The most difficult picture in the world. The most expensive paintings in the world

The most difficult picture in the world.  The most expensive paintings in the world
The most difficult picture in the world. The most expensive paintings in the world

Looking at some of the paintings that are being auctioned today, I want to cry. Cry, because these canvases look like a child's daub, but stand like a villa in Miami. The time has come to present the most expensive absurd masterpieces that were sold for millions of dollars.

Green and White, Ellsworth Kelly - $ 1.6 million

It's not just a jagged green circle on a white background. This is an example of painting, where the main object is the color itself. This creation was bought at Christie's auction in New york in 2008.

Actually, in the rest of the artist's paintings you will not find complex patterns and realistic landscapes - only the simplest figures on a white, black or bright background.

Blue Fool, Christopher Wool - $ 5 million

The painting was sold by Christie’s (New York) in 2010. Contemporary American artist Christopher Wool went further than his colleagues and, in addition to "scribbling" and "karakul", began to place inscriptions in large letters on canvases.

There is a great deal of irony in the fact that one of the most expensive works from this series became a canvas with the inscription "FOOL" (Fool).

“The concept of space. Waiting ", Lucio Fontana - $ 12.8 million

The slit white canvas was sold at Sotheby's in London in 2015. The artist Lucho Fontana is known for his "barbaric" attitude towards his canvases - he mercilessly cut and pierced them. But he did it so that later it would be possible to show the "mutilated" picture to the viewer.

For the master, his slits personified infinity itself. “When I sit down in front of one of my slits and begin to contemplate it, suddenly I feel that my spirit is being released. I feel like a person who has broken free from the shackles of matter, belonging to the endless expanse of the present and the future, ”said Fontana.

Painting "Golub th star "Joan Miró -$ 36.9 million

One of the most expensive lots of the Sotheby’s auction held in the British capital in 2012. This is the first painting on our list that seems to have been painted on. Just what?

The painting was created by the Spanish surrealist painter Joan Miró. At one time, the painter was starving, which is why he often observed hallucinations on the walls. The creator transferred the images he saw to the paintings. Now his canvases are selling for millions of dollars.

Roy Lichtenstein's Sleeping Girl - $ 44.8 million

The Sleeping Girl went under the hammer in 2012 at Sotheby's in New York. For the work of Liechtenstein, who was once called " worst artist America ”today are giving fabulous money.

Roy Lichtenstein is known for creating paintings based on comics: the artist simply took and redrawn other people's work, adding something of his own. For this, he had to endure attacks from critics, but this also made him famous. Liechtenstein's paintings are constantly on the list of the most expensive paintings.

Untitled, Cy Twombly - $ 69.6 million

The painting was sold at Christie’s New York auction in 2014. When a child draws this, it’s scribbles. But when a publicized artist does it, it is a masterpiece worthy of paying crazy money for it. Twombly's other works are all the same scribbles and are just as obscenely expensive.

Barnett Newman's Black Fire - $ 84.2 million

This masterpiece was sold at Christie's in New York in 2014. The author's sign of Barnett Newman is vertical lines, which are called "lightning".

Other paintings by the master differ from the one presented above, except in color and in the width of these same lightning bolts. Prices for the artist's canvases grow from auction to auction.

Orange, Red, Yellow, Marko Rothko - $ 86.9 million

No. 20. $ 75,100,000. Royal Red and Blue by Mark Rothko, sold in 2012.

The majestic canvas was among the eight works selected by the artist with his own hand for his epoch-making solo exhibition at the Art Institute of Chicago.

No. 19. 76.7 million dollars. The Massacre of Babies by Peter Paul Rubens, created in 1610.

The painting was acquired by Kenneth Thompson at Sotheby's in London in July 2002. Bright and dramatic work Rubens can fight for the title of "the most unexpected success". Christie has estimated this painting at only 5 million euros.

No. 18. 78,100,000 dollars. Ball at the Moulin de la Galette by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, written in 1876.

