What happened to the group of sewer scammers. Sergey Amoralov from "Outwashing Scammers" spoke about life after glory

What happened to the group of sewer scammers. Sergey Amoralov from
What happened to the group of sewer scammers. Sergey Amoralov from "Outwashing Scammers" spoke about life after glory
Sergey Amoralov (Suverlenko) is a Russian artist, a well-known public as one of the participants in the group "Outways". Speaking in the composition of this team, this extraordinary guy managed to show himself as a talented artist, a good composer and the author of words. That is why it is almost impossible to imagine without it. But what else do we know about the life of our today's hero? The answer to this question will be this biography.

Early years, childhood and family Sergey Amoralova

Sergey Amoralov (then Sergey Surovlenko) was born on January 11, 1979 in the city of Leningrad (St. Petersburg). In the northern capital of Russia, all his childhood passed. There, the future artist first began to dream of a big scene.

However, it was, nevertheless, not immediately. At first, Sergey dreamed of becoming a military pilot, and afterwards ... the locksmire, like his father. However, from these thoughts, our today's hero has completely refused. More serious passion in the life of a young guy was a sport. In the younger school, our today's hero began to engage in the Gymnastics section and even managed to get the first adult discharge. Perhaps once Sergey Surovlenko would have managed to grow to a professional athlete, but it was still not destined to happen. In adolescence, he received a serious back injury, and therefore was forced to say goodbye to sports. At first, the guy was very worried about this. However, at some point, it was still able to find another hobby for myself.

Such (as it is not surprising) it became painting. It is this direction in art Sergey Surovlenko discovered before all the others. The process of creating paintings and etudes is greatly fascinated by a young guy. But teachers (and he himself) never celebrated his special talent. Despite the fact that at some point Sergey still managed to achieve certain success in artistic art, his paintings, hardly, could be called real masterpieces.

The first songs of Sergey Amoralova

As for love for music, it always existed in the soul of the artist in parallel with other hobbies. Sergey liked the work of the groups "Prodigy", "Nirvana", "Cure" and some others. Around the same views of the music also adhered to His friend and the neighbor Garik Bogomazov. Together, they often gave improvised concerts near their entrance, however, they were frill predominantly obscene songs.

Sergey Amoralov - Outwashing fraudsters - do any

Just only much later, after Sergey Amoralov became a student of the Leningrad architectural and construction university, the love of music acquired more conscious features. Leaving the university after the first year, our today's hero began to prepare for admission to the Academy of Culture, but did not do there anymore. Everything has changed a random meeting with a young musician Vyacheslav Zinurov, who very soon became the "creative" base of the whole team. It was he who managed at first to send the energy of guys to a more or less decent line. So, in fact, the group "Outways". Sergey with Garick wrote simple texts, and Glory composed no less simple melodies.

As not paradoxically, it is this approach to creativity as a result and provided guys with the first real contracts. For producer of the group, the fairly famous producer Yevgeny Orlov took. From that moment on, in the life of Sergey Amoralov and other members of the music team, a perfect new stage began.

Sergey Amoralov and "Sweet Fraudsters"

The official date of education of the collective is considered to be December 8, 1996. On this day, the "Outways Scammers" group first appeared before the public as part of the Dance City Festival in Cherepovets. Soon, on all radio stations, Russia rang their first hit - "throw smoking". This composition made a group name, and also became the main walker on the first album of the collective - "from color plasticine". However, the real success was still ahead.

A truly well-known and popular group "Scammers" began after recording radio-hit "any-different". Perhaps it is precisely the wrongness and simplicity of this song and predetermined her success among radio listeners. After that, the group began to tour, appearing on various television projects, as well as to interview various editions. During this period, Sergey Amoralov nominated the leading position in the team and, in fact, became his face. In most clips, he played a central role. As a lead soloist, he also performed when recording songs.

Amorals married !!!

