Idiot beauty will save the world. Famous Aphorisms Dostoevsky

Idiot beauty will save the world. Famous Aphorisms Dostoevsky

It has long been a newspaper stamp phrase "Dostoevsky said: Beauty will save the world." God knows what is understood by this. Some believe that this is said to the fame of art or female beauty, others assure that Dostoevsky had in mind the Divine beauty, the beauty of faith and Christ.

In truth, there is no answer to this question. First of all, because Dostoevsky did not say anything like that. These words pronounces the half-escamental young man of Terentyev, referring to the words transferred to him by Nikolai, the words of Prince Myshkin, and herrifies: they say, the prince fell in love. Prince, notice, silent. Silent and Dostoevsky.

I will not even guess what sense was inserted into these words a hero, transferred to another hero of the third, the author "Idiot". However, it is worth it for the effect of beauty to our life. I do not know whether it has a relation to philosophy, but it has everyday life. The man endlessly depends on what surrounds him, with this is connected, in particular, how he perceives himself.

My buddy got an apartment at one time in block new buildings. Landscape depressing, rare buses highlight the street with smoldering lamps, under the legs of the rain seas and dirt. Literally in a few months in his eyes settled an unbelievable melancholy. Once he was pretty drank visiting the neighbors. After the feast of his wife's persuasion, the boots replied to a categorical refusal: "Why? I go home. " Chekhov, notes the mouth of their hero that "the dilapidation of university buildings, the gloom of corridors, soot of the walls, lack of light, a saddeal of steps, hangers and benches in the history of Russian pessimism occupies one of the first places." Upon all his dear, the statement is not worth throwing off the bills.

Sociologists noted that cases of vandalism in St. Petersburg belong mostly to young people who grew up in the so-called sleeping areas. The beauty of historical St. Petersburg they perceive aggressively. In all these pilasters and columns, karyatids, portica and openwork lattices, they see the sign of privileges and with almost class hatred rushes and destroy them.

Even such wild jealousy to beauty is extremely significant. A person depends on it, he is not indifferent to it.

With our literature, we are accustomed to the beauty of ironically. "Make me beautifully" - the motto of bourgeois vulgarity. Gorky after Chekhov belonged contemptuously to geranium on the windowsill. Meshchansky life. But the reader seemed to have heard them. And Gerani grown on the windowsill, and porcelain figurines in the bazaar were bought. And why the peasant in his height of life decorated the house with carved shutters and skates? No, this is the desire of indestructible.

Can the beauty make a person tolerant, kinder? Can she prevent evil? Unlikely. The cinema stamp was the story of the fascist general who loved Beethoven. Nevertheless, to mix at least some aggressive manifestations of beauty can.

I recently read lectures at a Polytechnic University in St. Petersburg. Steps for two hundred to the entrance to the main building, classical music is heard. Where is she from? Speakers are hidden. Students are probably used to. What's the point?

It was easier for me to enter the audience after Shuman or Sheet. It's clear. But students, smoking, embracing, are realized, accustomed to this background. To be out against the background of Chopin was not something that is impossible, but somehow awkward. The scuffle was and simply excluded.

My friend, a well-known sculptor, in the time of the student, wrote an abstract about a nameless service. His appearance almost introduced him to a natural depression. One idea was repeated in the service. The cup was the bottom of the kettle, the sugar bowl - his middle. On a white background, black squares were symmetrically located, from the bottom up all this was crossed with parallel lines. The viewer seemed to be in the cage. The bottom was heavy, the top is wondering. He described it all. It turned out that the service belongs to a ceramist from the Hitler's environment. So, beauty can have ethical consequences.

We choose things in the store. The main thing is convenient, useful, not very expensive. But (in this and mystery) we are ready to pay, if it is also beautiful. Because we are people. The ability of speech of us, of course, distinguishes from other animals, but also the desire for beauty. For Peacock, she, let's say, only distracting maneuver and sexual silk, and for us, maybe the meaning. In any case, as one of my friend said, beauty, maybe, and will not save the world, but I will not definitely harm.

The world will save beauty *

11.11.2014 - 193
Fedor Dostoevsky

I am Fedor Mikhailovich
and I make it all beautiful to write:
- And otherwise, the bunch, otherwise
do not save this world beauty.

Really writing me beautifully
is it possible now?
- Beauty is the main force,
what creates miracles on earth.

What miracles you say,
if people are mired in evil?
- But when you choose the beauty -
you will hobby all on Earth.

The beauty of kindness is not a relaxation,
it is not salty, it is not gritting ...
Beauty is far and not glory -
that is beautiful, where conscience shouts!

If the suffering spirit in the heart swayed,
and capture love height!
It means that God appeared to beauty -
and then the world will save beauty!

And will not be enough honor -
survive you have a garden ...

So told me in a dream Dostoevsky,
to people told about that.

Fedor Dostoevsky, Vladis Kulakov.
On the topic of Dostoevsky - the poem "Dostoevsky, like a vaccine ..."

Ukraine in fault. What to do? (Kulakov Vladis) and "Prophecies of Dostoevsky about the Slavs".

