Iron Man Marvel Comics. All you knew and did not know about the Iron Man

Iron Man Marvel Comics. All you knew and did not know about the Iron Man


Read comics Iron Man - Iron Man online

Iron Man - Iron MAN Vol.1 (1964-1996) Iron Man - Iron MAN Vol.2 (1998-2003) Iron Man - Iron MAN Vol.4 (2005-2008)

Character Character Iron Man Marvel Comic

Iron Man: Iron Man is a fictional superhero from Marvel comic. His creators Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Don Heck. It appears for the first time in March 1963, the main character is a rich billionaire named Tony Stark. When one of his experiments passes in the desert, he is kidnapped by a group of terrorists. While the terrorists are building hellish plans against the world, he quickly develops a shoot plan. Invents an iron costume with the ability to fly, and thus escaped from captivity. He also creates a reactor that is a magnet that does not give shrapnels to his strata. In principle, he must develop terrorist missiles. Instead, Tony makes the costume of an Iron man so that his biggest enemy 2008 was made by a feature film in a series, where Robert Downey plays the main role. In 2010, the second part was made and the third part of the film comes in 2013. In the first part of Tony Stark invented a suit in captivity of terrorists called "nine rings", which are his regular customers. He decided to stop selling weapons. Iron man read comic online in Russian

In the second part of Tony Stark is going to die from the toxicity of palladium, but the work of the shield helps him by injection, which reduce the symptoms of Stark. He must make a new reactor, or rather a mini arc, but not with palladium, but to bring a new element that is a replacement for palladium and cannot kill it. In the third part of Tony opposes an explosive person, but, naturally, everything is complete successfully. Iron man read comic online in Russian

Character Description Iron Man

Tony Stark was born in the family of rich industrialists and even in his youth announced as the future pillar of American capitalism. Already at the age of 15, he began to study electrical engineering in Mit. After the death of his parents in the automotive accident at the age of 21, he took upon himself a family of real estate family, specializing in the defense industry, called Stark Industries, previously headed by his father - Howard Stark. Supporting American efforts in the fight against communism, Tony was responsible for the delivery and testing of new technologies for the needs of the Armed Forces. In the initial release of Vol.1 # 39, during the war in Vietnam, the victim of the attack of communist field commanders was the victim. Heavily wounded with a fragment of Shrapnel, who hit him in the chest. Tony was captured by Vietnamese communists. He was forced to build a weapon for them. Instead, Tony, along with the Coke, Professor of Physics - Ho Yinsenem, developed armor that helped him run. Later, Tony discovered that he would die if someday would take a magnetic plate, which holds the shards shrapnel from his heart. Iron man read comic online in Russian
Based on the armor prototype, it began to create another, more sophisticated exoskeleton. Among his allies were mainly Soviet villains:

  • Scarlet dynamo;
  • Titan man.

In addition to them, among iron-person antagonists there were some opponents, such as:

  • Mandarin;
  • Whiplash;
  • AIM organization;
  • Fin fang foom;
  • madame Masque and Modok.

The topic of combating an iron man in Asia against Mandarin had a political subtext, as it reflected the struggle of the Western civilization against the world of Eastern, during the War in Vietnam. In the comic of The Avengers Vol.1 # 1 in September 1963, together with Khalkom, an ant man, an ax and torus, formed a team known as the Avengers, in which they would fight evil together in the face of Loki. Iron man read comic online in Russian

Surrounded by Tony includes such figures, as a secretary and a mistress Pepper Potts and a chauffeur and Assistant Lucky Hogan. Early stories depicted Romance Potts Stark, while love for lucky Hogan to Potts, creating a love triangle between the main characters. Finally, Potts and Hogan are married in Tales unknown Vol. 1 # 91 And for a while disappear from comics, although both of these figures played their role, in particular, the civil war crossover and later humorous stories. Another important figure is a friend Tony and a pilot - James Rhodes. Created by David Michelinie'eo and Bob Leighton, James Roads debuted in the comic Iron Man. 1 # 118 since 1979. Rhodes put on an iron man armor, at the time when Tony was seriously injured (Iron Man t. 1 # 170), and an iron man T. 1 # 284 acquired his own (heavy) armor and became a superhero helper known as War Machine.
More important events related to this form include (Iron Man. 1 # November 128, 1979), and talks about the heroes of the fight against alcoholism, or the history of DoomQuest (Iron Man t. 1 # 149-150s 1981), Iron Man And Dr. Doom - back in time by the times of King Arthur. The story called Stark Wars (later he was renamed the popular title of War Armor I) with Iron Man t. 1 # 225 before # 231 (initially released from December 1987 to June 1988) talks about how the stark is obsessed with And they destroyed all the technologies created by him who fell into other people's hands, including the one that was on the use of the US Army. Nevertheless, in the history of Sexpartite Extremis (Iron Man t. 4 # 1-6 Published from January 2005 to April 2006) Warren Ellis, Tony I introduces the Nanotechnology virus, developed in his body interface connecting its nervous system with iron armor Man read comic online in Russian

Armor Iron man

Subsequent versions of costumes Iron man (film version):

