Mars Men and Women Compatibility. Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs

Mars Men and Women Compatibility. Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs
Mars Men and Women Compatibility. Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs

Very often write about the compatibility of various signs of the zodiac. Frequently give advice to this nature: the scorpion is married to fish and crayfish, they belong to one element. At the same time, only the position of the Sun at the time of the birth of a person is taken into account. It is believed that if the Sun from the horoscope of one person has positive aspects with the Sun in the horoscope of another person, this indicates the compatibility of two people.

Meanwhile, aspects between the position in two horoscopes speak only about the spiritual proximity of people. Moreover, they further affect the relationship of people of one sex, and not different floors. That is, in fact, it would be correct to say that the scorpion as a business partner or colleagues are suitable for people of the same sex, born under the sign of fish or cancer. About the sexual compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is not even coming. That is why sometimes it happens that, it would seem, compatible scorpion and fish are poorly suitable for each other.

For the sexual compatibility of the signs of the zodiac in astrology, two planets respond - this is Mars and Venus. Mars speaks about the manifestation of passion and desire. Venus is responsible for manifestation of sensitivity, harmony, feelings of beautiful. Consideration of the situation of these planets will give an answer to the question of how much people are suitable for each other in sexual relationships. Therefore, it is important to have personal horoscopes or cosmograms of both partners to determine sexual compatibility.

Main indicators of sexual compatibility signs of the zodiac

The topic of compatibility appeared in the late period of the history of astrology, but is quite well studied.

The best sexual compatibility between partners is observed when Mars from the man's horoscope is in conjunction with the Venus of the horoscope of the woman, orbis is taken within 10 °.

Even if there is no connection, but simply Mars Men and Venus women are located in one zodiac sign, this is a good indicator for compatibility.

Another option is very favorable when Mars Women is in conjunction with the Men's Venus. True, while women are often more active than their partner.

A good indicator is a trigon or sextile between Mars Men and Women's Venus, usually in such cases orbis take about 10 °. The trigon and sextile do not give such strong passions and manifestations of feelings as when connected. They manifest themselves more calmly and harmoniously.

An option when Mars Women is located in Trigon or Sextile to Venus Men is also very favorable for sexual compatibility. At the same time, a woman can take on the role of a more active partner.

A positive factor for the sexual compatibility of the signs of the zodiac is to compound or find in one sign of Venus of both partners. Venus talks about tastes and sympathies of man. When a harmonious aspect (trigon or sextile) is observed between the Venus of the Men and Venger, this is also a sign of compatibility, talks about similar erotic and aesthetic preferences.

The result will be presented together with brief characteristics for each. Compare them, in order of the criteria. Favorable or tension of relationships will be determined by the nature of the sign of the zodiac and the same planets.

The date of birth is necessarily complemented by a geographical location and daily time. If it is known, and you want to know more detail compatibility by date in the field of romantic relationships - use the service "He and she".

Normal analysis of horoscopes for born date

Knowledge is knowledge of the first reasons, without this our understanding of something can not even be called knowledge, it is rather a delusion and ignorance.

The horoscope contains a lot of useful information that can be used practically. For example, to understand the nature of conflicts in the family, surrounded by friends or colleagues. It has the potential of interaction with the surrounding, which also possess them. Under their impact, he will change, causing feelings of sympathy or antipathy.

Many people believe that in astrology compatibility is determined by the zodiacal signs of the Sun. This opinion is promoted by a variety of media and popular books. This is naive and mistaken. Comparison of Sun Signs Partners is only part of reliability. How should it really be?

Consider a specific example of a couple: she is - birth 03.24.1985 at 00 o'clock. 55 minutes, he is - birth 01/28/1980 at the age of 17. 30 min., Both were born in Moscow. Compatibility is analyzed based on the combination of two horoscopes. In simple astrology, there is enough number and months, the year is not needed at all. Almost everyone is aware of his birthday. We get a horoscope pair shown in the picture. one.

There is a sequence of signs from Aries to fish. The sun of each partner is depicted in the respective date (but not the time of day) degrees of the sign. Her sun is inside the circle, his sun is outside. The sun symbolizes self-affirmation. The method or nature of this approval is determined by the zodiac sign in which the sun is located. In this case, we can say that the sun (the principle of self-assertion, the completeness of being) in the Aries and the Sun in Aquarius do not contradict, complement each other. Using an indirect way of symbolic houses and adding some everyday experience, you can write texts for compatibility on all signs for all occasions. They are not contradictory, easily read, excite fantasy, hold attention, preparing the reader to the perception of the main material of the publication (advertising), actually they are done for this.