The world will save beauty.
(From the novel "Idiot" F. M. Dostoevsky)

In the novel (part 3, ch. V) These words pronounces the young man Ippolit Terentyev, referring to the words transferred to him by Nikolai Ivolgin, the words of Prince Myshkin: "True, the prince that once said that the world would save" beauty "? Gentlemen, he shouted loudly everyone, "the prince claims that the world will save beauty! And I argue that he has because he has such playful thoughts that he is now in love.
Gentlemen, prince in love; Livecha, just he entered, I was convinced of this. Do not knuckle, prince, I will feel sorry for me. What beauty will save the world? I told this Kolya ... Are you a zealous Christian? Kolya says that you call yourself a Christian.
The prince considered him carefully and did not answer him. "

F. M. Dostoevsky was far from actually aesthetic judgments - he wrote about spiritual beauty, about the beauty of the soul. It meets the main plan of the novel - create an image "Positively beautiful man." Therefore, in his drafts, the author calls Myshkin "Prince Christ", thereby resembling himself that the prince of Myshkin should be as much as possible with Christ - kindness, humans, meekness, the complete absence of egoism, the ability to compare human troubles and misfortunes. Therefore, "beauty", which Prince says (and F. M. Dostoevsky himself), is the sum of the moral qualities of a "positively beautiful person."
Such, purely personal, interpretation of beauty is characteristic of a writer. He believed that "people can be beautiful and happy" not only in the afterlife. They may be such and "without losing the ability to live on Earth." To do this, they must agree with the idea that evil "can not be a normal state of people", which is in power to get rid of it. And then, when people will be guided by the best, which is in their soul, memory and intentions (good), they will truly beautiful. And the world will be saved, and it will save him that "beauty" (that is, the best thing in people).
Of course, overnight it will not happen - spiritual work is needed, testing and even suffering, after which a person dies from evil and appeals to good, begins to appreciate it. This writer speaks in many of his works, including in the novel "Idiot".
The writer in his interpretation of beauty acts as a like-minded person of the German philosopher Immanowila Kant (1724-1804), who spoke of "moral law within us," that "the beautiful is a symbol of moral good." The same thought of F. M. Dostoevsky develops in other works. So, if in the novel "Idiot" he writes that the beauty of beauty will save, then in the novel "demons" logically concludes that "uncertainty (malice, indifference, egoism .) kill ... "

Beauty will save the world / Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words ...

Fedor Dostoevsky. Engraving Vladimir Favorsky. 1929 year State Tretyakov Gallery / Diomedia

"Beauty will save the world"

"True, Prince [Myshkin], what did you say that the world will save" Kra-Hofty "? Gentlemen, he shouted [Ippolit] loudly everyone, "the prince approving that the world will save beauty! And I argue that he has because he has such playful thoughts that he is now in love. Gentlemen, prince in love; Livecha, just he entered, I was convinced of this. Do not knuckle, prince, I will feel sorry for me. What beauty will save the world? It's a stalk of me re-said ... Are you a zealous Christian? Kolya says you call yourself a Christian.
The prince considered him carefully and did not answer him. "

"Idiot" (1868)

The phrase of beauty that will save the world, pronounces a secondary character - a caring young man IPPOLIT. He asks if the prince of Myshkin really said so, and without receiving an answer, it begins to develop this thesis. But the protagonist of the novel in such formulations does not argue about the Kraso, and only once clarifies about Nastasya Philippovna, she is good: "Ah, Kaba good! Everything would be saved! "

In the context of "Idiot", it is customary to speak primarily about the power of inner beauty - this is how the writer himself offered this phrase. While working on the novel, he wrote to the poet and Czensor of Apollo Mikikov, that the post-forbid himself to create the perfect image of the "quite beautiful man", meaning Prince Myshkin. At the same time in the drafts of the novel there is the following per letter: "The world of beauty will be saved. Two beauty samples, "after which the author matured-gives about the beauty of Nastasya Filippovna. For Dostoevsky, therefore, it is important to Oce-thread the saving force of both the inner, spiritual beauty of man and its appearance. In the plot "Idiot", however, we find a negative answer: the beauty of Nastasya Filippovna, like the purity of Prince Myshkin, does not make the life of other characters better and does not prevent the tragedy.

Later, in the novel "The Karamazov Brothers", the heroes will speak again about the power of beauty. Brother Mitya no longer doubts her saving strength: he knows and feels that beauty is able to make the world better. But in his understanding, it possesses both destructive power. And the hero will suffer due to the fact that he does not understand exactly where the border between good and evil flew out.

