Guess a fairy tale by keywords. Literary leisure of "Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales" in the preparatory group

Guess a fairy tale by keywords. Literary leisure of
Guess a fairy tale by keywords. Literary leisure of "Connoisseurs of Fairy Tales" in the preparatory group

The material will be interesting and useful for teachers of primary classes and teachers of the proliferation group.

Competition for junior schoolchildren "Favorite literary fairy tales"

(3-5 teams of 5-7 people participate - connoisseurs of literary fairy tales, they come up with their team name, motto and paint their emblem.)

Competition 1. "Find familiar names"

Each team is issued a sign "fabulous heroes". In the cells, the signs are recorded by the names of well-known children's heroes of children's books and fairy tales. But the letters of names are not always written in one line. For example, as the name of one of the heroines of the fairy tale A. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". Participants must find these names. Here they are eight. (Task execution time up to 3 minutes.)


(The first three teams that cope with the tasks are obtained by 4, 3 and 2 points, respectively.)

Competition 2. "Heroes of fairy tales in riddles"

The host reads one mystery to each team. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale. For the correct answer, the team receives 1 point (if each team gave orders the three riddles, then it receives 3 points for this contest).

To take off above the ground,

She needs a banter with a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

Wooden chalunushka

Commonly make friends with a book.

In the theater dolls, he fell

The dolls faithfully became. (Buratino.)

Loves honey, friends meets

And gripping composes

And also - pylles,

curls, Outwear ... Wow!

Funny bear ... (Pooh).

Not left without tail

Good donkey our ... (IA)

Baked grandfather grandfather

Grandfather stayed without lunch:

In the forest, the boy ran away

On the sock of the fox fell. (Kolobok.)

In Prostokvashino lives.

All farm has there.

I do not know the exact address

But the last name is maritime. (Cat Matroskin.)

That girl is not more beautiful

That girl is no clearer.

And Piero, her sigh.

All day sings about it. (Malvina)

Yes, guys, in this book

Kids live, babies,

And one eccentric lives.

Everything he does wrong.

It will be in bulk.

Who will call it? (Dunno.)

Naughty Vesselchak

The window flies just like that.

He got into the house

And made a pogrom there. (Carlson.)

Riddles A. Kochergin

Competition 3. "Additional name of the literary hero"

The lead calls the first part of the name of the literary hero, and the participants of the game (in turn) complement the missing name of the hero.

1. Dad ... Carlo.

2. Domotovenok ... Kuzya.

4. Postman ... Pechkin.

5. Signor ... Tomato.

6. Dwarf ... nose.

7. Tsarevna ... Swan.

8. Iron ... Woodcutter.

9. Ole -... Luka.

10. Old man ... Hottabych.

Competition 4. "Magic items"

3 participants of the game from the teams stand in the circle, alternating with 1-2 players from other teams. Next, the poem sounds - joining the game.

Magic items in fairy tales come

The heroes of the desire they perform:

A carpet-plane - climb over the world,

Wonderful pot - sweet patch eat.

Well, try and you, my friend,

Magic items to collect the body.

Remember, do not yaw, those objects are called.

A. Kochergin

The participants in the competition in turn (in a circle) call the famous magic items from fairy tales. If the player cannot call the magic item or repeats, he comes out of the game. The team wins, whose player remained the last (or in the case when 2-3 players from different commands remained and called magic items long enough, the teams are obtained by 3 points, the rest of 3 and 1 point).

Competition 5. "Who is the author of a fairy tale?" (Captain Competition)

1. "Red Cap" (Charles Perro).

2. "Konk-Gorbok" (Peter Ershov).

3. "Buratino" (Alexei Tolstoy).

4. "Snow Queen" (G.H. Andersen).

5. Chipollino (Gianni Rodari).

2nd part of the task. Each captain to call one by one not yet called a storyteller.

For each of the tasks performed, the captain of the team receives 1 point.

Competition 6. "Guess that in the chest" (fans competition)

In the chest lie fabulous magic items. The fans of the team must listen to the riddle and guess what kind of magic item in the chest. For the right response, the team has been added to 1 point.

Exactly seven petals,

No flower feature.

Turn off the petal -

It will fly to the east,

And north, and south,

And he will return to us in a circle.

You're galage,

Exercise expectations.

What is this flower?

