Krivolap artist painting. Anatoly Krivolap - a dear Ukrainian artist

Krivolap artist painting. Anatoly Krivolap - a dear Ukrainian artist
Krivolap artist painting. Anatoly Krivolap - a dear Ukrainian artist

Behind the glass Chardonon is the most fashionable and expensive Ukrainian artist talks about how prices are formed on its painting and what he does not regret money

From the second floor of Kiev Restaurant Monaco opens an excellent view of the hem with its main attractions: the tract of potters-leather, Andreevsk Church, right in front of the windows - landscape alley.

For this panorama, Anatoly Krivolap, the most successful artist of Ukraine, often looks at Monaco. The cost of his paintings beats national records: on average, the canvas are sold at $ 70 thousand. The status of the "most expensive" status has turned the work of the curvolapa to the mandatory subject of the decor of the receptions, cabinets and living rooms of many successful compatriots, and his name is to the brand.

It was in Monaco that the main star of modern Ukrainian visual art decides to dine with HB. However, Krivolap in vain anticipated the pleasure of admirement for the meal: NV on ignorance booked a table on the first floor of the restaurant, where the twilight reigns and the windows are tightly tamer.

Five questions Anatoly Krivolapa:

- Your biggest achievement?
- I managed 20 years of finding myself to go without hysteria, which often goes into alcohol, drugs. It was an interesting job, but it was psychologically very hard, and I did not break. I did not burn myself, did not get out. I just endured. Moved adequately, male.

- Your biggest failure?
- I would not want him to be ahead.

- What are you going around the city?
- Porsche Cayenne 2015.

- Last read book, which impressed?
- The Jew is the profession of Valery Primost.

- Who would you not give hands?
- Traitor in all its manifestations.

- This is not a comfort, and the wretchedness - the cryavolap is annoyed, sitting down at the table. Keeping an external courtege, the celebrity of his discontent does not hide, noticing that the view for him is the most important thing, he would never have "in the wall".

Low prices are humiliated. Not only the artist, but also collector

The conflict topic is replaced by the appearance on the table menu. Krivolap immediately warns that, contrary to the editorial policy (HB treats those with whom it lies during interviews), it will pay: "This is my rule."

I can only obey me.

- Let me take the tradition of Fu-Gra, "the artist is defined in a few minutes and admits that this is his favorite dish, which he tried in many restaurants of Ukraine. In his opinion, the best foie gras served in Uzhgorod, at the Old Continent's restaurant. "It's with the Black Original Sauce," says Krivolap.- Fiction. " And immediately clarifies: for Ukraine. Once he ordered this symbol of gastronomic chic in one of the old Michelin restaurants of Alsace, and since then everything is called Fu-Gra in Ukraine, the artist resembles "pork shit."

However, in Monaco Fu-Gra did not turn out.

"Then let's give this thing," krivolap draws to the waiter, pushing in the menu on baked eggplants with mozzarella.

- Maybe you also have veal fillet? - offers a waiter.

- The fact is that I do not dine, as a rule. We will only in the morning and in the evening, as if curvolap is justified. - In the evening, I would show you a class.

However, the veal does not refuse and, without looking at the menu, orders the wine - two glasses of Chardonnon, as it turned out, 500 UAH each.

Today, Krivolap lives on a wide leg. From 2010 to 2015, 18 of his canvases took place from domestic and international auctions for a total of almost $ 800 thousand.

Anatoly Dmitrievich Krivolap (UKR. Anatolіy Dmitrovich Krivolap; r. 1946) - Ukrainian artist, master of non-pivot painting.

Born on September 11, 1946 in Yagotin. The first textbook on painting Anatoly became a faded pre-war little book with drawing lessons, which he found in the library in Yagotin.

In 1976 he graduated from the Faculty of Painting KGHI.

The first collector of the works of Krivolapa - the Polish collector Rishhard Vrublevsky.

From 1992 to 1995, Anatoly Krivolap actively participated in the activities of the Picturesque Reserve, known in the history of the modern Ukrainian art of the art group. In the 2000s, he moved from Kiev to the village of Zaporoevka under the Yagotin, where he lives and works at the present time.

Anatoly Krivolap is considered the most "expensive" modern artist of Ukraine - in October 2011 at the auction of the auction of Phillips de Pury & Co in London, his work "Horse. Night "was sold for $ 124 343, but the picture" Horse. Evening "June 28, 2013 left with a hammer at the contemporary art day phillips auction for 122.5 thousand pounds of sterling ($ 186,200).

