Dandelion

Plan-abstract drawing classes (middle group) on the topic: Abstract Node in unconventional technique "Yellow dandelion" Average group. Practice on drawing "Dandelion

i propose an abstract of renovation classes for children of the middle group

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushka "of the city of Gaya of the Orenburg region ________________________________________________________________________________ Orenburg region, G.Gai, ul. Youth, d. 71b, tel.: 4-06-40; E-mail:

Performed: Fedorova M.V

Travel course:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow, like sunshine.

On a green leg.

And as soon as you grow up

Hatts will wear -

Soft, air -

Educator: Proceed

Dandelion is a medicinal plant from cough. This is a honey plant so they love to fly bees, bumblebees. As soon as the dandelion changes his cap on the white one, he drove seeds, and he needed to dispel them on the ground. The guys look like parachuts on the pockets of the fluff

Yellow like sunshine. Round, like ... Soft, like ... White, like ... Fluffy, like ...

Fragile, like ... that's what an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Children: Let's.

Dandelion, dandelion! (Sat, then slowly rise)

Stem is thin like a finger. If the wind is fast-fast (scatter in different directions)

It will fly to the glade, everything around the custody. (Say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")

The dandelion of the stamens will scatter round a ditch (they take hands and go in a circle) and merge with the sky.

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"Studying on drawing in the middle group on the topic" Rose Dandelion ""

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution
"Kindergarten No. 18" Ladushka "of the city of Gaya of the Orenburg region
Orenburg region, Gagai, ul. Youth, d. 71b, tel .: 4-06-40;
E-mail: [Email Protected]

Drawing in the middle group on the topic "Dandelion grew up"

Performed: Fedorova M.V

Purpose:. Secure the part of the dandelion structure. Learning to draw dandelion by adjusting. Teach complement the composition. Develop creativity

Travel course:

Educator: Reads a riddle:

On the lawn, near the forest,

Flowers bloomed.

Yellow, like sunshine.

On a green leg.

And as soon as you grow up

Hatts will wear -

Soft, air -

Obedient breeze! (dandelion)

Educator: That's right. Look carefully on this wild plant. Wild because no one cares for him. And as soon as the sun climbs, the dandelion blossoms, and with the sunset he closes his head.

Educator: Consider from which parts is this plant

Children: root, stem, leaves, flower

Educator: Proceed

Dandelion is a medicinal plant from cough. This is a honey plant so they love to fly bees, bumblebees. As soon as the dandelion changes his cap on the white one, he drove seeds, and he needed to dispel them on the ground. The guys look like parachuts on the pockets of the fluff

Educator: Now you will be a breeze, take a plow lump; Put on the palm and hop on it. Look at how the fluff in different directions scattered. So as follows in nature with dandelion seeds.

Educator: Guys, I suggest you play with me in the game "Challenge Sloves". Want to

Educator: Then listen carefully:

Yellow like sunshine.
Round like ...
Soft, like ...
White, like ...
Fluffy, like ...

Fragile, like ...
Here is what an amazing flower!

Children: answer.

Educator: Guys Let's draw this plant.

Children: Let's.

Educator: Shows Drawing Method Using Pricking Method

Educator: But before let's play

Dandelion, dandelion!
(Sat, then slowly rise)

Stem is thin like a finger.
If the wind is fast-fast
(Slimming in different directions)

It will fly to the glade
All around the custody.
(Say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")

Dandelion of the stycle
Scatter dance
(Taken by arms and go in a circle) and merge with the sky.

The educator invites children to go to their places and begin drawing. Children sit down to their places The teacher includes calm music children draw.

Educator: What beautiful dandelions we turned out. Let us place our booth with these flowers. The tutor posts pictures.

An abstract classes in the middle group of drawing "Dandelion".

Akhmetzyanova Lilia Rastamovna, educator MBDOUN ° 60 G. Izhevsk Udmurt Republic.
Work description: This occupation is useful to educators of the Central Group of Dow, teachers and parents. The child will get close to the colors and learn to transmit all the beauty of the dandelion.

purpose: Learn to draw a dandelion.
Learn to transmit characteristic signs of a flower (image, structure and shape, its beauty)
Secure knowledge about dandelion, learn to distinguish it from other colors.
Get acquainted with riddles, proverbs about dandelions.
Secure the ability to organize your workplace, comply with cleanliness while working.
Raise the ability to rejoice in your drawing, develop creative imagination.
Tasks of educational regions: Cognition, Fiction, Artistic Creativity, Communication, Labor, Music.
Materials: Sheets of blue, purple and pink colors (to choose from), gouache yellow and green, napkins, brush N ° 2, water, jars, stands.

