Marilyn Kerro and her new guy Mark. Marilyn Kerro rests in Greece with a mysterious man after parting with Shepps

Marilyn Kerro and her new guy Mark. Marilyn Kerro rests in Greece with a mysterious man after parting with Shepps
Marilyn Kerro and her new guy Mark. Marilyn Kerro rests in Greece with a mysterious man after parting with Shepps

Alexander Sheps - Russian Practitioner Psychic, the winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics". According to his talent fans, the medium is able to communicate with the dead and tell the details about the things and their owners after one touch.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Olegovich Sheps was born under the sign of the Zodiac Sagittarius on November 26, 1986 in Samara. At birth, his mother was very surprised at birth, as the babies usually appear on the light with a red tint, Sasha was born white as an ivory. In the family, Alexander is the fourth son of five children. Nestlavian appearance The boy inherited from his parents. As the Magician himself later explained - by nationality, he is a quarter of a Jew.

Mom Lyudmila Shepps in his hometown is a person known: a woman knows as a clairvoyant and doctor, spirit and a plate. Alexander Sheppsy biography is very different from simple, ordinary people. In childhood, parents discovered that the boy secretly communicates with someone invisible. These abilities were transferred to Alexander from Mother. By the age of 13, Sheps finally understood that something was happening to him: the boy sees those who do not see others. From the early years, Mom also saw his deceased father, so the chatting of the son with the world of the dead was not disturbed by a woman.

Father Oleg Grigorievich is a cemetery worker. The task of the senior sheps is to supply water and light. The world is indifferent to the world of the dead, because it does not see anyone from the other world. To the abilities of the son used, it is not afraid of his strange connections and claims to be afraid of living.

When Sheps studied at school, a very close man died - a boy's grandmother. At that time, the woman was 87 years old. Under the life of the grandmother, the boy often came to her after school to swim. Alexander premeditated her death. He was wondering how he stands at the grave of her grandmother and holding a ring. When a woman really died, Sasha took it a ring at a funeral and now never removes him.

After school, Alexander entered the local theater institute towards the "actor of the Dramatic Theater and Cinema", but did not finish and threw an educational institution. This did not prevent him from some time to engage in professional acting and model business. Also fond of vocal creativity, recorded songs and planned to release a solid disk.

Sheps wrote scripts, engaged in photography. In his arsenal, a collection of photo and video filming with impressions, telecoms with the participation of famous stars of show business. For some time, Alexander was an actor in the "Hammer" theater, and also the administrator of the studio of special events "Atmosphere". His interest in something new always hit relatives and loved ones.

In 2007, an attempt was committed at the guy. Unknown on the motorcycles shot the car whisper and his friend, wounding the psychic in the neck. After Alexander told that this event was not planned. Just two inadequate guys in narcotic intoxication decided to challenge by choosing the first car.


The official selection of the "battle of psychics" Sheps was late, his participation in the project was random. Maga was not invited to the first qualifying test, but he decided to come to the park himself, where the casting of future participants was passed. Surprised audience Ahali from delight, watching the actions of psychics.

Sheps during tests used all sorts of attributes: the cane from which he took the amulet "Wolf Shepherd", candles, matches, knives, gravestone, coins and spheres in the bowl. Before proceeding with the test, the magician waved the dagger. With it, Alexander allegedly can overcome barriers between the worlds, to understand what the dead say.

In the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics", the medium won, defeated many strong rivals. He is now hard to go down the street and stay unnoticed.

The most popular psychic leads private practice, conducts seminars, reads lectures and publishes books about supernatural practices. Alexander Sheps reads Tarot's cards and answers questions about the past and future with the help of a pendulum. He also began to create or discourage items, which subsequently given to their owners a powerful positive energy charge.

Sheps never conducts receptions via the Internet and does not ask for money to prepay. He agrees only at a personal meeting.

Numerous "official" Pages of Alexander, offering remote assistance, unreal, so a man advises not to succumb to the provocations of fraudsters.

Alexander Sheps now

In 2017, Alexander Sheps took part in a number of issues of the show "Psychics conduct an investigation" as a pair with Marilyn Kerro and with other psychics. Also, the medium became a member of the special season of the show "Psychics lead the investigation: the battle of the strongest."

In June 2017, a tragedy occurred in the life of Alexander: his girlfriend and mentor. The medium posted a post about the death of Ilona Novoselova in "Instagram", communicated with the deceased witch as a living and promised not to forget Ilon.

In 2017, psychics went on tour in the cities of Russia with a seminar "Your Map". In the fall, Alexander's speeches were held in Sochi, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.

In May 2018, Alexander Shepp visited the project participants "Songs. Realities »TNT TV channel. Organized a music show two label - Black Star and Malfa (producers and). During the visit to the musicians, clairvoyant presented everyone in the amulet, and also presented blue and black roses. According to the magician, such flowers designate wisdom and intuition, which will suit the singers in the creative career. Sheps's visit completed an intriguing statement that he already knows the future winner of the project, but his name left secret, not wanting to upset the rest of the participants.