On February 9, 2012, a list of the winners of Shevchenko Prize 2012 was announced. Anatoly Krivolap won the nomination "Fine Art" (for the cycle of 50 works "Ukrainian motive")

Anatoly Krivolap Artist-abstraist, who passed a difficult path from Figure through Foviology to his own style. Creativity Krivolapa develops within the framework of the modernist tradition of the perception of the world through color. As a true modernist, Anatoly Krivolap sees himself in the forefront of Ukrainian art. And if the avant-gardeists of the beginning of the last century were shifted by the new expression of shining colors society, accustomed to traditional figurative painting, then at the beginning of this century, the struggle continues, but only no longer with a swap tradition, but with new destructive trends in a mass society and globalism.

The world art market is increasingly interested in Ukrainian artists. Their paintings still do not fall into the list of the most expensive, but the potential is big, experts say. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the most expensive works of modern Ukrainian artists.

Artist: Anatoly Krivolap
Picture: "Horse. Evening"
Cost: $ 186,200

The work of the Ukrainian artist in 2013 left the hammer of the trading Phillips. Start price on the canvas "Horse. The evening "accounted for 76 thousand dollars. According to the results of the trading, it became the second most expensive among those sold, after the work of American China Harring. Crivapa Anatoly canvases recognizable due to monochromicity and bright colors. "Improving the years a sharp feeling of color, the artist has become known for its last nostalgic thoughts of the" Hitter of Europe, "- said in the catalog of the Phillips auction. The canvas was written in the village of Zavoevka. According to the artist, it was especially difficult to pick up shades. Although when Krivolap told that she mastered more than 50 shades of red, this challenge was special. The horse was supposed to be not too distinguished against the background and at the same time not to merge with him. For sale at auction, a picture was in a private collection in Europe, and also exhibited in Mistetsky Arsenali in 2012. The picture is part of an open series of work, begun in 2005. She has another 14 cloths.

Artist: Vasily Zagolov
Picture: "Who is afraid of Hurst"
Cost: $ 100,000

Vasily Zagolov is a Kiev artist who is well known abroad. He actively reacts to many trends in society and art. He did not bypass and Harst, as one of the most famous, commercially successful artists of the world. The main topics of Hirst's creativity - death, an application for its philosophical and religious understanding. Zagolov is fine, ironically beats this moment in the picture "Who is afraid of Hurst." In 2009, the PinchukArtCentrt took the exhibition Damien Hirst. At the same time, Vasily Zagolov in the Kiev Gallery "Collection" put this picture. On the canvas cowboy with pistols in both hands, go ahead, shooting to the right and left, leaving behind the cemetery crosses. The image of Hanster, which occupies the entire space of the picture, written from the lower angle, so takes over the viewer, which is perceived as an allegory of commercial art, imposes our tastes, image of thinking and lifestyle. The work has acquired a Ukrainian collector.

Artist Alexander Roytburd
Picture: "Goodbye, Caravaggio"
Cost: $ 97,179

Odessa Alexander Roitburd is one of the founders of Ukrainian postmodernism. His works are exhibited in the New York Museum of Contemporary Art. "Farewell, Caravaggio" was sold in 2009. The picture was written under the impression of the abduction from the Odessa Museum of the Western and Eastern Art of the famous Caravaggio Caravaggio "Kiss Juda, or the capture of Christ in custody." The canvas became the beginning of the series of monumental works "ROYTBURD VS Karavacho". The appearance of the same name took place in April-May 2010 in the Kiev Gallery "Collection". According to the artist, a similar game with the masterpieces of classics helps to reveal in them a new meaning.

Artist Ilya Chichkan
Picture: "It"
Cost: $ 79,500

Representative of the new wave in the Ukrainian art of Ilya Chichkan famous worldwide. The most recognizable works are associated with the representation of famous persons in the image of monkeys. In the summer of 2008, Painting Ilya Chichkan "It" was sold in London. The sale took place at Phillips De Pury - the third most important after Christie's and Sotheby's auction house. It was a secondary sale: the painting on the auction was put up by a collector, not the artist himself. "I didn't get any of this," Chichkan said. In fact, received a reputation. If the picture exhibits a collector and it is sold, it means that there is a commercial potential in its author.

Artist Oleg Tistol.
Picture: "Coloring"
Cost: $ 53,900

The work of the artist Oleg Tistola belongs to Neurokko. His picture of the "Coloring" left with the hammer of the Phillips auction in 2012. The buyer wished to remain unknown. The picture was created at the event Ukrainian Fashion Week. During the disfier of the fashion designer Anastasia Ivanova, guests on the canvas were painted with colored markers.

