Why Hitler - Still a bad artist? Pictures of Adolf Hitler (22 photos) paintings written by Hitler.

Why Hitler - Still a bad artist? Pictures of Adolf Hitler (22 photos) paintings written by Hitler.
Why Hitler - Still a bad artist? Pictures of Adolf Hitler (22 photos) paintings written by Hitler.
Painting Adolf Hitler ...

"Five years I was forced to earn a living first as a second worker,
then - a modest artist; Scaret earnings lacked not even that every day thicken hunger ... "

Adolf Gitler

The picture "Night Sea", written by Adolf Hitler about 100 years ago, was sold for 32 thousand euros (about 42 thousand dollars) with auction in Slovakia. Adolf Hitler created a picture of the "Night Sea" about a century ago. A night landscape is drawn in the picture, which includes small waves and falling moonlight. In general, the picture looks silent ...

The landscape created in the dark colors was written in 1913. Adolf Shiklgrubber depicted an evening sea landscape when the waves be hit under the lunar light. According to critics, "Sea Nocturne" indicate the real artistic talent of the future dictator.Experts rated the work of the dictator of 25 thousand euros, and the starting price for it on closed VIP trades amounted to 10 thousand euros. On the same Auction, Darte intends to sell the picture Pablo Picasso, the cost of which is estimated at 15 million euros.

The landscape of Hitler in 1913 put out the family of an unnamed Slovak artist for auction. Perhaps he personally met with Hitler in Vienna at that time when the future Führer tried to realize himself in creativity, suggested the owner of Darte Yaroslav Kravnak. He added that he perceives Hitler in 1913 "as an artist who did not know what happens to him next decades."

In 2011, the Slovak Auction House sold another picture of Hitler from the collection of the same family: the work "The Secret Meeting" went with a hammer for 10.2 thousand dollars. Last year, a picture of Adolf Hitler was already exhibited at the auction in Slovakia. Then his work entitled "The Secret Meeting" from the collection of the same family was sold from auction for 10.2 thousand euros. In addition, in 2011, another 15 watercolors, written by Adolf Shiklgruber aged 19 years old. Then they were appreciated by 125.5 thousand euros.

Picture dates back to 1913. She was created by Adolf Shiklgruber at a time when he did not dream of a political, but about the creative career. The mounted canvas exposed to the auction indicates the artistic talent of the future dictator.

Adolf Hitler since childhood was passionate about the visual art, in his youth even worked as an artist. In the late 1900s, he was unsuccessfully tried to enter the Vienna Art Academy. Throwing unsuccessful attempts, Hitler went with a volunteer for the First World War, after which he decided to try himself on a political field.

In 1900, a conversation took place between the 11-year-old Adolf and his father. The father of poorly successful in all subjects of the Tsuvan was shocked by the desire of the Son: he wanted to become an artist. Aloiz dreamed of seeing a large successful official in the son of a major successful official, but the young Adolf studied very poorly, constantly receiving comments on behavior and discipline. Only on drawing Hitler Jr. had high performance.

After the death of Aloisa, his wife Clara, remaining with five children alone, found out that he was fatally ill. Her desire to see in the Son of the man took up up, and she still allowed Adolf to enter the Vienna Academy of Arts. Hitler neglected preparation for entrance exams, having considered his talent ingenious, and in October 1907 successfully failed all the tests. But, in order not to upset the dying mother, Adolf lied to her, saying what he did and now learn painting.

When the mother did not become, Hitler moved to live to his friend, but, having had a failure, the young "false landwoman" days spent on the street, devoting his walks to the contemplation of the city architecture of Vienna. In September 1908, he took the second attempt to enter the Academy, but this time fate turned away from him: the reception board did not even look at the work of a novice artist. Hitler fell into depression, because of which he was soon on the city day along with the tramps.

In August 1910, Hitler, by a lucky accident, met Ringold Ganishem, informing him that he had a good job. Ganish misunderstood the new friend, accepting him for the malaria. But later, looking at the creation of Adolf, offered him to organize a joint business.

Since then, Hitler began to draw landscapes and urban buildings on canvas size with postcards. Ganish quite successfully sold them in taverns and hotels in 20 kroons. Later, when Hitler moved to Munich, the paintings were sold already in more quantities, bringing them to the author income above average.