Alexander Sheps on the project "Songs. Realities "

In summer, TNT channel viewers could monitor the extrasensus during the broadcast of one of the football fights in the framework of the TNT Play Football Party 2018 project, in which Alexander appeared together with the party Comedy Battle Ariana Llava. The magician from the first minutes of communication with the girl was fascinated by her charm and wit, as he immediately informed his companion.

In the fall, it became known that Alexander Sheps continued participation in the transfer "Psychics: the battle of the strongest." This time his colleague was, the finalist "battle of psychics". Later in an interview with the medium reported that he was nice to work with a witch, which sincerely tried to help each needy.

Now Sheps continues to cooperate with TNT television channel. The sorcerer visited the presentation of the new channel season. The event was held at the October Cinema on October 25. At the evening, TNT stars were gathered, among which were such persons as, and others.

In addition to Telicareriors, psychics tours in Russia with seminars on energy protection of themselves, close, their property and business. A new 4-hour program is called "Communication".

August 08, 2017.

Fans suspect that the Finalist "Battle of Psychics" has a new novel.

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps / Photo: Social School

In June, Marilyn Kerro once again broke up with his beloved Alexander Shepps. At the end of last year they have already disengaged, but then they managed to forget the resentment and reunite again. Now fans doubt that they will be together again. Recently, they are not a couple. She does not twist according to the former chosen one, unlike Alexander. which admits that the girl made him very hurt.

Recently, Schpeson shares photographs on which it is captured with a beautiful blonde. Some think this is his new student. Others do not doubt that this is his new lover. The guy himself preferred not to say who spends time with him and in what status. Fans suspect that Marilyn's personal life has improved everything. The other day, the estonian witches with a mysterious brunette appeared on the network. Later it turned out that the man is called Mark Alexander Hansen. He shared pictures with clairvoyant. Fans decided that Kerro Roman with this man. They found out that he was married and he had a three-year-old daughter, but he broke up with his wife about a month ago. Whether he was officially divorced unknown.

"Married, with a child ...", "Sheps is better and prettier. He is not suitable for Marilyn, "" she spoke to his family, "" Sasha is much better than this new worker of her, "the pictures of the fans clairvoyant commented on the pictures. Those who were happy for Kerro and wished her happiness with a new beloved. The girl itself has not yet commented on the situation.

Channel TNT. The Estonian witch almost immediately loved not only the audience, but also the winner of the same season of the project Alexander Sheppus. The practitioner's medium began to take care of Marilyn Kerro even during filming in "Battle", but when the cameras turned off, the psychic relationship continued. True, young people were diverged, they declared that again together. Finally, in June 2017, Kerro officially announced that they were no longer found with Shepps.

Marilyn Kerro and Alexander Sheps

After a four-year-old novel with Shepps Marilyn stopped advertising his personal life. Fans assumed that the Estonian Witch had a fan, but could not figure out who exactly conquered her heart until Paparazzi photographed her with some Mark Alexander Hansen. Initially, the star did not comment on their new relationships. But at the end of last year he himself began to lay out joint photos with Hansen in the social network.

Last weekend on the official page of Kerro "Vkontakte" there was a provocative shot, which incredibly failed subscribers. The photo shows that Marilyn really is waiting for a child.Kerro's fans immediately fell asleep her congratulations and questions. Mostly everyone worried if she knew that she was waiting for a child in advance, or it became a surprise: "Mary! Hooray! Congratulations, "" This is happiness! Congratulations on this long-awaited and magical event! Let everything be fine! "," Did you expect you to be pregnant or was there in shock? " etc.

Photos from the official page Marilyn Kerro

Some subscribers Marilyn still answered with the official (but not confirmed by the representatives of the star) of the page and thereby revealed the floor of the future child. "The dog is part of the family, she feels very well a baby," Kerro wrote, and later noted that the pregnancy was long-awaited. Father's name has not yet been disclosed, but the subscribers suggest that it isMark Alexander Hansen.

Recall that the news about pregnancy Marilyn Kerro appear with enviable frequency. The star itself also provokes them, laying out ambiguous photos with a rounded belly and telling that her main dream - to create a family and give birth to children. We hope that this time the fans congratulate the famous Estonka not in vain.

Marilyn Kerro and Mark Alexander Hansen

Alexander Sheps - Russian Practitioner Psychic, the winner of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics". According to the fans of the talent of the medium, Sheps is able to communicate with the dead and tell the details about the things and their masters after one touch.

Alexander Sheps - Psychic Biography, Projects and Participation

Alexander Olegovich Sheps was born in Samara on November 26, 1986. Alexander at the parents is the fourth son of five children.

Mom Lyudmila Shepps in his hometown is a person known: a woman knows as a clairvoyant and doctor, spirit and a plate.

From the young age, Alexander was fascinated by Gothic, walked throughout the black and wrote fantastic stories. After graduating from school, Sheps entered the Academy of Culture and Art on the acting faculty. Then he worked at the Samara Theater "Molot". In parallel, it was actively engaged in organizing parties and holidays. In addition, it was a model, participated in many fashion shows and filming. He was the organizer of the reality show "ready for everything", which was the prototype of the famous scandalous show "House 2". He also worked as a DJ in Samara clubs and spoke under the pseudonym DJ Alex Energy.