Benefits: picture with dandelions, live dandelion with leaves, bear, bag.
Preliminary work: reviewed the benefits "Dandelion flowers"; sniffed live flowers of dandelions, tried to taste pollen; Slot wreath doll on a walk; Pro observed that the flowers with the sunrise are revealed, and closed with sunset; Read the story "Golden Luggage" M. Prishvin. Before you occupy, put the tables with the letter "P", in the middle to put benches and decompose the necessary materials. On the edge of the carpet, place the chairs, install the easel with the manual, and the Bear put on the chair.
Structure occupation:
(On the carpet. Children sit on the stools along the edge of the carpet. Before them is a chair on which a bear with dandelions sitting, next to the dandelion picture.)
Educator: Guys, see who came to us today! Hello, Teddy bear! I see you came to us not with empty hands. What did you bring it?

bear: I came to you and saw the sunshine! I hid it in the bag.
Educator: Teddy bear, I can look with one eye, what kind of sunk you guys brought?
bear: You can (watch)
Educator: Hmm ... Want to know what a bear hid there? (Yes!) Then guess the riddle. Just listen carefully!
On the lawn near the forest
Flowers bloomed
Yell like a sunshine
On a green leg.
And as soon as you grow up
Hats will wear.
Soft, air,
Obedient breeze.

Educator: (Listen to the guys, then get a dandelion from the bag) Well done, guys, the riddle rightly guess! This is a dandelion!
Dropped the sun is a golden golden.
The first young dandelion grew up.
He has a wonderful golden color.
He is a small sun portrait.

Guys, what can you tell Mishke about this flower? Look at the picture, remember our walks. Flower alive? Why?
Children: From dandelions you can weave wreaths. The flower is alive, because it breathes, it feeds, grows, breeds.
bear: (crying) I also want a wreath of weave, but I have only one flower.
Educator: Oh oh oh! Bed! Guys, what to do? Bear wants to weave wreath, but he has only one flower ...
Children: I need to help Mishke! Draw!
Educator: Teddy bear guys say that they can draw a dandelion. Then we get a whole field of dandelions and you can weave the wreath. Guys, Teddy bear, look at the dandelion. What does it consist of? (Show a picture of dandelion) leg-skeleton - like a wand, a green color.

Leafers are similar to the Christmas tree.

Flower - round, yellow, like Sunny.

In the old days they spoke: "Golden's dandelion - Sun Soncho native." Dandelion looks like a sun? (Children's responses)
Educator: Bear, now the guys will show you how to draw dandelions. Let's go to the tables.
(Children stood next to the tables. Chairs are on the carpet)
Educator: (I show your hand, bend one finger)
1) Guys, what will we do? (paint)
2) What are we going to draw on? (On paper sheets)
3) What will we draw? (paints, tassels)
4) What do you first draw that then? You say, and I will draw. Guys, look at me! (I draw according to them)
5) What did I do? Bear, see what dandelion I painted for you! Lush, bright flower, long thin leg, like arrows leaflets! It grows in the field and rejoices a warm sun.
bear: Oh thank you! How I like this drawing! Such a bright, cheerful!
Educator: Guys, look at the benches. There are brushes, napkins, green and yellow paint, paper. But paper of two colors - on which clean your flower will grow - the morning or evening - choose yourself. And do not forget, on the table purely, under the table purely, I am also clean! Please take everything you need and get up at the tables. Let's check if you have everything on the tables. Paint green and yellow, tassel, napkins, jar with water, sheet of paper. What are the well done!
Now take chairs. All sat down? Look at me. Bear is waiting for you beautiful and neat dandelions. Draw carefully, do not rush! (Children draw) all the stalks and leaflets drew? (Who will draw faster, ask to draw another stalk or leaflet) And now, until our paint dries, let's imagine that we are on the clearing.
(Fingering Gymnastics "Flower")
Dandelion rose in the meadow, (connect hands, depicting bud)
In the morning spring revealed petals (open your arms, distribute your fingers)
All petals beauty and nutrition (in the rhythm words to push and connect fingers)
Together with the root of the root! (Move your fingers - roots)
Evening. Yellow flowers cover petals. (tightly squeeze intertwined fingers)
Quietly fall asleep, the heads are lowered ...