The work was sold in 1990, at that time it was listed as the second most expensive painting in the world ever sold. The masterpiece is owned by Ryoei Saito, chairman of Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co. He wanted the canvas to be cremated with him after his death, but the company faced financial difficulties with credit obligations, so the painting had to be used as collateral.

No. 17. $ 80 million. Turquoise Marilyn by Andy Warhol, written 1964, sold 2007

Acquired by Mr. Steve Cohen. The price was not confirmed, but this figure is considered to be true.

No. 16. $ 80 million. False Start by Jasper Johns, 1959

The painting belonged to David Geffen, who sold it to CEO investment group Citadel, Kenneth S. Griffin. It is recognized as the most expensive painting that was sold during the life of the artist, cult master Jasper Johns.

No. 15. $ 82,500,000. "Portrait of Dr. Gachet", Vincent Van Gogh, 1890.

Japanese businessman Ryoyi Saito bought the painting in 1990 at an auction. At that time, she was the most expensive painting in the world. In response to the resonance that arose in society about Saito's desire to cremate a work of art with him after death, the businessman explained that in this way he expresses his selfless affection for the painting.

No. 14. 86.3 million dollars. Triptych by Francis Bacon, 1976

This Bacon masterpiece from three parts broke the previous record for his works sold ($ 52.68 million). The picture was acquired by Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich.

No. 13. 87.9 million dollars. "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II", Gustav Klimt, 1912.

The only model shown twice by Klimt and sold a few months after the first version. This is a Bloch-Bauer portrait of four paintings, for which a total of $ 192 million was raised in 2006. The buyer is unknown.

No. 12. 95,200,000 dollars. Dora Maar with a Cat, Pablo Picasso, 1941.

Another painting by Picasso, which went under the hammer at a fabulous price. In 2006, it was acquired by a mysterious Russian anonymous author, who at the same time bought the works of Monet and Chagall for a total of $ 100 million.

No. 11. 104.2 million dollars. Boy with a Pipe, Pablo Picasso, 1905.

This is the first painting to break the $ 100 million barrier in 2004. Oddly enough, the name of the person who showed such a keen interest in the portrait of Picasso was never made public.

No. 10. 105.4 million dollars. Silver Car Crash (Double Crash), Andy Warhol, 1932.

This is the most expensive work famous legend pop art, Andy Warhol. The painting became a star contemporary art, having gone under the hammer at the Sotheby's auction.

No. 9. 106.5 million dollars. Nude, Green Leaves and Bust, Pablo Picasso, 1932.

This sensual and colorful masterpiece has become the most expensive work of Picasso ever sold at auction. The painting was in the collection of Mrs. Sidney F. Brody and has not been exhibited to the public since 1961.

No. 8. $ 110 million Flag, Jasper Johns, 1958.

"Flag" is the most famous work Jasper Johns. The artist painted his first American flag in 1954-55.

No. 7. $ 119.9 million. The Scream, Edvard Munch, 1895.

It is the unique and most colorful work of the four versions of Edvard Munch's masterpiece The Scream. Only one of them remains in private hands.

No. 6. 135 million dollars. "Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I", Gustav Klimt.

Maria Altman judicially sought the right to own the painting, since Adele Bloch-Bauer bequeathed it state gallery Austria, and her husband later canceled the donation against the backdrop of the events of World War II. Taking legal rights, Maria Altman sold the portrait to Ronald Lauder, who exhibited it in his gallery in New York.

No. 5. 137.5 million dollars. Woman III by Willem de Kooning.

Another painting sold by Geffen in 2006, but this time the buyer was billionaire Stephen A. Cohen. This strange abstraction is part of a series of six of Kooning's masterpieces, painted between 1951 and 1953.

No. 4. 140 million dollars. No. 5, 1948, Jackson Pollock.

As reported in the New York Times, film producer and collector David Geffen sold the painting to David Martinez, managing partner of FinTech Advisory, although latest information did not confirm. The truth is shrouded in mystery.

Today we will talk about the beautiful - oh art in monetary terms: about the most expensive paintings. Often the most expensive items arts are either not as beautiful at first glance as expensive, or they depict something ... incomprehensible to a mere mortal.