Buttercup? Lily of the valley? Spark? (Flowery-seven specials.)

Ah, Strana! Ah, hostess!

You, friend, find out it:

It is only worth it -

Everyone will be able to feed.

Many things will be dishes.

How is the thraightu that name? (Tablecloth-self-banner.)

Many miles ahead.

How would they quick to go through?

You try to shore them -

Will overwhelm the path. (Boots-booms.)

Departed in flight

Not a rocket - a plane.

Not simple - painted,

Not steel, and flax

Not with wing, but with fringe. (Carpet plane.)

If you put it on,

You can at least where to go

And at the same time

Can not find you in it. (Invisible hat.)

Riddles A. Kochergin

Competition 7. "Stage of the Fairy Tale"

Each team receives from 2 to 4 points.


Award winners and presenting gifts.


1. To be able to distinguish between magic fairy tales, know their features, authors. To be able to recognize a fairy tale on the passage, know the fairy tales of different nations.

2. Develop the ability to use the knowledge of fairy tales in a new situation, develop thinking, imagination, memory, speed of reaction, explanatory speech, attention.

3. To educate interest in fairy tales, upbringing good feelings for elders, upbringing moral qualities.

Methods and techniques.

Conversation issues, viewing illustrations, surprise moment. Learn fairy tales by passage. Answer quickly to the question. Guess the melody to the fairy tale.

Preliminary work.

Reading fairy tales, viewing illustrations, conversations for the content of fairy tales, exhibition of books "Magic fairy tales". Acquaintance with the work of Russian and foreign writers. Dating with fairy tales of different nations, watching cartoons for fairy tales, listening songs from cartoons.

Leisure course.

Guys, consider, the magic tree has grown in the group. Let's come up and consider Ego.

What do you see on this tree? (Illustrations for fairy tales.)

What is this fairy tale? ("Puss in Boots".)

Who is the main character of this fairy tale? (Cat, Marquis.)

What country did he live in? (In France.)

Guys, look carefully, there are still illustrations for fairy tales Charles Perra.

Name these fairy tales. ("Cinderella", "Red Hood".)

And what fairy tale these illustrations ("Tsarevna Frog", "Savka Burk".)

Guys here left a tales? (Yes.)

What are they tales? ("Thumbelina", "Ugly duck".)

Well done. It was with us not a big warm-up. And now we will check your knowledge of fairy tales.

We need to divide into two teams.

The first team of "Vasilisa Wisili", and the second team will be called "Seven Goggles"

First I will ask questions first team, for each correct answer, the team gets one point. If the first team finds it difficult to answer, it can help it from the second team, thereby earning a glasses.

Questions first team.

1. What is the needlewoman dropped into a well? (Spindle.)

2. Where did gin live 1000 years? (Lamp.)

3. What musical instrument was a pig's? (The flute.)

5. What was the name of three piglets in one fairy tale? (NIF-NIF, NAF-NAF, NUF-NUF.)

7. What did the month of April Padcheritsa give? (ring.)

8. What is your name for a girl with blue eyes? (Malvina)

9. What are the little friends of Snow White? (Gnomes.)

10. Name the Ukrainian fairy tale with a sound in the content of the Russian folk tale? (Teremok, Mitten.)

11. How many meetings were the old man and fish? (6.)

12. What flower loved the monster most? (The Scarlet Flower.)

13. How did the hare boasted in one fairy tale? (I do not have a mustache, but more; not paws, and lamps.)


Questions for the second team.

1. Who destroyed teremok? (Bear.)

2. What kind of transport loved to ride Emelya? (On the furnace.)

3. Where can not be sisted by the bear? (On the pennies.)

5. How was the name of the mice in the Ukrainian fairy tale "spikes"? (Twist and spin.)

7. Name Russian and German fairy tales with a similar plot about how weaker overtaken in a strong and boastful fighting? (Russian - "Lisa and Cancer" German - Brothers Grim "Hare and Hedge".)

8. What caused the destruction of the "Cat House"? (Fire.)

9. Who wore 45 sizes boots? ("Uncle Stepa")

10. Where did Pinocchio put on his nose? (In the hearth)

11. What fairy tale contain warning that you can not drink raw water? ("Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka.")