"Whether I am trembling or right I have"

"And not money, most importantly, I needed, Sonya, when I killed; Not so much money was needed, as another ... I now know it now ... I understand me: Maybe, by the way, I've ever repeated the murder. I had another one to learn, the other pushed me under his hands: I needed to know then, and seek to find out if I did, like everything, or a person? Will I be able to cross it or can not! Did you dare to burn and take or not? Whether I am trembling or right I have ... "

"Crime and Punishment" (1866)

For the first time, Raskolnikov speaks about the "trembling creature" after a meeting with the tradesman, who calls him "Clever". The hero is frightened and immersed in reasoning about how in his place responded by some "NEO-Leon" - a representative of the highest human "discharge", which calmly myself go to a crime for the sake of his goal or whim: "Rights, Rights" Pro-rock ", when it puts somewhere across the street chorus-r-ryosha battery and blows in the right and guilty, not honored to explain! Study, trembling creature, and - Do not wish, because it's not your business! .. "This image of splitters, most likely, borrowed from Pushkin's stuffing" imitation of the Quran ", where the 93rd Sura is rapidly outlined:

Laugh, despise deception,
Travel truth cheerfully
Love orphans and my koran
The trembling creature preach.

In the original text, the addresses of the sermon should not be "creatures", but people who should talk about those benefits that Allah can give "Therefore, do not oppress the siroto! And do not drive asking! And we announce the grace of our Lord "(Quran 93: 9-11).. Raskolnikov consciously mixes the image from the "imitation of the Quran" and episodes from the biography of Napoleon. Of course, not the prophet Magomet, and the French-sky Polko-Water put "across the street a good battery." So he suppressed the royalist uprising in 1795. For Raskolnikov, they are both great people, and each of them, in his opinion, had the right to achieve their goals by any ways. Everything that Napoleon did, could be implemented by Magomet and any other representative of the highest "discharge."

The last mention of the "trembling creature" in the "crime and punishment" is the same damned question of Skolnikov "Creature Lee I am trembling or right ...". He pronounces this phrase at the end of a long explanation with Sonya Marre-Ladova, finally not justifying the noble gusts and heavy on-standing, and directly stating that he killed for himself to understand what "category" refers. So ends his last mono-log; Hundreds and thousands of words, he finally reached the very essence. The knowledge of this phrase is not only a good wording, but also the fact that the far-neck is pro-coming with the hero. After that, the splitters no longer pronounces the length of the periods: only short replicas leaves him worthy. About the internal rennets of Raskolnikov, who eventually lead it with a recognition to the Saint Road and at the police station, readers will recognize from the author's whipping. The hero himself will not tell anything anymore - after all, he has already asked the main question.

"Light whether to fail, or I do not drink tea"

"... in fact I need, you know what: so that you failed, that's what! I need calm. Yes, I'm not worried about, the whole light is selling now for a penny. Light whether to fail, or here I do not drink tea? I will say that the light fails, and so that I always drink tea. Did you know it, or not? Well, here I know that I am a bastard, scoundrel, myself, Len-Thai. "

"Notes from the underground" (1864)

This is part of the monolon of the nameless hero of the "notes from the underground", which he pronounces a prostitute, unexpectedly came home to him. The phrase about the tea of \u200b\u200bsound cheat as a proof of the insignificance and selfishness of the underground person. These words have a curious historical context. Tea as a me-riohlo, for the first time appears from Dostoevsky in the "poor Luzy". This is how the hero of the novel Makar Girls is talking about his material position:

"And my apartment stands for me seven rubles to the assignments, yes the table is five witners: here are twenty-four with half, and before exactly thirty paid, but a lot of myself refused; The tea was not always the eye, and now it was for tea and the sugar fell out. It, you know, my native, tea does not drink somehow shame; Here all the people are sufficient and shame. "

Similar experiences experienced in his youth and Dostoevsky himself. In 1839, he wrote from St. Petersburg to the village of Village:

"What; Not beer tea, you will not die from hunger! Alive somehow!<…> The camp life of each pupil of military-educational institutions tre-buet at least 40 r. money.<…> In this amount, I do not include such a requirement, such as: to have tea, sugar and so on. This is no longer necessary, and it is not necessary from one decency, but from the need. When you wet in raw weather in the rain in a linen tent, or in Taju weather, having come to the tired, cool, without tea, you can call; What happened to me last year at the campaign. But after all, I, respecting your need, I will not drink tea. "

Tea in Tsarist Russia was really expensive. He was carried directly from China through the only land route, and this path is in-no -------- Major about a year. Because of the cost of transportation, as well as huge Posh Lin tea in Central Russia cost several times more expensive than in Europe. According to the "Vedomosti St. Petersburg City Police", in 1845, in the store of Chinese teas of the Pisperation merchant, the price of a pound (0.45 kilogram) of the product ranged from 5 to 6.5 rubles by the assemilments, and the cost of green tea reached 50 rubles. At the same time, a pound of primitive beef could be purchased for 6-7 rubles. In 1850, the "domestic notes" wrote that the first-up consumption of tea in Russia is 8 million pounds - the truth, it is impossible to count as one person it is impossible, since this product was popular mainly in cities and among Higher people.