  • Mark i - the first costume of Stark. Tony made his project on his home computer. He built it in a cave with Jarvis. He had a very strong armor, but he was free. The first arc reactor could work for 15 minutes. He gave Tony a great power. It was armed with flamethroughs on his arms and grenade launcher on the left forearm. He could fly, but slowly and did not turn. After breaking the stork in the desert, the costume broke up into pieces. Costume pieces were found by terrorists who managed to restore and modernize it, among other things, they changed its appearance, added software and strengthened weapons;
  • Mark II - Second Stark Suit. This specifically changed Mark I. Stark has changed its appearance, added OS from the Stark's home computer, under the name jarvis, the costume is capable of flying long. Using only 3% of the reactor power during flight. It is armed with weapons in the form of pulses generated by flight stabilizers on his hands. Its disadvantage is a subtle coating that after crossing the ceiling 12 km. It is cut down. Mark II was restored to the War Machine costume. The replica was destroyed as a result of an attack on the house Stark of an irrellular person 3;
  • Mark III - upgraded version of Mark II. This suit is made of titanium and gold alloy, painted in red in some parts (before adding the red color everything is gold). It has more equipment, including torches in the hips, rockets on the right forearm and chest jug at the place of the reactor. It was destroyed as a result of an attack on the Stark House in Iron Man 3;
  • Mark IV - a few details in appearance, not much different from Mark III with the exception. He divided the fate of the remaining armor;
  • Mark V - for the first time appears in the film Iron Man 2 is a portable suit that looks like an unused suitcase. When you turn it on it is distributed throughout the body. It is armed with weapons in the form of pulses generated by flight stabilizers on his hands. He was destroyed in Iron Man 3 in the attack on the Stark House;
  • Mark VI - Another Tony costume. It feeds on the new active element of the reactor. His strongest weapon is laser rays, which generators are placed on the wrists. This is one weapon - Tony used it in combat unmanned aerial vehicles against Ivan Vano. He was destroyed as a result of an attack on Stark's house;
  • Mark VII - weapons used by the start in battle from Loki and the army of space in the film Avengers. It does not differ significantly from the previous model, except for laser rays that are no longer disposable, additional rockets, a large stock of ammunition and reinforced armor. In the catch of a nuclear missile, you can see that the armor was installed on the case with additional engines. He divided the fate of the remaining armor;
  • Mark VIII-XLI is a different armor that have their own specific features. They could be under the control of Tony (no one learned) and Jarvis. Armor was built secret. Some of them were destroyed by Extremis soldiers with AIM. They appeared in Iron MAN 3;
  • Mark XLII is the presence of a large number of defects that require correction, the speaker's prototype interceptors. He was destroyed by order of Stark;
  • War Machine Mark I - This costume is a modified MARK II. Mark II was taken by another Tony Rhodey'ego and rebuilt into a military base. The only change is the change in the appearance and weapons. Argument is present. Rifle FN F2000 M134 MINIGUN machine gun, grenade launcher, M24 rifle and semi-automatic pistol. Another weapon of the kinetic rocket class "air-air", which is a destructive weapon, capable of breaking the "bunker";
  • "War Machine Mark II Iron Patriot is an improved and reinforced armor, pilot lieutenant colonel James Roads. She was painted in the style of Captain America;
  • Iron merchant - an improved version of Mark I created by Obada. It was a kind of big Mark I, was destroyed as a result of an explosion of the arc installation reactor;
  • Mark XLIV (also called "HulkBuster") - armor developed by Starck and Bruce Bener in case Bruce will lose control over his alter-ego, halkom.

Comics in Russian on

The third part of the legendary Marvel Franchise comes to the rental. Her hero, Tony Stark, appeared in comics exactly fifty years ago, back in 1963. Since then, he has managed to change dozens of suits, get new enemies and girlfriends, and most importantly - to become one of the most popular characters from the Marvel Universe. I decided to compile a detailed guide through the world of Iron man.

The origin of the hero

The first appearance of an Iron man in Marvel comics occurred in March 1963. The character invented by both artists, and at first there was no separate comics, so he became a permanent participant in the Tales of Suspense antholiology. There he fought for the attention of the public with Captain America, re-applied popularity during the so-called silver age of comics (approximately 1956-1970). In 1968, Marvel launched the first Iron Man (Iron Man). He lasted only 332 issues, but formed the Canon of the Universe of Iron Man. Moreover, early editions, in accordance with the idea of \u200b\u200bStan Lee, were a platform for expressing anti-communist views and thoughts about the Cold War with the Soviet Union. However, after the war in Vietnam, the comic was gradually lost its political top and switched to more impersonal conflicts, such as corporate crimes and terrorism.

Tony Stark, hiding under the mask of an iron man, characterizes himself in the film "" (, 2012) as "genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropy." According to Stan Lee, this image was based on the Person Howard Hughes, known in the 1950th inventor, businessman and an adventure crawler. In addition, he had to be an idealized version of the American Industrialist. Such led to Tony Stark first to active participation in a variety of charitable promotions, and then to the fact that the company Stark, which was engaged in the production of weapons, gradually moved to the creation of computer developments and electronics. Unlike the films about the Iron Man, where the image of Stark only won from the fact that he is a superhero, in the comics Tony thoroughly hides this fact. Moreover, he even gives an iron man for his bodyguard. One of the first who recognized the secret was his bride (no, not a Pepper Potts), which convinced him to go to superheroes. Success on this field, however, led to the rupture of the engagement, but contributed to the formation of Stark as one of the most loving heroes of the Marvel Universe.

Dark Side Tony Stark

However, Anthony Edward Stark's life (this is the full name of the hero) is far from cloudless. The Hollywood Character version smoothes the shortcomings of its nature to attract a minor audience. While in the early comics about the Iron Man, Tony Stark is described in more dark colors, the Stark-Industrialist is often represented as a smug and arrogant person, who believes that the goal justifies funds. Suffering from pain causing shrapnel in his chest, Stark is looking for comfort at the bottom of the bottle. It is not by chance that for most of its history, Tony Stark is struggling with alcohol addiction and even visits the assembly of anonymous alcoholics. However, frequent collisions with powerful enemies from time to time lead to breakdowns and blinds. For example, after the official announcement of the fact that he is an iron man, Stark accepts a proposal to take the post of Minister of Defense of the United States. However, a drunken ride in the UN building, provoked by one of his girlfriends, leads to the fact that the political career Stark ends, without having time to begin.


Being around the birth of an ordinary person, Stark is deprived of any super supervisory. It compensates for such a developed intelligence that is considered one of the most gifted characters in the Marvel Universe. (At 15 years old, Tony, Tony entered the Massachusetts Technology Institute to study the engineering business). In the early comics, Tony Stark received some combat training from the captain of America, and in further releases it is mentioned that among the coaches Stark were his friend James Rhodes and even a professional boxer. At the same time, it is obvious that the start-up functions without a costume practically do not imply physical contact with enemies.

In relatively recent releases of the Iron man, it is described that after the collapse of his nervous system, Tony Stark replaced her artificial. Due to this, he has acquired top-sensitivity and the ability to feel biological processes occurring in his body. During a large-scale crossover of 2008, called "Secret Invasion" Stark introduces an extremis techno-organic substance into its nervous system, which completely rewrites its biology. Extremis allows Stark to practically merge with an iron man costume, as well as manage any technique with the help of thought strength. Beyond the crossover, this improved model Tony Stark did not come out, and the extremis struck another virus in his body, almost the cause of the death of the character.

For 50 years of character's history, an iron man changed a lot of costumes - from the very first, collected in captivity of the girlish scrap metal, through the classic red-yellow, drawn by the legend of the comic industry (in 1976), to the costumes created in film-chicogy. In total, more than 50 suits, each of which was created either for a particular event (for example, for individual plot arches or crossovers), either for specific scene arches or crossovers), or for specific purposes (with emphasis on aircraft, strength, waterproof, etc.) . It should be noted that, despite the problem, the costume of Tony Stark has little common with knight armor. In fact, it consists of a variety of smallest elements capable of changing their shape. Each of these elements has its own set of properties, but it is capable of producing energy and manage a whole suit. Due to this, the equipment of the Iron man remains workers even after severe damage, and in an inactive state can be rolled up to microscopic sizes. In addition to giving a carrier of superhuman strength and the ability to fly, the costume is also equipped with a whole set of weapons (from machine guns to rocketties) and communications (radio, radar).