Guys, now we have a paint paint and you can draw the flower itself.
(Those who finished earlier) now come to the Mishke and tell me how your flower grows on the morning - on the morning or on the evening, and how did you paint the dandelion, what's he got. (Finished work folded on the windowsill, so that there are 2 fields of dandelions, morning and evening.
bear: What's the beautiful!!! How many lush, bright dandelions flourished now on our field! Under the Sun! I am exactly smith now weave yourself a wreath! Thank you guys, you are big !!!

Municipal preschool educational institution Kindergarten combined species N 50 "Ogonek" Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, pos. IKSHA, Average group number 7

Performed and prepared the educator: Bondareva A.V. 2016-2017 uch. year

Purpose: Learn to draw a dandelion flowers to draw a dandelion flowers.

A task:

  • fastening the ability of children to paint the leaves with the tip of tassels
  • expand the knowledge of children about the first spring colors.
  • Enrich the vocabulary of children, instilling poetry interest.

Material: Paper A-4 green color, yellow gouache, two brushes rigid and soft, napkins - for each child, water tank, painting with the image of dandelions.

Preliminary work: observation of spring changes in wildlife. Viewing dandelions on a walk, reading a cognitive fairy tale "Dandelion and wind" .

Travel course: Guys pass hello guys. Look at our guests. Let's say hello "Hello" .

Educator: What time of year is it now?

Children: Spring.

Educator: For what signs did you find out that now Spring? (the sun shines warmer, the birds flew, on the kidney trees blossomed, grasslace, the first flowers bloomed).

Educator: What kind of spring flowers do you know?

Children: Snowdrops, coltsfoot, dandelions.

Dandelion - Field Plant. Therefore, it can be found more often on the meadows, fields, in the park, in the forest.

Read the poem to us "Dandelion" .

Dropped the sun is a golden golden.
Dandelion grew up - first, young.
He has a wonderful golden color.
He is a small sun portrait.

Educator: Did you like the poem? What was the poem? And let's look at what the dandelion looks like, what kind of form it is (in the sun, round.) What parts is a flower? (Stem, leaves, flower, root.) That's right, well done.

Educator: Now sit at the tables are wake-drawing.

Educator: Look in front of you a leaf of paper green, two tassels are one tough and the other soft, and the gouache yellow and green. From the beginning, we need to draw dandelion flowers in the dandelion. We take a rigid brush with the beginning of the rigid brush to the water and take yellow paint and on the drawing dandelion in the method of the tick. The petals of this flower are long, thin, have a toothed shape. Start drawing, depicting a thin strip, directed up, with an acute end. Then add cloves on the sides of the base, depicting the right piece of the sheet.

Educator: Let's make a finger gymnastics with you, and dandelions will get dry. Get out of the table and chairs are swing.

Our tender flowers (fingers compressed in cam)
Disseminate petals. (fingers in different directions)
The wind is a little breathe (the children feel lightly)
Petals pegs. (shake hands hands)

Our delicate flowers.
Close the petals (squeeze cams again)
Head swing (shaking cams)
Quietly fall asleep. (Remove your hands from the table)

Educator: And now sit at the tables. Our dandelions dried. Now we will draw the stem and leaves with a soft brush with green paint. The petals of this flower are long, thin, have a toothed shape. Start drawing, depicting a thin strip, directed up, with an acute end. Then add cloves on the sides of the base, depicting the right piece of the sheet.

Educator: Guys and you know what time comes, and the yellow petals replace white guns.

Golden and young
For the week became gray.
And Deanka in two
He balded her head.

Dandelion - very correct flower. Wakes up and goes to sleep with the sun. In cloudy, rainy weather, dandelion does not reveal his petals, keeps them closed. And insects are very loved by dandelions. Bumblebees and butterflies drink dandelion sweet nectar. Bees collect floral pollen, and make dandelion honey.


Let's remember what we did with you at our lesson?

What did you like most?

What are the bees with dandelion flowers?

All the guys have tried today. Well done! And now let's look at our drawings together.


  1. Bondarenko T. M. Environmental classes with children 4-5 years. - Volgograd, Teacher, 2006
  2. Lykova I.A. Fine activity: planning, abstracts of classes, guidelines. Medium group. - M.: Karapuz-Didactika, 2006. - M.: Vlados, 2001.
  3. Colddis D.N. Drawing with children 4-5 years. Abstract classes. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2014
  4. From birth to school

In this lesson, tasks are pursued:

  • develop vocabulary with words: still life, painting, buds, meadow, aroma and comparative turns;



MDOU IRMO "Markovsky Kindergarten Combined View"

Abstract classes

on visual activity

Topic: "Dandelions"

tutor Stepanova D.N.