What details compatibility? All the remaining planets of the solar system, their interpretation at the time of birth (daily time), as seen from the ground. Given the daily birthday of each, the horoscope of our pair will look like in the picture.

Here is a conventional set of classical astrology planets - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Lunar nodes. The list can be expanded at the expense of asteroids, fictitious planets, different points. Planets reveal the completeness of the Sun, so informativeness is significantly higher and reasonable to the assumptions of simple astrology.
Place factor contributes the last necessary element of the horoscope - at home. If the signs of the zodiac and the calculation of the positions of the planets belong to the ecliptic (the orbit of the Earth around the Sun), that is, to heaven, space, then at home are the analogues of the same signs attributed to the specific point of the Earth, because from different geographic locations of the position of the sky seques different. It is at home that the cosmic appearance of the sky is filled with earthly content. Horoscope Couple acquires the final look.

Compatibility by date, time and place of birth

Here is this geometric picture and is actually horoscope compatibility. Here are signs, planets, aspects - angular distances (colored lines in the inner circle) between the planets, speaking their positive or tense relationship, at home - sectors marked with numbers from 1 to 12. An astrologer analyzes such a picture, making an explanation, interpretation or interpretation. horoscope, translation from a symbolic geometric language to normal.
Agree that this is already completely individually and has very little common with a horoscope of simple astrology.
It is interesting to note that the compatibility of partners by date of birth can not be limited to the comparison of the pair. The surrounding people with whom they contact constantly, also contribute an involuntary contribution to their relationship. All familiar situations when a young couple lives with parents, a child communicates with classmates and friends, a person works in a group of employees or team and so on. The influence of the environment can be essential. Combining more than two cards in one drawing becomes very difficult readable, so nowhere we see the simultaneous comparison of the characteristics of more than two partners. "Astropartling" offers a way to circumvent this restriction and expand a look at the Birthday Compatibility Problem in the section "

02.07.2016 11:20

Many treatises for synastric astrology devoted to the compatibility of partners consider many different factors, all planets, nodes, lots. If you use this whole bulky arsenal, it turns out that completely harmonious unions cannot be. On the other hand, this approach does not allow to definitely respond to such, for example, the question: will this marriage overlap or not? Since you can always find some positive guidelines along with negative. But life shows that there are happy unions and unhappy couples. So what does it determine?

What planets are the most influential in the fate of the Union?

The sun

Determines the interaction of people at the level of understanding, at the level of ego-consciousness. It is important which sign in a man and what a sign of a woman. That is, for example, a pair of a female Capricorn and man-Aries is not the same as a woman-Aries and a male Capricorn, and so for all other signs.

For clarity, let's draw a sign, which signs with whom it is better / worse.


Good combination

Problem combination


Scales, Lion, Aries

Scorpio, Cancer, Taurus, Fish, Gemini, Sagittarius

Aries woman

Aries, Aquarius

Scales, Fish, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius


Capricorn, Fish, Scales

Cancer, Taurus

Taurus woman

Aquarius, Capricorn, Cancer

Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Gemini- man.

Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio

Cancer, Taurus, Sagittarius

Gemini women

Aquarius, Cancer

Scorpio, Scales, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aries


Taurus, Cancer, Gemini

Scales, Aries

Cancer woman


Taurus, Gemini, Aries, Sagittarius



a lion


Scales, Aries

Lion, Virgo, Aquarius



Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio


Capricorn, fish

Sagittarius, Scales, Aquarius, Scorpio

Male weights

a lion

Gemini, Virgo, Aries

Woman weights

Aries, Fish, Taurus



Fish, Sagittarius

Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo


Fish, twins

Aries, Capricorn, Virgo

Sagittie men.

no sustainable unions

Gemini, Virgo, Aries, Cancer

Sagittarius woman

Capricorn, Leo, Scorpio

Aquarius, Gemini, Aries


Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo, Capricorn

Gemini, Scorpio, Fish

Capricorn woman

Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn



Taurus, Gemini, Aries

Sagittarius, Virgo, Aquarius, Leo



Virgo, Scorpio, Aquarius, Fish


Scales, Scorpio, Virgo, Fish

Aries, Aquarius

Fish woman

Scorpio, Taurus, Fish, Virgo

Aries, Capricorn

Summary: Compatibility characteristic of the zodiac sign is a probabilistic thing, you can talk about the increased problemability or favorable union, but in this particular case cannot be made a unambiguous conclusion. That is, focusing on the signs of the zodiac, it is impossible to give a specific answer about the prospects for relations.