The second stage in the work of Hitler came when he was at the front. On watercolors written in the trenches, the buildings destroyed by bombardments are mainly depicted. It is noteworthy that in the work of Hitler at this time, the images of people are almost completely absent.

In total, Adolf Hitler's brush belongs to 3,400 cave written, written in most on the front during the war. But for a number of reasons (apparently, rather moral), most artists and experts doubt the authenticity of these paintings, and professional criticism of almost one voice declare that these canvases do not constitute any artistic value. But many still recognize that the main artistic techniques and principles (perspective, etc.) are fulfilled.

Only one of the few artistic art historians - Doug Harvey - had access to all four classified pictures of Hitler's brush. After a detailed study of their study, Harvey published a number of articles on this work, where the position of professional critics and art historians regarding the creativity of the Fuhrer was clearly indicated. So, in an interview with the newspaper New York Times, he stated: "As soon as the priests begin to talk about the pictures of Adolf Hitler, their tone becomes dismissive, as if the recognition of his visual abilities could justify the Holocaust."

To date, anyone can admire the Fuhrer's canvas: most paintings are presented in many online galleries. Reviews of most visitors such sites although very contradictory, but emphasize that the creativity of Hitler is often able to surprise, admire, distort the consciousness.

Here is one of these reviews: "Beautiful, but if it were taken to an art school, it would probably change the whole story, and there would be no war. After all, he just did not like to draw people "..."

In September 2006, Jefferys auction was held in the UK, on \u200b\u200bwhich the work of the novice artist Adolf Hitler was put up.

They said that Hitler in his youth passionately dreamed of becoming an artist and even came to the Academy of Arts or Munich, or Berlin. The profemor of the painter who took exams (and by nationality he was a Jew!), "Hanged" the young Adolf, while advised to never take for a brush and calling his work with something like "Mazni".

The crystal dream of a young man crashed into smits, but there was a pathological hatred of all Jews in the face of this professor of the Academy. What is in this story, and that legend - I do not know! But the fact that these "peaceful" paintings wrote a man who involved the whole world in the war, neurasthenik, gentlemen and the incarnation of evil - I am surprised !!! And you?

But he could be a good artist, write landscapes and still lifes, make money on bread with postcards and brands than, in principle, in his youth and was engaged. But at one time Adolf Hitler did not take to the Vienna Academy of Arts, recognizing his paintings inconsistent, with the exception of those on which buildings were depicted: cathedrals, palaces, museums. But Hitler was not interested in the architect's career.

Who knows how the fate of the Great Dictator would have begun, it became an artist or architect. But the story does not turn back, no matter how much it was worse. But now, after a few decades, we can view the canvas created by Adolf Hitler, and to be amazed as a person who made so many atrocities, to be the author of these truly wonderful paintings.

Flowers, landscapes, still lifes ... But the real "skate" of Hitler was still the images of buildings. He sought to capture the most beautiful squares, streets and prospectuses of those cities where he managed to visit. By the way, it is known that the postcards created by them with memos of architecture were very popular with tourists.

Here are just people to draw or did not know how, whether he did not want. In any case, precisely because of poor-quality portrait drawings, Hitler was denied enrollment to the Academy of Arts. Yes, it would be better if the examiners took a novice artist for the first course.

...Hanish noted that Hitler's talent is a drawrider, and filed an idea: "You will draw, and I will sell postcards. Christmas on the nose, you need to use it. " Hitler drew a lot and willingly. Khanish went around with drawn postcards of cafes and beer, and business flourished.

For Christmas, they are both scraped and moved to the house in which Grill lived, where they could take a room for a day for the Polkons. Different losers dismissed from the service officers who shuffled graphs, bankrupt merchants and beginner artists lived here one or a few days, weeks or months. Hitler celebrated his birthday in this "school life" four times.

After postcards, Hitler began to draw paintings, mostly watercolor, and Khanish found grateful buyers among furniture traders and frameworks. The demand was great on the pictures that were inserted into the backs of the sofas, and Khanish caught his friend, from the adjustment of which earnings depended.