12. What kind of princess did they say that she rides in the box? ("Princess Frog".)

13. Name a fairy tale in which one hero threatens to another "how to jump how to emphasize"? ("Zayushkina Hut".)


Second Competition "Learn a fairy tale by passage"

Task first team.

1. From what work these lines: Suddenly, from somewhere the jackal on the mare, a telegram from the hippos has risked here. ("Aibolit") Name the author? (K. Chukovsky.)

2. Grandma, Grandma, why do you have such long arms? ("Red Hood") Name the author? (Charles Perro.)

3. Wlipe to me in one ear, and to another get out - everything will be worked out. ("Tinch - Havroshchka") who wrote this fairy tale? (This is a Russian folk fairy tale.)

4. Buy with grief on the floor, turns to the mirrors - the entire partner work is driving around on the seams. ("Uncle Step") Name the author? (S. Mikhalkov.)

5. Wind, the wind you are mighty, you chase flocks, you worry blue sea, you want everywhere on the square. ("Tale of sleeping princess and seven heroes") Name the author? (A. S. Pushkin.)

Task for the second team.

1. From what work these lines are taken: month, month, my friend, gilded horn. You get up in the darkness of the deep church, light. (Tale of sleeping princess and seven heroes) - Who is the author of this fairy tale? (A. S. Pushkin.)

2. The woman put in a pot of magical grains, and grew up a beautiful big flower, inside which a tiny girl was sitting (inch) the author of the fairy tale? (H. Andersen)

3. Light the stone for the bottom pulls, Lyutu Snake Heart suited ("Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka"). Name the author of this fairy tale? (This is a Russian folk fairy tale.)

4. And the dishes are ahead and forth in the fields in the swamps ("Fedorino Mount") Name the author? (K. Chukovsky)

5. The wind on the sea walks and the boat cares cares, he runs himself in the waves on bloated sails. ("Tale of Tsar Saltan") the author of this fairy tale? (A. S. Pushkin.)

The next competition of our evening "Musical"

You will need to guess the melody from familiar cartoons.

We listen to the first musical passage

1. Cartoon "Bremen Musicians"

(Nothing in the world is better not to wander to friends on Bella Light ...)

2. Song of grandmas from the cartoon "Flying Ship"

(Stretching fur harmonica, sing, play, nayarivate ...)

3. Song from the cartoon "Vacation in Prostokvashino"

(If there were no winter in the cities and villages, we never knew these days of fun ...)

4. Water Song from the cartoon "Flying Ship"

(I watery, I would talk to a water to me, and then my girlfriends leeches and frogs ...)

5. Song from the cartoon "Baby - Raccoon"

(From a smile of a gloomy day of light, from a smile in the sky a rainbow will be lit ...)

6. Song of the Bremen Musicians (Well, all the ears of the ears of dilute, it is better to chlo in your hands ...)

7. Lullaby from the cartoon "Umka"

(Sleep your neighbors White bears, sleep and you are speedy kid ...)

8. Song of the robbers from the cartoon "Bremen Musicians"

(Give it that cards in the hands are to pay on the king, oh la-la-la-la ....)


Well done guys, you today pleased with my knowledge, and we still wait a lot of interesting and fascinating.

Visiting a fairy tale

(fabulous quiz)

Goal: Develop a sense of humor, attention, imagination, to bring up a sense of collectivism, the ability to communicate.

call interest in reading, remember reading books.

Time: vacation, festive.

The holiday can hold a cool leader, counselor, librarian.

Form: script game.

Participants: Four teams of six to seven people.

Equipment: on the board poster: "... Russian fairy tales- the memory of our last, repository of Russian wisdom" (N.A. Nekrasov).

Hello, dear friends! We are glad to welcome everyone who came to us who truly loves the book. A good book is just a holiday. The book is the best thing that a person has ever created, because she teaches us, and raises, and leads through life. And most importantly, it makes wider our horizons, develops memory. Here and today we invited you to the holiday of the book. Food quiz:

So, friends will begin the program

We have a big stock!

And for whom they? For you!

We know you love games,

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there is nothing more interesting,

What our magic fairy tales.

Competition: "Guess the hero".

Your first task in the literary labyrinth is a small passage to remember the name of the work ..

Near the forest on the edge

Three live them in the hut

There are three chairs, three circles,

Three beds, three pillows.