Responsible for the emotionally sensual side of the human life, his mental organization. If the moon of two people in a harmonious aspect of each other (connection, sextile, trin), then we can say: they live soul into the soul. This is a good emotional perception of each other, empathy, good contact at the level of simple bodily and daily needs (dishes, food, drink, ways to achieve emotional and bodily comfort). This is a favorable interaction at the level of subconscious, inexpressible with the words of deep mental movements.


The planet is the most non-serious in the astrology compatibility, there is never any special problems, even if Mercury partners stand in tense (square, opposition) aspect to each other. Mercury is responsible for sociability, interaction at the level of a particular practical mind, at the level of speech. Of course, if two people of Mercury in a tense aspect, they can argue, but all this is superficial character, all this does not affect their feelings to each other. There is such a saying: " cutely worry - only chop". This is about Mercury. There are a lot of couples in which the spouses do not talk in any way with each other, except through the argument. And nothing, live long and even happily. They perceive it normally, even consider these vespers on something like an intellectual game, No destructive consequences do not lead.


Responsible for the feeling of sympathy between people. This is a level of reception: Like - I do not like it. As they say: " she is not in my taste"(Or vice versa). If Venus is in a harmonious aspect (connection, sextile, trine), then people sympathize with each other. They like each other. But this interaction is devoid of sexual coloring. This is the sense of sympathy. Very often harmonious Venus are found in friendships .


Energy action. Naturally, it is best if Mars does not damage any planets in a partner map, as in the stress aspects of Mars is a very aggressive, conflict planet. If two Mars in partner horoscopes are in a tense aspect (compound, quadrature, opposition), then this is a physical conflict. So hesitates to give him an ear! Conflict at the level of specific actions and the use of physical force in relation to each other. Such partners can run in each other by any object, hit each other. It still depends on how aggressive Mars in the map of that and other partner (bad / well stand in the Natal map, have / do not have harmonious aspects). In the worst case, it can be very serious injuries.

By the way, there are very rare cases when Mars one partner did not damage at least some planets in the map of another partner. But some damage can be ignored, while others can be very dangerous. If Mars one person damages Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto with another person, then this is a serious problem. Also very seriously, when Mars damages the Moon of a partner, one (whose moon) can literally cry from another (whose Mars). Mars offends the moon to tears, to the squeal and hysterics of the vanity. The remaining damage from Mars can be ignored. For example, Mars one damages the sun of another, not scary. You can live with it.


Another conflict planet. In Sinastric Astrology, Jupiter works as a conflict planet. The intensive interaction of two jupiters (quadrature, opposition) means conflict, but, unlike Mars, it is manifested differently. Disturbance. The outbreak of perturbation when one is outraged by the behavior of the other. A partner can slam the door and leave the house. It is indignant and leaving (and Mars is indignant and gives to the eye).

The harmonious aspects of Jupiter to the Sun or the partner's moon give very good compatibility. This is aspect of happiness. The sun or moon feels happy under the influence of Jupiter. In astrology, this aspect has a special name - "Printing Happiness". Especially if this situation is mutual - for example, Jupiter one partner makes Trin to the Sun of another partner, and Jupiter of the second partner makes sextil to the Moon of the first partner.

When the situation is one-way, then one person can give a feeling of happiness to another, and he himself may be not very happy in such partnership.

What does Jupiter of one person give the Moon or the Sun partner? Joy, optimism, healing effect.

So, looking at Jupiter of a person, we look at its aspects to the partner conflict planets - to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto partner. If there is no damage, then everything will be fine.


Also a very important planet for synastric astrology. Saturnian conflict, of course, is different from Mars and Jupiter. If Saturn is damaged by the partner's conflict planets, then this is manifested as a wall of alienation and silence, a person is not talking to his partner, and may not talk long, for a long time, for a long time, long and brutally punishing the partner for some "provinces".

Aspects of Saturn to the Sun and the Moon of the partner are also very important. It is very important that Saturn does not damage the sun or the Moon of a partner, otherwise we have a situation opposite to the harmonious aspects of Jupiter. Saturn in conjunction, quadrature or opposition to the Sun or Moon of a partner is the so-called "print of misfortune."