"If there is no God, then everything is allowed"

"... he graduated from the statement that for each private person, for example, as it were, no believing in God, nor in the immortality of their own, the moral law of nature should immediately change in the oppositeness of the same, religious, and that egoism is even before evil --- The acts not only must be permitted by a person, but even at the s-nan necessary, the most reasonable and almost noble outcome in its position. "

"Brothers Karamazov" (1880)

The most important words of Dostoevsky typically utter the main characters. So, the theory of the division of mankind for two discharge in the "Crimea Lea and Naka-Zania" is the first to say Petrofirya Petrovich, and only then Ras-Kol-Ni-Cove; The question of the saving power of beauty in the "Idiot" is given by IPPO-lit, and the genus-nickname of Karamazovy Peter Aleksandrovich Miusov notes that God and both salvation themselves - the only guarantor of the observance of people of morals. At the same time, Miusov refers to the brother Ivan, and only then the other characters discuss this provocative theory, arguing whether the Karamazov could invent it. Mitya's brother considers her an interesting, Crack-Tin seminarist - a pioneer, meek Alesha - false. But the phrase "if there is no God, then all that nobody pronounces in the novel. This "quote" will later construct literary critics and readers from different replicas.

Five years before the publication of the Karamazov brothers, Dostoevsky had already tried to fantasize what humanity would do without God. The hero of the novel "Teenager" (1875) Andrei Petrovich Versilov argued that the obvious proof of the absence of the highest strength and the impossibility of immortality, on the contrary, tech-withered people to love and appreciate each other, because there is no one else. This imperceptibly slipping replica in the next novel increases to theo-Ria, and that, in turn, is in the test in practice. Exhausted by God-boring ideas, Brother Ivan comes in moral law and allows for the murder of the Father. Without withstanding the consequences, he is practically going crazy. I woofed everything, Ivan never ceases to believe in God - his theory is not working, because even himself he could not prove it.

"Masha lies on the table. Will you see with Masha? "

Init-beat a man, like yourself According to the commandments of Christ, - it is impossible. The law of personality on Earth binds. I prevents. One Christ could, but Christ was the enemy from the century, the ideal, to which it becomes still and by the law of nature should strive for a person. "

From notebook (1864)

Masha, or Maria Dmitrievna, in the greatness of the constant, and on the first husband Isaeva, is the first wife of Dostoevsky. They got married in 1857 in the Siberian town of Kuznetske, and then moved to Central Russia. On April 15, 1864, Maria Dmitrievna died from Chakhotka. In recent years, the spouses lived separately and communicated little. Maria Dmitrievna - in Vladimir, and Fedor Mi-Hai-Lovich - in St. Petersburg. He was absorbed by the publication of magazines, where among what the texts of their mistress published - the beginner writer Apol Linaria Suslova. The disease and death of the spouse greatly struck him. A few hours after her death, Dostoevsky recorded his thoughts on love, marriage and purpose of human development in the notebook. Briefly the essence of their such. The ideal to which you need to strive is Christ, the only one, who was able to sacrifice the sake of others. The person is selfish and not going to lifting her neighbor as himself. Nevertheless, paradise on Earth is possible: with due spiritual work, every new generation will be better than the previous one. Having achieved the highest level of development, people will refuse brass, because they contradict the ideal of Christ. The Family Union is the egoistic isolation of the pair, and in the world where people are willing to refuse their personal interests for others, it is not necessary and impossible. And besides, since the perfect condition of humanity will be achieved only at the last stage of development, it will be possible to stop multiply.

"Masha lies on the table ..." - an intimate diary record, and not thoughtful writing manifesto. But it was in this text that ideas are planned, which then Dostoevsky will develop in their novels. The egoistic lead-negativeness of a person to his "I" will be reflected in the individualistic theory of Skolnikov, and the unattainableness of the ideal is in Prince Myshkin, Nazu-tagged in the Chernivikov Knint Christ, as an example of self-sacrifice and humility.

"Constantinople - whether early whether it should be our"

"The Dopererovskaya Russia was active and strong, although slowly the slight is politically; She developed a unity and was preparing to pop-drink his outskirts; I understood myself that it carries inside the drago value, which is no longer anywhere else, - Orthodoxy, that it is the store of Christ the truth, but already true truth, the real Hhar, the image darling in all other fares and in All other ones.<…> And not for the capture, not for violence, this is unity, not for destroying Slavic personalities in front of the Russian colossus, but in order to recreate them and put in proper attitude towards Europe and to humanity, to give them finally the opportunity to calm down and - After their countless centuries, ...<…> Self itself and for the same purpose, Constantinople - whether it is too late if there should be our ... "

"Writer Diary" (June 1876)

In 1875-1876, the Russian and foreign-wound presses flooded the ideas about the seizure of Constantinople. At this time on the territory of the ports Ottoman port, or port, - Another name of the Ottoman Empire. One behind the other flashes-values \u200b\u200bof the uprising of the Slavic peoples, which the Turkish authorities severely applied. The case went to war. Everyone was waiting for Russia to perform in the silence of the Balkan states: she was predicted to the victory, and the Ottoman Impe-Rii is a decay. And, however, everyone worried the question of who in this case the ancient Byzantine capital is like. Different options were discussed: Konstantinople will become an international city that he will occupy the Greeks or that it will be part of the Russian Empire. The last option did not suit Europe at all, but I really liked Russian conservatives, who saw in this first of all political benefits.