(Russian folk tale. Three bear)

With the letter taught to school

Wooden boy

Fits instead of school

In a linen bolav.

Ever the evening approached

And the hour long-awaited

To me in a gilded carriage

Go to the fairy ball .

(Sh. Perro Cinderella)

Stolar Juseppe- SIZY Nose

Called somehow in the house brought

He began to make something

Fully began to say

(A. Tolstoy. Adventures from Buratino)

Grandma girl loved her little

Red hat gave her

(Sh. Persian Cap)

The tail crushed the wolf into the hole

And what is the same in this?

(Russian folk tale. "Fox and wolf")

Suddenly from somewhere flies

Small mosquito

And in his hand it burns

Little flashlight.

Speed \u200b\u200bto spider

Sable takes out

And he is at all

Head cuts out

(K. Chukovsky. "Fly-Codochuha").

Like Meryali Stegi

Two huge legs:

45 size

He bought boots.

And challenge who is small

At the parade raised,

Because everything should

See the army of the country "

(S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Stepa").

The kitchen is angry with the cook,

Crying tipples

And they envy

Sovereign wife.

(A. Pushkin. "Tale of Tsar Saltan").

"I am Tuchka, Tuchka, Tuchka,

And not a bear at all,

Oh, how nice tuchke

Fly to fly! "

(A. Miln "Winni Pooh and all-all").

Plutka to the tree on tiptoe fits;

Retrieves the tail, with the crows the eye does not reduce.

And he says so sweet, a little breathing:

Golubushka, as good!

Well, what a neck, what kind of eyes. "

(I. Krylov. "Crow and Fox").

I will read you a description of the fairytale hero, and you will have to guess who I mean.

    This heroine is a little chatted that he almost led to the death and her own itself, and her grandmother.
(Red Cap. From the Tale of the same name, Sh. Perso)
    This bloodthirsty owner of the castle suffered from his own ability to reincarnate. (Cannibal. Sh. Perro "Cat in Boots")
    This hero looks at all like a hero. Instead of the mail, he has a doctoral bathrobe, instead of a helmet, a white hat, on the nose glasses, and in their hands - sacqued. But, like warriors, he performs real feats. Only he does not kill anyone, but on the contrary - he treats.
(Dr. Aibolit. From the same name of the fairy tale K. Chukovsky).
    This giant is unusual. Unlike other giants, he mastered a lot of professions: he was a policeman, a sailor, a pilot ... and always came to the rescue of small children . (Uncle Stepa. From the same name of the poem S. Mikhalkov.)
    This hero was going to become an artist, but his career was almost committed by five gold coins. He has a double in the fairy tale of writer Carlo Collodi.
(Pyratino. A. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or Adventures from Pinocchio")
    This boy is very independent, economic, loves animals. He left the city to the village and organized his farm there. His buddy in his spare time is engaged in a photohota.
(Uncle Fedor. E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat").
    A cute, working girl, who turns into a real princess from the maras.
(Cinderella. From the tale of the same name, Sh. Perso)
    The jam bank helped this hero, according to his own statement, get rid of high temperatures.
(Carlson. A. Lindgren. "Kid and Carlson")
    This little boy rose among the wolves. He had many friends: Bear Ball, Panther Bagira, Kaa and others.
(Mowgli. From the work of the product of R. Kipling).
    Fabulous beauty with an unusual appearance, which loved to educate everyone.
(Malvina. A. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio).
    This boy is very naughty and very curious, most stubborn and the most loose. He did not go to school, but he himself studied to write poems, play on the pipe and paint portraits.
(Dunno. N. Nosov "Adventures Locking and his friends")
    This "unknown science of the beast" came to our country in the box with oranges and settled first in the telephone booth. Then he found many friends, and all his housing problems were resolved.
(Cheburashka. E. Assumption "Crocodile Gena and his friends.")

Competition: "Fairy Box".

Answer to the proposed questions.

    In this fairy tale, it tells how stepmother sent Padrel to the New Year behind the snowdrops (12 months).
What magic items are in Russian fairy tales? (wand, comb, ax, tablecloth- self-banner, rover).
    What are fabulous heroes moving on? (goose, stupa, boots, booms, rover, etc.)
    This fairy tale tells about seven heroes. One could build an iron pillar from the ground to the sky. Another - to take it on it and in all directions to see, the third one is to make the ship, the fourth one to kill on the fly, the fifth is to hold the stars. What is this fairy tale called? (Seven Simeons).
What fairy tale these words:
    "Mill, my kids, rusk Lebaschiki. The evil sister ruined us, the snake pirder "(white duck).