What does this mean? Saturn suppresses individuality (sun) or psyche (moon) of another person, humiliates and acts on the nerves. The victim (the one whose moon or the sun) feels like a roller drove - a very unpleasant pressure, from which it is impossible to get rid of. Moreover, the one who has Saturn, can be a completely good man, a guy shirt, a merchant with a bunch of friends, but at this particular partner it acts exactly that. Partner (whose sun or moon) seems to be put on it, it is a purely individual reaction. Especially dramatic this situation is perceived when the suppressed (whose sun or moon) is a peer or even an older person who has Saturn. And then the suppressible can not accept the "domination" of the other, and this domination is actually no.


Paradoxically (which, however, in the style of uranium), but this planet in synastric astrology does not play a significant role. It can make elements of surprise, eccentricity. Relationships can be very original and with their highlight.

Uranus as a planet divorce works in a natal map, but at the level of the interaction of two cosmograms there was no significant effects.


Neptune can give charming and disappointment, misconceptions about the object of love. The feeling of the fabulousness of what is happening, the state of painful dependence on a loved one is "love, similar to sleep." But, K.but it turned out, this planet does not give any noticeable influences from the point of view of conflicting or compatibility of partners.


It is of great importance in synastric astrology as a conflict planet. If Pluto damages the partner conflict planets (compound, quadrature, opposition), there are serious conflict situations. Pluto conflict is manifested as disadvantage, art of manipulation and management. No step back! Victory or death! Neither the fids of the native land! Until the last drop of blood! Pluto is not inferior to neither Yota, fights to victory (or to death), the last point in the conflict should be behind him, the last word - it, by all means. And this is understandable, because Pluto is responsible for the global self-affirmation of a person in life. Pluto seeks to conquer other people, but not two-three, but immediately the crowd, the people or all of humanity.

References: S. Shestopalov

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How to determine Vennel in the sign of the zodiac? How does this planet affect the life of people? These and many other questions we will give an answer in this article. Women and men get acquainted, lose their heads from each other and begin to build relationships. The duration of their novel depends on the signs of the zodiac. Placing stars in the sky at all times attracted the attention of people. As soon as the science of astrology appeared, scientists were able to solve some secrets of the universe.


It is known that the position of the planets and stars affects our being, the nature and ability to love. Vener's sensual life is very much acting on our sensory life. There is an opinion that the signs of the zodiac can be determined using this planet.

If you know the month of birth of your partner, you will easily find out everything about his secret desires, preferences, dreams. With the help of these information you can save passionate love for many years. Astrology provides us with an exceptional tool in order to understand how to find a real path to the heart of a lover or legitimate spouse.

Planet accommodation

Most people do not know what properties is Venus in the signs of the zodiac. It is known that the year consists of 12 months, each of which is fixed one of the constellations. If you still unknown your zodiac sign, find your birthday in the table. As a result, you will find a lot of useful information about yourself, your compatibility with colleagues and acquaintances in work, love, business, friendship and, of course, in sex.

Sign Action Period




Each person sign gives special qualities. That is why some people cannot get along - their compatibility is small, it may not exist at all. Very often they say that people are different. Unfortunately, the source of differences lies much deeper than we think. After all, the stars determine the path of each person and choose the best satellite for it.

How are women and men through distance and time find each other? Yes, just between signs is formed some traction. On our life and fate not only the constellation affect. It is important to accommodate other celestial luminaries - Mars, Venus, the Sun, the Moon.

Of course, the action of all the planets of the solar system is taken into account, but these are the most powerful impact on the life of each person, his talent to create connections with other people.

At the time of the appearance of the toddler, the planets and stars are built in a definite order. In this case, it is customary to apply the concept of "zodiac energy". This is a scientific philosophical phrase, which existed in reality. In fact, all conditions in the complex give a person a charge of energy that accompanies him all his life.

Venus, Mars, Moon, Sun

It is interesting for you to find out how Venus in the signs of the zodiac affects the fate of a person? It is known that Mars and the Sun own the male energy, and the Moon and Venus are feminine. The morning star affects the sexual and loving compatibility of man, his sensual life sphere. In astrology, this planet is always considered in the situation regarding the constellation of the zodiac. Despite the fact that Venus has a feminine essence, it affects men with the same force.