Love interests

The need to make Stark attractive for a family audience led to the fact that in the trilogy "Iron man" romantic relationships associate it with only one girl - Virginia Potts, better known under the nickname pepper (). In comics, Pepper was a personal secretary of Stark, and at some point even occupied the chairman of the board of directors of his company. Although their romance ended with nothing (Pepper even married the shofhern Stark), they stayed with close friends and pepper for all their lives was one of the few who knew that Tony Stark is a superhero. At the same time, without taking into account the fleeting hobbies, about two dozen heroines twisted the novels appear in comics about the Iron man. In addition to ordinary girls, Stark had a relationship with his daughters of his enemies (Jenis Cord and Whitney Frost, known as Madame Mask), and even with superheroids (Janet Van Dyan - Osa, and Natasha Romanova - Black Widow, former Soviet Spy, and after - Member of the project "Avengers").

In the Universe Marvel, the enemies of the Iron man goes to dozens, but the most powerful of them are three: Mandarin, Justin Hammer and Dr. Dum (also the main enemy fantastic four):

Arching of Iron Man Mandarin - Megalomaniac, repeatedly trying to conquer the world. It has intelligence, not inferior to the mental abilities of Tony Stark, and is a master of oriental martial arts, capable of destroying an iron man's costume with bare hands. The main source of its power is ten rings forged from the metal found by Tangerin on the site of the collapse of the aliens spacecraft. Each of the rings has special properties and is worn on a certain finger.

Dr. Doom (Victor Background Dum) - Brilliant inventor and powerful sorcerer, capable of controlling any cars, cause hordes of demons from hell and copy the superconductivity of other heroes with the help of the technologies created by them. One of the essential losses when transferring the image of a doctor Duma on the screen in the Dilogy "Fantastic Four" 2005-2007. (where he played him) was the rejection of his developed sense of honor who did not allow him to attack weakened rivals, and at the case of the case even forced him to save their lives.

Justin Hammer - The rich American industrialist and the main rival Tony Stark in the struggle for tenders for the supply of weapons by the military. Unlike Dr. Duma and Mandarin, Hammer has no superpost. The main way to combat Hammer with an Iron man is to attract all sorts of mercenaries, which it provides the most advanced technologies and weapons in exchange for the elimination of a competitor. In addition, it finances organized crime and supplies criminal groupings weapons in exchange for 50% income. In comics, Justin Hummer led as a middle-aged man, suitable Tony Stark in fathers. In the second "" (2010) the age of the character was adjusted so that he was a peer of Stark (played by Sam Rockwell).

One of the nearest friends Tony Stark is a military pilot James Rhodes (in the first film, this role performed, in the next -). They met in Vietnam after the escape Tony Stark from the captivity: Stark in a suit stumbled upon a pilot, whose plane crashed, and together they made their way to the place of deployment of the American military. Being a trustee Stark, Rhodes acted several times as an Iron man when Stark was either too drunk, or recovered after injuries. Subsequently, specifically for Raza Stark created a new suit in which the pilot became known as a superhero military car.

Also from friends Tony Stark in films appear Pepper Pepper (first as an assistant, then as love interest), Heppi Hogan - bodyguard and chauffeur (he played by the first two films), Jensen (a scientist who helped the captive Stark to create the first costume) and Jarvis (voiced; artificial intelligence, often acting as a voice of common sense). In addition to them, in comics dedicated to the Iron Man, friendly relations are associated with Tony Stark with Peter Parker, Arkhangel and Cyclops (participants in the original composition of the "X-Men"), "Avengers" participants (especially with captain America and Toron) and with a fantastic four. In particular, her leader Reed Richards (Mr. Fantastic) is repeatedly mentioned in comics as the best friend Tony Stark.

Avengers and agency Sh.I.T.

Although in the film "Avengers" Tony Stark reluctantly joins the team of superheroes, arguing that "it works better in a loner", in the original comics, its role is much more significant. Already 50 years old Iron man remains a central character of comics about this group of superheroes. Moreover, no one else, like Tony Stark and his girlfriend wasp, are the founders of the first avengers, which also entered ants, Tor and Hulk. Soon, Captain America, discovered by the Starre in Polar Ice and Returned to Life with the help of Technologies Shi.I.A. With the agency Sh.I.T. Under the control of Spy Nika Fury () Tony Stark also link long-standing partnerships. His father, Howard Stark, was one of the creators of the agency, and Stark himself, in addition to participating in the Avengers initiative, acts as a consultant. It was the Agency that the black widow for the protection of Stark, with which she had a passionate novel.

Alternative character versions

Like the Universe described in DC comics, the MARVEL universe is a multiverse - with a huge (albeit finite) number of parallel worlds. Their chronology differs significantly from the main, and the heroes of the main universe may well be the villains in other worlds. Comics about alternative universes are grouped into DC within the framework of the Impront "Other Worlds" (ElseWorlds), and in Marvel - partially under the banner "What if?" (What if ...?) At the same time, most of the alternative stories about Marvel superheroes remain unstructured. This applies to comics about the Iron Man.

The most unusual versions of the Iron man can be attributed to:

"1602: New World" (Spanish gunsmith becomes a villain by iron lord);

"2093" (Stark and Dr. Dom are in the distant future and are looking for the sword of King Arthur Escalibur);

"Earth X" (Stark is building a shelter from the plague that gives all the superconductances. At the end it turns out that shelter is a huge combat vehicle built in the image of Godzilla); "Iron Maniac" (the villain version of the Iron man from the Universe, where all the avengers died, fighting with the alien Titanus);

"Iron Man Noir" (Stark in the 30s is looking for Atlantis and fights with the Nazis);

Zombie Marvel (Tony Stark is biting zombies, and in the end most of his body have to be replaced by cybernetics).

The entire alternative versions of the Iron man (speaking in the main or secondary role) more than a hundred, and even list them all (not to mention to read) - the task is not the lungs.

(Iron Man.) his real name Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark - a fictional character, a superhero that appears in the Marvel Comics Universe.


The son of a rich industrialist, Tony Stark was a brilliant inventor and mechanic. He inherited a father's business at the age of 21, turning the company to one of the leading arms manufacturers. Stark was wounded by a fragment in the chest in Asia during a field test on the suitability of combat armor, which was supposed to endow soldiers with martial abilities. Stark was captured by the Wong-Chu armory, forcing it to create a mass lesion weapon - only then he would get the surgery needed to save his life.

