Television as a means of transmitting information. The Role of Television in the Life of Modern People There are several factors that indicate the role of television and the presence of blue screen addiction.

Television as a means of transmitting information.  The Role of Television in the Life of Modern People There are several factors that indicate the role of television and the presence of blue screen addiction.
Television as a means of transmitting information. The Role of Television in the Life of Modern People There are several factors that indicate the role of television and the presence of blue screen addiction.

What do children see on the screen? In 116 hours, 486 scenes of violence (murder, fighting, etc.) and erotica were shown. There are 4 scenes of violence and eroticism in one hour. Every 15 minutes an act of aggression, violence or an erotic scene. On average, a Russian teenager sees at least nine "live pictures" every day

Children perceive violence as a possible way to resolve conflicts. The person becomes more vulnerable to violence in real life. More likely to become a victim of violence There is a significantly higher chance that a child will grow up to be an aggressive person and may even commit a crime.

Learning learning difficulties and reduced attention (low school performance) risk of failing the entrance exams to higher school maladjustment to real life: they communicate less and worse with peers, weaned to think for themselves. Expression of speech deteriorates Lack of mathematical and reading skills Television does not contribute to school performance, but, as a rule, affects it negatively.

Television is a source of information as well as a medium for entertainment and education. Not so long ago, it was customary to watch TV shows with the whole family. At the end of the session, disputes and reflections arose regarding this or that moment. Today role of television neither a person has changed significantly, and films, programs or cartoons are of a different nature, which does not always have a positive effect on people. Very often people become addicted to television.

There are several factors that indicate the role of television and the presence
depending on the blue screen:

  • spending time in front of the TV for more than four hours
  • irritability and nervousness because there is no way
    watch a TV show or movie;
  • all hobbies, communication with friends and other joys of life
    are relegated to the background in favor of the film;
  • there is a desire to buy only those goods that are often
    advertised on TV;
  • actions in real life repeat the actions of loved ones
    movie heroes;
  • all information shown on TV is perceived as

Influence of TV especially strong, so it is necessary to limit the baby's stay in front of the screen. It is better to purchase modern TV models, since the most dangerous radiation emanates from the back panel of outdated samples. Toshiba LCD TVs were among the first to hit the market and are the best choice today.

As for the influence of TV on the psyche, everything is much more complicated here. Scientists have conducted more than one study, according to their results, it became known that children perceive the information shown on TV as reality. That is, they do not understand the difference between fiction and truth.

TV in modern life most often plays a background role, this is taken for granted. A powerful emotional and informative stream often leads to problems that are associated with advertising addiction. People themselves without realizing it become hostages of imposed stereotypes of thinking and behavior. To prevent such negative consequences of TV exposure on a child as poor sleep, excessive excitability, addiction, headaches, decreased vision, it is possible only by reducing the time of watching cartoons and programs to a minimum.

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The project on informatics on the topic: "Television as a means of transmitting information" The project was completed by a student of 9 "b" class Aliya Atakbilieva Supervisor Z. Efimova 2009

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Purpose of the work: To study the history of the emergence of television; its impact on human health; reveal the positive and negative sides of television.

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Plan: 1. Introduction 2. History of television 3. Television 4. Harm to health Effects of television on the health of the nervous system 5. Tips for watching TV 6. Conclusion 7. References

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1.Introduction As a bright and unsurpassed phenomenon of the cultural and spiritual life of modern society, television brings to mankind the great benefits of freedom, enlightenment, the possibility of exchanging information, opinions, and brings nations together. Thanks to earthly and unearthly - in the literal sense of the word - capabilities, television delivers information to the house from the other end of the world, from close and distant neighbors. A new era of communication between people is being born. Much has been written and said about the benefits of television. But a serious researcher of this phenomenon is obliged to discern in its future development the social dangers, the underestimation of which can cause, and is already causing noticeable harm to social progress.

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The first patent for the electronic television used now was obtained by Boris Rosing, a professor at the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, who applied for a patent for the "Method of electrical transmission of images" on July 25, 1907. However, he managed to achieve only the transmission of a fixed image at a distance - in the experiment on May 9, 1911. For the first time in history, a moving image was transmitted over a distance on July 26, 1928 in Tashkent by inventors Boris Grabovsky and I.F.Beliansky. Although the act of the Tashkent Tram Trust, on the basis of which the experiments were carried out, testifies that the images obtained were crude and unclear, it is the Tashkent experience that can be considered the birth of modern television.