Products were sold well, but Hitler drew only when he needed money for rental of the room, milk and rice. Most of the time he was sitting in the library, read the newspaper and made political reports. The topic was the same, and the listeners changed. In the evening, the Hanish returned home shouted: "Work finally!", And others picked up: "Work, Hitler, - the boss came!" Objections that the artist needs inspiration, Hanish did not accept: "Artist? Yes, you are at best artist with hunger! "

Hitler tried to do and fake paintings. According to them, the views of the old vein, he hid at his older sister, which was married and lived in Vienna. She was stored for too long in the cellar's cheese, deteriorated and could not sell one of them.

Hitler went to Lapserdak Black Sultuka, who gave him a neighbor in the room, Hungarian Jew Neuman, with a brief chin and long hair, so new tenants often took it for Eastern Jew. Hanish mocked:

"Looks like your father once was not at home. Yes, you look at your shoes brand "Slicer Desert"! "

Appearance In those days, the young artist did not give values. After the year of cooperation, Hanish did not pay for one picture. Hitler, having fluttering, because he himself was in the run, yet he is in the police for him. Khanish was convicted and disappeared from the horizon.

The new seller of the pictures was the above-mentioned Neuman. By buyers were mostly Jews - Hungarian Jew Engineer Ray, Viennese lawyer Dr. Izife Fangold and Mergents Mergenstern trader.

Churches, majestic cathedrals, calm countryside and tender coast - all this is performed by a soft soothing watercolor. Looking at these works, you can come to the thought that they are written a very sensible young artist, but, alas, a person who owns the authorship chose a different life path.

It is difficult to believe that the artist who owns these works has immersed the world in darkness and horror and inspired German soldiers to kill millions of people of any age.

The Academy of Arts Vienna refused Hitler in the reception not learning 2 times: in 1907 and 1908. Both times his work was recognized not quite good. Vienna played a big role in the formation of the personality of Hitler and his artistic side. Many historians also believe that it was in Vienna that the basic dark beliefs of Hitler were formed.

The life of the artist Hitler has changed when in 1914 he entered the service in the Bavarian army. And even then he continued to create his works when it was time. He even worked as a cartoonist in the army newspaper.

Later, Hitler was awarded for courage. Throughout his service, he was seriously injured in his leg and blinded with mustard gas. But the most severe wound for Hitler, as well as for many Germans, there was a defeat of Germany in 1918 and the subsequent Versailles. The sense of unbearable humiliation overwhelmed many Germans at that time. The pictures of Hitler of the period of the First World War are significantly different from its former works. They became more abstract and rude. This picture shows a soldier in overcoats, walking in the French city.

In this picture, a German soldier is depicted, which looks in the distance, through a combat wall. In this picture there are absolutely no architectural details, but much attention is paid to the figure of the soldier.

This is a fragmentary, but the main part shows the city of IPR in the ruins. Trees lost foliage, and the buildings were deprived of the roofs and parts of their walls.

Tanks lie in the ruins on an abandoned battlefield, under the smoky sky. The image is gloomy, almost apocalyptic. Barbed wire gives work a special depressiveness.

After Hitler was freed from prison, as well as after coming to power, Hitler did not leave the brush. This photo shows that he returned to architecture, but this time not to external, but to the inner.

Collectors of the whole world hunt for the work of the dictator. His paintings and sketches are estimated at hundreds of thousands of dollars. Such a great interest is associated, of course, not with the professionalism of the artist, but with a gloomy story entangling his name.

In 2009, a unique picture was discovered in Vienna. In the picture, dated 1909, the young Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin) and Adolf Hitler play chess. On the back there are genuine autographs of two future leaders of Soviet Russia and fascist Germany. Together with the picture, a wooden chessboard was found, which may be used for this game. The picture and the board will be today, on April 16, put up for auction in British Shropshire. Lot start price - 40 thousand pounds.

The drawing was written by Emma Levenstrem, who taught Hitler's visual art in Vienna.100 years ago, in 1909, young Adolf Hitler lived in Vienna, where he tried to make a career of the artist. Lenin lived there, which was in exile. In 1909, Hitler was 20 years old, and Lenin was almost twice as older. The house in which they are allegedly imprinted, at that time he was known as the place where politicians were going and conducted discussions. This house belonged to a wealthy Jewish family, which fled from Austria on the eve of World War, leaving her home-controlled and drawing, and chess themselves.Now the glood of the butler put both items on the auction.The seller is confident in the authenticity of both things. This indicates a document on 300 pages, including research results and examinations.