Together with his comrades and former prisoners Ho Yinsen, the Nobel Prize winner, Stark began working on a modified exo skeleton equipped with heavy weapons. In secret, even from Stark, Yinsen designed a protective breast plate to maintain the early heart of the inventor. Stark put on a suit to try to escape from captivity, but Professor Yinsen himself was killed in a decisive fight. He gave his life to the Iron Man could live.

The defeats of the Armory Baron, Stark returned to America and reinforced the costume. Having invented the story that the Iron man was his guard, Stark entered a double life as a billionaire-inventor and a costume adventure cracker. Early enemies introduced spies and foreign agents, in their intention to steal the Armor Stark and Military Secrets. After a while, Stark stopped protecting only his personal interests. He also began to deal with issues of national and international security. The iron man even helped find the avengers, and became the sponsor of their team.

Despite the tremendous wealth, the life of Stark is not flawless. Starting your career, he was forced all the time to wear a chest plate to protect his heart. Stark, to the years, a former alcoholic, and his personal life is a solid mess. In many cases, the Iron Man is the liberation and shell, which he wears to keep the world around the world.

The enemies of the Iron man took various forms, from conquerors with claims to world domination and corporate competitors, to super-criminals and foreign agents, striving to transcend or steal his technology.

Stark Ros feeling increasing responsibility for using his technologies around the world. Stark Interpreisis broke collaboration with the government, focusing on the technologies that will improve the lives of people.

Scientific in youth to pay those who helped him live such a comfortable life, Stark founded many charitable foundations and institutions. With an increasing sense of responsibility, he reached a new level of cultivation. Comparing its secret more with a debt than with personal property, Stark chose to reveal to the world that he is an iron man. With a load of a double life on his shoulders, Stark discovered himself on an unfamiliar territory as one of the few public-famous heroes.


Previously, the abilities did not possess, but being critically wounded during the battle with Mullin from measuring Extremis, Stark introduced a changed techno-organic virus into his nervous system to save his life. It sent an English Armor to his body, and allowed him to keep the internal (lower) layer of the armor of an iron man inside the body in the voids of the bones, as well as to control this inner layer for direct medulils. Tony is also able to connect with external communications systems, such as satellites, cell phones and computers throughout the world. Since the operating system of the armor is now associated directly with the nervous system of Stark, its response time has noticeably accelerated. Armor Extremis provided him with the possibility of an accelerated reaction and healing factor that allows for re-growing even the whole organs. Iron man could also stop, and then re-run the heart of the Red Dynamo (Crimson Dynamo).

In addition, Anthony Stark Intellect the level of genius, which allowed him to create complex inventions, including an iron man's egsoskeleton. Stark also has progressive business thinking.

It is not worth putting on a par with other superheroes - the ability is artificially created, and even the military robotic.

In the media
Cartoon series

Iron man appears in 1966 in the animated series " Superheroes marvel", where he was voiced by John Vernon.

In 1981, the iron man appears in the cartoon "Spiderman and his amazing friends", voiced by William H. Marshal. The most noticeable appearance was in the episode of the "origin of the spider friends", in which Tony Stark is a central character. The beetle stole a computer and a vacuum amplifier, invented by Tony Stark to increase its strength. He was the first villain, with whom Spider's friends collided together in that episode. In grateful to the help of friends Spider against Zhuk, Stark gave them the technology of detecting crimes used by heroes throughout the series.

Iron man appeared in the 1981 animated series " Spiderman"In the episodes" Arsenic and Aunt Mei "and" Captain America's capture. "

In 1994, the iron man played a major role in the animated series " "I was voiced by Robert Hase. The iron man served as part of a team consisting of centuri, military car, falcony eyes and a woman of spider.

Iron man appears in some episodes of the series "Fantastic Four" of 1994.

Iron man appeared in two episodes "Vienna and Carnage" and "secret military chapter" in the animated series " Spiderman"1994. Where he was voiced by Robert Hase.

Robert Heis voiced the iron man again in the 1996 animated series "Incredible Hulk" in the episode "Hand aid, an iron fist."

In 1999, in the animated series "Avengers: always together" he was voiced by Francis Dyakovsky. He helps the avengers to prevent the zodiac plan.

In 2007, the iron man appeared in the "Fantastic Four: the greatest heroes of the world", in the episode "Fraud", voiced by David Cam.

In 2009, the iron man played a major role in " Iron Man: Adventures in armor", voiced by Adrian Petriv.

In 2009, the Iron man appeared in the "Superhero Detachment", voiced by Tom Kenny.

In 2010, the iron man appears in "Avengers: the mighty heroes of the Earth", voiced by Eric Lamis and Caidzhi Fujiva in Japanese dubbing. As in comics, he is one of the team members of the team and provides them with the mansion of the avengers, as well as technology for the entire team, including a special ID card and Kvinjet.

Iron man appears in the "Anime Marvel: X-People", voiced Caidzi FujaVara in the Japanese version and Adriana Pesdare in English.

It appears in the animated series " Great Spiderman"He was voiced by Adrian Pesden. In the Episode" Great Strength ", he is shown trying to cope with their costume, which fell under the control of the villain. He performs a major role in the episode" Flight of the Iron Spider ", where he and the team fight with a living laser.

Iron man appears in the Marvel superhero superheroes: Maximum overload ", voiced by Adrian Pesden.

It will appear in the "Hulk and Agents of Smesh", voiced by Adrian Pesden.

Iron man appears in "Phineas and Farb: MARVEL mission", voiced by Adrian Pesden.

The iron man appears in the animated series "Avengers, General Collection", voiced by Adrian Pesden.

Iron man will appear in "Avengers: disk wars."


Robert Downey Jr. fulfilled the role of an Iron man (Tony Stark) in films:

  • "Iron Man" (2008).
  • "Iron Man 2" (2010).
  • "Avengers" (2012).
  • "Iron Man 3" (2013).
  • "Avengers: Era Altron" (2015).
  • "First Avenger: Civil War" (2016).
  • "Spiderman: Return home" (2017).

Animated films

The iron man was shown in "New Avengers", voiced by Mark Warden.

The iron man was shown in the "New Avengers 2", voiced by Mark Warden.

The iron man in the "disruptive iron man" appears, voiced by Mark Warden.

The elderly iron man appears in the alternative universe, in "New Avengers: the heroes of tomorrow", voiced by Tom Kane. He protects the children of Avengers in a safe place, so that Altron does not find them.