At the auction in London, the painting of the Master was sold for 124 thousand 400 dollars, which became a record among Ukrainian artists

Fifteen years Anatoly Krivolap searched for "his" color, so that at the beginning of the nineties become one of the most successful Ukrainian artists, and at the beginning of the two thousand and most expensive. Another price border Picture Anatoly Dmitrievich overcame a month ago - the work "Horse. Night "was sold from auction in London for 124 thousand 400 dollars. And in the spring of this year, his creation went out of hammer in New York for 98 thousand dollars. However, cash is not very disturbed by the Ukrainian artist. Many years ago, he left Kiev, settled in the village under Yagotin and reluctantly leaves his favorite workshop. He does not wear expensive hours, indifferent to decorations, food and everyday life. He says that because of life in the village, I recovered a little, but it does not exchange it for anything. Although with its capabilities could do it at one point.

"I found more than 50 options for the red shade"

- You told you that the color of your eyes, exactly in-like the sky on the canvases that you create?

- Never. Although, I remember, the girls confessed when I look at the sky, my eyes become blue. In fact, they are gray-blue. But my dairy brother was dark blue, burning. Stunning shade.

- But your favorite color, probably, still red.

- For many years I wrote pictures only in this color. I learned thanks to the red. Found more than fifty options for this shade! Red is very strong. It can be festive and tragic. All emotional palette in one color one. I was always worried about how you can handle what you are worried with the help of shades. The palette is only a set of shades, followed by real feelings or their absence.

- So was it always in your life?

- How much I remember. Since childhood, I had a feeling that in my life everything would work out somehow especially. My parents had no relation to the art, were orphans. Dad has only two classes of education, Mom did not go to school at all. But it was she emotionally supported me, believed. Tell me when I was small, painted where it fell and what would have. Could take a piece of coal, leaning off to the white wall of our house, and suddenly there appeared a horse. He studied to draw himself. Show how to do it right, there was no one. I remember, in the library in Yagotin, I found some kind of faded little book with lessons drawing another pre-war publication. She became my first painting textbook.

- So, at the time when the boys dreamed of becoming pilots and cosmonauts ...

- The period of childhood, when I have not yet drawn, probably was the happiest in life. Then came creative fanaticism, which crossed out almost everything from it. I could no longer be interested in the painting. Dad worked as a driver on the railway and wanted me to go to his footsteps. He said: "We must have a specialty. And painting like that, pampering. " Our family had three brothers, I am the youngest. He always joked, two brothers smart, and the third is an artist. My profession in the family was not perceived for a long time, did not even go to the exhibitions. But I still had anyway - a different life I did not imagine. My childhood had to be at the postwar years. We have no TV at home, often remained without light. In winter, after four in the evening, it was already beginning to darken, nothing to do. I began to draw first from boredom, and then I switched from the real world to the one that I understood best - the world of paints. Since I began to draw, I can not see life real.

* Picture, against which Anatoly Krivolap stands, is made in yellow-red-blue tones. How many shades on the canvas are unrealistic - the real storm of flowers. It is impossible to remove the eyes from the abstraction, in small lonely details everyone finds something, hidden in the very depths of the soul. PHOTO: Sergey Datsenko, "Facts"

- You and people do not see?

- I do not see. I feel or feel it, or not. Everything, with which I come across every day, I encrypt into the color palette.

- And what color?

"I would take a little green, spent a red line and another color that is hidden from me." I would do it with gray to repaint depend on the situation. Almost never use the green color. He is too calm for me. Does not reflect my energy, so it is nervous.

- What then to talk about white?

- But on the contrary! I have almost no furniture at home, and the walls are white. In his youth, he decided that the best dwelling for me is a monk cell. White walls, minimalism. White color is universal. Looking at him, I can see color programs. This is its value. White color for life, green - for rest. All others - for work.

"This is dark in the city, and in the village she ... light"

- What color are you?

- Red with a raspberry tint. Like your blouse. Even brighter.

- Two of your last pictures sold for big money from global auctions, purple dark shades.

- This is what now worries me. I work big series. If I start writing in some color, I deepen into it, as in the "Golden Human". It so happened that the picture "Night. Horse »Sine-purple. What a tint will be tomorrow, I do not know. Color is a whole life. First you need to get used to it, learn the weak, strengths. Then pull it all out. And ... let go. Everything like in life. I was not always known.