Wolly-laid these questions and Dostoevsky. Having entered into a controversy, he immediately accused all the dispute participants in the wrong. In the "writer's diary" since the summer of 1876 and before the weight of the 1877th, he also returns to the Eastern Question. In contrast to Kon-Ser-Vators, he believed that Russia sincerely wants to defend the one-winner-tsev, the development of them from the Muslims oppression and therefore, as an Orthodox power, has an exceptional right to Constantinople. "We, Russia, the validity of the need for all Eastern Christianity, and for all the fate of the future of Orthodoxy on Earth, for the unity of it," writes to Sheksky in the "Diary" in March 1877. The writer was convinced of a special Hosphere of Russia's Mission. Earlier, he developed this idea in the "demons". One of the heroes of this novel, Shatov, was convinced that the Russian people are a gogonymer. The same idea will be devoted to the famous, published in the "Diary of the Writer" in 1880.

Hamlet, once played by Vladimir Receptor, saved the world from lies, betrayal, hatred. Photo: RIA Novosti

This phrase - "Beauty will save the world," - who lost all the content from endless use to the place and not to the place, are attributed to Dostoevsky. In fact, in the novel "Idiot", she utters a 17-year-old Cahotochkaya young man Ippolit Terentyev: "True, Prince, what did you say that the world will save" beauty "? The Lord - he shouted, loudly everyone, - the prince claims that The world will save beauty! And I argue that he has because he has such playful thoughts that he is now in love. "

There is a novel and another episode that sends us to this phrase. During the meeting of Myshkina with Agelia, she warns him: "Listen, once forever, ... if you start talking about something like the death penalty, or about the economic state of Russia, or that" the world will save beauty, "then. .. I, of course, I will rejoice and laugh very, but ... I warn you in advance: do not add to me later on my eyes! " That is, about the beauty that allegedly saves the world, they say the characters of the novel, and not his author. To what extent to the Dostoevsky himself divided the conviction of Prince Myshkin in the fact that the world will save beauty? And most importantly - will save?

Let us discuss the topic with the artistic director of the State Pushkin Theater Center and the Pushkin School Theater, an actor, director, writer Vladimir Receptor.

"I rehearsed the role of Myshkin"

After some reflection, I decided that another interlocutor for conversation on this topic I, perhaps, notice should notice. You have a long-standing personal relationship with Dostoevsky characters.

Vladimir Receptor: My debut role in the Tashkent Theater named after Gorky was the Rodion of Raskolnikov from "Crime and Punishment". Later, already in Leningrad, for the appointment of Georgy Alexandrovich Tovstonogov, I rehearsed the role of Myshkin. Her in 1958 was played by Innocent Mikhailovich Smoktunovsky. But he left the BDT, and at the beginning of the sixties, when the performance for foreign tour was needed to resume, Tovstonogov called me to his office and said: "Volodya, we are invited to England with an" idiot ". You need to make a lot of inputs. And we set The British condition: so that Myskin play and Smoktunovsky, and a young actor. I want it to be! " So I became a sparring partner for the actors who were re-introduced into the play: a strider, Olkhina, Doronina, Jurassic ... Before the advent of George Alexandrovich and Innokentia, Mikhailovich worked with us the famous rose Abramovna Sirota ... I was internally ready, and the role of Myshkina Lives in me so far. But I came from filming Smoktunovsky, Tovstonogov entered the hall, and all the actors were on stage, and I stayed on this side of the curtain. In the 1970s on a small scene BDT, I released the play "Persons" on the stories of Dostoevsky "Bobok" and "Sleep of a Funny Man", where, as in "Idiota", the beauty says ... Time shifts everything, changes the old style on New, but now "Rapid": We meet June 8, 2016. And on the same date, June 8, 1880, Fyodor Mikhailovich made his famous report on Pushkin. And yesterday I was again interested in browsing Tomik Dostoevsky, where "dream of a funny person", and "Bobok", and the speech of Pushkin gathered under one cover.

"A man is a field on which the devil is fighting for his soul"

Dostoevsky himself, in your opinion, shared the conviction of Prince Myshkin in the fact that the world will save beauty?

Vladimir Receptor: Certainly. Researchers say about the direct contact of Prince Myshkin with Jesus Christ. This is not quite so. But Fyodor Mikhailovich understands that Myshkin is a blind man, Russian and, of course, gently, nervously, strongly and elevatedly connected with Christ. I would say that this is a messenger who performs some mission and sharply feels it. Man abandoned in this inverted world. Yreeny. And thus saint.

And remember, Prince Myshkin considers the portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, expresses admiration for her beauty and says: "In this face there is a lot of suffering." Beauty, Dostoevsky, is manifested in suffering?

Vladimir Receptor: Orthodox Holiness, and it is impossible without suffering - the highest degree of spiritual development of man. Holy lives righteously, that is, correctly, without disturbing the Divine Commandments and, as a result, moral norms. Holy Holy almost always considers himself a terrible sinner, which only God can save. Well, before beauty, then this is the quality perishable. Dostoevsky speaks beautiful woman: then wrinkles will go, and your beauty will lose their harmony.