The pictures of Adolf Hitler do not bear signs of his psychological problems, hatred or madness. Unjust mockery went into the past, his watercolors attract the attention of the audience. There is an opinion that Adolf Gitlnr was an unpleasant artist of the arm of hand and he managed only urban and rural landscapes, but they have problems with the prospect and proportions, although the overall impression of them is good, and the images of animal people, still lifes left to desire the best.

Adolf Hitler wrote paintings in the manner of impressionists, although the effect of the bidermeyer is undoubted. He has pictures of surprisingly beautiful, touching and a little naive, they will simply shine. Warm and so native colors. It seems to me that he was a talented artist. As you know, the story does not like the subjunctive ignition, but I'm sorry that he did not become an artist. Then the story would go different.

From the book Verner Mazer "Adolf Hitler" : "The fact that the work of Hitler, relating to the period until 1914, survived many decades, proves that they are not so bad, especially considering that among their buyers and owners there are famous and knowledgeable collectors in their business. The flea doctor retained after 1908. Watercolor, which Hitler gave him as a sign of gratitude for the treatment of the mother, also, of course, not only because Adolf and Clara Hitler before 1907 were his patients ... Among the owners of Hitler's painters of the period 1909 1913 There were people such as the Hungarian engineer of Jewish origin of Rhai, Viennese lawyer Dr. Josef Fioneyhold, who from 1910 to 1914 supported young capable artists, and the seller for Morgenstern paintings. Many owners of hotels and shops in Linz and Vienna, As well as science figures in 1938, there were even several pictures of Hitler's "study and suffering in Vienna". In the Longlite Castle of the English collector Henry Frederick Tinna, Lord Batsky is still stored 46 Dictatious Hitler of Pictures of the period until 1914. "

"English Writer, artist and director Edward Gordon Craig,which showed a special interest in the artist Hitler, recorded in his diary after studying Watercolors Hitler's times of the First World War, which considers these works noticeable achievement of art. "

Art critic Dag Harney wrote:"In the city landscapes of Hitler there is a certain charm, some calm and humility, such an unusual personality. His works were made with skill and energy, and turning his fate in a different way, he could make a very successful artistic career. "

Most watercolors and pictures of Hitler is located in the secret safes of the center of the military history of the American army, they got there after the war from the collection of Photographer Heinrich Hofman, in which were from the 20s. Access to them is prohibited by everyone, except for several art experts.

Moreover, they will never be shown to the public, since they are considered "extremely dangerous." Many are in private collaborations, so the exact number of Hitler's preserved paintings is unknown. Art historians estimate the number of preserved Hitler's paintings about 3400.

A half dozen watercolors written by Adolf Hitler, when he was 19 years old, sold at auction for 105,000 pounds of sterling (about 120,000 euros).
He was talented, undoubtedly. But his artistic talent was very mediocre. He did not get to the Vienna Academy because of his mediocrity. But as well as all talented people, being talented in everything in a shortage, its unrealized creative potential and burglariness on everything around, resulted in an evil genius.

There was a time when Adolf earned the bread with drawing cards. The robot did not always work on time, but there were cards, so to speak, to the glory. He looted every little thing, very meticulously and diligently. If my memory serves me, then this is written in the book "Brown dictators" ... but I can ocked, age you know

Hitler loved to draw architecture. He is seen by the artist and architect in one person. After the war, it was planned to rebuild Berlin on his own project. Berlin was supposed to surpass Rome and Vienna. There is evidence that in this respect Hitler was quite talented. Drawing ceased after gas poisoning in the 1st World. According to his own testimony, the gas shook his eyes, a little neosile (it would be better to land)

Pictures are rural landscapes of Hitler's relatives, which was born in the Austrian town Brownau-on-Inn. He drew them at that time when he tried to enter the Vienna Art Academy. Twice, in 1907 and in 1908, Hitler tried to enter the Vienna Art Academy, but could not overcome the creative contest.

Many experts are tormented by vague doubts. Works are different in terms of level, some of them are quite professional, part - weavny, genuine watercolorian Hitler, a pitiful sight, and even dubious autographs in different works ..