Perhaps it is his charisma and charm who brought a tremendous success to "sewer fraudsters". Their songs "Love Me, Love", "Girls are different", "Please note", "And at the river" once sowed fans throughout the post-Soviet space. That is why the group's concert speeches have always been held with the manschlage. For several years, the band recorded six successful albums, and also removed the countless set of clips. In different years, "Sweaty Scammers" became laureates of the Golden Gramophone premiums, the "Song of the Year", "Before Hit" and some others. The period from the end of the nineties and to the middle of the two thousand years became the golden time in the history of the group. However, subsequently, the case went to the decline.

Sergey Amoralov today

In 2008, the group recorded its seventh studio album "called records", but he really did not become truly successful. The group has become less likely to appear on television. The last single team is at the moment the song "Rousseau Tourist". The composition was recorded in 2012, but did not become a certain breakthrough.

Personal life of Sergey Amoralova

In the early 2000s, Sergey Amoralov met for a long time with the soloist of the creation group Darya Yermolayeva. Their novel lasts about three years, but afterwards it was still collapsed.

In mid-2008, our today's hero married his new girl - the ex-model of Maria Edelweiss.

The official date of birth of "Otwe's fraudsters" is considered to be December 8, 1996, when the group gave its first big concert in Cherepovets at the Festival "Dancing City".

In St. Petersburg in early 1997, Sergey, Garik and Tom released a debut album, then everyone learned about the dangers of smoking: the song "Throw smoking." In December 1996, a video clip was removed on this song.

The group was noticed in Moscow, and the further fate of the "fraudsters" was practically solved.

A year later, the video appears on the song "I am learning to dance", and after another six months, "fraudsters" remove their third video "any-different", who visited the vertices of all possible hit parades.

This hit does not leave doubt about the success of the second album of the group under the same name, who saw the light in 1998.

In Kazakhstan, the group removes the clip to the composition "Khali-Gali", and in the breaks between the tour writes a third plate, which comes out in the summer of 1999. Before the release of the "garbage", the group has time to fly to Spain - on the shooting of the fifth video clips - "if tired".

In the spring of 1999, the video product on the lyrical composition "Love me love" breaks all records by the number of ethers and higher positions in the music charts!

In July 1999, a mysterious clip was filmed "I moved".

In the fall of 1999, "Outwovets" will shield the "mu-mu" - the story, "which Schurik told you."

From 1999 to 2001, 4 video clips were removed: "I love", "don't tell me anything," the clip was filmed in Spain on Canar. In the plot of the clip, materials, creative activities "Outwashers" filmed from 1996 to 2000, "girls are different," filmed in France, dir. A.Iigudin, "And the river" - while the last video clip today, dir. - Mironova.

The group consists of three people:
Sergey Amoralov, he is Surovlenko - a soloist, the author of many texts to the songs of "Sweet Scammers". S. Amoralov has the first adult rank of gymnastics and the discharge of a candidate master of sports in sambo. Dreams to jump with a parachute and does not miss a single football match, from time to time leaving the field itself - with friends the ball is driving. Loves "Formula 1", constantly looking on TV news releases to be aware of the domestic political situation in the country and the world.

Tom-Chaos Jr., he is the eldest, he also Vyacheslav Zinurov - the chief "sewing" choreographer, music and arrangements of almost all songs "Outwashing scammers" - his hands. Tom Chaos has a tremendous experience of scenic work. In 1996 he ranked first among St. Petersburg Roller. For five years, he worked in a teenager show "Neon boy" (danced and played a pipe). It makes itself felt and his Di-Jean past: Tom kept her reverent attitude to vinyl.

Garik, he, Igor Bogomazov - the author of the texts to the songs of "Outwashing Scammers", reading the beacon rap. 8 years old was engaged in the St. Petersburg School of Football Team "Zenit", 2 years old studied pop vocals at the Academy of Culture. A year and a half ago, Igor married, and a daughter was born, which Varvara called.

Awards and prizes:
1998 - Awarding the Golden Gramophone Prize in the Kremlin Palace of Congresses
1999 - the presentation of the "Foot Heath" award
1999 - awarding the second in the account of the Golden Gramophone Prize
1999 - Presentation of the Stylish Pieces Award
2000 - Presentation of the "Foot Hit" award (2nd)
2000 - the presentation of the third Gold Gramophone Prize
2000 - Popov's Award
2000 - Laying Star on Alley Stars on Arbat
1997 - 2000 - participation in the song of the year

In the late 90s - the beginning of zero in the domestic show-business used a win-win formula for creating a pop team. Soloists collected together on the principle of "light, red and brunette" had mad popularity at the sophisticated public. , pleased with the eyes and rumor Russian fans, appearing, it seems, in every musical program, in glossy magazines, on school notebooks and diaries and sound from any radio.