The iron person has Kameo in the "Planet Hulk", voiced by Mark Warden. He appears at the very beginning of the film and tells Hulka, about the fact that they were forced to send it to another planet.

Iron man appears in the "Iron Man: the rebellion of the techno".

Iron man appears as a central character in the "Iron Man and Hulk: Union of Heroes", voiced by Adrian Pesdar.

Iron man appears in the "Iron Man and Captain America: Union of Heroes."

The iron man appears in the "Secret Materials of Avengers: a black widow and punisher", voiced by Mercer.

The iron man will appear in the "Adventures of Superheroes: Frosty Fight!".

And so, who is such an iron man and what does it differ from the other superheroes? This hero became popular throughout the world thanks to the 2008 film, where Robert John Downey Jr. played him brilliantly. But in fact, Iron Man was created much earlier, or rather, in 1963 on the pages of comic marvel. This is what one of his creators writes about him: "I believed that this was a rather bold idea. There was a height of the Cold War. Our readers were young, and if there was the only thing they hated, it was a war, she was an army ... And I created a hero who corresponded to this image one hundred percent. He was a manufacturer of weapons, supplied the army of the army, was rich, was the industrialist ... I thought it would be fun to create such a character who would not like anyone from our readers, and raise it to them and make you love to love ... and he really became very popular " .

Before becoming a superhero, Tony Stark with cynical cruelty glorified the war, because she allowed him to make money. He not only trades a weapon, he creates a new weapon. Usually, the characters with such a biography become villains, but not this time. This is interesting to this hero: he changes the usual script. This is not just a good guy who puts on a suit and become a supersive good guy, is a person who changes himself completely, makes himself himself, and gives his fans the hope that they can do it. It is best describing the quote from the film "Avengers": "- Who are you without your suit? - Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.

Iron Man in Marvel Comics

Tony Stark Iron Man was born in March 1963 in the Marvel Comic Comic. He is obliged to writer Stan Lee and artists Don Hay and Jackova Kirby. But Iron Man's real glory received only in 1968, when a personalized comic series was published in May. Up to this point, the hero was mainly associated with the Avengers team, being although constant, but only a member of the Anthology of Tales of Suspense, where he had to compete at first place with captain America. The popularity of Stark in 1968 was so high that letters coming to the editor were addressed not to the writer and artists who created the comic, and Tony personally - as if he was not a fictional hero at all. Women wrote most of these letters.

Initially, the iron man from Marvel Comics is struggling with a communist threat, and only then in scenarios appear villains, more familiar to the modern person.

According to IGN "100 best comic heroes", the iron man from Marvel Comics took the twelfth place, and heads the list, of course, the constant superman.

Iron Man: Cartoon

Following the comic in 1966, an animated series of 13 episodes about the Iron Man comes out. The fans of Tony Stark consider this single season with classics and nothing to confuse the magnificent melody that sounded the screensaver to this series. Of course, in our time, the cartoon iron man of 1966 looks somewhat naive, but this is the 60s: they generally look somewhat naive, which does not prevent them from being in kind of unique. We never need to forget what exactly the Iron man from Marvel was "born".

Now the creation of the 60s looks a little naive

Two unsuccessful season

The next animal series at the Iron man appears only in 1994, before that he had to play a team. This time from 1994 to 1996, two seasons are published on thirteen episodes each. Despite the fact that this series is longer than the previous one for the whole season, the iron man of 1994 is considered failed. In guilt, the screenwriters are put on ridiculous dialogues between characters, the same type series, the absence of the heroes of pronounced characters. Justice It is worth noting that in the second season the situation has become a little better, but not so much to conquer the viewer.

In 2008, Marvel Studios Studio releases the cartoon series "Iron Man: Adventures in armor". It lasts as many as 52 series. Tony Stark in the cartoon "Iron Man: Adventures in the armor" will be represented by a teenager. His father is killed, the familiar lifestyle scattered into pieces. And while Tony Stark need not just to collect their usual life in parts, where, like every teenager, and so rather problems, but from time to time to save the world, and also learn the truth about the death of the Father. This series again returned the interest and love of the audience to the Iron Man.

Teen Tony Stark also turned out to be interesting to the audience

Avengers: the greatest heroes of the Earth

In 2010, the audience expected a double surprise. There is a cartoon series "Avengers: the greatest heroes of the Earth", where the Iron man is one of the leading characters.

In the same year, the anime "Iron Man" appears. Marvel Anime is divided into four parts. The remaining parts were divided among themselves Wolverine, people X and Blade. According to Anime's plot, an iron man comes to thinking to finish her superhero career and make an exclusively peaceful science, for which he leaves for Japan. There he will face not only with the distrust of local residents who have not forgotten his loud glory of the weapon merchant, but also with the powerful terrorist organization Zodiac.

Iron man reflected in Japanese anime culture

The animated series "Lego Iron Man"

It is also worth mentioning the series released by the manufacturer of Lego Games "Lego Marvel Superheroes: the maximum reboot", where one of the leading roles is highlighted with an iron man.

Tony Stark and Superheroes

In addition, Tony Stark Iron Man repeatedly appears in TV shows on other superhero. We can observe combinations: Iron Man - Spiderman; Iron man - Hulk; Iron man - Captain America.

Unstable iron man

And now let's remember the full-length cartoon of 2007 "Unstable Iron Man". This cartoon about the iron man was immediately represented by the audience on DVD. This cartoon, in contrast to the TV shows, immediately was designed for an older viewer and is not recommended for viewing to persons younger than 13 years old.

In the plot, the cartoon Tony Stark is working on a project for the revival of ancient Chinese city. This project and will post him with Mandarin, which in most revival of Tony Stark, starting with comics and ending with the films, is the worst enemy of the Iron man.

The cartoon received two prestigious premiums for the best sound and for the best sound editing of the film on DVD.

Finding millions of fans image from the 2008 movie

And now we have already come to the main point, which has become starry for the Iron man. In 2008, the film "Iron Man" comes out, thanks to which Iron Man becomes one of the favorite superheroes in the world. But the road to this success was long. The thought of shooting cinema about the iron man originated in 1990, and Universal Studios, 20th Century Fox and New Line Cinema were united to develop the idea of \u200b\u200bthe film, but in 2006 the right to shoot Marvel Studio bought. Then the search for the director began, until the choice fell in John Favro, already known for such pictures, as "all grasped" and "elf." And in Marvel Studio did not calculate: John Favro created Megahit. First of all, he decided to highlight his superhero, and for this he began to shoot a movie in California, because most superhero tapes were shot in New York. It seemed to be a trifle, but it was from such trifles and a brilliant film was made. Another of the like smallest things - artists was allowed not only to bring their character's vision, but also add their own replicas.