There is an argument about beauty and in the novel "Brothers Karamazov". "Beauty is a terrible and terrible thing," says Dmitry Karamazov. "- terrible, because indefinable, and it is impossible to determine, because God asked some kind of riddles. Here the shores come out, here all the contradictions live together." Dmitry adds that in search of beauty man "begins with the ideal of Madonna, but cums ideal Sodomsky." And comes to this conclusion: "It is terrible that beauty is not only a terrible, but also a mysterious thing. Here the devil is struggling with God, but the field of battle is the hearts of people." But, maybe both are both the prince of Myshkin, and Dmitry Karamazov? In the sense that beauty has a dual character: it is not only saving, but also able to plunge into deep temptation.

Vladimir Receptor: Completely right. And you always have to ask yourself: what kind of beauty we speak. Remember, Pasternaka: "I am the field of your battle ... I read your covenant all night, and, like a fainting, came to life ..." Reading the covenant revives, that is, returning life. That's what salvation! And Fyodor Mikhailovich: a person is a "battlefield", on which the devil is fighting for his soul. The devil seduces, throws such a beauty that entails in the pool, and the Lord is trying to save and saves someone. The man is above spiritually, the more he is aware of his own sinfulness. That's the problem. Dark and light forces are fighting for us. It's like a fairytale. In his "Pushkin speech", Dostoevsky said about Alexander Sergeevich: "He is the first (it is the first one, and nobody) gave us the art types of beauty Russian ... indicate that Tatiana types ... Types of historical, such as ink and Others in Boris Godunov, household types, as in the "Captain Daughter" and in a variety of other images flashing in his poems, in stories, in notes, even in the "History of Pugachev Bunt" ... ". Publishing his speech about Pushkin in the "writer's diary", Dostoevsky in the preface he highlighted one more "special, characteristic, and not found, except for him, nowhere and anyone who has a feature of artistic genius" Pushkin: "The ability to world responsiveness and complete reincarnation In the genius of other people's nations, reincarnation of almost perfect ... There were the greatest artistic world geniuses in Europe - Shakespeare, Cervantes, Shillers, but that no one we see this ability, but see only Pushkin. " Dostoevsky, speaking of Pushkin, teaches us his "world responsiveness". Understand and love the other - after all, this is the Christian covenant. And Myshkin is not in vain doubts Nastasya Philippovna: he is not sure whether her beauty is ...

If we mean only the physical beauty of a person, then from the novels of Dostoevsky obviously: to destroy it can be completely saved - only when it combines with truth and good, and in the separation of this physical beauty is even hostile to the world. "Ah, causing she was good! Everything would be saved ..." - the prince of Myshkin at the beginning of the work, looking at the portrait of Nastasya Filippovna, killed, as we know, everything around ourselves. For Myshkina, beauty is inseparable from good. So should be? Or beauty and evil are also quite combined? They say the same - "Devilish beautiful", "Devilish beauty".

Vladimir Receptor: In that matter, that is combined. The devil himself takes the image of an excellent woman and begins as Father Sergius, embarrassing someone else. Comes and confuses. Or sends such a woman to meet the poor female. Who is this, for example, Maria Magdalene? Recall her past. What did she do? She long and systemically ruined the men with her beauty, then one, then the other, then the third ... And then, having believed in Christ, becoming a witness of His death, the first came running there, where the stone was already moved away and from where the resurrected Jesus Christ came out. And so for his correction, for his new and great faith and was as a result saved and recognized as saint. You understand what is the power of the wholeness and what is the degree of good, which is trying to teach Fedor Mikhailovich! And through his heroes, and speaking about Pushkin, and through the Orthodoxy itself, and through Jesus Christ himself! See what Russian prayers consist of. From sincere repentance and requests to forgive himself. They consist of the honest intentions of a person to overcome their sinful essence and, by going to the Lord, stand up from him, and not on the left. Beauty is the way. Path of man to God.

"After what happened to him, Dostoevsky could not help but believe in the saving power of beauty"

Beauty unites people?

Vladimir Receptor: I would like to believe that yes. It is called to unite. But people, for their part, should be prepared for this unification. And here is the "World Responsiveness", which Dostoevsky opened in Pushkin, and makes me half aim in Pushkin, trying to understand him every time for myself for the audience, for my young actors, for my students. When we turn together in this kind of process, we come out of it are already somewhat different. And this is the greatest role of all Russian culture; and Fedor Mikhailovich, and Alexander Sergeevich especially.

This idea of \u200b\u200bDostoevsky - "Beauty will save the world" - was she aesthetic and moral utopia? Do you think he understood the powerlessness of beauty in the transformation of the world?