It is also worth considering such a moment - the most expensive paintings are not for sale in the world, they are in state museums.

In the photo, the painting by Leonardo Da Vinci "Mona Lisa" (1503)

For example, paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci are absent in private collections, but if they were put up for sale, the price would be higher than that of the paintings from private collections listed in the rating.

So, "the list of the most expensive paintings includes only works for sale in the XX-XXI centuries."

According to private sales, the most expensive painting - "When is the wedding?"

Pictured is a painting by Paul Gauguin "When is the wedding?"

Paul Gauguin has one painting on the list of the most expensive, but it comes first.

The painting was written by the author on the island of Tahiti, where Gauguin settled, moving away from the bustle of the world and former family, married a young black girl of thirteen years old from a local tribe - according to official versions in the picture on foreground this girl is depicted. Glory came to the artist only after his death ...

Pablo Picasso is perhaps the most popular artist of the most expensive paintings today. In the list of the most expensive paintings (for 2016), his works are 6.

According to open sales data, the most expensive painting is “Algerian Women” (version O) by Pablo Picasso. 1st place based on open sales. Sold for $ 179.3 million in May 2015. "This amount was paid for it by the former Prime Minister of Qatar, Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber Al Thani." In general, there are 15 paintings in the "Algerian Women" series.

In the photo, the painting by Pablo Picasso "Algerian women" (version O)

Pablo Picasso is also called the most dear artist, since even by the standards of 2006 and only according to official sales, the fund of his works amounted to $ 262 million. But today even 6 of his paintings on the list have a total fund of more than $ 650 million.

Picasso - “The founder of Cubism (together with Georges Braque and Juan Gris), in which a three-dimensional body was drawn in an original manner as a series of planes aligned together. Picasso worked a lot as a graphic artist, sculptor, ceramist, etc. "... Picasso created over 20 thousand works in his life.

Another of his works is one of the first places in the list of the most expensive paintings - "Nude, green leaves and bust", 1932, Pablo Picasso, sold for $ 106.5 in May 2010.

Pictured is a painting by Pablo Picasso "Nude, green leaves and bust"

The painting depicts Picasso's mistress, whom he painted in secret from his wife (though honestly it is not very easy to recognize a mistress or not a mistress in this work, as well as in all the artist's works it is difficult to find out exactly who he painted).

4th place based on the results of closed sales:

Sleep, 1932, Pablo Picasso. The painting was sold in 2013 for $ 155 million.

In the photo is a painting by Pablo Picasso "Dream"

Boy with a Pipe, 1905, Pablo Picasso - Sold in 2004 for $ 104 million.

In the photo is a painting by Pablo Picasso "Boy with a pipe"

Dora Maar with a Cat, 1941, Pablo Picasso - sold for $ 95 million in 2006

pictured by Pablo Picasso "Dora Maar with a cat"

Bust of a Woman (Woman in a Hairnet), 1938, Pablo Picasso - Sold at the end of 2015 for $ 67 million

Pictured is a painting by Pablo Picasso "Bust of a Woman"

The next artist who took an honorable place in the list of creators of the most expensive paintings is Paul Cezanne

His painting "The Card Players" (the 3rd painting of the 5-painting series) was bought by the Karat authorities for national museum in 2011 for $ 250 million. At that time, it was the most expensive painting. The second place according to the results of closed sales for 2016.

In the photo is the third painting of the series "Card Players" (1892-1893) by Paul Cézanne

“Paul Cézanne (fr. Paul Cézanne; 1839-1906) - French painter-painter, bright representative post-impressionism ".

The list of the most expensive paintings also includes the following paintings by Cézan:

"Mount Sainte-Victoire, view from the grove at Château-Noir", 1904, Paul Cezanne, sold in 2012 for $ 100 million

In the photo is a painting by Paul Cézanne "Mount Sainte-Victoire, a view from the grove at Chateau Noir"

Pictured is a painting by Paul Cezan

Still Life with a Jug and Drapery (English), the painting sold for $ 60.5 million in 1999.