It is believed that he did not know how to write portraits, the presence of which in the portfolio of the artist was one of the main requirements of the Academy. However, right up to World War II, Hitler tried to professionally engage in painting: he painted postcards, advertisements and even sold several of their watercolors.

Some historians claim that if the dictator took place as a man of art, then the entire subsequent world history could have to work out otherwise.

Watercolor Hitler was sold at the Mullock Auction in Lanyloou in East England, ITAR-TASS reports with reference to the German media.

The collection of drawings for sale put up an Austrian lawyer who wished to remain unnamed. He found them in the recently purchased estate in the north of Austria.

According to experts, Hitler's brush belongs to 3000 works. But before our time there are only a few hundred. The representative of Mullock "S noted that the paintings are very difficult to sell in Europe, since, in many countries, such trade falls under the ban on the glorification of Nazism,

Recall that in September 2009, three pictures of Hitler were sold at auction for 42,000 euros - White Church in Warsaw, Destroyed Mill and a House with the River Bridge

Watercolor Hitler

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Adolf Hitler (it .: Adolf Hitler; April 20, 1889, Brownau-on-Inn, Austria-Hungary - April 30, 1945, Berlin, Third Reich) - Leader (Führer) National Socialist German Workers Party from July 29, 1921, Reichskancler Nationalist-Socialist Germany from January 31, 1933, the Redsview of Germany from August 2, 1934, the Supreme Commander in the Armed Forces of Germany in World War II.

He was engaged in visual art. For his life, he created several hundred works and sold his paintings and postcards to earn a living during the period of life in Vienna from 1908 to 1913. After World War II, some of his paintings were discovered and sold at auctions for tens of thousands of dollars. Others were captured by the US Army and are still in the special storages of the American government. In total, according to some reports, in the world today there are about 720 picturesque works of Hitler.

Some paintings of Hitler at the end of World War II were in the hands of the US Army soldiers. They were delivered to America together with a number of other military trophies and are still in the Special Entries of the US Government, which refuses to set them for a public ferment. Other paintings have been preserved in individuals. In the 2000s, some of them were put up for sale at auctions. In 2006, five of the nineteen works attributed to Hitler, at the JEFFERY Auction (Wales) were acquired by the remaining unknown Russian collector. In 2009, the auction house of Mallock in Shropshire sold fifteen pictures of Hitler for a total of 120 thousand dollars, while at the Auction Ladlow in Shropshire, thirteen of his paintings were sold for a total of more than 100 thousand euros. In 2012, one picture of Hitler was sold at auction in Slovakia for $ 4,2300. On June 22, 2015, at auction in Germany, 14 paintings written by Adolf Hitler were sold for 400,000 €.

From 1908 to 1913, Hitler drew postcards and painted the buildings to earn money for life. He painted his first self-portrait in 1910 - this work, like the twelve of Hitler's twelve, was discovered by Rothen Sergeant Major Willie Macken in 1945 in the German city of Essen.

Samuel Morgenstern, Austro-Hungarian entrepreneur and a business partner of Hitler in his Vienna life, bought some of the early painters of Hitler. According to Morgettern, Hitler first came to him in the early 1910s - in 1911 or 1912. When Hitler came to the Morgenstern store for the first time, where he traded the glass, then allegedly offered it to buy three paintings. Morgenishtern led the database for its customers, with which it was possible to search for buyers for early Hitler's paintings. It has been established that most of the buyers of his paintings were Jews. So, an important client of Morgenstern, a lawyer named Josef Feingold, a Jew by nationality, bought a whole series of Hitler's paintings depicting the types of old veins.

Hitler paintings

From MasterWeb.

06.04.2018 00:01

More than seventy years have passed since Adolf Hitler's death. But his image and today indifferent leaves not many. In most of humanity, he causes a sharp rejection. But there are also such that Hitler is home. Pictures of the greatest criminal of the 20th century - the topic of today's article. Why did Hitler threw painting and became interested in politics? How big was his art gift?

Dictator artist

In his youth, the Führer was fond of drawing. Writing paintings by Hitler brought a small income. He never became a successful artist, but his works during the Second World War were sold at auctions for big money - the price of the landscape was from ten thousand dollars. Most of the works captured the American servicemen. Some pictures of Hitler are today in US special storage facilities. Others own collectors. Today there is a more seven work of the works created by Adolf Hitler.