What is Mars? This luminaire specifies the level of aggression, independence, tendency to fight. This is a very courageous planet, but on women it also affects. Exploring the horoscope Zhanna d'Ark (Warrior women), astrologists found out that at the time of her appearance on the light Mars was in a peak position. As a result, she received the qualities that were not peculiar to women at the time. If her date of birth came the next day, in historical books about it, most likely, would not mention: Jeanne would have lived an ordinary life.

The moon has an impact on the spiritual life of people. If it is present in the sign of the zodiac, a man is born pensive, impractical. Nevertheless, such features are needed to each. We all have the ability to fantasize, dream. Some even make good money - writers, screenwriters, poets. artists. The moon is a symbol of creativity.

The strongest influence on the man has the sun. This star has colossal dimensions and incredibly powerful strength of attraction. The sun can imitate energy waves affecting each of us. Activity, desire for self-realization, character - this is what gives us this heavenly shine at the time of our birth.

The aggregate of the influence of planets and stars is valid for compatibility of signs. These nuances are an integral part of the life of people. No one can explain why we are just such - it is impossible. Our individuality depends on the hour, day and month of our birth. Stars blessed people. All women and men acquire their fate spontaneously. By the way, fate depends only from us, from our qualities.

Venus influence

Compatibility in Venus many interesting. This planet for each sign of the zodiac affects its own way. With it, it is possible to determine the attachment to one partner, the tendency to acquire random connections. Erotic temperament. Couple can learn a lot of breathtaking about themselves, because sex is an integral part of our being. Usually they say to characterize such a connection: "Venus is in Capricorn (in Lion or Aries)."


Venus in the signs of the zodiac exhibits its most amazing qualities. When it is in Aries, its action is insignificant. This does not mean that for this sign of the zodiac, sensuality is reduced or love is impossible. It is simply in the presence of a slight amount of exciting rays. It increases sharply when a person finds his half, sourcing powerful sexual energy.

Venus affects a man born under the sign of Aries, so that he may never experience strong feelings. It is important here that Aries will make a man who knows how to love without any "but". It is then that new qualities are acquired, an effect is enhanced. A person simply breaks off, dialing daily sexual energy.

Compatibility in such pairs is very large, but for the Aries it is rare. In a man born under this sign, the mind and feelings are combined, although practicality prevails. This situation is not the best for women, as they are not very sensitive.

In general, in order to cause a storm of emotions from Aries, you need limit men's energy.


When Venus appears in the signs of the zodiac, miracles begin to occur. The calf is all right with a sensual component personality. He has the ability to love, a lot of sexual energy. These people know how to share their strength: they give it to other signs. Each person's calves light the flame of passion. Many notes that their sexual compatibility has colossal power. Posted almost the same way, so this sign is compatible with all parameters.

For the Taurus, the choice of an impeccable partner, which not only borrows energy, but also gives it back. Such an alliance is considered successful. Because of his active attendant, the Taurus may like the Virgin, but they will not come out. When Venus is in Virgo, it deprives her eroticism, and for the Taurus it is equivalent to death.

If the Venus lover in a ravine or cancer, this union is doomed to failure. In this case, after the first night, spent together, the Taurus will look at the partner with regret. After all, he expected more from him.


Zodiac sign in Venus, by the date of birth, a certain, can tell about the person amazing things. Gemini in sex and love are very curious. They do not always adhere to the boundaries of the permitted. Such people live under the motto "you need to try everything, even if the rest consider it strange." They are easy to find a partner for sex, but it is impossible to establish long-term relationships. These people suffer from the same problem that is present in the case of Venus in Aries - it is difficult for them to find someone who is ready to get acquainted with them.

For those twins, which in the first half of their cycle appeared on the light, there is a very powerful ability to love. It helps them configure relationships, increases their compatibility. Such people are identical to the heroes of novels, as they can brightly exercise their sensuality. This is not to be afraid, because they are quite sincere with you.

Gemini dream of Lev, although they know that he has a brown temper. If the lion appeared in their environment, he is the first candidate for a stormy novel.


The sign of the zodiac in Venus by date of birth to calculate is completely simple. You can take advantage of the special astrological tables "Efemerida", in which the coordinates of this planet are prescribed for each day in the signs of the zodiac. Women and men who have emerged under the sign of cancer, suffer from the specifics of the placement of Venus. Their love is not like passionate - she is rather maternal. They do not have the degree of sensuality and sexuality, which is necessary for most partners, as Venus in cancer has negative qualities.