Another outstanding artist, whose paintings were added to the list of the most expensive - this is Mark Rothko. Mark Rothko is an American artist, a leading representative of abstract expressionism, one of the creators of color field painting. "Mark Rothko is one of the most famous and influential American artists of the second half of the 20th century and a key figure in postwar Abstract Expressionism."

In Russia, an exhibition of Rothko's works was first held in 2003 in State Hermitage, and was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth.

In August 2014, Mark Rothko's painting No. 6 (Purple, Green and Red) was sold for $ 186 million.

On the photo is a painting by Mark Rothko "Violet, Green and Red" (No. 6)

Also in 10th place in terms of results open bidding Rothko's painting Orange, Red, Yellow, 1961, sold for $ 87.6 million in 2012.

In the photo is a painting by Mark Rothko "Orange, red, yellow"

Painting "No. 10" (1961) by Marko Rothko sold for $ 81.9 million in 2015.

On the photo is a painting by Mark Rothko "No. 10"

In the photo, Rothko's painting "No. 1 (Royal Red and Blue)", 1954 - sold for $ 75.1 million in 2012.

Pictured is the painting "White Center (yellow, pink and purple on pink)", 1950, sold for 72.8 in 2007.

In the photo, Rothko's painting "Untitled", 1952, sold for 66.2 million dollars in 2012.

Mostly the artist created works abstract painting color field, although there are portraits. As connoisseurs of art assure: “Expressive canvases by Mark Rothko have a mystical feature - according to many viewers, the paintings, when you observe them at close range (and this is what the artist himself insisted on), cause powerful emotions- heightened feeling of loneliness or fear, to the extent that standing in front of them, especially sensitive people may burst into tears. "

Another famous artistAmedeo Modigliani... He painted several paintings that are considered some of the most expensive in the world.

"Amedeo (Iedidia) Clemente Modigliani, July 12, 1884, Livorno, Kingdom of Italy - January 24, 1920, Paris, Third French Republic - italian artist and sculptor, one of the most famous painters late XIX- the beginning of the XX century, a representative of Expressionism. "

In the photo, the painting "Lying Nude"

The second on the list of the most expensive paintings according to the versions of open auctions: "Reclining Nude", 1917-1918, sold for 170.4 at the end of 2015.

The painting Nude Sitting on the Couch, 1917, sold for $ 69 million at the end of 2010.

The painting Reclining Nude with a Blue Pillow, 1917, sold for $ 118 million in 2012.

The next famous artist, whose paintings were added to the lists of the most expensive paintings: Vincent van Gogh

"Vincent Willem Van Gogh (March 30, 1853, Grotto-Zundert, near Breda, Netherlands - July 29, 1890, Auvers-sur-Oise, France) was a Dutch post-impressionist painter whose work had a timeless influence on 20th century painting."

“Along with the works of Pablo Picasso, van Gogh's works are among the first on the list of the most expensive paintings ever sold in the world, according to estimates from auctions and private sales. Sold for over 100 million (2011 equivalent) include: Portrait of Dr. Gachet, Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin and Irises.

Portrait of Dr. Gachet, 1890; painting sold for $ 82.5 million in 1990.

Portrait of the artist without a beard, 1889, the painting sold for 71.5 in 1998.

Alikamp, ​​1888, painting sold for $ 66.3 million in 2015.

Van Gogh lived a short, rather unhappy life, maneuvering between the desire to become a pastor, to arrange a personal life, to go crazy, to live with the poor ... His life is itself a subject of study for many. In his paintings, not so much is expensive technical performance how much the name of the author, the glory to which, as befits a real genius, came after death.

“Francis Bacon; October 28, 1909, Dublin - April 28, 1992, Madrid) - English expressionist painter, master of figurative painting. The main theme of his work is human body- distorted, elongated, enclosed in geometric figures, on a background devoid of objects. "

Francis Bacon has 3 paintings on the list of the most expensive:

3rd place in open bidding: “Three sketches for a portrait of Lucian Freud - triptych, 1969, sold for 142.4 in 2013.