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The first television receiver in history, on which the Tashkent experiment was carried out, was called a "telephot". At the insistence of Professor Rosing, the application for patenting the telephoto was filed by B. Grabovsky, N. Piskunov and V. Popov on November 9, 1925. According to V. Makoveev's memoirs, on behalf of the USSR Ministry of Communications, all the surviving documents on telephony were studied for establishing the possible priority of Soviet science by the television departments of the Moscow and Leningrad Telecommunications Institutes. The final document stated that the operability of the "radiotelephone" was not proven either by documents or by the testimony of direct witnesses. A different opinion regarding the prospects of Grabowski's invention was held in the United States, and in Mitchell Wilson's novel "My brother, my enemy", which sets out the American version of the history of the creation of television, it is the telephoto that is described as the forerunner of modern television.

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There were other models of electronic television: the "dissector" by Philo Farnsworth and the "running beam" by Manfred von Ardenne, also invented in 1931, but they could not withstand the competition with the iconoscope. Regular television broadcasting in Russia began on March 10, 1939. On this day, the Moscow television center on Shabolovka, through transmitters installed on the Shukhov tower, broadcast a documentary about the opening of the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks. Subsequently, the programs were broadcast 4 times a week for 2 hours. In the spring of 1939, more than 100 TK-1 TVs received programs in Moscow. In the second half of the 20th century, television became widespread. Its role in the world was emphasized by the UN, having established a memorable day - World Television Day.

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3. Television (Greek τήλε - far away and Latin video - I see) is a communication system for broadcasting and receiving a moving image and sound at a distance. Television is based on the principle of sequential transmission of frame elements using a sweep. The frame rate is selected mainly on the basis of the smoothness of motion transmission. To narrow the transmission frequency band, interlaced scanning is used, it allows you to double the frame rate (and therefore, to increase the smoothness of the transfer of moving objects).

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The television path (from light to light) generally includes the following devices: Video camera VCR Transmitter Receiver - TV

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A video camera is an electronic filming device, a device for obtaining optical images of the objects being shot on a photosensitive element, adapted for recording or transmitting moving images to television. Usually equipped with a microphone for parallel audio recording.

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VCR - a device for recording or reading a video signal on a magnetic tape

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Transmitter - A radio frequency signal is modulated by a television signal and emitted into the air (broadcast via cable is possible). Sound is transmitted on a separate frequency, usually using frequency modulation.

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Television (television receiver) is an electronic device for receiving and displaying television programs, as well as images and sound from video playback devices.

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Spending too much time in front of the TV is unsafe to health. And the harm does not lie only in the danger of losing sight. So, recently, experts published a report on the dangers of excessive TV viewing. This report showed that prolonged television viewing affects mortality from obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol.

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The fact is that when a person pays too much attention to watching TV, he forgets about playing sports or some useful physical activity. People are so attached to the "box" that they even eat near it, not wanting to miss a minute of television broadcasting. But all this (a sedentary lifestyle) negatively affects human health, and in the future can lead to premature death. In their report, the researchers showed how television affects human intelligence. Let's So this report provided statistics for some countries where people are tele-dependent.

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Today television has come to every home. The four-hour TV viewing norms per day, recommended by the Ministry of Health, are not followed by anyone. The TV stays on almost all day long. The ability to watch all kinds of TV shows from almost all over the world "chains" a person to the screen for the whole day. Television has an informational and emotional impact on a person. The effect on the nervous system is predominantly unfavorable. Caused by this phenomenon can be the following causes of emotion.

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First of all: 1. Do not be closer than 2-3 meters from the screen. 2. It is very harmful to watch TV in the dark. Be sure to turn on some dim light - sconce or floor lamp, positioning the lamp in such a way that the light bulb does not reflect on the screen. 3. It is important to monitor your posture. To indulge in watching your favorite movie while lying on the couch is much less useful than sitting evenly and without hunching on a chair. It also does not hurt to periodically change your location relative to the TV. The main thing is not to sit at too sharp an angle to the surface of the screen. 4. But the most unacceptable is to watch a movie or program while eating. Being distracted by what is happening on the screen, experiencing various emotions caused by what you saw, you deprive yourself of proper digestion and become on the straight path to stomach ulcers.