With these people, cozy and good, as in the hometown. They have a difficult attitude to sex - they believe that it is necessary mainly in marriage, no more. For other zodiac signs, this approach may seem humiliating, because they wish to be real intimacy. When it is located in cancer, it gives their wards with all sensual positive qualities except sexuality.

If the cancers are associated with a sign that has identical energy (for example, with ramps or weights), then it becomes easier. By the way, in such pairs, the attraction may not be absent. Venus in cancer for marriage is unsuccessfully, but it has a positive effect on friendly relationships in which there is no sex.

a lion

The zodiac sign in Venus acquires a stunning character. This planet in Le Rel is able to create a fairy tale. By itself, this sign is proud, strong, despising failure. In sex and love, it becomes even more recoverable. Weaker signs are afraid and do not want to create relationships with him. Strengths admire, finding that unexpected dust with whom the lion tries to prove his championship.

That lion who was born in the second half of his cycle, has a big heart. Sometimes even very. This nuance encourages him on treason. If Venus in a ravine or cancer limits his ward from sexual aggression, then in Lield it turns into a unreliable patron.

People who have emerged under this sign can establish a magnificent connection with twins that always experiment. Venus Leo modifies in the collector victories over the opposite sex, so be careful, fond of such a favorite, but persistent partner.


When the zodiac sign in Venus is located, its properties change. This female planet turns into a special emblem with a disappointing forecast. These people do not know how to love. They appreciate the partner, his power, quality. The Virgin is needed to love her, then she is pretty. This condition is not quite typical, because it is fully directed to contemplation of love. The virgin is important to receive to hear compliments. Only then can she say: "Ah, I am a little in love."

The sexual world of the Venus Venus practically does not affect. Under the influence of the first impression received from the partner, these people can be active for some time, but in the future they let go of the situation. Of course, gifts, prayers, recognition can be revived. As you can see, the connection of the Virgin with other zodiac signs is very confused.

She can easily love because of the first impressions, but her joint life is unlikely. The virgin wants to criticize everything. It is still its quality in love, but it is detrimental in bed. Many signs reject her due to indifferent comments.


How is the sign of the zodiac in Venus to calculate? This question is asking almost every person. But consider the scales now. This is a powerful sign. Someone the scales may introduce icy, not passionate. This is not true. Women and men who appeared on this sign, know how to get out of their partner's spears. If you can check their checks, you can be sure - this connection will bring a large number of joy, cavity and love. Scales know how to demonstrate their feelings. Naturally, not for everyone, this zodiac sign will be friendly and open.

Venus in Lion is considered aggressive sexually, but the union of this sign will be friendly. Libra will be able to send lions on the right path, and his passion will support years. These people with other signs have good compatibility, especially in youth.


How the zodiac sign in Venus is to calculate, know a few. In fact, this calculation is not complicated. What is the scorpion, when is Venus in it? These people can love unless. For them, the desires of the partner are of great importance. Scorpio always wishes a physical relationship, ready for infinite courtship. In general, the situation is very harmonious. If you are pursuing mercenary goals, you are better not to get involved with representatives of this sign. They are superbly distinguished false.

Scorpions in sex prefer active partners ready to experiment. In Lele, they can sometimes be disappointed. It all depends on how sexy is limited. They immediately reject too passive, as they consider sex tool to communicate, and with a sad interlocutor to talk uninterestingly.


Many concerns the question of how to find out, Venus in which sign of the zodiac is located. But not everyone can find the answer for him. What is the striker? The situation with this sign is similar to the placement of Venus in the Aries. Sagittarius is distinguished by only what he can manipulate sex, sex. This does not mean that these people do not know how to feel pleasure from the proximity to the partner. They do not have any problems with full compatibility. Sagittarius knows the price, he is very self-confident.

Venus in the signs of the zodiac in women exhibits special properties. For example, ladies-Sagittari believe that they are a gift of fate for every man. Behind them you need to carefully care for, seek. They are indifferent, the partner will delight the result or not.

Sagittarius sometimes show passion, but retain the sobriety of the mind. This sign of the zodiac has a clear understanding of what their love is worth. For a small intrigue to contact them risky. You can conquer the heart of these people only straightforward.


Venus at the moment of the birth of a person radiates extraordinary energy. If this planet is in Capricorn, it enhances the sense of importance of the partner at the sign. Capricorns are not frivolous. If your pair did not work out, this is just because these people have a clear opinion - the union is doomed to failure. They thoroughly think about everything "for" and "against" and conclude. Those to whom Capricorn fell in love, Fortuna smiled. He is honest and open, never goes to betrayals.