Competition: "Find a fairy tale"

Fish is not simple, scum sparkles,

Floats, dives, the desire is executed.

(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")

Horse striped long

Rides a field, jumps up.

Horse sprouting small

But but a removed.

("The Little Humpbacked Horse")

Chantechie home found:

The mouse was kind

In the house volume in the end

There was a lot of tenants


Was similar to the ball a little

And rode along the paths.


Competition: "The fairy tale has become a lot."

A long time ago, people dreamed of climbing into the air, like the birds, go down on the bottom of the sea and feel like fish ... Dreamed about the magic items, remember the fairy tale about the pot, which Kashov himself was cooked? There was time, and some dreams have become a reality. Name the wonderful inventions of a person who replaced fabulous items.
Husliogudo- ( record player)Mortar- (rocket, aircraft)Wonderful mirror - (TV, computer) Feather poultry (lamp, chandelier).Sanya that are carrying themselves (car) Tangle of threads indicating the road (compass).Leading: Well done guys, very attentive! And now let's remember the proverbs and sayings about the book. I will start the proverb, and you finish.

    Good book - the best ... (friend). Who reads a lot is a lot ... ( knows). With the book to live - the age is not ... ( grieve). Your friend is friendly without it ... hands). The book will help in labor, will help it in .. ( misfortune). The book is similar to the water - the road will try ..(everywhere).

And now I will perform a song about fairy tales on the melody of the song "Smile".
1 Know, from a fairy tale, a gloomy day of Sveley, know, from a fairy tale in life a miracle happened to your fairy tale, let her friends find you around. Chorus: And then probably You will see Kolobka Well, grandmother Yaga Will become good forever Know, the fairy tale of a small one will stop crying the most gloomy boy, and when you will meet with trouble, the heroes of good fairy tales will help you out. Chorus: And then probably You will see Kolobka And the Snow Maiden dreams you in a dream Well, grandmother Yaga Will become good forever Believe me - it will definitely happen.

We finished the game,

But the holiday continues

The jury will declare us the results
When I am advised

(awarding winners and active viewers)

It came to the end our holiday is small,

Fascinating reading you wish you all the soul.

You, girls, you, boys,

With a book get along and be friends!
Let love for a good book

With you will live together!

MBOU Old-Matakskaya General Education Secondary School

Alckev District Republic Tatarstan


extracurricular activities

librarian Old-Martakskaya

general education

high School

Astafyeva N. V.


The game-quiz "Visiting a fairy tale"

 Intefive children in reading books;

 expand their horizons and vocabulary;

 Raise the guys a sense of good, justice, the ability to love to see beautiful.

Equipment: Team emblems, book exhibition, fairy-tale characteristics, tickets with tasks, cards with patter, disk with songs, incentive prizes.

Conditions of the game: Children 1 - 5 classes take part in the game. 2 teams play. For each correct answer - 1 point. Wins the team that scores the largest points.

Travel quiz.

Hello, dear guys, today, we will visit you at a party in a fairy tale.

From early childhood, we hear fairy tales. Mom reads them when she stacked to sleep, tells Grandma with quiet winter evenings. We are listening to fairy tales in kindergarten, we meet with them and school. Tales accompany us all your life. They love not only children, but also adults.

Listening and reading a fairy tale, we fall into the magic world, where miracles occur, where good always wins evil.

The goal of our today's quizzes is to remember as many fairy tales as possible, their authors and heroes, and even more to join reading.

And now let's imagine our jury.

Two teams participate in our quiz, the team "FAQs" and the team "Wizards" !!!

Teams in Studio !!!

Teams in which the participant answers the task, earns a point for his team. If the team representative does not know the answer, a member of another team can answer, bringing his team a point.

(Song "Visiting a fairy tale")

Let's go we will play!

One, two, three, four, five…

Who will win the quiz?

Of course, the best erudite!

We have no doubt about it -

He will give the answer.

The first contest "Fabulous phrases".

There is the beginning of the phrase from the fairy tale, but there is no end. Finish the phrase.