Software tasks:

  • consolidate drawing skills in unconventional technique "tile hard semi-dry brush";
  • introductory with the method of "printing" of the pattern of the pattern;
  • develop vocabulary with word: still life, painting, buds, meadow, aroma, comparative turns;
  • form composite skills;
  • educating love for nature and interest in painting.


  1. A5 sheet with a vase image
  2. Handout:
  • a4 sheet with a picture of different VAZ;
  • paints watercolor;
  • plate with white gouache;
  • rigid brush;
  • brush №4, №2;
  • flomaster cap;
  • paper napkins;
  • wet wipes.

Musical accompaniment:

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz Flowers".

Preliminary work:

  • toning by children of sheets for drawing;
  • work in the technique of "Tychka hard semi-dry brush";
  • production of a drawing of a vase by children in the way of screen printing;
  • exploring the poem "Dandelion" V. Stepanova (one child)

The course of educational activities:

Educator: Roofing in the grass

Flashlight Golden.

Then dymering

And turned into fluff

(Children - Dandelion)

Educator: Correctly dandelion. Dandelion is a wonderful, magic flower. And what do you think why?

Children: (It turns into the Pooh and can fly away, blooms from late spring and before autumn, looks like the sun ... ..)

Educator: Yes guys, this simple flower pleases us throughout the summer. We collect it in bouquets, weave wreaths. And you know that even

great artists often portrayed this simple and very beautiful flower. Let's see how dandelions depict artists.

Slide 1,2,3 (Slides with paintings on which dandelions are depicted)

The child reads a poem

Dandelion Roadside
Was like the sun is golden
But fed and became similar
On fluffy white smoke.

You fly over a warm meadow
And over the quiet river.
I will be you like a friend
Long to wave a hand.


Slide 4.

Educator: In this picture I wanted to stop more. "Dandelions" Isaac Levitan

Let's go closer and try to see and feel the picture, as the author feels.

It's just still life.

- Do you remember what pictures are called still lifes?

Children: (pictures on which flowers are depicted in a vase, vegetables or fruits)

Educator: And let's check how you know!

Didactic game "Learn the picture"

(The slide presents: landscape, portrait and still life).

Educator: What picture of the artist is still life?

(If the children gave out correctly, all the pictures disappear, and the size of the still life increases).

Educator: Walking around the meadow, the artist narrowed dandelions, put in the vase and turned out to be very beautiful. And it inspired him to write this picture.

Educator: Where is the painter narrow flowers? Therefore, how can they call them?

Children: ( In the meadow Meadow.)
Educator: And what do you think, why did the artist chose such a gray, gloomy background?

Children: ( Compared to the gray background dandelions in white and yellow caps look bright, warm, air)

Educator: Guys, pay attention, various dandelions are depicted in the picture. What is the difference?

Children: (Buds, blossomed flowers and those who have already been blowing with white caps)

Educator: Guys, and let's play the game. (Children get up in a circle)

Didactic exercise with the ball "pick up the word"
Yellow like sunshine.
Round like ...
Soft, like ...
White, like ...
Fluffy, like ...
Fragile, like ...
Here is what an amazing flower!

Educator: Guys, and now I suggest to imagine that this is in our room there is this vase with dandelions. (Children sit in semicircle in front of the screen)
- What can we say about a vase? What is she?

Children: (clay, heavy)

Educator: Vase heavy, clay and flowers in it look fragile, gentle.

Guys, is there a sun here?

Children: Yes

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: There is no painting on the picture.

Educator: It disappeared outside the window. It is not yet bright, lazy.

A little slightly shines through the glass. The sun shines on the vase and the shadow falls from it.

Guys, flowers stand in the room. And what is the fragrance? Let's breathe it.

Children: (Sweet, Honey, Aromatic, Fresh ...)

Educator: Guys, what do you feel when looking at these flowers? What is your mood?

Children: Good, joyful, calm.

Educator: Heat, a sense of joy. Desire to extend the summer. What is the name of a person who depicts all that sees on paper?

Children: artist.

Educator: And I still wanted to become an artist for this picture. And you?

Remember, did we draw a vase last time? Some of them are empty ...

Children: Let's put in her bouquets of dandelions.

Educator: Before taking places in our creative workshop, I propose to relax.

Fizminutka "Dandelion"
Dandelion, dandelion!
(Sat, then slowly rise)
Stem is thin like a finger.
If the wind is fast-fast
(Slimming in different directions)
It will fly to the glade
All around the custody.
(Say "sh-sh-sh-sh-sh")
Dandelion of the stycle
Scatter dance
(Take hands and go in a circle)
And merge with the skill.