- Remember the time?

- graduated from the Kiev Art Institute, and I was invited to work. It was a fund where artists worked, many folk and honored. There they paid decent money. I wrote a picture per month and received two thousand rubles for it! At that time, the salary of the engineer was only 150 rubles. Still life was born in two days and cost 500 rubles. Money! But all the artists in the Foundation depended on the officials who came to us on the luxurious "seagulls" and solved, to take work or not. These views were afraid most. I have already begun my experiments with the color that many just annoyed. I had to either obey or go to "free bread." I chose the second. 15 years spent his experiments, practically no money. Not died with hunger thanks to Polish collector Richard Vrublevsky. Once a month came to Kiev and bought my work. Today he has them 92. He lived more or less decent prior to the beginning of the nineties. And in 1992 I was invited to the exhibition in Germany. My first work was sold for 12 thousand brands! At that time, the family in Ukraine could live a month for 10 dollars. I became rich.

- And settled in the very center of Kiev.

- moved to Kiev after the eighth grade, when he studied at the art school. Then he went to the army, entered the institute, began to earn. And in the 90s I bought an apartment in the very center. A monument to Lysenko near the Opera Theater was visible from her windows. I was recognized, began to buy work. By the way, I was one of the first artists in Kiev, who raised the price for his canvas to a thousand dollars. At that time in Ukraine, collectors bought pictures for 200, 300 dollars. Gallery began to refuse to exhibit my work, but I was well selling and abroad.

- What is this story when you burned my pictures?

- It was two years ago. In two days I burned about two thousand of my etudes. All of them are written on cardboard. They won't call them and paintings, many remained unfinished. Specially painted on the cardboard, knowing that no one would buy such work - they did not take them gallery, they did not interest collectors. Only my pole bought. But I had to train, grow. Now, when he became noticeable, I want only the best things after me. Why sell the stages of their formation, shallow half curvep? Then I decided to burn everything. Falling two days, firing the fire in its own area. And the grandson brought me a wheelbarrow. Only a small part of those pictures remained. But there will be time, spalle and their.

- No wonder you compare with the great Gogol ... Do you have a favorite picture?

- There are two of them. My house, which wrote in 1990. This is a sign landscape. Having created it, I realized that there was no less than the bar of creativity. I can never exceed the level of that work. The picture was sold in Germany for 50 thousand brands. But, probably, the most expensive for me is my first abstraction of blue. She is at home, never selling it.

- So, the white walls of your home are still hanging pictures?

- No, they are clean. The canvas are standing. And not only mine. From student times, she took up collecting. I have the works of the famous Nikolai Glushchenko. This is such a feedback.

- You can afford to live in any city of the world. Nevertheless, Kiev left and moved to the village for several tens of kilometers from the capital.

- There are places where you want to work. And there are those in which you begin to hate yourself. Kiev I love, but stopped working there. And in the village of creating! I have a fantastic place. The garden descends directly to the lake, whose width is two and a half kilometer, the appearance of the spirit. After all, this is dark in the city, and in the village she ... bright. You would have seen this picture! I am writing mostly in the evening.

"In my male body as if you threw a female soul"

- In life, is something interested in you as strong as painting?

- Nothing, absolutely.

- And women?!

- I think they are for me in the fourth place. My relatives know this perfectly. I am a fanatic. Uncomfortable in everyday life. I can without a break twenty hours of experiments with color. Weekends and holidays. I will not even cook for yourself if I am getting hardened. Maximum, what is capable of, to buy or order food. Everything else is a waste of time. I never had a hobby in my life. Rather, the hobby is work. True, now you need to make a little break. Health problems began, jumping pressure. Probably due to the fact that he began to work with enamel. Imagine to be all day in a closed room, where one hundred open cans with paint. Plus turpentine.

- You do not have allergies for it?! You are a happy man!

- Allergies are not, but pressure jumps. Doctors, looking at me, asked: "Do you work on a chemical factory?" I say: "And voluntarily". I am dependent on work. This is my happiness and misfortune. All life as if on the swing - then at the height, then in the failure. But it is precisely this insanely interesting.

- They say for your work "Horse. Night "The auction in London broke out a real struggle among collectors.

- I do not care. I was neither one auction even in Ukraine. I rarely go to the exhibition. Not interested. Everything important to me is in the workshop. What else do I want to know?

- For example, what is called you are called the most expensive Ukrainian artist.