The film "Iron Man" was so much that he entered the top ten best films of 2008 in the opinion of the American Institute of Art. But Favro worked only over the films "Iron Man 1" and "Iron Man 2", he refused to continue cooperation. And the director of the third film was Shane Black.

So, how so hooked the viewer, the film "Iron Man 1"? In fact, the idea since the comic "Iron Man" from Marvel has not changed, the feed has changed. On the screen it became possible that in the 60s it was unrealistic to even imagine. The movie "Iron Man" gives us so realistic superhero that they involuntarily begin to believe that he really exists and fit to write his letters to him, as his fans did in 1968.

Tony Stark is the heir of a huge company that creates weapons and trading. This person will not call a sample of morality: an irresponsible, cynical, changing women, like gloves, narcissistic Narcissus, he is constant only in one - Tony Stark is preserved at his work, there is no equal in it, he is a genius. Going to Afghanistan to sell the new rocket installation "Jericho", Tony Stark and does not suspect that it will hardly perish from weapons, which he himself produced. The terrorists are attacked by Tony a military convoy. Stark take captive, they want to achieve him to make "Jericho" for militants. Instead, the kidnappers promise to let go of Stark, but he is not so naive: Tony perfectly understands that it will be killed in any case. Instead of making a rocket, Tony, together with Physico Ho Yinsen, with whom he met in captivity and who owes life (after all, Jinsen not only pulled out the stark from the chest most of the fragments, but with the help of an electromagnet did not allow the rest of the fragments to get to the heart of the inventor), develops And makes the costume of an iron man, as well as a portable nuclear reactor that Tony Stark is in the chest to protect against fragments. The same reactor gives energy to the costume. Tony Stark hopes that armor will help him and Jinsen run. The plan is only half a half - the costume is created and opens the way to freedom, but only for Stark. The physicist is dying, the second time saving the stork life ("- you saved my life. - Do not sweep it in vain").

Hero costume often underwent numerous deformations in the process of various bouts with villains

When shooting, Stark breaks the first costume (in the consequence of his debris fall into the terrorists), but it does not matter: he will always be able to recreate it new, and besides, it is also improved. The incident in Afghanistan has largely changed Stark, he begins to understand how many troubles and grief brings the weapon made to them. Creating armor, he no longer thinks about money and glory, his goal is to protect the world from terrorism, but for him the threat closer than he thinks. It turns out that Obadaya Stein (the comic is the nickname "Iron Trader") - a friend of Father Stark and a partner Tony on business - ordered the death of Stark. It was on his instruction that Tony was committed in Afghanistan. Obadaya is trying to steal the technology of Tony Stark, and he himself kill him. If it were not for the help of the faithful assistant Stark Virginia Pepper Potts, Obaday would have managed. The decisive fight between Tony Stark in armor and we tend the stein, also closed in armor, cannot remain unnoticed. On the morning, all newspapers talk about the superhero, assigning him a loud name - an iron man.

The film "Iron Man" 2008 was not simply returned to Tony Stark's popularity, he created her anew. But, as usual, the continuation did not pull this genius. It remains to hope that the film "Iron Man 4" or, in the extreme case, the movie "Iron Man 5" will change this situation for the better.

Two years after the successful premiere of the first film in 2010, the movie "Iron Man 2" comes out.

Unlike other superheroes, Tony Stark does not hide from the public that he is a man in armor. On the contrary, it does not miss the opportunity to draw in a suit. This behavior of many takes out of themselves. But the reason for this madness this time is not in the usual narrowness of Stark. Just a miniature nuclear reactor in the chest not only saves Tony from fragments, but at the same time slowly, but rightly kills him. Stark has already tried all possible options, but it seems nothing can save him. He is trying to confess all the Pepper Pepper, but he does not work.

Tony Stark and his friend James Roads in the costumes of the Iron Man and Warrior

In this movie "Iron Man 2", Tony appears a new enemy - Ivan Vano, the son of the Russian engineer Anton Vano, who once worked with the father of Tony Stark and who considered it that he was sent from the US for espionage, after which The USSR put him in the camp. Anton betrays his knowledge and drawings to his son, and Ivan creates an analogue of the armor in order to take revenge on the seed of starks in the face of Tony. In promoting revenge plans, a competitor Stark is helped by Hammer. Hummer pulls out Ivan from prison, where he fell for an attack on Stark, and gives him everything necessary to create a suit like an iron man. But Ivan is not as simple as Hammer thinks. Working on him, Vano pursues his goals. He creates a suit and drones that Hummer presents at the Stark-Expo conference.

In Iron MAN 2 Organization Sh.I.T. Pies to Tony Start of the bodyguard - Natalie Rashman - or, as it is more often called, black widow. It is thanks to the organization Sh.I.T. Stark receives a message from his father, who, before his death, also worked on new technologies, and finds out how to open an element capable of replacing palladium and keep his life.

Healed and having received a new source of energy, Stark rushes to the conference, but hardly he appears there, the Suit of the Warrior, in which a friend of Stark is located - James Roads, - "goes crazy" and rushes into a chase at Starka, and numerous drones help him . Drones and costume controls Ivan, which also appears to fight with an iron man and a warrior. Even defeated, he hopes to strike with him in the grave, since all drones are mined. Stark not only saves himself, but also time to pull the Pepper Pepper, with which it now connects not only work.

The producer of the film Kevin Fege said about the movie "Iron Man 2": "Sikvel is more difficult to shoot, because it always expects more from him. And we really want to surpass the first movie. Every day we worked at the maximum of our capabilities - all in order to make the continuation of the first part. " Whether it was possible in Iron MAN 2 - to solve the viewer.

The premiere of the movie "Iron Man 3" took place on April 24, 2013. This is the seventh film of the filmmatic Universe Marvel. Its actions are directly related to the plot of "Avengers". And if you miss the film "Avengers", "Iron Man 3" at first will not be completely understood. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this movie or at least have an idea that it happens in it. All heroes of the Universe Marvel are collected in the film: Thor, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America and others. They save the world from God Loki and Aliens.

The hero will once again rise to the fight against evil

In the movie "Iron Man 3" Stark begins to cover panic attacks, and Tony understands that the threat with which the avengers coped in New York can repeat again. He is trying to protect himself and friends, creating all new and new costumes of the Iron man. In addition, the past Stark is returned by Boomerang, in which he himself gave rise to his demons - deceiving and humiliating the scientist of Oldrich Killian. Aldrich uses its ingenious opportunities in the service of terrorism, making themselves self-propagating bombs. It was the film "Iron Man 3" shows the encounters of Stark with his main enemy of comics, the name of which is Mandarin. Iron man will challenge him in Iron Man 3 and almost perish. But all the famous Mandarin is just a manual terrorist of Aldrich, who is a terrorist number 1. To defeat him, Stark will have to take advantage of all his costumes, which he will throw on the war with terrorists. But Aldrich will be defeated yet he, but pepper.