Time passed and Alexander Sheppa realized that he was interested in Esoteric and magic. Then he pulled away from the daily fuss and came close to the development of his abilities. Sheps argues that now its main life goal is to help people and self-improvement. After winning 14 battle of psychics, the guy gained incredible fame in Russia and the Middle abroad.

In 2016, psychics, together with a colleague, Victoria Raidos became a member of the TV shows "Psychics are investigating". In this show, popular mediums decide not specifically invented by the film crew, but help real people learn the truth about the past, find close or sorting out in strange and frightening situations.

In June 2017, tragedy occurred in Alexander's life: a friend died and the mentor of psychic Ilona Novoselov. The medium posted a post about the death of Ilona Novoselova in "Instagram", Alexander communicated with the deceased witch as a living and promised not to forget Ilon.

In 2017, Alexander Sheps also took part in a number of editions of the "Psychics conduct an investigation", both pair with Marilyn Kerro and with other psychics. In the same year, the medium became a participant in the special season of the show "Psychics lead investigation: the battle of the strongest."

Alexander Sheps, Latest News, Fresh Data on November 14, 2017

The most popular psychic leads private practice, conducts seminars, reads lectures and publishes books about supernatural practices. Alexander Sheps reads Tarot's cards and answers questions about the past and future with the help of a pendulum. The psychic also began to create or discourage items that subsequently given to their owners a powerful positive energy charge.

In 2017, psychics went on tour through the cities of Russia with a seminar "Your Map". In the autumn of this year, Alexander Shepps will be held in Sochi, Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Ivanovo and Nizhny Novgorod.

Alexander Sheps Personal Life: Details and Recent Information

Psychic was not married, but there were serious relationships. Personal life Alexander Shepps is full of bright moments, but there were love disappointments. The guy betrayed, after which he worried, but everything remained in the past.

On the project "Battle of Psychics" Sheps had a novel with the Estonian participant Marilyn Kerro. The couple hid his relationship for a long time, leaving the answers, which actually happens between them. In the finals of the project, Sheps Publicly presented Marilyn case, which the girl refused to open at the chambers. But the audience is confident that there was a ring. The girl then ranked second on the battle, Sasha even tried to give them a prize "hand" won.

In one of the interviews, Mary admitted that she had long been dreaming about the family. The witch predicted that her daughter would be born with Alexander.

In the same year, rumors appeared that Sheps and Kerro broke up after Marilyn returned to the "battle of psychics". Kerro denied these rumors, claiming that the couple although he experienced a crisis of relations, but still retained love. The problem was the fact that the witch wants to have a child, and Sheps had other views on life.

Sheps did not comment on the break from Kerro, but recently photographs in the company of blonde, who psychics accompanied by verses, have become increasingly in his instagram.

Fans are lost in guesses, who is this girl. Some suggest that she is a student of Alexander, others are confident that blonde is his new beloved. Sheps himself prefers to keep silence and not respond to the question of fans.

The star "Battle of Psychics" presented to fans of their chosen one. Norwegian Mark Alexander Hansen did not scare that his beloved is the strongest witch of Europe. According to Kerro, she understood that he was her fate at first glance.

Merilin Kerro
Photo: "Instagram"

The pregnancy of the star "Battle of Psychics", Estonian Witch Merilin Kerro has become a real sensation of this year. It happened what she dreamed of many years. The sex of the child Merilin hides, says that his future may depend on this. Her unique gift will inherit her daughter, and the son is not, because in their family the ability is transmitted through the female line.

But the future mother decided to present the public to the public of the Future Baby. This is her beloved Mark Alexander Hansen, Norwegian carpenter. Externally, a man, however, more like a rock star - his body is covered with tattoos. Actually, thanks to them, Merilin Kerro and drew attention to the man.

"I have four of them, because I noticed him," the witch admitted in an interview with the program "Once" TV channel NTV. - I also hijacked a woman. I immediately told my friends to a joke: "It will be my boyfriend and father of my children." So it happened. We met again. And that's it. There is no magic in our relationship. This can be said one hundred percent. Because we did not plan it. "

Mark Alexander Hansen -OTets Future Child Merilin Kerro
Photo: Frame transfer

Mark Alexander argues that he was not afraid, having learned that his beloved was the strongest witch of Europe. He confessed to her in love and she in response made himself a tattoo on his wrist, where she had a scar, - heart, infinity and life. "It's not a secret that I wanted to leave my life. Then I realized that you should always choose life. When it seems that everything is bad, a person will appear who will understand you. How stupid it was then. I did not appreciate myself, I was looking for love. And other people could not give her, "Marilyn Kerro said.

Merilin is sure that Mark is not easy to appear in her life
Photo: Frame transfer

According to the finalist of the "battle of psychics", the next tattoo will be the name of the child. It is already chosen.

"I already know this name. It has many years in my head. The brand does not particularly like it ... The kid will have two names so that his fate will be protected. What I can say exactly - the letter "A" there will be the letter "P", - promised Merilin Kerro.