(Teams respond in turn)

1. In some kingdom ... (in some state).

2. By whining kettling ... (in my opinion).

3. Soon the fairy tale affects ... (Yes, it does not soon be done).

4. Carries me a fox ... (for far forests, for quick rivers, for high mountains).

5. And I was there, honey - drinking drinks ... (I have flowed on the mustache, and I did not fall into my mouth).

6. They began to live - wait ... (and find good).

The second contest "Guess the fairy tale."

(for each correct answer 1 point)

Questions for the first team:

Redhead row

Sunny yes deft.

The house went up - deceived the rooster.

Took him into dark forests,

For high mountains, for quick rivers.

(Petushok - Golden Scallop.)

2. In what fairy tale of the main heroes save from the ripe geese gone with rich shores, an apple tree with rye cakes?

(Swan geese.)

3. In the fairy tale, the hostess was three daughters: one-eyed, double-to-key, trudgeuke?

(Tinzhechka Havroshchka.)

4. "In some kingdom, in some state, there was a king with the queen; He had three sons - all the young, idle, uniforms such that neither in a fairy tale say nor the pen to describe ... "(Rus. Karev. Tsarevna-Frog.)

Questions for the second team:

1. Buck Yes Baby

On a plate nose,

Nothing was swallowed

2. In what fairy tale a girl to get from the forest home, hid in a box with cakes, which is a stuffed bear?

(Masha and the Bear.)

3. In what fairy tale the main character tells such words:

Ka-ka-re-ku! I go on my feet, in red boots.

We carry a braid on the shoulders: I want a fox in a garden!

Flash, fox, from the furnace!

(Fox and hare.)

4. "There was an old man, he had three sons. The elders were engaged in the economy, there were toroval and silent, and the younger, Ivan - the fool was so-so - loved to walk on the mushrooms into the forest, and at home and at home was sitting on the oven. It's time for an old man to die ... "(Squa-bog.)

Third Competition "Nazis Hero"

Lead. Fairy-tale heroes have double names, and fabulous items have double names. I will call the word, and you miss it.

The first part of the subject or the name of the fabulous hero is called, and all together agree on the second part.

1 team

Karabas ... (Barabas)

Koschei the Deathless)

Little Red Riding Hood)

Ivan Tsarevich)

Tom Thumb)

Elena the beautiful)

Zmey Gorynych)

Chicken ... (Ryaba)

2 team

Gold fish)

Dr. Aibolit)

Baba ... (Yaga)

Squa ... (Burk)

Synbad ... (seurior)

Swan geese)

The Little Humpbacked Horse)


The fourth telegram contest.

(The educator reads the telegrams that the postman Pechkin brought. Children guess the author of the telegram.)

Dear guests, help!

Welcome to the villain! (Fly Tsokotukha)

It all ended well,

only the tail remained in the hole. (Wolf)

Very upset.

Inadvertently broke the golden egg. (Mouse)

Save! Gray wolf ate us! (Cats)

Help find a crystal shill. (Cinderella)

From grandfather left, left grandmother, I will soon be with you! (Kolobok)

Calm, only calm. I ate another jar jam. (Carlson)

Do not sit on Pozook, do not eat the pate. (Masha)

Fifth Competition "Amazing Transformations".

Who was transformed or were the fabulous heroes were transformed?

Questions for 1 Team:

Prince Guidon (in Komara, in Mukhu, in Bumblebee).

Naughty duck (in the swan).

Crank from the taway of Aksakov "Scarlet Flower" (in the Prince).

Questions for 2 teams:

Brother Ivanushka (in Kozlenka).

Vasilisa is beautiful (in a frog).

Eleven brothers - princes from a fairy tale. Andersen "Wild Swans" (in the swans).

Sixth Competition "Lottery".

So that the fervor fun is not ugas,

So that time went faster

Friends we invite you

The competition is a lottery.

Participants are suitable for the jury, take tickets on which it is written that they need to do: read the poem, sing a song to name several proverbs or riddles. The best in this competition brings a team 2 points.

In the meantime, our participants are preparing we will hold a contest for Zretyli:

The seventh contest "Blitturnir" (a quick question - a quick response.)