At the end of the film "Iron Man 3" from the body Stark take out fragments: a portable reactor is no longer needed. Tony destroys their suits. It seems that the point in the life of the Iron man is delivered, but the fans of this superhero hope that this is not a point, but a lot. After all, Tony Stark -Lelers, and that says it all!

Iron Man 4: Release Date

Fans believe in the continuation of the story about the ingenious inventor

The release of the film "Iron Man 4" is predicted for 2017, and with the participation of Robert Downey Jr. in the lead role. About the participation of this actor and about the release of the movie "Iron Man 4" went a lot of disputes, but what to say there - and now goes. Many argue that, despite all the announcements, the film will not. So there will be "Iron Man 4", until it is quite clear, but there is hope.

After Tony Stark brilliantly played Robert Downey Jr., no one will never introduce this hero with another person. But for the role of Tony Stark claimed such celebrities as Tom Cruise, Nicholas Cage, Clive Owen and Sam Rockwell. But from the role of Pepper Pots was not so popular. From it categorically refused Rachel Makadams, and Gwyneth Paltrow agreed only if it would not be necessary to go far on the set.

It was quite different things were with the film "Iron Man 2": the actors literally rushed. Scarlett Johansson so dreamed of becoming a black widow, which even painted her hair in a redhead color, exactly like the desired heroine, even before it became known, to whom this role would come. In turn, Terrence Howard, who played a friend of the Iron man, Colonel James Roads, due to the creative differences, refused to shoot in the "iron man 2", and Don Chaml was invited to his place. But there are rumors that all the money.

I also walked rumors that after the movie Iron Man 3, the actors scatter, and the Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. will refuse to play Tony Stark. But, apparently, they turned out to be groundless. And who else, if not him?

Robert Downey Jr. in the role of an iron man

Music from the film "Iron Man"

As a rule, in a brilliant film, everything is at the level, including music. Music from Iron Man did not exception. What is interesting, in the film "Iron Man" in 2008, you can hear a melody from the 1966 cartoon of the same name. But not only this song from the distant past won the love of the audience. Music for the film "Iron Man" wrote Irano-German composer Ramin Javadi. For music to this film, Javadi received the Grammy Award in the category "Best Soundtrack for the Film, TV Serial or another project."

The soundtrack for the film "Iron Man 2" was written by the famous Australian group AC / DC and appeared on April 19, 2010.

The first costume of an iron man depicted on the pages of the 1963 comic, did not differ in the grace. It covered the gray carbon-iron alloy, and the contours were not too attractive. The creators understood that, and in the second issue, armor turns into gold. And only after eight issues of comic book, the costume of an iron man will become a golden-red elegant titanium design. This will happen thanks to the legendary Steve Ditko - the artist and the writer of comics. In total, as estimated by stork fans, from 1963 to 2013 (that is, for 50 years), the hero changed more than 50 options for the costume - well, it is quite in the style of Tony. But the Armor Stark suffers the transformation not only externally - it is constantly improving, representing the connection of the smallest elements, each of which is modified and is able to manage all costume. Improving the appearance, weapons and means of communication, the Iron man has the opportunity not to change, and always a little later, conquering the imagination of all the new fans.

So originally looked iron man

What is the costume?

The basis of everything serves as a portable arc reactor that produces nuclear energy to power the costume and in order not to give fragments to get to the heart of Stark.

The helmet is built-in systems that allow driving supercomputer Jarvis.

Repulsors in the feet of the costume act as jet engines that allow flying, and on the palms are weapons. They are also necessary for maneuvering during the flight. Armament is activated by holographic indication in the helmet. Fans of the film counted how much the costume of an iron man stands. If you wanted to recreate the real costume of the Iron man, it would cost you about sixteen billion dollars. And this is just a suit.

Iron Man: Toys

If the real costume of the Iron man can hardly afford someone can, then the choice of costumes for children in the market is striking with their diversity. Here you will find a thing for every taste and wallet - from the simplest to complex realistic models. Choosing a suit to a child, first of all it is worth thinking about his quality, so you should not stop the first option - browse them all. In addition, it is very funny: for example, you can find an electronic helmet of an iron man who changes your voice, and he becomes the voice of Tony Stark, the gloves of an iron man or even a whole hand of an iron man with light and sound effects. And if none of the total diversity of the costumes did not like you, then the network has detailed instructions of the manufacture, patterns of paper and fabric and even crochet circuit. This once again talks about how popular Iron Man is.

If the purchase of a superhero costume whole or parts into your plans is not included, a wonderful prerogative can be a figure of an iron man. Here, too, the lack of options will not. You can buy an iron man's toy like in the sketch, and going to the nearest toy store. Long searching does not have to. Moreover, the figures of the Iron man are interesting not only to children. Many adults gladly collect Iron Man toys.

There are also many concomitant things, such as Tony Stark, helicopters and other techniques - both ordinary and radio-controlled.

Before the premiere of the film "Iron Man 3" by Lego on sale, a supernabilities of the three designers of Lego "Iron Man 3" were released on sale. These sets allow you to completely display in the game key points of the film. Set Lego "Iron Man: The Battle of the Sea Port" (76006) consists of a figure of an iron man, Aldrich Killian and James Roads in a suit. In addition to the main characters, the set of the high-speed boat model and the sea rose is located in the set. The designer dedicated to the episode of the attack on the Malibu Mansion (76007) containing many details of the copy of the mansion of Tony Stark, a combat helicopter and five figures: Iron man, Tony Stark, Pepper, Mandarin and Soldier Extremis. The third set of "Iron Man against Mandarin" (76008) will please the figures of the Iron Man and Mandarin, as well as the possibility of collecting armored vehicles, equipped with two rockets and flamethroughs.

Despite the miniaturity of the costume, all the details of the discharge are saved

LEGO and Marvel Studio cooperate not for the first time: besides Lego "Iron Man 3", on sale You can find the designers of Lego, dedicated to Tony Stark, "Iron Man: Escape Loki with the Space Cup" and an iron figure.

In addition to the Iron Man designers, LEGO has released sets in honor of the heroes Marvel, like Hulk, Captain America, Spiderman and others, as well as the Avengers team as a whole.