And while Sergei Amoralova, Toma Chaos Jr. Amoralova, Toma Chaos Jr. Amooralova, Toma Chaos Jr. and Garik, solved and argued, who "all Mile, Rumble and whiter", guys, according to them, diligently performed the mission of pioneers entrusted to them. Namely - introduced the Russian listener with Rap, executed for dance rhythms. Gradually, the leader of the trio was his melted vocalist.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Surovchenko (Such is the real surname of the singer) was born on January 11, 1979 in Leningrad. Father worked as a 5th category on the defense plant, mother brought up two children - Son and daughter. In childhood, no prerequisites and desire to associate life with Music Naramech. Dreamed about the profession of the pilot, then wanted to become a historian. At school, he perfectly showed himself in his studies, he was seriously engaged in gymnastics, which he left due to annoying injury, was fond of painting.

When it was time to be determined with the university, contrary to the desire of the parents, the choice fell on the University of Architectural and Construction. However, the school eventually graduated from Sergey. Thoughts about the pop faculty of the Academy of Culture were also unrealized.

By the way, with a red-haired Amoral colleague friendly from a long time - they lived on one staircase, they arranged not quite censored performances for relatives. It was Garik who visited a bright idea about creating a fight-band. Found the owner of the DJ console, called backdraft, composed songs and went to the festival.

Sergey Amoralov and "Outweigh Fraudsters"

Then the expected success did not achieve, but met with their future producer Yevgeny Orlov and with DJ with the Wonning Winurov, subsequently became Tom Chaos. So the chronicle of "commuchers" began.

"For a whole year we rehearsed without money, without a producer, on the bare enthusiasm. Become stars, even did not dream of getting rich. They considered themselves a serious underground team, not a pop group, "he remembers Sergey.


According to musicians, the name for the trio did not come up immediately, but the situation was saved by the criminal comedy of film director Frank Oz. On December 8, 1996, the first concert in Cherepovets was given, a debut album was recorded a little later. Soon they drew attention to him in Moscow.

Sergey Amoralov and "Outweigh Fraudsters" - "Love Me Love"

Translated on all TV channels clips for singles "I study to dance", "comma" and "any-different" brought the All-Russian glory and the adoration of the female half of the population. Golden gramophones fell out, the tour was followed not only in their native country, but also abroad.

In 2005, in parallel with the main activity, Amorals, together with DJ, organized the project "Butlegi", combining its own compositions with famous hits.

Sergey Amoralov and "Outweigh Fraudsters" - "all-different"

After 6 years, a new stage was started in the creative biography of "Scammers", when DJ Repa came to replace Igor Bogomazov. Cooperation ceased in 2011 due to the accident in which a new member of the group was hit. The accident turned out to be so serious that the man fell into someone, later a long course of rehabilitation after illness was held.

Personal life

Despite the created image of a hooligan and numerous fans who walked at the entrance, Sergey's personal life does not shine abundance of novels and savory details. In 2000, a soloist Darya Yermolaeva was not resistant to the charm of his handsome. After 3 years of relations, when the fans already expected news of the engagement, the couple broke up.

"Our relationships were quite complicated. We are both artists, proud and ambitious. Honestly, I am very tired and I would like to start my personal life from pure sheet, "the singer admitted, adding that he no longer wants to meet with" popular young ladies. "

However, the word did not restrain himself - his wife was the model Maria Edelweiss. Young people met in the nightclub, at first they just called up, and then by the will of the case again encountered in an entertainment institution.

They spoke up to 6 in the morning, ride in an empty trolleybus, went on a romantic walk to the Park of Culture. Further, Amorals left the tour, which turned out to be inspected by nascent feelings. After returning lovers decided to live together. The proposal to the girl Musician made an extravagant way - arranged a search with checks of documents.