Capricorn combines passion and tenderness. They will not experiment in sex if they consider unworthy check. These are wise people who are capable of a few steps forward to anticipate the behavior of a partner.

Women are always enthusiastic about their Capricorn lovers. After all, he knows exactly what she wants. Of course, Capricorn can sometimes be able to perceive non-serious. Do not worry if he does not call you. You can score your phone number yourself.


In the planet Venus (zodiac sign), compatibility is laid by the time of centuries. So, what are the Aquarius in Tandem with this heavenly luminaire? They are hard in life, as they understand them a few. The compatibility of this sign with others is not as strong as the rest. They are temperamentally in their own way, do not like words. Aquarius can talk or a good friend or a partner. With his beloved heavily, because he does not like to communicate. It's hard to get acquainted with him.

In sex, the Aquarius is manifesting the initiative until he is coming. And annoying sex rapidly. Venus in the signs of the zodiac in men defines many qualities of their ward. Men-aquatic are popular among those women for whom sexual dust does not matter. Venus in cancer or the virgin recognizes Aquarius. They are good together in the emotional sphere, when unnecessary words are not needed, because everything is clear in the eyes.

For Venus Aquarius in Lev is dangerous. With such a partner, life turns into torment. Men-lions might think that in this "quiet waters are devils", but they will miss. Such a lady is almost impossible to incline to the stormy novel.


Many people wish the future to find out. Venus in the zodiac sign they find and follow its instructions. What are the fish, when they fall under the influence of this planet? They are jealous of love. These people appreciate the partner, but the fear of losing him, lose the spiritual connection, they scares them most of all in the world. That is why they are ready to perform all his whims. Fish is limited in sex, do not suffer. It seems to them that they are wonderful. They are ready for everything and believe that they have no need to change partners.

Male fish own a thin spiritual organization that allows them to please everyone, even a woman-maiden. Of course, they have a dubious future, because they do not tolerate criticism and reproaches in bed.

In the rest of the fish are romantic natures. These people can not be called cold. They have a surprisingly agreed on the selection of sex and love. They sometimes dream of Leve, as a faithful and passionate partner, his ferventness takes on their own expense.

In general, fish and lion have excellent compatibility, but the second of the second can complete everything. Fishes are dreaming, their hearts are ready to take everyone. This talent to love can play a keen joke with the young owners of this sign, because the world is cruel.

Love horoscope

In which sign of the zodiac is Venus at the time of man's appearance, it is easy enough to determine. Most often, the compatibility horoscope causes people an interest because they wish to understand whether there is a passion and love between them. The situation of Mars and Venus affects the emergence of intimate relations and romance. If Venus men are connected to Mars of Women - in 90% of cases there is a strong romantic feeling between them. The same moment is valid for other accurate aspects. Contact between these planets is important for the occurrence of romance, but he plays a minor role. A powerful connection may appear only when the lilith nodes are affected, or the lunar orbit.

In general, the analysis of the placement of different points and the planets in the compatibility horoscope allows you to answer many questions. You can get not only information about romantic feelings, but also about the consistency of partners, the social success of the pair. Experts do not recommend people to analyze their relationships on their own, since here you need to compare many factors. They say it is better to turn to the astrologer to build a compatibility horoscope (synastria). They argue that in this way you can save a lot of time, nerves and avoid many disappointments.


Venus is a patron of which sign of the zodiac? This planet is a guardianity indicate the sunset - this is a sign of air, and the Taurus - the Earth.

In physical universe, Venus corresponds to magnetism. How does this planet manifest itself in a horoscope? She represents our sensual emotions, shows our ability to love another person, the ability to express their feelings in poetry, art, literature. In general, this heavenly luminaire is responsible for the feeling of love and beauty.

Finding Venus in the sign of the zodiac shows how a person expresses his passion in intimate relationships, as he belongs to money, to personal property, whether he recognizes ethical and aesthetic values.

In the houses of the horoscope, this planet shows what areas and in what form a person makes its financial affairs that he attracts what he likes what is his artistic (in men - erotic) aspirations.

Venus is not amenable to logic. She shows the style of our personal relationship. In a man in the map, she shows the type of lady, which attracts it, and in a woman - what woman does she feel herself. In Venus, we do as we like, and what we want.