In the photo, the painting "Triptych", 1976, sold for 86.281 million dollars in 2008.

Pictured is the painting "Three Studies for a Portrait of John Edwards - Triptych", 1984, sold for $ 80.8 million in 2014.

Of course, it is impossible about such artists as Edvard Munch, Claude Monet, Willem de Kooning.

In the photo, Munch's painting "The Scream" (1893-1910) is the 4th most expensive now and the most expensive by the standards of 2012 ( open sales), sold for $ 119 million.

There are 4 versions of the painting "The Scream", the artist himself reproduced it several times ... A desperate man in a fetal position, covering his face with his hands against the background of thickening clouds and waves filled with glow and depression, was liked by many for the accuracy of conveying emotions through the image. The scream is everywhere - in the contours of the sky, repeating in the likeness of a head covered by the screaming hands, in the distorted lines of the body, in the gloomy tones of the environment, in people peacefully walking at a distance, not noticing the despair and horror of the screaming ...

Munch's paintings were often stolen by malefactors.

In the photo, the painting "A Pond with Water Lilies" by Claude Monet was sold for $ 80.5 million in 2008.

Willem De Kooning's painting "Woman III", 1953, sold for $ 137.5 million in 2006.

Kunig, as a lover of extravagance, abstractness, created truly creations, in their beauty they were not always understandable to outsiders. All of his paintings from the Women series ..., as well as other paintings, do not convey not so much realism as the individualistic understanding of the world by the artist himself.

From Wikipedia: "Lonely female figure under the influence of frantic, pasty "strokes-blows" on de Kooning's canvases, it turns into a kind of pictorial totem, open to radical Freudian readings. "

Kooning's sculpture is as expressive and abstract as paintings, for example, "The Figure Sitting on a Bench" made of bronze (1972) leaves a huge field for thought and conjecture about who is sitting on the bench ..

In general, have you ever had the feeling when you saw the paintings of Kooning, Picasso and artists who painted in a similar style, that these creations, softly, say, mediocre? But standing next to a cloud, sighing from the depth and glory of the paintings do not allow to do this, because you can be considered ignorant with bad taste, etc. I assure you - such thoughts visited almost everyone who is not too immersed in art, and this is normal.

In fact - I confess honestly: I don't understand Kuning ... Picasso - I won't believe that everyone understands. Or here are Rothko's color fields for hundreds of millions of dollars ... It is generally impossible to understand at once, and evaluate it at a run. Just color on canvas and that's it, but people admire .. Salvador Dali is more of a philosophical artist. If you look at the paintings of the latter from the point of view of aesthetic pleasure, there is little of it in them, but in them huge essence, but I did not find the essence in Kooning's paintings. Of course, this does not mean that she is not there. In general, these artists are difficult to understand ..

Many of them difficult destinies, then suicides, then madness ... The same Rothko, who painted canvases with ideal royal flowers, near which people cried from the special energy, committed suicide, being in severe depression.

But Rothko is a pure, "royal" color, which is silly to judge from the photo of his paintings on a laptop monitor. But still, most of all that I met in the work of Rothko liked the creation of "Light Red on Black", 1957. The essence of the picture, as conceived by the author himself, is "a simple expression of a complex thought." From a philosophical point of view, it is thoughtful and laconic. The main thing is clear.

In the photo is a painting by M. Rothko "Light red on black", 1957

There are versions much more beautiful than the version of "Pond with Water Lilies" by Claude Monet, written unknown artists... But there is one BUT: it does not cling, but some chaotic version in the form of spots on the canvas, written by a genius - clings.

At the same time, the paintings are expensive and beautiful, beautiful not in complexity, but in simplicity, they are, sometimes, not much more beautifully painted by the hand of some unknown author but are worth millions of dollars. Why it happens: paintings by little-known, but talented authors are worth few, and three spots or a brush stroke in red on a white background famous artist- a thousand times more.

It's about the name (as in the case of things - the brand, the company), sometimes it's just the name. It is not the painting itself that is evaluated, but its author. Then .. what are auctions? The rich of this world compete in the right to own an exclusive masterpiece of creativity .. someone competes at the level of someone who has a cooler car, someone who has a Picasso painting ..