Sergey Amoralov Now

In addition to touring and concerts, where the two remaining "comma" successfully arrange a return to their public in the 90s, Sergey tried to develop his own business packaging business.

The stars do not indulge everyday posts and long reflections about everything - they infirmly laid out photos from travel, speeches, meetings with colleagues, sometimes flashed children's years and stormy youth. Records under the pictures are brief, laconic, but very emotional. Buckwheat - "love me love"

In 2017, the hit of the "fraudsters" called in a new way: the singer recorded the song in which the quiring chorus "love me, love."

In 2018, the media led the scandalous information about the fact that the former soloist Alexei Rednikov is not taken back to the group after treatment. Sergey himself is surprised to this statement and denies it in every possible way.


  • 1997 - "From color plasticine"
  • 1998 - "Anyway"
  • 1999 - "Bullshit"
  • 2000 - "Sticky Hands - 2"
  • 2002 - "Provocation"
  • 2005 - "Any songs about different"
  • 2008 - "called records"

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In our young years, it was fashionable to dry up the walls of their room with posters with the image of popular groups and performers, despite parent protests. And at all times, the girls were preferred, of course, the pretty singers and soloists. And if almost every 1990th and 2000 multiller magazine by photos "on-on" or smash!, Then the fan of the end of the 80s accounted for a lot to work to get a cherished poster with "affectionate".

website I remembered the hot guys from the domestic pop groups of past decades and asked how they look now.

1. Affectionate May

The closing producer Bary Alibasov founded the group "on-on" on the outcome of the 1980s, and this Boyz-Bend raised the show-business 90s from the head. The group exists to this day, but its participants changed. Only Vladimir Politov remained from the canonical composition (on the second photo of the second left) and Vyacheslav Zherebkin (second right).

The main vocalist of the group from the date of its foundation, Vladimir Levkin (first-left in the first photo) left the group in 1998. The artist began to perform solo and film. Now Vladimir can often be seen on television in entertainment television programs.

Another former soloist of the group, Vladimir Asimov, lives in Spain, does not communicate with former colleagues and journalists. Continues to record songs, including in Spanish.

3. Ivanushki International

The group "Ivanushki" has existed since 1995. In 2013, the "white" participant, Oleg Yakovlev, left the team, deciding to sing alone. His place was taken by Kirill Turichenko. In this composition, the group acts today.

Unfortunately, in 2017 Oleg Yakovlev left his life. This is not the first death of the ex-participants of Ivanushki International: in 1998, the soloist Igor Sorin tragically died.

4. Nancy

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a group "Nancy" occurred to Anatoly Bondarenko, who became its soloist and producer. He collected several participants for the collective, among them there was a keyboard player and vocalist Andrei Kostenko. In the face of Bondarenko and Kostenko, the megapopular group of the 90s exists now.

5. Hands up!

From the base in 1996 and until 2006, the Group consisted of Sergey Zhukov and Alexey Poykhin. Then the teams of the team flowed "from each iron."

But in 2006, it was decided to stop the activities. There are many new groups with which "hands up!" could not compete anymore. Sergey Zhukov began to produce solo albums, and after some time began to tour alone, using the name "Hand Up". The affairs of his musical group are not bad, the interest of the audience does not dry.

News about Alexei Poykhin appear infrequently. It is known that he will produce young performers and tours in Russia with a team, which called "Raise Hands up."

6. Revalvers

Revalvers won popularity when in 2000 released the song "You are alone". The track instantly became a hit, and the pretty soloist Alexei Elistratov is a favorite of girls.

The last clip of the group was released in 2006, then Revalvers disappeared with the radar show business. Elistratov continues to be filmed in the cinema (he actor) and periodically protrudes with the group at the festivals of nostalgic music.

7. Disco Accident

"Disco Accident" won our hearts as a quartet, but after the tragic death of Charming Oleg Zhukov turned into a trio. In this form, the team existed for many years.

After 22 years, in 2012, Nikolai Timofeev left the group to go to single swimming. Now at concerts, he performs songs of his own essay.

In the same year, the team replenished Anna Khokhlov.