Vladimir Receptor: I think he believed in the saving power of beauty. After what happened to him, he could not help but believe it. He considered the last seconds of his life - and was saved in a few moments before, it seemed to be inevitable execution, death. The hero of the story of Dostoevsky "Sleep of a Funny Man", as you know, decided to shoot. And the gun ready, charged to lying in front of him. And he fell asleep, and he dreamed of a dream that he shot himself, but did not die, but he was on some other who had reached the perfection of the planet, where exceptionally good and beautiful people lived. He is because "a funny person" that in this dream believed. And in the same charm: sitting in his chair, sleeping understands that it is a utopia, sleep and that it is funny. But according to some strange coincidence, it believes in this dream and tells about him as Javi. The affectionate Emerald Sea softly splashed about the coast and lied them with love, apparent, visible, almost conscious. High, beautiful trees stood in the whole luxury of your color ... "He draws a paradise picture, absolutely utopian. But utopian from the point of view of realists. And from the point of view of believers, it is not utopia at all, but the truth itself is true. I, alas , I started thinking about these, most important things, things. Late - because neither at school, nor at the university, nor in theater institute did not teach this in Soviet times. But this is part of the culture that was expelled from Russia as something unnecessary . Russian religious philosophy was planted for a steamer and sent to emigration, that is, in exile ... and just like a "funny person," Myshkin knows that he is ridiculous, but still goes to preach and believes that the beauty of the world will save.

"Beauty is not a one-time syringe"

What should the world be saved today?

Vladimir Receptor: from the war. From irresponsible science. From quantity. From confusion. From arrogance. From rudeness, malice, aggression, envy, meanness, vulgarity ... to save and save ...

You can remember the case when the beauty saved well if not the world, then at least something in this world?

Vladimir Receptor: Beauty can not be likened to a disposable syringe. It saves not by the prick, but the constancy of its impact. Wherever the Sicstinskaya Madonna appear, wherever the war and trouble threw it, she heals, saves and save the world. She became a symbol of beauty. A symbol of faith convinces the creator that the praying believes on the resurrection of the dead and the life of the future century. I have a friend, the famous actor Vladimir Zamansky. He was ninety, he fought, won, got into trouble, worked at the Contemporary theater, a lot was shot, much suffered, but did not waste faith in beauty, good, harmony of the world. And we can say that his wife Natalia Klimova, also an actress, his rare and spiritual beauty saved and saves my friend ...

They are both, I know deeply believers.

Vladimir Receptor: Yes. I will tell you the big secret: I have an amazing beauty wife. She came out of the Dnieper. I say so because we met her in Kiev and it was in the Dnieper. And both did not give this values. I invited her to dine in the restaurant. She said: I'm not so dressed to go to the restaurant, I'm in T-shirt. I, too, in T-shirt, I told her. She said: Well, yes, but you are a receptor, and I'm not yet ... and we began to laugh both. And it ended ... no, it continued because from this day in 1975 she saves me ...

Beauty is designed to unite people. But people, for their part, must be prepared for this union. Beauty is the way. Path of man to God

Destruction Palmyra militants ISIL - Is it not angry with a mockery over the utopian faith in the saving power of beauty? The world is permeated by antagonism and contradictions, full of threats, violence, bloody clashes - and no beauty anywhere else saves from anything. So, maybe enough to repel that beauty will save the world? Is it not time to honestly admit yourself that this motto himself is empty and hypocritical?

Vladimir Receptor: No, I don't think so. It is not worth how Aglaya, be corrected from the approval of Prince Myshkin. For him, this is not a question and not a motto, but knowledge and faith. You correctly set the question of Palmyra. It painfully hurts. It is painfully painful when Barbarian is trying to destroy the canvas of a brilliant artist. He does not sleep, the enemy of man. Not in vain is exactly called the devil. But no wonder our sappers Palmyra residues were cleaned. They saved the beauty itself. At the beginning of our conversation, we agreed that this statement should not be escaped from its context, that is, from the circumstances in which it sounded, by whom it was said when, to whom ... But there is still a subtext and the Nastest. There is all the work of Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, his fate, who led the writer precisely to such seemingly funny, heroes. I will not forget that a very long time Dostoevsky was simply not allowed to scene ... The future is not accidentally named in the prayer "Life of the Future Century". It meant here is no longer literal century, and the age as space space is a powerful, infinite space. If you look back to all the catastrophes that mankind has undergone, unhappiness and misfortunes, through which Russia passed, we will become witnesses of continuously laid salvation. Therefore, beauty saved, saves and will save the world, and man.

Vladimir Receptor. Photo: Alexey Filippov / Tass

Business card

Vladimir Receptor - People's Artist of Russia, Winner of the State Prize of Russia, Professor of the St. Petersburg State Institute of Stage Arts, Poet, Prose, Pushkin. He graduated from the Faculty of Philology of the Central Asian University in Tashkent (1957) and the acting faculty of the Tashkent Theater and Art Institute (1960). Since 1959, he performed on the stage of the Tashkent Russian Drama Theater, acquired fame and received an invitation to the Leningrad Big Drama Theater thanks to the role of Hamlet. Already in Leningrad, he created the "Hamlet" monospectacle, with which almost the entire Soviet Union and the countries of the near and far abroad. In Moscow, many years spoke on the stage of the hall named after P. I. Tchaikovsky. From 1964 he was filmed in the movies and on television, put monospectacles in Pushkin, Griboedov, Dostoevsky. Since 1992, the founder and permanent artistic director of the State Pushkin Theater Center in St. Petersburg and the Pushkin School Theater, where they put more than 20 performances. Author of the book: "Acting shop", "Letters from Gamlet", "Return of Pushkin" Mermaid "," Farewell, BDT! "," Nostalgia in Japan "," On the Fontanka Pil "," Prince Pushkin, or Dramatic Economy of the poet " , "Day, prolonging days" and many others.