Dwelling Baba Yaga. (a hut on chicken legs)

Who among the inhabitants of the swamp has become Women Ivan Tsarevich? (frog)

The device on which Baba Yaga makes flight. (broom)

What did Cinderella lost? (shoe)

What flowers collected a stepdaughter in the tale "Twelve months"? (Snowdrops)

The hero of the fairy tale traveling on the furnace. (Emel)

Who chickered Pinocchio? (Pope Karl)

Who became a nasty duck? (Swan)

Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)

Crocodile, friend Cheburashka. (Gene)

Turtle, gave a golden keeper from Pinocchio. (Torter)

What caught the fish of the wolf from the fairy tale "Fox-sister and gray wolf"? (tail)

In what fairy tale, the cannibal turns into a mouse, and the cat eats it? (Puss in Boots)

Girlfriend seven gnomes? (Snow White)

 The fat man lives on the roof, it flies all above. (Carlson)

(Song Cheburashka sounds)

Well done! Guys, you all worked fine today and coped with all the tasks. You know the fairy tales perfectly and you can accurately guess them. And in conclusion I want to say: "Guys, read fairy tales, they will help you in life.

The fairy tale is a lie, yes there is a hint, good young lesson! "

Quiz on Russian folk tales

(Middle preschool age)

Purpose: The expansion of children's knowledge about Russian folk fairy tales and the creation of a positive emotional state in children during educational activities.



Learn correct name russian folk fairy tales and their heroes; Continue to acquaint children with the greatest wealth of Russian folk culture - fairy tales.

Shape safe behavior in handling unfamiliar subjects.


Develop the ability to build a dialogue in the process of communication and answer questions to the full proposal; Intensify the mental activity of children.


Rise love for interpretation of folk creativity, the desire to read them.

Preliminary work:

Reading russian folk fairy tales;

Consider illustrations for fairy tales ;

Design of books of books with russian folk taleswith the participation of parents.

Equipment: "Chest with fairy tales", books with fairy tales, letter, cut pictures for fairy tales, cards with fairy tale elements, presentation.

Travel course.


The educator invites children to say hello to guests, and then invites them to a circle.


Hello right hand (stretch forward),

Hello left hand (stretch forward)

Hello friend to my right (stretches his hand to the right),

Hello friend on the left (stretches his hand to the left),

Hello, hello friendly circle (swing hands back-back)

Surprise moment - game situation"Chest fairy tales."

Educator: Guys, today we will go on a trip, to the country fairy tales, where we will meet the heroes of fairy tales and play with them.

There are many fairy tales, sad and funny

And live in the world, we can not without them,

IN a fairy tale can all happen

Our fairy tale in front

Tale in the door to us knock

Speak guest: "Come in"

(The educator pays attention to the chest, covered with a handkerchief, opens it, and in it a book of fairy tales and a letter.)

Educator: - Guys look, what is it?

Children: - Chest.

Educator: Well done, this is a chest. I think that this chest is magical and just never opens.

It means it is necessary ... (children's answers)

Educator: - Before opening the chest, I would like to remind you that you can not remember that when finding unfamiliar toys and items cannot be touched without adults. So I will reveal the chest today . (Trying to open)

It does not open, it seems to be awakened. Let's drink to him with you (Children blow on the chest).

Does not open, can we ... praise (Children clap).

Something does not open, I suggest ... Skil (Children are hoping).

Guys, the chest is very joined, let's all together be together, sweep and praise (Children blow, clap and hollow at the same time).


Look, the chest opened, I propose to sit down, so that everyone can be seen and convenient. (Takes a big book with empty pages).

This is the book of fairy tales, we will now read it. Oh, look, and the book ... empty. And where is fairy tales? (Assumptions of children)

Probably, tales offended, What no one reads them.

Oh, there is some letter here. (Is reading)

- « The fairy tale is miracles and a magical country.

IN tales a lot of adventure, lot fabulous accomplishments.

But that fairy tales you find, You need to go through a lot: complex tasks, funny dates.

Hey guys, rushing, in fairy tales you don't get lost!

And signature: your fairy tales. "

Educator: - Guys, are you ready to pass tests and return the fairy tales to the book? (Children's responses)

-The recorder:

And so the first task "Guessfairy tale. "

I will make you riddles, and you will try to guess the name of the fairy tale .

Stood the house painted,

Oh, beautiful it is!

In it, animals lived -

They did not live.

But the bear came

and let's roar.

Bear house piled up

A little friends did not distribute.