8. Dynamite

The group "Dynamite" was born in 1999. Shortly before that, Sochi DJ Ilya Zudin (in the photo in the center) suggested the producer Yuri Aizenshpis to create a male trio. He agreed, and Zudin became one of the soloists. Soon, Leonid Neurushenko joined the team, and then Ilya Durov.

After leaving the Nerushenko group in 2003, Ilya Danilchenko occupied his place. After 2 years, Leonid Neurushenko died in an accident.

Now Ilya Zudin is busy with his own creativity. Ilya Danilchenko develops a business, conducting training seminars. About Ilya Durov a little is known, he does not lead the social network and does not communicate with the media, he is engaged in directed. And the group "Dynamite" no longer performs, does not record new songs and actually does not exist. But their hit "I will not forget" we will remember for a long time.

9. Prime Minister

In the early 2000s, Vyacheslav Bodolic, Peter Jason, Jean Grigoriev-Milimers and Marat Chanyshev were at the peak of popularity as the Prime Minister group. In 2002, they presented Russia on Eurovision. But after 4 years, due to disagreements with producer, the guys decided to go and work independently. Since the rights to use the name "Prime Minister" they did not have, young people began to call themselves a group "PM".

The team stands so far, only Vyacheslav Bodolika left it.

10. Plazma.

PLAZMA's permanent participants are the Roman Chernitsyn and Maxim Bed. The band was formed in 2000 and pleased fans with their work to this day.

11. SMASH!

SMASH! It lasts only 6 years, from 2000 to 2006, but I managed to fall in love with thousands of girls. And also gave the domestic show-business of two independent talented singers.

Sergey Lazarev is one of the most popular Russian pop artists. He represented Russia twice on Eurovision, and both times very successfully.

Vlad Topalov also protrudes solo. He recently married TV presenter Todorenko, a couple had a long-awaited firstborn.


The trio was created in 1996. In 2011, Igor Bogomazov left the group "Outways", now he leads the solo career. The artist changed Andrei Repnikov, who in 2016 came to the accident, after which he was treated for a long time. Two other soloists, Sergey Surovlenko and Vyacheslav Zinurov, continue to perform, performing old hits.

In the 1990s, youth pop groups were massively created in Russia. Usually they clearly shared, depending on the audience, on youthful and maiden. "Outways" became one of the popular "boyfriends" teams, quickly won the whole army of the fan. "Love me, love", "girls are different", "and the river" turned out to be indisputable hits.

Now the group continues to exist. This is the duet of Sergei Surovlenko (Amoralova) and Vyacheslav Zinurova (Toma-Chaos of the younger). About the Third Ex-Soliste Igor of Our Logomas tell little as a musician, although it follows from an interview that Garik is currently engaged in solo project. Andrey Repa (REPA), who survived a heavy car accident, passed a long rehabilitation. Now he, he said, would like to return to the group, but until it could do it.

Sergey Surovlenko

Amorals are one of the group leaders. The real surname of Solist - Surchovenko. The singer was born in 1979, he was already forty. Sergey says that life since 1998 has practically not changed. These are touring, recordings, shooting clips, participation in concerts.

Creative career

Although now "Sweet Scammers" will not see on TV, Amoralov assures that the band is still popular. True, the audience is not too glad to new songs, she basically asks to fulfill old hits. According to Surchovenko, it is understandable. After all, in karaoke, people sing what has long been familiar and loved.

Sergey recalls the times of his former glory. It happened that he was waiting for the entrance of twenty-thirty girls. I had to hide, wear a cap and glasses. According to the artist, if someone likes it, then this is a sign of star disease.

In an interview with Lady Mail.Ru, he confirmed that the main concert activity of the group is now participation in various urban events and speeches on corporate countries. The singer frankly says that heavier tolerate the flights, and concerts in the local cultural palaces seem to him "Mouorny."

As for the parties and secular musical events, he argues that he does not like such entertainment. Visits only the birthdays of friends. For example, I recently amorals was on Leonid Agutin's festival. With him, "fraudsters" associates not only friendship, but also cooperation - this year a joint track came out.