Valery Vecutovich

Speech written for the competition of speakers in which I could not participate ...

Each of us is familiar with fairy tales, in which one way or another, good always wins evil; One thing is fairy tales, and the other is a real world that is far from cloud and often appears before us not in the best light. We are so often we meet with such negative moments of life as injustice, environmental disasters, wars of various characters and scales, destruction, which seem to have already bored with the thought of "this world is doomed."

Is there a medicine capable of protecting the world, turn reincarnation to reverse?

We stayed one height
The medium captured by darkness heights!
If the world does not save beauty -
So no one else will save!

(passage of the poem of an unknown author)

The medicine called "Beauty will save the world" opened another FM Dostoevsky. And I believe that, only by contacting the beauty, you can stop the crazy race for power and money, stop violence, to become curly to nature and sincere friend, overcome ignorance and licentiousness.

So, beauty ... What does this word mean for you? Perhaps someone will say that this health or well-groomed appearance? For some, beauty is determined by the internal qualities of a person. The modern world is simply filled with propaganda of excessive hobby in its appearance, when the true meaning of the concept of "beauty" today is very distorted.

According to the intelligence of the ancients, it was believed that the Earth was located on elephants, which in turn stand on the turtle. By analogy with this, elephants can be considered as part of the incoming basis of this world - beauty (turtle).

One of the components of the beauty is Nature: beautiful and wild flowers in the endless clean field, and the ringing crops, transparent drops of which flowed among the rocky Ural Mountains, and the snow-covered forest, riddling sparkling in the rays of the winter sun, and red kitten, asking for a funny lip Surprised eye looking at the world.
All this is the natural beauty of nature, the careful attitude to which is directly connected with the fullness of life. How many emissions in the biosphere are carried out by industrial enterprises? How many animals are on the verge of extinction? And a sharp climate change and natural anomalies? Does it behave to beauty?!

The second, but not significance, the beauty component is art - paintings of outstanding artists, architectural monuments, great musical masterpieces. Their beauty is estimated and confirmed by history, centuries, life. The main criterion for the significance of beautiful and immortal works is an indisputable magnificence, painting, grace and expressiveness that they possess. They can be understood or not understood, there can be disputes about them, carry out multifaceted versatile treatises and evaluations. It is impossible to relate indifferent to them, as they hide the deep strings of human souls, they are valued by people of various nations and generations.

Culture is also going side by side with art. The world is the coexistence of different peoples, respecting someone else's culture (beauty). It is important to respect other people's traditions and customs, to be ready to confirm to admit and take the behavior, beliefs and views of other people, even if these convictions and views are not divided into you. Historical examples of the lack of respect for other people's customs and the bushes can be given not enough. This massive religious fanaticism in medieval Europe, which resulted in crusades, destroying other people's cultures (whole generations of such fanatics have seen in paganism and dissent, threaten their spiritual world and tried to physically destroy everyone who did not fall under their definition of the believer). From the hands of fanatics killed Geordano Bruno, Jeanne d'Ark, Jan Gus and many others. This and the Bartholomeev night is a terrible massacre of Huguenots (French Protestants), provoked by the Yea Catholic Catholic Medici in August 1572. More than 70 years ago, a wave of Jewish pogroms, called the "Crystal Night" rolled around the fascist Germany, which marked the beginning of one of the most populous crimes against tolerance in the history of mankind (Holocaust) ...

A modern cultural person is not only an educated person, but a person who has a sense of self-esteem and respected by others. Tolerance - a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development. We live in a country that is the center of weave different religions, cultures and traditions, which gives society an example of the possibility of the union of representatives of different peoples ...

Our country is the center of weave different religions, cultures and traditions, which gives society an example of the possibility of the unity of representatives of different peoples. A modern cultural person is a person who has a sense of self-esteem and respected by others. Tolerance - a sign of high spiritual and intellectual development.

Everyone is likely to know the quote Chekhov's quotation: "In a person, everything should be fine: both face, and clothes, and soul, and thoughts ...". Agree, it is often so: we see an externally beautiful person, and looking at it, something in it is alarming - something repulsive and unpleasant.
Can we call beautiful lazy, spending whole days aimlessly, it is useless in idleness and in "Lurestania"? And indifferent? Could it be really beautiful? Does the thought reflect on his face how emotion is his speech ? And attracts you a man with an empty look and a fingerprint boredom on the face?
But even the most modest, inconspicuous person who does not possess nature of the ideal beauty, but endowed with the beauty of spiritual without a doubt beautiful. Good, responsive heart, useful things adorn and illuminate inner light.

Beauty with her harmoniousness and perfection is the fundamental practically everything is surrounded. She helps to love and create, she creates a beautiful, because of it we take on the feats, thanks to beauty we become better.

Beauty is the same eternal engine that is impossible in the material level, for reasons of physicists and chemists, but works at higher levels of human life.
"Who is tired of dirt, small penny interests, who are outraged, offended and indignant, he can find peace and satisfaction only in beautiful." A.P. Chekhov

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