What is the fairy tale? ( "Teremok")

Who came to the Teremka? (Mouse-Nomushka)

Educator:- And who is the last? (Bear)

Educator:-Why did the Bear be able to enter the teremok? (Bear big, and small teremok).

Educator:- Well done, and now listen to the next riddle.

In the forest dark on the edge, everyone lived together in the hut.

Mom, the children were waiting, did not let the wolf's house.

This fairy tale for the guys ...) Wolf and seven kids).

How many kids were the goat mom? (Seven goats.)

Educator:- And this is from what fairy tale?

Sits in a basket a girl near the teddy bear behind his back.

He, without knowing it, carries her home. ... ( "Masha and the Bear")

What did Masha spoke when the bear wanted to sit on the pennies, eat a cake? (I see, I see not sitting on the peneta ...)


Before the wolf was not trembling,

From the bear ran away

And the Lisea on the teeth was all caught? ( "Kolobok")

Who met a bun in the forest? Hare, bear, wolf, fox.)

Who remembers what song a kolobok sang? (I left my grandmother and left my grandfather.)

Educator: - Well done. Guess the next fairy tale:

Helped us apple trees,

Helped us the stove

Helped good, blue river,

We all helped us, all we were covered,

We got home to Mother and Pathushka.

Who blamed the brother? Name a fairy tale? (Swan geese)

Educator: - Well done. Guess the next fairy tale: Once the root is all dragged - a hail of sweat. Mouse is small, but he helped to eat a vegetable. (Russian folk fairy tale "Rust").

Educator: - Well done. Guess the next fairy tale:

Grandfather and Baba lived together

Daughter from the snow blinded,

But the fire hot heat

Turned the girl to par.

Grandfather and grandmother in sorrow.

How were their daughters called? (Snow Maiden.)

Educator : Okay. All coped. Ourquiz continues.

I know you all like to collect puzzles. Therefore, now I propose to collect puzzles to fairy tales and call, guess the name of the fairy tale.

Second task "Gather and call a fairy tale."

(Children take envelopes with cutting pictures. Collect groups of 3-4 people. While children collect puzzles sounds fabulous music .)

Educator : - Well done, everyone coped perfectly. I propose to argue.


Forward four steps,

Four steps back.

Became in the dance

Feet soften,

The shoulder fell

And slightly swallowed.

Educator : - Summaged a little? Well done.

Educator: Let's continue our test, I suggest you guess fairy tale on subjects.

Third task "Name a fairy tale in subjects."

(In envelopes there are images of objects, and children should callfairy tale, on the proposed set of items.)

1 set: Bowl, bed, house in the forest - "Three Bears"

2 set: Rooster, Hut, Snow and Loda - "Zyushkina Hut"

3 set: Hut on chicken legs, stove, river - "Swan geese"

4 set: House, Frog, Wolf - "Teremok"

5 set: Fish, Drub, Dough - "Fox - Sister and Gray Wolf"

6 set: Puddle in the shape of an empty, sister-alenushka - "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka."

Educator: - Well done. In fairy tales very often, another word is added to the name of the character, it is characterized. For example, Ivan ... (Tsarevich). I will call the name of the character, and you choose to it characterizes, fabulous word.

The fourth task "pick up the word hero.

Tsarevna ... (frog)

Geese ... (Swans)

Grey… (wolf)

Bear… (closed)

Bunny ... (run-ka)

Red ... (Hood)

Baba ... (Yaga)

Koschey ... (Immortal)

Cockerel ... (Golden scallop)

Educator: Well done guess all the characters.

Guys, we completely forgot about the chest. Let's look at it again.

(The teacher with children is suitable for a chest and looks into it. Takes the book withfairy tales. )

Look, but in the book fairy tales appeared!!!

Educator: - Well done guys coped well with the tasks of our quiz. Now I see you know the fairy tales very well .

Now we will write a book with fairy tales in the chest and send it to a fabulous country. First, all together say magic words: focus, mocus, bouquet, and then I suggest everyone together at the same time, sink and pat so that the magic happens!

(Children get around the chest, repeat the magical words, clap, so much and blow. And the tutor is hiding in the chest under lining, and then shows that there are no books in the chest.)

Drop the chest? It turned out the book to send a fairytale country.

Well done! We did everything!