20. Pablo Picasso - Woman with crossed arms (1901-1902)
Sold for $ 55 million in 2000.

19. Vincent van Gogh - Wheat Field with Cypress Trees (1916)
Sold for $ 57 million in 1993.

18. Kazimir Malevich - Suprematist composition (1916)
Sold for $ 60 million in 2008.

17. Paul Cezanne - Still Life with a Jug and Drapery (1893-1894)
Sold for $ 60.2 million in 1999.

16. Willem de Kooning - Police newspaper (1955)
Sold for $ 63.5 million in 2006.

15. Vincent van Gogh - Portrait of the Artist without a Beard (1889)
Sold for $ 71.5 million in 1998.

14. Andy Warhol - Green Car Crash (1963)
Sold for $ 71.7 million in 2007.

13. Mark Rothko - White Center (1950)
Sold for $ 72.8 million in 2007.

12. Peter Paul Rubens - Massacre of the Babies (1609-1611)
Sold for $ 76.8 million in 2002.

11. Pierre Auguste Renoir - Ball at the Moulin de la Galette (1876)
Sold for $ 78.1 million in 1990.

10. Jasper Johns - False Start (1959)
Sold for $ 80 million in 2008.

9. Claude Monet - Pond with Water Lilies (1919)
Sold for $ 80.5 million in 2008

8. Vincent van Gogh - Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890)
Sold for $ 82.5 million in 1990.

7. Francis Bacon - Triptych (1976)
Sold for $ 86.3 million in 2008

6. Gustav Klimt - Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer II (1912)
Sold for $ 87.9 million in 2006.

5. Pablo Picasso - Dora Maar with a cat (1941)
Sold for $ 95.2 million in 2006.

4. Pablo Picasso - Boy with a Pipe (1905)
Sold for $ 104.1 million in 2004.

3. Gustav Klimt - Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer I (1907)
Sold for $ 135 million in 2006.

2. Willem de Kooning - Woman III (1953)
Sold for $ 137.5 million in 2006.

1. Jackson Pollock - No. 5 (1948)
Sold for $ 140 million in 2006.

Did you love art or, on the contrary, do not understand why people spend a lot of money on the purchase of paintings and graphics? SME has compiled for you a list of the most expensive paintings in the world with prices and photographs so that you can appreciate the quality of execution and the meaning of the masterpieces.

This picture is a rectangle of blue color on top of the red-colored beam. This work was written in the interval between "Black Square" and "White Suprematism".

No. 25. Kazimir Malevich, "Suprematist Composition" (1916)

On November 3, 2008, at the Sotheby's New York auction, the painting was sold to an unknown buyer for 60 002 500 dollars, thereby becoming one of the most expensive paintings in history, written by a Russian artist.

It is believed that it is this vividly painted still life that is the ancestor of such a trend as Cubism.

No. 24. Paul Cezanne, "Still Life with a Jug and Drapery" (1893-1894)

And this painting found its buyer in 1998 and was sold for 60,503,000 dollars.

Andy Warhol can be safely called an icon of modern art, because his paintings are sold more expensive than famous classics, for example, Picasso or Van Gogh.

No. 23. Andy Warhol, Men in Her Life (1962)

A black and white collage of photographs with Elizabeth Taylor, her third husband Mike Todd and future husband Eddie Fisher in 2010 at the New York auction Phillips de Pury & Co was acquired by a buyer who wished to remain anonymous for $ 63.4 million.

The first artist in the world to be awarded the "Imperial Prize" for "achievement, the international influence that he has made with his art, the spiritual enrichment of the entire world community."

No. 22. Willem de Kooning, Police Gazette (1955)

The 22nd most expensive painting in the world is occupied by an abstract canvas, which flew away from Christie's auction like a hot pie for 63.5 million dollars!

A famous American artist, whose works are always spelled out in such detail that it is almost impossible to distinguish them from photography.