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5. You should sit straight without tilting your head to the left or to the right, the human brain can at a certain moment concentrate only on performing one task. Trying to concentrate on doing your homework and watching TV is one of the worst mental stressors and can strain your eyes. Good vision requires air: the eyes must receive oxygen. Therefore, take care of ventilation. 6. It is especially necessary to control how much time your children spend watching TV. Doctors came to the conclusion that the duration of TV viewing for children under 7 years old should not exceed 30-40 minutes, from 8 to 12 years old - 1 hour, from 12 to 14 years old - one and a half, and from 14 to 17 years old - two hours a day ... If you follow these guidelines, your TV will never harm your health.!

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6. Conclusion: After completing this project, I came to the conclusion that TV is a means of transmitting information and plays a big role in people's lives. I studied the history of television, revealed its positive and negative sides and impact on human health. From the "ugly duckling" television has grown into a huge industry, has become the embodiment of the labors and efforts of gifted people who decided to make the dreams of science fiction writers come true. In less than a century, the information web of hundreds of television channels broadcasting in different parts of the world has covered the entire Earth and made almost any information available. It was television that embodied technological progress and the development of mankind, in which we see a reflection of our lives. We often scold television, but in almost every apartment there is a device in a place of honor, which has become an integral part of our life.

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Information resources: Business achievements of the XX century. Top ten. Transmission 4. Formation of television. Sergey Seninsky. Radio Liberty. Encyclopedia of Home Electronics. On-line encyclopedia.

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Parent-teacher meeting. Topic: TV in the life of a family and a student. Television should not be an end, but a means. From the program "Cultural revolution" Class teacher of the 2nd grade "g" MOU secondary school № 16 Shchelkov: Chuprunova I.V.

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Meeting Objectives: Together with the parents, identify the merits and demerits of having a TV in the child's life. Show the influence of television views on the psyche of a child. Determine the names and number of programs for children to watch.

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Questions for discussion: Statistics and figures on the role of television in a child's life. The influence of television programs on the formation of the character and cognitive sphere of the child.

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Questions for discussion: Do you and your family members think that television should be among the main household items? What TV shows do you think shape a child's personality? How do you think it is necessary to organize a child watching TV? Suggest possible options.

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Some statistics: Two thirds of our children aged 6 to 12 watch TV every day. A child's daily TV viewing time is, on average, more than two hours. 50% of children watch TV programs in a row, without any choice or exception. 25% of children aged 6 to 10 watch the same TV show 5 to 40 times in a row. 38% of children aged 6 to 12, when determining the rating of the use of their free time, put the TV in the first place, excluding sports, walking in the air and communicating with their families.

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Here are the results of a classroom survey conducted around the following questions: How many times a week do you watch TV? Do you watch TV alone or with your family? Do you like to watch everything or do you prefer some particular programs? If you were on a desert island, what items would you order a kind wizard to make your life interesting and not boring?

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The results of children's answers to the questions posed: 1 question. Every day Every other day 24 4 2 questions Alone With family 21 7 3 questions Everything in a row Individual gears 9 19 4 questions TV Other all 0

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Discussion on the questions: What to do and whether it is necessary to do something? Perhaps you should simply prohibit TV viewing or restrict your child to certain programs? What does TV give a child? Is there something positive about watching TV, especially for students?

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It must be remembered that the influence of television on children is very different from the influence on the psyche of adults. Children cannot clearly define where is the truth and where is the lie. They trust everything on the screen. They are easy to control, manipulate their emotions and feelings. Only at the age of 11 do the guys start not so trusting in what is on the screen.

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Recommendations for parents: 1) Together with children, determine TV programs for viewing by adults and children for the next week. 2) Discuss favorite TV shows of adults and children after watching. 3) Listen to the opinions of children about adult programs and express their opinions about children's programs. 4) TV should not be a significant part in the life of parents, then it will become a positive example for the child. 5) It is necessary to understand that a child who daily watches scenes of violence, murder, gets used to them and may even experience pleasure from such episodes. It is necessary to exclude them from viewing by babies.