From ordinary toys, it's time to go to the video games, the main character of which, naturally, an iron man. Thanks to the possibilities of superhero, the player will be able to plunge into the whirlpool of events and adventures, from which anyone will capture the Spirit. Which of the opportunities of the Iron man first comes to mind? Right - Fly! And she is very bright and plausible reflected in games. Their many are the "iron man superhero", the flight of an iron man, "training" and "flying over the desert": you can enjoy this opportunity to enjoy this opportunity and show the enemy who is the owner in the sky, and at the same time save the world from evil. But the flight is not the only opportunity of Tony Stark, and not even the main one. First of all, Stark is a genius. Possessing a great mind, he was able to create a bronoront. The creators of the games did not forget about it. In the game "Iron Man in the Laboratory" you can visit Tony Stark's place of work, and in "Search for Labs" you will have a good chance to test your attentiveness and logic.

In tempting to feel like a superhero, and the video games "Iron Man" give us such an opportunity, and at the same time they teach us not to give up and go to the end - even if it seems that there is no chance to win.

Games about Iron man expected filled with explosions, fights and purses

Public opinion about Tony Stark

Despite the fact that Tony Stark - the hero is very contradictory, especially at the beginning of the story, the public opinion in his question is almost one. Tony Stark Iron Man is a good example of what is worth not to give up. "We cannot walk, then we will run." This is an example of that hero who does not get everything just like that, but enjoys his mind. Iron MAN can teach his fans of perseverance, courage, the ability to recognize their mistakes and hardness to follow their principles to the end, the desire for the goal, performance, the sense of justice, the ability to stand up for yourself and not to lower their hands in hopeless situations. This is a very good list of qualities and a good example for boys.

And yet it did not go without a spoon of tar. Tony Stark is absolutely positive only when armor on it - the rest of the time he is a narcissus narcissus, inclined to inconstancy in relations and actions. This is placed in guilt of morality. But even they cannot argue with the fact that Tony from the film for the film is becoming more and more ideal. Maybe therefore Iron MAN 2 and Iron Man 3 films are not as good as the first film about the Iron Man.

The most powerful blow under all the films, about super heroes. So, probably, you can characterize this film. If you remember, almost no film about the hero is alone from Marvel without the river Tears and snot, which was smelled to the poor viewer, who came to watch a film about a slaughter uncle, who breaks everything and time to save everyone. Hulk, a ghost racer, punisher, sorrive the head ... Man Spidery so completely turned into a fearful melodrama, one blade partially escaped to turn into a blossom drama about how hard to be a super hero, but if it soberly evaluate things, and Blaut had to crypail .

One is only forever drunk, throwing jokes one for one, who does not know about such a thing as a conscience, sleeping exclusively with the most gorgeous girls, an insanely rich, not knowing the tired and, of course, the unbelievable smart and inventive Tony Stark spit wanted to care for the poor student and Parker's eternal loser, the former Frank Frank, who lost his family, blind and incredibly sensitive and kind soul lawyer Matt, super-cool Biker Johnny, who concluded a contract with Satan for his stupidity due to family problems, clogged by Bruce, who does not glue a personal life , and at times, because of strong stresses, it turns into an unmanaged and non-killed green giant, which loves to twist and shout, and not used to think. All these losers in life remain in the shadow of successful in all plans of the inventor and rich Tony.

The film also has a very good feature that other directors who are going to shield simple comics from Marvel, you need to take note: the action is diluted with humor, and not reflections on high and thought about the grave share of the hero. This is definitely everything is wonderful, to move the shimmers, too, is very useful, but, in my opinion, it is not necessary to do this on such films, not on such. While long-suffering spiders thinks how to pay for the apartment, Tony chases at Audi P8 when Sue and Reed are dreaming of a calm wedding, Stark and his companion poured himself to Sake in a personal aircraft surrounded by a stewardess of model appearance, dancing under deafening music.

The plot to the disgrace is simple. And nowhere is not reminded of fellow films. The graphics are flawless, humor and action are dosed at the highest level, it can be seen where 140 million American presidents were treated. Immediately you can see, followed by Marvel yourself, whether it is the same, in the production of previous shields of comics of this wonderful studio, there would be no old mistakes, and the Raymy's monster would not allow the poor thing to be the poor man. Music is another aspect that you want to praise once. The compositions are so smartly chosen under the action that happens on the screen that I want to get up and pat at the end of the film. The director is also flawless, like everything else. Honestly confess, I did not expect such from Favro, just a good thing, distributed the fellows with all kinds of Rami, Timam Stori, and Energam Lee with the stamps of Stephen Johnson.

The actors played simply brilliantly, I have never watched with such pleasure for the actions of the hypocrites on the screen while watching the film release from Marvel. Downey only by the statement The Truth Is ... I Am Iron Man. Pinched the entire brother of super heroes for the belt, which appeared before him. All, ranging from Affale and Maguaire and ending with Cage and Griffith in the role of a gum person, in the moments of Oka fed to the incredible talent of Robert.

I did the same and Paltrow with other girls of super heroes. Only Terrence Howard, did nothing new, as he usually played someone he usually played before, nothing new, as always, all the mask on the face, of course, all the characters change with Tony, but without Stark Jim remained It would be the same good small, which terrens played before in other films.

What happens in the end? A killer in all respects a picture of how an incredibly smart debrosir with a huge wallet who lives in a steep house, chasing on exceptionally cool cars and sleeps with the same extremely steep women hooked the super-grenade explosion created by him, after which he stopped doing Barrels and, choosing from the captivity of evil Afghans with the help of anything not a remarkable old man inventor, embellished himself an incredibly steep costume. Which, by the way, looks as cool that Parker with his rags so rolled her lip that she can dig a pit, and in which there are so many useful electronic gadgets that Batman from the Universe of Comic Comic seemed and smokes in the corner of his pits when Tony drinks the most The best drinks in their huge domin on the ocean coast in California, waiting for his incredibly smart friend, talking computer, paint a miracle costume.

Want to distract from deeds, relax in the chair, laugh and enjoy a pleasant picture, wonderful special effects and the brilliant game of actors? "IRON MAN" - the first thing I can advise you. I have not experienced such a delight from the whole and fully entertainment film, and there is probably never from marvela's shields.

Thanks to Marvel for good control over the filming process and a great character, Favro for the excellent director, the composer for the wonderful sound track, designers for the breathtaking effects, actors for colorful characters, and separately Robert Dauni younge for the most gorgeous and unique image of the super-hero on the screen , Now, as his brilliant pirate Jack Sparrow, Iron Man / Tony Stark is fixed, the iron man / Tony Stark is only Downey ML. And no one else.