No. 21. Thomas Eakins, The Gross Clinic (1875)

The painting depicts the famous Philadelphia surgeon Samuel Gross, leading the operation to remove part of the bone from the patient's thigh in front of the student-filled amphitheater of the medical academy, the realism of which caused a scandal and notable public relations for the canvas. The picture was grabbed by $ 68,000,000 in 2007!

No. 20. Amedeo Modigliani, "Seated Nude on the Sofa" (1917)

Although officially Sotheby's before the start of the auction did not announce the sale of this painting, as many as 5 buyers were fighting for it. The new owner got it for just 68.9 million dollars!

Part of a series of 7 paintings on mythological themes commissioned by Philip II of Spain.

No. 19. Titian, "Diana and Actaeon" (1556-1559)

At that time, such pictures were considered depraved and they were specially hung with curtains in the presence of ladies. Erotica of the 16th century was bought in 2009 for 70.6 million dollars.

No. 18. Vincent van Gogh, "Portrait of the Artist without a Beard" (1889)

We continue the list of the most expensive paintings in the world, where the honorable place was taken by the master of pictorial strokes, Van Gogh, for 71,501,000 dollars received in 1998.

This photograph is part of a series of tragic car accidents. This is a burning car in Seattle.

No. 17. Andy Warhol, "Crash of the Green Car" (1963)

The real car accident immortalized in the picture went under the hammer for $ 71,720,000.

One of the main ideologues in American Abstract Expressionism, Rothko hated being called abstract.

№ 16. Mark Rothko, "White Center" (1950)

Amazing bright and juicy combination colors, ease of exposure and life principles bring the author $ 72,800,000 and also made it to the rating of the most expensive paintings in the world.

As many as 4 buyers fought for one of the most violent subjects in the New Testament.

No. 15. Peter Paul Rubens, "Massacre of Babies" (1609-1611)

At Sotheby's in London in July 2002, the painting was acquired by Canadian businessman and collector Kenneth Thompson, son of newspaper tycoon Lord Thomson, former owner of the London Times, for 76.7 million dollars.

As the writer Octave Mirbeau said: "This is the only artist who has never painted a single sad picture in his life."

No. 14. Pierre Auguste Renoir, "Ball at the Moulin de la Galette" (1876)

The honorary 12th place of the most expensive paintings in the world is occupied by this, the owner of the masterpiece was Rioei Saito, chairman of Daishowa Paper Manufacturing Co for 78,100,000 dollars.... He wanted the work to be cremated with him after his death, but due to financial difficulties it had to be used as collateral.

There are five options for Marilyn in different colors, but for some reason "Turquoise Marilyn" became the most expensive.

No. 13. Andy Warhol, Turquoise Marilyn (1964)

Price in 80,000,000 dollars it is not accidental, because it is this work that is considered to be an icon of Pop Art, and Andy Warhol, the founders of Pop Art.

American painter, working in the genres of abstract expressionism and pop art.

No. 12. Jasper Johns, False Start (1959)

The painting belonged to David Geffen, who sold it to the CEO of investment group Citadel, Kenneth S. Griffin, for 80,000,000 dollars... It is recognized as the most expensive painting that was sold during the artist's lifetime.

The painting was painted by the master of impressionism in 1919, shortly before he had cataracts.

No. 11. Claude Monet, "A Pond with Water Lilies" (1919)

One of 60 such canvases called "Water Lilies" at Sotheby's auction was sold for 80.5 million dollars.

It was this man who monitored the state of the artist's health before his death.

No. 10. Vincent van Gogh, "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" (1890)

The same Japanese businessman Ryoei Saito, who wanted to cremate himself with the paintings, bought this work for $ 82,500,000... When asked why burn masterpieces with him, he explained that this is the only way to express his selfless affection for the painting.

Francis Bacon is perhaps one of the darkest artists of the 20th century.

No. 8. Pablo Picasso, "Portrait of Dora Maar" (1941)

In 2006, a mysterious Russian anonym was added to his collection for 96.2 million dollars., having bought at the same time the works of Monet and Chagall totaling $ 100 million.