The questions about the solo career Sergey replies that there are materials for the album. Mostly it is guitar music. But in general, according to Surovlenko, he considers the most comfortable job in a duet. Therefore, at present, Sergey Amoralov is developing this particular format.

Srolo married on the former model of Maria Edelweiss. For the wedding, the couple chose the date 08.08.2008 as a symbol of infinity, and they are familiar from 2004

Vyacheslav Zinurov

Tom Chaos Jr. - the second permanent team member. In October of this year, he will be 48. He is pleased to perform in the group. According to the artist, their old songs are characterized by good texts, therefore, they are able to withstand any arrangement.

The soloist recalls that one of the main hits of the group - "Love me, love"it was written for another artist, Sergey Makarova. The author of the song is Alexander Kozlov. Zinurov used to work together with Makarov in the Neon Boy Team. He fulfilled the song just once and no longer performed, and Vyacheslav she really liked. He suggested using the chorus, and the words of the versue change in the style of "fraudsters." Alexander Kozlov did not mind.

Now "love me, love" is still popular. Many performers made her cover version. The most famous version of the singer buckwheat is most famous. However, Amorals and Zinurov do not consider it a competitor.

Career DJ

Currently, Tom Chaos is engaged in except performances in a group, also arrangements. As DJ Vyacheslav works with DJ Ivan Martin. This fruitful cooperation lasts since 2009 during this time, high-quality remixes are made for many performers, including for Maxim and Elena Dameman. Together they wrote compositions in English. In this direction, a contract with Warner Music was concluded, although the offer from Universal Music was reported.

In an interview, the musician emphasizes that the approach to work in show business should be reasonable. Do not immediately descend earned. Thanks to this relationship, according to Vyacheslav, both members of the team have apartments, and at home, and business.

In 2009, Tom Chaos married the soloist VIA "Cream" by Evgenia Sinitskaya. Now his spouse is an actress and singer. She created a solo music project Jacks Michelle, and in 2018 began performances in the Gogol School plastic theater.

Igor Bogomazov

The third ex-participant of the group worked in the team from 1996 to 2011. He calls himself not Igor, and Garik. For questions, why he left the group, Sergey Amoralov replies that it just happened - "Divided as in the sea ships." Our godsas in details is also not going away, but he says that they parted badly, so we are not talking about returning to the group.

Solo career

Bogomazov tells that he is engaged in solo creativity, also tries himself as a DJ. Now he is forty-four years old. One of the latest works - Remix "Meet the New Year". Garik participates in charitable promotions. In particular, performs at concerts under the program "Good without borders."

He is interested in football from his youth, she was engaged in Zenit's sports school. Now he plays for the amateur team of Starro stars and emphasizes how important it is to maintain a good fitness.

Personal life

Igor was married twice. Marriage with the first spouse Yulia collapsed, the couple has a daughter of Varbara. Wife name Victoria. She helps her husband in the development of a musical career.

About relationships with Julia, media have been periodically mentioning the emerging difficulties for several years. In 2013, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" wrote that the Bad Mazovas is in the federal wanted list due to non-payment of alimony. The amount of 635 thousand rubles was indicated. Igor himself was in complete bewilderment, reporting to correspondents, which did not think to hide. He explained that they and the former wife jointly came to a decision to refuse alimony, and her present position was incomprehensible.

The topic of relationship with ex-wife and daughter remains tense and now. In 2018, the musician became the hero of Shaw Andrei Malakhov. The program also participated in his ex-wife Julia, the present spouse Victoria and daughter of Varvara. It was about the fact that Igor helps a little child. The singer denies this, clarifying, in turn, on endless requests for financial payments for dubious purposes.

Andrei Repnikov

This group member was known as Repa. He became part of 2011 after the departure of Bogomazov. Andrew is the author of most compositions that have become hits. According to the musician, they are written most of the songs for four albums.

Accident and treatment

In 2016, Repnikov got into a heavy accident, after which she fell into someone. He returned from the cottage and did not cope with the control of the machine. His wife, love reported the serious condition of her husband and the need for expensive treatment for which there is no funds. As a result, the collection of money was announced to restore the health of the musician. Andrei was born in 1970, now he is forty-nine.