- So what?! I'm not a businessman. Money is not interested in me. Since 1992 I have everything I want. And I have small requests. There is such a saying: the rich is not the one who has a lot of money, and the one who does not have much ...

- But you will agree, money can deliver a lot of pleasant moments. For example, buying things, cars ...

- I have two cars. Mostly I go to the jeep. I love sports cars, but they are not for our roads. One of my first cars was very noticeable in Kiev - the Red Volvo. She was the only one in the city. Two subsequent cars were also red. But the last gray. I found the image of my life - gray-white. Color can only be paints on my paintings. I neutralized everything else in my life ... You know, in my youth I drove on a motorcycle, wore a long haircut and tried to hide that the artist.

- Why?

- Some kind of nonsense is a specialty. We are like perverts. Is it normal that I am more sensitive than a woman? In my male body as if threw a female soul. Honestly, I did not meet a woman who would feel the world stronger than me. But you, women, "receivers". Only you can truly appreciate art, not a man who is with you next. Whoever he is ...

The artist should be poor, hungry and lead a rampant lifestyle - all this is not about painting Anatolia Krivolape. "Just the artists in life. They have a posture that attracts the attention of clothing, a special expression of the face. You look and see: this is an artist, but they are more artists than artists. And it is also cool, among them there may be good masters, but this is another style, "one of the most sought-after and most expensive domestic modern painter is reflected.

The style of Krivolapa is denim shorts and a shirt, so he welcomes guests in his house in the village of Zavoevka, not far from Yagotin. There, the 66-year-old artist lives and has been working for many years, in Kiev is not chosen as often and only for special reasons.

Searches for harmony
"How are my everyday life? Updated, "Krivolap is joking. His day begins at nine in the morning, after tea or coffee - several hours of work. "If there is no mood to go to the workshop, then I sit in the car and ride around the neighborhood, I observe," the painter says. It is weak to sports cars, but a massive jeep prefers on rural roads. Sometimes the car replaces the bike and swim in the lake soup, on the shore of which is the house of Krivolapa. Then - a full-fledged working day, the artist can stand for canvas and eight hours in a row. In the evening - rest in the hammock, here Krivolap watches the sunset, as they change the color of the clouds, behind the sunrise. Then everything seen transfers to the canvas.

"When you start a picture, it pulls like a magnet. He worked, then the chance rested, floated - and again in the workshop, looked, corrected. And so all the time, until you bring her to mind, "Krivolap explains his creative method. Sometimes the picture turns out at the stage of the outline, and it goes even better than it was intended. And sometimes it is necessary to return to the canvase for years. "If we talk specifically, then from two hours to thirteen years," the artist clarifies. - This is how work with conditional colors, which should be transferred and lighting, and space, and my personal condition. "

The mandatory point in the schedule of the artist's working day is the evening checking done per day. "When it darkens, I turn on the light and watch. If I do not like how the picture looks like in artificial lighting, I rework it. In the morning I see what happened. In daytime and artificial lighting, the color is perceived differently, but harmony should always be stored. After all, all museums work with artificial lighting, and we spend at home most of the time with it, "explains Krivolap. If harmony is not saved, the picture will look dark, and the colors will not pass the mood, or the "state", as the artist calls it, which the author laid into the work.

Neither then when Krivolap wrote abstraction, nor before that, nor after reviews to his work, positive or negative, the artist was not interested. "As soon as I decided on my own style, someone did not perceive me," he says. - Recently, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk came to me at the exhibition, said: "I really want your work, I like it, but I can not, she depletes me, takes the strength." And this is normal, perception is always personal. "

With its branded style - expressive landscapes written by bright colors on large-scale canvases - Krivolap was determined in the early 1990s. Prior to that, he managed to experiment with different directions, among his works there are classic still lifes, and portraits of Nu, then a half dozen years old, the artist wrote abstract paintings. "And when I felt that the hand works, and everything was worth it, I realized that I did formal things, it was not on my own," the artist remembers. For ten years of artistic career, Krivolapa had some serious creative crises, then he threw everything and alone rethought his work. To wait for the last crisis, Krivolap bought a cottage. "At first I looked after, then I began to write etudes," says the artist. - Landscapes I wrote always, but before me they had a warm-up before abstraction. And then I saw the moon rises, I noticed what kind of color is how nature changes, her condition. You will never feel in the city. " The passion for the landscapes of Krivolapa continues until now. Now he reflects on how to transfer the rainbow to the canvas, and plans to write more autumn landscapes, they are interested in their complex color and minimalism.