Natal compatibility card It is an individual horoscope, which is compiled for one person and takes into account the location of the planets during birth. It shows the influence of various celestial bodies on fate and character. Born in one day can be completely different from the inclined and behavior. This is due to a quickly changing sky. Fast change in the position of the stars creates various characters.

How to make a natal map

The creation of a natal map is a subtle and fascinating case, able to captivate many astrology lovers and need training and training. Do not despair, if you do not work out from the first right, because any new lesson requires concentration and patience. With the help of an attachment to astrological knowledge, you can access new interesting and useful information.

Make a natal map worth a certain effort, but they are worth it. There are two options: with the help of a special astrological program or with our page Natal Map online. Each chooses its own method.

Method number 1: online

It is considered the easiest way. Go on the link :.

In specific fields (for convenience they are signed) indicate the name, number and month of birth and time (if you do not know exactly when it was born, then you can put standard 12:00). Fill in place of birth (city and country).

After that click on "Create a horoscope".

That's all. It remains only to enjoy the finished result. To save a picture, you need to make a screen screen (snapshot - made by a special keyboard key) and print on the printer.

Method number 2: Special Astrological Program

This option is suitable for those who understand the computer programs at the average level and want to continue to explore astrology in the future.

Crossing at, you fall on one of the most popular Astrology programs - ZET. Her plus is that it is completely free.

Paint the page and find "Download distribution ...". Click on the selected link. Install the program on the computer is very simple, because the site gives instructions. If you already have a favorite program, you can use it.

Run the application on your computer. In the upper left corner you will find the "Horoscope" department. Click on it and go to the source data section.

In the first empty graph, you need to enter your name, and below the date and time of birth. Ideal if you know the time of appearance on light with flaws at half an hour. But if you do not know at all, leave 12:00.

To enter the city and country data, you need to click on the special picture on the right and the Atlas will open. If you appeared not in the city, but in the village (and it is not in the list), then you will choose the city closest to the terrain. To finish, click on "execute".

Not excess will check the card. To do this, you can compare the second option with the first. On both maps, the location of the planets and the zodiac circle must coincide (though the appearance may differ).

In more detail, describe the natal card will allow an idea of \u200b\u200bit as a plan of action to create harmonious life. With its help, you can prevent harmful consequences from extraneous influences on a person. The map will help in knowing its inner world and will reveal the secrets of behavior, positive and negative aspects of the person. Ultimately will be possible self-realization and obtaining happiness.

How to read a natal compatibility card with decoding

The base is the exact temporal coordinates and location of the appearance of the light. The first thing to the plane is applied by the celestial sphere. It is located properly relative to the horizon. To start making a map you need to accurately record time and place of birth.

The map contains 12 zodiac signs, which are presented in a position counterclockwise and are strictly in the sequence. The first is the Aries, finish the map of the fish. There are two circles on the map. Internal serves for the location of the planets with respect to our luminaire. With the help of Arabic figures is denoted by degrees. In addition to them, the symbolic designation of each heavenly body is applied, which plays an important role in decrypting.

In the signs of the zodiac are housed at home, playing a special role in creating the stages of the life of an individual. The natal card is drawn up once and in subsequent years does not change, because it is based on the first minute after the appearance of the light. The positions of the planets will be unchanged. Card decoding is usually dealt with qualified astrologers. The interpretation process can delay for a whole week.

To decrypt the natal card, you will surely need:

Aspects of the planets are the position of natal and transit planets relative to each other. The following values \u200b\u200bof the planets aspects are equally to the Natal and Transit Planets, as well as to their joint aspects. For the compilation of an individual horoscope, attention is paid primarily to aspects of natal and transit planets.

When the astrologer studies the stages of a person's life, such signs will help him correct all the calculations. Also, such houses help to reveal some features of the character of a person.

The location of the planets in the natal map affects the formation of the character of a person, its inclinations, temperament and features of the person. The planets affect not only physical, but also on the emotional and intellectual plan. By certain features, they can be divided into groups.

Many people who are learning an astrological science are faced with the concept of "retrograde planet". Therefore, let's try to understand the main details of the incomprehensible phenomenon in order to completely exhaust this issue.

The connection of astrology and planets is very close. It can be argued that its impact on a person has not only a certain planet, but also all the components of one component. Our actions and habits are a direct impact of planets, zodiac signs. Emotionality, character traits, karma and fateful solutions - it all depends on what planet we were born.