Pictures drawn by him, the SS officers admired with admiration. In Hitler's Germany, definitely was taken to praise the art gift of Fuhrera. But was there a gift? Or is it one of the fictional advantages that are accepted to attribute leaders?

First failures

At school, Adolf Hitler studied badly. Especially hard he was given French. He did not show the abilities and to the exact sciences. The only thing that he was not indifferent is drawing.

After graduating from school, Adolf tried to enter the Vienna Art Academy. But to no avail. A ambitious young man undertake a year a year another attempt. But this time he was not lucky. The teachers did not appreciate the paintings of Hitler. Drawn sketch themselves, he carefully kept in the folder, in the hope that someday there will be seen connoisseurs of real art. For many years, a person guilty of the death of millions of Europeans, cherished the dream of the glory of the artist.

And there would be no Second World War

So, the teachers of the Art Academy did not see anything standing in the pictures of Hitler. And in vain. Perhaps if they accepted an unlucky painter in their establishment, the very bloody war began in history.

Alois Hitler dreamed that his son would become an official. Adolf also interested in painting. When the father died, the young man burned heavily. But then suddenly understood: now no one will impose his opinion to him, which means that you can safely make a favorite thing - writing paintings.

Hitler would never be an artist - so the most intolerable opponents of this historical figure believes. Specialists argue that some abilities at the Fuhrer were. Publicists and researchers who have studied by the biography of Adolf Hitler join this opinion. Its paintings were not ingenious, but he could be able to become a professional artist or sculptor. And it was not in Germany National Socialism. And the Jewish question was not resolved. And there would be no Second World War. But there is another version.

Sale of paintings

Hitler in the galleries did not exhibit his works. His abilities corresponded to the abilities of the middle artist who earns small money. In his youth, he met a man who managed to successfully sell his work.

It is known that in 1910 the future Führer wrote a statement to the police. That person who helped him find buyers, stole one of the paintings. The criminal was sent to prison. Hitler himself was now engaged in sales.


In this article, you can see the reproductions of Hitler's paintings. The photo contains lovely landscapes, mostly urban. A person who knows the painting little in painting may admire the brightness of the paints and the beauty of ancient European streets. But only art historian will be able to determine the degree of taking the author of these works.

Since 1910 Adolf Hitler wrote small format pictures. Especially well he managed copies of the engravings depicting the historical places of the Austrian capital. But you do not need to be a professional art historian to understand: This artist is not content with copying. Hitler's skill was enough for the creation of pretty landscapes, which were loved to decorate their houses of German mothers. No more.

From art in politics

Hitler was not a professional artist. And if Hitler accepted the Academy of Arts? Would he write a picture that would go to the Gold Collection of World Painting? Researchers studying the biography of the Fuhrer claim: long play the role of painting he would not.

This man from an early age imagined himself great. All his actions were aimed at proving the surrounding, and the whole world, their genius. In the world of art, it can be achieved, having the gift of Salvador Dali.

According to experts, Hitler did not possess extraordinary abilities. In addition, the future Führer dreamed about the career of the architect. He could not enroll in the Academy of Arts, and after years he understood that the only field on which he could succeed is a policy.

Adolf Hitler was stubborn, diligent and patient. He knew how to go to the goal that he really fascinated. When he was nineteen years old, one of his familiar his mother took several attempts to determine it with the help of his connections in the students known to the Vienna artist. The troubles of goodwill were not crowned with success. But even if Hitler became a professional painter or architect, he would not satisfy his gigantic ambition.

The story, as you know, does not have a subjunctive ignition. But perhaps, the fascists really would not be captured by the power in Germany, if the son of a modest official of Alois Hitler had a talent scale Dali.

According to experts, more than 3,000 paintings were created by Hitler. Most critics believe that he did not depict people due to inability. In his paintings, you can see architectural structures, public places, countryside. One day one of art historians presented the work of Adolf Hitler, having not called the author name. He called them "pretty good." Another critic noted that he did not write portraits by virtue of the deep "disinterest." Famous pictures of Hitler: "Color house", "Musician from the old town of Vell", "Hills", "Castle Teeth", "Munich Theater".

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