Dandelion drawing methods

Educator: How can we draw a bud?

Children: adjusting.

Educator: What does bud look like? On the closed palm let's show (show drawing bud).

- And the yellow blossomy flower looks like a revealed palm like this.

How can we draw it? It can be drawn with a tight brush brush. (Dandelion blossomed drawing)

- Here we are with you and reached the most interesting down flower. This means that the dandelion ripe the seeds and they are ready to fly with the wind far away, far. I suggest you draw this flower using prints (print). Did you see how the stamp is put? This is when they lower the object in the paint and print this image (drawing) on \u200b\u200bpaper. With the help of a printing method, we will have lush dandelions. What are the dandelion parachuts like?

Children:( On snowflakes, crosses.)

Educator: To get such an image, you need to lay a cap in the paint and leave the print (showing the flower element printing method) (showing the flower element printing method). Seem to be? Yes, but one print is not enough for us, you need to make them a lot. What is the form of a white hat at dandelion?

Children: Round

Educator: That's right, and we will make prints in a circle. When we will be ready all the flowers you can try fine stalks and leaves. We draw only the tip of the brush.

Independent activities of children

Educator: Draw as many colors as you consider it necessary. All drawings will be different - someone has one bud, someone has three, someone will draw a lot of fluffy dandelions, and someone is not.

The tutor is rendered Individual assistance, draws attention to the ability to make a composition.


- Our works are ready! Did you like it? What was the most difficult? What is the easiest?

- You guys have such a beautiful, magic dandelions.

- Do you know how artists make their pictures before the exhibition? (In the frame). I propose in the afternoon to make a framework and arrange an exhibition for parents. And what can we need? (Since children are constantly engaged in different types of creativity, they offer: strips for a queen, strips of color corrugated cardboard, plasticine flashers).

An abstract node according to dandelion drawing in non-traditional techniques "Little Sunshine" in the middle group.

Purpose: Fasten with children Drawing in unconventional technique with a dry rigid tassel, cotton wand.


Continue to learn to draw dandelions in unconventional techniques - drawing with a rigid semi-dry brush, cotton wand;

Secure the ability to print with a foam sponge;

Develop a sense of composition in drawing to create an expressive dandelion image in the landscape;

To form aesthetic perception of natural phenomena.

Integration of educational development: cOVE - Communicative, speech development, fiction, physical, artistic - aesthetic.

Materials for classes: listed leaf, watercolor, gouache yellow and green, hard brush, cotton wand, stand for brushes, paper napkins, pieces of foam rubber, cups with water.

Preliminary work: View Golden Dandelion presentation, viewing illustrations with dandelions, observation in nature, memorizing poems and reading stories about dandelion, tinted album leaf green watercolor paint pieces of foam rubber.

Travel course:


On the lawn, near the forest

Flowers bloomed

Yellow, like sunshine.

On a green leg.

And as soon as you grow up

Hoods wear

Soft, air

Obedient breeze! (Dandelions)

On the table at the teacher there is a vase with a bouquet of dandelions. The educator invites children to consider flowers and sniff them. Asks:

What are the dandelions like? Children's responses (on the sun) children touch the flowers and determine what they are on the touch. The teacher shows the leaves of the dandelion and explains that the leaves at the dandelion are not even, but as if with the recesses. It seems that someone ripped them.

The teacher says this plant is considered a medicinal. In September, the flower root is collected and sent to the pharmacy and make medicine from it. Many collect dandelions flowers, poured with alcohol and insist. Such an infusion removes pain in the joints.

From the leaves of dandelions make salad, so they are a large number of vitamins. And the colors are boiled jam and called his May honey.

The educator proposes to remember how children painted with a rigid semi-dry tassel.

Keep brushes like this.

It's difficult? No, trifle!

Right, left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then

Tassel runs around.

Twisted like a wolf -

Behind the chip there is a post.

The teacher shows the children, how to draw leaves and stem with cotton chopsticks.

Independent activities of children

During the work, the teacher as needed helps children.


Slept a flower and suddenly woke up

(kids are squatting, get up

I did not want to sleep anymore.

Moved, reached out

(Children slowly stand up

turns to the left, right, pull out,

Up and flew

(smooth movement of hands to the parties,

slowly run, circling).


At the end of the occupation, children stand up, consider drawings, choose those that most liked most explained than they attracted their attention. The educator praises children for interesting and unlike each other work, makes a remark to some children, as it was necessary to correctly draw the leaves of the dandelion.